The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 17, 1915, Image 2

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Made In Burns
25 New Patterns Received
Assorted Colors
$8 to $10.50
Leave your measure
today Get your pants
See Window
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
Tht (Times-&rtaU
Nazarene Church.
C. Y.r $2.00
Sim Month. I 00
Three Max In .Tl
Water Adjudication
Cases Now Being Heard
ReRularpntchiox services each
MniAjrr Sunday at 11 a. m.,and 7:30 p.m.
mi inlay -school at w a. m.
every Sunday.
Tuesday Bible Study at 7:30
p. tn.
Wednesday Mid-week Prayer
meeting at 7:30 p. m.
Saturday young people's meet-
inir at 7: 90 m.
Wili be glad to call on the sick
and need) at any time.
S. 1.. Flowers, Pastor.
There have been mai y tvati r
users in town this week to Uk)I
after their rights in the adjudi
cation of the rights of Silvies
River and its tritiutares. Com
missioner Cochran of the Stat'
Water Board has linn hearing
the testimony of claimants Bince
last Monday morning and tin
matter is progressing quite rap il
ly. The claims are all that ;.r.
being considered at the present,
therefore the attorneys do Q it
take up much time in detail cross'
examination, merely asking such
questions as are necessary tn;
make the statements of claimants
The contests instituted by the
Christian Science Church.
Christian Scientists will hold
there services at the Presbyter
ian Church, Sundays at 3 o'clock
Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. Sun
day School at l:.'50p. m. Read
ing Room at room No. 6 Masonic
Building and it will be open
or, Wednesday and Saturday
afternoons of each week from 2
until ." o'clock. This is a free
1 1 adiny r i m ami peopleare wel
come to come during those hours.
Baptist Church Doings.
Rev. 1). Lorte expects to be
P. L. S. Co,, C. B. Mt-Connelllhereon the 2i)th of this month to
and those of individual contest!
will be heard July 12. That is
the date set and the time when
the contentions of claimants and
contestants will be brought out.
The Times-Herald does not
know how much longer it will re
quire to take the statements of
claimants. So far those from a
distance have been given prefer
ence in the hearings so they can
return home.
Public School Report.
Report of Burns school Dist.
No. 1, for the month ending
April 16, 1915:
Pupils remaining last month 224
Registered new 4
Registered secondary
Pupils readmitted 17
Total 245
Pupils dropped 84
Pupils remaining at date 211
Pupils registered since begin
ning of year marked "R" 251
Pupils on register since begin
ning of year marked "E" 8
Pupils over b' and under 9 94
Pupils over 9 and under 12 85
Pupils over 12 and under 14 41
Pupils over 14 and under 20 29
Pupils over 20 10
Total 259
Number of Pupils neither ab
sent r.or late 105
Per cent of attendance
Number visits by members
of school board 1
Number visits by parents 41
w. M. Button, PHn.
conduct revival meetings in out
lying districts.
Communities that have no
preaching services and that
would like such services, are re
quested to write to Rev. A. K.
MacKae, Burns.
On Tuesday, the 27th, the pas
tor will preach at Calamity.
Two auto loads went from
Burns to Rye Crass last Friday
night. A special feature of the
service was a solo by Mr. lin
ing. Subjects for next Sunday: A.
M. "Abiding in Christ." P. M.
"The Fate of The Coward."
Another Disastrous Fire
Visits This City
(Continued from page 1)
with the means available and
those who lost are certainly
grateful to the lire department
its auxiliary and all the others
who helped for their faithful and
heroic work. The big warehouse
and granary of N. Brown & Sons
just back of The Times-Herald
building was in danger and it
was with great elfort it was kept
from igniting. Had it caught
the wind was right to have
whipped the llames under the
arcade at the rear of this build
ing and it would have been gut
ted at least. Then, too, had this
caught it would have spread to
the south and every wood struc
ture in blocks to the south for at
least three blocks would have
gone and possibly the brick and
stone buildings would have suf
fered. The Times-Herald is not alone
in extending its gratitude to the
people and lire department for
their untiring efforts, for all are
just as grateful and appreciative.
Some friends moved the safe out
of the office, which by the way
seems rather amusing since It is
the only lire proof thing in the
shop, but it showed the spirit to
help. The pump at Mart Bren
ton's, the one at this office and
Dr. Horton's water system were
kept busy for two or three hours
with bucket brigades to the back
and the second floor of this
building and Brown's warehouse.
