The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 06, 1915, Image 4

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See Moving Pictures 6.f This Story
In Weekly Installments at
Every Wednesday Evening
The tliltiK wiih inaiuiKi'd with nn In
genuity that Alun teimi'il tlcxillsli It
was indisputably Mnrhliivi'lli.iii
The lovers had (MM SOWS from tho
North In hot liuete utul tha shadow of
death Two days of steady traveling
by canoe, by woods trull, by luko
steamer forty dalit hours of fatlgni
and strain fnl by lmt one. Instant's
relaxation from tho loch tension of
vigilance upon which their very Uvea
depended wore to a culmination
throtifih thle tedious afternoon on tho
train from Mooselumil a trap of paya
leal torment only made possible by
Alun'a luck In securing, through sheer
accident, two parlor-car reservations
turned back at the lust moment be
fore leaving Klneo Station
No mutter tin' longest afternoon
must have Its evening the pokiest of
trains comes the more surely to Its
destination; In another hour or two
they would be In Portland free at
lust to draw breath of ease In a land
of law, order and sane Hvlng.
As If in answer to this thought, tha
train slowed down with whistling
brakes to the lust hill station, and as
the tricks groaned and moved anew,
a lout of a boy came gallophil; down
the atale, brandishing two yellow en
velopes and dialling like a stray calf:
"Mlsta Lawr! Mlsta Lawr! Tele
grams for Mlsta l.awr!"
Alan bad been e peeling at every
station a prepaid rapt) to his wire for
reservations on the night I kpress from
Portland to New- York
Hut why Inn SBVejOpss .iijiertjcrlbed
'Mr A. Lav, Klneo train southbound.
Oakland Sta.?"
He tore one open, nnfolde.i Hie In-
cloiure, and grunted disgust with lie
rurt advice, opened the other and
caught bis breath sharply as be with
drew part way only a playing eard.
a trey of hearts.
Thrusting IHmek quickly, be clapped
botii envelopes together, tore then
Into a hundred fragments, and scat
tered them from ike window Hut
the fiendish wind whisked one small
scrap back- and only one I Into tho
lap of the woman be Ins il.
Vainly he prayed that i-H" might
be aeleep. The silken lashes trembled
on her Sbeeks and lifted slightly, dis
closing the dark glimmer oi ipiestlon.
Ing eyes. And as she clipped the scrap
of cardboard between thumb und fore
finger he bent forward and silently
look It from her one comer of the
trey of hearts, but Inevitably a corner
bearing the figure "ii" ' re a heart.
"Tho Pullman agent ut Portland
wires no reservations available 00 any
New York train In the next thirty six
irs," he suld with lowered voice
'Couldn't we possibly catch the New
.-k boat tonight?"
He shook a glum head "No I
oked that up first It leaves beforo
lie get in."
She said, "Too had." abstractedly,
rcclosed her ayes, ntul apparently
lapsed anew into asm! somnolence
but without deceiving him who could
well guess what poignant anxiety"
gnawed at her heart.
He could have ground his teeth In
exasperation the Impish Insolence of
that warning, timed so precisely to set
their nerve on edge at the very mo-
He Could Have Ground Hie Teeth In
meiit when they were congratulating
themselves upon tho approach of a
The sheer Insanity of the whoiu
damnable buslli'-ss !
The grim, wild ubuuidlly of It!
To think that this was America, this
tho twentieth century, the spaa of the
highest form of civilization tho world
had ever known and sail a muii
could be hunted from pillar to post,
haunted with threuts, hurried with at
tempts at ussaeslnatioii In u hundred
forms and that by a slip of a girl
with the eanalni of a madwoman, thu
ml of a thug, thu fuiu of a churni
ng child the lace of the woman that
at beside him, duplicating Its every
I' i i leaturu no nearly that even hu
o loved tho ouo could scarcely die
,ibh her from the other but by In
l, Intuition, blind guesswork. . . .
ile nodded heavy-beurled coullrma
on of a surmise slowly settling Into
oiivlctlon In hie mind, that such cun
ning, such purpose und pertinacity
could not possibly spring from a mind
well balanced, that the woman, Judith
Trine, sister to the Hose hu loved so
well, was us mad an th it monomaniac,
her father, who sat helpless lu his
Sdf aaPsfJarB J Vj
V3, i . Wg - ra
fcrV tati!'
B ' rar' B af Jfl
mjb.i-.'?'y "'"' -PJ
cell of silence end shadowe In New
York, da) i ner day, eating hie heart
out with Impatience tor the word that
his vengeance had been consummated
by the duughtor whom he hed Inspired
to execute It.
