The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 20, 1915, Image 4

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    See Moving Pictures of This Story
In Weekly Installments at
Every Wednesday Evening
The Mssksd Voice.
For a matter of twelve lmurn thn
foe. leaden, dank, viscous, im Inexoi
able as the dominion of evil, hud
wrapped the world In mi rinliruoo us
foul and noxious as the coils of sumo
great, gray, slimy serpent.
Through Its sluggish folds tho non
derous, power-Impelled lifeboat grant
at a snail's pace, Its stem partliiK und
rolling back from either (lank u heavy
hearted sea of gray.
In the bows a young woman rested
in a state of eenil -exhaustion, her in it
closed, he head pillowed on a cork
belt life-preserver, her sodden gar
ments modeled closely to the slender
body that wsb ever aud nguln shaken
from head to feet with the strength
of a long, shuddering respiration.
Seated on tho nearest thwart, Alan
Law, chin In hand, watched over the
rest of this woman whom tin loved
with a grimly hopeless solicitude. He
was In no happier case than she, ho
far as physical comfort went lie was
In worse, since he might not rest.
Premonition of misfortune darkened
his heart with Its impenetrable
In the stern Tom Harcus presided
morosely over the steering gear; and
Ijsw was no more Jealously heedful of
his sweetheart than Itarcua of the
heavy-duty motor that chugged away
ro purposefully at Its business of driv
ing the boat hoaven-knew-where.
Lacking at once a compass, all no
tion whatsoever of the sun's bearings.
and any Immediate bopa of tho fog
lifting or chance bringing thorn either
to land or to rescue by emtio larger
and less comfortless craft. Harcus
steered mainly through for. e of habit
the (alt-water man's Instinctive fee!
lng that no boat under way should
ever In any conceivable circumstance
be without a hand at the helm It had
seemed Impossible that It could long
-cape repetition of the disaster, but
somehow, it always did escape, and
that by a wide margin: MW once
had It passed near enough to another
Teasel to see It.
And now for more than an hour tho
silence had been uncannily constant,
broken only by the rumble of the mo
tor, the muted lisp of water slipping
down the side, the suck ami , urgle of
the wake.
Forebodings no less portentous than
Law's crawled In the mind of Harcus.
It was as likely as not that the life
boat was traveling straight out to sea.
And gasoline tanks can and oftentimes
do become as empty U nn olllclal
weather nrophet's pmiulKo of full
weather for a holiday.
More than this, Mr. Harcus was u
confirmed skeptic In respect of ma
rine motors; on terms of long and
intimate experience with the wajn pi
Delivered Into ths Hands of the
the demon of perversity that tenants
them one and all, he knew that the
present sweet-tempered performance
of the exhibit under consideration
was no earnest whatsoever of future
good behavior, that when such a com
plicated contraption was concerned
tbere was never any telling . , .
In view of all of which considera
tions he presently threw opt 11 (hu bat
tery switch.
And the aching void created in the
silence by the cessation of thut uni
form drone was startling isuough to
rouse oven Hose Trine from ber state
of semi-somnolence.
With a look of panic she sat up,
thrust damp hair back from her eyes,
and nervously Inquired:
"What's tb matter?" .
"Nothing," Uarcus told her. "1 shut
the engine off that's all."
Tempers were short In that hour,
and Alan was annoyed to think that
the rest of his beloved should need
lessly have been disturbed.
'What did you do that foi?" he de
manded sharply.
"lieoause 1 Jolly well wanted to,"
Harcus returned In a tone as brusque.
"Oh, you did eh?"
"Yes, 1 iln I .-hi 1 happen to be
bossing this end of the bout und to
hare sense enough to realize there's
no sense at all In our wasting fuel the
way we are cruising uowliiin!"
"Well," Law contended, struck by
ttie fairness of this argument, but un
able to calm his uneuainess "Just lb
same, wo might--"
"Yes; of course, we might," Uarcus
snapped. "We might a whole lot. Wa
might, for Instance, be heading for
Hpulu, for all you or I know to the
contrary. And In such case, I for one
respectfully prefer to buve gas enough
to take us home again If ever this
da blessed fog Mitel"
BBBBB"elAj,j &-gBBnafl leVga
ts"... .jrrrssmmarr
And for sev.ral seconds longer thq
stillness Htmngled their spirits In Its)
ruthless grssp. .
Then of a sudden a cry shrilled)
through tho fog, so near at hand that)
it seemed scarcely mors distant thanj
over the side:
"Ahoy' Help! Ahoy there! IlulpH
So-Insistent, so urgent was Its ao4
cent that, coupled with the surprise,
It brought the three as on to their)
feet, all a tremble, their eyes seeking
one another's faces, then shifting un
easily away.
"What can It bar Hoes whispered,
aghast, shrinking Into Alan's ready
"A woman," Hurcus put in harshly.
