The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 06, 1915, Image 3

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- -a....
Hat Ttis lar,.t Circulation Of Any
Nawtpap.r In Harney County.
Local News.
School Supt. Hamilton has boon
in town this week on official business.
Hot Tamalns at the Gillen water
Bakery from 4 until 10 o'clock
each night.
E. B. Moon and wi wore in
the city this week from their
home in Sunset.
J. L. Lauderdale v:s in the
city this week visiting his daugh
ter. Mrs. Leland Fry.
Burns McGowan sings tonight
at Tonawama. A dandy picture
program for the kiddies.
All members of Piute Encamp
ment, I. 0. O. F. are urged to be
present at a meeting next Tues
day evening.
Five H. P. gasoline engine and
2 in. centrifugal pumping plant
for sale Wm. Allen. Harney.
Opening dadce at the Albritton
hotel Wednesday night, March
17. Dancing and music free. A
buffett lunch served all night.
The O. A. C. Club of this city
held a delightful banqutat Mac's
restaurant last Saturday evening.
The Times-Herald did not loam
how many were present but they
had a fine time.
M. Gil was in from his home
stead in the Valley View section
during the week. He has been
clearing the land during the win
ter and will have a nice acreage
to plow and seed this spring.
Customeri and others desiring
us to settle their taxes will please
end us Treasurer's tax state
ment together with instructions
for payment of the same. First
National Bank of Burns.
C. Cummins came in from his
Malheur county home this week,
coming by way of Riverside and
in company with A. W. Gowan
and John Gilcrest helped to
build roads in order to get the
auto in from that point. They
all feel they worked their paw
age. County court has been in ses
sion since Wednesday with both
Commissioners Bain and Robins,
Statement Of The Condition
Of Th
First National Bank
of Burns
At the close of business Dec. 81st, 1914.
Loans and Discounts $320,232.62
U. S. Bonds
Bonds nnd Securities
Premium on U. fi. Bonds
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures
Five per cent Redemption Fund . . .
. . . 41,000.00
. . 78,631U5
. . . 1,340.00
... 1,250.00
... 119.095.20
Capital $ 25.000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 81,993.62
Circulation 25,000.00
DEPOSITS 444,468.81
Capital and Surplus $1 00,000.
Oregon State Depositary
United States Depositary
CsHoU Celil was in town this
week from Silver Creek.
J. R. Folkstad is in the city
from his home in Happy Valley.
Don't throw away your old
hat when you can have it made
New for one $1.00. Williams
Zogimann clothing Co.
A specially interesting picture
program for the children at Tor -
awama tonight
an will sing.
Mrs. Harry Smith expects to
lesvc in a few days for North
Kakima, Wash., where she will
visit with relatives for a time.
Timothy and clover seed and
Job printing here.
Wanted Some sows. Inquire
at thisoflice. 17-18TI
Geo Cobb was in the city this
week on land business.
S. W. Swan, a hig rancher of
the Drewsey section, is in the
Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared
for special attention to all dis-
1 turns Met low- cases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes
tested and glasses fitted. 50tf.
For Rent 160 acres of land
clean toed barley for sale. W. adjoining fine range, plenty of
T. VandeVeer, on Pine Creel;.
Address, Dreusev. Oregon.
Joe Morris, who expected to
h aye last Sunday morning for
S;m Francisco, took down with
grip and has not yet fully recov
ered. The wife of Rev MacRae way
.anri .lnlr .pvpns in attendance. !
Considerable business has beenj'iuite ill Thursday evening and j
discussed but few entries made I "" icareo pneumonia
of final action on minor matters. '"t she is improved at this tune.
Proceedings will be published in
our next issue.
Boy's all wool shirts 75c. and
$1.00. sizes 12 1-2 to 14. Don't
. : l
There has been quite an epide- overlook tn.s money . ..
mic of grip in this town the past
week, many being afflicted with
it. Princiipal Sutton informs
The Times-Herald that the aver-
Williams - Zoglmann Clothing
Rev. MacRae and family have
moved to the Baptist parsonage.
age absence from school during; Sheriff Goodman and family.
the week has been 50 per day. j who were occupying the parson
Whole families have been down i age have moved to the residence
at one time and several have formerly occupied by Rev. Mae-
been quite ill.
