l !?r -r- See Moving Pictures of This Story In Weekly Installments at ONAWAM n THEATRE Every Wednesday Evening 1BETEVflQW!5 CHAPTER XXII. The Houie Divided. Alone In that etrutiKc pluco of al ienee and ihatlowt that An of tliq devil's livery, crimson and Muck chained to the Invalid chair wherein, day In, day out, for years on end. lie bad euffered the Promethean torments of the life that would not die out of hie wretched, wrecked carcass, though without ceasing aharp-bcnkfil envy, hatred, malice and all unctiiiiltiible ness pecked Insatiably at his vitals: Seneca Trine eat wattliiK. With the Im passivity of a graven h,.,,,,. wailing on the Imminent hour of ultliu .io avengement for the wrong that had made blm what he was. "Another hour! ... In sixty minutes more they will be here, Judith and Marropbat and Rose poor fool! and him! ... In sixty minutes more they will put him down before me. bound and helpless. If uot dead A slight pause prefaced words that were a whimpered prayer, "(iod send that he be uot dead' Have I lingered tending I mean to sacrifice him to wicked fiinill) feud, and then spare ar f S id f .,"aw i Naw -atWlJT, I'pon this on ha looted the light nlngs of his wrath without ruth Hose siiffcrrii htm In alienee. Hla most gulling recrimination educed no retort from this on. In a lull In Trtne'a tirade, Judith chose to interject: "Don't ha so hard on the sill) fool she's not responsible; she's sick with love for that food lotk lug simpleton!" "And you'" Kosa turned on her passionately -"what about youT If love Alan Law, at least I love him openly. I am not ashamed to own It and I don't pursue him, as you do, pre. i him every time 1 meet him, to lead him to belle, i l haven't the heart to Injure him as you do, hoping so to work upon his sympathies and earn a Mndly word and a pat on the bead from his hand'" Fiercely she leveled a denunciatory arm at her lister, "Thar!" she cried to her father- "If you need to know -there stands the daughter who haa betrayed yout faith as I have not, who have nev r even pretended to approve your villainy!" "I think," Trine announced In a voice of Ice "I have learned now what I needed to know." Ills fingers sought the row of but tons; and when a servant responded, he Inquired "Mr Marrophut haa returned?" "lie la In the w.iltlng room, sir." "Conduct Mist, Judith to blm snd tell him I hold lit lit personally respon sible for her sale keeping. He will understand " And for a Ion time thereafter the father, alone wit I. the daughter who had been estrungtd from him since birth by ever? Instinct of ber nature, eshayed In valu to break down her mutinous silence At laat Trine aummoned two of hie creatures and hi.d her led weeping from the rooms to be held prisoner In her beiii IhuiiImt on the topmost floor of the bouse t'lere for (lie IslliilQ -I ilm next trans. atlnntlc steamer, tilt, surely you can't deny me this one wish, of my fond old heart, tnv boj I" Willi u gesture of unfeigned affec tion Alan ilii...cil a liiiud on IHghy's Humidor. "There's nothing on earth I would, not do for you," he raid "you've been a father ami n mot I ei la me ever sine I enn remember. SVSB II we were sepa rated, most of Hie Unto, by three thou annil miles of -..ill water. Hut this thing- I ciin'i ill. It, even for you. I i ant do II (iii tot myself. Hose Trine Is hare in New York. In the hands and at Hie mercy of her father ! mid sister: ami you may Judge what their mercy will be when you learn, all that she tins done for me. I won't go mid 1 can't go until I fl ml liar and luke her with tile. And that la final." ''Then," Hlgby struck In, grasping ; wildly ill hi raw of hope, "I have your word on 1 1 go, inoildlug I llud and ra store ROM to j on?" "You have my Word Io that, tunnies- ', tlonnhly. litluK Ross, to me, snd I'll gladly shake Hie dust of New York, from my shoes, and never return till Trine la put uwiiy comfortably In hla, grave " "It shall In' done," lilgby promised. "It must!" "You believe Hun '" "In twohn lioum Hose shall be re stored Io you." "Will you make book on It T I'll bet you sonictMii, happens and hope I lose Into Hie linri-.iiln If you bellev you can cany out JfOUf promise, wlra the White star line to reserve tha best available suite on the Oceanic, snlllng tomorrow morning at ten ant! make i nents for a mar riage before Ho