"Judith," tho girl moaned.
Alan shook himself together. "Im
possible!" he coiitaitdad. "I saw her
go down . . ."
"That doesn't pro? ska didn't coma
up." Harcus commented acidly
"Ahoy! Motorboat aho-o-oy! Help!"
"And that," Hurcus pursued ssdly.
"Just proves she did come up HnaMJ
the luck! Alive she it. and kicking;
stand dear An able-bodied pair of
lungs was back of that hall, my friend;'
and you needn'l tell ma I don't know
the dulcet accents of that angello coni
i tralto!"
Without heeding him. Alan cupped
i hands to mouth and sent an answer
' lng cry ringing through the murk:
"Ahoy! Where ara you? Where
"Here on the reef half-drowned
perishing with eh 11 "
How does my voles bear?" Alan
called buck.
"What the dlcl ns do you csrst"
Harcus Interpol..!, d susplcluosly
"To port." Hen ponss rang through
the fog. "Stuibo.rd your helm snd
come In slowly!"
Hlght o! Half a minute!" Alan re
plied reassuringly.
"Like hell!" Mr Harcus muttered In
his throat as he jumped down Into the
engine pit snd bent ovsr the fly-wheel.
Leaping on the rorward thwart and
balancing himself perilously near the
gunwale. Alan tialus'd his vision
vainly against the opacity of the fog.
"Can't make out anything," he
grumbled, looking back. "Start her
up but slow s the word and "ware
"Nothing dolt ;," Harcus retorted
curtly. "The inotlo la now 'Full speed
astern!' ss )i i. n. t know."
"O comet IVt i t't leave a woman
out there In flx like Hist'"
"(ant we? Vi u watch!" Uarcui
grunted iimli-Mi i tlr, rocking C
heavy Bywhi I with all bis might; fN
the motor hail III ued suddenly stub
"Alan!" Hose ! ..ded, laying a hand
upon his sleeve. "Think what IV
means! 1 know .1 sounds heartless o
me and It's n-v own slater. But you
know how n d the la wild with ha
tred and J "i I..U- i If you take her Into
this bout, It's A.r life or hers!"
"if we leave her out there," Alan
retorted, shaking his arm Impatiently
free, "it's her life on our beads!"
At this Juncture the motor took
charge of the argument, ending It In
summary fashlc'i With a smart ex
plosion in ttii. i Under. It started ii
unexpectedly at one and the same
time almost dislocating (be arm of
Mr. Harcus and precipitating Alan
It wus noi gtvsn blm to know what
was happening until be found blim. If
in the water; be struggled U ths sur
face Just In time to see the bows of
the lifeboat back away und raitlth Into
the mist.
Ths Island.
Not more than twenty seconds could
have elapsed before Harcus reentered
from the shock of the motor's Ininli
ery sufficiently In r, verse the Wbosl,
throttle down the carbureter and Jump
out of the engine-pit.
Hut In that small spaco of time tho
lifeboat and Alan Law bad parted com
pany us definitely as though one of
them bad been levitated bodily to tho
far side of tbe esrth.
It could not have been more than
a minute after the accident before
Barcus was guiding the bout ovsr
what, going on his ssnse of location
and Judgment of distance, lie could
have sworn was the precise spot
where Alan had disapieurud, but with
out discovering a sign of blm.
And for the nest twenty minutes
he divided bis attention between at
tempts to soothe and reassure tho
half distracted girl and efforts to
educe a leply from Abut by ateiilorlun
hailing with-as little success lu tho
one us In ths other.
"Alan!" he shrieked at the top f
his lungs. "Alan! (Jive a ball to tell
us you're safsl"
There was a little pause; he win
racking bis brslus for soma mors mov
lng mode of appeal when tbe answer
came In another voice in the rob t
of Judith Trine, clsar, musical, effer
vescent with sardonic humer:
"He at peace, little one bleat no
more! Mr. Law Is with us and sain
oh, quits, quite SSfe!"
In dumb oBsrustloii Harcus
sought ths countenance of Rose. Hur
syes, meeting his, ware Monk with
despair Ha shook bis head helplessly
snd let bis hands dangle Idly betweon
bis knees.
With no wsy on ber, tbe llfebout
drifted with a current of unknown set
and strength.
"What can we 4f Msys Imploi. I
"We must do something Wl c-an't
leave him . , . Oh, when 1 lliJjik
of him there. In bar hands, I could go
mad I"
"If only 1 knew." Uarcus protested;
"but my hands ara tlad, my wits are
hslplsas jg m avea are blind
There except tho
bare pOMlbllltJ thai the reef she)
spoke of mny ! Norton's. It doeen'll
seem possible, but we may have mads)
that much southing. In that csssj
we're iihoul three miles off thn malm
land, somewheio In the neighborhood
of Kntnimi inland, a little, rocky, desoi
late bump of earth. Inluihlied mainly!
by fishermen."