The Dances of the Month
With the thought of the dances of the
current month the same problem which
you couldn't solve last month is before
you again bigger than ever. It's the
problem of
Proper Foot Wear
If you can't work it, don't let it spoil a
good time. See a specialist- there is
only one in town it's
Ladles' Patent Leather and Dull
Kid Shoes, also a complete line
of Spring Pumps. English
Walking Shoes for men and all
kinds of shoes for the little folks
- General Merchandise -
Hasonlc Building - - Burns, Oregon
With every $2.00 cah purchaee or purchases
amount Ig to 2.00 a ticket to either theatre will
be given GOOD ANY TIME
water, good house and a garden
plot that can lie irrigated from
springs. Inquire at this office.
For Sale Registered Imported
German Coach stallion, 11 years
old and dark brown in color. He
is a sure foal getter, having more
offspring than any other import
ed horse in Harney County. O.
Shingledecker, Hums, Oregon
Hon Frank Davey has been ap-l
pointed clerk at the Oregon peni
tentiary, according to reports
reaching here. The Daveys for
merly lived at Salem and we un
derstand still have their residence
property there and no doubt they
will again occupy it. Mr. Davey
represented this district during
the recent legislature.
The city election last Tuesday
was a very quiet one there being
but one contest, that of marshal,
between Byron Terrill and R. L
Haines, the latter winning by a
majority of 11 votes. The other
candidates were Judge I .evens
for mayor; Sam Mothershead
and J. K. Loggan forcouncilmen;
Roy VanWinkle for recorder,
Henry Dalton for treasurer.
Mrs. M. V- Dodge held a re
hearsal of her violin pupils at
Tonawam last Saturday afernoon
at which the parent were the
invited guests. The little musi
cians did well and they will be
presented in a public recital dur
ing court week next month.
This will prove a very attractive
Mrs. I. II. Holland, Mrs. Sam
Mothershead and Mrs. Julian
Ityrd joined in giving a party ut
tin? home of the latter last Thurs
day evening. It was the largest
gathering of this character dur
ing the social season and pro
pounced a decided success !y
those present. The principal en
tertainment of the evening was
cards and the highest honors
were won by Mrs. Gault, Mrs.
Larkin and Mrs. Gowan with the
ladies, the gentlemen winning
prizes were J. L Gault, Henry
Dalton and ArthurTurner, Dur
ing the evening Mrs. Farre, Mrs.
Nollie Reed and Mrs. Sutton
sang much to the delight of the
guests as each are favorite sin, -ers
and always respond in a most
pleasing way to the demands of
their friends. Each had to re
spond to hearty encores. The
Victrola was also put to good use
during iho serving of refresh
ments. One regret was the ab
sence of both Mr. and Mrs.
Mothershead, they not being
able to be present on account of
Read "The Trey O'Hearts"
and see It pictured at Tonawama.
Leave your old hat we will
make It into a New One. Will
lams, Zoglmann Clothing Co.
N. Henney, Fred Gchrung, C.
K. Heery and others were up
from Sunset during the week.
You liked "Lucille Lovt" did
you not? Well, you'll like "The
Trey O'Hearts" better. Tonr
wama next Wednesday night.
Full Mood Black Manarca eggs
$l.iiTi a setting delivered at Burns
or other points in first zone. Very
fine laying strain. Address Mrs.
B. M. Jenkins. Butte, Oregon.
W. K. Crowdcr, who spent the
winter in Iowa, has returned and
is ready for the spring work on
the farm. Mr. Crowdcr has a
big acreage ready for cropping
this season.
Out-of-town lyrri who uViirn
to pay llinr taxai will pleat tend ut
the la collector1! alatemenl of the
amount duo. together with instructions
for payment ..f same. HARNEY COUN
Hon. A. W. Gowan has return
ed from Portland, Salem and
other outside points where lie
had been for several weeks. He
is looking well and says he had a
fine time. He attended a part
of the legislative session as
member of the third house.
aou If. Brown. Cashier of the
Harney County National Bank,
is advised hy the Oregon. Wash
ington Railroad & Navigation Co,
that they will send to him a ship
ment of tested seed corn for free
distribution among the farmers.
The corn will arrive in plenty
time for spring planting,
R. J. McKinnon and his son
Clarence have gone to Wyoming)
where they are looking over a
hig ranch property they contem
plate purchasing. They are ex
pected home sortie time the latUr
part of next week. Should they
make the deal both may take
their families to that slate to
JOI Raker was over from i 'al
low he fore part of this week.
