The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 20, 1915, Image 3

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- -,
Hu !' Larg ! Circulation Of Any
N.wapapvr In H.rn.v County.
Local News.
D. A. Brakeman was up from
Waverly yesterday on business.
Hot Tamalas at the Gillenwater
Hnkery from 4 until 10 o'clock
each nijrht.
Jerry Dillon Jr. was in town
Thursday making proof on his
Mrs. Lelah Millar is back from
her buying trip to Portland and
is again at the Schwartz store
where she will display her milli
nery during the spring
The weather has been fine of
late and the roads are getting in
good condition in the valley, the
mountain roads being yet quit
muddy, causing the mails to be
Customer and others desiring
us to nettle their taxes will please
send us Treasurer's tax state
ment together with instructions
for payment of the same. First
National Bank of Bums.
Mrs. Isaac Kendall. James
Kendall and family and Mr. and
Mrs. A. D. Jones desire to i x
press their sinsere thanks to the
many friends for kindness and
sympathy during their recent
It will pay you to see our new
spring catalogue of the Victor
Indies Tailoring Co., comprising
hundreds uf beautiful styles and
fabrics in high class suits, coats,
dresses and waists Clingan Mil
linery Parlors.
The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid
has begun active preparations
for the annual Kaster sale which
occurs the Saturday preceding
Easter Sunday. They will have
home made candy, the kind that
every one wants, cut flowers,
cooked foods and favors. Parti
culars of the sale will be given
later. v
Married -Wednesday, March
17, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. S. Dugger in this city, ("has.
B. Kuhl and Miss Gladys Denton,
Rev. MacRae of the Baptist
church performing the ceremony.
Both are residents of the Dia
mond section where they will
make their home. The Times
Herald joins in wishing them a
happy wedded life.
0. H. Cobb was in to see us
this week and states he has dis
posed of his meadow land to L.
B. Culp. He and Mrs. Cobb ex
pect to leave in a short time for
the Willamette Valley where
they will visit for an indefinite
time. Mr. Cobb still has inter
ests in this county and is not de
serting us altogether. He is a
progressive man and always
Statement Of The Condition
Of Ths
First National Bank
of Barns
AX the close of business March 4th, 1915.
Loans and Discounts $31)4,449.06
U. S. Bonds 66,000.00
Bonds and Securities 50,195.85
Premium on U. S. Bonds 1,135.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,904.92
Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250.00
t'ASH 86,661.66
, $568,597.39
Capital $ 50,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 55,019.94
Circulation 50,000.00
DEPOSITS 413,577.45
Capita! and Surplus $1O0OOO.
Bailey Hayes is in town.
Wheat for sale -G. W. Cleven-ger.
Havo your picture taken at the
Sayer Studio.
' (f. V. Reed was in town this
L. M. l,owe was down Irom
Harney last Monday.
Fred Huntley was up from
Valley View during the week.
Leavo your old hat we win
make it into a New One. Will
iams, Zoglmann Clothing Co.
Geo. Raycraft was among our
visitors from the Valley View
section during the week.
Bundles for the Steam Laund
ry can be left at the Capital and
and Star barber shops.
School Supt. Hamilton Ml In
the city from his farm during
the week
Full blood Black Manarca eggs
$1.25 a setting delivered at Burns
or other points in first zone. Very
fine laying strain. Address Mrs.
B. M. Jenkins, Butte, Oregon.
Out-of-town taxpayer, who dr.irr in
to pay their !" will ploaan land ua
the tax collector, statement of the
amount due, together with inatrucliona
for payment of .am.. HARNEY COUN
Oregon State Depositary
United States Depositary
We do job printing.
The stores are getting their
garden seeds on display.
Seed and fast, barley for sale.
II. Vulgamore. Phone or call.
A big lot of parcel post mail
arrived from Juntura yesterday.
Don't throw away your old
hat when you can have it made
New for one $1.00. Williams-
Zoglmann Clothing Co.
The family of Rev. S. L. Flow
ers arrived here this week to join '
him and they will make their
home in this city.
Wanted Some sows. Inquire
at this office. 17-18
P. S. Weittenhiller has offices
in the Masonic building.
Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared
for special attention to all dis
eases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes
tested and glasses fitted. 50tf.
Chas. Parrish and W. H. Phi'
I lips were over from Izee the first
of this week on business before
; the land office.
Mrs. DStt Hamilton was over
, from Silver Creek during the
' week, a guest at the home of
lur aunt, Mrs. Geo. A. Smyth.
Tlios. Hutton was in from
Wagon tire during the week. He
j was in search of some young cat
tle to buy.
Rev. Harry HayB of Nampa,
wAnttr tr ii,i Viia i.firt tiiU'.'ii'M lit-
veloping the country. The Times-! rabid animals as these boys have
Hearld is sorry he is not going tofWW "vera! during the past
make his home in this section. winter.
Timothy and clover seed anil
clean seed barley for sale. V.
T. VandeVeer, on Pine Creek.
Address, Drewsey. Oregon.
C. A. Sweek Jr. arrived home
this week from Eugene where he
had been attending the universi
ty, and will begin farming oper
ations at once.
Al Critchfield left yesterday
for Catlow where he goes to pay superintendent of the Nazarene
a visit to his family. During his church, arrived here Thursday
absence Mr. Homer has charge and will hold special services at
the church Saturday evening,
also Sunday morning at 11 o'cloch
and again in the evening.
R. S. Dixon, a Crook county
stockman, was here this week
in the interest of the Oregon
Cattle and Horse Raisers' asso
ciation of which he is an execu-
Mr. Dixon was inci-
iieinuiiy muiiiiiK I " Willi' i-i in
to purchase.
Married In the parlors of the
Summit Hotel last Mpnday night
at 8 o'clock Mr. Ias Roy Demaris
and Miss Bertha Marie Taylor,
booth of this county, were united
in marriage, Dr. Benson of the
Presbyterian church performing
the ceremony.
Mrs. S. Ijampshire has been
quite ill at the home of her son
in this city during the past week.
This most estimable lady who
has been such a comfort and
cheer to her numerous acquain
tances in this section for many
years, is loved by the entire com
munity and it is hoped she may
soon recover her health and again
be out among her friends.
of the barber shop.
Boy's all wool shirts 75c. and
$1.00. sizes 12 1-2 to 14. Don't
overlook this money saving sale.
Williams - Zoglmann Clothing
The Cox boys killed another
mad coyote at their place out in tjve ofticer
the Val ev this week". 1 nis seems
. I to be s favorite section for the
The Dances of the Month
With the thought of the dances of the
current month the same problem which
you couldn't solve last month is before
you again bigger than ever. It's the
problem of
Proper Foot Wear
If you can't work it, don't let it spoil a
good time. See a specialist -there is
only one in town it's
Ladles' Patent Leather and Dull
Kid Shoes, also a complete line
of Spring Pumps. English
Walking Shoes for men and all
kinds of shoes for the little folks
- General Merchandise -
Hasonlc buildinu. - - Burns, Oregon
With every (f-2.00 cash purchase or purchases
amount! to $2.00 a ticket to either theatre will
he given GOOD ANY TIME
Henry Lyons left Monday in
company with I. II. Holland on
his return to Cambridge, Idaho,
after a short visit with relatives
in this city.
Mrs. Millar wishes to announce
she will have a display of spring
Millinery at the Schwartz store
some time next Week, the definite
date not heingiknown at this time.
A meeting of the public seliool
board was held last Wenesday
evening and the present turps
of teachers were all re-elected
for the coming year with some
changes in the positions of those
in the higher unities.
Kodak films developed 1(1 cents
per roll, any size. Prints oceach
All orders of 2 tlozen prints film
developed free.
A. 11. IfeLain,
Care of Sayer Studio.
L B. IJiwrenco. foimerly man
ager of the Union Telephone &
Telegraph Co., of this city, ar
rived here last Saturday after
noon from Idaho. Mr. Lawrence
is now engaged in business in
our sister state and was here on
business. He reports Lawrence
and the family well.
Harry K. Smith, who has been
suffering from grip, started to
take a dose of medicine last
night but picked up a bottle of
amonia instead of the medicine
he intended and took a teaspoon
ful in his mouth. He realized Ins
mistake and ffyit it out at once,
but not until it had burned his
mouth considerably.
