The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 27, 1915, Image 4

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See Moving Pictures of This Story
In Weekly Installments at
t- y
Every Wednesday Evening
The Hunted Man.
That day wan hot nml windless with,
an unclouded sky a dny of hrusa mill
Long before any sound auiltblo to
huinnn ears disturbed tho noonday
hush, a bobcat sunning" on a log In a
glade to which no trail led, prlcLcil
ears, rose, glanced over shoulder with,
a snarl and of a sudden wi9 no mora
Perhaps two minutes latar a lUCOeBi
alon of remote crauliln begun to bo
heard, a cumulative volume of sound
made by aotne heavy body forcing by
main strength through tho underbrush.
and ceased only when a inuu broke
Into the clearing, nulled u. stood for
an Instant swaying, then reeled to a
seat on the log, pillowing his head on
arms folded across his knees and shud
dering uncontrollably In all hie limbs.
He was a young man who had been
and would iigalu bo very personable.
Just now he wore the look of one
hounded by furies His face wns crim
son with congested blood and streaked
with sweat and grime; bluish velui
throbbed In high relief upon bis tem
ples; his lips were cracked and swol
len, his eyes haggard, his hands torn
and bleeding His shirt and troiiscri
and "cruisers" were wrecks, the latter
scorched, charred, and broken In a
doxen places. Woods equipment he
f pB -i5S Besa, A.
It Was a Rose.
had none beyond a hunting knlfo. belt
ed at the IBM!) of his back. All elBe
had been either consumed in the for
est fire or stolen by his Indian gttMl
who had subsequent' died while at
tempting to murder his I inploy.T
Since that event, the man had suc
ceeded In lotting himself cniidctcly.
In seeltlng shelter (rout the tliundcr
storm, he had lost touch with his only
known and none too rflggrlT located
landmarks. Tlien. alter a night passed
without a fire In tho lee of a ragged
bluff, he had waked to discover the
sun rising In the west ami the net of
the universe sympathetically upsldo
down; and aimlessly ever since lie had
stumbled and blundered In the maxe
of those grimly reticent fastnesses, for
tha last few hours haunted by a fear
of falling reason possessed by a no
tion that he was dogged by furtive
enemies and within the la It hour the
puppet of blind, witless panic.
But oven as ho strove to culm him
self and rest, the feeling that some
thing was peering at him from bohluil
a mask of undergrowth grew intoler
ably acute.
At length he Jumped up, glared wild
ly at the spot where that something
no longer woe, (lung himself fran
tically through the brush In pursuit of
It, and- found nothing.
With a grant effort be pulled him
self together, clumped his teeth upon
the promise not again to gtre way to
hallucinations, and turned back to tho
There, upon the log on which he
had rested, he found-but refused to
believe ho saw a playing card, a
trey of hearts, face up In the sun
glare. With a gesture of honor, Alan Law
fled the place.
Millie the sounds of his (light were
still loud, a grinning half-braid, guide
etole like a shadow to tho log. Inughod
derisively after the fugitive, picked up
and pocketed the card, und set out
In tireless, cat-footed pursuit.
An hour later, topping a ridge of
rising ground, Alan caught from tha
hollow on lta further side the music of
clashing waturu. Tortured by thirst,
be began at once to descend In reck
less haste.
What was at first a gentle slope cov
red with waist deep bfUeh and car
peted with leaf-mold, grew swiftly
more declivitous, a mossy hillside, us
steep as a roof, bare of underbrush,
and sparely sown with small cedars
through whoso ranks cool blue water
twinkled far below.
The shelving moss bads' afforded
treacherous footing; Ainu wus glad
now and then of tho support of a ce
da j, but these giuw ever smaller, and
morn widely spaced and were not al
ways convenient to his hand. He
camo abruptly mid at headlong puce
within sight of tho eaves of a cliff
and precisely then the hillside seemed
to slip from under him
Ills heels flourished In the air, Ms
back thumped a bed of pebbles thinly
overgrown with moss Tho stones
gave, the moss skin broke, he begun to
i,l: I. grasped at random a youngish
cnlar which stayed dim Imperceptibly,
coming away with all Its puny roots
caught ut another, no more substan
tial and amid a shower of loose stone
shot out over the edge and down a
drop of more than thlrtv feet.
He was Instantaneously awure of
" i sun, a molten ball wheeling mad
ly In the cup of the turquoise sky,
I hen dirk waters closed over him.
lie came up struggling and gasping,
and struck out for something dark
that rode the waters near at hand -something
vaguely resembling a
I tut his strength was largely spent.