He purchased some farm imple
ments while here a few weeks
before and upon arriving ROOM
found he had MOM parts that
would not lit and had to make
the long trip back through the
mud to get them changed. He
says the roads are a fright but he
had to have machinery for his
spring farm work and therefore
there was nothing for it bill OOl e
The sheepman thinks the cat
tleman is getting too much for
his beefsteak and the cattleman
thinks that the sheepman is get
ting too much for his wool. The
man with the orchard thinks that
the wheat man is gettinu too
much for his wheat and the
wheat man thinks that applet
are too high. The man with the
pumpkins accuses the man with
the bees and the bee man thinks
thnt it is the hog that runs up
the high cost of living. But
what the straight consumer
thinks won't do to print, for all
that is left for him ia to diyr and
damit Blue Mt. Kagle.
The High School lecture last
night in connection with the short
course was better attended and
proved very interesting and in
structive. Miss Wilson, instruc
tor in domestic science and art
conducting it. Although this
was advertised as the last of
these lectures the high school
faculty has received the necess
ary slides for another Illustrated
lecture on wheat which will be
conducted hy Supt. Broithaupt
on next Friday night at Tonawa
ma. This lecture will he of par
ticular interest to the formers of
this section and it is hoped the
roads will be improved sufficient
ly to permit many of them to at
tend. Died March I, 1015, Isaac
Kendall, aged 7Syears. Deceas
ed had suffered a stroke of paral
ysis over two years ago and has
Dover been able to help himself
since, death finally relieving
him of his sad affliction, Mr.
Kendall was born in New Hamp
shire nnd was a member of the
G. A.R. He came BON with his
family three years ago bis son
in law and others uf the family
taking up land and they had been
residing near the Weaver Springs
He a survived- hy his wife and
six cliiltlieii: Two sons, Sidney
and Joseph, who reside in North
Dakota; Mis. Lucy Kte.iey of
Plains, Montana; William who
resides in Nebraska and James
and Mrs. Gertrude Jones, who
reside in this section. He is also
survived by several urandchild
ren. The funeral was held yes
terday afternoon from the Pres
byterian church, Rev. Dr. Ben
son conducting the service. The
Times-Herald joins friends in
extending sympathy to the fami.
Ground feed at Hagey's.
Kdgar Williams is over from
Silver Creek.
Goo. Buchanan and wife and
W. Ti VnndcrVecr were in the
city this week.
IlilriiM, (iri'Kiin, fulrtusry .(, im . i
Notloalibttebyil'eli Ibsl wniiall ussst
of Soma, orajroti.whn, oa aukum u, I'm, madi
II ali'iil Knlrr, N" lihftM. Inr mi,N r ' , mi.i
,, Hi Hun .'K, Township . h , Hiuki' a
K , Wllliiini'llii Mi-Oilhiii, has tiii., I initio, ol
Intention to maka fi i n t th.aa fiat Proof, in
uatnlilleli nlalm to Iht inn. i abov arrlb l
tiefors HrlllatiM nn. I Ram I . r . nl Mil i lis. On
mn, mi On. 'Mh ii .,i Man h, lutrt
i In I iii ii n i nn mi's in u lliii'ssi-s
I'll. II II. Iliiul,, I, I NiMlnii Hatha. , llnrsi'O
i . Ili-i'il all nl Nsirnws, OiltKIIII. Mai. I. in I
I )lii nl Mn. iik, i n . i:..i.
Barns, Oftfan, Jtaaftr) 19, itlA i
Notlrali h.M-ii) kIv.-ii in hi n H i ii k Curm ,
Ol Ullrovri , t iit'tfoii, If, mi Ki-tn iirir) 10 IIMC.
nn. iL Di-m-H I Mini Khtiy.N.i 1)4 1 OH. fur H'N K(4,
Bsrtluti m TownvtalpM h, lUuyi. I9jj k i
W llliitnrlt.. M i It it n ii. ntii III. '1 lint hunt tn It-it
Moll In in ii Itt' Mini I I'rOOfi tn I'ltttl.lloh t Ihiui In
11m Ih.hI hIi.iVp il.-f.rill. r. I, li for i. I'M In
rullurh, r N ommUilouvr, til hi nific, mi
" ' klajri i thi ttndftf of Msn-ii itiir
ItiliiiNiil MHiiii'i ft" wlintMM
(ii ni Andrtwi, Oregon, Hay oarri
h ii, iiniitf no I pipy, i. mi, ol H")1f Urogon.
