i See Moving Pictures of This Story In Weekly Installments at i ONAWAM THEATRE Every Wednesday Evening IBETCVCpflHB CHAPTER XXIX. Jailbird. The period of rst mint In durnnm rile Buffered tiy one Tkomil Bimil In coniequenco of conduct riotous, un seemly, and In general prejudiced lo the public peace of the New itedfoid waterfront at half-nast four In tins morning, proved In tho upshot fur mora brief than had been fondly hoped, not only by hla Just Judge, but, alngularly enough, by the tnlsdetueuu ant htmaelf. Taking everything gravely Into con sideration. Including a person anv tblng but prepossessing, the Judge reckoned that. In default of a fine of one hundred dollar, a ten-day lay-up for repalrB and repentance wan not too much to mete out to the prisoner at the bar. He was sentenced ut 10 a in and It was little abort of 10 p. in. when hll post prandial repose una disturbed by the rattle of a key In the lock of the door to his cell Sitting up, Mr Marcus lulibed his. eyes and combed hla hulr with his lin gers. "Whut did 1 tell you?" he observed resignedly It liogliia again already Conducted vlth every evidence of dlseateem on the purt ol his Jailers to tho office of the warden, he was ac quainted with tho fact that his fine had been paid by no one 1,'ss than the Judge himself then present In portly and solicitous person "If only you had told uie you were friend of Mr lUghy's." the Judge hastened to aaj ne anon us the two were easconaed In tha prtvac) ol the Judicial llmoualne, "i would bar known better how to guide myiali iu this unfortunate affair "And If you will t n'od enough to lndi-'uto how else I mu 11 rve you ?'' "Dlgby didn't Offer am suggestions In his wire, I gather'' "tine moment I have it hen' " "Naturally I'd like a hath and a change of clothe," H. inns puraued while the Jadli lal breaal pocket was being explored; 'ami I coald do with transportaiion to New York Ir. tha llrst train out of this Qod foraakeo hole, nnd "TIiIb is what Mr Digb) saya," the judge Interrupted, laboriously de ciphering the message by tha light of a match "Plage see to Immediate release of one Thomas llanus, iirob ably In Jail in your Jurisdiction for riot lng on waterfront this morning, I'uy bis tine and Instruct him to report to me in Nl w York at earliest feaalbla hour, tiive him all the mono he wants and look to ma for n iniincni tlon " " "Eh?" Man un interrupt.il sitting up smartly, what's that last ag.ilu?" Patiently the Judge repeated the Ben fence from the message "Thanks 1'lease dent read farther You might come to aomeUttaf thai would spoil It It s almost too hoautl ful as it stands." Barcua obeenred "Law owes me live tbouaa&d or so liquidated damages hut III he rea aonable. Frisk this burg for a llfth ol that sum before, train time and I promise to ask nothing more!" Mis private comment was "I've bus pected that this wan a fairy-tale ull along. Now I know It to!" And this phase of Incredulity per alated In coloring the complexion of hla mind until, the moment, somu houre later, when the train connecting, at Providence with tha Midnight Ex press for New York pulled out of New Bedford hearing a transformed Marcus almost Impenetrably disgiiisd in a The Hydroaeroplane Land. bath, a shuve and a hah cut, un outfit of clothing orglnally tailored for a gen tleman of discriminating I. isle, hut no whit Ichh. disguised in the sense of af fluence lliat gOee Willi Hie ,'HiMoHslol of one thnuuuiiil dollara In rush. Not until a sound night's sleep hud topped oh i lie beginning of his rest In Jail did liun us com down lo eaith lie demonstrated his return to com mon sense by making u round break fast In (iiuiiil Central station before, looking up the residence of Dlgby In tho telephone directory. The Information he gathered 'rom Hie voice lli.il answered I lie name of Mr. Dlgby over ihe telephone shook only momentarily Marcus' lunate con viction thut Intimate aciiualiitaiieo with battle, murder and sudden death was the inevitable reward of associa tion with this friend of his heart "Alan being married to Hose Trine in Jersey City ut this veiy minute'" ha breathed skeptically as hu emerged ' ft M BB awl less. fKsas. . Is Forced to from tho booth memorising the ad dress of the alleged officiating clergy) man "I don't l. lutve It; It's too audi den " forthwith hu engaged a taxlcab to; convey him to Jersey t'i'.y, at top sisi d. for un evorhltaut reward And when, Horn