The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 13, 1915, Image 1

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    Wty fpm.efieMiX
The Biggest City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon Ijll
The Biggest County Fn The State
Of Oregon, Bent In The West I
m - --- ''il
NO. 18
sfc A
Much Important Matter. Taken up at
Session. Road Master Appointed.
County Fair Provided Far. High
School Board
Teachers Elected for Coming Year
County court adjourned for
the March term on Wednesday. '
During this term many things of
importance was under considera-
tion but comparatively few or-
ders were made. However each
matter up for consideration was
deliberated upon and the work of
the term indicates that the pre-
sent court is not going to act in a
hasty manner upon anything of
importance to the county.
During the week a meeting of
the county high school board
also, and Prof. H. K. Shirk was
re-elected principal. Miss Locher
and Miss Wilson were also re
elected to the positions they held
in the school the past year. Mr,
Leedy. instructor in agriculture,
was not an applicant again H he
will devote his time in future to
his farm in the Willamette valley.
This position and that of instruc
tor in English are yet to be filled.
There were other applications
for positions in the school but
the board deferred action until
The court also took up anoUx r
rntt.ic 1ni-iliiT till. lnl'IH ill tllllftt
..... . , ... ,
an interest to the people, that ot
the county fair. It was pointed
out by those experienced that
the amount received each year
from the regular source of state
levy was not sufficient to provide
premiums for the fair and unless
a larger sum could be had i'
would be useless to attempt to
hold a fair. The court consider
ed the matter and appropriated
from another fund which provid
es for a stipulated sum for adver
tising purposes, sufficient to
make the premium list practical
ly as much as it has been in the
past, therefore the board appoint
ed by the court under the law
providing for it will have ample
funds to gather an exhibit of the
products of the county and award
aderniiitp nremiums. It is the
intention to take the best of the is a sure foal getter, having more
displays at the county fair and offspring than any other Import
ship to the l'anama Fair at San ed horse in Harney County. -O.
Francisco if suitable space can L. Shingledecker. Hums, Oregon
Burns Meat Market
Packing Plant
Fresh Meats, Poultry
Home Products for Home Consumers
E wish to announce that along with our
Rexall line of Medicines and Toilet
Articles we have secured the Famous
line of Family Remedies and Toilet Articles
Each preparation guaranteed
or money refunded
The Rexall Drug Store
The Burns
Beet Surgical Boom and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com
fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
Meets and Part of
bo arranged for at the Oregon
Following are the proceedings
of the ceurt:
Road i titioned for by I). V.
Wilfong ami others was ordered
Roads petitioned for by N
I'ardee, O. T. Stuart. H.
Dieckman, (lien C. Fdwards and
B. C. drove all continued for the
term owing to incompleteness
ami other defects of the petitions.
A. 0. Faulkner appointed road
master for nine months at a al
ary of 1260 per month.
Report of the clerk on bounty
paid for rabbit scalps approved.
The records show that 71.::', 8
BCalpa were received during .lai
uary and the amount paid out
whs (8,713.96. During Fodruary
138.141 scalps were received and
$6,907.06 paid as bounty.
W. Y. King appointed juatice
of the peace for south Burns,
$1000 appropriated for the
benefit of the agricultural exten
sion work.
Clerk directed to publish notice
to stockmen not to move slock
over public highways while road
' " '
are soft and muddy.
Clerk ordered to publish notice
to public concerning persons act
ing as bond. .men on road peti
tions. Jap McKinnon appointed a
member of the board of road
In the matter of reclassification
of lands for assessment pur
poses, c. B. MeConnell having
appeared before the board and
submitted data, it was consider
ed and ordered that the data be
filed with the assessor for the
purpose of assisting in making
the necessary reclassification.