On taking stock next morning
it was found that no type had
even been pied or disarranged
which seemed rather extraordi
nary with so many people in and
out all night
Tlie Time.' Herald wishes also
to announce that there are a few
extra buckets in the office and
other parts of the building that
should be claimed by the owners,
also one hand lire extinguisher
that doesn't belong to the build
ing. Dr. (leary and others have
stated they are still missing some
of the various articles taken from
the burning buildings and if any
one happens to know of such
they will confer a favor by noti
fying; interested parties of the
Thv Burns Hotel furnished free
coffee and sandwiches in connec
tion with the Ladies Auxiliary
for the lire lighters and this was
much appreciated. Mr. and
Mrs. Dibble and the ladies have
the sincere thanks of all for their
Mr. Clevenger has moved what
little stuck of furniture saved
into the Reed building on Main
street and the Welcomes will
open their harness shop in their
old building on the corner back
from the TrischA Donegan build
ing on the street leading to the
court In use. Dr. Ceary will open
an office within a few days in
The Tinies-1 leald building, which
will be put in shape for his occu
pancy the first of next week.
Have your picture taken at the
Sayer Studio.
Bundles for the Sleam Laund
ry can be left at the Capital and
and Star barber shops.
Born -At Mrs. Fireoved's ma
ternity hospital Thursday, April
15, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunn,
a daughter.
Kodak films developed 10 cents
per roll, any size. Prints 6o each
All orders of 2 dozen prints film
developed free.
A. II. McLain,
('are of Sayer Studio.
Mrs. Frank Davey arrived lure
from Salem the first of the week
to visit for a short time with
friends and also to dispose of
some of the household goods.
She will return to Salem as soon
as she has disposed of the things.
Dr. Criffith made quite a tour
of the valley last night in mak
ing some professional calls, lie
left here yesterday evening for
Narrows where he was called to
see Mrs. Hunt. From there he
went to Voltage section to visit
Mrs. Myrtle Haines, then con
tinued his journey to the home
of L. Zuiderduin near Waverly.
where he found .1. W. Norris ill
and arranged to have him brought
to the county hospital. The doc
tor returned hone by way of
Harriman and was in his bed at
2 o'clock this morning, lie cov
ered more than 100 miles with
more ease and convenience than
any railroad train. If we had a
market for all this big territory
could produce at home we'd let
Mr. Fnrrell and bis railroad "go
hang" our autos can beat his
Petition for Liquor License.
Rolled barley, wheat and oats
for sale at market prices. - W. A.
Cioodman's feed yard.
Notice of Bid. for Wood.
Notice Is liaroby given tliottlio Comity
Court of Homey County will reteive
btssapts 12 o'clock a.m. Moyft, ii,
tor 0 sera's el Unit iuliiy oiu wwo.
mil N conli of Hut quality nialmnouy
wh.mI, to l' delivered at tlie Start lintiso
ami It Mull SSheSli in Huma, Oregon,
niiiirtiKfuifi Moptoinbur lo, It) 18. Tim
L. unity Court roaorvoo tin- rllit to
r.' liny unci oil sMSi lM '" '
OODsMsna for either kind of wood em II ileairail. MSS eliunlil b ad-
dresssc, nMid, to 1 in- sadtrslfMd sad
narked "Bids for Wood."
It. T HlltillKT,
County Clork.
(UMQIlfM '" '-111 No. 01015
liiitn.. 1 11 '.mi, Man h 'A. ii I
Nolle I. herb glveu Hint Out Niirtllril
1,.. .1,. Hallway eiinii.iir. whom port urnee
a.t.lli.e ! HI. I'. ill. Mintieaulii mi 'ii' 1. Hi
1.11 nl Jauuarr i"I.V fllail In Oil ""I" In au
I'lli .Unit n aelel undar Ilia tiruvlaluti ul Urn
-" 1 -.I otif rii.a, approved Jul? I. noiiatiHiat .
,1, 1,11; aa ..tended lif Hi il ' Cuii.ti..
..,.1 .1 Mar 17, ri
i ' .'Hl-i. Hit a. T. S
Kerlal no matin
. T. MM , II IU Kail. W M.
Any ami all fernim rlalmlng ailneraely ilia
l.nil. .1. ..ill. I'll or ilaalrlMil In ulilrri i am
nl tin' Mltti'lal character ol III. lend, nt an.
.Hi. 1 n-aaoii. In Ilia lo aiilli ul.
in", 1.1 III,, lliolt altlilA.lle ol pretrial In Hill
iiltl.i-. 111101 bfnr Hid 17th day ol Mar Wlri.
VS X I mm I . l." 1
Iturna. on-H'in. April ', IVIIi I
Nutlri' la I" ifio glvait that Adlta K. Iliiltuiati,
nl lllli'.. on "ii. wkt 1 liar. .'", I"". tttaili'
ll.''ail Klllrr. No OOlrlrl. Itir HIV',, Her. JB.
