f r The Trey O Hearts A ssaWawl Version of the Motion Picture Drama of the Suu Naaao j Product by tho Universal FUm Co. j I m By LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE e - r. fi ..Of." " r. a aaag." rt iw See." . Dattret.e' with rseteerasU " ' rVtere rWettree OexrriKht. 1014. by CHAPTER I. The Message of the Roto. I.anped deep In th leather-bound luxury of tin ample lounge-chair, walled apart from DM world by thr venerable solitude of tli library u( I.cinrlnn'a most exclusive flub. Mr Alan Law sprawled (largely on the quamtance nor any womau-nao -nape of hli neck) and. squinting dls- celved the laal warning of Ml dis contentedly don bis MtM, admitted appearance Ma waa simply and suf that he waa exhaustively bored llclentty rumored from English ken. Now the chair filled bo gracelesaly atood by ari open window, some twen ty feet below which lay a aliablo walled garden, an old Kngllah garden la full flower. And through the win dow, now and then, n half heart. l breexe wafted gusts of warm air. aauva and enervating with the heavy fragrance of English roses Mr. Law drank deep of It, and In plte of his spiritual unrest, sighed lightly and shut his eyes. An unspoken word troubled the depth of his consciousness, so that old memories stirred and struggled to Us surface. The word was "Hose." and for the tlmo seemed to be the name neither of a woman nor of a flower, but oddly of both, as though the two things were one. Ills mental vision, bridging the gnp of a year, con lured up the vision of a lithe, seet silhouette In white, with red raaafl at her belt, posed on a terrace of the Rlvl.ru against the burning Mediter ranean blue. Mr. I.w was dully conscious that he ought to be sorry about something. Bat be. was really very drowsy Indeed; and so. drinking deep of wine-scent of roses, he fell gently asleep The clock was striking four when he awoke; and before dosing bis eyes he bad noticed that it hands Indicated ten minutes to four So he could not have slept very long For some few seconds Alan did not move, but rested as ho was. Incredu lously regarding a rose which had ma t rlailxed mysteriously upon the little table at his elbow- He was quite sure It had not been there when he closed his eyes, .and almost as sure that It was not real. And In that Instant of awakening the magic fragrance of the rose garden seemed to be even more strong and cloying sweet than ever. Tbeu ho put out a gingerly hand and discovered that It was real beyond all question. A warm red r.iBe. fresh pluckud, drops of water trembling and spnrkllng like tiny diamonds on the velvet of Its fleshy petals And when Impulsively be took It by the stem, he I discovered a most Indisputable thorn which did service for the traditional plnsh Convinced that he wasn't dreaming. , Alan transferred the rose to bis sound hand, and meditative!) Micked bis With Red Rosea at Her Belt thumb. Then he Jumped up from tho chair and glared suspiciously round the room. It was true that a prac tical joke In that solemn atmosphere were a thing unthinkable; still, there waa the roae. There waa no one but himself In the library. Perplexed to exasperetlon, Alan fled tho club, only pausing on the way out to annex the envelope he found ad dressed to him In the letter rark It v.in a blank white BBVOtOpO of good quality, the addresu tyssj written, the stamp English, and bore a Lou don postmark half Illegible. Alan tore the envelope open In ah pent-minded fashion and started as If atung. The enclosure was a elm pie playing card a trey of hearts I Aa for Alan Law. he wandered homeward In a state of stupefaction. He could n id quite well tin- message of the rose. He would BOl soon for get Ilia) year old parting with I. Is Home of the itlvlera: ' You say you lovo m but may not many me and we must part. Then promise this, that If ever you change your mind, you'll send for me." And her prom prem ise: "I will send you a rose." But the ear had lapsed with never CONTEST NOTICE. i linn hi 41 n lamp on i i Mums. Oregon, Je-iuar) sHIr, UH6. To Obsrlss B, Oosaefi ot BuraSt Orojai ton testes Vim n hereby nullli.-il that I liarlee W Hall who gives blauton d, Oregon, an hie ol r.tnee aaorega, illd un J a u u a r y atta, i'Ji ., Ill In tale office Me duly corroborated abiillva tloo Io ooblast sad secure trie catn.