.1 CITY OF BURNS ue XMtp-: COUNTY OF HARNEY The Biggest City In The Biggest The Biggest County In The State County In The State Of Oregon J! Of Oregon, Best In The West VOL. XXVIII BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, ORECCN, APRIL 01, 1915 NO. 22 if W ntfvtik "UNCLE SAM" TO CON TINUE BIRD PROTECTION Information Office, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Announces Bird Law Still Effective and Illegal Killing of Migratory Game and Insectivorous Birds Will Sure The Department of Agriculture I at W'aohinjrton. sends the follow-jC. E. Bassett, ofliee fit Markets, inR to the newspapers: s U. S. Department of Agriculture, Many of the press comments "especially that which has heen on the decision of the United axomplished hy the stare auri States district court, rendered on cultural colleges and experiment March 20. at Topeka, Kansas, stations and the U. S. Depart holding that the federal migra- ment of Agriculture toward in tory bird law is unconstitutional, creasing the production of airri according to the United States cultural products and making Department of Agriculture, are farm life better, erroneous and are apt to mislead "However, we have now reach- the public concerning the real , situation in this matter. The Kansas decision. like a former decision to the same ef- feet in the eastern district of Ar- kansas, is limited in its operation solely to the district in which it was rendered. Neither decision settles or nullifies the law, and the exact contrary has been held by the United States district court for South Dakota. TheAr- kansas case has been appea'ed to, and is now pending in, the United States supreme court, The act of congress protecting migratory birds stands effective until the supreme court decides the question of its constitutional ity. In the meantime, it is in cumbent on every law-abiding r-iri?..n tn ntwnrvp its nrnvisions and the regulations. It is the duty of the Department of Agri culture to enforce this law and the officials in charge will en deavor to do so as long as it is in force. Reports of violations will be carefully investigated and when sufficient evidence is se cured they will be reported for prosecution. In this connection it should not be forgotten that an offender against this, as in the case of other United States laws, is subject to prosecution any time within three years from the date the offense is committed. Co-operative Marketing of Farm Products "Numerous agencies have done excellent work in placing farm, ing upon a scientific basis," said FRIEND OF THE PRODUCER Burns Meat Market and Packing Plant BACON. HAMS and LARD Fresh Meats. Poultry Hume Products for Home Consumers SPCIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO SHEEP MEN AND BIG ORDERS Do You Shampoo Your Own Hair? Then use Violet Dulce Sham poo and Head Wash Crystals Not an ordinary soap Shampoo but a thoroughly Scientific and Anllceptlc Tonic and denser..... Vlolel Dulc.e bhatnpwo CrynlaU doa not rlTcct color of hair or make It Dry, Harih, or Brittle. Hold only al The Rexall Drug Store 25c. PER CAN REED BROS. Props. The Burns MRS. ETTA CUMMINS, Prop. Best Surgical Boom and Equipment In the State Outside of Portland. Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms Graduated Nurse in Charge be Prosecuted ed a point where farming must be placed upon a business as well as a scientific footing. The prob lem confronting us today is- not so much that of increasing our production as that we shall be DM to dispose ot that which we do produce at an equitable price, Both producer and consumer are complaining the consumer that he pays too much for that which oes to his breakfast table and the producer that he does not re- ceive a fair price for that which he produces." New Auto Truck Put on Juntura-Burns Stage Messrs. Cole .v. Shelby, mail contractors on the Burns-Juntura . ! I'1:ic,,,i one of the latest model auto trucks on the line. It is powerful, all four wheels b -ing connected up with the motive power. Mr. Cole and wife came in the machine from The Dalles arriving here Monday and going on to Juntura the following day. The machine arrived hack yester day morning with a load of par cel post, Kumati. Paint Relieved. Why sutler from rheumatism when relief may be hail at so small a cost? Mrs. Klmer Hatch Perik Ind., wiites, "I have been subject to attacks of Iteumalisrn for years. Chamberlain s Lini ment always relieved me imme diately, and I take pleasure in recommending it to others." 