In r breath had been driven out of him
b) the force of the fall, and he had
is allowed much water while the Held
of his con.ilousnesi waa stricken with
ci illusion
Within a stroke of an outstretched,
puddle, he Hung up a hand and went
down again.
Instantly one occupant of the
canon, a young and very beautiful wo
nt. mi In a man's hunting clothes, spoke
u sharp word of command and, as
her guide steadied the vessel with hie'
piuldlo, ruse In her place so surely
that she scarcely disturbed the nice
balance of the little craft, and curved
her lithe body over the bow, head
foieuiost into the pool.
Mr. Law had. In point of fact, en
dured more than he knew; more than
even a weathered woodsman could,
huvo boruo without suffering. Korty
rlght hours of such heavy woods
walking il he had put In to escape
the fore it fire, would have served to
ptostrate almost aay man; add to this
(Ignoring a doien other mental, nerv
ous and I'hv: leal strains) merely the
fact that he had been half drowned
He experienced a little fever, u little
delirium, than blank slumbers of ex
haustion. He awoke In dark of night, wholly
unaware t' t thirty six hours had
passed til.- .- hla fall. This last, how
ever, and i vi nts that had gone before,
ho recalled . ith tolerable clearness
allowing far the sluggishness of a
drowsy nUnd. Other memories, more
vague, of gentle ministering bands, of
a f o b turns an angel's, a flower's.
a lb nd s, . ad a dear woman's, trou
bled l. '.hi even leas materially, lie
was already sane enough to allow ha
hud probably been a bit out of his
head, und since It seemed he had been
saved und . .red for, he found no rea
son to quurrel with present circum
stances. Still, he would have been grateful
for some explanation of rertuln phe
nomena whli li still haunted loin such
us a faint, elusive scent of rotes with
a vague but Importunate sense of a
woman's presence In that darkened
room thin.' - manifestly absurd . . .
With final difficulty, from a dry
throat, hi spoke, or rather whis
pered Water!"
In reap I M he heard someone move
over a creaking floor. A sulphur
match spluttered Infamously. A cau
dle caughl lire, silhouetting- Illusion,
of course!- the figure of a woman In
hunting thlrt and skirt Water
splashed noisily. Alan became aware
of someone who stood at his side, one
hand offering a gluss to bis lips, tho
other gently raising his head that ho
might drink with ease.
Iiraiiiu . (be glass, be breathed hie
thanks and ssnk back, retaining his
grasp on the wrist of thai i, ureal
band. It suffered him wll ail re
sistance The hallucluaiaa even
went so far as to say, lu a fi man's
soft accents
"Yoo. are better, Alan '.'"
He sighed no nd I .1 I. "Hose!"
The volte reepu II J os!" Then
the perfume uf ru i gr m still mor
strong, seeming to la.i Ii.k cheek like
a woman a warm heath Ada mir
acle came to puss; for Mr I aw, who
realized poignantly th..l , II this was
sheer, downright BOB Ct IS, distinct
ly felt lips like velvet can si I. is fore
head. lie closed his eyes, UaJltMl d his
grasp on that hand of phantasy, and
muttered rather Inarth ulutcly
The voice asked: "What is It,
He respended: "Delirium .
IHit I like It . , . Let me ravel"
Then again he slept
In a little comer officii, toberly fur
nished, on the topmost floor of one of
lower Manhattan's loft I cm. t office tow
ers, a little mouse brow n man sat over
a big mahogany desk; a little man of
big affairs, sole steward of one of
America's most formidable fortunes
Precisely at eleven minutes past
noon (or at the Identical lustuut cios
en by Alan Law to catapult over in
edge of a cliff In northern Maine) the
muted signal of the little man's desk
telephone clicked and, eagerly lifting
receiver to ear, he nodded with 1 smile
and suld In accent! of some relief:
"Ask her to come In at once, please."
Jumping up, he rl iced a chair In lie
tlmate Juxtaposition with his owu;
and the door opened, und u young
woman entered
Tho mouse brown man bowed. "Miss
Hose Trine?" he murmured with a
great deal of deference.
Tho young woman returned kls bow
with a show of perplexity: "Mr. Dig-
"You ore kind to coine In response
to my ah unconventional liivliu
tlon," said the little man "Won't
you ah sit down?"