.. r, .... ,.,. L. N
miss iMiima jonnson lennere
Monday morning for Portland
where she was called on account
of the illness of her younger
sister, Miss Ella, who has been
taking a course in nursing. The
young latjy '-M ill w'tn typhoid
fever. During her absence Miss
Johnson's school at Iawen is in
charge of Mrs. Sherburn. The
many friends of Miss Ella hope
to learn of her speedy recovery.
Geo. Porter was ud from the
Sunset country Thursday.
0. L. Gembree. the merchant
from Riley, was in the city this
Rolled barley, wheat and oats
for sale at market prices. W. A.
GoodmSn'l feed yard.
Mrs. Kobt. Maker has beunS
quite ill at her home in this city
but is reported improving.
We do your mending and sew
on buttons, without extra charge.
See the Steam Laundry about
your work.
Mrs. Miller will take orders
for the Palmer Garment Co., of
Chicago. Sample book now on
hand at the Schwartz Btore.
.lames I,ampshireand wife and
little daughter arrived home
Sunday from Eugene, Portland
and other outside points where
they had heen visiting during
the past few weeks.
For Sale P. L. S. Co. proper
ty in Burns. One half block with
fine large house. Garage, barn,
stone cellar and all improve
ments. Price $-1500.00. Address
P. L. S. Co., Burns, Oregon.
Rend "The Trey 0 Hearts"
and see It pictured at Tonawama.
aunty Notice.
Nutlet- In lierehr lven (list llarnav
County in iiiini Hlatr ami ('imnly
booties 011 Allil animal., killnl illiin
lliirni'v ('eiinl i, a. (ulluwa:
Kur em Ii Kiny wolf or him k mill t h.iKl
r'or i'Ai-Ii itniv Woll iiiiii or li'nrk
a oil pup, tinilxr aoll or timber
wolf mi f ,., I Ml
I'or raili hod cat, will cnt or I nx 3.IKI
I'or i'bcIi mountain lion, psnllinr,
or cougar 10.00
I' or nili r it- or rnyoln pup,
htiind before Mi, lih, IMS. ' M
For Mfltl 1'nynta or OOVbtS "i',
kllli'il Inrn 1.1,. 111,. ItlllV, . . 8.00
In orili i to obtain nny of llio above
bounties, tliu entire akin ol tin, Hnlrrn
muat lie pfeSrafod willil" 1 1 . montlifi (
tlie 'lute of tint klllitlK, Which "kin niii"'
liave Httiiihi'il thereto all four pnw, oi
feet, llir tail llllll till' Hklll of III,' I'll I IT"
ht'Bil, ill' linlliiir hoth earn Ihelenf, eve
boles, anil .km to tip of DOSS,
Afllilailta in support of claim for
bounty inn. I ha avion, to before Ilia
County Clerk.
It. T. HltillKT,
County Clerk.
For the Stomach and Liver.
N. Stuart, West Webster,
N. Y.. writes: "I have used
Chamberlain's Tablets for dis
orders of the stomach and liver
off and on for th I past Ave years,
and it affords me pleasure to
state that I have found them to
be just as represented. They
are mild in their action and the
results have been satisfactory.
I value them highly." For sale
by al) dealers.
1 MTSDtTATH I.aNIiokkIi k. i
liuriia. urtauu, Mar, I, ll.mi . I
Notlee " bSVSby Klveu lit. I O.k.r
Jul, noon, ol Hutu., UfagoB, who, tut J.lm.i .
.11, I'll ma. I, lililllltni.l III, meal, .1 lnliv
No orjo) far EHSk, Sections end nuk'
SMllon .'V Timuallli ! S., Kailie 31 K. Wll
l. int Or Meridian, It.t fllftl notite t,l Intention
It. limit, lit). I litre, v car blfjof, to
claim to I lie I. ml .1mm ira ritte't. bct.trr Kvff
lairr ami Itcci'lver. al liuriia, Oregon, nil Hit
lllli il.v uf April. ll I, n antra . a wttnraae.
latituel I'lcr, Urn Rodar, ll.-il I'ttri.r, K.rtt
eat I. all ut Hnrna, Orruon
WN. l lo-flalrr
1 1 i . 1 1 1 1 ;
Miss Emma Bushelle expects
to leave today for her homestead
where she will spend the summer.