Aii hour lute. In dusk of evening,
the train lumbered Into Portland sta-i
tlon; and, heart In mouth, Alan helped
Hose from the steps, shouldered a way)
for her through the crowd, and almost
lifted her Into a taatoab.
'Heat hotel In town," he demanded.
"And be quick about It- (or a double)
Me communicated hie one desperate,
scheme to the girl en route, receiving
her Indorsement of It. Ho, having reg
istered for her and seen bsr safely to1
the door of the best available room In
the houwe within ready call of the pub
lic lobby and office, he washed up,
gulped a hasty meal which Rose had
declined to share, pleading fatigue
mid hurried away Into ths night with
only the negro driver of a public hack,
picked up haphasard at some distance
from the hotel, for his guide.
He w.o.t, I the better part of sn
hour In fruitless and perhaps Ill
advised Inquiries; then his luck, such
as It was. led him on suspicion down
n poorly lighted wharf, at the ex
Ireme end of which he discovered a
lonely youiu man perched atop a pile,
hands In pet sets, gase turned to B1
tide when on, now black night had
fallen, pallid s ralths of yachts swung
luat visibly beneath uneasy riding
"Psrduu i.i"." Alan ventured, "but
perhaps you i .u help me out '
"Yuu'vu come to the wrong shop, my
friend," the young man interposed
with morose civility; "I couldn't help
anybody out of anything- ths way I
am nov. ."
"I'm sorry," said Alan, "but I
thought possibly yoa might know
where I could find a seaworthy boat
to churter."
The young men slipped emartly
down from his pereb. "If you don't
look sharp," he said ominously, "you'll
charter the Beavsnture " lis waved
his hand toward a vessel moored
alongside the wharf: "There she Is,
and a better boat you won't r d anywhere-
scbooner-rlgged, fifty (eel over
all, twenty -In w horsepower, motor aux
iliary, two ii..terooius all ready for
as long a MaslWjM cruise as rod care
to take. OsjSJM aboard."
He led l.ilekly seross the wharf
down a guii-.rlaiik, then aft along the
deck to a ct'iiipanlonway, by who h the
men gained a coiafortsble snd
roomy cabin, bright with fresh white
Here the light of the cabin lamp re
vealed to Alan's searching scrutiny a
person of sturdy build and Independent
iiirrlage, villi a roughly modeled,
good-humored face, reddish hair, and
steady though twlnkllag blue syea,
"Name iiurcus," the youug uiau In
troduced i.imself cheerfully; chris
tened Thomas. Nativity, Aim" lean.
State of I fa, flat broke. Thai :he
rub." he laughed, aud shrugged -h. ,ne
f.o ii "J found myself bard ; this
spring with this boat on ie, I. p. is,
sunk every ent I had snd Hi' u i SOM
fitting out in sn oral ctisriir with
a moneyed blighter In N. V'urk, who
was to huie net me here u fortnight
since. He didn't I ml hi r- I am In
pawn to Ibe ship ihaiidlc;. dusperste
enough lor anything."
"How much do you owe?"
"I'pwauis of u I udr d '
"Say i advanced that amount-- when
can we nail -
The oung iuujj rell. t d briefly.
"There's something an e; i ilni y idi
otic about this procendlng," hs oh
served wistfully "I've got the string
est kind of a bunch It's going to go
through Pay my hllti, uiul we can be
off Inside an hour, l hut Is "
He checked with an exclamation of
dismay, chapfallen. ' I may have Sams
trouble scsrlug up a crew at Snort
notice. 1 had two men engaged, but
last week they got tired doing m.tli
log for nothing and left me flat."
"Then that's settled." Alun suld "I
know boats, I'll bo your tew and II. o
better sutlslled to bun nobody eUo
The eyes of Mr, Hun us clouded.
"See here, my headlong (iP ml, whalu
your little game, any .. ? I don't
mind playing the fool on the high seas,
but I'll be no party to a klduapl.ig
"It's au elopement,'' Alan Interrupt
ed on inspiration "We've simply got
to get clear of Portland by midnight."
"You're on!" Harcus agreed prompt
ly, his face clearing. "Uod only knows
why I believe you, but 1 do und I. ru' i
my hand!"
lue Water.
Anxiety ate like sn ucld at Alan's
heart. If this shift to the sea might
be thought a desperate venture, hu
was a weathered salt-water man ami
undismayed; nothing would huvp been
more to his liking than a brisk coasi.
wise cruise la an able boat sudor
auspices less forbidding.
Hut when be re-eutered the hotel
one surprising thing happeiiud fhut
gave him new heart- momentarily It
seemed almost as If his luck hud
turned. For, ae hs paused by thu desk
of the cashier to demand his hill, l ho
elevator gate opened and Hose um,
out eagerly to meet him with an eager
air of hope that masked measurably
the signs of fatigue.