-llatlmi bl your Homestead Katry, go., serial '.' i maile kfarcb. luib. lIO, for WMSgU, MlelWWj of Section I, Tuivbsblp '4t, soutb, ltubge:i. East. Willamette Wi-rl.lJaii.Biiil aa grounds Ma) bleconti-al b.:a!leseatbalahtl liarli-i M I'oopei has wholly abandoned aald entry. Ibat i,. never eatabltalied or inaltitaibi-il areal'l. are. i made any bsprovesseotg thereon, sod has ebeented blmself and ukanged bia real. Ian. therefrom ever alm-e the date of uiitrv. Yod are, therefore further notified that tie eald allegations will be taken ua mnl, i. sad your aald entry will be, cautelnd without further right to bo heard, either before tbla office or on enseal, If roll fall to tile In thin offlce wllbtu twenty ilaa alter the HuUk'lll publlceilon ol thla notice, as aliown below, your aaawer. under oath, aoecifli-ally respond, lag to tbeae allesatl u ol corneal, togettn-i with due proof that oii have served s copy of your soawer ou tbe aald ronuatent either In person or by reglelered mall Von atioul'l stele Id our answer the heme ol tbe post office to wlilcb you desire future uoiicca to beaenl to you Wet. ruses, Ueglster. Date of il r at publication January Stub isle. int.- ol eecuud publication February in. I'-'lt, Dele of third publication Pebrusry imb ml.'. bate of lourlh publication getruary 'Mb lltlf . Tonawama toniifht Louie Jueeh Vasal a sign from hor, io that bo had grown accustomed to the unflattering belief that ehe had forgotten him. Ami now tho sign had come but wli.il tin. .I.ini' did the ticy of hearts Mall Wheu morning cam, London had lout Alan Law. No man of hta ao- CHAPTER II. The Sign of the Three. Out-of-doors, high braxen noon, a day in spring, the clamorous life of New York running aa fluent a quick, silver through Ita brilliant street Wlthln-doc-re, neither aound nor sun ben m disturbed a perennial quiet that was yet not peace. 1'he room wag like a wide, deep well of night, the haunt of teemlna shadows and sinister silences. I. title. Indeed, wu risible beyond the lonely shape t't brooded over It, the figure of au old man motion. j eis n Kreat, leather-bound chair, m, ,r wli M w,lte aa bla heart I wnH black. The rack of hla bones, clothed In a thick black dressing- gown with waist-cord of crimson silk, .from the thighs down was covered by a black woollen nig. He stared un bllnklngly at nething: a man seven eighths dead, completely paralysed but for his head and hi left arm. Presently a faint clicking signal dis turbed the stillness. Seneca Trine put forth his left hand and touched one of a row of I rlmson buttons embedded In the flask. Something else clicked this time a latch. There was the faintest porsibtl noise of a closing door, and a Mualllsh man stole noise lessly Into il.e light, paused beside the desk ami waited respectfully for leave to ipi-.-.l. "Well'" "A telegram, air fropj England." "Give It me!" The old man seised the sheet of yel low piper, mined It hungrily, and crushed It In his tremulous claw with a i. st lire of uncontrollable emotion Send in v daughter Judith here!" Two mini tea latsr a young woman In street diess waa admitted to tba chamber of shadows. "You sent for me, father?" 'Sit down." She found and placed a chair at the desk, and obediently settled herself In It. "Judith tall me what day la this?" "My birthday. I am twenty-one." "And your slater's birthday: Hose, too, Is tw . sjt one." "Yes." "You could have forgotten that," the old man pursued almost mockingly. "Do rosj really dislike your twin sister so Intensely?" The rill's voice trembled "You know," ile aalf, "we have nothing Id common b.jnnd parentage and this abominable nsemblanre. Our utturea differ as HgM from darkness" "And which would you say w light'" "Hardly my ewn: I'm no hypocrite Ro.'e Is everything that they tell me my mother was, while I" the girl smll. d strangely "I think I am more your daughter than my mother's," A nod of the white hesd confirmed the suggestion. "It Is true. I have watched you closely, Judith, perhaps more closely than even you knew, flefore I waa brought to this" the wasted hand made a significant ges ture "I was a man of strong pas sions. Your mother never loved, but rather feared me. And Rose Is the mirror of her mother's nature, gentle, unselfish, sympathetic. But yon. Ju dith, you sre Ilk a second elf to me." An accent of profound sstlHtnctlon informed his voice. The girl waited In a silence thst wgs tt-nai ly eipect ant. 