r 1 fPje I CITY OF BURNS COUNTY OF HARNEY The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon, Best In The West The Biggest City In The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. FEBRUARY 27, 191B VOL. XXV1H NO. 16 jptnPeMJX POISON FARM PESTS SAGE RAT AND GOPHER Suggestion in Rural Spirit Bring Local Rodents to Mind and The Urgent Necessity of War on Them. Since Rabbits are Disappearing This Men ace to Crops Should Have Attention The loss to crop grower from depredations of squirrels and gophers is vastly greater than one would believo. Grain by grain these countless little out laws every year levy their toll on industry just as do thieves in commerce. Birds have been ar raigned time and again for ruth less destruction of fruit and of gathering grain from the fields, but in late years, evidence has been presented that these faith ful songsters through their vora cious apetite for hugs and worms more than offset the less they in flict to field and tree. The squir rels and gophers, however, have no defense. They feed fat and sleek on seed which is supposed to yield "an hundred fold." Bad as these pests are in the rain belt, in the irrigation dis tricts the squirrels and gopberi are joined by the mole in nol only thinning the stand of crops, but destruction of irrigation works is likewise charged up to them. One little scrub gopher, squirrel or muskrat may di;: a hole that will release the water of a reservoir and ruin an entire farming district, or they may cause a ditch to break and dam age crops through shortagt- "f water. They are particularly a nuisance in every field where ir rigation is practiced by the cor rugated system. A corrugat on is made to carry a certain quanti ty of water. The gopher diverts the water from one corru to another, which overflows and breaks every corrugation down the side of the hill and much lime is lost repairing the damage. The H-sky little rodents multi ply and increase with remarka ble rapidity and breed at a .cry early age so that if no warfare is waged against them they become 8 sou re- ' :' loss varying from a few i' ;!- thousand-, depend ing on the lite "i ill" fields. A winter like the one now prevail ing is ideal for the propagation of the squirrel and gopher colony, FRIEND OF THE PRODUCER Burns Meat Market and Packing Plant BACON, HAMS and LARD Fresh Meats, Poultry Home Products for Home Consumers SPCIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO SHEEP MEN AND BIG ORDERS E wish to announce that along with our RexaU line of Medicines and Toilet Articles we have secured the Famous w SAN line of Family Remedies and Toilet Articles Each preparation guaranteed or money refunded The Rexall Drug Store REED RROS. Props. The Burns MRS. ETTA CUMMINS, Prop. Beat Surgical Room and Equipment In the State Outalde of Portland. Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms Graduated Nurse In Charge and by the time the seed is plant ed these pests will be ready to take their toll. Of all years when loss of tins kind should be pro vided against, it is this good year of 1915 when high prices are in prospect The time to do eff ctive work against these natural enemies is right now. The investment of a little money in poisoned grain will pay remarkable dividends Get the poisoned rain and have it ready. At the first signs of activity in squirrel world, begin scattering the poison. You will find directions with the grain as to where to place it so as to get the maximum results. Ru ral Spirit. LTEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (Hi 'in Oar Portland Cur respondeat) Dates have been set and plans are well under way for a tremen dous celebration, extending over an entire week, on the comple tion of the Celilo Canal and the opening of that splendid project for the extension of rivr traffic. l'n .