the forward deck of I ferryboat, he beheld a deuae volumu of smoke advertising a conflagration on I tin Jersey thoie, not far from tlm waterfront, he shook a moodily ea gadoua head. If Alau Isn't mixed up in that, somehow." he declared, "he's missing a bet for once- and I'm a sorry failure us a prophet of woe and disaster I" I here was as uiuob Intuitive appre hension as humor reepooalble for thin remark; witness the fact that, on land1 lng, he risked the delay required til turn aside mid bar a look at the Are. It proved t be situated In the heart of a squulld slum a wretched leno. meiit of the poorcit class, whoae roof hud already fallei tu nod whoae walls wire momentarily threatening to go by the tluie bur. us arrived on tlm scene. At a considerable distance from him u small ilistuih.ii. had broken out - a clamor of i lug voices lifting about the rumor of the mob as a number of men, t - hardened roughs one and all, began to force their way in a V shaped I edge through the throng, making It I .ird ite very heart, the point on the I.: e Hues nearest the burning building What (his nu.nl Mr Marcus hut! Dot the slightest saaV Hut bis atten tion was llrat d'st a tod by the muiieii ver, then i,ol In the face of a mun who was toilow.'iii In the hollow of Ho' V an tt II t.hlie face that seemed somewhat viguilt i. miliar, somehow reminiscent uf ii. n tiling strange that hud happened In the history of Mr Marcus At the saute time, at Ihe point where the V hud puuscj. a wild uproar lifted up and. colucldeiiiallr. wilder confu sion bet ami' nolle table A try was audible -'firebug I i ynch him! Lgranh him! Lynch the lliebug'" and at this the mob turned a one man and streamed uwa In pursuit of an In rbjlbla quarry, i ho those to Bttcint his escape by a r. ute directly oppo site to that which would have led him w n hlu view ol Mr Uarcua Startled, and of auddeu persuaded that there nil. In I . e been more li IiIh hunch than ens sanely to be credited. Haiti rlurteg up and wns on the polut of slipping out of hll cab. If with a rut!, r aimless purpose when he was i I by alght of thai evil v. tiite li.ee ic inning the way it hud niiii ol II I Ihe hollow of the flying V. which Dotl made faster proa ress. thanks to Ho dlsorganliatloii ol the mob by the i he of the alleged In ceiuliary. And now, I r tii saw. the man of the white flee wis not alone Then was someoi.t I Hi him someone whose head was b-ut and face con reeled, but who stvinvd lo be fc ml nine And so. Manua argued, why might It not be Hose Trine, eufferlng new ,c rscc uiioi, gt il. I hands of her uiinat Ural father's rrsiilurea? He was too far sway to make sure and attempt uny Interference; but he pointed White Puce out to hla chant ftur an Ihe V r inched a touring r on the edge of Hie mob and tha worn. was lifted In I unresisting and appm ently In a ile.nl faint I, and wieu tin touring car gWQM round and picked up its heels, tho tuxkah of Mi Hun in, trailed H us iiiioiii.-iituiioi,,. It us If It was a pertinacious shudow Ten mn. uti-, I tcr fr m Ihe rear deck of a ferryboat In inldsii, urn u boat bearing back to New York not only the touring car of Wni.'i H'ui e. but the cab of Mr 1'un us the latl.r gentlemuii funned one of u small but Interested itiiiili-m wltlieHsliig an In cident Of Uljli. Million i I...MO H I He saw a young man. halloas, coot- less, almost shirtless leaf down to Ihe edgn of one of Ihe '' ptutrves. his heels snapped at by revolting rabble. Jump uboard a squtin rigged vessel which lay moored there, and en-cute e maneuver of despulr by climbing up the rigging In a hopeless attempt to escape hll persecutors They were too many Cor fctM, and what was worse they were headed by a squad of police apparently g grimly hint on compassing Hie destruction of their quurry as was the mob And they swarmed uu the rigging after him without a moineul's hesllu tlon. Hotly pressed the fugitive climbed higher and still higher, until at I m-ili he gullied the topinogt yard; with three policemen not half a dozen fee I helow him and popping away for deur life. If happily with the notoriously poor markcsiiianahlp of pollceiu' :i g n orally None the less, there was no telling when some accident mly-lit wlig a bul let Into the young man , and It . j evident that he ao decided Kor. Inching out to the end of the yard, he waved his hand toward his persecutors with a gesture ,;f light hearted derision thut