Hhe said, "Thank you," gravely, and
took the chair bo ludlcatcd. And Mm
Olgby, with an admiration he made no
effort to conceal, examined the fair
face turned io candidly to him
"It Is quite comprehensible,'' ho saii
diffidently 'V u will permit me to
say so- now that one see you, Miss
Trine, It Is quite comprehensible why
my employer ah feels toward you i
be does "
The arlil flushed. "Mr. Law hai told
"I have the honor to be his nearest
friend, this tdde (he water, ai well
ai his man of business"
He paused wiili mi embarrassed geei
turn. "So I hnvo ventured to reques
thli ah- surreptitious appointment In,
order to ii ike the further liber)
ty of asking WhetBOf yen have recent!
ly lent Alan n iiiessage?"
Her look of surprise was aniwelj
enough, but she confirmed it with vlg
orous denial' "I have not communi
cated wllh Mr. Ijiw In mora than a
"Precisely as I thought," Mr. IMgbyl
nodded ' Nena I ho less, Mr Law not!
long since nil Ived what purported to
be a iiicskiiko from you; In fact m
Toae." And us Miss Trine lit for"
Ward with u start of ill- may. he nded:
"I have tho Information over Mr. laaw'e;
signature a letter received ten days
ngo from Quebec"
"Alan In America!" the girl cried
In undisguised distress
"He eiinio lu response to -all the)
message of din rose "
"llul I did not send It!"
"I felt sure of Hint, because," ssbl
Mr. Dlgby, w niching her narrowly '
"because of Homolhlng that accompa
nied the ruse, a svmhol of another sig
nificance altogether a playing card, a
troy of lieai i i "
Her eyes were blank, lie pursued
with openly sincere reluctance: "l
must tell .vou. I see, that a trey o(
.hearts Invariably foreslgnnled an all
tempt by your father on tho life of
Alan's father
With a stricken eiy the girl crouchedl
back In the chair and covered her face
With her bauds.
"That Is why 1 sent for you," Mr,
Dlghy puiii il I ' Illy, mi If In hup
Of gelt In ever It most imlnip
Jiy bUlini Mans Idler, written,
mid posted on the steamer, reached me
within twent) leiir hours of his arrival
In Quebec, nml detailed hla scheme tut
enter the United States secretly as
ho puts It, hy ih back door,' by way
of northern Maine and promised ad
vice by telegraph u soou as be
reached IfOOW head I -ike lie should
have wired me ere this. I am told by
those who km.w the country he waa to
cross. Weakly, I am anxious about
the boy!"
"And II" the girl exclaimed pitifully.
"To think that he should be brought
into such peril through me!"
"You nan tall me nothing?"
"Nothing as yet 1 did not dream,
of this much less thut the message
of (he rose was known to any but Alan
and myself I cannot understand!"
"Then I e, iv tell ynu thli much
more, that your father maintain a
very efficient corps of secret agents."
"You think ho sided upon me?" the
girl flamed wllh Indignation.
"I know ho did ," Mr. Dlgby per
mitted himself a quiet smile "It has
seemed my business, lu the service of
my employer, to imptaj agaati of my
own Than Is no doubt that your
father sent you to I.'uropo for the sole
BUrpoee or having you meet Alan."
"Oh!" she protest, d Hut what
earthly men
"That Alan might he won hack to
America through rem and so "
Tlicda wan no need to finish out his
sentence I he K'll was silent, pale
and slatliiK with wide eyes, visibly
bsuetertng her wlti to cope with this
Ofuergi tit
'I n. i'. depend on you," Mr Dlgby
augf -I' d, lu advise me if you find
out an) thing f"
"Kor even mere." The jtlrl rose and
extended a hand whose grasp was firm
"Oh, Come, Cornel" She Cried Wildly.
and vital on his finger. A fine iplrit
of resolve net her countenance aglow.
"You may count on me for action on
my own part, If I find circumstances
warrant It I promised not to marry
Alan because of tho feud between our
fathers -but not to eland by and leg
him i Hi. . d Tell nut how 1 'may
communicate secretly with you end
let mo go us soou us possible!"
The Mutineer.
Within tho hour Itoso Trine itood
before In r father In that somber room
wherein ho wore out hi crippled days,
lu that place of silence and shadow
whoso sinister color-scheme of crim
inal and black was the true livery of
his monomania his passion for veo
geuncu thut alone kept warm tho en
Kodak Film Oevsloped and all
photography work done in first
class shape. Prompt attention
&Jb .
.rowoloi'. Optltdun and
Fine Watch Repairing A Spe
1 Lt B Ws IfefJ
k flggxl j1 ggv - " mt Ml
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tSl . w '
:vS aw ' --',
( gggaF
tgSw TV PfcJrV '. " '(
or 'ji ivvfti .'vi-v vf.Ty.,,''.
bin of life In tint wruted nml move
leu frame.