-..dent Wilson has been invit ed to attend, also Admiral Dewey. Congress has passed an act au thorizing the attendance of tan e bona ton ami nine representatives at the beginning Of the festivi ties, May Oth. A part of the preliminary plan is to have the people at Astoria and other lower river points, charters steamer for the entire round triii, proceed up the river clear through to Lewiston, pick ing up participants in the cele bration at all river points. It is believed that a very attractive rate can be secured. Commencing March 1, seven tons of acclimated seed corn will tie distributed among farmers in tie- territory served by the O.-W. R. & N. railroad by c. L Smith, the company's farmer. It is 1 1 1 -intention to .-ee that each farmer ivc iveS enough seed to plant at least two acres, which will t-n- TOX Hospital nble him to prove to his own sat isfaction that it can be made a success. The high price of wheat making impossible the use of that grain for stock feed, a grenter acreage of corn will be planted next spring than ever before and special efforts, will be make to preserve the fodder to take the place of hay in feeding cattle. A trail from the Columbia to the summit of Larch Mountain is to be built by the co-operation of the Portland Ad. Club, the Pro gressive Business Men's Club, the Mazamas and other civic or ganizations. It will not be avail able for automobiles, but Will make it easy to climb the moun tain on foot or horseback. It is stated that in th Willam ette Valley many farmers are plowing up clover fields, and even clearing up brush lands, for the purpose of increasing their M heat acreage, indicating that the coming season will see the biggest grain crop ever turned out in Western Oregon. Governor Wythycombe has it -sued a proclamation setting aside Friday, March, 12. as "Canned Salmon Day", and urging the people of the state to use as much as possible of that food on that day. Cattlemen Like The New Branding Law Some 400 prominent range stockmen of the Northwest were present last week at l'rineville. when the Cattle and Horse Kaisers' Associations opened its annual convention. The passage of the uniform branding bill by the legislature is the source of satisfaction to the cattle men of Kastern Orejron, who used all possible influence to push it through. It was originat ed by the Cattle and horse Raisers' Association. The fea ture giving the inspectors the power of sheriff in making ar- J rests is one that will be very ef fective, as any effort to break the law when cattle are driven from one county to another can l.c halted at once by the inspec tor, who wilt be the appointee of tiie Governor in the recommen dation of the association. The recording of the brands with tie stat" veterinary, and doing sway with duplication of brands, will Ik' a great protection to the shippers at the Portland stock yards, where stolen cattle can be del. cti d at once. How to Prevent Bilious Attack. "Corning events cast their shadows before." This is espec ially true of bilious at tacks. Your appetite will fail, you will feel dull and languid. If you are! subject to bilious attacks take three of Chamberlain's Tablets as soon as these symptoms ap pear and the attack may be ward ed off. For sale by all dealers. We do job printing. a LONE RESTAURANT OI.OKUI: tOON fi op. S. Meals At All Hours. Short; Orders and Prompt Service With Reasonable Itates Give Me A Call 0Mlt Ttata-arM SalMiu Sumpter Valley Railway Co. Arrival ind Departure Of Train Departs No. 2, Prairie Sumpter Arrive Baker Departs 10;15A.M. 2:35 P. M. 4:00 P. M. No. 1, Baker 8:30 A. M. Sumpter 10:05 A. M. Arrives Prairie 2:10 P.M. No. 1 Makes good connection with 0.-W. R. & N. Co.' No. 4 (Fast Mail) leaving Portland 6:30 1'. M.. arriving at Baker 7:55 A. M. arid No. 17 from eaat arriv ing Baker G:50 A. M. No 2 connects with No. 5 (Fast Mail) arriving at Baker 7:55 P. M. which picks up Pullman at Baker, arriving at Portland 7:00 A. M. Also with No. 18 at 10:45 P. M. for ints EaBt. RESUME OF WORK OF STATE Solons of Twenty-Eighth Session Com plete Their Labors at Salem Sunday Morning. Prohibition Law Consid ered Most Important. Change in Tax and Election Laws Amended K.iVin Tin- Itttl tilrnnlal session l Ifca lafltaiatuV 1h mntUr of Ills tors 'lit.