"I worried so 1 couldn't rest," she
told lil m gusrdedly as be drsw her
aslds; "so I arose and got ready, and
watched from the wlndvw till I saw
you dilvs up,"
Ml fieqimli.lcd he briefly with his
Hut she seamed unablt to echo hid
confidence or run lo overcome thJ
heaviness of her spirits when their
cab, without inlnailniilure, art then
down ut Ihe liarf.
Here, Alan had routed, wus Ihe cnti
clal point Of danft r If the Influence
of the trey or hi Wl lo bring
disaster upon tin m II would be here,
In the hush and ilmkuess of this de
serted wilier rioiil And he bote him
self most warll) as lie helped Ihe girl
from tin ear and to the gangplank of
nanai iilinTSBBBBBwiBBn H
Aps?nfl "IPsaW ss. -i jt P
tar i iijs.'MHiP BBS a. See i .dkv
jSJ ID ' aVejfJkt aV Ajl Pdm
Jjng Sjny .- BTsanBava tsbj BSa
tr'1- "' " - Lr?"BTBTnaaBBai
Lingered Watchfully on Deck.
the Hcimntnio Hut nothing hap
pened, while Mr Hiireus was as good
as hie woi.l Alan had barely set foot
on deck, following the girl, when the
gangplank eaiue aboard with a clatter,
and the Hi ui online swung away from
the wharf,
I'ntll the distant e was too great fur
even a II) lug lamp Alan lingered watch
fully on deck
At length, sallsll, d that all was well,
he returned to the cabin
"All right," he nodded, "we're clear
of that lot. apparent!) . nobody but the
She Whips Out a Qun
three of us aboard Now you'd best
turn In 'l Ids is etideutly to be your
stateroom, this ons to port, snd you'll
have a long night's sleep to make ap
for whit you've gone through dear-
t "
He tin I nearer, dropping Ills voice
tenderly And of a sudden, with a
little low ery, the gin came into bis
arme and clung paslonately to him.
"Hut you'.'" she murmured. "You
need fit .i:i much us 1! What about
't)h, no I do n't" be contended, "lie
sides I'll have plenty of time to reel
up once we'ie fairly at ses. Harem
ami I stand Patch and watch, ol
course, TaSfarg nothing for you to
do bat be compietel) nt yoifr ease,
Jtul .ion must lut me go "
Kyes half closed her head throws,
bin k. she iceinid to suffer his kiss
ratlur ih.ia to respond, then turned
hastily away to her stateroom leav,
lug him staring-, with wonder St her
I llangi nesa.
1 y midnight the Scaveuture waa
Spinning swiftly south southeast, close
reefed t" a snoring sou'weet wind
He Baed i hits eye of Portland head
light f. t I. tiling milci u
Down ths Cape.
At four o'clock, or shortly after,
Alan v. as ;.,i aliened by hoot heels
pounding Imperatively overhead, and
went on deck again, to stand both dog
wstcbes saw the sun lift up smiling
over a world of tumbled blue water,
cross, d ihe wain- of a Cuuard liner In.
bound for Boston, raised and over
hauled a grai i ful lmt buslnusellke flsh-
erman ur Uloticcstor, Harcus
opined v. hi n called to stand his trick
at sight) ami saw It a mile or two
astern m hen still aching with fatigue
he wnu free to return to bis berth
i ir another four-hour list.
Kodak Film Developed and all
photography worit done in first
clats shape. Prompt attention
-1011 N I f.FMIIKItMNt..
rktm latk'si
Jeweler. ptloiaa and
I'iin- Wnu !i Kepairing A SpeJ
. , , . I IJaWBaMW8SMaaaaWrT3rX3l
sxsMssxBsssaasjrt - , gxg . t l Mhdnnl sBiBBnanjBn.SAt ' bIbTbVIbWI
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131? '' f
Thlii tittle nlllgtlltlen t'olisldorftllol
Induced lutein to let tils crew sleep
through the tlrnl afternoon watch. Hlx
belle were ringing when. In iliowsy ap
prehension that something hud gonn
suddenly and radically wrong, Alan
He was on deck again almost hermit
he rubbed the sleepiness from his
eyes, emerging abruptly from the hnlf
light of the cabin to a katsja of sun
light that filled the cup of day with
rarefied gold, even us he paused horn
conviction of aocttrltv to realization of)
Immediate and oliuorilltiaiy pari
Ills first glance discovered the w hee
deserted, the woman with buck to htm
standing at the taifrall. Ilurcus 1101
where to be seen The second ion
firmed Ills surmise that the Hon venture
bad coma up Into tho wind, and now
was yawing off wildly lata Hie trough
of a Stiff If not heavy sea A third
showed lil in, to bin amaemeul, IhnJ
Gloucester fisherman ovei hauled
with such ease that morning and now,
by rights, well down the nofthsjl u bullion-
not two miles distant, und standi
tng squarely for the smaller vessel
Hewlldeied, bo darted to the girl's
side, with a shout, demanding lo
know what was the matter. Sim
turned to him a face he lain illy recog
nised but still he didn't understand.