!.. I.,ll.lil .-.'. I .'tlrXlril'llall.
ha. Illfil notlrr ol lutritloo lo make final
hr nut In vaubllah rlalln lo Ilia laml
.Ihitb ilcai ol.- .I. 1" li.t keglata't ami Sat In'i.
at Until.. 1 it,'."", on thr l.'Oi iU nl Ma' 191a,
1 lalutalit naitira aa wllfieeae
r liner t Hnilili. Uiula II llralim. Hheltiin
holy, elarrmr II iiiilTiii.ii. allot Hilar, or
Catholic Church.
1. On Sundays and Holy days
of obligation Holy Mass
sermon at 10 a. m.
2. On week days Holy Mass
at !:30 a. m.
All other services, besides I stori
those mentioned above will be
announced in church.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services.
Additional Locals.
We do job urintinjr. .
Ground feed at Hagey's.
Wilson's Creamery Butter at
For Sale Disc harrow and
. ulky plow, CalClemens.
Finest alfalfa, timothy and red
w, Uif ondorslgood, Ufa' totorsol
Harriman 1'reciurl , lliiru.i OoOBty,
Htote of nirjiii, rospootlYoly petition
thv Hon. County Court ol lltrOOJ CmiO
ty, Hlaie ml Ori'K'in, to Tsnl it l.l III '
t Allinttiui Hotel, Okas Rokn, Mot
Ar, to mil BpMtnOM, Mull ion! Vllioot
Liquor III lea iiiniillllea llilill "lie gsl
Ion in llartiniaii I'reeiini llniiiey ("tlie
ty. stale of Ofssjoa, tot Iks period ol
Ms Months, a In dot) li Mill ire will
ever prey
NAMES: I It Clark, I . UioliOf,
It. I.. Htniili, ' Chariot Rokn, II,
H OB Sll. 0 I . I'arker. nliev llulil '
W Ki'IIokk, Nil roaliiink'. I 1 Mini!
ton, D, I' Sn.lir, S .1. lrM, Tkos
ftoutlv) , I'liiuiaC l.tbliv, A. .1. Man. I.
W.C. Italnl, lli.ii.ia- B I Ikbjr, Mm M
C. Bokrd, 1 nokssg, t. Rokn, B, It. H11 rb. J.JW. Ilolns,
Kronk TlioroiMiu, 0. .1 Poo, Mr " '
i'uo Q, K. Cole 0 I'. I " l: ' Ht in.
II. Douiiiaii, Mr. .1. W Mini. I'. I
Cloer. Irotui V I'ue, I. I.. Bloo I I
lloini. C. T. Cun, Boa Klsslor, .1 0
Mitioia, 1.. Hand, 1 mi Horses, H t.
Betas, l. W. Oarpontor, J M.Jonoo, I)
It. Juiii", A. H. Utllonvrotor, Jooopklns
IlillellWAtet . V kern, .1. I. Kellnpff, J
I.. Millaap, (i W Miilaap, a i Drown
lug, Thotna RoBlto) Jr., .1. Dillon it .
Jainrt Cary, Henry S Mostnor, I M,
Miller, Jim. II. Doigkotty,
Nollco la lierel')' (iveii llntt on i-il-neaday,
tlin Mli duv ol Mm 1916, tin
uiidriiied will apply lo tko Honors
bio t'ouiitv limit i( Mm mi Comity,
Oregon, for the HooOOS Bontionod in
the foreoiiig DOlition,
uhh. kuiihi Hsnagor,
AlkrittOn Unlet
WO. I .... Ilnl.lrr.
t'NITfllHTATK'l UMtimCtj I
Hum, oiraoii. April :.. 1VI6 I
Notlr la kotOOff glv.u thai Itiirtey V Hlllona,
ol l.awau, otaaou, who, uu July IV, ivll,
luada II i in rat. ail l-riliv. So u ..-,. , . lot
'.. "itlou It, loxn.lilb M X , llanj. .1 ' K
Wlllametl Marltflao liaa SI..I untie ol
in n-till'.li In mB llnaltlilrr l't""f. I"
atalillatl 1 lalm lo III. laii.l abOVa ill .. 01 .1
("'fore l.igl.i' 1 aii-l Hr ' Hum. OfaflOO,
"ii Ihi' lltk day ol Ma), 1.1''
' laliuaol uarttal aa tallua :
I.. It willauf. Oacar Wrai. Martin V Hot k,
all nl, "i. ..." Ward Waltri ol Hum,
tlti on
'. ... i
New Spring Goods
Now on Sale at
Spring and Summer Dress Materials
that are positively the Latest
New silk gloves, Veilings, White Goods
trimmings, braids, new fancy buttons
Royal Worcester Corsets
New Silk Skirts and Klmonas
Burns. Oregon
ruriKii mi a i km i aMD ol i ii i '
Minn., " ."" M'"1 i.i'1' I
Jutlirl. ln Hiai John Drotnllr
ehloiia.ol Huihaaao.orag who. on OOlobi i
1 1(11 wad. Iliim.alrad Kntry, N" ii.ii. f
HK1, Hedtlon J. nii.blii t, Moiiih. Kaoai
K , Wllllaitialle M.rldlan lia.nii-.l inn I
n hlli. i. In niak. final llir.f yiat ut.'iil I" aalal
lUh i lalm I., thr lan.l alMJ... dia'Ol.i'l I
H.lai.r and Ketalrar, at liiiti... Dragon
lha lath day ol May l !