- cloetaf hours altnasssd ths MUftl contusion M4 toiiK'-Ntliiii am! iii addition then was u deadlock i-' twees the hoass ami sssasts whit h threatened to beooms ai-rimm The oonflld arose over the refusal of tin' senate i" recede from Its amendment to the ohnehel house noinnenssillnii hUL The hones refused i in :i iii- senate amendment re ducing, the Bherehlp f io lado trial in cull tu nommtsston to one mem ber unci in retaliation dsollnod to sees tin- Mfiiutf I. Ill rinifenine. upon the governor w appointing imuni sa ths seen nmy he the powes f remoeal of sppolnli ni nny tlnm mill II"' bills aomsol Ida tins, the Inearsnos etui -ir porntiiiii departments sad ths high way unil ntuto i-iiKlm-rr'a oriii os. Ths rinht im snllvaned by s letter from Mi Pern Hohhs offset! to r-sinn her ptaee no the iwhiairiai sodden) nommlsefon if thu seemts nronM pass Ihr bOUSS bill. An urn iiiHiit wan fin ally ri'urhml whi-rcliv in li bouse- N ended (rem n position The agreements 604 In ono sr tii alar The bonne did not i" 1 1 bin oeneoltdsllni iii' otflass ot i 'r nornUon ami Insoranos eoounlsstooer. The merner nf the bbjhesj sad stsvts engineer's offices a secompllshed. Prohibition Law Moat Important. What man) regard as ths tn portant pises i'f Ii-alalatlon BMSSd St this ssandon " the prohibition bill to areas sffeot re the prohibition son stltntlonal ameadmeat vblcb m be coma effective leaner) ' IMd '' '"' hiii permtta the Importation from with mil Hi.- stats nf a Htnnll quSjBtit) Oi lliii.ir. innkia nm.-ilci s' n SlptS huh lie records sad prohibits Honor aJur UaiiiK ami solicitation at orders Nest t the prohibition net, u. laportanl pis f legislation I a in . ii. i . .1 ihr aorfcmen's sompeaaatioa ait 'I I"' iiim-mlimiil" pSOVidS Pet itiO staastfti stlene of risk. h mi rates different radnetrles snail pap intn the fiimi. rednee tat papax saaatopas and etimlaats lbs rhtcb gave the Injured workmen th rh.. I..- i.f r.illli.i'lui.il lull or 'in a at law Tax Measures Pataed. Two taa ii. .. io i of Importai i have bees paassfl One Is ths r ham bill allien (ilares a limit on the smoasl of revenue ihat maj bars d In any 0BS )ar Tin- Other lag la iiiMiii On tea pap meats bate two Is stallmeau If die first half la not pa I by April & 11 ilrawa Internet at I I cent a in. .nth. a pt salty os unpaid tans )'m-h act uitn h until Novemhei 5, w hi-fi 'i per cent U sdded Tin- pahtta aacoagtancp department has tH-i'fi t'llmlnati-.l Eltttlon Liwi Amended. The sieetitm ia-. u-- been smatni i in Important particulars A u ih od for usi wan1 at raghttratlon hi provhli-il A tee ipetem for w I UK candidal. I ili.-h will Stake ths paid aame aottaitors aaaeceeearp, bnl tin avaiiahic. has haea adopted II) II..- I. Tins of the latti'i' hill tin- aspir ant for nomination pays hla moat into the iiiitiv eosmt) nasi nttp tn.us ury laetead petition peddlers Another election inw restores the full frum his. to the uiii ih in eiectiOQ of aelegatea to national oonvenUona 1114. i gllmlnatep ihs ii?njriit of data. Kati-a' sapes i ..ni of the pnblb urj Special Election Ordered If Needed. A pi- lai .ii tiun to be held on t in- firat TUOedej after Che flrst Monday In NovitiiI." r iur thr piirposo of MS idiriiiK im-HMiri snaetsd hy ihs n cent hclHluln c aeaalOttS was pasM-.l The hill dot a not prm iilc rr un shM th. 11 nnli-sa the referendum 1.. nu.k.-il ajcalnst any af the in. .. ires i.assml hy I hla aeeaion. Krh lids of the prohlhlliini miii-utc were partu ularly tatSMatai ' have the hill paas.il, as the) fear a refercn diim will be appli.il Most of the no iiihers of Ih.