The young lady has been quite
ill but has recovered and says
she is going to be an honest far
mer from this date. She will be
accompanied out by Mrs. Gillen
water's two little sons, the
mother leaving next week to take
charge of the colony house of
the Oregon & Western Coloniza
tion Co. at Harriman.
I. Schwartz and wife and Miss.
Ida Erieman took their departure
yesterday afternoon for Portland
upon receipt of a telegram an
nouncing the death of D. A.
Epstein in California. He was
a brother-in-law of Mrs. Schwartz
and Miss Frieman. Mrs. Epstein
and her two children having vis
ited here some years ago and are
quite well known. Mr. Epstein
had been in poor health for sev
eral months and was in Califor
in the hope of it benefiting him.
He was an Alaska business man.
but the family home is in Port
land and the funeral will be held
Notice of Ppuoinlmenl.
In the mutter ol the ealiile til John R,
T Innihlcby, ileceuaeil.
Notice i hereby SjivM to all aybom ii
may concern t lira t the uiiileiainneil him
lieen rl nl v iippointetl hv the Count
Court of lliimry County, Oregon, '''
uilmiiititintiii' ofthre.tiitc heieln BbotPS
uiiincil, anil him ilulv tuiililicil, till per
una hiiviiiK clllilim iiiainat mini entitle
me ieiiuietl to prcacnt the n. line itli
prepSf voucher, mill prepiueil ua by
law i tt ii 1 1 ci I, to the uuilriaigncd ut bis
rcHitlrncc ut emit or, OnsgOU, 01 lit the
ollit c t.l hm lilt or lie V, I'.. A. lielliholll, lit
Ilium, (lieoii
i hud Marsh 15th, r.ns.
I'irat I'ublicutioii Miireh 90, I It IS,
Cham. K. I'I!ti:iiiin,
All IIMl cat III
Notice to Road Petitioner.
Komi I'etilioneia me licubv notilled
that collection of costs uiitl cxpcnacit,
Incurred uiiilei the proviamna ol Section
ii'".ib, Lord's OftgOU l.uwa, v. ill liciciu
ufter bt sincili culorccil, attention i.
c.ill.'l to I he followiiiK prnviaiona of auiil
section, to-v, it
Sect ion tSSf.
"I 1 1 i ii application bsio nnule uuilei
the piovmniiiH of tilia eliiiptet fol a view
01 icvicw ol any public mail propoaeil
to Ik- la it I out . altered, vacated, straight
eneil, or the iiiouuiiii nts ichIoiciI the
11,1111 1 v coin t hlinll, hcfoie iHauin tin
onici in i he riswers, require bond to
bccMiiitetl by one ii mole of ihcpcti
tiouci'H for Much view Ol n-vicw, vtilh
Hiifllcicnt an ut y. to lie appioveil hy the
court llinl malic payable to I lie county,
ill siiili kiiiuh ua the coin I innv th
ree t, not chlitiIiiik S-'li(i, conihliniicil
llinl il the prayer of the petitioneiM Ik
lint ki anted mid lilliiwcd, the peraou
SMCUtlog bonds will pay all coata mill
SSBSnSSS that may Ik inciii red by lemon
of audi view or review."
Ily order of the County Coi'ti uf
March Htb, 101,5
It. I'. tillUllli'l,
(Joupty Clerk.
UttltM HTATst lasVJftl OffW B
llttrii. tjr son. .March U, 1 '1
Ntitli-r is. lift. I.y iflM-n thst Arlsjf Acttin t.l
lllrWH), lif!... MhO.ltU SltrllH, 1VOM inmlu
lliii- . -irafl Kntrl N". -. Srirsl. No
(.ir S'.SH, siiitiii W. M,NKV hi-tti.ui If,
TowUUlp itf H . i.-i-k" M siatt. v ilia in. tu
Mt i iitiai' int- Sum mult r nt tiitoutloit iii iiiitkf
llhe.1 Ilw jtcht proof, to vitshtlili cUlfn to
lh Ihu I siMivr tltsrriUxl, teeforu K. I. Hc1p,
I' M. i ommlMlOD-tf, St till offli--, at b" .tin,
tjr. km OS ti 1 Uh la of April, I VI .