'Then. If on this your birthday I were to ssk a service of you that i might injuriously affect the happiness of your sister ?" The girl laughed briefly: "Only ask it!" "And how far would you go to do my will?" "Where would you stop In the serv ice of one you loved?" Seneca Trine nodded gravely And after a brief pause, "Rosa la In love," be uniiouiu ed "Oh, I know I know!" the father uilnm.it with a faint i lug of sal fac tion. "I am old, a cripple prisoner of this living tomb, but all things I should know-somehow -1 iiorne to know In course of time!" "It's true that Englishman she scraped an acquaintance with on the Riviera last year what's his uauieT I.aw, Alan Law." "In tbe main," the fsther corrxrlod mildly, "you are right Only, he's not English. Ills father was Wellington Ijiw. of Law & Hon " SI... knew bolter than to Interrupt, but her seeming patience was belled by the whitening knuckh s of a hand I hut lay I Itbln tint little pool of blood r'ed light And presently the deep voice rolled en: "Law und I were once friends; L'omhinatioii sick, .injury, accnl.-nl sml ibat It lieuefll protection at inin -ii.ilin coet. '-'.UU.iai destli b'll lit, el.OUU.UO for loss el limb i.i eyesight! faoin fS.OU to I6.(Ju w kly sick or sc i. lent iH-nellt; ll.tsSluti Emergency re lief In io Hi. fust is '. per year, iO other dues or ssecssineiits. In tlin insurance sll men and women are placed on an equal basis, regsrilles of OOMBg l.ou. Every person makes tint asiue form of uj.ilii alloii, pays llie sstne tiuouiitof piewniuin and receives the same amount of tr-ii II . Men ami Women between the agea of Hi anil tin are sucepted. No reatrlctUtns gs to in ciipsliou, only Railroad men eiiiiuyiil -in ploy d on tragk, train or rouumi Iioiish, i an not Let ajcjtil. Claims are paid within slaty days oy w(i,ii m (lie U.K. ('amide or Korope. OU1 rellablo Insurance L'jiiipany. IUU (tOu.ls) on State dsposit as s rotecliou lor l'ollcy holders and to guarantee the payment if "laiins l'ot limber (ret iiilormstlon uldress (iuatave 12. Werner, Hacrelary in. I . .enoral Manager, Ilo 813, lluffalo, N. Y. stale age, ass, occupation and mention Jiept. II 17V. then It camo to pass that we lovers one woman, your mother. I won her all but her heart: too late she real-, laad It was Law she loved. Ile never forgave me, nor I him Though he married Mother woman, still he held from mo the he .' of my wife. 1 could not sleep for hating him and he wag no better off Kneh sought the other's ruin; It canto Io go m ipog duel be-, tween us, In Wall street One of us had to fall and 1 held tho stronger hand Tim night before the day thatl waa to have Mm my triumph, 1) walked In Cential park, aa waa royl habit to tiro niv body so Hint my brain might sleep Crossing the East drivel I was struck by n motor car runnlngj t high speed WithOUl lights I was, picked up Insensible MM lived only' to he what I am today. Iw trl-! Uiuphed In the i.troct while 1 lay help 'less; only a 1 1 1 it k remnant of my fortune remained to me Then his aa Bbh V- BaseasS mm a H V i JaassHasBsasH Ws Both Loved One Womsn. Chauffeur, discharged, enme to me sad sold me the tiiith. It was Ijiw's car with Utw at the wheel that had struck me down a deliberate attempt st as sassination. I miiI I.aw word thst 3 meant to Inn' a life for a life For what was I better than dead? I prou died him that, should he escape, f would have the life of his son. Ha knew 1 mount II, and sent his wlfo and sou abroad Then he died sud denly, of some roiiimiin ailment they said; but I Knew b. Iter He died ofj feur of me" Trine smiled a i ru.-l smile: "I had made bis life g rclcn of terror. Ever o often I Would send Law. one way or another m stei imisly always a trey of li-.iii- it was my death sign for li I in . as you know, our name. Trine, aiguilles ,i group of tlree And every time lie noelvod a trey of hearts, within I w eiil.t four ' hours an attempt of some suit would be made Upon bis life The striln broke don his nerve . , . "Then I turned my :ilti ntlon to the sou. hui Hi.- illiiaucv wus too greet, tbe difficulties Insuperable. The Law millions Stocked -'l my efforts, their alliance with the Kothschllds pieced mother und son under tho protection of evert sc. r.-t poll) e In Europe. Hut they dared BOt nine home At length I reull.-il 1 c.nld win only by playing a waiting gam.