- legists inn- resjard the sesalon as hsvin auonsssfnl. partJenmrip in the mailer of seoaom 1 at appropi 11.. . salon win total shout l,; or abOUl l.'''"""t. less Ihun thus o Ihi j.n 1 ffdlng session Uea.alatOfS Jayful an Adjournment. Kuli and good lillowsln. reigned nil prime In Dm halls ol Ihi oapitol Hun day mornliiK. followlnK adjouriunent by the two houses 1 he bouse ad loomed preclnl) at Z ininiile . ufli r 7, but Ho BOBBta wax In session an hour ggajag Member ot tbn bouse ware Joyful fi. i the) bad eleanad up their work, i...i b) Representatives Uttlefleid, Old, Stewart and tiill they gathered iboui Miss 'low ne' desk and sang a aeries ol popular and patriotic aonga While the house member wsra In the mldl of tl.elr alngliig ai.ui. DM ausKested: "I.et go over and aere ade the senate-" Ih. Idea prered popular. The whole parly, consisting of nearly 4i mean bers, man lied around the rotunda and atrslahl through the door of the sen ate ( li.iinl.ir, where the BSaSfl aenstor were awakened by the strains of "Auld Lang Syne." The senators, led hy Senator Day. gatbarid aiound Mia TaVM and gave her three 'burrahe" and a "tiger." I in- house member returned the compliiiiei't to Mlas flarke, the only woman senator. With a few mlam uinmlaalons tbs following la a list of the Important bill passed by ths leglalature: LEGISLATURE Houaa Bllla Signed by the Governor. It, by laeheon oeaatp deii-Rntion In seds SUtboiity In Outer lake na iii. mil park in United Htute govern un nt ... by IHIIuril Ahollshlnn state een sag, PI by iiIb.ui Bxsmptlng barnyard fowls, itc, I nun elocution of attach gienl 110, by Smith (Multnomah) To pro .ill. n sdvertMng on stale roads 111, hy Rlapcbard Rgempt civil war M '.ihi. Ii .in paying Kllllle license i .'. b) Judiciary oommlttae ite pi uiinr frog ti xil.ook law. 113, by Huston Conferring age of majority on unmarried mothers I'm, hy Mlclnlhook To make conn 1 1 boot superintendent member of fuir board by Hare To ciic couiitlea a ibare of money oolleoted in fine from . Inlstlon oi gams law. ISO, b) Inn. i To enable district KJ io... un ipn.tlon of lUi-NtiK-k ruti nine at liinte b Hine) To enable eltle of lliuii piipuliilion to own public utilities. 4 'i by Jones To correct in knonl eili inents taken hy notarle after it I'M . I Ion of comliihisloll. I4n, hy committee on printing lie . Hon nt IHI statute reipilr .1, -un I m IumiI clerk to audit hooaa, m Uttlefleid Prohibiting sd i el lis. -IIH Ills lOllclting divorces ih i . lltnkla tiaiiiK qualification of l-ouot) School auperluteiident i - in i.nii.s -Km powering di in. i bonndar) boards to review school i lariea . i n hXralring isiih parties to n sun io deposit Jury fee by luiluril ReqnJrtag majority ii .mi ol ilintrlct lo lorm a . hool, I Hi, b) Thomas To require eltlea an. I towns to reMirl to county clerks unil ssasssrtn an change in bound an lines 1. 1 taafleld To limit liability of-bank for aonpaymenl af check ror 1 b) ilaatoa amhnrlilag the i-.. ernor lo fill racaneiea m the nffies oi I n ' .1 Btates senator. Changing term of .hi., ol notaries public from two -.. r,.ur years tern Oregon dalaajaUoa I.. .i election of one railroad from eastern Oregon, ii tern Oregon and one from m.'i bj Dave) Authorising I boot porated eiuas mid town to control ries i b) Forbes Ratifying leaae of I thert lakes Senate Bill Signed by Governor. . i. .in ick xlHillsbiug emlgra t 85, by VintOO To penult appeal fi. in Interlocutor) dearaea of dlvoroa 115, bj Leaggath TO repeal law relating to ileath Inasmuch a aboil Hon ot death penalty obviate lu-ce ity for aansa l. - nl'ollitt To provide for joint action by eonntlea hi construct bi idi between counties I .;, kloeet To provide for use of public schools as dels rentera. 101, h Hiinlik In repeal law of (111 leeeton regarding administration of snsssthstlfe. 