t'laiiiiatil rtaiti-ts as wilnvsewa
Atiyust Mlii-r, A r. I, It rwrtl. John M
farm a, AM I Juhhsuii, a!lo( lirt-wm , 1 1 trie n
V w K-saRR. Hrstlslrr
INtM.AIir. I It At I I't'llIK I. A Nil HAI
i '.in-. urrfiMi, Fi'Lruar --1. IV1A
N.iit-r la luifliv givan thai, as illri't'trti b
Um t'tttiiiuisftlt.nir t tin inurul I. ami Dfllc.
illl'hr ifiM Him s l Act Ol t titiejn OfAtofW
inn. I ... i tftolf.) ,1".) ptirailaoi lot ha sp
pii siitiii ol Itt.b t 11 HniHii. Herlal No.07i9n
we will OffOT al public ala, to I he hlft-luit bid
tlar, hut at n-.i ! than : v-i at rr. al lit
u ' it - M . on Mo- i .-Hi .lay of April, IvlV
Hi lilts od It r llir rollOVlDg (ta t uf lM
w'tt'!, h.-f. n, T. ao., H M K.. W. M
' I his tract ii or.lcn -I niti. (lie maikvl ou a
ihowlOfl that ttir jtreatrr pitrtlon lln-riDf is
in .ni it u i in iis in loo toiitt'i for rtlllU at I oti."
I1i"nIk Mill not U kpt t-JU, but will Im
Mi i Un il i il v, hi'ti ihnnr prrat-nt at Iho hour
tin ni. ! haw t taac.l bidding. Ihr pet sou msk
log Mo- bltfBMl hlil will Irt) rt-tiilr0 to Inline
ill i i fty pO) to i in- n tls ci tin amount theroof
ti porooni rlalmltitf ail vt-rat I) the above
1. sffrlbM laiul sr- idvloM M Htv their claims .
or ..I,- ' Unci on or in-lor.- th thin Ui,:iist I
lor anlr
Wm. KaKRR. It. Bister
HaH, lit .-flu r
ISOJ Atii ikact- runi.ic i.ani kai.k
I IITKIt HTATaa i.ANUiirrtcx, I
itiinia. Or on, rebraaryet, mi.'i I
s.'ilcr t. ItiTi'lty alvttn ibai. aa tllreetetl tiy
lite' "iiinil.ali'itt'i of Itit- 1.,-t.cral t..u1 UOTce,
utitlor nrn, laltina til Act of i una-aaaa atiroretl
Jtn;e.'f. ISM, n't Hlala , 1.17). lo I lie
I'l'llt .Hun .if Hutu It II Htuwn.Herlal Sn ii.u;.
t- will i - II'-1 l nit lil le a ilc. In lite lil.l.t-.l I.I.I
It i, I. ni ni nut ! lit. n ti 110 per acre, al 10
ii-lnik A M un tin lilli nay ut April, iwir,
al il-1. i. ,- tin- fnllii in,- trail uf land
HWUNW!,, Ml'.HW',. H c l.'i.'l' SO H. H.M
r h m .
-'Ihlaliail I. iir.btt'l Icliitlii' tuarkel uu a
ali.ieliiK ilinl Die (fieAter iinrlltiii lli.renf la
tiiiiiiiiiiiliii'iia 01 '"' rniigh fur i ulli at nut
I li' .ale m i I mil be kept n.n , but will be
'li'rlt. t. il i In.'-.l i, tii'tl Lltti.i' I'lt-ai nt al the Iiiiii i
' 'inn -I ha, i t cell liltlillna I In' i ratm Iti.h
Inn the In, lii.l I M will b. ii'-,nln'tl to luiiuc
iltatt'b i"i' to the nceivir ihe aiitiiunt hid.
At.jt p. la tnti i lab I ill 1 , at ailit'tacly lint abnVe
ilr.t rlhetl lauil are a l laed In llle tl.llui
nr iilJi'lniia, uuur Iteftiretli. time tlealf tialfl
fur .ale
Wm I ,,'.., Rasliter.