i lalinaiil iiamiiaa. wltnr..i
I. II Mi II, all ami A V. Mi I, Iml I , l
Hlirhanaii, i 'rranii, J Hofludll., "I l.a.iii.
J Ileal ol nnt'lianan, i itrami
w a KAaaa, in ' '
Oaftro srilllt I ami (irnik,
Mu rut. tirt-gtiit, A pi Ii J, ttll
rtilllm lttlHfc gln that DM ' DtfUMMt
nf Hiirua, dragon, who, on Kov. II lull , miOr
llMtnailoKtl Kntrr, No U4ZBA furS'SK1,. lots
I o.iil i. HtHiinn ;. lowntlilu M h , Kbdr n
K . Illami-lU Mm i-'ian Lai flit .1 imtl ( la
trillion to make filial turaa ,tar Iroa.f q r
laLlllli flaliu to tba lain) a.MfVe tlesriLvt l.r
luff H lsjtr and Kririrur si Hurii. "r.ou
in (hr Itrtb tUr of Ma. IVli.
lalinaiilnaniM aa wlluraar
Karl H VN.ll.r, . A II , "ll. i I .aa. L
ami 'iro'l I'.l'r. all ol litima, nrvjrou.
H l.kM, IdsjlBt.
I MTri"imili'. :.t .
Surua, OK-gon Arll 6, UHJI I
HottoOlS kOfOfeo glu Dial falat Miliar, ill
. i, "i. ..n. wbo, in. .oil., ,'t. l.ti and July
IT, 1.14. mad. Ilnru.alra.l Kiilrl.a, No, "'. I
'.i J.' ra.(M" II air. IntBVS '.N.'a. N ',',
... ',"14, a" a. '' Jo. I
ft ., ... .. .. ... ki
a ".. .. "' w, iuhii a n ,
mill. M. tl. Ilan, hat nlad hi, III ol
,,.,. 1,..,. I... I... I ....... I... I A -a .1...
With I ' i'uieii niuy tic nan ti uie
iiooilman feed harn is south Burns
Mrs. Millar has hor new Spring
Millinery on display at Schwartz'
and invites the ladies of
Burn i and vicinity to call and in
spocl it. -
Cllngan'l Millinery south Main
Si has ret'cived n lad. eonuitrn-
Sick-calls promptly answ, n d ' .,., uf t,. aU.Ht , all ,ineH
at anytime. KMlgiOUS inlorma
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
A Cura for Sour Stomach.
Mrs. Wm. M. Thorn pson, of
Battle Creek, Mich., writes: I
have been troubled with indiges
tion, sour stomach and bad breath
After taking two bottles of Cham
berlain's Tablets I am well.
These tablets are splendid none
better." For sale by all dealers.
The Ladies Auxiliary of tin
Burns Volunteer Fire Department
wiiii w express meir appreciation
to Mr. and Mrs. N, A. Dibble for
the bountiful supply of coffee and
sandwiches furnished to the fire
lighters during the recent lire.
Mas. E. S. Swkek, 1'res.
Peaki. Smith, See
iwama tomorrow night.
Wheat for sale (J. W. Cleven
ger. Notice is hereby given that the
co-partnership heretofore i xist
ing between J. W. IaMar and I
Ij iNooncnester, under the nn i
name of IaMar & Noonchestei ,
is this 15th day of April, 1115.
dissolved by mutual censent, J.
W. LaMar withdrawing from the
firm. Done and dated at Burns,
Oregon, this 15th day of April,
1915. J. W. LaMar.
You hear no many wise people
say, "My back has nothing to do
with mv trouble." But did you
ever notice how they stand or
move? Their spine is never
straight and when they bend or
turn they move their backs as
little as possible. Think it over
and then come up and ask me
why. It will cost you nothing
and may lead a way to a happier
Dr. R. D. Ketciium,
. 0- O. F. Bldg
Cull nd see the new Mary Pick
foul tionnets, etc.