An Impish malice glimmered lu his
sunken eyei ai he kepi kef waiting
upon hli pleasure. And when at length
be decided to ipenk, It was with a rlnaj
f hateful Irony In that strangely
onoroui votes of his.
, "Rose," he laid elowly -"my daiigh'
tert I em told you have today been
guilty of an act of disloyalty to me."
She laid coelly: "You had inn spied
"Naturally, with every roaaoa to
queitlon your loyalty, 1 had you
She waited a alitnlflrniit moment,
then dropped an impassive monosyl
lable Into the illence: "Well?"
"You have visited thn man Dlgby,
Servant and friend of the muu I hato
i and you love."
Bhe said, without expression; "Yes."
"Repeat what passed between you."
"I shall not, hut on one condition."
"And that la?"
"Tell me first whether It wns you
who lent the rose to Alan I -aw and
more, where Judith him been during
the last fortnight?"
"I shall tell you nothing, my child.
Repeat" the resonant voice rang with
inflexible purpose -"repent what Ihn
man Dlgby told you'"
The girl was silent He endured her
stare for a long minute, a spark of
rage kindling to name the evil old eyes.
Then bis one living member that
had power to serve his Iron will, a
hand like the claw of a bird of prey,
moved toward a row of button sunk
In the writing-bed of his desk
"I wern you I have ways to make
you speak "
With a quick movement the girl
bent over and prisoned the bony wrist
In her strong fingers Wltji her other
hand, at the isme time, she whipped
open en upper drawer of the desk and
took from It a revolver which she
placed at a safe distance
"To the contrary." she said quietly,
"you will remember that the time bus
passed when you could have DM pun
ished for disobedience You will cull
nobedy: If Inlerrupied, I shan't hesi
tate to defend myself. And now ' lay
ing hold of the bnck of his chair, she
moved It some distance from Hie desk
"you may a well he unlet while I
find for myself what I wish to know"
Kor a moment lie watched In silence
SI ihe bent over the desk, iiimmav.liig
Its drawers Then with an Infuriated
gesture of 111 left hand, he began to
curse her.
She shuddered a little l die I ho k
oath blistered his thin old Una, dedl
eating her and nil she loved U lu.
Infamy and sorrow, but nothing could
lay her In her puWOll He was
breathless and exhausted when she
straightened up with an exclamation
of satisfaction, studied intently for a
moment a sheaf of papers, and thrust
them hastily Into her liiiud bag. togeth
er with the revolver
Then touching the pushbutton
which released a secret and little used
door, without a backward glance she,
slipped from the room and, cloning the
door securely. Within another minute
had made her way unseen from tho
The Incredible Thing.
Droad daylight, the top or a morn
ing a rare a ever broke upon the
north ceuntry: Ainu Law opening be
wildered eye to reailxe (he i ub i.uicu
of a dream come true
True It proved Itself, at least. In
pirt. He lay between blankets upon a
couch of balsam fans. In a corner of
somebody's camp a In;: structure,
weatherproof, ruddy but adequately
furnished Iris clothing, rough dried
but nestly mended, lay upon a chair
at his side
He rose and dressed In haste, at
once exulting In his seaaa of complete
rest ind renewed well-being, a prey
to hints of an extraordinary appetite,
ind provoked by signs that seemed to
beer out the weirdest Blgbtl of hlu de
lirious fancies
There were nppareiilli Indisputable
evidences of a woman's recent pres
ence In the camp hliiukciH neatly
folded upon second bed of granatin
balsam In tha farther comer; an effect
of orderliness not common with
guide; pair of it 1 1 hi - buckskin
gauntlets dcpcndlm- from a nail In the
wall; and he st I s'arlng wltlessly
It It for more than a minute In an
old preserve Jar on the table, n single
roee, warm and red dew upon 111
There wa also tire in the rook
tore, with a plentiful display o!
thing to cook; hul despite his bttugof
Alan didn't stop for that, but rushed
to the door and threw It opM and hlm
elf out Into the sunshine, only to
pause, dashed, chugrined, mystified
There was no other living thing In
light but a loon that sported far up
the river and saluted him with a
hrlek of mocking laughter
The place ass a cleft in the hills,
table of level land MOM few in res
In area, bounded on one hand, he
neath the cliff from which ho had
dropped, by a rushing river fat with
recent rains; on the other by a second
cliff of equal height. I'pstream the
water curved round the shoulder of a
towering hill, downstream the ellfl
closed upon It until It roared through
a narrow gorge
Near the camp, upon a strip of
helving beirh that bordered Ihe river
Whirl It widened Into a deep, dark
pool, two canoes were drawn up, bot
tom! to the iun. Donso thickets of
pine, oaks, and balsam Indeed In
the clearing.