San wnruaaaar-Ap. Heeelxer.
J. I.. Kit, l'liiintiil
?a. , HI'MMONS.
liluier I'arltei, Defc
In the inline of the State of (irec-mi,
yitu arc heicby ictjuiictl to nieai and
iiiwer the Coinplaint Mini iiKainit you
in the above entitled action, on orheforc
the 24-th day of April, IOI.'i, the anine
beniK the lift day ol the time pro
scribed In the order of the Court direct
inj( service ol Suiinnoiia in thia cnae to
lie iiiinle hy publication, and if you fail
to ao appeut nml nuawei aaid Com
plaint, for want tlirreof, the I'luiulill
will take judjrinent aKainat you for the
um of 199.18 with intercut thereon from
the 10th d--iv of March, 1910, nt the
rale of 10iei cent pet aiiiitim lot the
iiii i In i -inn ol $25. 00 attorney' lees,
and the phnuiill'. eoata ami diHliurae-
meiita herein exiieuded, mid lur an order
of the Court to apply I he 111111 of $80.09
cu.h attached herein, to the judgment
herein aecurcd, auid al' ached mom v be
lae in Harney County, Orejfon.
You will further tuke notice thai tint
Suuuuona ia acrvcii upon you hy publica
tion, under and by viftSJS ol an order of
the Hon. II. C. l-vena, County Jude of
llnrnev County, Oregoa, which aaul 01
tier wan imideaiul dated March in, ltd .,
ami diiected Huh SuuiiiitMis lie iuhliahetl
once each week for nil weeka in The
linn llernlil, the aiiuie beiiiK a newt
pttMr publinhcd 111 the County where
tlua action is commenced, to wit, liar
atf County, Oregaa. Ihe datoot the
Ural publication of thia SuuimoiiH ia
March i:i, Itilf., ami I lie date of the
bo"i puhlicution of thia Sunitnona ii
April '.'4. 1918.
Attorney for the l'liiintiil.
The man with a growing account,
even though it be small, has a great
advantage over the man who carries
his earnings in his pocket and maken
no systematic effort to save.
The mill will never grind with the
water that has passed. The money
you Rpentisgone,
The only way to be assured of in
dependence after your earning days
are over iH to start a bank account and
add to it regularly.
''Your Home Institution"
lluius. OftfOS, March J I1 i
Nottaa ! hurt'h giwu that Mack II. Mi-r.. pi
IUi Miliar ori'gtm, who,. li March i, IV) 2, UiaU
Addlilonal Hoiuvstoail rum. No. ium Un
Nttl.iillon is, Tounthlp lUh . KaUKC . K
W illauii'iir M. rltllau has fllttl uotlca (
Intvutlon in ii stir final thro )ar PfOOf, la
fatahlUh rlnlm (u ihe laml ahtivr ilrm r 1 1 il
winif itrgiau'T ami Kt'ccivar. at Horiio, Oregon,
oil II..- 7lU ilaj- of April. Ill
i talinaut iiainvs as VltatatM
J. N. Jniarn. Tal Hirwari. V aitor i lark. A
J. I c. h. an of II a rr I in an OftfOII
Aluminum Ware
A New Consignment Just in
The World's Best "Quality" Brand
This shipment includes one
piece Tea Pota, Coffee Per
colators, Double Boilers,
Preserving Kettles, Milk
Pails, Combination Funnels
most practical article,
with various attachments
permits it's use in many
ways Skillets, Tea Balls &
Strainers, Salt and Pepper
Shakes, Collapsible Cups.etc
A 20-Year Guarantee
11 Mil Mi STATS I.I.Mi HKHi K.
HUflia. OrafOO, Maul- i. IVlfi.
tnaili U.illii .Ii a't hnlr . . -So " I '.- fin ' , .
- i i i i n ti i.'. inwiialilii .1 --. 'iiui. khii,-.
Notice ol Hicla tor Wood.
