TheTimes-JIerald Ha Th Larf.t ClrcuUtlon Of Any Nwpprr In llwnn County. SATURDAY. AMIIl. 17, ISIS LocrI News. We do job printing. Peter Hanson is over from his Silver Creek home. Dr. C. C, Babbidga was up from Valley View this week. Meet me at the Burns Hotel. That s the central place in town miss May me uozau is over from Canyon City on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Wm. Karre. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR $ $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. ' H. Hotchkiss has gone to 1 ,aki -view where he was called upon information that his mother was very ill. Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared ; for special attention to all dis-' eases of eye, ear and nose. EyM tested and glasses fitted. BOtf, Corey Smyth and wife were in the city this week for a few days. He came over to look after some land business. For rent-200 acres, 80 on Hat and under irrigation balance grazing, near Burns, good house, barn etc. Inquire at this office. Ill 1 I'l l'( ll.-WM. I'.lll'l ,M utl Presbyterian church, arrived home from Presbytery last night and will hold services tomorrow at the usual hour. 1... 11,- I!.,,,...,, , ... I..,- . .1 ' I l... It will pay you to see our new jnrim. ,'ii 'I ti ,tri i,. , ,t" ii, ii-tin- Ladies Tailoring Co., comprising, hundreds of beautiful styles and fabrics in high class suits, coats, dresses and waists Clingan Mil linery Parlors. For Sale Registered Imported German Coach stallion, 11 years old and dark brown in color. He i3 a sure foal getter, having more offspring tharwany other imiKirt ed horse in Harney County. I ). L, Shingledecker, Burns, Oregon There is eonsiderable talk of aV local nrm putting on an auiu one between here and takeview to' run during the entire season for I the benefit of those who desire to attend the Panama Fair at San Francisco. The low railroad fare from that point makes it very attractive as it is practically no further to lakeview than Bend and more direct to the destina- t'on The Geneva Lockes dramatic I company has disbanded. She! had booked dates at Tonawama for the next week but now she will not be able to fill the engage ment. The management has therefore arranged for the usual picture programs for the week, "The Trey O'Hearts" for Wed nesday and the big six-reel pro gram fyr Saturday. These Sat urday .night shows have become quite popular being of high class and well worth seeing. The house Is arranging to even im prove this service in the imme diate future. The Dances of the Month With the thought of the dances of the current month the same problem which you couldi't solve last month is before you again bigger than ever. It's the . problem of Proper Foot Wear If you can't work it, don't let it spoil a good time. See a specialist there is only one in town it's I. SCHWARTZ Ladies' Patent Leather and Dull Kid Shoes, also a complete line of Spring Pumps. English Walking Shoes for men and all kinds of shoes for the little folks I. SCHWARTZ - General Merchandise - nasonic Building, - - Burns, Oregon SAFETY FIRST! I i ne cniet desire or the officers and directors of this bank is to surround its business with the greatest measure of safety and to render to its depositors the best possible service con- isllllll lirilk - I A Sfe n SB Hun JHt knaiHaaa HAAlltnrla tm si nun phi C nun I II U trill UUIIICB IIICUIVUI THE rilXJl l"N I ,UJm.L. Dni. Burns, Oregon Capital and Surplus - $100,000.00 United States Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED GEO. A. SMYTH Chairman of llir Board John D. Daly, President J. I Caull, Cathiar C. A. Hain, Vice Prr.iJrnt A. C. Walcoma, Cathiar Seed and feed barley for sale ,11. Vulgamore. Phone or call. Children's hats at the Clingan ,iuite popular. Millinery South Main St. Just, Stop at the Hums Hotel when received a late shipment. M. Horton and wife were guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. II. M Horton during the week. The Burns Steam Laundry gives special attention to parcel post. Send us your laundry by mail. Timothy and clover seed and lean sm barley for sale. W. T VandeVeor, on Pine Creek. ;jlire8s rjrew'sey Oregon Ralph (at terson ami Dr. Hand were tn the city during tne week from Albritton. They have a, Ford and can now make trips much quicker and more conven-i iently. "OldDocYack" andhia "348" are expected to arrive in this city during the season. Watch for particulars later and don't fail to keep the date in mind. Lou Bradfield's tanious thor oughbred stallion, Bonus Ress. will stand this season at the T Allen Jones farm near Burns. Terms $12. 50 to insure. Mares pastured if desired. Lee Thornburg. who feared he had become infected with rabies from contact with a calf that was mad, lias linistieii ins ras- teur treatment and has gone to his mountain home for a Wggon to move the family up. K. B. Hill is in the city. Holler skates at Tonawama are in town. Best service. BEST QUALITY ONION SETS FOR SALE CHEAP. I. SCHWARTZ. Emory Hill and S. Alberaon were among our visitors during the week. Amos OtdfteM has cabbage plants in any quantity for sale. They will be ready at any time called for during the month. the first national bank OF burns, capital and su rplus $100,000. -the bank that makes your $$ safe." accounts m n. .1, L. Rand is over from ',aker attending to legal matters in connection with the water cases now being heard before Commissioner Cochran. Mrs. Fireoved's Maternity hospital offer! a most attractive place for patients where the best of care will be received and ex perienced attendants look after the comfort and welfare of guests Betray Suckling brown mule colt came tomy place fall of 1018. No visible brand. Owner prove property; pay charges and take animal. Joe Hill. Hums, Oregon Health is cheap at any price. Sickness is a most expensive lux- ury. My methods enact cures when others have failed. Sincerely yours. Or. R. I). Ketciium. The farm house of Gail Barnes up the river was destroyed by tire last Tuesday from a defect ive flue. The Times-Herald un derstands but little was saved from the building and does not know whether it was insured or not. K. Jaeobson, who has been a traveling representative of the ,1. K. QUI Co. of Portland for many years, was in the city this week calling upon the trade and his friends. Jake had not been making this territory for several years, being employed in the house more or less, but finally came back to see us. , The directors of the Fair Asso ciation will revise the premium list during tin- present month and expect to have it in the hands of the printers the first of J next month and it will be issued ; and mailed out just as early as j possible. The farmers should keep the fan hi mind when plant j ing arid also remember that it is the intention to take the bait of the exhibits and ship (o the big fair at San Francisco after the county