The Inevitable Inference seemed a
thing unthinkable; hie hriiln faltered
when asked to credit It Only when
ha saw her tearing frantically at the
pslnter, striving to cast It off und with
It ths dory towing n bundled feet or
so astern, end when another wonder
ing glance hud discovered the head;
and shoulders of Mr Marcus rising
over the stern of the dory as he strove!
to lift himself out of the water only
then did Alan begin to appreciate
what had happened.
Kven bo, It wss with tlu' feeling that
all the world and himself as well had
gone stark, raving mud. thai Ba seised
the girl slid, despite her el i aggies, torn
her away from the rail before she bad
succeeded In unknotting the palmer
"Rose!" lie cried stupidly "Hosol
What's the matter with you? DOttt
you see what you're going '"
Defiance Inflamed her countenance
and accents. "Can't you ever say any
thing but itoss! Rons I Ratal1 is
there no other name that means any
thing to you? Can't you understand
how Intolerable II Is to me? I p .,
you no less than she better than sho
ae Pig ee a Cannon.
ever dreamed of loving you because
I hate you, loo! What Is lovg that
Is no more than low' Can't you un
derstand ?"
Judith' he cried In a voice of tu
pefactioa. "Hut Qood Lord I how
did you gt aboard? Where's itose?"
"Where you'll not find !. r easily
sgsin," iim woman angrily retorted,
"Trust me for that1"
"What do you mean?" Illumination
came In a blinding gash "Do you
mean It wss inn- rot) Whom 1 brought
aboard lost night?"
"Who slse?"
"You waylaid her there lu Ihe hotel,
substituted yourself for li.r, d Ived
me Into thinking you !"
"Of course," she said simply Why
notf When I suw lur all i ping tin ie
the uilrror of myself, completely at
my mercy -what else should 1 think
or man to lake In r place with the man
I loved? I knew yon d geVI r know the
dlfferriiru ut least I Ml fool enough
for the moment to beilevg I could
stand being loved by ion lu p. r name!
It was only today, when I'd had tliiin
to think, that I realised how lmpoa
slhle that wae!"
A sudden slap of tho mainsail ..,
atbwsrUlilps and a slmulliiiieous cry
from over the stem roused Alan from
his consternation to fresh appreciation
of the emergency With scant eoneld,
elation be hustled the woman lo the
companion way und below, shimmed Its
doors and closed her In with tho slid
lug batch all In u breath then
sprang to Ihe tufrrull, Just In time to
lend helping hand solely winded by
Mr Harcus in his efforts In climb
aboard, after lis hud pulled the dory
up under the stern by Its paint. -r
lie came over the rail In a towering
"I hope you'll pardon the apparent
Impertinence." he suggested acidly,
SS soon us aide to aiticiibite tnher
entky "but may 1 Inquire If that
Rolled barley, wheut untl nuts
for sale at market prims W. A.
Goodman 'h feed yard.
$1500 Reward!
The in, 'wnu, osU
I l"i ion Mini S'l-t Htl
l.lfu Slot it I'roiec
Hell Afefiit'liilliill el
which i ha under
slsllt'il I Illlier,
will glvn l,UOU 00
o itiiol fur , vi
itl'lll I' It'H'illlK III
Hit. Hi-rtisl snd inn
vl, linn nl m. per
IJTnr .x I lie. ilt-iil
us liiiriia, iHltlii
... , IihIousIiih
a any til us in, in
lu s.iiiiiiiii, is Iks Mhnu,, ii.,. ladssalgasd
offers the sum cumin luii .,i,t mi li , ,,,r,,
brantled hurse shud bsr uu Iti.ih or tlihtr jew.
Ilrsud rt'COitlud lu ulglii n, unlit,, gangs
Harney, Lake sml Orouk oounllss. lloimx
Bf I kw
vsntstl wlisusoltl.