He waa, It leemed, to bo left severe
ly to himself, that day; when he bid
cooked and made way with an enor
mou breakfast, Alan found nothing
better to do till time for lunchoou
Rolled barley, wheal und oatu
for sale at market prices. W. A.
Goodman's feed yard.
$1500 Reward!
Ifnrulaanil Nevad
Mverfloi'k I'rnli'i -Hi
'il A .a... l.ii I, .li nl
which llm mi. In
lac ii i-.i I. member,
will sun ii.i.B' im
ruwaril fur nvl-
illll. l.'.i.llii,- to
thn arri'Nt ami run
vliiii.ti nf imy par-
i J nr .niiica an-ul
IliK lliirani. lalll
or inn Ism Iiii1oiiIiik
Ui any nf III inrin
la addition to llm ikm u,, milaaalaaa.
offara tha aama ii.iiillilon M,00 r..r all I. ma. a
hrand.,1 hone alnnl baron Bethel lltnil Jaw.
Bread raoordeil In ulghl ciiuill,'. ta,,K
llaruay, l.aka suit Oroai tk)UDU(, HorsN
raula.t whim sold
Noa but frown horses told ami mil) JU
aoj huurhes,
W II0WM rile. Oroxnu.
than to explore thli pocket domalaj
lie feaited famouily again at nooni
whllid away iireral houri vainly whipi
ping ihe pooii with rod and tickla
found In the cimp, for trout that hi
really didn't hope would rtie beneath,
that bluing nun; and toward three
o'clock lounged biok to hi iromitle
couch for a nap.
The weltering iun hid thrown a,
deep, cool ihadow acrou the cove
when he wai iwikened by Importun
ate hand and a voice of miglc.
Hose Trine wn kneeling beside him,
clutching hi iboulderi, celling on him
by name detracted by an Ineipllca-'
ble auilety.
lie waited no time discriminating
between dream and reality, but gath
ered both Into his arm And for a
moment h reited there unreilitlng,'
sobbing quietly.
"What li UT Whit I It, deireitT
he questioned, killing her teen iwiy,
"To find you all right. ... I
was io if raid I" ihe cried brokenly.
"Of what? Wasn't I all right when,
you left me here thli morning?"
Hhe disengaged with an effort, roie,
and looked down itnngely at him.
"I did not leave you here thli morn
ing, Alan. I waan't here"
That brought him to hla own feet
in a jiffy. "You were not!" he tam
merer!. "Then who T"
"Judith," ihe itated with conviction.;
"Impossible! Ynu don't under
stand "
The girl shook her bead. "Tat I
knew: Judith wei here until thle
gt 11 "jrt- f -XfVKC
BeesSIs; JjsV .gxggsLag ' .lf Vga
IKw ' a wtgV earaggT a as
avTer.?' jggsar ' &vP i
rr j aj iig I
' 1 agar A
CdgggggW "-, at tsarxgl Wr
&2dB?S gga- -r ' T f I
Precipitating Both Into That Savay
morning. I toll you I know I law
her only a few hour ago. Bhe passed
u in a canoe with one of her guides.
while we witched In biding on the
bank Not thit alone, but another of
Imr guide told mine he waa here
with you Hhe had annt him to South
Portage for quinine. He stopped
there to get drunk and that's bow
my guldu managed to worm the Infor
mation from him."
Al.iu 1'iisMcd a hand across hi eyei.
"I don't understand," be said dully.
"It doesn't seem poailble sh
could "
A shot Interrupted him, the report
of a rifle from i considerable distance
upstream, echoed and re echoed by the
cliffs. And it this, clutching fran
tically at bis arm, the girl drew him
through the door and down toward the
"Oh. come, cornel" she cried wild
ly. "There's no time I"
"Hut. why? What waa that?"
"Judith Is returning. I left my
guide up tho trail to signal us. Don't
you know wbst It menus If we don't
manage to escape before she gets
"Hut how?"
"According to the guide the river!
the only way other than the trail."
"The current I too strong. They
coqid follow- pot u at leliure from
tho bank."
"Hut downitream the current wllh
us "
' I hose rapids?"
"We must ihoot them!"
"i 'an It be done?"
"It must be!"
Two more shots put l period to
his donbts ind drove It home, lie
offered no further objection, but
tinned at once to luuuch one of the
As soou as It was lu the water, Hole
took hur piece In the bow, piddle In
baud, and Alan wa about to step In
astern when a fourth shot ounded
and a bullet kicked up turf within a
dozen feet. A glance discovered two
figures debouching Into tho clearing.
lie dropped Into place and, planting
paddle In shallow, sent the canoe
well out with a vigorous thrust.