I ' sails." "I'll go you." Dlgb) agreed: "and If I fall, 1 forfeit Hie cost of the reser vation. Hut ghoul this marriage; " He hesitated "You'll li:ie t,i luive a license In this elate ami can't get one except i what teemed an iwiim umonty niuiiiiurit reluctance, and got. his way. H could tint know that snolhstl 'skulked behind n Inn lei. or lime Imr relt and overbrim! nil Hint paaeeil and, when Alan had ducked mini 1 1 ly Into the unfinished building, rOH and stnln .after him with fool steps ga noiseless .as a cat's snd n face that had the snvl ngery of a tiger's when it was trull slentlv revealed In n shaft of moon light.. At length Alan gained llm gridiron of girders on n plane With the lighten window across the way, ond crept along one of these, gingerly on hla' hands and knees, until he amn to Ha end and might. If he tSfatl in. look down a hundred feel Io Hie sidewalks. That view, however, did not tempt; he kept Ills eyes level; ami was re. warded with n hare glimpse of a prettily-papered wall., framed In Hie lace of half-drawn curtains. And of sudden whether through fortuity, or Ini.tlnct, or the psycho- ' logical attraction of his steadfast con- I centratlon the tenant of the room came to the window and st I thenv l for a little, looking pensively out, ullo ' gether unconscious of Hie watcher In his aerial coign. Again a horrible iinccrlulnty liar asted htm. Was the woman Hosii or Judith? That she was one of these he could plainly see Hut which'' Dared he assume hit hopes fullllled? With difficulty he detached lilt hungry vision from her. and drawing I from his iMicket a small notebook, turn out a blank page, placed this ii.it on tha girder, found a pencil, and with the assistance of u ray or two of moonlight scrawled a t isagn of al molt stenographic brevity When he looked up from this task, she had vanished Hitting up, sstilil" Ihe girder, he took his watch a cheap affair In- had picked up when roclnlhliiK himself In the garments of clvlllrcil society, at Providence, that morning opened the ruder la th dual, la tht aad, May served togsthar with that tttady, rei slstlesi downward and outward drag, in break tht grip of tha man's looked, legs. Abruptly ha pitched forward on hla, face along tha glrdei , kicking wildly, grasping at lha air. The stiletto fill from an Instinctively related gratp, and disappeared. And before Alan, could release hla hold, or ease tha strain upon the right arm of tha aa sassln, thlt last had illpped bodrly from tha girder and bung helplett In pace, dangling at the and of Alan's arm with no mora than tha grip of five fingers between him and death. Tha abock of that unpreaaged turn brought Alan forward and flat on bis ttomaoh. And tha ttraln on his laft arm was terrific. He doubted If ba could maintain It for another minute. Nor was there any reason why ba should retain It Tha and ha had de slgnod for hit victim waa merely hit Jutt desert And yet Alan could not lat him go. Thus tha battle began anaw but now It waa a battle with a man half erased and struggling to madly that he well-nigh frustrated tha efforts of his rescuer. In tin. upshot tha attastln lay Ilka a limp rag across tha girder, head and arms dangling on ons slds, laga aad feet on the other, apent with his tar- lib' exertions snd physically sick with terror. And In this state Alan laft him: ha bad dona enough; let the man shift for himself from this time on. Rose Turned on Her Passionately. here In anguish all these weary ycurs for the fulfillment of my revenge only to be cheated at the end bv Death? liod grant that Alan l.iw may bo laid down still living here at my feet! . . . Then . . ." A bitter smile twisted his tortured features: "Then shall my will be done to him! And then, when I have seen him die as bla father died then Ah, God! then at last I too may die! There was a long silence, then a groan of exasperated protest Why do they not come? Why does Judith delay, when she knows how I suffer? Why bave I been put off from duy to day with ber telegrams that begged for more time and promised every thingbut told nothing' until -yesterday. . . . Where are those met aagea the tent mo yesterday?" Hit one sound hand groped out like a claw and sought a mass of papers on the desk beside him, sorting out from among tin in two yellow forms. Painfully ho blinked over these