Ness but grown linr.t-e bo,i an. unl Jin
ll hum in ,,
w w. MOWS i lie, meson.
hUdj mlbdsd titan Is VoW btusllM
Alsn shook s hslplsss bead. te
tiling defied reasonable expleraWlouJ
He msda a feeble lUgger at It witbj
out much satisfaction slthsr to him.
self or to tha outraged Harcus
"No It's all a damnable mistake!;
She's her sister I mean, the righfj
girl's sister and bar preaiss double)
fooled me not quite right In the head,
I'm afraid."
"You may well be afraid, you poor
flui!" Mr. Parous snapped. "lYyoui
know what eha did? Threw me over
board! Fact I Cams on deck a whtlej
ago, swset as peaches and all of al
sudden whlpe out a gun as big as a
cannon, points It at my bead and ori
ders ms to luff Into tha wind. Bsforei
I could make sure I wasn't dreaming
she had fired twice In tho air a slg
nal to that blessed fishermen astsrn
there at least, thsy answered with,
two toots of a power whistle and)
changed course to run up to us. Look!
how she's gained already!"
"But how did ehe happen to throw'
you overboard T"
"Happen nothing!" Harcus snapped,!
getting to hie feet. "She did It a-j
purpose flew at me like a' wildcat,!
and before I knew what was up 1
was slammsd backwards avsr the
"I can't tell you how sorry I am,".
Alan responded gravely. "There's;
more to tell but one thing to be dona
"And that?" Mr Harcus Inquired
"To get rid of the lady," Alan an
iioiiiicmi firmly. "Make that fisher
man a pressnt of the woman In tha
case You don't mind parting with
the dory In a good causa If 1 pay tor
"Take It for nothing," Harcus
grumbled. "Cheap at the price! "
He took Alan'e place, wuiofctug him
with a sardonic eye as he drew Ihe
tender In under the leeward quarter,
made It fast, aud reopened the com
puulouway. As the girl came on deck with
out other Invitation, In a sullen rage'
(hut only heightened her wonderful
loveliness, Alan notsd that hsr first
look was for him, of untsmpered ma
lignity, bar second, for Harcus, with
a curling Up; her third, astern, wltb
a glimmer of satisfaction as she rec
ognised how well the fisherman had
drawn up on the Seaventure.
"Frlende of yours, 1 Infer?" Alan
Inquired civilly.
Judith nodded.
"Then It would save us some trouble
- yourself Included If you'll be good
enough to step Into ths dory without a
Without a word, Judith stepped to.
the rail aud, as Barcus luffed, swung
herself overelde Into the dory.
Immediately Alsn cast off, and aa
tb little boat sheered off. Barcus.
with a sigh of relief, brought the Sea
venture once more back upon her
For eome few minutes there wss !-
lenre between ths two msn, while the,
tender dropped swiftly astern, tha
woman plying a brisk pair' of oars.
Then, suddenly elevating his nose.
Harcus sniffed audibly. "Here," ha'
said sharply, "relieve me for a min
ute, will youT I want to go forward,
and have a look at that motor."
In the time that he remained Invis
ible between decks the fisherman
lufTed. picked up the dory and Its
occupant, and came round agklR In
open chase of the Seaventure.
When Barcus reappeared It waa
with a gravs fees.
"The devil sod the deep 0he," be ob-
served obscurely, coming aft. "from
all their worke, good lord deliver us!"
"Whst's the trouble nowT"
"Nothing much- only your playful
Itttle friend hae been up to another of
her light hearted tricks. ... If you
should happen to want a smoke or
anything to eat when you go below.
Just find a mirror and kiss yourself
good by before striking the match.
The drain (ticks of both fuel tsaiks
have bean opened, and there are up-i
warde of a hundred and fifty gallons
of highly explosive gasoline sloshing
around In the bilge!"
Ne Guarter.
"Yes, res," said Mr. Harcus Indul.
gomly, breaking a long silence, "Very
inteiestiug Vary Interesting, Indeed.
I've seldom listened to a more enter
talnlng life history, my poor youug
friend, lint 1 toll you candidly, aa
mini to man, I don't believe one word
of It Hi all d n foolishness!"
Ills voice took on a plaintive ac
cent. "Particularly this!" he expos
tulated, aud waved an Ipdlguaut band,
compassing ihelr plight.
"The reel of your adventures are
reasonable enough." he said, "thsy
won my credulity - and I'm a native pf
Missouri. Hut thle last tbspter Is Im
possible. And that's list. It eoulda't
happen and hss. And there. In a
manner of speaking, we are!"