The girl wrung her bands. "Ilul,
how could Judith get there and with
her men and ammunition?"
"Don't iibIi me doing on my expoi
lienco with the lady, I'd bo willing to
bet that she was picked up by tho
steamer that ran w down, and pro.
ceeded to make n prlM of It -or try
to. One thing's certain she must
have found or stolen a boat from
somebody; they couldn't have made)
Norton's reef by mumming It's too
HbbbsW Hsssssl
Ysnked Him Off to His Cell.
far. That's ths. answer; they were
picked up, stole a boat, and piled It
up on the re, 1 "
"And thcro'H no hope I"
"Only of the fog relenting. If wo
rould make the mainland und get
help . . ."
Ills acci nta died away into a discon
solate silence that was unbroken for
upwards of ai hour.
80 slowly tho current bore tbs life
boat toward tho beach and so Still
'the tide that Harcus never appreciated
they were within Imn li of any laud
until the bow a grounded with a slight
Jar and u grating sound
With a'cry Of Imreiluilty ho leaped
ito his feet Land, by all that's
llucky!" ami stooping, lent u baud to
the girl, aiding Inr to rise.
Hardly find Root hud lime to com
Iirehwnd what had hupMticd, when
Harcus was ou-r the side und wres
Kllng with Ihe howl, dragging the boat
farther upon the ihoals.
Sbo was, hov.eur. more than one
man could in 11 o', and when her
Stem had bitten little more deeply
Into the sands, I:. hi us gave over the
attempt ami. lifting Root down, set
her on dr land then ellmhed hack Into
the vessel, rummaged out bag anchor
end ruble, und cm led them ashore,
planting the former well up towards
the foot of the cliff
And as he n H from (bis lost labor
lie whs half blinded b the glare of the
westering sun um It broke through the
Ill less than II w minutes the miracu
lous commonplace was an acorn (get; the wind bad rolled the
fog hack like a scroll and sent It spin
ning far nut to sea, whlln ths shore
on which the two hud landed 'was
delug. d with sunlight, bright and
benutli ily warm.
He showed n thoughtful and consid
erate mil' nam u to the girl.
"You rt ubnut all In?"
She nodded OOnfll inatlon of this,
whli h was no more than simple truth.
"When' are wi ?" she added.
He mule lur party to bis own per-
"You're not iiblo to travel," be pur
sued, 'ho you mind being left alone
whlln I take a turn up (ho beach and
I ave a look round? Wo can't be far
I 0111 going sort of civilization; oven
If It's 1111 Inland there are no desert
Isles along this coust. I'll find some
thing goon enough, no fear."
Hy tacit consent both avoided men
tion of A Inn, but each knew what
thought was upiiermost In the other's
"Tin re's 11 uli he among (hu rocks
up here," BaretM Indicated, "almost a
rave. You'll be warm und dry enough,
und s"' un from observation overhead.
Maybe ou 1 an even snatch a few
winks of sloop, . . ."
Hhe in, lived that suggestion will
a weary smile; no sleep for her until
sheer exliiiiii.lliui overpowered her, or
slo- knew of Alan's fate.
An I so, reiterating his promise to
In- 0M no longer than absolutely
might be nuedul, he loft ber there.
This Mortsl Tlds.
Him was very certain she would
Dover sleep before hr anxiety was
assuaged by word of Alan's fate; but
sin reckoned without ber host of
trlnii that hud bred In ber a fatigue
uui'dyiioiiH even to her mental an
guish Fur u time after Harcus bad left
V. 1 liked "Lucille Love; did
you 1 ut? Well, you'll like "The
It.. O'HcaitH" better. Tona
wm next Wednesday nijrht.
$1500 Reward!
Tho OrtfgOD, Oa )
Ifnriiltftua Nev4dfe
Urn Hook Protec
tion AModttlon ol
which ititi liinlii
I an oil li member,
will rive li.ouo 00
reward for rrl
deuce leadlni; to
1 hn arreat and oon
rlotlou ol uiiy par
if or Dartlaa aual
1 11 K fioraea. oaltlts
nr 111 u lea htiloiilii
to any uf Ita tnenir
I.. IK
In iii'' inn 0 llii- ttlmvr., (he uihleralgueit
mi, in 1 mihIIUoii MX.00 for all hortea
hf uiiif -.1 hOW nliod bar on both or either Jaw.
Brand wcted In t-Ubt couotlaa Mange
llariiej 1 11 u 11 and I'ronk ooiititiva, Horaaa
VtHtfl bU aold.
None but gumii horaui aold ftud only So
Ifcti I IIIM ll(H.
W W. liHUWN rile, OraOSU
her she lingered gpofl lh sands, In
ths moUh of ths shelter be had se
lected fog her, staring hungrily out on
ths shllgmerlng sea (hut, now wholly
dlrsstsd of Its shroud, smiled up to
ths hsavens, whose sapphire face It,
mirrored, ss fslr snd sweet of seem
ing as though It had never veiled a
hsartless tragedy.