26 and 50 cent bottles. For sale by all dealers. Hospital LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (Fran Ost Portland Corrtspondsat) A new magazine to be devoted exclusively to taxation, good roads, nop marketing, rural credits and Jollier live topics, is being launched by ('. t'. Chap man, who has just retired from the secretaryship of the Oregon Development league. The new publication is to be called The Oregon Voter and the Aral num ber will go to press late in April. After a thorough investigation of the various fruit growing sec tions of the Pacific Northwest, the big Chicago packing firm of Libby, McNeil Libby has de cided to erect a cannery at The Dalles. The announcement has been officially made by a repre sentative of the company and construction will be rushed in or der to be ready for the cherry crop in June. Within the past few days defi nite action has heen taken at Sa lem in regard to starting the (lax industry in this state. In order to encourage farmers to experi ment with the new crop, it is planned to offer $16 par ton for flax straw, a considerable advance over prices in other sections. Seed will be furnished at 98 )Kr bushel, payment to be made when the straw is marketed. Effort! are being made by rail road officials to induce farmers in the Willamette Valley to grow Cauliflower in wholesale quanti ties. It is said there is an un limited demand for this vegetable in Chicago and other cities of the middle west and that regular market ratal are such as to yield a handsome profit to growers. During the coming summer an Important meeting of financier! and engineers interested in water power development will be held in Portland. Delegatee from all the Pacific Northwest states will be in attendance as well as from North agd South Dakota, Mon tana and California. It in ex pected that the action taken Jat that meeting will have an impor tant bearing on future waterpow er legislation in connress. It cost $4,064,646' to govern the city of Portland during 11)14. Based on a population of 275,000, the above sum represents an av erage of $14.76 for each individ ual, which is probably more than some of them are worth- Save Your Tires The Burns (iarage is installing a modern vulcanising plant. You can save one-half your tire ex pense by having your tires pro pel !y repaired. The Hums Garage will grantee their work. We do job printing. DESCRIPTION OF WAR FROM THE TRENCHES Rev. Dr. Benson's Son. Writes Interest ing Letter From Seat of European War. The Trenches Resemble Rat Holes and Most Uninviting Human Habitations. Terrible, Appalling The following letter was re ceived by Dr. ami Mrs. Benson last week from their son who is connected with the American Hospital of Paris: Heauvais, France. March 11. L916 My dear Felks: Have now been in Heauvais for over two weeks und today ril'(1 something like a hundred, went out to the trenches. Could ()ur ambulance squad has ten hear the boom, boom, boom of j automobile ambulunct'B. the guns iiite plainly but was at ' 8UW 0I1L' )0r ft'1Iow this a safe distance away and expect morning sitting on a seat looking to stay so. Bd a letter from v,'r' disconsolate with head part brothers Ben and C. Q. Vaster bowed ud apparently think- day advising safty and will try to strictly adhere. You see its not my war. Hut as to the trenches, they are dun down live or six feet in to the earth and are reinforced by wicker work made out of branches m as to keep them from caving in or 'washing in when it rains. There is a shelf in them so that one can sit or lie upon it or stand up to shoot, but that's dangerous. Of course it is all earth to that it is always damp and often muddy and the men we carry frequently are covered with dried mud and so present a sorry tight The trenches are not onl long continuous ditch but arc broken every fifteen or twen ty feet by projections which one must walk around, mude this way so that a (lank is impossible, Weeping the whole trench audi Killing all the men. then tin re are underground passages which make them very much like a rat hole or rabbit's burrough. These are covered with wicker work and sod so that from a little din tance they can not be seen at all. Portland Union Stockyards have There are steps cut out in the .,. cattle JJ007. calves 14. hogs dirt to descend und ascend by, ' IHM, sheep 8599. and they have stoves, bedding Cattle situation remuins steady etc. down in there. Yet in wet I after Monday's large run at or cold weather they constitute slightly reduced quotations. One mighty uncomfortable habitations 1 0f the lurgest events of late wus for civilized people, especially I the Shorthorn sale Tuesday, one when one realizes that if he ; hundred splendidly bred animals sticks his head up an inch or two being disposed of from the lead too far he will promptly have it jjng breeders of the west, blown oir. Sometimes the ne Qood hogs found a ready mar my has his trenches as doe as ket at advanced prices this week, fifty yurds awuy und the men Tops jumped from 7.40, last call across to each other, (week's price, to 7.55 the first und banter them to put their 'part of this week. Market at headl up. In front of the I close of week f.efl. trenches they have barbed wire Lambs sprung the market a entanglements, (riss cross, i.nd j quarter this