fair. For Sale Cows, pigs, horses, wagon and hayrack, buckboard, , bugvy, surry, harness, binder, mower, hay rake, cultivators, I harrows, disc harrow, 1 disc plow, 8 walking mouldboard plows, Disc grain drill, wheel barrows, a complete set of farm imple ments and a cream separator, churn and butter worker, milk buckets, crearo cunn, etc. Will sell for cash or take bankublo note. This Is for sale cheap. I. S. C1EI0R. Call on or address Waldo (Jeer, Burns, Oregon, for particulars. Link Button was over from his home at Wagontire during the week. Mrs. Couch has been a guest of her sister, Mrs. Firoovod, during the week. The Burns Hotel is the head quarters for all when in tmvn. Good table service, clean rooffli and accommodating attendants. Hen Koder was in town this week and told The Times-llerald that by next week he would have ISO acres of land in Sunset seed ed and was going to make the stulV grow regardless of the wea ther of rabbits. If any MM can do it Ben can. H. K. Donnelly, the engineer who made the measurement of water for the State Board pre paratory to the adjudication of the water rights of Silvies River, is here attending the hearing be ing Conducted by Water Commis sioner ( 'ochran. Mrs. P, M. Chanty and daugh ter, Miss Tillie, arrived home this week from California. They spent the winter in Arizona and later went to California where they isited for a time. Their many friends in this section were glad to welcome them home. L M. Brown and family and Ben Brown took their departure yesterday afternoon for San Francisco upon receipt of a tele gram announcing that their fath er was in a critical condition and his physician held out no hope for his recovery. They left in Leon's new car by way of Lake view, that being the most direct way to get to. their destination. They Intended driving through' to Lakeview without stopping with the hope of getting the train out from there today. The many friends of Mr. Brown Sr. hope they may find him improved but his advanced age and' feeble- noss leaves little hope NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I M I I l MTATRS I '.n or r II K I'limi. iiniini. vprll , I -I Null,,. I. Ii.-i i-l,t (It'll II,. 1 Jul,, I .. . . V, iihImi orvaou, wuo, ud Marah I i i madi II, .H1..1, .i Kntry, n.i M -1 ., 1.. 1 ' ',1 1 and K',',, i-.-.i,.i, . 1 i, ,, .I,,), .1. ... rUiiM, .11, K Willainatta Meridlau, liaa iii! ttutln ,,i in, ot nut lumaka nnaloommiilallun Prool hi patabllali 'Uiiuii, ihr UikI abofa daarrliirtl i, f.,i- Hrgl.ttn a ii. I Hfralfat hi HtirDa.Ongnii MM Oil' I III 'I.) ..I Mil. 1 i 1' la 1 in 1 uatnaa al lim ... . t-mnh nVivman r. . .1 Nobla roll i. 1.-.11 1. htlor. nil "I iitMt'ir. Oit-K'Hi , w I UNI, 1 NO'lli K ivui ITIaM FOR 1 Ht 1 1 PUBLICATION 1 111 it LAND SAI I ".I t I I' I . I . I hNI, ' . . I Muni., oit nun, Ki l.nt.i , ri Noflra la taorabj Ki.rn tlim. aadlractad ' (in i'iniui..i.iinT i tin- .t natal i urn iSh-i uiiilvr iiiiiu.iiiin of Act ol t uuari ., a iprtjvod Ion.- . IviM I Miata,, 517,) iiurauaui loih. ii juration ol Ittibvrt H. rlrowo, Sana No uli wa miU ofTai al pui.ll aala, to Ibi blgbitl Mil !.. r . i. mi i.i ii.. i laat limit .' i.i par aora, al i" .. . I... . M . mi II.. IMIl .la. ill V .r I. I i '.!.'. il.,. i. .,...! i,, in,, i ui i ami; W'.vwv -,. ... i. ii W.M 1 I til. 1 1 m-1 I it n .1 mil, On in it r a ft .hi it ibowtbs Unit o.i- Kit-ait i portion, tbafaol la mountainous oi loo rough lor cultivation' i !,.