7, 1 Miner Requiring advance payment of Jury trial feea. 17. by KlddlS To prohibit holding of court sessions on Sunday or on serts n lewsl holidays yz. b) Meeer Ta provide for man ner ..I lore, losing Hen on mortgage. , i, i staser To provide farther re- U I I .r WidOWS Under widows' pension act. 1)4, by Vinton To enable eourta to summon witnesses for distance of loo i i. .i.i limit ia 20 mllea). II. by Hiiuick Providing organixa lion of St hool district. Itt, by Oarlaad Racmlrtal county treasurers to deolt redeemed orders w nh i lerk every Monday LI, by Htruyir Tn piovlde a atate r. urdar Of brands 10 In l.angKUtb itepi allug law re quiring sheriff to make report of ft es collei teil to district attorney IPS, by committee on horticulture 'J.' give welfare commission authority to regulate hour of women working in canneries 0, by Maw Icy -To amend gat I Inn Lord's Oregon Law, lo provide that ... i lion day shall BO Btlhool holl lay mils when huilillng Is used lor poillni . . t. i . iMinll. e on . .intstloii To n dm . r. i lot (ugohers' tate terli flcates t:!7. t.y Moer To preveut dlcrlui In payment of salaries iii pay Of male ami female school teacher i iioiiis To authorise u eoi leclor to cancel taxes on laud old p) slate and forfeited. III, by at os sr To autiiortie attach ment ol iiihuiauce money III certain case. Hg. hy Hay To fli alsndards for weights and measure BI t') 'lo provide for offlee of i 1. lit deputy scaler of weight and :.- ami four district deputies throughout state. b) iniiiiuee mi Judiciary To em ml coda to relieve persona wllhout funds rr.in pulling up I... ml lo guaraip ig oi eases la justice cuurt House Bills In Hands of Governor but not yet Signed. tig, I... Tom lirowu To levy racist tai on trading stamp by Korbes- -To ermlt school to gas sinking funds to liquidate la. mis PI. by Hunt To enable county court to fix road districts ludepeud' ni oi muah ipaiities ttP, by coiuuiili. on banking -To i.m. ml hauklliK laws to conform with .1 reserve i I'.-i by Judiciary and revision of laws committee To provide for permanent registration of voters df by aasessmenl and taxation oiumiitie Iroiidlng budget system for all lux levying dlslri.i. t b) coiiiuiltlee on aahi-hsmenl ami taiatlon I o niull penaltl-- due sea under the- 111 tax law. tii, by Allen To provide organixa lion r,i -mnit iiiiions. tPI, by Hfanii, i.i Regolatini gale of foreign meats snd requiring meal ship peil Into slate from foreign ooontries to be hiiu'ieii I'"1! hi Allen To require denier In iiiipori.-1 . ru. lo label their contain em 152, by Litllrfli'ld To make build ing and loan association suhlei t to corporation acl IPS, by Bianchard To provide for oi "iiiiizHin.u ot oo-operativs organlss Hon. h, it v Kelly To restore in collect lag power to Bounty sheriffs. 1(0, by (llson To prevent ini,.i..r. sentatlon ol mstallli srth le offered for sale IP, by Olson To enable persona to I... .un' candidates for primary noin Ii til ing h PS i mi' 11 fee. 4 71, by committee on assessment in i taxation fixing April I snd . tuber r. in taxnnying dates 1X7. hy Klshy AutliorUIng and leg ulatlng the pructlcc of chlropiai Hi; In Oregon. zoti. by Huston- -Providing for slso tiou or iimry ami fond commissioner tin I lire i rllilng Ills (iowit and duties :. .7, hy committee on bsalth ami pub He morals .Ranttlrlng reports a to coiiilltion of en In Infant to prevent bllndnenu, ll.'l, by vVagasr Providing for pub Ih itlon of hi hool budgl IS ITI, by joint oommlttae on - m ..i ami taxation Directing tax col lector to carry forward delinquent tin on roll ami mile them upon tax re ceipts t'. i. by Anderson Begnlates prac tice of osteopathy .. hy- Cfallds Providing time In Which assessor shall deliver taxroll to 'i , i. uin-r I.i:. by I'orhcH Abollslies reeluina lion fund. Um.uferring money to irrl gallon fund by Itlmu hard Provides that all mill fi .il shall he hold by Weigh! i.i Hunt Regulating sals of milk and crea.ii I', by Home To compel hospital assoi lallons who withhold employes wages to account for money as collei t e.l to labor commissioner. II.', hy Marlon loiinly delegation Provide for drainage districts through cooperation Of fanners Senate Bill In Hand of Governor but not yet Signed. us by oommlttae on roads ami high wills to give BOOntl COUrta power to reject contractors bids on bridge work and perform work under direction of superintendent Un, hi Senators Rngsdslt and .stew art 'lo tempi state institutions from eight hour law. im. b) smiih (Josephine) -To en ahic pharmacist registered in otbei states i" pi u ' ' . in i ir. con IJJ To removs from registration Hits names ..r unnaturalized persons '., conform with constitutional amend mint by fctossf To declart it unnec for atlorni i: n.