Utorifj Hunk Hi. ( H. I " i iic nti
M I tliNI Iti-iiMi'l
imi ID hi ATM I ANh OTTIQM, f
fa rat, Ortton, i m mir ft, ivia )
Notli 1 1" brb) ilvta thai Obrdt a. UbboM
of Kllfjf , iin'nii, who, on April .'i, I'M, nim.p
rlnmasLMil Kmiy N.. RA0,trl No. oMn, for
M..Hrr. In, I ,m ii. .'!l M .KstiRi- '.'-. K..WIIIsiiilU
Mi-ii'lUii lux llltil notli of liiliMiduii to litnlif
II nut Mm- . ni ). i. ..(( main Ml In U Mil lot lift Istxl
kbovt ili-m-rllu'tl, liffitni Iti-KlntiT slid Mscrlvvr
ut It ii r mm, Orofon, on ihu null ilajr of Mutt h
i i- mi iistiifitsi wllrtt'aara
Uoorts W JnliimuM Wooily o Htst. Wootly
I hut, ii .):.!. in f Mutter, sll of Hllsy.Oro
M I'.KKI Ktg.m.r
lioriia, Ort-Ron, Jninisry 14, I l . (
Hot Ifla If ln-rvi.) KiM'ii tlist. as illrm i 1 t.y
tin i ..iMiniai.inr of tln (' m-rsl I And Office).
nndOl pnn uf Art of rongeess spprovro
luDt . I90B, t HtslH , M7), poriuntil to ihr
applli atloii of I he.rl.-R Moorn, Hsrlsl No. 076JW,
-.1. will oAtnl public RRlr, to tilt- hlghRlt hlil-ih-r.
bul ut not it-si iliuii I'ioupfr ftcrc, stlo
itrlOt'KA M Oil lb IMlnls, of Msirh ri .,
nl II, is .Iti. - (bo ItillowlliK trs- of Istlil
f'SNr ' "'' M- ;kl H K M B w- M-
'IlilRtrnit ie tiril.-UMl inln (be nur.i-l nh i
(...wing UtMt the Rimlrr p.irtltui tbrof le
iimiilitiiliMMie of (ini Miii(b for t-uUlvRt Ion
Any ptrtona i UIhiIuk idVUIMl tin- alnv.
I. mt tb il IhiiiI ire i h I en I to (tie (heir rial mi
in nl ,, tltii. , oil ill In lli 1 1 tin .lealRliat.i1
(or Ml
m 1 u'ki. K 'Rleter
ImM.a I ltd 1IIAIT - 11 111.14.' LAND NAI.R
i rttm statrh I.anh (rn r,
Muni", OrfJQB. Juusr 14. 1916
Nollrt l I-i i b Rltmi ihsl. Re illrcrted by
lbs- I ..t iftitRSlonoi nf (In- iH-Mrisl I ruo t'tnir
ill! pi i M.Miloiis nl i I ol CoitgrfRf npprovM
IHM . t Hlata, . M7, purvusnt to the id
plh Rllnti nl JnlHi It f'tilk'-etMil.rVrlRl No. 0747V,
We will oflei Rl p ii bl h tsJOi to tin- hisbret bid
lor, but nt nut bee than $.mw per irt. Rt in
.1 Ini k M mi ibi In uf Mmi'li, III
rI ti.;- ..itii i the fniiiiRiiiR i m 1 of iniiiI
rtW, bWt '. l - . tt M I. W. M
1 l ble t ttti I i ur.ti I. ! into the iiissrWH nil M
ft (lowing tbrtt the RreRti-r porfloii i ti-1 r it
mounlAinout Ol too ruiiRli fur rultlvRtlon."
V -, , ) t-iin i 1 Hi iii in K il. rtei-l) lbi rImiv
li p.i t it.. . londort Rdi i"t to II lt tlilr iliimi,
ol i.l.jii 1 1, me on or be Inn- ihu liuu- iIuslgiiRti'il
Ini P ill
s u K.nni, ItiRlRler
Ham M..r mi k-iii u., MColvfll
I Nil Hi bTTATH I AND (ir'FKK,
Mm ue. Ur !(. u, Mucli 2, lfl.
NuMri- It herrhy Hlvi ii thRt Cor r In Rtherfoii(
nf Huril), OrtRiUt. Who. OH Me) I. I-'-.
msule II..IH. siiml V.ntry, No. oaiW, for h ' , .
It or t I O n I '. InWIiltilp T Hoiltll, KsilRe
. I h. . WlllRBieltO be.s tlle-l DO0OR
of Intention to mirrh tinl flvr yosr proof, iii
ejtialbtlali i Ulin in Iho IrihI Mbiive iteet rlbetl.
tMrfnlR llcifiHi r mnl IdcrUer, nl Htirin, Ore
O0, nil llu- sib liny of Aptll, lUllV
i In I tn n it' iiAiure sm wttlireere
J A l:..briti.fl. .Willi riiub-r.i !. Arnolil,
llmln iJilft nilol I'f liirt-luli Orr-tton
m I iiii't, ki h'leti r
rNrriu. mi'atkh LANDorrtoi, I
lluiiiR, Oregon, .Iriihiii 'wt IVlIi.