The musicale given by the pu
pils of Mrs. Dodge assisted by
Mi; Farre and Miriam McCon
nell, at Tonawama last night
provi 'I oneof the most enjoyable
affairs in the musical line, of the
season The house was filled and
those i i esent were loud in their
piM I the progam which was
Hi inly most creditably render
ed. M Dodge is an able in
stru lor on the violin and the
work i f her pupils shows that
she n,.s results. It is gratify
ing i.i note the interest shown in
tin:, v ik by the music lovers of
this vicinitj , many of whom came
from ipiito u distance in the
country It was a deserved tri-
Imii to i'ii' efforts of Mrs. Dodge
and her industrious little work
ei A mall admission charge
was inmli- as it entailed quite an
expense to render the program
and afti i these are paid the bal
ance will be used to purchase
violin ii cords for the Victrola
wlin h will assist the children in
their execution by having mas
ters for patents.
(' air It, Injury, accident
and deatli DOSoflt protection tl mini'
mum rnal. '.',() I(K) ilratli boOOflt ios lossol limb Of Ojroslfbtj
laom f.Ylai to II.'. (a.) Mi'ikly nnk OTM
iiiliiiii lirni-nt; i .'"Mi ii. i Kroorsjoni rs
lief litnilli. Cost im fS.UO por yrnr,
no ntlii'r ilni'. nr ISWSIIIIIIIIIS liillu-
iiiaiirnni ! all mrii iiikI hiiiiikii ore elm ad
on on t'nunl Liihih, rssjordjoj ol OOOQpS
lion. Every i UialcOS tlin haini'
form of H.ili. iitiun, iitv tin. nttiiiit
omountnf it t'lti in in iiinl mvivn tin'
same amminl nl DSOOOt. UoS tad
Women but ween tlio agnH nf 16 and AS
are at'i'enli'il. Nn ri'Mlm linn, aa to OS
cupatlon, only Itailmail null omplojrtd
iiiil.iyi'il on traik, liiiina nr runnnil
Iiiiiimh, can not In- SOOOptod. ClaiitiH nrr
paid williinmlv i Aiivwln'ii' in (lie
U. H. C'anuda or Karopo, ''I.I rollsbli
Insurance Compiiny. il'ni n nn
HUtu de. mil im it protOStioO Inr I'nlir)
liolder ami In guuiuniii- lln payOMOl
of -laliim For I ml In i free infiu in.iliiiii
oddreas (iuatnvc I.. Werner, Si-critiiry
ond (lonerttl Monagcr, II. n Ml.;, Boffsjo,
N. Y. aUle age, SOX, OOSUpttlon iiml
mention I ii'lit. II. 17-.
MMj, n
'I I.. Ilia
Inlrutleii lo 'nak. final Iht.r yaar flout, !...
'I. Mali lailn lo tba laud al..., . .1. a. r . I . .1 , Ih
tora e K I uu... u D. H t'onnnlaaioti.t, at bl.
..nn at liKi-hlar. OfogOO, oa tin- nth day ol
Mar. IMS
lalmaot tiainra aa wltn.aara
llnfua i.orr, Mrt'atly iirntg f.
laa. John M. I ran all ol I I.I.I. . n, .. 11
Via r.. Haglilrr
liuiiia, Oinguu, Ma) C, lVltV
Nut it c Ii lirvtlTrti thai i..r,.li M lulnur.
ut A udra wt Urafuft, wbo, uu Januarv ' IVI4,
in Hir lluiuviMBU SklllF , PU VI 1 i , IUT ',,
' I I o u 1. I.iwuolilb M Hvulh. Haiiga
il K W Ulain.Ur Mrri.lUiu liU fllr-l uutltr
..I iiilcnlldu lo uiakrflual llirar jraar proof, lit
st ai II ah claim lo lha land abovn tl
' til.'i,kfor. i K 'liilloa-h I m oi'imUiliiiirf,
t hlaufrica at tw. , r. ! ,,-n uu tbt I 'I.
- ol ftla) ir.
i laluiaut tiatiios aa wltuaMai
i liu itirti.r. William Huninftun. Malvlu
1 os, n, John Minytti all ol A odrawt. t)raun.
V, M J- A Km.. IttgHtif
Hurui, OMfaa. Katruary 'A, IVlbl
N( it tiharaby th lhal Kdwanl J. Mahar.
nl PrloOoHoB, Uraaoii, arhu, on July 7, IflMftM
I'l-Tiiii-ir 7, I VI 2 mad Hoinctirati KulrlM.