For Sal.- Registered imported
German Coach stallion, 11 years
old at id dark brown in color. He
"Don't make the mistake of
overworking the cow by asking
her to handle too much rough
age," was the suggestion of Ira
P. Whitney when describing to
the Jersey Breeders' association
the system of feeding at the fa
mous Waikiki farm near Spokane,
Wash. "There is a limit to her
storage capacity, (live her as
much roughage as she can man
age readily, then supply the bal
ance of her ration in the form of
"To the dairyman who is grow
ing wheat and barley, and I be
lieve nearly every dairyman in
the valley should be doing so, I
would suggest that you market
them through the dairy cow. If
she can't handle them for you at
a profit, soil her. Don't act too
quickly on my advice at the pre
sent time, for I realize that grains
of all kind have soared out of
sight, but this condition will not
last always, and with normal
prices for grain the dairy cow
should be able to handled them at
a profit for you. Bran and shorts
are good but the demand is forc
ing the prices up and the qual
ity down, and 1 would prefer
to grind the grains as they
are produced on tne iarm.
Linseed oil meal, soybean meal,
and other feeds rich in protein
can be used to advantage, espec
ially with heavy producers, but If
used to excess they willdoa great
deal mora harm than good. Peas
grown and threshed with oats la
an excellent ource of protein
when well ground) and no dairy
man is justified in buying feed
when he can produce it at a less
cost ;tt home."
Editor's Prices for "Puffs."
An eastern editor has come to
the conclusion that those desiring
"puffs" in his paper must pay
for them, and has established
the following prices:
For telling the public that a
man is a successful citizen, when
everybody knows that he is as
lazy as a hired man, &i.70.
Referring to the deceased citi
zen as one who is mourned by
the entire community, when we
know he will only be missed by
the M)ker circle, $10.13.
Referring to some gallavantin'
female as an estimable lady whom
it is a pleasure to meet, when
every business man in town
would rather see Satan coining,
Calling an ordinary pulpit
pounder an eminent divine, 60
cents. Sending a doughty sin
ner to heaven, $5.00. Referring
to a deceased merchant who nev
er advertised in his life as a pro
gressive citizen $4.1)0. - Kx.
We do your mending and sew
on buttons, without extra charge,
See the Steam Laundry about -
your work.
OBOROfl I-'oon ii p.
J Ordc
At All Hours
s and Prompt Service
With Reasonable Kates
(Jive lie A Call
Opposite Tlmca-Hcrald Bulldlmx
Sumpter Valley Railway Co.
Arrival and Departure Of Trains
No. 2, Prairie
10:15 A.M.
2:35 P. M,
4:00 P. M,
No. 1
1, Baker 8:30 A. M. t
Sumpter 1 0(05 A, M,
Prairie 2il0 P. M.
Makes Reed connection
with O.-W. lt. & N. Co. No. 4
(Fast Mail) leaving Portland (1:U0
1 M.. arriving at Baker l:Ut A.
M. and No. 17 from east, arriv- those fanners who combined livc
ing Baker 6:50 A. M. tock, and grain farming, with
No 2 connects with No. 5 (Fast good rotations, have in nearly
Mail) arriving at Baker 7:55 P. every case, been more successful
M. which picks up Pullman at and made larger incomes than
Baker, arriving at Portland 7:00 those who tried either one alone.
A. M. Also with No. 18 at
10:45 P. M. for points Fast. Tonuwama tomorrow night
Some Excellent Suggestions That May
Be Profitably Applied on Farms of
This County. Combined Livestock
Grain, With Good Rotations Have
Been Found The Most Successful
(llnl Slum tick, CuUlttJV AgriaulturitJ
By diversified fanning, we
mean that the revenue from
which the farm income is derived,
is divided among several sources.
There are fnany advantages t
be obtained by this system of
farming. This is especially true
in countries which have high alti
tudes and in which the climatic
conditions are rather severe and
Diversified farming lessens the
risk of total failure. The farm
er is so dependent on weather
conditions, pests and prices, that
he hesitates to take the chance
of total failure that he must as
sume if he has only one product
to sell. If there are several im-
portent crops from which the
Income is derived, they are not
likely to all fall the same year,
A farmer inii-t pay his living
expenses, and a failure when he
has but one cash product is a
serious matter, a; thCM aOCOtinti
must be carried over tu the in .n t
Diversified tanning will have
a tendency to distribute the labor
Income thruoul the year and this
would he a decided advantage, as
much belter I. lies can be secured
when it is possible to do a ca ,i
This type of fanning will af
ford good distribution of labor,
making it possible to keen the
hired men, horses and machinery
busy during the greater pari of
the year.