Notli - Is hi'ifby given t lu.t linrl.'N I., hrogsn
nf lliin. ft, liit(oii, Wb0. nn Kll.tuei f n IWW,
uim.ii. ii kIi'miI t- nl i v, No i .-.'u foi K'iW.
, (North o Mstlieur lftkR), Noctlon I,
Town ell p ' Hit Mengi' .'.' K . Wll'nuiRMe
Mi-1 hi hn. hem filed notli' o Iplvotlon in mftko
Fine I l lii i'f rMI i'r ' In i.inblleb i In Oil lot hi
IrimI hIihU' ilitRfiibi il. Iwfure Ib'RletiM unit
ltreltr, it IttirM Ortgoli, on lb' itli '
Mm b, fll
rUliMNiii iiNUiee nn eT.lnWfMfl
I' -I w In i .i ff in. Hiitdii ri'iiHiiiiui. I'hhi'Iii
Hrhi'iili'.i bMilinl- ItrogRIl, nil nf NkmuW
U riff ob.
WM KaIIIIR, Iti'irlRli-l
I'NiTrn HTATN La sit Offici
Miiriift, Ori'tioii, iiHin-ti UT, ltili
Notit i'Im btfi tn glvon Hint Hum ml Brlokwn.
Ol Mil lie, UrOffOU vbi. nf Ih-f i-in I .it In, l'i I,
ill Rib 1 1 mm I in -I ry, Nn u . ..'. foi N I".' ,,
Ml Ion lit TownRhlp ,'.'. ,, Itsnge .iK.wil
iRtii-lii Me rid I nh, hue ft ltd notlt of InMintlon
in tiinlii' Musi tliM-r inr nrOoT, to eetnbllih
In I in lo Ibr In ml gfrOVR b nn I lunl, Mforo Id-g
irIit Rid Herelver, nt lluriiR, Ori'Kou, nn On1
llli liny nl - i, nn i.
lint in im i ii ii mi ft up wltni-NNiR
NrI II i I n't Ot hniiig, J. P. V:y, K A
llrmu'li, nil of It n Mm. Orvffon,
Wn. Karhf. l(egRir
Hurtle, llii'iimi, Mum b .' I If I V
Not lOt l hi'ti-by glvt Ii tbnl M lit II Mi i k of
II rtr r I until, UrtfOn, who mi Mnn h , 9li BleV
AddItliiliR.1 lliiiiitMiHil i nil), .... Uus4d, foi
ftWU, Houllon BR, row n ship tltU IUBI ' K .
WlllRinette Mcrlillnii Im II M imtlre nl
llitilllh.n In BgftM In, mil, .,. .i,.r I'f. Hit, tn
(RiRblleJi cIrIiii in tlm litml Rhove ili-nt ilhcil
tn im.' i (i i i nn 'I it i . i vnr, ut Hum i, Progon,
mi tin- Hi .uy of April, i -i
I InlniRtit liMiufR w ItnrRRRR :
J N JiuiRen I'rI Wgwtrt, WRlter i lurk. A
J. LiM'k, nit of If nrrlumu oiegon.
Wm. ParrR. HrgfgUT
llfli, UfMjoBi jRt.nnry IH, IfU.
PtotiM In hereby given t lint AOctlO PRUlkiu-r,
of Mhmu'.v i mint r.rtnlo ol Oregon, wlmo ponl
nfT b r RiHIrenn Ir lliiruR, Ori-gnn, ilbl on HeptOtn
her 4.1VI4, file In thin uflin- hit Rpblloatloo to
inttkr enlry for Hie hKNW',, Hvv. I, I , . H. ,
l(, .Ml K., VV. M . Rinnelg ol I...-I W ll.v. rn.
who Is siilHlnl t.. itidke . hIm l he re for rn riIiII
llniiRl to IIK Nn. rJM, tiiRilr Nnvt -inbi-r 1, I --:'.