- I needed three things mum monev, to bring Alan Law back to America: and one agent I could trust, ono Incorruptible agent I ceased to porOOOtPtd mother and son, lulled tin-in Into a senso of fslse se curity, ami by careful speculations repaired in) fortunes In Hose I had the lure to draw the boy back to America: In you, the one person I could trust. "I sent Hose al.ri.-iil and arranged Unit she should meet Law. They fell In love at sight Th-n I wrote Inform ing her that the man she had chosen was the ion of him who bad murdered all of me hut my bruin. It fell out as I foresaw You can Imagine the scene of passionate renunciation pledges of unil)ltig constancy the arrange ment of a set rut code whereby, when she ill eded li I ill. she would send him a single rose tho birth of a great ro mance!" 'I he old man laughed sardonically. "Well, there is the history. Now the rose bus been sent; Law Is already homeward heund: my agents are watching Ills every step. The rest la In your hands." The girl bent fnrv ard. breathing hem II). ees tillamu In a face that had assumed a waxen pallor. "WBat Is It you want of me?" lit lug Alan I.aw to me. Dead Of alive, bring him lo me Hut alive. If you can omniums It: I wish to aee blm die 'I Inn I. too, may die content " The band of hot blooded youth stole forth and grusped the Icy band of death In life "I will bring him," Judith swore "dead or alive, you shall have him hero." CHAPTER III. The Trail of Treachery. Illlt v., on.- Mr. Ijlw was Bill aarnf Of Ills own vanishment, just as he waa nobody s fool, least of all his own. The hidden meaning of the trey of hoi, ili i,i n li-.eit him with eilrh ilia. trust that before leaving London, bs dispatched a code cablegram to his confidential agent In New York. What .In you know about the trey ef hearts? Answer Immedtatoly. THE SAYER STUDIO Kodak Film Developed end all photography wi.ik done in flrel claaa ahape. Prompt attention BURNS OREGON JOHN ; I'M HKKL-INM. si n Jowolor. Jptli-iiin und Knirruvor. Fine VVutili Rctiuiiing A Spe cialty. The answer forestalled his arrival In Liverpoel: Trlne's desth sign for your father. For Hod's sake, look to yourself and keep away from America But Alan had more than once vis. lied America Incognito and unknown to Seneca Trine via a secret route of hla own selection. Eight days out of !.ondon, n second class passenger newly landed from one of the C-P. steamships, he walked the streets of Quebec and dropped out of eight between dork and dawn. to turn up pressntty In the distant Canadian hamlet or Hale HI. Paul, ap parently a very tenderfooled American nvoodstreveloi ehsii. toned by a tacls turn Indian guide picked up heaven knows where Crossing the 8t Lawrence by night, J he two struck off uulctly Into tho ilnterland of the Notre I mine range, then crossed the Maine border. Too the second noon thereafter, mil-worn and woary, aa lean as their depletej packs, tho two paused on s rfclgepole of the wilderness up buck of the Allagash country, nnd ma. In their midday meal In a silence which, If normal In the Inillan. was one of deep misgivings on Alan's part Continually his gue qmsttonos1 the northern skies that lowered porten tously, foul with smoke a country wide conflagration that Ihreaietied till northern Maine, bone-dry with drought. Only the aouth offered a fair pros pect. And the fires were making southward far faster than man might hops to travel through that grim and stubborn Isnd Even as he stared. Alan saw fresh columns of dun-colored smoke spring up In the northwest. Anilously he consulted the Impas sive mask of the Indian, from whom his questions gained Alan lltll I fort Jacob recommended forced marches to Bplrll lake, where canoes might be round to sld their Highl and withdrew Into sullen reserve They traveled far and fast by dim forest trails before sundown, then gsln psused for food ami rent And as Jacob sat deftly shout preparing tbe meal, Alan stumbled off Io whip the little trail-side stream for trout Perhaps a hundred yards iipsttemn, the bark lash of a careless cast By bis weary hand hooked the state of Maine. Too tired even to remember the ap propriate words, Alan scrambled ashore, forced through the thick tin dergrowth that masked the trull, found hla fly, set (he slate of Maine free and swinging on his heel brought up, nose to a sapling, trans (lied by a rectangle of white paste board fixed to Its trunk a ttey of hearts, of which each pip had been neatly punctured