-ral t opinions to privats liidlvldunls L'i7, by Perkins To reipiire aeaeea- ors and tax collectors to get lax Infer million from isx commission 117, hy II. .Ills ami liilon To apt . I f-. manner In wblcb county court distribute road distrn t funds I, n HoIIik To provide for trans fir of secheatsd propert) to the state P.is. by Sniith ii'im.s and CUIT) i To provide rwdletricttng nf county roads in September of each year IIP, by Keilaher To permit Ihs salt of game fish Imported from other slates Hi. by Perkins -To fix time limit (..! preparing SBSSSSIBSnl rolls for lux ing distrii ts ut last da) of February t . hy ( oiiimittce on revision ol laws To provide annual report of trustees holding fun, Is within slate ol Oregon 'ii b) Moaer -To prevent manufao tuie of SISltrssStit from old clothing unless illalnf. i led b) i.i'oiictt To suthorlse the county eourta to appolnl trull la or. ri, by Marian county di legal os Ti abolish stat.- sccounting system 286, by I aim pi Wins on agriculiur. in n. tupt owner of animal thai doet damage on property of another unlen. (list proper I, is fetll I'd. ;ii, b i on, u nice un medh im . require that applicants for physician or surgeons license be graduates ol me. ileal school Mi by Moaer -To provtds for .liHtri bullon of school tuition funds h) lies M. by illngbam Tl limit IncreSSI In t levy In any oat ear to I , cent over in) of preceding year Hit, by Moser In authorise atta' h meiit of liiMuranee no m in II ami Indemnity cases K'.'f. hy Kid. lie To enahts corpurs in.ns to eiei t directors for ihree-yaai i. rati ami to rotate In offV S hy commilteiT on Judniari TB protect owner nt propert) from ms chanic' Ileus against i ontrai tor on thai property. in vioser To provide one year certificates for school teacher HZ, by lliugbam To gii. home mauVfaclurers 5 par I em preferential In public contracts 150. by Hmlth (Coos and Curry) To change name of railroad commission to public service commission 112 Tn make appointees in state of flees and departments subject to re inoial bj power thai appoint.'. I litem I'n prevent stun- employes lo travel outside (he slate on ..in. ml bus Incsa without psfUlll from tin- govei nor IIS, by llollls 'lo i i. n.j.i one purl- , of divorced couple from criminal pro - for failure to support other parly il oilier pari., bag been given' ! i oi . hildren I i V .-.mlill del. gatlon To gin coinius hi lilef ot Oregon nation ' al giiari i wer bo remove, eommis alone. 1 olio for eat Ml b) r mmittaa un onsoiidations engi I m er and stale highway engine i I . iniiiltlii on consolidations To make state engineer appointive Instead of elective offmi SSI, by Committee on flax industry appropriating tl!5. mm for promotion of flax industry and Insiallatiou of flax plant at atate penitentiary. Ill, by Perkins I Itrtag PS of si leaat I pan glares! on all county fund held by bans. lit, by eommlthss on penal laatlta Huns Appropriating 110,600 for as 100, by Judiciary committee To our i modal Ion of boy between age ol 10 and II at slate training school make theft of flxtuiea from house or building, larceny. lib. by Von tier llellen To fix wldtb of all county roads at CO feel unleaa other wi ordi red by Petition, but In no cum !ea Ihan 30 fit ur more than U teel You will find all the njwtal ideas in millinery at Ctiafan'a The ladies of Hums and vicinity are invited to call. One door north Haines' store. SHOOTING ON BORDER THIS AND LAKE COUNTY Feud Over Mixing of Sheep Results in Lake County Man Getting Hurt. Question Whether Trouble Occurs In Harney or Lake County. Man Who Did Shooting Under Bonds A HhootinK affray