Slowly It darkened ss the snpphlrn
abovs grew darker, blending Inseii
slbly Into rare ultramarine with thn
slow decline of thn sun, by whoso al
titude above the horlson (he day had
not mors than ninety minutes to run.
And aha thought drowsily that If
that sun ssnk without her learning
that hsr lovsr lived, It would not rise
again upon a world tenanted by Hosu
It was not true, slut (old herself, that
people never die of broken hearts.
Shs know that, were he taken from
hsr, aha could no longer live. . . ,
And slssp overwhelmed bur sud
denly, like a grunt, dark eloud , . .
But Its dominion over her nMBllhM
was not of long duration. Hlowly,
heavily, mutinously, she was reseued
from Its nirvana name to her siinsos
with an effort of MM who emerges
from sums vast place of bluckness and
terror, to find llsicus kneeling over
and gingerly but persistently shuklug
her by the should, r
And than she sst up with a cry of
mystified compassion, for In (bo brief
tlms that he had been absent II had
not been more than an hour Mr liar
vus bad most unquestionably been sn
versly used.
Ms hsd acquired a long cut over one,
eys, but shallow, upon which blood
had dried, together with a limited aud
swollen cheek that was budlyi
scratched to boot And who! nlmplu
articles of clothing remained to hllii,
after bis strenuous oipsrlencaj of dm
last forty sight hours, had hi en re
duced to even greuler simplicity; his
shirt, for sxaiuple, now linked n sleevo
that had been altogether tern uway
at the shoulder.
"No!" he told hsr, as soon an he saw
hsr wits were awake ssjot more
"don't waste time pltlng me I'm all
right and so Is Alan! That's, the
msln thing for you to uiulerslaml; he's
still alive and sound "
"But where Is he? Take mn to
him!" she demanded, lining with a
movement of such gtnot and vigor
that It seemed bard to bOtiOVg ha hud
ever known an Instant's wiailness.
"Thai's the rub," Harcus confessed.
squsttlug on the sunds mid kuin l.llng
bis hair. "I dusseni take ou to him.
Judith might object. Besides, you eu
see for yourself It Isn't sure to mluglo
with the Inhabitants of (his tight
lit I lea Island aud you can't get to
wbsre Alsn Is without mingling em
aldsrably. Hit down, and 111 tell ron
all about It. and we'll try to figure out
what's best to be done. Mubo wo
can insnage a rescue under oOTOf of
Aud when the girl had settled her
self beside blm h launched into a
detailed report.
"It's Katsma lelund. all right." ha
announced, "but a obsnga has iomo
OTsr ths place since I lulled It some.
years ago. Then It was a cm unity
of elmpls-beerted villagers ami llnher
men; now, unless all signs fall, It's a
den of smugglers. I DOtlOOd a num
ber of Chinese about; and that, taken
in connection with the fact that, when
I ventured to Introduce myself to tho
village glumlll and ask a few Inno
cent questions, the entire poptthtUoa,
to a child, landed on ma like u thou
sand brick the two clrtuiustauces
mads me think we'd stumbled on a
settlement of eurnent workers at tho
gentle art of helping poor Chinamen
evads the exclusion laws."
With a wry smile, he pursued- "As
for ms, 1 Isnded out back of the Joint,
on ths nape of my net k, and took tin
count, surrounded by a lot of uiinyui
pathetic boxes und barrels that had
seen better day. And when I came to
gnd started to cruv.1 unostentatiously
away, I was Just In time to u linens the
landing of our amiable sinter, thai
gang of rut lh routs she keens on the
pay roll, and Alan In company with as
cbolco a crew of aooundrsbj as you'd
caro to sea. I gathered from a few
words tbst leaked out of thn buck door
of tbe barroom, that It was as I hud
thought Judith hud Itoloa u bunt
from the ship that picked Inr up. and
rammed It on Norton s reef, and after
shs gathered Alan In the si Imoner of
these smugglers happened along, and
shs balled It and stunk a bargain, with
ths captain and signed oo partnorshlg
articles, or something like Hint. Any
way, her lot und the Inlanders isure
soon ss thick ss tbleven, ami tanking
up so sociably thut 1 uctually got a
chance to whisper a word (o Aluu and
tell blm you were nil right, and that
hs'd flud US both town hero on tho
beach, If luck served blm with an es
cape. That woe all I got a thamu to
say, for Judith guutBod up Just tlmu
and yanked him off to bin cell I mean
to say, he's locked up now in a In tie
Stone but on thu gggg of (hu cliff, with
the door guarded and thn window over
looking a sheer drop of thirty feet or
so to the beach When I'd semi that
much I colrulated It was about ilnn.
for ins to get quit of (hut neighbor
hood, before Matu'snlle Judith nicked
ms with ths svll eye."