by a II caliber bul let. He carried It hark to camp, mean ing to consult the guide, bill mi sec ond thought, held hla tongue It was not likely that the Indian had over looked an object so conspicuous on ths trail. Bo Alan waited for blm (o speak and meantime determined lo watch Jacob more narrowly, though no other auspicious circumstance had marked the several days of (heir association The first half of (he night was, as the day, devoted to relentless prog ress seuthward: thirty minutes of steady Jogging, five minutes for rest and repeat. No more question as lo I he need for such urgent haste: overload the north wind muttered without censing Thin veils of smoke drifted through tho for est, hugging tho ground, like some weird acrid mist, and ever the cur tained heaveus glared. Hi Id with re flected fires. Ily midnight Alan had come to the bounds of endurance, flesh, bone mid sinew could no longer stand the strain Though Jacob declared that Spirit lake was now only six hours distant, aa far aa concerned Man he might have aald (00 Ills blanket once un rolled, Alsn dropped upon It like one drugged. Tbe sun was high when he awak ened and sat up, rubbing In iv .-.,-.. stretching aching limbs, wondeiing whst bad come over the Indian to let blm sleep so lata Of a sudden he was gaonjjad by sick ening fesrs that needed only (he brief est Investigation to confirm, Jacob had absconded with every vnluablo Item of their equipment. Nor was his motive far (o seek. Overnight the fire had made tre mendous gains And 0V0f and anon the wind would bring dowg the roar of the holocaust, dulled by distance but not unlike the growling of wild animals feeding on their kill. Alan delayed long enough only lo swallow a few mouthfuls of raw food, gulped water from a spring, nnd set out at a dog trot on the trull to Spirit Lake Kor hours ho hlundeied blindly on, holding to the trail mainly by Instinct At length, panting, gasping, half blinded, hi staggered Into a little nat ural clearing and plunged forward headlong, so bewildered that he could not bave ssld whether he was (ripped or thrown; for even as he stumbled a heavy body landed on his bark and crushed blm savagely to earth In less than a minute In. wus over coins; his wrists hitched together, bis enklss bound with heavy cord When bis vision cleared hu found Jacob within a yard, regarding him with a face as Immobile as though It had jeen cast In (he bronze It resem bled Heyond, to one side, u woman In a man's bunting cost it me stood uye Ing tho captive as narrowly as the In dian, but unlike him with u counto nanoe that seemed aglow with a fierce exultancy over his downfall. But for that look, he could have be Ueved hers tho tooe that had brought Rolled barley, wheftt and oats for sale at market prices. W. A. Goodman'a feed yard. $1500 Reward! Tho OrOfti Oil lf(nilnua Ncvt I I Vf ,-UtH'sJ ("lull 0 lion AmiK luil.in ol which I hu iiit'lii lUllii li III! Mll.lM , Will flvu fl.UUO im ruwftrrt for vl iIi-iii lini.lln.- tn tln- ttrrtf l ini'l con vli tlun i.l 111. i.mi , t y mi onrilci itml 1 11 K DOfML rutll - Of mule Ih'IonkIiik .. iiy til lit iticui Utt. lD4t)Ulou lo lh. ftbuvo, the iiuIiiiIkiiu1 offtrf lb. Mm eon (til Ion :oo no f0f nil hurici bD(U4 horM hod bur on both or elllu r Jw, ru4 roco.l in night ituinllvi lung,, Mtru7. Ilka ihI I'riH.k ...unit. a. llono. yud wbBi(i. No but grown hur.oa aoH ami .,jih ;in A!1! tUUtllCI, W W UhOWN Ml. ..,.,., Mm ovsrssss to this morUl pass. Fto ture for feature, ovon to tho buo ot her tumbled hair, sho counterfeited the woman hs loved; only those eyes, aflame with their look of Inhuman rtithlessneas, dsnled that tho two wars one. Ile sought vainly to speak. Tho breath rustled In hla parched throat Ilka wind whispering among dead leaves. Thrusting the Indian roughly aside, the woman knelt In his place by Alan's head "No," she aald, and smiling cruelly, shook her head "no, I am not your Hose. But I am her alater, Judith, bar twin, born In the same hour, daughter of can you guess whose daughter f nut see this!" She flashed a eard from within her hunting shirt and held li before his ayes- "You know It, ehT The trey of hearts the symbol of Trlno Trine, your father'a enemy, and yours, and Iloaa's father and mine! Ho, now, perhaps you know!" A gust of wind like a furnace blast swept the glade. Tba woman sprang up, glanced over-shoulder Into the for