Two itrokn took It to the middle
of the pool where Immediately the
current caught the little creft In Hi
urgent grasp and eped It smoothly
through more narrow and higher
banks. A moment moro and the
mouth of the gorge waa yawning for
With the clean balance of an ex
perienced canoeman, Alan roie to his
feet for in Initintineoui reconnols
sance both forward and astsrn. He
looked back drat, and groaned In hla
heart to sen the sharp prow of the
second cauoe glide out from the
bunk. He looked ahead and groaned
ai oiid. The rapids wire s wllderneii
Of shouting water, whlto and green,
worse than anything he bad antici
pated or ever dreamed of.
I'Nini.STATsal.aHi, linns,
llurna, llr.iKi.ii, Keliruar) II, CI:,
Nellie Is hareby glvaa that Manson T. ash,
"1 liuriia, iiraa.m. who, on An IM. mis ami
mov. s, mill, Knuna. No.
...ji, w.i ... .n.... ,.. .. .7.. ...... - i
...., ,n,,n i,,ini Toiy, lor HUN aa, l.yi',SRi,,
NW'.MK',. tllt'.NW',. N'JiVYV MgiTHWl,
Saitllonx, li.wuallli il Hnllfll, linn,, Hl Haai
Wllamalla Meridian, ha tlle.1 nolfcn of liitsn
ileii in make final dvu year I'rnof, in I'aUl.llali
elalm In Hi. laud above daaurlbr.l, hafnro He
lilcraiid lliii-idvar. It llurna, Oregon, on the
llh ilar of March 11)1:,.
Claimant nauiaa for witnesses
KraiikO. Jackson. Marvin f MnOva, John
II i ahUi'il, l.i-u t'aldwall, all of
Wa rasas. ksgUtei
llurna, Oroll, ! In nai y S, IVII.
Notice It hereby lvn Hist Jerry lilllnii, Jr ,
f llarrlmau, Oresuu. who, on Ni. ,.m l.,.i j.i
liaiH ina.le llnuieeleart entry No. 01146, for
-'t Hei'tlon IS, Tnwiiahli24 Hnulli, Hens U
Kaal, Willamelle Merl.nau, has tiled nolloe
nf ini.'iiiiiin to make dual live yar Proof t.
taialillah elalm to tha land abuve ilulrrlbnl
I., nu.' Hesistar and Heeelver, at Hums, Ore'
gici, nu the lalb dsy of March, nil,
i laluianl names as wlliiaases
llinry otley aud Henry lleorse, both ol
I i. in n. no-son, Jeieiulah lilllnii, nf llarrlmau
iiregon, (has, Otley, of laweu, Oreaon.
Wa. Kas.lf.g(alci
But there wn now no neaping that
ordeal. The canoe wai already spin
ning between Willi Whirl the Water
ran deep and fait with a glaiiy iur
face. The neit Inetant It wn In the jiwi)
end the men isttled down to work
with grim determination, pitting cour
age end Strength ind experience
against the ravening waten that tore
at the cenoe on every band, whose
mad clamor beat bark and forth be
tween the wall! of tho gorge like vast
bellowing! of Infernal mirth.
He fought like one poneiied.
There wa never en Initant'i grace
for Judgment or execution; the one
mult be eynchronoui with the other,
both Instantaneous, or elie deitruo
tlon. The canoe wove thl way ind that
like an insane shuttle threading eomo
satanlo loom. Now It hesitated, mu
lling a gigantic boulder over which
the water wove e pale green and
glistening hood, now In the ipacn of
a heartbeat It ihot forward twice lta
length through iei of creimlng
wives, now plunged wildly toward
whit .promised Instant annihilation
end cheated that only by tho timely
plunge of a paddle, guided by luck or
Instlm t or both.
The one ny of hope I" Alan's mind,
when he lurviyed before committing
himself and the woman he loved to
that hldeoua gauntlet, sprang from
the fact that, however rough, thn
rapid were ihort Now, when he had
been lu their grasp a minute, he
eemed to have been there hours
III laboring were tremendous, un
believable, Inspired. In the end (hey
were all but successful. The goal of
eafety wa within thirty seconds'
more of quick, bird work, when Alan'
piddle broke and the canoe swung
broadildo to boulder, turned turtle
snd precipitated both headlong Into
that lavage welter.
Aa the next few minute passed Im
wa fighting like a mud thing against
overwhelming odds Then, of a sud
den, be found himself rejected, apewed
forth from the cataract and swimming
mechanically lu the smooth water of
a wide pool beyond the lowermost
eddy, tho canoe floating bottom up
near by, and Hose (upportlug herself
with one hand on It.