- .iiin win mil h- ki 1 1 open, but will be .Ui-1 mm -I t loci ! a in ii Iboaa praai ul hi tba hi ui namt'i baveoaaaarl bidding. I In paraon inal Ina tin- hiitiif.i iiitl win i.t- n iiulrad tn Imnia illitlt-iy pa) In tin- it-1 alVCI On- mni i ii. ' vnt poraonc claiming; advcnrlt the abova -I. .i i ui.. i ara aili laad to Ala ball rl.nn. . or oblartlona. on or bclort tin lima deal (in i!i u I tn nit. .. M MtirilKKIIK tn. K.'l ri I N.iin.- of Appointment. Ii) tlit mallei nl tlit CStAtg ul John I riiiniiiit-tiv. i,ff sst ii Nutlet- it lit-ii-liy Bjivga In nil vl)tnn it mas concern the undtn&gnrtl bsi Ik-cii iltily Appointed bj lln I Hiiiilt Court el llitiiit-v County, Urexon, tlit jitliiiinittlMltil ul I lie rittltc lirtt-iii itlinM nionril, anil Iiiim ttiltv tilalilit-il, all pel sons naving clsJpus saalnsl said estate nrr rctllilcit In Jilrti-lll Ihr Miiar with iio'h-1 viiiiflu-i , ami prepared 'in hy law it-iiuirril, to I ht- linilri si'nt-il at hi. residence at Venntor, Orejfon, oi at tin office of In. allnlilt-, Ii. A lit inhiiltl, :il Km i)i, I Iicihi. Dated March IQth, LUIS, I H i 1'iiiiln itiuii March 80, tulfl 1 ' II AM. M I'l 1 I I1-.HN, il nil i attn Notice of Slirriff'i Sale. Nnln-1 in lii-ifl.v k vrn, until r itnil hy ui tin-u( a Writ til Alliu luiiiiil Kift'iiliuii unit iinlir nl ault n( propsrts iltily i -mi 'i hy tin i'it-rk ul lliu Ciriuit Conrt nl llariny CoUDtJf, Klnli tif I Irfgun, tlatrtl I hi- "'ml tiny nl April, 1016, In n nrlnin artimi in tin Circuit Court ol "ahi County snd Btale, wlioti in .1 l sii, plaintiff, recovered JUtlgltit'lll ni'iuii t t ii-ti. W. 1.1111 sad I.t. Illn I. lit i, mill iili ll i,f Iht'lli, ihft-li'l nut. hi tin Mil in n( U 11.10, with in tnrrat tht'lfi'li Irnin 111" UOtfa tiny nl I uli rimry , 1018, at tin oito nl d par t nut nr itiiiiiiin. mnl fin t-iittiKtiiiii dlsbnrsseisnls UUWd ul IM.00, ami .ii'ii in iu sostl mnl SSpSUBSfi mnl lof mi tirilnr nl nih nl at- itiriiiiil proparti licrelosltsi described, I will mi Miuiilat , Ihr Mnl tl.iy nl May I'.iiii, hi lim 'mni iiniiu ilmir in Barns, 111 Mini i iniiiiy ni llarnay uml st.iit ol Oregon, nl 0 o'clock lu tlis tllemoon.ol H.ti-l tiny , irll ill public niirl inn tn I hi lligiu'Hi snd hi-Bt bidder lor mnh, lbs lollowing tie i n I ifti ui i in lull 1 1 ui prope'a ty lii-we. All lim light, lilli Inltri'il mnl BSlStS nl lh I'fli'iiil.iiilH liin. W. I. mi ami l.ti'lit- I. mi in rilhtl ul litem, in Slid In Inlx ') lllnl 0 ul Sit. '.'I ; Lulu HI mnl II nl Sit I : , I.i-Im I, a, II Mini I til Si r 07 j ami l.til I ul Sim. D0 nil in 'I'ii. U H, Et :i-"j Ki W, M in llsruey Uouuty, Oregon, together lili nil nml niii;'iil.ii llu lilii'iimiitM huiiililn ini-iilH -tii'l )i)iin tniuini'iH tlii'iiuiut'i h - longing oi in saywlss sppsrtslnlng, to (ho ludgaoat sbovs m i.-i to grllu-r Willi luliuin-t, i'iihIh ulnl ilialmrNi -uuml, mnl aruiiinig t unlit anil I'X'iriii.nii ul mili. an provided in huIiI juilgiuoiit mni order ol nls Paled Ht Bums, Otegon, this tird day ul April, lOlfit W. A. (llM 'IIMAN, In) ill nl llmiiey ('utility. S. W. Laythe was in town this week. Dry cleaning and pressing at the Burns Steam Laundry. 4tf, Kvon though wo're all talking water thin week it still remains very dry. .lames Brandon was over front I'ine Creek earlv this week on business and to visit his wife and son. We do your mending and sew on buttons, without extracharge. See the Steam Laundry about your work. Mrs. Miller will take orders for the Palmer. Garment Co., of Chicago, Sample book now on band al the Schwartz store. Dr. Griffith went to Lawen the fore pari of this week to consult with Dr.