Under this system good crop
rotations can be planned and car
ried on, thus keeping the land in
a high state of fertility and at
the same time good yields can be
Alfalfa as a hay and seed crop,
combined withsomeof the spring
grains, will work out nicely in
the long rotation, ;is an example,
alfalfa four years for seed, on the
dry farm or for hay on the irri
gated land: or if the frost hap
pened to catch the crop in the
blossom, in the former case, it
could be cut for hay, then oil In r
wheat, oats or barley ami sum
mer fallow alternate years from
two to four years would complete
the rotation. For the short rota-
tion, any of the leading cereals,
fallow and field peas will make a
very good combination for a
three year rotation.
Diversified farming affords a
splendid opening for quits a niim-
her of stock to be profitably hand-
led on the farm. A few sheep
work in very well as scavengers,
that is, for deeding up fence
rows, ditch banks, roads, etc.
ivliieli all, nil insert 1 and U'l'l'lln
........ ..,.... .... ...... ........ .,
ideld n!:n't flip I , i I ien ;:i t 1 . .1 1 (mil
...... ...v....,.,.... t. ...a
growth. . These sheep could be
'I..,.,...,... on .rrnin n,l nlfnlfM
,..,...., .............................. ,
..... - .. ..
l.l-H.,. ,.( I Ill-Ill'- he t!l I'll. Mill
in. -o. .. m , ...
j ....:,... .,.i . i. ...i.ii.
ai ii k1""' !"" " uwiumn
the local market could handle
mule a liumlier.
The Iiok has always held quile
an Important place on the diver-
Sifted faiW and probably always
'will, for he (its in during Hie
years when the price of cereals
I Is low and affords the farmer an
opportunity to market his crops
at a fair price,
As horses are a necessary part
of tha annulment on every farm.
They should also bring the farm
er a profit over and above the
labor they pret'orm. A few good
mares bred to pure blood sires
will soon improve the standard
and in a few years the owner will
have some ood grades for sale.
As has been shown by a survey
of some three or four thousand
farms in various aUtOS, that
ll'oim Our 1'iiitlmnl forrraponilrfil)
An event of great interest, not
only to stock breeders of Oregon,
but to those of the entire North-
west, will be staged in San Fran
cisco on March 2,'l-4-5-(i when the
American Livestock Association
holds itB annual convention.
This meeting will be attended by
representative stockmen from all
sections of the United States,
matters of great importance to
the industry will be discussed,
and it is earnestly desired that
every Stock raiser in the West
make a strong eirort to be pros
That Inn.
m arc improving aim
and ,
. . . . .
eusme: s again reaenmg normal '
proportions is indicated by the de
mand which Western railroads
are making on the lumbermen
for material, The Union Pacific
recently placed im order for
1.200,000 feet of fir lumber to be
delivered Immediately to car
shops In the east, and it is ex
pected that a further order for
1,000,000 feet from the same
road will be placed with mills in
this section very soon.
The District Forester at Port
land has announced that an area
of brush land sufficient toaccom-jout killing the tubers by submit
modate 20,000 to 25, 000 goats is ting them to a dry heat at 10l"F.
now available on the western ! for four hours. This is not of
Slopes of the Cascade range. It practical use, however.and spray
is believed that pasturing goats j ing would be necessary to pro
on these lands will lessen the 'vent infection from outside in
Chances of lire by clearing off the
underbrush, and that it will go
f;ir toward clearing the land for
other purposes. If the experi
ment proves a success other large
tracts will In- set aside for
At Independence, on Mav 12
..1 11-11 L.....1 ,.r i .. ..iiu
auuv i.w ,,,,, u. ik, .
many ol them registered, will be:1" u,k'k una www
11 . 'in 1 'have been irreatlv reduced and
sold at auction. 1 he sale is to "uvc ut " uau ituiiuii .inn
be held under the auspices of the
Polk Count v Jersey
Breeders As
Prospects Bright for
Sale of Horses.
('. II. Tunner, the well known;
horse buyer of Caldwell, Idaho,
la in this section looking after
tha buying of stock and reports!
the market very gxd for horses, j
Iii fact he is so well convinced,
that the horse market is going
to keep up and there will be a I
eimlinuod demand for animals!
that he has expressed his inten-j
tion to establish a man here per-1
nianently to buy horses for him. ;
'Pliiu iu AM w I mi natna t
,,.,.. ,. , 1 ,,...,,,.; 1 1 j I M , .' , ' ' J ,
lli.,i,,r mIum iih.1 ,,,111 .....,.,.