uniiilBtakuhiy hle'illllecl hln as AIuji Law lo Mr ili.r eiis, and forthwith dropped to Ihe wa ter, feet foremoet. Alan later took the water Meetly, came up uiilnjun d and t leiiiheiuli d, and without an instant's hi i, nation struck away toward the inlddl vl Hie Hudson As this happened Ihe police run to the stern of the square-rigger, un moored a dory that was riding there, and threw themselves Into It. During the (to Marcus, at leio-i i breathless suspense of that chase the ferryboat drew stolidly farther ami still farther awacy from the senna, "ur mn could not tail whether, as it seamed, the polio laden doiy was J ly overhauling Alun, or whether the Illusion of perspective deceived him At nil events, It nieil a frightfully i mm i Sell r thing when the Interruption be which nloiie could have saved I A In 1 1 out of the rat i sk dropped a hydro aeroplane, cull nig Ihe water with a long, graceful curv thai brought it, almost iii ii itand mi, directly to the head of the suunm. i and ut Ihe asm time forced I ho pollen hunt to sheer widely off In order to escnpe collision, (mediate!) the swimmer caught the pontoon of the liMlioueroplaiia. pulled himself up nut of the water, and clambered to lb scut beside the aviator Mefore lie wini fulily seated tho plane was IWtngtng Inn li Into Its faateat puce 1 With the eiiiie of a wild goose It left the w utcr, mounted Hie long grade of an n 1 r lime, described a wide circle above the bluffl ol W'echuw ken, and awept uwa southward Iii that quarter it wai presently lost to the nlchi of Mr Hiircus, engulfed In, light folds of bag Hint were creeping In from seawimlii to dim and tarnish tho pristine hillllnm. of Hint day. CHAPTER XXX. Blrdman. i About eli'.ht o'clock In the evening o tho Hume dn .i inotoiciir deoslted at the Motel .M. Illh a gentleman whoae' 'weather heal en and oil stained motor- ItiKcap iind clusler covered little cloth- lug more than idilit ami trousers and asHoried Oddly In II yes of the desk- .clerk with Ihe jutlier uutlciiloualy till I led mil in. I known to hilll US Mr. Arthur Lawrence and to the mauuge inenl of Hie 1 1 I o Mr Alan Law In cognito Brentuall) perauaded, the clerk yielded up the In to Mr Lawrence's sulie of rooms, together with two Holes supers. 1 1 hi d with the same mini tie guerre Alun s Impiiiieiiie was so great that he could hui illy wult to examine theee Shook Out a commuolratloni until be was quit of ,. . .. . ii... a. . . . i . . . c.i- ...:,. i.,e. to HO a l-CIUICIC Cer- istii, t ommunlcatlon Deui I H. ...I l hunks for the Jail delivery I rot Hi this morning Just in time to motor ov r to Jersey In hopes of sec int: lour nulsh as a bachelor, Inatead, I was favored by being made un Involuntary witness to your apec tiiculur u. .'it, following your almost eijuully spe. iu. ulur high dive "Hut to h lalneaa my time la llm Itccl; In half uu hour more I am to double in black face for the purposes of the author of (his mt-lo4ruu,atlc farce which ton. no doubt, call the history of lour giiinde passion. "I mean toaa) . li, several things, to wit ' lo ii I saw you snatched out of the North river I was engaged la trailing a pule raped villain In a motor car concerning whom you probably Know fur more than I, he on his part I hu i being a hold, had kidnaper; 1 su wag Hi his power, us we say In inch galea HI Intentions, however, were nothing iin.ro blumeworlhy than to n-lurii In r to the arms of her doting parent i snow, baeauaa I sleuthed after 'em. even to tin house of Baaiaea Trine. Later I sb uihed .ii r i Klein bed some more, i I.. young mun from following the home of Trine to the office of the general manager of the New York Cen tral, wl, re Ii. mioln tit I itngeuif nla for It spel lal to I on lev the sill 1 1 lj;e and retinue to Chicago gad points West Il leaves .' three this afternoon. I v ' i unable to am c; lulu whether or in. i Roe Il t" purtliipau In this Ice .. . but I know I tihull Ou the off ill no.' of being useful I have bribed ihe train crew fa tot impersonate ! II.. rl.r Ho should vou l.u .v..,l lo I., How gnd succeed In catching uti it. us nod observe anybody who ' looitu rather affaolay l;i tho party ' hoot the said party will e pie I Ycciirs for the quiet life, "TOM HAItC'HH" II. ' en mnl note yielded a eoiiimuui c .Hon .11 II I ell oil liotepllpel of Ihe nlm pic-si ileguutu In a vyoman'a hand -a pay d scrawl : in uie Hiking me West by UI (il in. in I don't know where or why. A ei-i . ii nt has promised lo see that Ihl n ,i. bus i)i rtnvu iiiel" Y( liked "Lucille Love" did you in 17 Well, you'll like "The I'm.", D'JIt.irlri" better. Tona w.iiii., nexl VViiliii'riiliiy night. $1500 Reward! 