and lowly his pain bent lips conned their wording; "'Alan and Rose safe with me will bring both home tomorrow night with out fall.' " he read the first aloud; and then the tecend: "'Have motorcar waiting for me tomorrow morning from three o'clock till called for New Bedford waterfront Judith ' " No!' he affirmed with the fervor of one persuaded by his own dealrei: "I must not doubt the girl ' lha hut promised, she but performed. So still wai he. Indeed that he teemed to sleep, but so deceptive waa that semblance that he was alert for the least sound. The girl entered soft ly, as If fearful of disturbing his slum bers; but sin- found him with head erect and eyes a blaze. "Judith!" be cried, his gnat voice vibrating like a brazen hall At last! Where la he? You have brought him? Where it he?" With no more answer than a sigh, the girl drooped her head and let her hands hang limply with palms exposed. After an instant of Incredulous dis appointment the man shot a single, frigid question at her: "You have failed?" "J have failed," ibn confessed. "Why?" Hhe shrugged slightly. "Who knows why one fulls? I did my has) bt was too much for me, outwitted mo at every turn. Time and again 1 thought 1 bad him, but always he escaped, either by bis own wit and couruge or with another's aid. Only yesterday night Ihey were all three in the hol low of my bands but now I brlugou only Rose." Hhe fullered, awed by Ihe glare of his Infuriated eyes ' I. el pag explain," he begged. He. snapped her shert: "You cannot oyplaln. The thing Is Impossible; that you should have fulled. There Is some thing beneath tbls, something you will not tell me." Hhe endeavored to apeak, but he en forced silence with a sonorous "No!" Hit band sought the row of buttons on the desk and pressed one long. Almost instantly a servant gilded noiselessly Into the room. "My daughter Rose have her . in light here te me at once!" .In another moment the replies of tils daughter Judith was ushered Into felt nretenas. CHAPTER XXIII. A Sperling Offer. Some two hours later, that same evening. Mr Alan lw, very much alive and. In sptd of a complete new outfit of ready mail clothing, looking much more like I. -iself than he bad In a fortnight, laat d forth from the (irund ('enn. I ptal on, hailed a laxl oab, and had liliu.-i If conveyed to the Hotel Monolith Hut If he I'oU. il li a proper self once more, It ap-dlly was demonstrate -5 that his wl h Wat Qthsf wlgai for after learning from lb room-clerk of ti.r Monolith that it Ha was being hcli In Hie name of A- loir Lawrence, that was the name Uf l-aw Inscribed ot the register On the other hand, It waa bis true name Hint be i i re to the person whom be called upon Hi" telephone Immedi ately aftvr I. ' , i- own to his rooms. Hut then he v.. . ., -.caking to hla old frli nil and man or business, Mr. 1)1, by. Within another ten minutes this last wus lii conference with hkt empleyer: "I think you mutt be out of your head," be Insisted nervously, once their first grcciinra were over. "You might Juet as reu.Jbly throw yourself from the lop of Ho- Metropolitan tower s come to New York while Trine lives and knows you're this side the water' "Nonsensi '" Alan laughed. "Remei., ber this Is New York not Ihe bark woods of Maine I" Alan paused and limit- bis palm with a remorseful list. "U I lie Kti-r-nal, I'm forgetting ilarcut!" "Harcus?" "Chap whose bout I charti red In Portland sheer luck on my purl: he's one of the sail of the arth. First, something must be done for Hie boy You've got Influence of some sort In New Hcdford. surely?" Dlgby reflected "Home. There n Qeurgu illalue, Justin- or the peace "The very man. Telegraph him In Harcus' Interests Immediately Ami telegraph Harcus at well -lend him a hundred for expenses, and tell htm to Join uie here In New York i.u quit k ai be can!" "Your friend's sddrest?" Dlgby In quired, mildly Ironic at he lat down at the detk and fumbled with the- tup. ply of stationery. "New Hedford jail, of course!" Alan chuckled - but cut lilt laugh In two as something fluttered from the peck of envelopes which IMghy had disturbed and fell to the floor bsHwawg the two men. Face up. It grinned sardonic mock ery of Alan's confidence II wus a Iruy of hearts. With an ashen face and a trembling hand, Dlgby stooped to pick thu damned thing up; but Alan wus he