Against the western horlson a long,
low. lying strip of sand dunes rested
like a bar of purple cloud between the
rlmson afterglow of sunsst In ths
sky snd the ensanguined sea that mlr
rored It
The wind had gone dowp wllh tha
sun, leaving the Seaventure becalmed
- her motor long elnce Inert for want
of fuel In shoal water a mile or so
off the desolste apd barren coaat that
Harcus, out of bla abounding knowl
edge of those waters, named Nausst
mill another mile further off shore
the sotialled H. "raster fisherman
rode, without motion, wateis as still
and glassy. Through ths gloaming,
with ths aid of glasses, figures might
be seen moving about bar decks; and
UsiTSusvsTssbtso Orrms,
Harm, iir.iou, rsbrssry II, nut.
Nellee la bersby glvsn that Hanson T. sab,
"I llurua, Orsgun, who, tin aus. St. Itns and
Nov. a, lulu, mails Homestead guinea, No.
".'! Ufilas reaueotlvely, lor Ni.Ngi., HWUNgU
NW'.HKi.. llK,NW',. mJw'.T HgfjswS:
- . in. ii 1, Township II Mouth, hsuge M Kaal
W llniiiflle Meridian, ties filed uullcn ol lnlau
i inn to make filial Bve year Proof, to eaUhllali
ilsliu lo .h. laud above dsairlurd. before tti
laieraiul Hecelvarrat Hums, Ihe
i 'in nay oi aiaroa. ivia.
I'laluiani aamaa for wlineaaea
rraaaO. JaekSon, Marvin M UeUes, John
II altlwell, lea Osllf e), all of llurua. lire
Wh. Faaas. Peglalei
, USITSli MriTaa l.,KUtl,,s.
Burns, Oregon, rakiuary s, ivii,
Nuiii . ii lisrsby giveu tbst Jerry Ulllnii, Jr ,
nl llarrluiau, Oregon, wbQ. ou Niivninb.i us.
u mails
llomealesa entry Nu 0M1. lor
-', run Hun IB, 'lUWIielllli'M Huull
.. - . j: . . . "t --T- T-"
iwlislllli U Houti Haiiaa SI
Marl'llaii, has Alsd iiuiltr
Kaal, Wlllsuistts
of Inleiitltiu to uiaku flual Nt
year iiruof.lo
tialalillall claim to the Ian. I above
imiiiiti Kt-aUter end Hucaiver. at iiurti tir
SO'i , nu Ibe Uith day of March, lilt.
i lauiiauiusniss as witnesses:
lluiiry otlsy and Hears (leorse, Imlb uf
t.a ru i irt-jon Jaraiuiab lilllou, of llai i luiau
Oregon, Cuss. Glley.of l.awan, Otaaon
Wa. Fangs, Restaur
11 it gTsw hllti more dark she loweisd
a small boat thst ittbrstufol had
swung In davits. A tittle later a faint
humming notes drifted across ths tlds.
"Powsr tender," the owner or ihe
Seaventure Interpreted "Coming lo
oalt, I presums. Sociable lot. Whet
I oan't make out Is why they seem to
think It nscesssry to tow our dory
back. Unaaay conscience, maybe
Ha lowered Ihe binoculars and
glanced Inquiringly at his employer,
who grunted his disgust, and ssld no
"Don't tske It so hard, old top," Har
cus advised with a change of note
from Irony to sympathy. Then he rose
and dived down the companion way,
presently to reappear with a mega
phone and a double barreled shotgun.
"No rutting out psrtles In this out
fit," hs explained, grinning amiably.
"Nena of thst old stuff, revised to suit
your Infetusted femsle friend--once
aboard Ibe lugger and the men Is
Stationing himself at tbs seaward
rail, where bis figure would show In
sharp silhouette against the glowing
sunsst sky, hs brandished the shot
gun st arm's Isngtb sbovs his head,
and bellowed stertorously through the
megaphone :
"Keep off! Keep off I This menus
youl Come within gunshot and I'll
blow your fool hsads off!"
Putting aslds ths megaphone, ho sat
down again. "Not that I'd dare fire
thin bhinderbuss," he confided, "with
Plamss Lleksd Out All Over ths
this reek of gssollns; but Just fori
mors! effect, i'hew wl I'd give a dol
lar for a breath of clean air; I've In
haled so much gas In the lest few
hours I'm dry-clesasd down to my
silly old toes!"
Oalnlng no response from Alan, be
observed critically: "Chatty little cus
tomer, your are," and resumed the
For thirty minutes nothing hap
pened, other than that Ibe sound of
the fisherman's launch was stilled. It
reeted moveless In the wstere, twq
figures mysteriously busy In the cock
pit, the Seaventure's dory trailing be
hind It on a long painter.
Gradually these details became
blurred, end were blotted out by the
closing shadows. Ths afterglow In
the weet grew cool snd faint. The
erlmson waters darkened, to mauvs,
to violet, to a translucent green, to
blackness. Fsr up ths coast two
white eyee, peering over the horizon,
etared steadfastly through the dark.