1 in. ilrt-smi, Oali 11, hi. ... ui..l Nevada hive c-itutik Protect! Hi. II AaSeic-lallciUOf which ttts 10. .h-i IsumI Is lu.iiihvr, will give 11,1)1X1 u) ce'ward for tty li 111 , I11..IJ111C to 11. arrest suit cm. vhtluii of un y par Ivor liarlltm .leal I us wnraas. cattle Ur mule. l.i.liieiglnM '.1 sur ..I Its in. in. in i uiO' mi loins iii'.itc, iii. uudarslgnucl 1elte11.11.. '..iiiu 1 em. Ill luii IfetMiuu fur all hursti. 1 1 rJ (hod liar un belli ur either Jaw 1 .nn.l . ufdad Iu elglit cuuulle. It. ii,.. in, uu), lake .ml 1 miik rnuulltig, llursss , , HO .1 Hill 11 .lllil None 1.111 grown burse, .old aud uulyjlu cgc I.11I11 in Si VS w 111:1. w.-, Fll, Or.gou, K- imflU" T- Bit wliH mPm L IfleiHsB LhggagaBLl a ' ijBTHPsVVBisbtsr'sT' H Vlll' 1011 fiSvi Y& sTis: H i- ' SV ShaSw'aB miL M U P Wi I B Mm JKL fcw B m.' HUff i.cV'TByWr?al UBB htmwsv, esa tfaLrWi aV fl -k r A w asav pT7;l f I W -Vl Tern LJr lv. dmV1 gJRh f awBIV : AVgW-aOMK&l - !3T'TB L a i '".WLNlS Over thla Alun wrinkled nn InoTOwt ulous noae. The bund was the hiind of Hose, but the pliriisci lag) ware not In tni eplilt He exiimlneil II more close ly and thought to detect beneath its seinlihiiice of husle a dellhinile and carefully guided DM lie pi Ind up (he envelop (o compare the band writ lug of the address with Unit Ol the en closure and iihooii mil u trey of hearts. Thla laat was cover, d il lo Its face, with a plainly wiliteu i "Willi the compliments of rleiKica Trine to Alan Law We nre duo In Chicago at eleven tomorrow in, inlng Ad leave IgMMdlgtol) for Ihe I'nclflo roast via Banla h'e iniile" I 'olllplll li'.m helw ill HO' anil tho miosagn purporting to he from Hebo distilled the coiivlcllon lluit lint snmn .hand was responsible for holh Alan ahrugged Mo ho whs to ho lured away from Nc w York nn.l llosn by this tisnspiiii ill III. li wns he? No fear! He glanced at Ills wiilch. Ilinlliiir tho hour far too early to ultetupl what ho had In mind With plenty of lime on his hands, he gave the mutter Hcrloiis c oii'ililnra Hoii and concluded to tab no chiinces: It waa Just poMlbl thai Trine hnil taken Hose with him on hi i western trip, after all In mn h cat Hie only possible way of overtaking tha special would be by air line Promptly Alan called up the nilu- tlon fields at Hempatead I'IuIiih mid got Into coiniuiiulcittioii with u gentle man answering to the surname of Ceaat: the same hlrdiuiin who hud come to Alan's rescue with hlu hwlro aeroplane Their arrangements wen. . u-. COIlSUIlllliatCtl, I'lillilt lll-lielllg to wult for Alun with his biplane in Van Oori landt park from midnight till daybraak, prepared If need be to nuclei Ink! a transi oiitliieiitul (light Thereafter Mr l.uw proceeded lore habilitate himself In decent clothing and his own esicem. mn i bathing, he dined alone In his moms. Iiom a tray; Trey of Hearts. gfter dining he slept eoiindly for three febMCkaM. .,.! ...... 1... Il I.t (.. I. ..... ""- - , "' - ' earned at least that much rest Ihioiigli i having been for lom boui a passen . , ger In a liydioin n.piinii- Iu i in fogs that wrapped Ioiik laland ami all the adjacent territory Iu i Impenetrable shroud Nor had this been ull Leaving aside all that had led up to Alun i reei a b) Coast thu forced binding of Hie hydro aeroplane for luck ol In. I hue) taken pluce on the south ihorg ol Ihe Hn-ut Houth buy; a search of buns bad fol lowed before a bout was found 10 i mi vey Alan and the ml. iter to the main land; and a motor i un of ai ral boura had followed thut. conveying i ' bis H'lmpeie mi haagara and Alun on to his hole) li New 1 ..i I, Another until would bava Deeded twelve hours Iu heel nl the least In compensate for su. h it dui Mr l.uw awakened p lumh like temper when called at platan ibli I) At midnight hu i . mm, ll. c un mt of burglary, calmly and with .1 i. rmluu tlon breaking his win Into Hie hnusu of Henecu 'I line tin. mil i the are win dows and buseiiieut lh Ibis iii-fiii I., mi I, in us nothing hindered mm none oppose , him Hut ror u Mingle lighted wind, vi iu the un , ' rr..""r.":"1,":"' "."""' ""'" in IIVWII ice ill II, tlllll. I I line c III HI I Wll lights which he found burning dim In the kltft olllces mid otbl