est, and signed to the Indian. "In ten minutes." she said, "these w noils will be your funeral pyre." Hhn stepped back. Jacob advanced, picked Alan up, shouldered his body, and stroil.. back Into the foreat. Tan reel In from the clearing he dropped the helpless man supine upon a bed of dry logs and branches. Then, with a single movement, ha disappeared CHAPTtf IV. Many Wstere. Overhead, through a rift In the foliage, a sky was visible whose ebon darkness called to mind a thunder cloud The heat waa nearly Intolerable; the voire of the fire was very loud A heavy, broken crashing near by mail.. Alan turn bla head, and ho saw a brown bear break cover and plunge on Itilo (ho farther thickets forerun ner of a mad rout of terrified forest folk, deer, porcupines, s foi or two, a wildcat, rabbits, squirrels, psrtrldges a dozen more. . . . Two minutes bad passed of ths tsa. Something was digging uncomfortably Into Alan's right hip the automatic elite In hla hip pocket, of which Jacob had neglected to relieve him. Then a sharp, spiteful crackling brought him suddenly to a silting posi tion, to find that the Indian bad thoughtfully touched a match to the im.. before departing. At Alan'a feet the twigs were biasing merrily. It would have been easy enough, acting on Instinct, to snatch his limbs away, but he did not move more than to strain his feet as far as their bonds permuted Conscious of scorching I. .at even through his hunting boots, he suffered that torture until a tongue of fi.mie licked up, wrapped Itself round the thick hempen cord and ata It through. Immediately Alan kicked hta feet ftee, lifted to a kneeling position, and craw le.I from the pyre. As fur his hands Alan's hunting knife was still in Its sheath belted to the small of his back Tearlug at the belt with his hampered Angers, ho contrived to shift It round until ths sheath knife stuck at tbe belt-loop ever bis left blp. Withdrawing and coin.-) lug the blade to hla mouth, hs ' ef Jm LsasW kw fclw.i eae,Be aawigkSBv-JBW m Vw. nlatlBBV'asWttsar w' Ia8ow aVwf .jesBsr ,Jft, Sawed ths Corda Against the Rasor harp Blade. gripped It firmly between his teeth, and sawed the corda round hla wrists against the rasor-sharn blade. Hefore Alan could turn and run bo saw a vanguard of flames bridge B0 yards at a bound and start a dead pine biasing like a torch. And then be waa pelting like a mad man across the smoked-filled clearing, and In leaa than two mlauies broke from the forest to the pebbly shore of a wide-bosomed laka, Mid wltblu a few hundred feat of a substantial iliitii, through whose spillway a heavy ..iiiime of water cascaded with a roar rivaling that of the foraft-Ore Itself. Two ijulok gluum-n showed Aiau two tilings: that bla only way of escapo was via tbe dam; that there was a solitary canoe at mid-lake, bearing swiftly to the farther shore Judith NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. llstTsiiSTiTsel.iNii orncs, liurna, Dragon. February II. 1116. Holies la hereby given Ibat Mai. aim 1 sal., I hums, Oregon, who, ua Aug. 'Jr.. ISUS an.l Nov. H, nun. ma. la H.iineatea.i guinea, No. nil ii.lMt rt-aiKHHWH) , for NNK1.. HWUNgU. NW'.HK1,. Hg'4NW',. N.,MW',. sgiHi,, Hectlou , 'Inwiialilp Jl HnuUi, lung.- :h) Keel. Wllalllvtte Meridian, lias III, -it notice of luleil ilmi in make final live year Proof, lo eatal.llali claim to the laad above .! rlbe.l, before lo-a later and Kerelver, ai Hurus, Orugun, on toe null day uf March. Ivlf.. i lalinaiii tiainea for wltneeaee r-ianan. Je.keiili. Marvin M MHiee. JobU II. Caldwell, l.ee Caldwell, ell uf gurus, Ore gon Wu Kaass, Heglal. i NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. HSITSli HTiTta l.aNI. O.Mi S, ( liurua, Oregon, Kebrusry a, lln I Nolle.' la hereby given that Jerry Plllou, Jr., ..I llarrliiiaii, Oregon, wbn, ou NoMimbei JS. iww made llouiealea.l entry No. wn.'i, for hWi4Nai iliiu Is. 