forehand with him, and gol bit Angara first upon the aid "Now will you lielwye?" DlgBy de manded huskily "In what? A simple eoinetduuee?" Alan flouted. "Not II Who knows Jut In New York- or that the Arthur in-.. rencii for whom your agent engaged these rooms was Alan Ijiw No, my friend It's a bit too thick for me. Taku my word for It, thlt It nothing morn nor lest than a souvenir ot a poker- party held by yesterday'! tenant of thlt suite." "Perhaps perhaps!" Dlgby nisei t ed, stroking tremulous lips. "Hut I in afraid fur you, uiy boy. Who knows that Trluu't spies were not wutchlug my man when he uuide this ruserva Hon? Who knows but that 'Arthur 1-uwrencV was too thin a disguise tor Alan l-aw? I tell you, I'm frighten. .1 to the marrow of my old hones! I in ma tbls favor at least, fy buy: now that you've been warned, .liubui hj accident or design we won't uigus tbkt do leavs town go Incuguii to some gulet place umu by and wail Bjjsjajj tMsjjassjBjjwsssjjisjswsjNsjjjj tjahjPssiVfrusWsjSJsjjs 1 atH gllHgsH'lSU BaBaVjM8 sjf( JaBaaaarn BnJrTaS aBalglawwa W ' mw mc- ajUH gPggsI ass. gf aaaaai B V. aaaaaaaW astf aJStflBtaaaaaalaW flsL-' ' aaV EllLV- -- .iiJisBfaffwr-' tzgfl H0' irH Alan'i Appsartncs at tha Hottl Monolith. back of Hie case, and closed II lv anohliiK In n.i . n with mur brlds- ,uo folded inisuge to be 'Iheie went lie time "Then we'll marry In Jersey!" Alan Insisted. "HIk Up some ijergymsn over then, ir oii don t know one your seir " "Oh, I'm will in .polluted with the very man!" upon CHAPTER XXIV. The Time o' Night. Not III pL,r-i d to be left to hit Own devices i whose proposed character lilgby would inner have approved had he io much us suspected them) Alan none Hie less deferred action until after midnight And nap at v as ull be feared suve in I except alwuys, of course, fail ure to I ,d his Hose. It was ah. ait one In lbs morning when lie an lied lm onsplcuouely (but not so much so as Io seem deserving of police surveillance) In ths neigh borhood of the Hlverslde drive home of -lila mint .1 enemy, a grim white house that towered, stnik and tall, upon a corner. Hli preliminary recounoltance pro I ded little mi. re I Inin comfortleit ex . ii Ise. Huge, still, Its wall bathed In the milk and Ink of moonlight and shadow, all Hi wlndowt dark but na and that one. In the topmost tlr, how cil opjy a feeble glimmer, io slight Unit Alan almost averlooked It. - Hut once discovered, It focused upon liself his thoughts with a power little less than hypnotic. He belli .ed wuli small doubt that Rose was a prisoner within thine wulls; that Judith must have con veyed bar Hi-re with all apeed. And, tin In Ink the presumptive case, tint small, high window of the light tnigbt well bo hers. Dlraetly acroat the street from the 'I line residence, on the, opposite cor I.' r i coloaaal apartment structure toud halfllnl.li.il, stonework to Its! i . u d story, gaunt Iron skeleton rear . .hove. To his lullnlte dlsgu.it, Alan found i II lanli hi very wide awake, very j much on tin. Job. no chance here to i i. . I ei.seen Into Ibn building. 1 1 li In Itself might have been e in. d a i ii- pleli.iiK circumstance: i t i OT nothing does an honest night . i I. mini so deny the laws of nature ' id i ho tenets of Ills craft. Hut Alan rely praised the man while cursing i very fact of bit existence; and, ac- Ing, oven urns with butik-notss Y.i i liked "Lucille Love" did n ? Well, you'll like "The Tn O'Hcatrtl" better. Tona wan.i next Wt'iliicritluy night. Then drawing back Inn arm. In breathed a silent pra.ni .. the god of all true lovers, and cast it rn.in l.liu with all hit might with such force that It almost unseated him at Ihe end of the twlng. Hut nothing lets would have served Io bridge thai awning dtasin. And the watch flew slrulghl and true, squarely through thCMIgbtsd win dow and to Ihe rurther wull . . . At Hist very Instant .f bis cxiilliith.n over sn obstacle um iinnie. he beard u sound behind him of heavy breathing The assassin had come thai (tons upun hli prey when u.ui turned ami discovered his peril The tame mo, nlieutn which had aided Alan In Hie OOmpostUon ( bis message struck across the OVher'l face. and thowed II like u hideout ChlMM mask of deadly hatred, with Its eye i hulls glaring snd Its lips drawn ha. k I from the naked hla.!.