between two Hheeprnen occurred recently and J it has not vet been determined whether it was in Lake or Har ney county. The principals went ho Lakeview. however, nnd Sheriff Goodman was notified, ' but since the man who did the shooting, John O'Keoffe, has fur nished bonds to the authorities of Lake county Qnd signified his willingness to come here if it is found to have taken place in this-, county, SherifT Goodman will not ' iro after him at present. The latest advice on the mat- j ter is to the effect that surveyors j were going out from Lakeview to determine the line and ascer tain whether it was in this or, Ijike county. In the meantime Mr. O'Keeffe is under a bond, and his bondsmen will be respon sible for his appearance here should it be necessary. The Examiner says of the trouble in part: According to reports, which art.- somewhat meager and com jilicated, there had been previous (nam Is bgtWgajB the two men over the mixing of sheep, and when the shooting occurred their two bands of sheep were mixed. According to a brother of the wounded man who arrived at the scene Sunday evening. Shanahan was unarmed and was running and about 50 yards distant from O'Keeffe when shot. What the words were between the tuo men previous to the shooting we j are unable to learn but it is rumored that Shanahan was go ing after a gun, and that O'KeefFe1 shot in self defense. The Herald says: A telephone message was re-, reived here about 8:30 Sunday; night from Adel that I)ae Shan ahan had been shot the bullet striking him in the hip. The shooting occurred in Harney county and the friends of Mr. Shanahan are bringing him to lakeview. A man by the name' Breakfast 5:30 to 9 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Mac's Restaurant & Bakery Located in the new Levens Building BURNS, OREGON W. R. McCuistion, Prop. Supper 5 to 8 The Burns Flour Milling Co. Manufacturer of home products HIGH GRADE FLOUR "CREMO" THE FAMOUS BREAKFAST FOOD The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds You Patronize Home when you deal here THE WELCOME PHARMACY la The Place to Trade -WHY- First: Promptness, accuracy and f airfdealing. Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Drugs, Che; .i- cala and Druggist Sundries. Third: We guarantee every article we aell to be juat aa represented or your money refunded. If you are a customer oaf ours you know this. If not, be come one and be convinced. J. C. Welcome, Jr. of Jack O'Kccfe is said to be the one who did the shooting and will give himself up to the oflir ers of Lake county. No furtln r particulars have been learned up to the time of going to pre Dr. E. H. Smith was called and he left at once to meet the wounded man and it is expected he will have to go as far as Cole man, as the telephone me stated that that was the place where it would be the most con venient to meet. Market Report. Receipts for the we k at the Portland Union Stockyards have been cattle 1055. calves 14, hogs 4737, sheep 2221. A comparatively good run of battle brought good quality to market this week. Prices how ever did not register as strong as previous week. Top steers of prime quality going at 7.86. Market steady at close of week. Hog prices continue on a par with Eastern markets. Many light hogs and brood sows have made their appearance on the market bringing of course low prices for this class of offering. Tops at close of week (J.'.K). A very strong sheep market all week. Top lambs sold with fleece on at 8.25, shorn lambs at 7.25; choice ewes 6.15 and weth ers at 7.15. Market continues very strong. "The Best Laxative I Know Of." "I have sold Chamberlai.'i's Tablets for several years. P ple who have used them will take nothing else. I can recomrn ei I them to my customers as the best laxative and cure for consti pation that I know of," an Frank Strouse, Fruitland, Iowa. For sale by all dealers. Dry cleaning and pressing at the Burns Steam Laundry. -Uf. Dinner 11:30 to 2 Short orders at all hours