'I'owualili.'ja south. HeuteM Keel, Willamette Merliltau, lias filed OOlloe of Intention to make final live year proof, to eaialillab claim to tbe land shove described, tiufor.i Krslaier and Hecelver, at burns, Ore gon, on the lath dsy of Msreb, 1016. claimant nainea aa witnesses Henry titl.y ami Henry tieorge, in. lb ol I awi-n. Oregon. Jeremiah tlllluu, of llarrliuau meg. hi, ('bat. otley ,of l.awen, Oregon. K'at. Kissa, Keglster. Trine and the India the latter wield ing tha paddla. la tho got of turning toward tha dam bo saw Jacob drop tha paddle. Tho neit Instant a bullet from a Win Chester .10 kicked up a spurt of peb bles only a few faat In advance of Alan. Ho quickened his paaa, but the neat bullet fall cesser, while tha third ac tually bit tha aarth beneath his run ning faat aa ho gained tho dam. Esesperated, ha pulled up, whipped out his ptatol and fired without aim. At tho same time, ha noted that the distance between dam and canoe had M, Htfcrt fl-a mm m B aJL Jp V Lw ' Mm I . L A Trsmendous Weight Tars at Hla Arme. lessened perceptibly, thanks to the strong current sucking through the spillway. Hla shot flew wide, but slmost In stinctively his finger closed again upon the trigger, and ha saw tbe pad dla anap In twain, Ita blade falling overboard. And than tbe Indian fired again, his bullst droning past Alan's ear. Aa be fired In response Jacob start ed, dropped hla rifle and crumpled up In the bow of the canoe. Simultaneously aarth and heavens rocked with a torrlflo clap of thun der. He turned again and ran swiftly along the dam, toward two heavy tim bers that bridged tba torrent of tha spillway. Thsn a glance aside brought him up with a thrill of horror; the suck of the overflow bad drawn the onBM within a hundred yards of the spill way. Tbe dead Indian In Its bow, ths living womsn .helpless In Us stern, It swept swiftly onwsrd to destruc tion Ills next few sctloiis mure holly unpremeditated He was Oooaelool only of her white, stuffing ttaM her strange likeness to the woiinui tli.it ho loved. He ran out upon the bridge, threw himself down upon the Innermost tim ber, turiicil. and let his body fall back ward, arms aitended at length, and swung, braced by his feet bi-ni nth Ihe outer timber. With a swiftness that passed con scious thought, he was aware of the csnoe hurtling onward with tho speed of wind, Its sharp prow sppurently aimed directly for bis head. Then hands closed round his wrists like clamps, a tremendous weight tore nt bla arma. and with an effort of incon ceivable difficulty he began to lift, to drag the woman up out of the foam lag Jaws of death. Somehow (hat Impossible feel was achieved; somehow the wnniaii gotatod a hold upon his body shifted it lo his belt, contrived Ineipllrablv to clumber over blm to tba timbers; and some how he In turn pulled himself up to safety, and sick with reaction spruw led prone, lengthwise upon that foot wide bridge, above tba sereamlng abyss latter he became aware that UM woman had crawled to aafely on the farther shoro, and pulling himself to gsther, Imitated hor oaample Solid. earth underfoot, ho roae and stood swaying, beset by a great weakness. Through the gathering darkness a ghastly twilight In which the Bamlng forests on tbe other ahore burned with an unearthly glare ha discovered the wan, wrlthen face of Judith Trluo cloaa to his and ba board her voice, a scream barely audible ahore the nun mingled voices of tha conflagration and tha cascades: "Tpu fool! Why did you save nol I tell you, I bsve sworn your death!" Tba uttsr gi-otagqueness of It all broke ufon bla Intelligence like the revelation of soma enormous funda mental absurdity la Nature. Ho laughed a little hysterically. Darkness followed A flush of light ning seemed to flsme between (hem Ilka a fiery sword To Its crashing thunder, ho lapsed Into uncousclous naaa. When be roused. It waa with a shiv er and a ahudder. Itsln was falling In torrents from a aky the buo of slate. Across tha lako dense vulnmos of steam enveloped the tires (hat fainted beneath tha deluge A great hissing nolsa Oiled tha world, muting even tha roar ot tho spillway. Ho waa alone. But In bla haad, tattered and bruised by tba downpour, a found a roae. (To be ...iitiiiiir.l IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Till HTATB OK OlIKOON I OU II A I! KEY COUNTY. In tha matter ol the Batata , ol CITATION I'. Crews Croxton, Duc'.l. To W. T. Creston, Mary I,. t'iotoii, k.. ii.it I'l.niiiii und N.itniie Creston, (1KRKT1NU: IN TI1K NAMK 09 THE ITATE OK tilt K.ilt IN , you urn hereby cited and required to appear iu the Coutilv Court of the Stutc ol Oregon, lor Harney County, at the Court ltooiu there ol at Mum , in the County ol Harney on M.uulnv, II,, 10th day uf March, lOlfi. at lo o'clock iu the forenoon of that dm, ibeu uml thereto show cause, if any nisi, ulu the Heal pioicily, to wit; U' NWV, and Lots 1 and 9 