Her eyei met his, clear with the
canity of her adorable courage.
He floundered to ber lde, panted In
struction to transfer her baud to till
ahouldor, and struck out for the
nearer ibore.
Both found footing at the eame
time and waded out, to collapse, ex
hausted, ngaluat the bank.
Then, with a sickening qualm, Alan
remembered tho pursuit He rose and
looked up tho rapid Juat In time to
view the list swift quarter or the
canoe's descent: Judith In tho bow.
motionless, a rifle across her knee. In
the item in Indian guide kneeling
and fighting the waters with scarcely
perceptible effort In contrast with
Alan's supreme struggle
Like i living thing the canon
eemed to gither Itself together to
pole, to leip with ill It strencth.
It hurdled the eddy In a bound, took
the still water with a mighty,
and shut downstream at diminished
ipeed, the Indian furiously lurking
As though that had been the MM
moment ehe bad lived for, Judith
lifted her rifle and brought It to boat
upon ber sister.
With a cry of horror. Alan flung
himself before Hose, a living shield,
anticipating nothing but Immediate
death. Thle waa not accorded him.
For a breathlcsa Instant the woman lu
Thiy Found a Footing.
thl cauoe itared along the slghti,
then lowered ber weapon and, turn
ing, ipoke Indlitlngulihibly to the
guide, who Initantly began to idy a
brlilt paddle.
The canoe apod on, vaulehed swiftly
round a bend.
After a long time, Alan voiced till
unmitigated entailment:
"Why In the name of hoavnnl
The girl iild dully: 'Uont you
know!" And when he ihook his head.
"Hir guide told mine you hud saved
her life on the dam at Hplrlt Luke.
Now do you see?"
HI countenance was blank with
wender: "Gratitude?"
Roie milled wearily: "Not grati
tude alone, but lomotlilng more ter
rible. ..." she roie and held
out her hand "Not that 1 can blamo
her. . . . But come; If w strike
through here we will, I think, pick up
a trail that will bring us to lilack
purer lettlement by dark."
(To 1)0 continued '
HTATB OI' 0BBQQM toil iim;
Ill t lie inaltum! the I'.statr i
I', t'rews Clinton. DecM
'" wroiion, peaty u. croxton,
Roljert Croxton nml Natalie Croxton,
OF OltBUON, you are herein citoil nml
required to appear in tho t'onntv t'ourt of
the State ol Oregon, (or llaruuy County,
et the Court Hoom there ol at llm n , in
the County ol Harney on Momlm, n,,.
15th day of March, llilr.. at 10 o'climL
T.. Mr i r . .. ...
in the forenoon of thut day, then nml
thereto (how cause, if any exist, ul,
the Kcnl propert) to-wit: li'y NH'i.
nml l.ota 1 anil 2 ol Sec. 1H, TWp. ag"
S., K. H4. U. W. M., bajooainu to mn.i
csinte sliouUl not lie sold.
WITNK8S: The Hon. II f I
Jiulge ol tho County Oourtoi the Stat,,
nl Oregon, far tha County of Harney
Willi tho Seal ol filial ('nun uu,.,
tills I. 'Ith. lay of r'el)., A. 1. 1816.
It. T. Iluuhet, Clerk.
lly Walter T. Hlruek, liepuly Clark
IBHBKRBfMeMasj V' kgjfj I
HgVHL- drTfaBV BrBxaagflBili I lfl '
El I r ', "i
aO fll l '
B I i
WrT5 T I
war-: . - j
rmr.mmtmum mill
House Painting
Pnper Hanging
and Decorating
Hardwood Finishing
Fresco Painting
i(lmn(r furnished on ap
plication. Samplee shawm.
nnmntitmiit.tiitturimmmti tt:m.
E .22
. l.c..fMiiur,
Ma.-!.; In two model i one
.' lent 11. I'. car-
tn.l,' . llieoiher for M Lggg
Kiln. II V.
IFLE NO. 70.
'Handles 11 ,gfl
Short and If .M
r Imig rille cartridge.
.Semi for hniidsoiiielr
III ' trili il It i fir fata-
le .ind "How to. Shoot
SfevMt Mflei
and Shotgeao
'J. rTiiAi.NS ARMS
f o no. erot.
ruiii.i'fi. I' iiAce.
111 Hi I A I. llfllKl'TOHV
Hsuator I'nii V. h.mbarlila
(liter. I.n.
iW C llsolsr
i N J
A M l rswfnfl
. tienerel ...