"You don't think she saw you 7" thu
girl cried
"I don't think so," Harcus allowed
gravely; and then, lining bis gggg, ho
added as ba rose In it heund: "1 Just
know sbo did that's all.
In anothsr Instant hu was buttling
might and main with three willing ruf
fians, who had come suddenly Into
flaw round a shoulder of rock; but his
efforts were shortlived, foredoomed to
failure. Ho was weakened with suffer
ing and fatigue und thu three were
bath and had tho vourugu at bast of
the sayer;studio
Kodak Film Developed and all
photography work done Jn first
Prompt attention
Unitsk Htatsu I, avi, orrics, i
Hums, orsgiin, Fsbraary -', lAU 1
Notion It bsrstiy gtvsn Umi, hu dlrssted b
ths Coianilssloiisr of tlisiloiu.ini l.mut Olflot,
under pr.ivlsloii nf Act of Coagrsil snprovad
June V, UK M hlsli., M . . i nn In the hi,
..!,.., I..,, nl l ,....H IT Ui.., i I .....l.. i k' . ,...1
illl.i,w,.i .'U.w, ... ..,,,,.,, ,,u,,n, ,,,, UH,j,l
we will "Iter at lilihllu salo, tu llui liluluki
,...,.,.. ,...-( ....I I !.-.. .,,.,. .. .
IIIUUVI, Utl.B, ,,, ,(' ,,!, f. ,A, I, I'l Ml IV, Ml
10 o'clock AM, mi I lie lllb ill) nf A,nl, ... I,
al Hill nfllllH. the full, os lilt, 1 1 , I ,,l li.n.l
Wl.SW,Hg..,HWU, Hl.i- -'I, M'.'.N '.. Hoe.
Ik, T.SK.IMg , W. M.
"iliii tmi'ils srdsrsd imo lha msiksl an
nllOWlllS IllSt Um l!len-i 1 ! 1 1 . . li IIki.uIU
Uioillllstlioill nr Inn liiliull Inr I li II I hi Inn,
I as saiu win nut i iuiu ii,tni, i.iii uiiiiie
ductsrvil ulusud wlnui llumo prsssut sl ths ootti
ussasd bsvo rusAti.l IiIiI.IIiik. 'I hvpurnuii uai
leg inn nigni'ii 1,111 win o o o"o u it, until,,
dislely pay tu tbs rsculvsr tlm sliniiml tin tool
Any persona olalnilng sdversell Hie sbovs
described land srs sdvlsH i III. in, n , leluie,
Sr obleollous, on or ueloro tbs llinu .It-slyiiatiKl
ir tsls.
Wl I last. hl'Klnler.
Hah Miniimt-iini, gseslvsr,
,"' ''"'." ""
tholr numbers. Hg wsj overborne iq
a twinkling, and bad bis faoo ground,
brutally Into tho sand while bit hand
were made fast wltb stout ropa behind,
bis bsek. And whsn lit rose, It wal
In find, as ho had anticipated, tha,
Hose's rotlitanca had bosn as futiis
as bis own; aha, too, was captive, hs
hands bound llks bis, tho hugs and an.
clean paw of ons of Judith's craw cni
eily clampsd upon hsr shouldsrs.
They wars granted time to sxclisnga
no more than ono despairing glance
when a curt laugh fairly chiliad tho
blond In Mr. Harcus, and ba swung
sharply batwssn hla two guards to
confront Judith Trlns.
Tho woman ho saw at first glance:
was In ona of ber most dangeroua.
moods If, Harms mentally quallfisd.
there waa a pin to choose bstwson hsr1
moods. But now, bsyond dispute, aba
exhibited a counteoanco naw In big1
axperlencs with ber, and ona wall cal
culated to appall.
Itsr face was bloodless, evsn ao hsij
lips wera white with the curb sha put
upon her passion. Ilsrsyss wsrs lurid
with thn glsrs of rago approaching)
mania. Her hands trembled, ber llplj
quivered, all bar actions were sbrupf
with nervousness.
He was by no means poor spirited,
hut ho shrank openly from tbs look
she gave blm, and waa relieved when
she, with a snssr, passed blm by and)
planted herself squarely before hsr
"Well'" shs demanded brusquely.
"How much longer do you think I'm
going to tolerate your Intsrfsroncr
you poor little fool I How many more
lessons will you require before reallv
lng that I mean to have my way. and
that , you'll cross me only to offer1
for ItT" ,
The roursge of ths otbsr girl won
tho unstinted admiration of Mr. Har
cus. Knr from cringing, sho seemed
to find ficsh hesrl In her sister's chal
lenge. Her head waa high, her glanco
1 el with Illimitable contempt ss sbo
"So you've trlsd again?" she In
milled obliquely, wtth a tope of pity.