ei l.lii.nlii, NctirRskR, uimIit SewtloDI 3WM gnd
... of the llrvlei"! hlnlulm of ilm linlltil
HtRleg, ami the rub riii, regulRtbins of Ihr
iTpRrtiiit'iit of the Interior then uuiler, rihmi
Ing RiLlltloiiRl IrihIr to NuMlerR rihI rrIIoir
w ho eervril 111 Iht A riii) nt Nr ) 0 On- 1 hilt l
HINOR, ilnilng Ihi' Win of llli- Kri.rllli.ii
Any -ml nil pernoiiR InluitiiR Rlvrmuly lbi
Uinie iirii fiUoi. or ilt-elrlng lo ohMOl booftUM
Of tin i ml lliRrRt tt-r ol Im IhImI, ..r nn.,
pRIl Ihrrrof, of foi RIIV riRROll, to I ll ( (llRpOMRl
to nppiirsiii, RiioiiKi nn' imir Rniun it oi pr
lesl In Ihlnotllii'
Mnn h, i !
let publication, I m ii u m i r . .;
I, Mi.n I. I.,
Last publit'Mtloii,
ir hefote the t'.th il n nl
Wm Karhk. Itrglftl.T
i -.
if t,
How Would You
Break a Man's
Nerve With a
Playing Card?
Alaric Trine sought his
revenge armed with a
single playing card
He broke Alan Law's nerve
and nearly wrecked the hap
piness of his own daughter.
His other child but you'd
better see the pictures.
The Trey
0' Hearts
The most extraordinary
moving picture play ever pro
It cost a big price to get it
for this community, but we
have It, and you can see it In
weekly installments at
On Next Wednesday Night
I 'lit I r -
k kb n Ration ro kmky ok lamcm im
NATIONAL FoltKtT MotlOR la hrirbjr glv. n
tllRl til UIhIr 'Ii B' hi... i boloWt eoibi-Relng
taonorw. . ii inn ihr HtUbeur sriiourI koi
I'RI, Oli'gmi. Wilt bt lllbjii t lo l tllftlli Ut Rliil
Oliir) uiitlrr I bit .rftlhi.iiie ol llm BOinttlOnd
Uwr ol ihu Cnliosi huttt ami the Rit of June
ll, l' (J4 r-it , ::. ,, Mt the I liltf.l Htat.'B latitl
ollh ! at lluriiR, On-goii, mi Men Ii I, :
Any settler w ho wrrr tu.illy ami in gmM, In lib
Owl Mini any nl eabl land (or agrli tiltural pot
poa prior to Jnnonr) I. 1 , ami ban uot
abamloiiail eaiue, Iirr r prularem v ilKtit in
uilvtliuiiHili'ii-iiin foi On-lamle a. (ualli
m upii-i). oaJd lamle wvti- llaidl upon tin- Rp
pill atlollR nf lilt' J" IBIMiB Illl'llOoUl ll iM'lou,
Wtiu liUitf a pi I Jut Kill I il, h; eill'Ji i I In
the prior rlglil of am. aurb solllor, provitir.i
e u e Ii Rt-ttlrt or applbaul la qOeUiOod to
iiiKhe houiettt-a.I mtrv ami the oral
light Ir exirrlRi'd prior to Man h I, I'.l .. i.
wiiii -i. t-ltst tbr lan.l-.vt ill l.r eubjril loMtlle
oiRtu Rml entry b aii) mif.miii porgon I (
lamle ri-.' ae loltewg: I' ha ' ,-S ibr-
SW..O.. WUaW4NKUfW4, ll.rU'.WV', .'.s,M'1,NLV iha k'-SK's-K'
tllElW,,NK ,M ' Oik N'4N'4M ',-K
rn ..-, i r.'n., tlJ"i M iia) Rirre, n
taimn in mn i Mm j.i.. i, n , Buii.i, i ii.'h-.iii
I. mi i. It-- DooonlMII II It. 4 t M BR l
Aaaialaiil i oimiilanloiirr of the (ii inial I ami
tub. i
iMil.ATKh IHAlT. ff It Ll. LA Mi HA I I
DatlTSD htatr LtiKO rri r.
Hurua, orrgou, January ll, Ifftf
Notifi le beri-by given thai, dtrtclod b)
tin ouiiiilaslonur uf I lie i.t-mrnl La ml i irfh t.
Ullili'r Jr A l. Inn ol Arl nl I oiigrree ftpprOVI d
June W llOB :. 4 rlate , l7, pmeualtl to hv .. ;.
pin an. .it ol lit. bard J BauntM rgar orlal No
uTl- '. hi will otb r at pubili aalt. to l tie ii Ig b. el
1,1.1.1. t, but at lint last than .' UU pri e i. , Ml
in .. .m k A. M . on tin tilth la ol Man b, l ll ..
ni title off lev, tin following tract of Inn. I .
hK'41Ai,. in , Nfe.1 NW. , -..-i
- . K. .,K , W. II.