"Chatham lights," Barrus said they
Abruptly he dropped Ihe glasses and
lumped up. "Hear that!" he cried.
Now the humming of the motor was
again audible and growing louder with
every Inetaal; and Alan, getting to his
feet n turn, Infected wltb the en Ite
men! of Harcus, could Just make out
at sods dlatance a dark shadow b
neath the dim, spluttering glim r of
light, thst moved swiftly snd steadily
toward the Heeveuture.
"What the devil!" be deinsnded,
"Yon ottered a mouthful when you
said 'devil'!" Barcus commeuted.
grasping bis arm and hurrying him to
ths landward aide of the vessel.
"Quick kick off your shoes get eet
for a mile-long swim! Devil's work,
all light!" be panted, hastily dltest-
ing himself of shoes and outer gar
ments. "1 couldn't made out what
they were up to till I aaw them lash
tha wheel, light the fuse, stsrt the
motor, snd take to the dory. They've
made on grand little torpedo boat out
of that irndri "
Ha sprang upon the rail, steady I n
himself with a stay. "Ready?" he i
asked. "Uok sharp I"
By way of answer. Alan joined him:
the wo bad dived as one, entering the
water wltb p single splash, axd com
ing to the surfacs a good ten yards
from the Seaventure Kur the next
aeveral seconde they were swimming
frantically, aud nut until three hun
dred feet or more separated thein
from the schooner did either dare
pause for breath or a backward glance.
Than the Impact of the launch
against the Beaventura's side rang out
across the wsters, and with a husky
roar the launch blew up, spewing sky
wards a widespread fan of flaino. Over
the Seaventure, as this flamed and I
died, pale lira seemed to hover like a
tremendous pall of phosphorescence, a
weird and ghastly glare that suddenly
descended to the decks. There fol
lowed a crackling noise, a sound as
of the labored breathing of a glaut;
and bright flames, orange, crimson.
violet and gold, licked out all over the
Schooner, from stein to Stern, frou)
deck to topmasts.
It seemed several minutes that shs
burned In this wise It wag probably
pot so Ipng before ber ducks blew
up and the flames swept roaring to
the sky.
Py tha lima Alan and Harcus, swim
ming steadily, bad gained a shoal
wblpb permitted them footing In
waist-deep waters, tbs Seaventure had
burned to the water's edge.
(To be continued i
In the metier of the Instate ,
ol riTATin
r. t irui i iiiittiii, Ih'i'tl. )
To W. T. Oroiton, Klury Cnixttui
Robert Cnutoii and Nntullc Croxtou
OK OBEOON, yon sro hereby cited ami
required to apisjur In the ('ountv Court of
the Stale ot Oregon, for Harney Count
St ths Court ltooni llmru ol at Hum , In
the County of IJsrney on Moiulai. H.
15th day of March. Klin, at 10 o'tim k
in the forenoon of that dny, then uiul
incic to snow cause, II any exist, why
the KeiU iioierty, to-wit: Kly NW,
iiinl ),uts 1 and '1 of Soc. 1M, Twp, BS,
S., K. 34$. W. N., brliiiiKinit to ssul
esiaie snouni mil lie gofil.
WITNKHH: The Hon. 11. ('. Luvens
Jinlae ol Ihe County Court of l lie Mate
ol iirei;oii, tor llie Cnuiily ol llurnev
with the Heal ot saiil Court atiixutl
... . T . ...
this I. ttii day ol lob , A. I". IIM..
It r. lliiuhet. Clerk
By Welter T. Htrurk. Deputy Cleik
t" ill '''
flrttttwmmmmii IlirtllHiiliHilluftf l
HouHe Painting;
Paper HangTlng
and Decorating
Hardwood Flnl shins;
Froco Palntlng-
Kallntufe furnished ars-
pllratlon. Samples shown.
Btumimmitt titu-r.-ttttttrntra atmi.
f IC .22
iri the WORLD.
I ' ! I I to i indelii one
' .Mini l It. I'', car-
llu other for .Vx IonsT
Handles ,M
Short and 19 .M
long i ill. i cartridges.
Semi for h mil inn. y, t, d Hlfln reta
il und "How to. Shoot
"nit r Stevens Mflss-
dstolssnd shetgses
f . r f , rem-
'i 00 L COMPANY,
f. O lion Oo,
opi ;: i Ai.ia maw.
um 'imuiii
I'lro v ( hsinberlals
hi io ii bene
WI; lUwlar
li Keuatooj
1 iiiia-rt'Mrioti
mm retajr) ..i -laie
I rt ai,ioi -
SUpl Tie. Ill- In.iriic'loti
Mlale I'rlMt i
IN J Siuuolt
AMI rswford
Oawsld Wasl
lien W. oleotl
T. H hi,
J A ( hurchlll
W S Ounlway
i Hobi ftakls
T. A. McBrtes
Utc li Hernetl
a. S. Beaa.