- gripped between Its teeth a Stiletto nothing short of u foot In length With a sharp, Startled nun eiiient, 1 Alan swung himself bodily about, so I that sested again astride, the girder, ( be faced the assassin who sal up, straddling the girder, I, hi reel hooked beneath It a StUattO poised In his right baud lu strike Hut even now Alan was In little or no better case than l.efnie r ho raced i the thug, he fu.ed him with no arms other than bis hale bauds. He hiul Hot. even a pen knife In his pockets With a low cry of desperation Alutl snatched off bis bat. a tofl ami ibape- lett fell affair, and flung It tquaraly In lha fellow's (ggg Before lie could recover before. that Is, It dropped away and cleared bis vision. Ainu had bent forward and grasped Ibo wrlet of the band (hut held the knife. He matched idiiiiillaneou.ily at thu other hand, but li eluded hint Alan hud thin advantage, mi long in the knife might not strike that his right arm was tree, while the assassin hud ouly hie left With tbls lie strove persistently to reach his knife hand and possess himself or the weajiiin. As persistently AIimi foiled bin purpose by dragging the knife hand toward him and twinging It far out to one side At the same time he el rink icjx-ufodly with hla flenched right list at the nil, er't faoe. ills blows did llllle dam age beyond disconcerting the other; but thlt proved u very considerable $1500 Reward! THESAYERSTUDIO Kodak Film Developed and all photography work done in first class shape. Prompt attention BURNS - . OREGON CHAPTER XXV. Changeling. In the vague, chill gray of that dull and desolate dawn, Judith stirred ab ruptly on the couch of a sleepless night, snd with tba rapidity of one who has arrlvsd at a asttlsd purpose ufler a long period of doubt and per- pleklty, ross snd batbad and dressed herself In negligee. In the adjoining room the could bear stnill, steslthy noises the toundl made by her sister moving about snd preparing against the unguessabla mo ment when her rescus would ba at tempted, according to the Information conveyed In that midnight mestaga. I'm chance had conspired with bsr Insomnia to ststlon Judith In ths re cess of her dsrkened window. Idly viewing the gsunt frsmswork of lbs unfinished building from an angle which, when Alan edged out along tha girder, showed him plainly In silhou ette sgslnst ths sky. In Judith's eyet hit Identity waa un mistakable Hhe had hardly needed the night glaatet which presently tba brought to bear upon blm at the mo ment when he wai laboriously Inditing his message -while glim death ttalked him from behind She bad teen him throw the watch and had heard tha double thump of Its Impact with the wall and floor of Hose's bedchamber. And ihe had witnessed with wildly beating heart that duel tn tba air able to surmise its outcome only from the fact Ibat the victor sparsd ths Ufa of ths vanquished. The clock was striking tlx ss sbs left her roem: scross tha strset work lugmeii were streaming Into ths build ing tu begin the labors of ths day. lliushlng unceremoniously past tha drowsy and Indifferent guard In tha corridor outside the door to Hose's mom. Judith turned the key that re mained In the lock on the outelde. re moved It, entered, and locked the door behind her. Without auy surprise the found bar sister already dressed to tbe point of donning ber outer garments. Rendered half frantic by thlt unex pected Interruption, threatening sa It did the perilous scheme that Alan bad proposed, Koie greeted ber litter with a counteiisiice at once aghast and wrslhful "What do you want?" sbs demsndsd tensely. "To corns to an understanding with you," Judith told her coolly. "There Is no understanding possible between us: you know thataa wsll aa I." "Yet one there muet be." "I Insist that you leave this room at once!" "Insist by sll mssns and bs damned! I may Isava thla room aad I may not. dear little slstsr. Hut ons of us will never leave It alive." With a start Of terror, Rosa shrank back from Ibis strange, wild thing that wore the very thane and earn i.iai.ee of hersslf. "What do you mean? You cannot mean to murder ma In cold blood, Judith?" "Not II" Judith laughed harshly. "Hut, tines It has plssssd Destiny to decree that ws must both lova ona man 1st Destiny decide between ut and bear tbe blame of murder!" "Judith!" "One moment!" Crootlng to a aide table, Judith took