i I Hunts' quarters on the lower Boor be would have thought the bouaa gtnpt) The slleiuie of an abandoned pi. ii e III rormed It all- bepni ih. upper story Hut he wns not to he sul idled with such negutlve evidence lie ixploreil the dwelling minutely, room b) room, 1t"ry b ""' '"'' ""'' ' (.......i i i I. .. .. . nl """" I'p.n'in ny every nioitn,1 eiieni). Intent on o bjeol only to ting lloeu Trine, Hint one woman vthom lie hneil, r cine make sure ilin huh not Ihero, II iigollated tluil hint light of step which led lo tlm topmoal lleor with eslraoidliuii 1 ateulth, advised thereto by a sound, or rullier a aorien of austaluiid Men ml., u lil, h h.ul there tofore been luaudlhlo to him Hoaslblv Ihuy haj not till then exhiled, poealbly the maji servant whom m found snor- THE.SAYER.STUDIO Kodak Film Developed and all photography work done in first class shape. Prompt attention BURNS ' . - 1 il(l i.HN NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION' IHOI.ATKH 'IIIAI'l. Ililll.l. I.AMibAI.K. 1 1 M I I I 1 1 1 . I I I t IMIK, I lllllll., 11,'i-ijiiii, I c li nun Ji', I i , 1 Notice- 1, l.e-t lit xltuli Ihul, lit .In .-. Ic l,j the Commlsilousr ol 11 i utud oiti. . uuil.ir i.r .1 InI.ui nl Ailul t'uugresl Spliruvvil June', IIS II IJIU.I., ,l,. pi, 1, limit i,, it,,,,,,, .lh .Hun in 1 un y I nun ih si lal M .1,1 we will 11I r at inililli: mi In. lee Ihl. I,:,I,,. hlild.r, hut. I mil lik II. n I IX) lid I sir. eel llln'i in. Ic A M , en tin Illh 1I111 of April, I'll . at till, eiitli'e. tin InlluM Jus liai I nl lion l,sW',1Hg'4SW'i. . . I I'.Mt'. Hue at, T. .lh.. It. in g , W. M '"Ihl. Unci 1 1. nit Him tin market ol xhowlns that Ihn i-iciili 1 .iicli..ii I Ic col la Ultiuiitaliiuii. ,,i I,,,, ..,.,, 1. 1 illlwilli.il. 'I he .ale will mil he kt-i.l ol.i II. lint ..111 I... iluclsri'd i-luai il it In 11 ihi.e,e .o .. nl eel Un linen liaillie.l 1. 11 1 . 1 cunt 11 1,1 1I1I I li,, I !,., ,i 1 ,.,11 Hue, IliS ll.c blithe l I'll Hill lee " ' U 1 1 . 'I I " I In III 11 iliately .ay In I l.u 0 . 1 ltd II.. aiatiUllllllurSOl Any 1'i-o.iele, clan.. Ola SdVUISul) III.' llhuvtl ile.i rihc.1 laud are toll (autl in lllc ihe ir ulslnis, ur ubjectloux, un ut ht-linc llm linn- .1. algaaled lt MIS WH KlIIRK. ItcKleel, r Has flloTllt 1:1111 in It,, otvei lng In a chair outside a doted door, had not fallen aileep and begun to snore until the moment when Alan set roil upon Ihe lower step of that final ascent. Turning the head of tbe italre. Alan paused for a little, speculatively Intent on this man who muat aomebow ho disposed of before he might solv the aecret of that ahut and guarded door. Aside from actual violence no solu tlon offered to the puille -and vio lence wai abruptly forced upon him. No aound warned him of tbe door (hat opened at hla back aa he stood watching the sleeping guard. A pierc ing ehrlek waa the first Intimation he received that hla presence had been discovered. It served aa well to move him Instantly Into artlen: a single glance overshoulder showed blm the llgurn of a maidservant In cap and gown, her mouth still wide and full of sound- and Alan fell upon the guard llko a thunderbolt. The man had barely time to Jump up and recognise the alarm: then a flat caught him on die point of hll Jaw, and he returned promptly to deep unconsciousness No time now for qualms of com punction on account of the savage i iithlessuesa of that blew: no time even to scare h the fellow for a key to the closed door already the maid waa taking (he stairs In full flight and cry, four steps and a howl like a warlock's (o every Jump Hacking off, Alan took a short run, cleared the pi oaf rata body of (he guard wllh a leap, aud fluug himself full force against tha door, his shoulder striking a polut nearest the lock With a splintering craab It broke' Inward. Without dignity or decorum ha sprawled on all fours Into the preauuca of Judith Trine "i'oor Mr. Law!" she cried, with e mocking nod, 'always disappointed I I'm ho sorry truly I ami" "Oh, spare me your sarcaam," he begged resentfully "it's ridiculous enough, Ibis whole mad buslnaaa " "Hut I am not sarcastic," she Insist eel with such sincerity that he opened his eyes iu wonder "llelleve me, I am sorry fur once It Is I and uot Hoe whom you find locked up here! Kor, you see, I am lucked up, by way ol punishment thanks to my having had pity on you ouce too often while my father decampa mysteriously for parts unknown " You don't know where he's gone, thenT" Ho you?" she aakad sharply "In a general way My special train to (he West" "Taking ItoaeT" "Ho I'm told " The woman choked upon her anger, bill quickly mastered It "He shall pay for this'" she assever uted Your father T I wash him nothing more nor les (ban your enmity," Alau assured her civilly "Hut since It seems (hat bo baa gone, and Hoee wtlb him. If you'll forgive me, I think I'll he folng " "Alone?" That one word, uttered with all (he I -.i tilth ance that Mils woman knew ao well how to Infuse Into her tone, . Ins sect tiiiii auspiciously oo the threshold. "Why yes" s "You wouldn't care for a companion .In voyage?" she auggeeled "Oh really!" be protested She hell up an arreatlug baud "Me lon !" she begged Krom the atreet below came the un mistakable rattle of a policeman's iu i list on the sidewalk "That dawned maid." Alau divined thoughtfully The same," Judith agreed with oiniuuui calm "Has It struck you (hat you may hare aome trouble getting away without my permission f" "I'm not ao stupid a not to have thought of thai,' hu countered Theu be advlaed -aud take uie with you." In what capacity, please? Aa enemy or -giyT" As ally - you're rtoht. a ceu't be fi lends -until we overtake that spe lul train After that, b" your leave, i II shift fur myself" "Its nut such a bad notion," be re fleeted "with you under my eye, you can't do much to Interfere " "If I promise" she suggested "I'll lake your word." he agreed aim lly. "Hut you're in for a lo pf bird ship. I'm afraid. The on way o catch, up with your father Is by aeroplane and I'v gpt one waiting." Hhe nodded nirnt "Puu'( con sider me aa a woman whu It tiowe to hardship," she hinted obliquely I've uo reaeou to, going on whgt I know of you." "(ilvo me one minute to Dud my coat nun bat In less fjga thai fliup side In Ihe hallway she waa at hla The police entered by the trout door aa the (ut, crept out of tho area win dow, CHAPTER XXXI. Via Air Line. Not uuijs In (he courae of the neit sixteen hours but Ibouggnd fluies Alan questioned (and. t will rcatjily ho allowed, with all excuses) bis san ity lo permitting himself to he In fluenced to humor Judith' Insistence and make her a party to (hie wild aerial crosscountry dash. Hntweou whiles the plane dew fast and high, cutting a direct line, a the crow nies. athwart tho eastern aud '. I.I II til, ira '"l'gO thoy raised a smudge on tho northern hoilson about one o clock In the afternoon; thereafter sums lit tie time waa loat In descents to ascer inln the Identity of the many railroad lines lht crlss crossed the swluiiulug Job nrintiiiK here. Best 1 1. .1.1.. at for I oa.iyatiu,. "My dauRhter uged Chamber- luin'u Tableta for congtipiition with good results and 1 can recom mend them highly, " writes Paul B. liabin, Jlrushly, LaV For salt by all dealerg. tlivri) Hum. 111. List No. NOTWI VQJl DUPLICATION USITgDBtrSSltUllfl'lS. I Hums, cut .on. Ktleiuary mil, ifi.'i I Hello Is ii.ti-li) glvun Unit tin, Nurlli.ni l-ii. ill. Hallway l'ulii,any. nl,,,,,. ,,.,.! ..nice "l,i. I, ai I'aul HlllUa.ula l.a, II. I. ,11, day ,.i Ic . saber Ivn sia u no, iti. n n. sieuii, . Hun lu.el.ut uii. I.r Hi. lirutl.loli. of Ilia ait uf I'lillsrit... .IctirOlC'J Jul. 1. llttll. iJJHItl ,','.; ...mi, . t .... , .. - -.-....- -" r .., mm ..i.ecu... uy tun .it U) IUII,I, Slitiriit ' r'-r. ' ". lo !iVt,-IB'4 Hue. .1) ttrje M H It '.'!!. -Ml, l M asnsi No U7H7T tut aii. I all tiisuu. claiuiiii, sdvsrsvly lliu laic.lh ileal I Until, U d..l 1 1 11 , lO ullJUC I l,ejC a IIM ef lbs ulnars! cliaracl.rol ll. laud or any ulli.r ru.aeii la Ih. tH.uo.al toa..llc alii, aleee.il.l lllc Hi. Ir .Sidstlu ol urulul lu till, oftlt 0,011 ur i.i'ltii. tu. telle day ol April Him Wm r.sal. ll. ,i,i, 1 landieap Only at the third ca.t did I they succeed In picking up the line of the Hanta Fa. And It waa aome hours later, though still daylight, when they picked up the special train, flying llkx a bunting acroaa (he levole. There waa acant room for doubt that It wai tha train (hey sought Hpn clala are not common Moreover Alan contrived with considerable difficulty to footie binoculars upon the rear piut form of tbe car, and caught a fugitive glimpse of a white mated llgiitc with a black face that waa watching the bi plane In the aame manner, that la, with glaases. Tbe man In the white coat, Alan as sured himself, was positively lliircue And hardly had he