week, ewes and many of them so that u grand wethers duplicating, Several rush is humunly-imiMissible. . ujco 0Iids of Easier milk lambs There are ul ley wa.vs through brought 12.50. Lambs ure quoti these entanglements so that they Jed ut 9.25; ewes at 7-00 and can go out ut night and bring in w tilers at K-UO. Demand good, any wounded, but behind the trenches are converged rapid tir- ing guns on these allys so that ig charge would be fatal. j We do not get near the firing line often us the soldiers them- selves bring the wounded back for quite u distunce at night when ! firing practically ceases. Truces of a few nijnuUM ate sometimes declared by sticking up' a white j rag on a slick and then there is no danger in showing one's head, a little chat follows for they are all human after all; they declare it off resume their position and resume tho design on each oth er's life. The changing of the troops is all done at night for when a company gets in tho trenches they cannot get out un til it is dark nor lie others gut in, It is really very fascinating al though, of course, useless and criminal. This wur is operated by machinery and the squads have regular intervals to loud up and fire und usually don't see what they're firing at or know whut they hit or didn't hit It is a mutter of pushing each other back foot by foot t u k i n g trenches and making the others retreat into other trenches furth er back. Automobiles carrying soldiers out and into town are continually going, and officers cun fight today, und dine in Paris or Beauvuis at nine o'clock tonight, as they have tine roads and high power automobiles. It is really the most mechanical war one could imagine, but of course none tie less fatal on that account. Tomorrow, for instance, we have 700 wounded coming in" on trains to transport to the different hos- il'11'8 here. Yesterday wo car- ing deeply, perhaps of the past and undoubtedly of the future, a dejected figure indeed, for he had a banduge about his head and he hud lost both his eyes, lie had been in the hospital a few da.s and was now going back to his home, his fighting days over. And his earning days over, which is tremendously more important in the awful and un- iual economic struggle of life in the present age. My heart bled for the jKxir fellow and my eyes could not contain the tear drops, And this is only one. One fellow had both arms brok en and 1 carried him into the station. Have bundled many with both feet gone also. Hope war will soon be over for all time. Its awful waste is appalling! I send my best love to you all, and hope you are well and happy. Sincerely Samuel C. Benson. Market Report. Receipts for the week at the Have your picture taken at the studio ' Wear His Smile of Satisfaction by using n real paint Sherwin-Williams Paint, Prepared ii manufactured from the purest of materials because The Slurwiii-Wil-liams Co. control the sources of their raw materials, dives protection for the longest possible tiinO. Soli I ly The Welcome Pharmacy Burns, Oregon The Alfalfa Contest at The County Fair oiiil siriiiiick, Ci iv Agriculturist In ordei to stimulule on inter est in what should be one of the most profitable crops in Harney County, namely alfalfa, I have worked out a plan whereby the Farmers, cooperating with the County Agriculturist, can obtuin enough Baltic alfalfa seed free to seed one half an acre. The plan is to conduct un alfal fa growing contest throughout the county. Kach farmer who enters said contest to seed one half an acre, according to direc tions furnished by the County Agriculturist In this contest the farmer can take his choice of either handling his half-acre for seed or hay production. Suitable first and second prizes have been offered by the County Fair Association, and the judg ing will be done by competent mon. The prizes will be well worth trying for. The contest will Le open to the young as well as the older people and all are cordially invited to take part. The funds for the purchase of the seed were contributed by the enterprising business men of Hums and other interested citi zens. The seed is in the hands of the County Agriculturist for distri bution, and enough of same was purchased to seed 100 half-acre tracts. The seed will be distri buted in the order that the re quests ure received. The Baltic alfalla is very hardy. "'"' """" drought resistant plant and the . seed is very scarce and commands the the top market price. There will be a large demand for this seed for a good many yeurs both in this state and in the surrounding dry-land states and this is a good chance to get a start in the Baltic alfalfa seed business. For tmrticulars address. County Agriculturist. Burns. Oregon. Kodak films developed 10 cents per roll, any size. Prints' 5c each All orders of 2 dozen prints film developed free. A. II. McLain, Care of Sayer Studio. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. Arrival and Departure Of Trains Departs No. 2, Prairie 10:15A.M. Sumpter 2:35 P. M. Arrives Baker 4:00 P. M. Departs No. 1, Baker 8:30 A.M. Sumpter 10:05 A. M. Prairie 2:10 P. M. Arrives No. 1 Makes good connection with O.-W. IR. & N. Co. No. 41 (Fast Mail) leaving Portland 6:30 ! P. M., arriving at Baker 7:55 A. j M. and No. 17 from eust urriv-. ing Baker ti:50 A. M. ' j No 2 connects with No. 5 (Fust Muil) arriving ut Baker 7:55 P. M. which picks up Pullman at ' Baker, arriving at Portland 7:00 1 A. M. Also with No. 18 at 10:15 P M. for points Fast. f ' I ( rjff I? i HL I H3 -, BJsmiXMBKH fcW $Cmn tvu ' y J VISITORS BOOSTERS FOR BIG HARNEY COUNTRY LaGrande Party Tells of Vastness of Interior After Auto Trip to Harney County. Development Will Show Tremendous Yielding Power of Big Territory Adapted to Farming ii was a great trip in a great country," said B. A. Benham of LaGrande Investment company. Hll ... who personally conducted an ex- cursioninto narney Valley last Minaay, Bays the LaOrande Ob server. The excursion party mobilized at Ontario -LaGrande people joining the people from the east at that point The special train left Ontario Sunday morning and arrived at Riverside, where Sam Bolton of this city is located, at 0 o clock in the evening. After dinner automobiles started for tie famous Harriman ranch with the party and all arrived at the ranch about 3 o'clock in the morning. After a little rest the journey overland was taken up bright and early and the entire ! day was spent in machines inves tigating the land of the north end of Harney Valley. On the following day the ecst end of Harnev countv was looker! over and while the mornhpra nf .. . . . . tno PsrtJ admitted they were not used to so long rides all appeared enthusiastic over the great do- main in Harney Valley that, awaits settlement. ' Some of those from IaGrande uuvv ninny guou iningS to Say about the land they saw claiming it is only a question of a little time until development in Harney county will show a tremendots wheat yield. Water is found about six feet below the surface and wells are brought for domes tic purposes at twelve and eigh teen feet: On April 11th Mr. Benham will leave with another excursion par ty from this section for the "big out of doors" as Bill terms that country. The way distance is annilu-' nothing so quick to relieve a lated by automobiles in th at cough or cure a cold." For sale country would suffocate we peo- by all dealers. pie up here," said Mr. Benham. I "The company caravan of autosi Bundles for the Steam Laund goes prepared to ford rivers, j ry can be left at the Capital and climb hills, repair broken springs and Star barber shops. Breakfast 5:30 to 9 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Mac's Restaurant & Bakery Located in the new Levens Building BURNS, OREGON W. R. McCuittion, Prop. Supper 5 to 8 The Burns Flour Milling Co. Manufacturers of home products HIGH GRADE FLOUR CREMO" THE FAMOUS BREAKFAST FOOD The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds You Patronize Home when you deal here THE WELCOME PHARMACY Is The Place to Trade -WHY- First: Promptness, accuracy and fair-dealing Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Drugs Chemi cals and Druggist Sundries. Third: We guarantee every represented or your money refunded. If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be come one and be convinced. J. c. Welcome, Jr. land wheels, and. in fact, no ac cident is considered seriously. It is tmlv rpmnrL-nhio h, r,,,' sity is the mother of invention. Our party underwent some se vere breakdowns, but it was trivial to the drivers who skip over 100 miles in the dead of night with the ease that we drive to Union. Distance is enormous, but the fearless drivers don't con sider it so, and all machines go prepared for emergencies. They j overcome tremendous obstacle because the nature of the coun try makes that necessary, and the lessons they taught the auto fans in the crowd about meeting accidents were unique and num erous. " Citizenshir, Pn-. Ar , , ..., Granted by Judge Biggs During the present term of cir cuit court citizenship papers were granted to the following foreign Ik 1. ""'" '',' . rranK irisna, v.usiai tKDorg, Alfred Christiansen, Alfred Wert, HuRn Ferriran. Charles Kruegcr. All are located on land in this C0UntY- Nothing Good (or Cold or Cough. When you have a cold you want the best medicine obtain able so as to get rid of it with the least possible delay. There ure many who consider Cham berlain's Cough Remedy unsur passed. Mrs J. Boroff, L'lida, Ohio, says, "Every since my daughter Ruth was cured of u severe cold and cough by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy two Hanley years ag0 l nava felt kind'y dis ! posed toward the manufacturers nf tl,.,t t;,... I 1 .,.,,, ..1 Dinner 1 1 :30 to 2 Short orders at all hours article we sell to be just as