Nog Ml -'" rrfpartlvtly, for MW'-NW
' ,h. '4. KK'-HWu, Har. S, HrNK. K'hK'.
mi-i ami Sw'jNW1,, Mat i iiiu lu.Towuthlu
Tl H . Haog i K , WlUamalta Mi-rtulan. haa nl
nl notlcf ol Intantlon to maai final flir yrar
".'f in ciiaiMiau tiaiin io in latni slieti tir
i Uimaul tiatiirt as wltuai
Mh har llraly. Mori Willlauia. lol.n i,.)
Krtil t'i ivri.aH of Prlnrttuit, Orriou
Wm K4aB. Kvlilrr.
oi i il.t'il.l.-,i.ta He 1st lr- r ami Kiti I, t . at HurUI
Ortgoii, on lha lUthila) ol April, Ivl
wrrilwrl 1
- i r w irro
''VfWjtWjBWjtBaV-jJJ l
JuJgi: Rastu ( ,ie nsc,
sii .iling
Rastut (.nt use
roll of M.tlllionl) who yum
Railui "Oh, Jtiilc, I tlon'i wmi
no lawyer fiMsin' sboul (lie. "
Jufrr: "What tin you propoof 111 dof "
jVtfitti:"Well, Jiidue, if it .,11 ,.
same to you, I just u soon let
the ra.e tln.p, 'c .ms m-cd
tin. roof for my hoiikc."
Harney Valley Lumber Co.
Burns, Oregon
Val. IJalNo
Harlal No. USOU
i Mian statb land orrict
Val, oi.gun, February M, lyli.
Nulli I hrtrl.y ln that lha Nurtharu
farlflr Hallway eortlpail)', whii.r u.l oSIrr
aildr.ia la St. faul.MluUraota, haa UUttti day
I I ' linal) . 1 .!:. Illr.l In II. I. ulln allaai'i'llra
linn lo ..I., i ii i.ilii tha tirovialoiia ill lb art
ol i ini.ti'M, ayprovtd Jul I, liwi :i Htai. ;.', '.
11 JO
I ...l I Hrltlou 4 li If ., K M '.inn a. in
Any atid all iraoai rlaltnlni ailveraaly lb
land .Ira. iliirtt, or daalrlaa to obiaot Uirauav
ol II." .Iliifial i hara. li-r of tba fand.orauy
iithrr raaaoti, to lha dlapoaal lo a,. phi a. it,
abnilld nia ihrlr alfldavlta ol iirolrat la thli
iirilir.'iii or I.i l"i lb lulhday ul April HIS.
Tuna. Joraaa, Rtltr
i anas i tun ssviaa,
llutna, i 'I. ."ii. March , I.e.
Nolle la haul!) .In ii that Wlllla t'llffbrd
llriklry, ol Hrrklry. ' rcKotl, wbo.nn May IV
lull, and Nov IU, I'HI in "In II" in, .(. ..I h in lira
Nn 0.'i4,7 07Uaa. r.i,ui lUrly, lor una l,, , i
f ',-.!,, K'.Stt',. :". I...H i. 'fowtiablti .4 M ,
Kail. a .HI r.a.l. Wlllainrtlii M.ilillan baa
tlli'l iinllii' of Inn iilliin In tuak llual
I I.i. . Ii ai priHil, lo ratal. Ilah i lalm lo III
land ahnva ilra. ill. r. I. before O. K. lull... i.
U. M l iiruuilailolivr at Ilia ofllro, at lleek!y
i irrgon, nn lb 1th day of May, ln..
i latiuaiii iiaiuaa aa wllueaava;
I i am Ii K elaytiin.Juaiiulh lluriluuo. Hiibrrl
I Knnuu, lla. try KtigllabAll el Haealay, on
Wa. Kaaaa. H.intri
If f I 1IIN I .N, I 11,1, .. I
SOrOS, on. nn, Man b HI, I.I.'. I
Nniirn i hrim.y (inn iiml Mi",. i,
ill II ii ma, 1. 1 1. ul, nil,, "ii Or Ink, r 17, lull mad.