comforted him elf with this assurance when his sar donlo destiny struck the motor dumb In response (o his look of dashed linqulry the aviator merely etmok a 'weary head and muttered thu words '"Engine trouble." Swiftly the earth rose to receive Ihn volplaning mechanism Under Coast's ladmlrahle handling It settled down al Escape of Alan and Judith. moet without a Jar, on the outskirts ol a city whose name Alau never loaned Kor the biplane was barely al i atandstlll before he una out and. reel lng with the giddiness that affects mil after long nights, making his way ai best be might toward Ihe manager'i office connected with a tralnyard lui mediately adjacent to tin ipot when tbey had come to eat Hi. Lavish disbursements of mniiey wm him his way against official piolesti that what he demanded was an Impoa slblllty Within twenty minutes, I. liv ing Coast to follow on when and ai best he might, Alan and Judith graft spinning through open country In tin cab of an engine running light, will only clear track between it mnl tin special The several hours that ensued be fore Ihe rear liable uf the elect lal wen brought to view were none too muni for thu task Imposed upon Alun Ol overcoming thu scruples of the M glueer and fireman. Another minute, and less than fifty feet separated the two the ipecla train and the light engine both ti ur tllng through the light at lop paged, With a word to the engineer Alar nepl out along the aide of Hie holler Willi only g grraay'lisiidriiil uud n nur row foothold between himself ninj what meant death, or something chute ly resembling it. should he be shake t off by thu tearing wind ami the sway lug wf thu locomotive It seemed au hour before ho worke himself up to the cowcatcher now within four feet of tbe rear pliitfoim of the epeclul tin this I.iM he could see a won, in. flgure Indistinctly silhouetted against the light through the door, and basidi her g man In a w lilt., c out. ejlaglug foi dear life to the knob of tlm door holding It against the frantic efforts ol some persons inside to tear II open Another hour of suspense diaggei' t out-or surli was the effect while the light engine with Intuit ruble slim iot,i bridged Ibosu four scant f.-ei Al length It was feasible tq qtteinpl the thing Ito.e ihe could eaa Beg strained wbllu face quite pltiluly DOW as half over tho rail of the car ahead ready lo Jump Ilia heart failed him It was toe haiardoua a risk He dared not lot bet take it Something very like a shot soinuli ii from th 1 1 uiu aud something very like a bullet whistled past his rheek, aim proved the signal for several more. Strangely, that knowledge steadied his nerves all raining fur ward an holding on to a bar su hot Hint i scorchod hi palm he offend a hum! to the girl ou lbs mil. Her hand fell conrtdently Into It She Jumped Ills arm wound round bar ai ahe lauded ou the platform of the ooa catchei. i heard br breathe all name, theu hurriedly pMsd her he tween himself and the boiler to the footway at tbe aide. The flreumn was ntlng her it to help hor. Alan turned big attention to flgraua To bis dismay he found fruit the en. glue waa losing grouud. The spare waa widening rapidly aa llartus re leased Ihe knob and threw himself over lb rail. By a uilraeuloue. flying leap, tin, mau accomplished that Incredible real and gained tho platform An lusiiihi later ten f,.t separated the engine from the special, aa II n- glneer applied the brakes And this ho did noun too anen: r,.e at the game time Mnrrophat and an other appealed ou the rear platform and opened a hot. but. thanks i Lfct widening distance, laeffectugl Bra Tb engine ground Mlqwiv , m, as tbe rear lights of the special Irulu swept from sight round a buud. ( lo Ice coiilinm.l . IN THE OpllNTy COURT Q TIIH STATU OK OJIMHIN I ()U IIAIi NKVCOUNI'V. In thu in si inr of ti Ratgis i at CITATION I . t'ltws Clinton, Uei'il. ) To W. T. (Jii)ti)n, Maiy 1, Crugton, Hubert t'rudon iiiul NgtaUl Orugtun, URKKTINQi IN TI1K NAMK OV Till, BTATK OK OltKUON, you are lieroliy titd ami required tu ajiiieur iii llio I'minlv I'nurt ol the Kin u ol lrgijii,(iir llginiv l on nt 1, at the lmrt Hooin there ol at Itiiiie, in the County of Harney tin Momlm, till iiitn uny ut Muicli. 