- Hand in connection with some complications that had followed a case of mutnps in the family of R. B. Sit. For Sale P, L. S. Co. proper ty in Burns. One half block with fine large house. Garage, barn, stone cellar and all improve ments. Price 14600.00. Address P. L. S. Co., Burns, Oregon. For Sale All or part of 1080 acre ranch 12 miles east of Riv erside. 1200 acres tillable land, 400 acres under cultivation, some spring irrigated and some from large reservoir; best of range; school i mile; postoffice 14 mile; telephone. Price of whole tract $."10.00 per acre, parcels according to quality. T. K. Beers, Creston, Malheur County, Oregon, 20-23 FOR SALE 1 1 head of good young horses will sell on easy terms or trade for land. Oregon and Western Colonization Co. Stomach Trouble Curad. Mrs. 11. (J. Cleveland. Arnold, I'a.. writes, "For some time I sutfered from stomach trouble. I would have sour stomach and feel b'oated after eating. No thing benefited me until 1 got Chamberlain's Tablets. After taking tWO bottles of them 1 was cured." For sale by all dealers. . lliilli. I 't. I I.t Nil. IMOl.'i lliu PUBLIBATION. NOTICK I NITKU ITATM t IMP OPF1CB. ) Hurii. iiii-kuu, Apr. 3, i-l. N I" !r.l Klv.n thai hc Notthrrii I'a i lli Uftllwal niiiimliy. hi.H' j.oel ultli ml illieK U H t'llll I M 1 II lla-paitM. ll MB I Ma ' '1 1 . il April l'l ii. i In Hilt o.Tlir Iti ftppUOMlOB tuni'lo I mi -Iff Ihr pint i nl 'lie of tha act ol i on Kife,Hiiioitl Jul! I, lAW (M Ml ;''. . 0JUJ. I.ul -. . , I p . , H , It H I-ei. V, M ; .. No. llMH.i AlljraiKl nil J rraniie ilaliullif atvtie'U thr lands dMcrlbml or il eiiinii to oblvct bwiON Ol th- mili. ml liaiai irr ol Ihe ami, or for any oMmT rrtiBMii in tln l)ioeal to Bplfoftul, bOUld lll- ihili -il.'lawls .it protrat in thll nflli-1 mi ui bafota ihr Mtb -it of Mftj r-i . M h. fAHHR. ltrtfteTrr SOTH K FOR PUBLICATION i mi BDIT4 m i mo ornci, lnm-e. OrtfOB. Mn l. It, 1 VI ' In -n tbl .him. Ihal Oakar onral JohiiBoii. ut Hume. uri-K'iii, m ho, on January .-o, I'll. mail. .tlliHiNl H.. meet, ad KlttfT, Nn "'. fr h'-gHK1,. hn-iliiii 'f ami NJMWC4 villuii K, luwiiahlp .' H, Itfttitfii MR. Wl I Imiim-Ui' Mvil'llaii. hae Mi-1 noli of liiU-ut lm lu i mi I, i- I! tin 1 IhrM tinr proof, to valahlleh In mi ui tin IhimI abova i e ni.i'-i, bafora Id' ia'. i an 1 KaOatV! i at ll it r i.a. OfPgOB, OH tM lllh !..) ol 'lll. 1 'i . riaimani nam. e aa a Itoaaaaa lehinvl I vim, Hen Kt.ilii, )i f t 1'orU'f , Kmih .-si i araan nil ' Burna,Ora(N Wn 1 AHRK. Ki gleUf NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UmITSPNTATM I (Ni'Ulin R i Miirm iirtKUii, Aptll. 1. 1. l.'l . i Nt.ti. . ii it r t ft Van (hat (JUJ K I'll kt-lie"li. f Karrttwi Uieno. who on Auicuat 17, ivti, inaita llo i. eti mi voir No ufiAtfl ,lor M-.'-t'K',, aV4SK' u.ta -' aifi B -." Hon H. Towuantpfc H ValiK""i' VMllamidi' Mcilillan bH tlinl Dot lea of lull'-n to male final lliti'e )iir I'iihiI, U i-alahlleh lallii to Ihr laixl abOVa '! .nl... I l .Wort) llo Raflitar ami Him i-lvr, at liiiriia. orrK'ni, on thfinihilav oIMai 1M- rlalliiatit UQNU ltiuaBet ( harh 'iarl. Ftkbk Mi'ltu Morgan PfUlai ami Km oat I uraa all of I aaraOiOremtt, VS -4 Kahnb lU'wlelt i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i NITKDU1 a rU I AMI (iKKIt'K. HoiiiB OVBfOB, April Ii., I'll . Soil, i la In r.l.y gif. n llial An.lnw 1' Hall. ol llu i ne , i in Ki.h, who, on July I, 1900, ma di ll mm .!'" 