Until, ..trail I.I. try, No tlhtUM lor hW'.. Hrr
Hull III, TilWUibli it, M, Italian ll K , tt'lllan,
it Mrii.iian, baa Iliad mm. . of lutautlou lo
make final tbrae yaar froof lo ratahH.h
i lalm lo lb lain! al-oin ili'a.'ili.i.l, brfur H
lain and llaralrar. al Burn. orr.iii. tin Ibc
.'.lb day of May, nn:.
elaliitant nauaa aa wltnvaaiia:
i harlra Nnw.ll, Manilla Nautili, I liailn)
llai klinuie, lainri Kcudall, all Narrow., oir
Wu I .. Iti'.lili
infill orr.t'li. wan ll .'. lain.
lliitni. nr. ..h. A,ll I I
Notlr I herrhy jlran lhal William J KljOn,
of Lawo,iirtoo, wbo, on Noreaber I, 1'
wad llouirii'! Kuiiy No ti3i tei
I .' and f ' ,Mt',, Mn linn B. Toti.hli' .' . -Hani
iS taat Wlllainrttr Meridian, tie tin .i
linllrr ol liil.iillnii lo liiakr tlnai Ii
l.ianl, In ralatdlah claim lo llir lan.l al,.
arrllxd. iMifol Ke later and lli'i.lo i al Hum ,
Oragoa, o tbactb day of May . In.
(laluiaut aatuc a wllnraaea
AodrOW frtaraou J Attica ' at . 1'i'lh nl I a .- "
orrino. Miiiiain K Olay.ol HarrlB i
ai.i, M II llayca.i'l lliii'.l. otiaoii
Wa. r.a.a. It. !.'.
SurUl, OrrfoU. Man I, .' ISIS. I
Nolli. II brrby ilcu lhal frrdli.aiil fia. .
Tim mi. nl Kllcf. otcfoii, .Im, on Irl. .1 I'll
mad lliiincairad r.i.ity Mo n : loi
il.Tuwu. i.. f , Itangr . K..W lllatnrltr Ml
baa nird notlra ol Intent I, n In BtaSt
lhr yrat tirtMil lo atahiah i lain Uitfn drai'illird, brfnrr Urglal.t and Hi
al Ham. lha Mb day nl M I
t laluiaut nam. aa wltiiv.a.a
llnid t M!,rr lamia n Mall.
WI John f ray all "I aittV, "
Via lir I:. . .' r
I'aiTaii Mraca. laMiior n r .
Minna. OffwfOO, Apol I. I '1 i
Nothr la hereby gltan Ibat Jamri i hi
of law. i,. dragon, .liu, on I nliei
Ivll. mad li. .imiict l.ntti s Im
Nrl,. Mr, llm, I.. ." - Hl gl
K, Villlamrll. Mrrldlau. baa III, I Iml
InUutluu to mat final Urea oat I'm ' t
aitahllih i lalm to lb land above dracrll" I
belor ttrglllar and Itarrivar . al lliirn
gou. lb ath day ol May, Ivll
Claimant nam a wlturairi
William J rlyun. Andrw fet.raoo, boll
nl Uwin, orr.oa. Mary t'rollon ami Itolx
llclui, l.'.th ..I llarrliuaii. Orrgnu.
x I mm Raglan r
llniiii. oragou. Mart h 19, In I
Nnll.r lhurrby .Ivrli lhal I J.Mai
aad balr ol I.o May. deeeaeed.ol waverly
otegnti wbo, ou Marrb U. OD0, ......I. Iloan
aiaad tn try .No OSBtrA, IJJec .' -h', ' ,
aud N'aNnu Meeilon I. Towmbln :: h . u..,
.,j Kai, Wlllaniell Marldian. hai Bled nollci
uf littanlluu to make final Hr year enrol lo
eiiai.llah claim to lb land Ik.,, do rlbrd
tlore krgtater ami HrreOer, al lluli.h ".
goi . on lb jr.tb day ol April, laid.
' la, ma,. I UIIDM A WltUea
Hrt I.. Wllllama. tiorgll. William.. J. .In.
1eln.l... I le-i l .Iria ill ul f rtln rtnt. in. , .."
Wm. Kaaaa, In-gian r
l Nl l Hi STATU I ANIl ill I II I I
llurtta, Oregon. Man h :.'. i " i
N. ill,, il alien thai Mn had o, in-iii:,,, ,n
tin mi. orraoli. who. un May A, lulu ami July i
ivll, mad llnutaitead Knirlra. No HH..7".
lor l.ul 4, el:',HW' MlM'4. Sr. 1. and I "I I
Nrt',Ni,, N'iNR'a, Mc Hon ;al, 'low n.lil. .'? -Hang
ft I., WlllAiuetle Mernllait, haa in. .1
tiutn,' el lut.itlloii lo mak tlnai Ibree-year
pruol. leeatablltb elaitu to Ibe land ehovi dt
acrluad. belor Kagtalrr aud Haralvar, al Sttriia,
oregoti, on ibe'7ta day uf April, Ivl
i lalinaiil nainri A wllllara
I. N. IHlkl.rl. Oltla M.. i. .l.'ll II '
llugbel.A V? iluillitiil, all Ol Narrow. "
Wm li nn t. It. , t.i.i
Now on. Call and see the big
reduction in prices. Listing
of goods will appear in this
space next week.