'You've offeicd htm your love yet an
other time, have youf"
"Bllencet" Judith cried In fury.
"Only to learn once more that bo
would rather death than youf" Hoso
persisted, unflinching. "And so you
coins to take your spits out on me,
do you? You pitiful tblngt Do you
think I mind knowing ss I do now
that ho could never bold you In any
thing but compassion and contempt f
For an Instant there wsa silence; by
(he scorn of her sister the best of
Judith's fury hsd been transformed
Into a cold and malignant rage. She
controlled herself and lu-r voice mar
"You will see," shs said In even and
frlgtd accents. And ths light of her
mania leaped and leaped again In her
eyes llks a living flame. "1 have pre,
pared a way to make you understand
what opposition to mo meant . . A
Hhe waved a hand toward the nearef
point of rocks. "Take them along,''
she commanded.
The understanding between her snd
her men aa apparently complste; for
thete last, without hesitation or fur
ther Instructions, marched Boss and
Harcus down to the eud of the spll
and on. Into the water.
It was nearly knee deep before Ban
gag was halted with a savags Jerk,
bucked up to a rock, forced despite his
fremled resistance to tit down in tba
uter. and twlftly, wltb half a doisq
Already th Water Had Rlaen Over
an Inch.
deft hitches of rope and g stanch
knot, made faof In thut position sub
merged to his chest.
This accomplished, the meu turned
attention to ltoss, lushing ber In simi
lar wise st Hurcus' side.
Standing Just shove the water-Hue,
with every sign of complete calm and
sanity other than that omlnoua flicker
ing lu her eyes, Judith superintended
the business (III Its conclusion, then
waved the men away.
Quietly, like well trained servants,
they turned (heir backs and marched
And again, after a brief wait, the
woman laughed her short aud mlrlh
Isss laugh.
"Tbe tide will he high," she said,
"precisely at sunsst. You may time
your lives by that. Wheu the sun dlpa
into the sea, then will your Uvea go
down wltb It."
She turned o hur boel and strode
Hwlftly away, with not to much as g
backward gliuice, overtook ber men.
und passed quickly from eight around
thu farther point of locks
fur eome time Barcua etruggled
Job printinR here.
Best Treatment for Constipation.
"My daughter used Chumber
luin's Tablets for constipation
with good results and I can recom
mend them highly," writes Paul
B. Babin, Brushly, I-a. Kor aale
by all dealers.
i !.;) Rums I'JS, I. in No.
(Isitbo Stats. I miiiimii, I
lliirus, Orsgou, gehrusry ink, nil . I
Notlos Is hSfsbir given Umi u, Nortasrn
I'sclllu Hallwsif I'omn.ny. h,,M ,,i,.i i.nice, la hi I'anl. Mluiieaute.liai UiltTlli dar
ill In i i-iiilier IUM filed In this iimoe III aeiillia
Hull In li'lenl uuiler lint mm ln,i. ,.l il.,
nf ( iiiiirvia. aiiprovrd July I, isun inn Hl.i. mi;
i, ,.n in-. i hiiiIimI ) i iii- am ,,i Cunareai ananiv
sd May 17, Iihki, tbe
HttisK Baa.BV.TWB ISI H It 'Jiieast, W M
HerlsINo. 07S77
Any and all utrioui elaliulug advenely the
Uinl. ur il..lrii i,, ,,i,i.,, t -..-
of the uilueral obaraotei of the ienil ur any
!'".' ,,1,MOi,JB,)'eltposaltosppMi.aut,ilioulil
Hie thslr alttdevlia ol uroteit lu llil. offlco, mi
urhefurethe nth day of Aurll In IS
Ws Kabbi. Kegliter.
T T .
J ana.
-3ssssi sits.-- -
.MjatsaBntHassHsMaasssft sasfc
..jBiajA BBaHP"-fSsit-a-1
gaaf eW
vainly with his bonds. Aa for Itoso,
tho waatad no strength In struggling -psrhapa
bad nona to waste. When lm
looked her way ba taw her exquisite
profile unmet rod by any line of foer or
doubt, eberply rhUeved against (ha
darkneee of the rising flood. Hsr lnvel
gate without a tremor traversed Ibn
shining flood to lit far horlson.
Ho noted that already the wulera
had rlteimore than an Inch.
Humbled even In hit terror by (hat
radiant calm that dwslt upon her, ho
ventured diffidently: "Roee Mies
She turned ber bead and found ihe
heart to smile. "Roee," eho corrected
"I'm oorry," he eeld which wet not
at all what he had meant to say, Tvo
done my beet. I suppose It't wrong
to give up but they've made It too
much for me, tblt time."
"1 know," she said gsntly.
"Tou" he stsmmored "you'ro not
afraid t"
"There le nothing to fear," sho said,
"but deetb. . . ."