'i Kutrv-.No OMW, for sK'.HiH-t Ion .t.'. Pownahlp a., RafigaittKaal, WlUuiatla Mai i.lliin hae lllct notlcu of InlMilloillo inaki' llnal flva rai l f, to retahllah i I a 1 in to t,.- inn.! abuva iii h riiM.i, bafora Raciatei mnl Iti'i river, al Hume, on K"ii, "ii thr ivih tlav ..I Mas I'l'i latmitiii uamaa wllnwBN MUi I. h. a, 11 Qaga, S. K I', Alhi'it Moo. I, all of llunx, (iTOfOU, v m I t iikk, KiKlatrr. NOTICK TOR PUBLICATION UMITBDHTATBSLAMO oKHiK, i Burns, onui'ii, i-i'iii lit. in . I Nitllii' la In it-l.r Klvt utliitl Hunt J Jukliili ul II ul I Hum. , Oil-Klin, tt lin, nil Nut flnl.i'i 1. I ' iiin-l lli.nii'.li ml l'iiiir.N.,ii. -u.l lin Nl.', Kit Hun J. l.mii .-l H . It. i. ,(. .u K , Wlllaint'tii Mi'il'llnu, lia III. 'I Until t ,.l inti-iitliiii III in" i - tlliHl in. -..ui lintil in I'lalui lt Inn. I Hl'.itt' ilt'iirll.i"!. I.i 1,'ti- Ui Kl.ti i ni.'l llt't i-ltir.iil Inn i n. inn mi lliti 1M Ii tUy t,l M.iv I Hit. I 1 hi iii n ill imiiit'N an it iih-hhn lli-nry K lllilitlt't nl I awt'ii, ilrttiitill. In II liiiiiiiali mnl .Inliii lltiliui, hi , IkiiIi til II. nl until i iii'Kin. t tin rii ttiiini ni Uswso.Oras Wm I- tn., i iii .-I -i.-i NoTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'm i hit hr I M I ni U inn iiiirtie, uragoa, Uarob ITih uu Nullra ! barab) flvap thai William Ulaa. o Hhi im . (lr Koli, ulnl, on Ma) U, ! hi ami i'trmli.l '.. l',l I J, init.h Mi in. at. it .1 I til, r, Nu. hiiii.iim.ji.'.i. r.-eprt'iivilv, for Lota i. -'. I I. K'W)i, -V,m.i HuMon oiilownahlp Jl s , IduiK' 1-rwI. W IHmiiu'IIi- Mfilillan, baa tlliHl UOtlt'f "I Inli'lil Lilt to inaki' filial Mm- y.u I i. ml, i,, , alnhllnh rlalin lo the laml ahovr ile a- lll.i.l, lu-foiu lU'Klal. i iiihI Kcrrlsi'i, nt Hiirni in.-K.rn, on ha r.ih of May 1 1:- lalmaul uamaa aa Hlinoaat-a: I . A lu it JiihiB, of hurna tirt'uon. rli'VitUml liooillow, PbaoUora imiin. J, il Ulobmao, rii of mhiiiii, i r agon W H 1'AtlHK, K.xJtrl. MINN (JFMIIKHIilNIJ. i; a.-, o,.;.. I &m .0tfl4 Jewelor. Optlolan und l'illUI'UVOl'. Fine Wultlt Ut'puiring Spe lialty. ffr$ Head "The Trev O'Hearts" antl see it iiietuie.'l at Tonawama. A. Figli and wife tame in from their Wngontiro farm yesterday. All Kinds of grain includrnK wheal al litinabing Il.illon A CO. The I'rahl A Johnson shearing planl begun operations on the 15th of April al Riverside. Any one having dry sheep to be shear ed early should notify the plant as lo dates. For Sale New Ilehring piano, oak bookcase ami writing desk combined, (lat top ofliee desk. Underwood tpyewriter, China closet, block walnut chairs and other articles. Mrs. Frank Davey. (apt. A. W. Cowan has bei n officially notilied of his appoint ment as attorney for the State Land Hoard, vice Charles W. Kl- lis, resigned. We understand his appointment was without solicit ation from anyone. W. A. MeCutchen. an uncle of Koy Dwyer, spent several days in this city this week the guest of the Dwyers. He was on his way from his borne in Nebraska to the fair at San Francisco and came by to visit Koy and especi ally to see the daughter. Mrs. Cibbs is agent for the new fast passenger truck now plying between Hums and liond. This is a comfortable conveyance and makes fast time going through in one day. Fifty lbs. of baggage allowed each pas senger but any amount of bag gage may be provided for. leaves Hums Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday of each week See the agent. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OK OREGON, FOR HARNEY COUNTY. J i His, ritiiiuiii va. Ivliuci I'liikrt. SIMMONS Defendant ) TO Kl.MKk I'AltkKK llll Aiim i- NAMBD DBPBNDAN I ll the MOM ! llu Mati ut Oftgon, you im lirtcbv required tu nppeftl am! aniwi i tht Complain! file I against jrou in 1 1 it- iiinivr cut it lcil actloD) un oi before the Mill day ' April, 191S, thr same Ih'iiik the luil ilie v if llu tunc pic cribed la tlic ordti "i tbe Oonrt direct- iiij nrr ut- ol Stiniinoiu in (bit MM tO Ik made l pul'licnt ion, nml il u I.ul to m appeal and answai Raid Con plaint, foi wan I tlicicof, tlic I'liinlill will take judpneat againal vonfortbe autti ol $VL'. 1 fj with i n t ci est tlicicon lioiu tlu- 10th day f M.inii, 1916, ut the rate of 10 cr cent pel uniiiiui foi t In further auiu tf (3S.0U uttoiucyn Ice. uml the plalntiflTi eoati uml disbnrw menti herein eipended, ami loi ,m or(et ot t he ('out t to kppl) t he auiu ol 66 no caafa attached herein, to the judgment herein Mcnred; laid attached money be Ing in Harney Connty, Oregon Vim will lurthei talti notice that tbU SuiuinouH it Krved upon yon by publicn ii.iii, nndei uml by rirtnc ( un ordei ol I lie Hon II. 1 1 I. evens, ('utility Jmle ol llai Bey CoWty, ' 'i i' in, n Inch sun I oi lei uraa made and dated March 10,1916, and directed tbifl Summon! ie published OBOe each week foi me week a in I he Timet llcinld, (lie same hrnu: a newn- papei pabliahad m the Cuuuty arbere thiN action in roinuu-nted, lo wit, liar in County, Oregon. Tba date ot the tlrat publication of this Summons is March KI, HUG, ami the date of the taut publicntion ot this Snmmoni li April ji, 191C. c. II I BONARD, Attorney foi the Plaietlff. a NOTICK FOR PUBLIC ATIOW DVITtOtTATIi UMioKHi K. Hurtle. oiimi, Man Ii til, I'M Snllcf la hi-re by kIvi-ii Hint ' Ion RiaokM ui itiii , Oregon, who. on A.i a ., iiis, nadi UonaawM Bo try. No BMI, -- Nu i : i. for NKl4, Mr. Hun ;, rovnstalpsm., Ranga . i W II aiuutle Mrrhtlaii, liaa fll t notu v ot int. n lim. to in a hi' Klnal tha ear l'r of, loaatabltah claim lo (tn- lain) iUnt dt-aci il t , bafON Rag leter aiii Itoerlwr, at It n r lies Oragun, uU tba l.iti ta ol M-nl. 101 ' Claim an I uamoa iv Itoaaaaa; Jaime hulherlaml, hlnior K. Mmth, hnl Kaii. ui, I eg it Br blm, uli ui Hllaj . Urtgoo y Koihk, i i, i i NOTICE K()K PUBLICATION I'hlTBllHTATKII I.AHIt llllli K. I llurita. Iltriciiii, Man Ii lu, I II i Stillrt l. Iit'lt'li) (imii Uml t'llii i l I'nlil, ol lawen, trtKtni, ti lit, tin IiMhhii 11, lit.' iiimiIi lliilui-RttiHil Kuli. Mo DMBMt Im SKi-4, l-ii'fl lull 17, ToWBBllIp :'l inn lli. It KIU I, t.t IN lllauii-llt Mttrltllall, Im. tllvtl lliillco of lllli'li Hun In iimkt' II ii Hi tlirt'i tt-ai ittiuf,tu tatatilllli i I Kl 111 III lilt' litlnl itlmt , ilti,-illii-il, lt,,rt Kt'tl t.-l anil IttiiulVt-r, al llilim, llli-gnti, on tlit I ill tUjr nl Airll, I'M.,. rinlniant nitllii-. aa witiif.Mit Martin V inn it. niitKi ii i ..i.t.. Mm it,.i,, M iinlllii t'ulili, all ut l.aut'li, i in ttnii Hi. I mm Itt' I Notice sf Sale ol Rt-al Properly. Ill tlit ('utility ('unit ul tlit Si, ilt- ut lit ci('iii, lui lim ni y (uiiiil v In tin iniitUi til tin tStSti ul V. (' i.vni'ii. dscsessd NotlM i iiinby gtrcn thai undw snd liy ii lui til ml unlet' ul ssls in. ul" nml fiitrtittl in tin sboTS I'lililK-il t-iiiiM i n tin I7tli iliiv ul IVIiiu.iiy, l'.U.i, I, ih limit imkiiiiI, uiliiiniiitliiitiu nf tin ii Im vt clitil'rtl fitlntf, M 111 Sell lit 1'iiVfltt- s.ilti lot cimli in lnintl, limn mnl ullcr llic L'Jiul tlav ul Mmcli, Ullfi, lin o lowing ili-m-iiIiciI nni )iiiiKiiy belonging lo .. mi OHlUtC, lil-Wlt I. uli. 1, I mnl 0 in Section SiuhI l.ut 2 mnl lite NW4 ul llu- SV . of Hcctioii '.) in Townsalp -7 S. of Steal :t" ' W. M. Min ute 111 lim 111 t'lilllity, I 'it'.'i.n. i int Holies is puiiiihiitii im a . 