' rail tiafl ia ofdnrtd Into tin- mat ki't on a
-limeing that Ihr greataf pOftlOO thi-ntif la
tiiouiitalnoue ol too rough foi i u Itlv atlon.
ku parnOM tiatuiiug adraraal the ui....
degonbod la ml arr aiUlec.l to (lb thi'lt rlalmn,
or ..b.. . ti.iu-, mi t r Ik-lot i' thiS time .lreigURteil
Mt lab
vt si arrk, Kiglatrr.
i-M MiTMItli-MI- Ali Ut'itlWi
l-nl t Ii THAI 1
I.MTIIi BTAIKH I .Ml ulllll .
l.uii'S, . in'goii. Jsliiisr. Italia
N i.ij.-- ll lifti-i.) Ki.i'ii itisi, as Sliamltd i
tin' uosBstltaloaai "l tin- Qtaaral Land iiu
iiii.l.'i .i..vialui. nl Act nl CoagrteS al'""i('.i
June 11, leUJ "I Htat. . '.i;j. purntul Ui Laa a
I'll, all, .11 ..t I i H is J i.ll.Suli. -. N.I
wn will offer a I iii III Ir sail'. ... ll..' Dlfbrt. I.I.I
ll.T. liUt St Uut li-ss that) I.' ml Ml a.Ti'. at I"
o'elnrk . m . on Utt IMnaafol starota, Hit,
I Hub ..III. .'. llu lollimlnif llai I..I lalul
I.H'.-'tt1,. He. 1- allU Kl,K'4, r-i'i .-v. I
.1, I ft M K . H M
"Tills Irs.'l ib ur.ti'i-l tin tuarkol (ill m
shuwitia thai a giaalar iortiun IhaaaoJ .
ui.ltllltalll.iilB 01 100 ...Utfll Im ulilv stlun.
Any uersuas rlatiiiuiit advarMti toatbovt
.Ii ni .ItM'.l I a nit art. ad. ib.'.I t. . ll It. I lit'tr rial ma .
or ui ji'iiii'i.B OB Ol bofoit Iht it tn i- dotlguatad
I..I sate
WK. KiHim. U i'n I but
H4V M.'l II. n ll. II.. Il-'uhi'l
Hi'liiiid this batik is a service that
is prompt and sure, fair in its deal
ings, keen to learn the needB of its
customers and eager to make its inter
ests their own.
We have every department known
to banking, and our full resources of
experience and equipment are at your
Wc solicit your patronage on the
broad ground of deserving it.
'Your Home Institution"
BbatsaJaBBeWaftJiS at
K'jiV .v iSBi''.' aVav ml
tSOl II Ii I KA. I. It HI Ii I.WIl Mil
IlNITBI' hTA TK. I.ANl. Il.l . R I
UuniH. u.i'ami, Jai.uaii ll. I'.M .
Null. -la BPtObj SI..T1 Ilia!, tj 'llli'ii.' In
Iht "i.ui.lai,l..iii r ..1 I lir t .,' i.i-i nl I a nil till ir,.
.III. I. I I I... I. UIISI'I Al'llll Ullk'l.'SS H. il.V I'll
J.inu .'. . IWM ,.;. -I a I.., .'.17.. nil rails nl in llu- a,
i.n an.... nf iiai.kini Urofr, Serial No. 0Ttt,
mt will ..ii.-r s. tattullc sale, tn the blgheal in. I
.'.'i.tnil al ti.. I I.'hb tin in ..' IB. ..t ai u, nt III
o'i Imk v M. ui. i in- I. .Hi March lilt
al this nllii-.'. llu- lull i.i ui,: Hurt .il In i I
NSVaNSl,, Sec. It, T. Ill ll II Mt tt.M.
"I Ills .rail Is null u-. I tntn tin tiiHtkrl "ti
sit.iwltiK Hint tin- irttltf portion Iharaol U
in i. in. I a ut una Of UM i.'.ikIi foi . till I vat lull "
1 ll) iH'ianlia rlslinln,' B'Iihi.i'Ii the tbOVt
tli-at'rltii'.l anil an- lat.l 1 Itlc tin Iri'lnlins.
ur iil'Ji. IIiiiib nn ur livlii.,' tin- tint ili'.lK nali 'I
I.. i Sals
a riHIIK. H.',:IM. i.
Ham Mm in n-us u. It.-, ilvi r
Notice of Sale ut Real Properly.
In tiic Coast Court ol tin- Btsts "i Oi
cn-.n, l.u 1 1 i.i JH-v County.
In the milt t r t ol tin- rat nt i' of A. I'.
I.vm'li, ili'oeiiftc.l.