County warrants taken at
par in trade.
My general line of
Is Complete
A. K. Richardson
(ienerat Merchandise
Agt. Buick Automobiles
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
Free (amp House and.Feeding PrivUegea in Corral
or Bam. Customers Care For Own Stock.
A. (.OODMAN, Adjoining Fair .rounds.
" MM'"owoowtwAwawawawawawwM.aiMM
Nollra I In.iol.y givau lhal Usotgr K ilr.baiu,
i.i nuiiia ii.cgqn, hiiii, uu 3iatrn .'.'
..nn alaad KBIrr, No u.'..'i Inr Nt'
Marih -a.
H.' I lluii It,
l.ii. nihil, .'1 auulb. Kangr IU lael. Villlaiiirll.i
.!. i i.llali.
lur Nl
ii I.i
Until'!' uf
in make llual lbra-ar urtail. In eatabllak
i lalm lu Ilia laud abut,- deierlhed, hefor lleg
inn and Itaialvar. al liiiina, Oregon, ou the
lib day of May, lel.'i
I laliuaul UAU1MA wllui'Bi'i
Autlv Hall, Olio tiaai'h, t'liaik-y Itlgaa, N
V lai ,ie, all of Hunt. Orguu.
VNu KckKA, Krglatri
llurna. Oregon, Man b '.M. tSl
Ni'llie la hereby glvelt Ibat llartt V I Inn
iui'1, Of llartlmau. Oregon , wlin, un .lannari
IVU, made Momealead Kotlt, Nu. t'.'.'l". In
tlallt,. Herllou II, Townalilli i . Item" I
Willamette Meridian, haa Illr.l Hull' ol ml' ii
lluii to make (iiuiiiiilalkui .n.,,1. III ralal'll.h
t lanu I., oir lan.l ai.m . tint rli en, i.eiutr n.
J later nd terelver, at lltiriia, Oiryi.n, un I hr
rd day ol May ill
t laluiaut li am ea aa wttueaaea
Mr I,. I.. Van II Mr. N I' lllddle, Mn.
Amy Van lliirn. Mr. W. II. I'biuiiura, all ol
llarrliuaii. Oregun
t -a 1 .tiki., aatlslt t
We have a complete stock of
Seasonable Goods
Come and see the great variety
For Everybody
The Burns Department Store
Hurim, Oregon, Mho It .' . I i
Nulltr Uhiriti) nlvtli thai VMIlhxu I Vuil
Hhtui. u ( Orawii', orcaun, wkOOD Uart-ti In
mihI J ii im 1H, Iwli, uiaifu Mttnifad nl Knlrli
NtM tea, i. ,H,,, , for , Hit ,M ai,.l HK, Hi
Iton 14, Towoihlp .'I Houtl- l..i.( .. I Hal
Wllaiui ttf Merit,. a ii, haa illnl uotlra l i
Hun in in a ao final ihraa yaar Proof , U vilahtUli
rial in in the laiul abovu doit rt ImmI, twfori I I
Hsada, 0. H. ComiulMtiHirr. al hli, i.ll.ri .it
I'rtwkif, ort'sjuit, on the it'll, it ay ol Un) n'l
i laliuaul iiaititil aa ll iu t
Kllrk ulitMi, MvirtliiW M alia, Ai 1 1. n i in, ,
Cltarluy llur,all (irawat-y. Orofoii
Wm. Kahiii-.. Ht malt i.
tll'.UKUl: IOON I'.op.
O e
I - : LONI: :
0 -T. J .. 0
o With Kfustiiiulili- Kul. o
Uive Me A cull
f o
O Oopwal.a Tlaooo-HoroM arallOlna a .
o o I
At All Hours. Short
Oi'lilrrJUlifJ I'roimit Si'tvice
W sLL-M W tfaT' J"
( StJaTkAUsaBtaLV" MtaBaVi, M
w"r. HA n is
itKAur von lr usk.
.-..., I II KAILS.
ri5JVi!rl?,ir!?J .sophor. prnlrle dota. aaf
P. i," '"" . ,f.rom Slnfefa elurp. Money bad
ollOiitl avatv laui
M.Iat ro4ui Doata.
no '
1 1 a ti n
It iuur tiukvUr Lui
lnaurai cl
id Prompt 8
With Kfustiiiulili- Kale..
Clarke. Woodward Drug Co.
lor Sole by Lunabar,, D,lton & Co. d Reed Bros.