, 1 I I I I' , ltl.,l , O till,, Will llW,t
quite advantageous to them to
l. ,..,l,.,. -J.,!,, , ., C...
null. l MIUIIKl I IKIII III lll'llll IUI
. .
tl,,,l. "... 'i .....I .. M m 'C. .........
,,i, n iim inui, nun tin mi, i i,i ue,
.... :...: ....i ..... . n
oas iinuiiiiieu inai lie can nauuie
)S any kitil or sized animal
roin i! vears'n it im il is evident
thai we may expect Considerable
revenue from this source dunnx
the season.
Should the railroad take up
active construction work piiHhin;
the line on into this Valley this
will prove another Bource of
revenue for. the horse men tiu
,l,"V y either furnish stock to
Ul1' Contractors or possible get
work for their
tfrndhiK work.
teaniH on the
Fur the Stomach nd Livar.
N. Stuart, West Webster,
N. Y., writes: "1 have used
Chamberlain's Tablets for dis-
orders ol the stomach and liver
oh" and on for th past five years,
and it affords me pleasure to
state that 1 have found them to ing Chamberlain's Cough Rem
be just as represented. Theyjedyto my customers because I
ate mild in their action and the i have confidence in it. 1 find
results have been satisfactory, 'that they are pleased with It and
I value them highly." For sule call for it when again in need of
by all dealers. isueh a medicine," writes . I. W.
jSexson, Montevallo, Mo. For
Uround feed ut llagey 's. sale by all dealers.
- 1- Bli,hl
"Owing to the prevalence of
potato storage rot, which in many
cases at least in Eastern Oregon
is due to the late blight fungUI,
questions are coming up in re
gard to the ate of such potatoes
for seed and concerning treat
ment of seed, said Professor F.
D. Baily, research asu'slant in
I'lant Pathology, at the Oregon
Agricultural College. "On ex
amination of the diseased tubers
one may find large irregular
areas over the surface that are
dnrkeiu'd and sliirhtlv sunken.
The discolored part may be
quite firm and on cutting it may
be found to form a mere shell
around the outer portion while
the center remains white and
sound, yet in most of the eyes
the germ has been killed. Such
potatoes are unfit for seed since
their use will result in a very
poor stand and will produce a few
plants in which blight will be
carried internally until weather
conditions are favorable for the
disease to spread. While it
would not be possible to cull out
''v,'rv ,ul,,'r containing blight
, tln'H can be done carefully so that
H,un(J maV be secured and by
following with timely applica
tions of Bordeaux mixture, the
disease can be prevented. It
.1 .... ...... t .. .
wuuiu ue uestireu 10 use seeu en
tirely free from blight yet this
would not insure the crop against
the disease since it is scattered
by spores from one field to an
other. "The formaldehyde treatment
that is used to control potato
scab and certain other diseased
will not control blight. The fact
that the fungus penetrates into
the tuber as it does makes it im
possible to reach it with any
treatment of this kind. A met
hod has been devised whereby
the fungus has been killed with
any case.
"Much of the tuber blight so
prevalent in storage in Western
Oregon at present is directly due
to the fact that blight was pre-
sent in tops when the tubers
were dug. They were infected
lat that time. If the tops had
been leant covered with snrnv no
. ,...... ,: .,.:.. , ' ' ... , '
man' timcs tnc tolul of "Praying
Market Report.
Receipts for the week at the
Portland Union Stockyards have
been cattle itftti, calves 2f, hogs
2885, sheep 44!Mi.
A fair run in the cattle division
the first part of the week. Some
food pulp feeVateers sold at 7. so,
a nickel more than paid for same
quality the previous week. The
market can be considered steady
although the prices were a little
better than paid a week ago.
Good cows sell at (1.(50; bull.- at
6.00 and calves at 8.50.
There was a light run in the
division this week. Prices
"" L J ""? . V.
l. : 1 r .' it , rt 1 k
'" ll" ' "" ""' PK"
,, . .,,,
nnn npni'v ni.irc nr, fill
'"" -"., 'O" "
Tops nre quoted
ut 7.15 at
close of the week.