up a glut from a tray that held a illver water pitcher, and returned with It to tbe table that occupied the middle of the floor. At tha same Minn the opened a band till then fait clenched and disclosed a tmall blue bottle with a red label tbrlektng the warning "I'OiaONI" "Strychnine," tba explained com pmedly, "In loluiion." And emptied the bottle Into the glaaa. A measure ot courage returned to Rote. "Do you expect to ba able to nuke me drink that?" aha demanded contemptuously. mot i oui uettiny, 1 it will) Bee here." From s pocket of ber dresilng gOWB Judith produ d a sealed deck of playing cards. "f.t these declsrs ths will of Destiny toward ut. I will break the sesl, sbuflls tba cards, and deal," the explalued, suiting action to word. Tha who gata tha tray of hearts will drain that glaaa. It It a bar gain V "Navarl Oh, now I know that you in altogether mad I" "Perhapi. Are you ready?" And Judith made at If to deal. "No navarl I tell you I refute I" Rota chattered, terrified. "You dare not refute." "Why?" "Becaute of thlt." Whipping a tmall revolver from an other pocket ot ber dretilng-gown, Ju dith placsd It on the tsble, resdy to her hand. Tou will shoot me If I do not con sent?" "Not you but blm. If you refusn, little- alttsr, I will shoot Alan Law dsad when be comes to koep lilt ap pointment with you." "Ah!" Hose cried In mingled frlRht and amazement. "How did you find out?" "Never mind. It It u bargain, now, about tba trey of heard? Remember, I aball keep my word about tbli pli tol." With a thudder Rote bowed her head. "Deal," the muttered fearfully, "and may Uod Judge between us!" One by one she stripped the rurds from the top of the deck, dealing first to Rose, then to herself. Ona by one they fluttered to the table on either side the glass or poison, and fell face uppermost. The trey of board fell to Judith. There was sn Instant of silent dread. snded by Rose, ss Judith's hunt! moved itesdlly toward ths glsss. "Judith!" the Implored. "Don t I beg of you -I didn't mean It I take back my content ' "Too latet" ssld Judith, lifting the glass and eyeing Its contents with s strsnge smile. "Judith! you csnnot meun Io drink It?" "Can't I, though?" the other laughed mirthlessly. "Jutt witch me!" With a strangled cry Rote covered ber face with her hands to shut out the tight, stood momentarily iwaylng, and dropped to the floor In a complete faint Delaying only to recognize Ibis pin nomena with a pitying smile tor the weakness of spirit that caused It, Ju dith's glance darted through the win dow and saw that which caused her tu stsy her hand an Instant longer. On the topmost tier ot glrdert of the building opposite, Alan Ijiw stood amid a little knot of amused and ani mated laborers, one root lu the great tteel book of the hoisting tickle, both hinds clasping the chain tbut linked It to the gigantic block. Aud as Judith stared, he smiled ut something said by one of those about blm, looked back, aud wand u hand to some pertou Invisible Immediately the urm began to lift. tbe tackle Io move slowly through Ihe blocks Very gently he waa swung up and outward. . . . With a cry Judith flung the slson heedlessly from ber, leaped across Hie room, and inttrhed up the elreet tur mend Rote had dropped ut her sister s entrance. lu another moment she was strug gling madly Into them. Before tbe shadow of Alan, clinging to tha book and chain, fell athwart the mttmuttuummu RODNEY DAVIS House PalntlngT Paper IIpnglnK and DecoratlaU, CalclmlnlngT , Hardwood FlnlahlhifjT Fresco Painting Kstlntntrs furnishes! on ap plication. Mnmptoa shown. CIVK HIM A CHANCB jjHttmm:jiiKiii'iiituttnnai:tJ. s WffiffiS S -. I Tl :c;st fl ir. .22 .'.'gating tha lLD , I ii two mi'deUi one r-j ' Short II. I''. enr- th. oilier for aVIsRaJ Hull It I. SEVENS VISiBLE LOADING" 7IFLE NO. 70. Handles 15 .g ihort nod la .M inr rlha cartridges. Send I' r haiid-oui'-ly lulled llllle Cuts- In i ml "How to Shout W. II". ( iriler StSVSOt Rifles -Plitolt sad Shetgaas 1- : . yon! l)c ill r. STfiVENI ARMS .; :.'i OOI, COMPANY, r o. Pis good. CIJl' OI'KK KALIJi, IA.a LOT rmcE s.oo h 1 A i' mat, I ..,. I CARL C GRIFFITH Physician and largt DUN, iiiimioiv J. Ui. GBfltV Pbyilclm snd Surgeon, Burns, - - - Oregon unios in new niiintii, touUi i.l lVe htrneis simp, Main i 'I'lioiin MalnM, " CEO. 6. CARL, M. D. sffcTgdetan and Surgeon ta TmawmiM Building I il,. . BpeatsJ sMaaUsa .;.