1 1,1,1 ni I, un ooimui iilivn Hicks in llu I inii-i llruilil, ll MWSpgpW pilliliallctl nml u lcitct ;il ciiciiliiliiiii in llmiity I, m, Ht Orsgun, iiinlci uml ii virtus "I sn unlet ol tin Hun. II. 0t la-vent., in. I)4i u ill, nlitivu till il It'll ('uml, iniiilc mi llu ITtl illlV ul I'clil un t . I'.llfl. The silt nl iiniciiv itliim- tit sciilioil will In aulijfcl (o cuulii uiiitiiin by (lie ul hi vc i nliikil Court i Uiiuii ut iiiiniN, Oregon, Ibis i'.iiii iluy ol I'Vhiumy 1111,0, IIARKV t'Ain, Ailiiiiniati utnr ul thr i.-ii.u,. ,.i ,, t Lynch, Dcivuattl To the Women. We appreciate the patronage of the women. Their business with us is already large and steadily increasing. If you are not one of our custom ers, please consider this an Jnvitation to become one. 0WK HWIHEE53l-4uHP' UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Aluminum Ware A New Consignment Just in The World's Best "Quality" Brand Special! Special! We have a big stock of dishes and are offering some at re duced prices at present some REAL BARGANS See our line of Heaters and Ranges Builders Hardware Paints and Oils Farm Machinery Implements of all kinds in steck: Seeders, Plows, Disc and Drag Harrows. Binder Twine Barbed Wire BELTING Nails, Doors, Windows, Roof ing, Building Paper Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition NEW DISHES, GRANITEWARE Crockery, Tinware I BURNS HARDWARE CO. I NEIL SMITH, Manager ve iridic p. and target The Tl.r m.irfim .71 -at tin repeater liai quii k nir trui linn on. Ila rnaiKln. vimti o Urn iaiu and ah on it. lately om- i'l" .1. ,-. u . ., .,t, . You rmi Ink ll mer. t ll.'llfcll tilt bairel H Irani lu-in Lutti cmU III Sulill Sl'i-I 1 nu iihilni la vnui ( m ainl rira at miuiv I i ilcln livfi i ..MuJMea, I at.rlls. aaai 1 hq bid a Ejvt. lion Omw alirlli away l iir v. i u m nM yum line uf ain ki . lUiMllra all .21 ahurl. .21 lunu and .22 lonu ma iti IimII.iw point iinniiiiH aarUriuaa A i mala HHii lui ilil-iU, a-Uiula. liMWka, uuwi, etc. aVit 21 lepoalera ajao maJa with lever at tiun; 77i 7Ar' firearms Ca , 4a Wiiiow at New Hmvch, t uiub HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK ''Your Home Institution" This shipment includes one piece Tea Pots, Coffee Per colators, Double Boilers, Preserving Kettles, Milk Pails, Comhination Funnels a most practical article, with various attachments permits it's use in many ways Skillets, Tea Balls & Strainers, Salt and Pepper Shakes, Collapsible Cups, etc A 20-Year Goarantee For its wonderful accuracy, its safety aik! con and its effectiveness fur sniull Kama shooting, you should buy THarlm .IB CALIBKL Repeating Rifle odel 20. s illuatratril, l inch octagon barrrl. It Ol .l.ut.. Jll.tll). - rainst Model 20. 2 1 in. I (i.-wtln sinl llie n.le lUUtlil I'.ui.'l 15 .Im t. lift. . ailnJu, . in. luj ?)25. to 2a0 i J. A iieifoct aak. your dealer Send 3a poslauc for tomplvta tat- ua tilUa sJdigiiui aloif ul all SWjb re epval- Uuua.