... irimr
-.f refer) 01 Mate
I lyiai.e '
-il.l I in. Hi' liiiOiin"
Han I'rli ii '
Han W. Ulrotl
T H Kr
1 A Chun hill
W I Duulwsjr
i in. In ga.ll
T. 1. ateBrie
iMH earaeu
-ii. . ii i lil'ls'.
a. i. .
r.A. Moor
nisi ii j in n mi. DtirraicT.
Dtstrli i indie fisiios Big
."nil) I ' Or.. M HIMmnrs
lr.nn i . . !,, nr.t xloadar la
A -' I nel li" In) ( I. I,,hr.
V' ie JfA
Jf t 'i
sW f '
LtttiQrfi v'',ll"
G&,7 -.. X Order
r . i r i.
I. .11.1 -...,. i. ,r M Breoka
luliii n. i .. . i lattvc W, r. Hunan
ii.iBTr Htkssv:
'."Oil) Oram Thorn p.a
ll T llu.h.l
1 1. 'Him i k A Millar
C. B. Haarf
A. K. Kicharilaon
aaoi J.J. busataa
- hool -ii.. ., Ii in I. M damnum
' "'"i" II. . i ItTenaaf
-n " llnsi j,.i,n lublaaos
' ' '..!.. . (S. '. rlraair
iTbo Dala
i muu 1 1 i "in. ,,.,,1, i e,., Wadaaedsj Is
March, May, July, HapuWr sal
... . .ill., r
aaaaai lajm mcs:
Wat ran
''" ' i Ham Motharabaad
itv sesss'
Hejrot, .. am Molhaisbaad
I' i li r, I.... van Mlnkla Hfl.ij ('ailoo
HaiBlal, ,.K. I., llaitiaa
i II. J. 1 1 ami u
i 'nil'.' A. t' Walrom
I Janirs I mililr
t H.J.McKlnaua
Maetlstl "' "ll" ' ""'"'ll 'ar Hacond sd
rtrartk Wl iBsast
1 ! enly .y to
y l the ' lllllld
New Home
5 wing Mgchln
is io uy the naKliuM
vsilh .!: natng NEW
l ii 'AM. on ttie gum
iitii in iltc Icy.
Thit michiai la
wnrtawiUj for U
No oilier like it
.No other as good
The New Home Sewing Mickin 6mml
nu A Wf l- u a
nni.i, IW! ,!,
Wfl do job orinting.
We do It right
If You Waal ALL Ike Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job .Printing
PbytaYUn ind Burgeon
J. W. CBflfJY
riiysicisn ami "iiik,,
Bur-Da, - - - Orr-gon
viihss in new oilil.lini .,m ,, ,, cc.
harness ghoti, Main
'Phone Main X.',.
rftfaician and Nuriceon
I la Tissmma Hulldlng
stv.n lta '., , f ,),,
PhjraicUn and Suron
Nlirmwa ,
'"-" 'nego
Physicians and
Calls eniwere.1 promptl) , , , j.J
pi...... it i
nrw m.iiiiiiiii.
Hdfrlman, Oregon
Or- Minnio Hand
-rhysician and Surgeoi
Direct Telephone Connection
Albritton. Ore.
Offlea first door eal bhoto galler
barns. Oregjea
Attorney at Itw
Veegrtly Bldg., Hums, Oregon
Barns, Oregon.
Attorney ut Law
Con teal a an, 1 i...ii..u i. .. .
v r". eic i' i e i .
Offli-e a Ipse ally
""" "7 "'K- ueit ,1 , , : , ,. ,,r.
fim a.-... v, j . .
Burns, Oregon
Burrta, . . Oregon
rraeuces In Hie Male (',, ,rts .ul bej
lore MM U.K. Ij.ii.1 (Hli,,..
Chan. It. Leonard.-
Careful atUntion kimi, i..i,,,i,(
tiona and Kenl Batate iimtters.
Hire lio.iir.iiii .
Noury I'ulilu-
Brjani. OtumuM.
State Courts and I Stat
hbi uince rrac
Three doors South of the
Harney County National Bui.i
Burns. Oretron.
Atteraavy at Law Notarv Pubk
CTrar'. laaae7 Uaaaii.
""WS-U. 3 laal OffK, Praclic.
0btwaan Mifasj cm,,,,) .s,n4; Bl
aad Land Oltre.
r. C. Dimuxn a. O. FAI.Ilrlr,
Paraa.rlf st- gnglnrrr r.irmcrlv UntlB
lad s,, cmr,.r , Hni. r
r, W.alernRj
Eastern Oregou Lngioeerinf
Burus, Urtjcoa