P. A. Moore
111 li'M
III !j-n
II -lis 11 IHi IAI. HISTRfCT.
liU'i ' ' liM," l.ilim BlgSS
".''ii .lo b l,o b Hiaemore
loin' .nn Blasts Ihe Aral alosday Is
M net.) lu Odnber.
fni til Kettltsjf
'Ol 111 ail i ' -til sail ve
WH Brook
W. Y Home
I l.'lk
I ft itaiMi I
nt ThofeuMi
k HiehsrSsea
J I. tmsessa
I. at nssxllioa
ii. w. Cleveeaef
John Boklseea
S. f. SvlTeaiar
ilhos. Bala ,
Wednesday ra
September asd
m buol Kupi 1 1 it utlviii
( i, runt"
!- - k 1 r;
' Mi still i a
' ill' Hi
S.n .tt(.. I
I t 'a tin- (In
M-y, July
LAMP errics:
Was rsre
-ut HotherakeeS
i IT1 si as.
Mat.. i.
1 tea, no
. ant XI OIL at abeSC
i.-.j van winkle
Henry Hallee
,.K t. Bel Dee
H.J. Us
A. C. W
! 'iim, I .,
H.J. llana.e
I aiaihlra
; I. J MrKtunt.n
. ' second see
M.i In.,.
..unit ,
"I !!,!
The New Home Sewing MicIIm CtaHi1,
i'"A'ii, aiAJj.
We do job tVaBtaaag,
J'Tl 1TV" Imf
Hi r l
,iscar 93. 'aa XljrsBBBBBejasaaB9SasaBBx
- I safclatBSvjBaceaa,
-r ,-A l SaaaMBSnl
" 1 in- only way to " gV 4AL
fi-l tin? mliilli h JEJ2.N Sk
KloiAf Unma wM
Sewing Machine fV f
)i, lo buy llm ruechioe -H
I wiih the nanie NEW iK9WW
i I IOME on the arm I M
H an.! in the trga, m IgdsnBnwx I
"ll. ntuthlne I, gM KmBm ,aal
warraulad for all JH JB5 t
Nn other like it JFT - -
No ot tier as good l
We do It right
If You Want AIX Tk Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
CARL C. (.Rif
PhytnYUn tmi Hum
URNS, oiu,,
Physician hiiI . , ,,
Ban.. orop-.,
Office In new PwtldlngMmn, , Uli
harness shop Man . , t
'Phone Man, ,
Ftljmieinn and IsHgspg.
1 IsTesswsinii BallShtg
Physician and Surgeon
Narrows, 0reA
Physicians ;if)d :(irfjeons
Calls answered prumptlj night or
' Phone Harrimsn.
Hsrrlman, Oregon
Dr- Minrj .land
Physician and Surgeor
Direct Telephone Connection
Albritton, Ore.
(Me first diH.r . Hht pho.
Bartin Ongon
.''!) I
Attorney at mw
Vaegtly Bldg.. lurs, Oregon
Burns, Ortgon.
Attorney at Iiw
Contests snd practice before I . B. Unl
Office a spseialt
OsBeei 'ey Bldg. next , , , to ,tfB
Burns, Oregon
Burns, - . Oregon I
Praeticee lu tbs Stall Courts and be.:
re the U.S. Ijm.l Offlce.
Oha. II. i
-I AW,
Careful atU-iitinii riven to Colee
tlons and K-H I-Vtito matters,
Fire ,-.
Notary I'ulilic
t IpjsfstM,
State Courts ami United Stata
Land Office Practice
Three doors South of the
Harney County National Bank
Burns. OreaHm.
ssntsl sWsellee et'.n .1
eseeearf tfsrMi.
AMerxver et Law Notary Pubis aga
C""eie. Monay I .,., .k. R, ,i,,.
U. 8. I a,a Off,, c Pracli.,
Oalee ketween Harm (XMUitj ni.,,iia Saal H
sad Lsntl on,, ,
r. C. Dili aki,
retaaerly Aaal gagtaeei
lall.S Bat-lam. u, in -, ,
.U. t Al'l.KMSS)
I nit-r i bla!
kiiu-rr til Boise
Si i sxers Hy.
Eastern Oregon ingipeerjoj
Bgrss, (hi nun
l-eaii .