NotloS in lifrnliy VM Hint tin- Hrlnxil
I '.'iiinl of Pi-1 No. 1 will rni. -i v.- blila up
tn April I, 1918, for um ciinla of plnn
hihkI, ami H t'nliU til ln.ilii.;illiy WOOtl,
lii In ilt -liinri il lit tin SObOOl linllHi' in
ItnriiB, ( In-null, tin nr lit (urn SoiUuiiI-i
I. in I i. 'I lie In m ii I rmn-i vt-a tin- rilit
In rt-ji it nny mid all I'iila Hiila alioolil
Ihi Stldreeasd, SSStSd, to tlniuiHlralni)tl
untl m.irlii'il "llitlafoi WikmI."
J i: l.otitiAN, Clerk
I'MlTktll HTATKM I. A Nil (1 Hl'K, i
KuriiN, 0r9JfOD, I'i'hriini) w, p-'.
Nuil - Ii urtb Klvrn 1 1 . is. 1 Ji-in iMllnii, Jr.,
uf llai i litirtii, Ott'icoii, who, on NmuuiU'i ai,
llsH inmin iimiK'stt'Stl entry No. oii.., (or
i'W 'i M'i tltm f, 1 nn i.hhl. . I . mi'li Kan,' 'I
Kasl. Wlllniiioltti Mer lillan haa nit-il n.illt.
(if liityiilltm lo Miaki' Iinal ilvu year proof, to
filahlUh i'lHim in ihu latnl mIm.v. iUs. i it. .1
hufon lii Ktilii hihI Kti.lvi't, at Hm ni., Ut
0l, on Un- Mth tla ol Mart h. p.n:
1 lalmaiit iiaiui's as wliiiust i
lliiiiY Dlh'jr ami llfiiry lleorgtt, litttliil
l.swt n. in mill, ItTunituh III I Inn. oi 11 arr I in hu
DM'K 'Hi, (hill l'llw ,iI I tt'.v i-ti. Hi. ni..
Ww t nf k, Ht'glsttjr
J .
.r .
Not If Is htm'hv iclvt-n that l't rrlf Rrtherfortl
of ttavi-rl), orffdit, win. on May 1.'. run
r. u 1 1 . ,
M K.. w illauiftif MiTlillam, has tilvtl notlrfi
of lutt-ntloti to tnaki' final ftva year proof, la
Risi'listi i lal in in tho laml slm .u-. ),
Iwlura Ursxisit-r ami Hrcrher, at limns 'n-
(tin, n U. v Hth .lay ut April, 11 .
i .allium I Imnit'S SS ill:iHM
J A. Ketherfonl, Wnltf njuli r.t han Mntill.
Mart. tjtiif t , all uf I'rlncnloli, OrritoU
v. i ...-.I. i . KUflrtM
lliirns. OrofOB, Mart h In, lil.'.
N.itii . i-. hi-rfhv xi ni thst Oontoa Ilrookr
ol Itluy, itrrgtiu, who, on April HA, ISTJL matti
liint'lvail Kulrj . Nti tL'a.11, Ht'rlal Nu o. -M, (oi
Nk'4, Hrt II. Hi rOWeUblV -'-. IUmki' ' i 1
W II ainsnir Merltllaii, has ill. tl DOtlH Pi Ihu-u-tl.iti
in uiakv Final llva-year Proof, lOMltibluita
t-lalni to i In laml tbovt tlfloOl i'" 'I. bifori Rtu
Istar anil Karalvor, at Hums Orogos., mi toe tlay ol April. lvl.i.
Claimant names as wllui'isia.
Jsnifi hllllu-rlaml, Kltiiar K. Hinllh, ritl
kail, ni, I at II It r tit tn , sail of lUli), Orison.
Pa MB, Ui'itlsUr.
I'm 1 1 n i v 1 1 Lamp (if-ru k. .
llurni, OrCOOtt, Man h 10, ll (
Notice Is hru-hy lvt'U lhat OIIi r W Oobh
I l.aweu, Urt'Ron , u lm, on i-thruary Ii, I !.'
f '
iltimiitestl Kulrv.No ii.t.t
-..nun IT, 1'owiiahlp M Sutith, K. UU
rt il lam. no Merhllan, has Dluil notn-u ni I men
tion to makf ilnal iliri-- tat prOAtf.lo t'stahlUh
claim i tltf laml alm tfta( nix. I, hi-ft .re Ktili
tor and Hoielver, al Burns, OftfOQ, on in. tlay of April, l"l ..