uf Sug. IU, Two, 86, S-, K. :il li. W. M laduiiging lo said estate should not lie sold. WITNKHH: The Hon. II C. Lavsus, Judge of the County Court ol the Mate ol Oregon, for the County ul Ha i with the Seal of auid Court afhac.l this lilth day ol l-Vb . A. I'. I'M . ATTEITi It T. llugliet, Clerk By Walter T. Htruck, Hepuly Cleik Itjsjag RODNEY DAVIS I House Painting Paper Hanging and Decorating; Calclmlnlng Hard wood Finishing Fresco Painting Ktllmufi-N furnished on aay plica linn. Sample ahawat. Offl HIM A CHANCE littiMJitTintfttiittftMtmnutamiuitm "..Vnrr.fnK ' )V9RLD, : modcli! one : hurl II. I car- Hi. olhcr for .H I Xing mill ii v. EVENS 'VISIBLE LOADING" WJLE NO. 70. Ili.tl.lles is .m Slu.rl and l .M TRICE M Int.g rllle cartridges. $B.OO Av.seiul for bniidaoinelv lllustl 1.1 Ititlr Cata- r mill "How to.Sbuot ,.y,. v.. ii'. . . I i it, i. i r.lasees Rifles :jU? Pistols and Shotguns 'Sr j, it youl Ucalcr. , STEXENS ARMS roOLCOMPsiNT, p t; 5-, i aooa, ti riil" ttfli: PA I.l H. MAIM. orrn iai. Diascrosv TATS BBwaOgl ii. lOsa g. chamberlain J Harry l.aiie i w c Rewley en .... Heuerel .... .41 1 i . i -, ICTh' . .,1 It, ..lift , -til 1 I 11, In liiatiiic'l.... . I.f . in 3 B1UUOU A. m crewlerd lawalrt Wee! lien W. Oleott T. ii gar 1 A i nut. loll W H Huulway , It, .1.1 gakln 1 A. k. gride Jeeu Harwell K. g. Bese P. A. Moore Nl III Ji .H IAI. DISTRICT. noiti. i fialion Biggs 1 .Mint) :l I., ii H Hlaeoiore e-iir ti.eeta the flrat Monday Is April sad Aral goads In October. stoi l,,li, 1 1:- WH Brooke w. f Uoaaa . -.1 sii iiAi.sav : '..eiii Tbempees II T Hugh. I K A Miller C. g. Beery A g. Kirkarosos j J buaeaaa 1. M llaallioe li. W.cleveBger Jobs goblaeoa IK. I Hflvewei I. ik 1 .. 0 l.., - 1 -1 1 i supel 1 ..i.iiiet sOs b Inap. u.i a I -I. ilboa Bale 1 Hue' Hi.- fl.a Wednesday la lamia... Man li. May, July, September aatf ii-. i.ti.11 orro s : : .22 zL ' ' I tvvl Was Psrra sam ktutberakewS hi scssa- Mayor, cam Moibeithead K.iy Van Mingle rreasur. Ileurv Dsltee gsrahsl ..a, I., llaieee f II. J. Ilanaea 1 A. C Welcome ! .i.n.ra I anijlilre 1 H.J.MrRlenoB Usetiags ol . Coaeetl every second sad . 1 - -levmssBsassssBssssMBai Tl.r only way lo l fcjg.. jj fa m il.e .n.ir.ne h -; - 9 New Home mM Sowing MachJn JH & 3 1 i. Li tuy ltt maH-Kina Lm R ami in tlic legs, aaUBKarfm. I 1 hi lusvi Lin la LW asvVwawwwsa awwwwwafl v mm st u i J fr all IB,'. g - irfmWr- 1 No other like it I .Mi other as food Tha New Home Sewing MiCi.il Caapuf, ORANGE. MASS. We '1" job printing. JOB WORK neuuangiu jj( If You Want ALL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing CARL C. GRIFFITH I'liyaiciati and Hurgeon biihus, ossooa. J. Ul. CBARY f'liysieian and Nurgeou. Burng, - - - Omgon. Office in new building south .,l w.-i,,,Ul hsruess slini, Mum ,-t 'Phone Mam M GEO. G. CARL, M. D. Phywlclan and Surgeon laTesiawama atulldlns siren dla.aa. of ih. .,.. aAf at. Oreaea HARLAN A. HARRIS M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon Narrows, Oregon DEHMnN & I'iNMAIi. Physicians and Surgeons Calls anawered brooipll) night or dsy 'I'lione Harriinsi, Harplman, Oregon Or- Mfnnic Hand Physician and Surgeon Wroct Telephone Connection Albritton. Ore. b. E. HIBBARD DEKTIST Office flret door eat nolo gallery Burns. Oregon. M. A. BK.GS Attorney ut Lav, Voegtly Itldg.. Hums, flregon O. A. REMBOLD Alturiii-y ..' I.,,h . Burns, Oregon. HERMAN VON SCIIMALZ Attorney at Iiw Coo teats and prsclice bpfoia I . H. Und Offlce a SK.cialty OSes: fy llldg. neil daoi to post oSce Burns, Oregon CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Bums, . Oregon fracticee In the M.ile Courts and he- lore the U. H. I .an. I I ilbce. (Jhem. H. Lseonard. ArrOR.NKV- AT-l.A W, Careful atUtntion given to Collec tions and Heal Kstati matUjira. Kire Insurance. Notary I'ul.lic BUKNS. (Ikiioin. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW State Court and United States Land Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Burns. Oreuron. FRANK DAVEY Atteraey at Law Notary PueSel Ceaeevaeisas, Mea.r loaning, R.vl.akag SsssssMss tl- S. Least 1 HI.. . r, ., . . 0ee between Han,,, coast Nsilonal Basil ann inn (in.. , Burn a. Oregon . I . I Mi i k io A. o. ,, ;im rersaerlr Aaet. gaglssei l..uiu-ii chlrf st 111.8 He.-I.iu.ll., n -,i k-im-er uf II 11 A nee. aeatara K Eastern Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL AND IRIIuATION ENfilNE Bans, OrtKoo