1010, at in o'clock jn the forenoon nl tii.it day, theu aud there to show Liiniif, il any eiiit, win the lien) property, town I:',. N ' , anil Lots ami 'J ol Bap. l!i, Two. J.. S., K. Mli. W. HI., belonging to said estate shoiihl not la- sol. I. VVITMB881 Ties Hon. II C. I. . i.i is. Judge ol tin- 'iiiinl y l '"in I o the Stale ol iirugoii, tor tlm I oiiiily of 11,1111,1 vtiili the Soal ol said Court aflitod this l.'ltliilav ol l.lc, A. I'. HU 1. ATTK8T1 It. T. Ilnghet, Clark, liy Walter T. Struilt. Ileiiutt t'leik (Seal) M ! J SG xv - Eh I RODNEY DAVIS IIou.se Fainting fitpt r Hanging and Decorating nl imlitlnir Hardwood Finishing Fresco Painting r.tlmii furnished on ap nlliiillori. Sample shown. CklTI lllM A CHANCE ttu:it!".'t:!:.t::i::ttitmtntn uuti OST jiuating V.'VOSLD, ' ' i ic dels i one Short II. K. cat ' ii. ..Hi. r lor .t1 lng It HI.- It I'. SEVENS VISIBLE LOADING" HFLE NO. 70. II .ri.ll.-e. let 9 . Short and IB fi M lom Mile i iirtrlilirra. $8.00 ,Seii,rf..r hunilhoiiic.lv Illustrated Itltle Cata log and "How to shoot W. Well". ( Irele r Stevens Rifles Pistols end Shotguns I f IT r''0,'ne sit 1 I. oin ineir Hcalc-r I I'K XTKVKNH A ARMS ; ' OOL COMPANY, IV O. Das 0004, 1 I I.I i"AI l,H MAI-g. 1)1 I It I A I. f.lltKi -IiiliV TATt ceSSC.OS: gears '." K c l.aiatMirlaln , lice . Ic.e WI lla.lt, i N j meecMi A. U .a .I..I.1 o.w.ltl West 1'i-n 1 1 Ic ol T S gar J A i Icurc-I.ifl W s lonilwa, i I-.. .in gaklp , -Knit i. '. , i i a I -. - alary ol 'an I reesurei -'i ' Pllbtll liicelcio 'luh Mecte - , I A. mi arm. Use H Burstrtl a S. H.ati r. A. Mow ', . . NINTH li UK I A I. DISTBICT. H.lton Biss i ",.:,!, .1 lol l,CM f nlllotell c icc ii nt iiit-t t. the drat Musclar Iu l iii Meiinlar In Drtobsr. yf-wa TOPTO " WH Brook, lolnl ll i c-e, lallt. w.l Uuuiau o'litir Haasav: i cam 'Ihnropaon H T llei.b.l I I, ..,-, I, A Mint r I', g. Ht.ry Ah. klcbardavn J. J. ts,otsa - "" -": '. gain I. M llajatlltsa ll. W i I.T.u(.r John Boblsaos I' St! ., i.r i I I.e. Sain 1 -"" He. Ill,' Hflnttday I lenuary, ,t.,i, Mar, July, Bassaaskai sad Wd, r.rr -acu Mota.i.hra si ass , Mn , c -., I'o ssiirei Marshal, ,--i - lull III Hi . . -am Mulharahecad Hi) Van w'luki. ii. "ii Halfea ..H. 1. llalua. I II. J. Hainan ( A. I W.lcom. I Jacc.e, I..UJO.hlr. I n J M.-k Into hi iiutull evgiy Second sug The Njw Nome Sewing I pmf ORANGF, MAIS. New Home B I 5rwing Machine BBaTiaa.alH I n to liiy the machine fl 1 with i!.c iiamo NEW B I K 'Ml', on tU ana l H ! H hi ihe I(j(b HV t H ssSjBit .asasaafl WnrranUd tot yll H g -wdaaaHa f M I No other like it W' I .Ntiiillki asgood fB I faeklHi ' ISVg. J, We do Job printing". JOB WORK We do II right If You Want .ALL Hie Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing L CARL C. GRIFFITH Hliyshlsii a ml Barejgog URNS, mil..... al. UU. CBARV Physician and Stlrgemi Hums, - Or Hon Office In new liuil.lin,; aonth ol i I. harness shop, Main - I 'Phone Main K ... GEO. G. CARL, M. D. Physician and Murgeon ilsTtsas.sM Hitlldln allcralioa .ivrft H,,. etcer 1 mm4 Ikro.t. i.. DR. R. D. KETCH VM CHIROPRACTOR MECHANO-TIILKAI'IST Nature Method, and Dietary AH..,. Chronic Messes! - .pecially I. O. O. F. Bid, Burns, Orsgon DEHMAN & DfcNWAN, Phygiclanu and Surgeons Calls answer-tel promptly night or day 'Phone Harriinsii Heifrimcii Or gon Or- Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeon Direct Telephone Connection Albritton. Ore. It. E. HIBBARD DENTIST Office first ilcK,r east pboto gallary Hums Oregon. M. A. HI(,(JS Attorney at Iaw ftly llldg., Hums, Oregon O. A. REMBOLD AtUirin j -iit-Iw, Burns, Oregon. HERMAN VON SCIIMALZ Attorney al Lav Contests and praitne balor IT, H I.p, itllre a s illy Offiee. Fay Uldg. nuet .1 , ., ., ocait 0ffl,. Burns, Oregon CHARLES W.- ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - Oregon I'rartiree aj Hie Mate t'ourts and lav lore the V. S Ijtn.l nit,,, . CJllllK. l. Ix-Olliuxj, ATTuitvy V- AT-I AW, Careful gtUtitiiii, i-iviii !.. C'ollet lions and Ileal MutU mattara, I'lre In-iir.ii,. g Notary Pqbjlo in it". OUKllllN. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNKY-AT-LAW State Courts and United Statei Ijind Offiee Practice Three doors South of thp Harney County National fowl Burns, Oreson, .FRANK DA VEY Atteraejr at Law Notary Publi. MBaaSaBelaai Monty I oanui., Ravicwaaa Aaiasca-U. S. Land Oflixc Practica oatps bftwrtn Hart t i nauij uonsj Bs.t aa.tL.riti oni Burn., - - Un eguU r. r. dillabii rorsi.rlr ami I i, . , , laU. a Htlsinaii.ii tt vlrs. . ". PAl'LBSeS Iftiiiirly Chl.f g. lii'itfr nt Bulas t W.ce'c III Ry Eistero Oregon fcnfioeeriof Company CIVIL AND iKklct uto.N mHiU6 hums. Ortgoi 1