-,, gfcssti , see aad Uveal. reg DR. R. D. KETCHUM CHIROPRACTOR MECHANO-THKRAI'IM Nature Methods and li,.i,. AA Chronic Disease, a pe(lr IO. (J F Bid, Bu Or.,. DErlMAN & DENMflN. Pbyslclgns and Suront ( silt sutwerori promptly ;, , vj riions llarrimsn Haprlmar), Or-gon .il Hi Ml. I'IKKI TORY TITS - iillnei: D h SsushVl idtn. K. . fasmberlsli illsrry Laos iW 0 Hswlsr iNJ H noon ' isl - .km. n III. .Me .. en- I --, retsr) -a Stats -Hla Hubllf Ja. Hie -Inn -i.i. i A M. rawfora Oswald West Ilea W. Oloott T. b Kay J A 'burr hill W M liuulw.r i K. .In gsals T. A. NrSrlua uon Haruatt I. a. Bean. . A. atoore '.l.lll Jl UK nt.irii i lodes i o.iiii i i .., 11 lilriTHICT. bait.n Sifts ileo H Mtsenjore ih. in' ...mi in., ii t,c Brsl Mustier Alan .n.i lo-t Ifondsj iii October. Dr- Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeor Direct Telephone Connection Albritton. Ore. li. E. HIBBARD sustxist k-'.illefry Offlo6 firm ihff.r Mttl j. Jliini- On y M. A. M(.(;s Attorney at Ia Veegtly Bldg.. It,. rn. Orrifoa ustor loll, I (.. .. SI lit. Illf Cut "TV I leant ' -I... k iHkj . -.a ' IIIIIIIO..I.H.. .. Wll U rooks W. K IIlbiu IMKKV: i.rsrii Ibai mmtit li t Mallet i. a. Miurr C.jLassry K. UionsnlaoB J i- Uiaeaaa 1. M Manillas I. W.Clevesier Ji.lm aoblsaos i a. f. i!veeicr 1 1 hue Hals 1 uuol i ... i ih. Oral Wednesday Is laii. i), Mai, h. May, Julr, K.tebet and a an si i , i.am. errus: Wia ran. -hi Hulber.bcaO scssa- . .... MtHbritbeed Hair Vsu winkle nnni iiaitea ..H I.. Ilaleaa n J Mae A. O. W.ltoms I 'Kiu.. Iojpablra l n. . si'umiiin tesry sacoas sud U.u.Tm ummuuuui aaJ sl" I '' '.sal io.. a. 1. 1 BBS BSB BT.1 ll'UH... H BaraSal, H ..., -f gar VPQI I mT- rsT M Kgasa ' J M. .a I ii.,. I fS laV ' sKafjrnaal anBH ri.utll. Wi .1. . 1 I P4 A - ' ts iksxsnas HhQ i : W Una 3K ''' t lanv 'i nm Home M Sfwing Machin iMsfflLil 1 it ta bn lite machine flH ' 1 v. ii, .1. - rvrvi mmww3fWt m . i iiamv i ii. t7 gjnnnnaj nfaaV 1 Sr0f 1 I IOME on ll.e sin LhkInJ H sail in lic I IHt T'.ia ni.vlilna la H aVsaaaLaBBl M i- in ..ilrj f.,r all gj i JMTlt S M ' aBBBSBBBBBBaBBBBB9 f i i!:cr like it m ' A. REMBOLD Attorney-m Lgjsy, Burns, Oregon. HERMAN VON S( liMALj. Attorney at Iaw ouiesti antl practice hsfore I , . l t)lllt a Swcia!ty irmee: rey umg. next .Io,, t ,Ml qSj Burns, Oregon CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon Practices fore the 1 ' , in ll.e Btata Courts snd H. I.ail.1 llfliie. C7ha. II. LiBcmani, Attohnkv- at-i aw, careful attention given to Colle tiona and Rr-nl t&Utfl niHttert, Fire Inviii.il, ,. Notnry I'ulilic HUHNH Onn,s. A. W, (.OW AN ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW State Courts and United Stt Land Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Hank Burns. Oregon. Job printinR here. bi Ih 1. 1 ieliiiin.il in tin. ai.iivii, ilia undsrslgiieil iii-.- me t ..mill ion touo.oo for all burses l.r.i Hi. I l.i.iau ahull bar on bulb or either Jaw. lo.ni.l iiwi in i,i, counties Hsnge llnii ' uku sail rrtmk fouutlss. Horses v. an il is In n anal. Nuns hut mown lm rati sold and ouly Jin il i I mil in a, W W.llltOWN rill, Oregon, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ISOl.ATKB fsUOTt llllll.lr I.ASIIHAI.K. UNITKIiHTA'IKa I.ANI.OIlii t: I llurua, Oritgini, It-hruar) 2n,l'n Notice Is han I,) kIvsii OiiiI, aa directed li) ths t'uaiiiilssiniisr ef tin. Ueuersl Land utti. .- iiurtt-r in ,vlal..n nl Ail n t ..i.tniaa Shnrovsa I una 117. liss, U'.l Mala.. 1,171. ii.itaaaiil ... l, ,. pllt'siltin "I Corey K, hmi i li M.il.ti Nh ii7ul,i wo will niter al lailillo sals, In ths hlnUtat tntldsr, bill al nut lnaa Ihsn .' lit. i.er a. at- at lOti'vliH'k A. M , mi Die lllll ilsy uf Al.nl ':, , al I hla lilt It'll. I he lull. iw lug I in. I nl Inn. I t.,sr"j.M" '".'