Sheep house transactions were
made (iiiickly. The demand for
mutton being so good that buy
ers bid 7.50 for wethers and 6,80
for eww. Lamb market steady
at 8.50. There has been unite a
number of sheep coming in this
Save Your Tires
The Burns Carage is installing
a modern vulcanizing plant. You
can save one-half your tire ex
pense by having your tires pro
perly repaired. The Burns
(!arage will garantee their work.
Km i.iiliiii nil".
T take pleasure in recommend
Result of Advertising Brings Inquiries
Greater Than Ever Before to Real
Estate Men. Opportunities Offer
Very Best Attractions. Oregon &
Western Colonization Co. Busy
j The Malheur and Han
counties will see a great, in I!
of settlers during the Bom
season, is the prediction of
men who are in touch with the
.situation. The Commercial Club
I and real estate offices of thi
, have received hundreds of quel i.
I and never before in the hi
i of the county, have so many in
quiries been received, as have
come in this spiing.
Predictions of a land office busi
ness in the colonization lini
made by the Oregon & We
Colonization Co. Their head
office in St. Paul has forwarded
the information that many more
queries than ever before,
been received, and the company
is getting ready for a big rush.
The office in Ontario has a!
received more letters asking for
information, than ever in t la
past. Letters come from all 0
the country, and show that pco
plo everywhere know of the won
derful opportunities in Main r
and Harney counties.
A reason for so many qui
being received this year 1 1
piainw oy mo large am, uint 01
advcitiaing that has been
this country in the past. Th
sanas 01 dollars nave oeenn
ed in advertising Malheur
Harney counties, and thi adv
tising is now beginning '
dure the desired result
San Francisco lair i; prol
helping to stimulate int n
the west, but it is sad tl
very low per cent of the ,
who intend going to the fan. e
now making Inquiries into
heur and Harney count
There is every Indicatio
this time, that the coming
mer will see a great Influx of
settlers and home buildei . Thi.
locality will Ik- esp ciall
ed. for opportll.lit ies olfel . d !
are better than ill n." t I
rtev.11011 01 llie eM. vn.-i
Breakfast 5:30 to 9
Mac's Restaurant & Bakery
Located in the now Levens Building
W. R. McCuistion, Prop.
Supper 5 to 8
The Burns Flour Milling Co.
Manufacturers ol home products
The Cream of I he Wheat, Fresh and Palatable
Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds
Vou Patronise Home when jou ileal here
Is The Place to Trade
Firat: Promptneas, accura, y and l.tir;dealing.S
Secend: We carry a well . i stock of Drugs, Che. ,i-
cals and Druugut Sundries.
Third: We guarantee ev,i , at title we sell to be juat a
represent, d or your money refunded.
If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be
come one and be com ced.
J. . Welcomes Jr.
Railroad May Extend to
Harriman Says Paper
Indications that the O.-W. J:.
Co, will continue into Har
alky during the coming
are gained from the
mat a surveying crew is
now working west of Riverside
and information received locally
(feci that, unless some
Unforseen obstacle arises, the
ny will extend its line at
r ,'ii Harriman within
' '. months, says the
v ' U Harriman is on-
milea west of Riverside,
road bed to that Jpoint
can b( constructed at a compara-
. cost. It is said the
y grading will be in
K creek canyon.
To thr Houirwifi .
. tn. if your husband is like
n he expects you to look
health of yourself and
1 loughs and colds are
common of the minor
ailment and are most likely to
, rio0i (iisease. A child
h ,.,. likely to contract
. ,. ,(,arlet fever when
Id. If you will inquire
merits of the various
that are recommended
;hs and colds, you will
I hamberlain's Cough
Stands high in the esti-
1 ,1" people who use it. It
' and effectual, pleasant
to take, which are
e peclally to be desired
b medicine is intended for
lor sale by all dealers.
I: at 100 acres of land
line range, plenty of
go id house and a garden
; can be irrigated from
Inquire at this office.
aning and pressing at
;;., Steam Laundry. 4tf.
Dinner 11:30 to 2
Short orders at all hours