"Then," he eeld more brevely, after
a time tbe water now wit near hit
chin "good by - good luck I"
"Not yet, dear friend," the returned,
"not yet."
Hut the eun was perilously close
upon the rim of tho world Hut a flttlo
tlms, and It would lis night.
Ho closed bis eyes to abut out thn
vision of Itt slow, liuplscablo descent.
The water wae now almost level
with hie lips; It seemed strunge that
Hb wl
ipjk tfaJMJfrjSaBBSMBTjl
sBf U BKBaal
bk&BJ --anl Bssaa. 'HarJ
sV. sssl BFsVi aasj
They Fought Llks Madmen.
hie throat could be so dry, so
parched . . .
He opened his eyes, shuddering.
"It's good-by now,1' he faltered.
"Not ystl" her voice rang heslile
blm, vibrant. "Look up tbere along
tho cliff I"
He lifted his gate . . .
Two men were running along (ho
cliff and the men In ths lead wag
Alan. Hut bis lead waa very scunt,
snd the man who pursued wus one of
Judith's, and stuck to thu trail llku a
blood bound freeh from the leash.
And now the water was at his lips;
Barcua could no more speak without
Of a eudden he groaned In his beart)
though there was no passable way
down the cliff, still the sight of hit
friend alive and unharmed had StOOght
wltb It a thrill of hope; uow that bono
died as ha saw Alan stumble and go
to his knees.
Before he could rise tho Bihar wan
upon blm. with the fury of a wolf seek
ing the throat of a stag.
Koran Instant tbey fought like mail
men; then. In a trice, the ky lino
of the cliff waa empty; ouo or tho
other had tripped and fallen over the
brink, and falling had retained hold
of hla enemy and carried him down ae
By no cbance, Barcua told himself,
could either escape uninjured.
Yet, to hie amaiement, he saw ono
man break from tbe other's embrace
and rise. And be who lay still, a
crumpled. Inhuman heap upon thu
sands, was Judith's man.
Willi a violent effort Hurcus lifted
ble mouth above water and shrieked:
"Alan I Alan I Help I Here at the
end of the point in the water help!"
A precious minute was lost before
Alan discovered their two heads, so
barely above that swiftly rising Bend
Then be ran toward them us he bad
never run- before, and as ho gagas,
whipped out a jack-knife aud freed Its
Even so since It was, of rourso,
RQgf whom Alan freed the first
Barcua was half-drowned before Al.m
helped blm lu turn up to tho bench.
And as this bappsned tho luet blood
red rim of the gun wet washed under
by tba waves.
Two minutes later the lifeboat wus
afloat, and Mr. Harcus, already recov
ered, was laboring with the flywheel
of the motor, stimulated to supremo
exertion by tbo sight of a party, lod by
Judith, racing madly down thu heacb.
But It was not until well out from
shore and on tbe way to the surety
promised by ths mainland now n-ud-lly
discernible on tho horizon that
any one of them found time for gnt , oh,
Then Mr. Harcus straightened up
from bla assiduous attentions to iin
motor, and ebserved:
"You bear a charmed life, my ad-
venturoue friend. 1 want to tell you
that whsn I saw you go over thut cliff
I made up my mind your lingfulnssi
would be at least purinunently Im
paired. At It It, J don't mind Itilllnir
you that If ever 1 gat out of this gffalr
eilve, I'm going to have a try at your
Ufa myeslf, just ouoe. for luokl"
(To be continued)
statb OK 0SM0H ioit iiai;
Ill tho mutter ol (lie Kstate ,
P, Crews i lotion, JjVcM. )
To W. T. Crojtoii, Mary I Crogl
Rolicrt Ci'iixlon uml Nntnlic t'lngtiin,
OF OKKUON, you uro hereliy cited uml
riiiiicloaiiiii in tin. County Court nl'
the St ni of (hi-goii, lor llgrncy t'ountv,
at tbe Court ltootu tlieru of at limn , in
tlio County ol Harney on Mnmliu, tin
Hitli Mn,- ni Miiu-li. l;ir,. at in o'clock
in the forenoon of thut Uuy, then aujd
thereto show cause, if any csi.t, why
the Keul iroierly, tn-wit; I NW,
uud Lots 1 and '.' ol See. 1H, Two, sfl
S., H. 11 I!. W. M., iH-lnnginx to khuI
estuto should not U- sold.
WITNBM: The lion. li. c. Uvene,
Judge ol tlini'iiuiitv Court ol the State
of Oregon, (or the County ( Harney
with the Heal of said Court affiled
this 18th day of I . I. . A. 1. lUl.i.
It T. llughet, Clerk.
By Walter T, Struck. Doiiuty lletk
Houtte I'alntlnK
Paper Hanging
and Decorating;
Hardwood Finishing
Fresco Painting
I iiliiiiiii-N furnished on aat-
U .l. atlon. Nainplei shown.
enra him a chancc
Bit::t:n.tT:;:;i,tmt't:mtmi:ini :t::tn
A Hammrrless Gun with
Easiest operating and gmoothv
est action.