Clalniaiii names aa witnesses
Martin v hiitk, Oltvor 11. Cobb, Mux Plain,
Mr- Vanilla Cnhh. all uf law fli, linuon
Wm. Fahhk. Kfylslvr
Notice of Sole of Real Property.
r py"p
Joweler optifiun
Fine Wutch Repairinjj A
III the ('mini v Court nt tin- Stutc nt Hi
(on, lor IIiiiik'v Ciniiity.
In t lit- mutter ol tin- rat.iU- . .1 A. ('
Lyncli, tlt'crnacil
Notice ia lien by jjivni Hint iiiulur anil
by virtue ol' tin ortler ol nuIii iiiu,le nml
enteruil in tlm above entitleil CAUSS OB
t lie l7tliilnvol I'tlnuniy, 1918, I, the
uinli.-.iiii'il, niliiiiiiiatintoi of tliu nliove
enlit'eil i-Hliile, wilaell ut piivate milu
(nr cuali in luiinl, liom nml ufter t lie '-'-ml
iluy of Miinli, I'.H.'i. the 'u lowing tie-
m'hIk-iI real property beiooglaa to auiil
eHtutc, to-wit:
l.ola 1, 1 mill B in Section Nuiul
Lot 2 nndthe NW1., of (lie SW
'. of Hcction It in Township -V
S. of KaiiKC 99 Ii W. M. .ilu
iile in llnruey I'ouiily, Oregon.
Tilia notice ia piililislietl for u pi-iintl ol
four conteulivu Msks m Tlie TilMi
ilfiiiiii,n newspaper published sad oi
Keiterul circulutioii in ILiiney t'oiinty.
Oregon, unili'i mnl Uy virtue of uu onlei
of the Hon II. 0, I. evens, udS ol tin
uliovn eiitilletl Court, iiintlc on Hie I7tli
lu v of l'l n un i v. 1 U 1 5.
Tlie mlti "I auiil pioH.'rty nltoie ill
n Unit will be subject to eouflrntation
by tlie uliovt- iiilitleil Court.
Huleil Ut I'.lilii., Oregon, UllH llllli
dap ol Kebrunry. Ull,r.
Ailiiiiiuaiiutoi of tlie estute uf A. C
i.ynili, UiOetiaKd,
Special! Special!
We have a big stock of dishes
and are offering some at re
duced prices at present some
See our line of
Heaters and Ranges
Builders Hardware
Paints and Oils
Farm Machinery
Implements of all kinds
in steck: Seeders, Plows,
Disc and Drag Harrows.
Binder Twine Barbed Wire
Nails, Doors, Windows, Roof
ing, Building Paper
Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition
Crockery, Tinware
For its wonderful accuracy, its saf ( and con
venience, and its effectiveness for small uuino
and target shooting, you should buy
The .flbrwS .72
i .
pump i tu'ti icpcal
qut. h ui haiuaiii ami ktionu, en
fttruthnu llaa ruailU. Vl.lLU iiaininri
lakaa tl-.vvii raailv. mi can ...k ll.i.atgli t)t
battel it i Iran hum built nda.
Ila Solid .Stool Top ptulxta your lfe ami rvei asrai
lniuiy horn .lolnlivo aitiida, hum liolla. lvtvdei aiul
i'aict I ha did tJejcliou ltti.w shrlla away lu lb aida
iivci up at ! ynui liu ut aight
HandUi all .21 abort,. 22 luna and .22 limn -rifU carlriduaa. .iiolud.
'" hnlK.w puiiil littiilitiK rartritltfia Aituislr lu -'00 yaida. A paifcct
" It'l latll'lia. .JIIUIOIB, I1U a at,, rl.
Repeating Rifle
Model 20, mt illuatMlrJ. 24
h . t.t, "ii lii.inl, I ' Ol
25 shots. $11.50.
M.K.el ?, 23.ii I-
d barrrt,
15 ahotsi
.22 repaatara alto mada widi lavar aclion, aaL your daalar .
I Willow at, Nav I lav an. Conn. Ua illl. aaJalwtaai
M aaal ahotaaaa.