Niiiui- in Inn Ii.-nmu ilmi iiuiltr mihI
Iiv miIiu-uf mi uilii nl nil., intiilc mill
I'tit.'i.'.l tit ill.- iiltuvc ff iilitU-il OaVttfff mi
llu- 1 71 h li.v ol llii ti.u v, I'etS, I, llu
mult IftigtlSd, uf til. allow
ntit'ffd i-Htnlr, vilsvll nt piivulr tawS
foi cntll in IihiiiI, lioiii Mini nlur Hit- Mod
.1. iv ..I Muu'li, I'.ilfi. tlic o'lowinji il-
Miilnil r.'iil iioKilv bffloRgiaj lo suiil
uslntt', to-it:
l.l.t H 1, I llllll ." Ill Si. 1 1. Ill S;i
l.ul a mill llu- NV, ul clu- SV
14 ofBffcllop 9 in Ttjiwnabjp -7
s. ofHtDgc B0 i: VV, m. siin-nil-
in iiiniiiv i iiiiniy, Orsfon.
TliU noliot U publUbtd tot sptrlodol
lour i oils, ruiivn iutI, im Tin- Timet
Iliiul. I, n Mwapapsi publlslatd sttd ot
gSMrtsI ciniiliiiiiiii in ilutni'v County,
lliiKuu, uiiiloi mnl Iiv mi tin- i.f an Qfliei
of tilt- Hun. II. (' l.t vi'ii, laatn "I lltt
uliovt. tiilitli'il t'ouit, iiiailt- mi 1 Ik- l.ll
iIhv Of I'l'liium v. 101."..
Tile milt, of rai.l n ik 1 1 v ..I... vc ilv-
eriUcd will bt tubjffcl lo conflrmntlon
in tin iiiiuvi' . iiiiiii.i Court.
Uuicii ut liiirna, Qrvgon, iiu- luih
it ai nl Hi In tin v I'D i
Aduiiniatiulor t.l llu- eatiitu o( A. 0
liyucU, IkoouH.I
Aluminum Ware
A New Consignment Just in
The World's Best "Quality" Brand
PTOr Of" j ik
at efl t
B aal Bii I
This shipment includes one
piece Tea Pots, Coffee Per
colators, Double Boilers,
Preserving Kettles, Milk
Pails, Combination Funnels
a most practical article,
with various attachments
permits it's use in many
ways Skillets, Tea Balls &
Strainers, Salt and Pepper
Shakes, Collapsible Cups,etc
A 20-Year Guarantee
Special! Special!
We have a big stock of dishes
and are offering some at re
duced prices at present some
See our line of
Heaters and Ranges
Builders Hardware
Paints and Oils
Farm Machinery
Implements of all kinds
in steck: Seeders, Plows.
Disc and Drag Harrows.
Binder Twine Barbed Wire
Nails, Doors, Windows, Roof
ing, Building Paper
Fishing Tackle, Guns. Ammunition
Crockery, Tinware
For its wonderful accuracy, its safety and con
venience, and its effectiveness for small guine
and target shooting, you should buy
p mm ne
Klr pump-iihon lepeater iiaa eiiimle. !b
.. . L I S . 'ZBBBbv
tun m inc. .aiiiiii riui an olid, eaiviy i tin- Cam ressa
eHaeBssW IS .L,i. m
LbsssW V) ' ' I
.. ,,iTl
Repeating Rifle
Model 20, illurtrairJ. 74
h octagon barrel, I ' vi
25 hots, $11.50.
Model 29, 23-iml.
round barrel.
neveir up iuii yum line ut ein.
lUmll.a ehurl, .22 lo.,- ml .22 lutiwrtft rrliljiie. im lu.l
big tlm ..!.. point liuiUinej laituJajra. Aci an.iu !0U yea Ja. A ucifeit
mi nn lauints, ii)uincw, iiitwue, tiuwe, eu.
?itriM 21 reutfe. aleo itiaJe with lever :lioiij aek yuur dealer.
77is 77irn flrtxiMi Ck. h4 ? IWHf !
f ewe l eu .' tepral
tv mow a. ii ww e leveit, uunn. Itt ruiee
Ultee Jown reilv. Vi'U tt ., il.a
mi ii . ii Him Mom l-oiti cittla,
lie Solid StevllUU I.Jottl, ta VUUI I o. at llulrlM ssaiivsl
Injury Irnm tlrlr.luov.utii.l.ti. flout altclia. tiowiier ami
Kteee. 1 lie iSiilo fc-jvitiun ihnwe ah. lis swy lu lh suia
i line ot eistlii.