-i'"' I'lila inn 1 la nrili i, -il lulu llm in.,i.,.i ., .. allowing thai iln- ',t. ui, i iiiiriliia tbsreel la uiuuiilalnuiia Of Inn i.ii.itl. I.. i t inn , nil, hi Ih. a.l" will nut lm ktiitii.iiu, Inn Hi'llhv tlui.lsro.l iihist-it when tli..au pressiil ut the Imur naiu.il hsvti seated lihlillus. I lm i.i'ia.itvinnk ln tin. highest l.hl will hi' o iuIiviI lulnuna distsly psy to ths rui-nlvur tin. n.itii,i,..i Auy persons claiming advsrsel) the sbove ilt.acilln.il land are silvlaml III tile Hi. .1 i In lm. .ir iihjictiniia, tin ur buluru llm II mu .icalguslsa farssis. Wm Kassi, Hi-slster. Him Mii'i'iisienll iii lli'ulif. "Ibo Orssou, Oil It. nil la and Na vails J.lvudtook I'rutoti- U. HI AsSnl'latliiliol 'tl.l.'h lbs under alautiil Is meinhar, will giro Ii.iaki m rowsrd lor svl ili.iico Issdlns to Iln. srrssl an. I con vlt-tluii of suy par IV ur l.arllaa steal. ma "urao. tain. W',HWi4,KIC.4HW'., Hue ur inula, i.uiuiiaoig I ,, T. Ml H., It. al K , W. M Best Treslrasnt for Constssation. "My dauRhter used Chamber luin's Tablets for constipation with good results and I can recom mend them highly," writes Paul B. Babin, Brushly, La. For Bale by all dealers. "Not I but Destiny, If It Willi" window, abe was dressed und i lum bered out upon tbe till. "Sweetheart! My bravest little woman Tba hook bung ateadily within six Inches of tbe window ledge. Alan ex tended bla arm. "Nothing to fear, eicent lest I bold you too tight, dear ona I" Without a word Judith aet her foot bealde lilt In tbe book, turreudc ted to bla embrace, and closed her eyes. Immediately they were awung awuy from the window, over toward the op potlte tldewalk, aud gently lowered to tha street. "Maybe thlt Itn't a good scheme. " Alan exulted In the Innocence of lilt heart. "Hut I think It Is. And those wiirkliiguien tbnk It a great lark I told them the simple truth, you see: that we were eloping I" By way of turner Judith breathed only a Word Of tenderness Aud that Instant the hook unused and Alan itepped off upon the able walk. Bate and sound and not a soul orer there Ibo wltor at yet!" he de clared With a derisive nod tonal. I the home of Trine. "Come along. Hera's a llmoutlne waiting. In twenty mi,, utea we'll be at tba ferry, In forty OVer In Jersey, within an hour marrlud, within four hours tafu at tear (To he mill i inicii . Io other like it o other as good T, a H3I ItoflM Seflcg MuCuIni Coipitf, l.H '.Nl.:, MASS. We tio job printing. FRANK DAVEY Attorney st Law Notary Pub. Ceaaeraaclae. Moat, laMBiafji R..i. AkBtssatsU S. Land Ofli Practtc. Oatee between llano t aad Uod office Burn.. . .nut) National Oregon F. 0. I i 1. 1. a ii 1 1 Persaerly aist. gastssi I laV, S Kerlaiiialiiiii -, ;. vice. A. 0. Kai'USS r.irint rl) t'lilaf liitit-er ut H.itksl sTstisn in Eastern Oregon Engineer Company CIVIL AND IKkldtllON ENfil.NEB Boras, Orijjun (Iftn) Suras lit. 1,1st No. NQTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'SITID BTATBS I. AMD Hasina I llurua, urisoii. yuLruary um. mid ., N','i",u,..'', '," 'l"1 'III Norlhsrii I'ai lllll Ksilway OoBIlMiy. Wli.sj post utlra i uinl.r Ilia ... nl l iiiisress, approved July I ii aa la Hi I'sul. sllaussuts.lias tlil7Hi dsr ... . iiii.t-r ivis filed d il.la ufiita lis spi.lltis . ii.it.Dui unuar uia uruvlsluuaul Ilia ail Harass, suorovad Jul. I laua ... ut. .- ca" ulji! ""iot taV1'" ," "' Co'"u ,,,,,0 ' BW'.-iK'a tee. tu. Twp as 8 R. ,... w. y , BsrlsINo.ovsvv i Aay !""".' ryenout elalmlog advinely the laudailsstirlued, ur desiring teotileut beuauss ul ilia mineral oherulai-of lha la.i.l ,,. .... lis ruBsoulethedupoealloapulliiau .sliuuld IHi.tl.alrsmdsvlOjul ptol.at In ll.l. ofcee, ou ur balurs lbs 6lh dsr ol April, ltlt Wh K.ssi. Heeleler IN TUB OOUNTV 0ODBT OF TBI HTATB Of OltKdON l()lt II l;. NKV COUNTY. Ill ths matter el 1 1.,. I M,,l, ol f CITATION I', (uwe Croxton, llec'tl To W. T. Croxton, Mary I. Citixlou, Robert Croxton uiul Niitulic Cnixton. UBRBTINQ: IN TIIK NAMK Ol- THK HTATK OK OKUUON, you are lieruby cited ami reiiilreil to apieitrin llm County Court .. the Slate of Oregon, lor Harney County, at the Court liooiu there ofal lluin , in the Countv of llarnnv on Mi,n,l.i ii... I'.tii day of March, l-.'u... at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that tkiv. than ...,.i thereto tbow (jausc, if any exist, wbi ths Keul ntiintv, to-wit: li N W i.. antl l. ott l sud a ol Sec. IH, S-, K. M4C. W. M., belpnginii iui. .1 i,i .. i. ..ii .-.hi., piiuiiiu lint la. BOfll, WITNGHH: The Hon. II. C. I.oiciis. Judge ol llm County Court ol llm Slnlii ol Oregon, for the County of Harnuj with the Heiil of saltl Court allucil thlt lath day ol Feb., A, l. 1015. ATTBITi It, T. Hnglitit. Clerk By Walter T. Struck , llopuly clack Cieal) job work We do It right i :'.., to HSI.I If You Want ALL The Home News BEAD THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing 1 -4 aHaaMart