Repeating Shotgun
No. kfWh
COn It lffedBf sheet
tdaU J ert everywhere aa
"Superb for Trap or
Made lu five stylet
ami Illustrated snd
(1. hitIIm-i) In Stevens
botfon Catalog.
nve your Dealer show
you u Stsveat Repeater.
CHicoru ui, tugs.
stats oeseoni
'"" ,...,,! , liambrilalii
lllarr) llne
iW 0 llawlor
Mil, II
" ni '. lerai
.,.,,., ,...
em relar) el -iaic
I reaa i
- Ito luatrui 'lot'
A. M. Crawford
Oswald Wear
lieu W. Uleull
T.N. Kay
J A I loir, I, ifi
W S liaDlway
I gakla
1. A. Hi BflJ.
. ' Oee li Harnett
i. g. Beaa.
r. A. Moore
I"-'"' i llellOD Biggs
i i.iiiii) aikii i, bslteatore
clrenll BMsej ISO tret atoaday In
April i i.i in in iuUi
1 '"t
i ntatlve
Wit n rook r
W. y Hum. i,
oooan iiasssv:
ni I beaseaa
n i nueaei
I. A.M
C, g. Beerr
Huck liiais --I
A. k. hirhardeon
J.J Ounegaa
I. M Haatlluas
U. WCIeveDfer
. I' sylveeier
ii.. in e Brit Wedaeeday la
March. M.jr, July, September aad
i.AM nrrics:
Ki !., i
Ss rt.
-ii. Uolhrnlned
.if BJesae aaaeag
Imy V.i, win tit
lleurv Helios
,.H L. liaises
I II. J. Hssseo
A. 0. Welcome
I James I.auiblre
i H.J McglaBua
eiini II aery HeeoDd end
..u lb '
No oi her like
No ot her as good
The New Home Sewing Uieklii Qiiyii1,
We do job urintinir.
"itor ,i ah
only way to l K-.i, ' "j
ect iIk olllrlO ft iBl--A "111
New Home IfBjl
Sewing Machine a-Tat JJMa
ti luy llie mtKniM jiglj
miIi tlM MM NEW JSSfwK'.
i oo the aim m IWMJPi
H mikI in the ! gt. URrvR
m Kinag U JB yylJgU .rstftnsl
m mi BBsttjaSrl fur all I Jm
m rBBBssH tX
I No other like it M
We do It right
If You Want AIX The Home News
$2.00 A year
Best Job Printing
Phyelelai, .,( nr(HOfi
Physician ami ,,
MS, - - ,,r
Office In n.u I. ,.;i.ii.
. " " '"gsoiit,, ,,f le.,
hr... .,.. .. ""li
msnp, vi -,,
'I'llOlie ,MH, H,
Prajmlcten and Nurgeon
laT.A.,.,,,,, BJulldlBg
isteatkie el-. ftnim t ,l.
saw lkr..l '
Phyeician and Surgron
Narrowa, 0reJ
Pbyalclgns ;ii,iJ burqoni
Pell. ..-. .
"Z 7. """l"i highl .,,,
Happlman, Oregon
ur- Minnij Jand
rhysician and Surgcoi
Wrect Tolephone Connect Ion
Albritton. Ore.
Omco first dr -,.( pboto gsJIw,
Boms. Oroajoa,
M. a. Biaaa
Attorney at Iw
Voettl, Bldg., Hum,. (,rego.
Banns, Oregon.
Attorney at Uw
"""'"u practice Before I . s. UnH
i ur, .
rim... hu- i, .
"-" r "g- "est door to , -t ,
Burns, Oregon
Burns, . . Oresron
iracu.-ee in tile .-.,,,. c,lrti Hllll bgn
lore ttie L-. K. Und Ofgoo.
Oha. II. Ixjonaixi.,
areiul atu-ntion given U Colin
uons and Ileal hstate matters
Fire Insurance.
Notary Public
Buknb. Ohkoon.
State Courts and United SuteJ
Land Office Practice
Three doors South of the
Harney County National Banil
Burns, Oroifon.
Attorney at l jiw Notary PuBB I
Caaeef aaKBAB, Mea.y I o.i.m,. Kl,.k
AhaBrecle U. S. Lend Olltc. Pr.clic.
"ee asiween llariii-i i n, S.iluin! Hull
ani iarl nn.i ,
F. ('. DlLLABIl
Fermsrly Ami IBsJaBBI
la U. H Kn leninliwi, -., ,.
A. I). K.uisssjl
1 nrtmrly Chief I
Klnwr of fcvleir I i
Htllcru Ky
Eastern Orepa Eofioeerinf
Barns, Orceoi