The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 20, 1915, Image 3

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IU. Tha I ara..t C.rcuUlion Of Any
Nrw.pap.r In Harnry County.
Locl News.
1). A. Brakeman was up from
Waverly this week.
Born --Thursday, Feb. 11, to
Mr. and Mrs. Luverne Porter, in
Sunset, a son.
Hot Tamalas at the Gillenwater
Bakery from 4 until 10 o'clock
each night
Hay for sale, either at the
ranch or delivered in Burns. Call
Henry VolgMMNN on the phone.
Mrs. I. L Poujade was down
from the Cow Creek home this
week visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Ira Davis.
I hereby announce myself a,
canidate for the office of marshal
of Burns at the coming election.
R. L. Haines.
Geo. Buchanan and wife were
in from the station last Sunday,
making the trip in a sleigh as the,
roads will not permit an auto
with any comfort or pleasure
The Times-Herald man was re
minded that spring is approaching
this week by receiving a package
of government seeds through
Congressman Sinnott.
Kodak films developed 10 cents
per roll, any size. Prints Be asell
All orders of 2 dozen prints film
developed free.
A. H. McLain,
Care of Sayer Studio.
Statement Of The Condition
Of Th
First National Bank
of Burns
At the close of business Dec. 81st, 1914.
Loans nnd Discounts $326,232.62
U. S. Bonds 41.000.00
Bonds and Securities 78,639.69
Premium on U. & Bonds 1,340.00
Renl Estate. Furniture and Fixtures 8,904.92
Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250.00
CASH 119.095.20
Capital $ 25,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 81,993.62
Circulation 25,000.00
DEPOSITS 444,468.81
Capital and Surplus 8100,000.
Ground feed at Hngey's.
Walter Gray was among our
visitors from Lawen Wednesday.
Leave your old hat wo will
make it into a New One. -Will
iams, Zoglmann Clothing Co.
Finest alfalfa, timothy and red
top hay haled may he had at the
Goodman feed ban) is south Burnt
The Burns Steam Laundry
gives special attention to parcel
post. Send us your laundry by
Judge Thompson and wife WIN
among our visitors during the
week visiting their daughters
and looking after business mai
lers. Out-of-town taxpayer, who
to pay their taaa. will pirate .end u.
the tax roll. 'i tin'. .Intrinrnt of III
amount dua, togrlttar with instructions
for payment of HARNEY COUN
Dance atTonawnma tonight.
Estrayed Came to my place
in Catlow, one black horse, weight
nboutlOOO lbs., three black feet
one white hind foot, white star
in foreherd, bratided either a run
ning M or WA connccled. Ilw
mi call and prove property and
pay expense. JOS Baker, Beck
ley, Oregon.
IlliriiH, Oregon, relmntry II, Iwir, t
Notice I (hereby aleeo iimi Willi. II i bate,
nf RnrBi.Oreeon, wVin.on nni 14, inn, m ir
n lead Kniry. No iimm, 'or H',N k' , ami
1, Heiilou .', Townaolp MH , Haiia vv
r. WlKameiie Meridian, im n N-,t iiotlceol
inii iiiiiin t" make Html Mitaa vxr I'rool, In
,-nihI'U-h Dlalttt to ilif i.ti'i aboye deirrlbed
i.i-iih. Mrei.irr 1 1 1 Hanolvar, at Hume. Ufa
I III "" II lh i, 11I March IIH .
1 lalaiant natnaaaa ttrllpt aaatt .,
''I')) II Muiili. 1.1 N.',liiii HiikIm I . Iliimi'i'
i . Id i'il. Nil nf Narrow,,. OiaKul. Htmitnti F,
rf lei ..1 mrM On ton,
Oregon State Depositary
United States Depositary
Herman Buh SI among our I " was in toe cuy on
visitors from the Lawen section ' business this week.
Use your telephone call 381
when you want your clothes
early in the week.
Don't throw awav your old
hat when you can have it made cleaned and pressed.
New for one $1.00. -Williams-1 R. H. Brown was over from
Zoglmann Clothing Co. his home in Diamond for several
A. B. Brown and wife and days this week on business.
little daughter were guests of, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF
relatives and friends in this city BURNS. CAPITAL AND S U R P L U S
, , $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES
luring the week. ; vniin 1 t t sai 1 - rrniiNT
Timothy and clover seed and INVITED.
end ui Treaiurer'i tax tate-clean seed barley for sale. W. For Rent 160 acres of land
ment together with instruction T. VaniieW er, on Pine Creek, adjoining fine range, plenty of
for payment of the same. Firit; Address, Drewsey. Oregon. water, good house and a garden
National Bank of Burn. ., ... , ., , , .. . nlot that can bo irriiruted from
the lniant cnuti 01 wr. iinu . 7- -7 -
Dr. Benson's theme next Sun -, m,.s, n,.rt Richardson has been
day morning will be, "What Does j(,ne in hut is improved at this
Life Mean to Me". Number 1. time.
Endeavor service at 6:45 I'. ILL ,,..,,-
All young people are invited to 2 ' .'" ?'.. V"
r.k. nor! in Ih. SPrvi- I .UV. me. I .- iu .-,. ... .
A. E. Murphy was in from his
home at Iron Mountain this week
visiting his daughter and looking
after business interests. He
looks forward to a good crop
this season.
Customer and others desiring .
us to settle their taxes will please
A recent Washington dispatch
states that M. N. Fegtl.v has been
continued by the Senate as re
ceiver of the land offlOe at Vale.
Mr. Feglly eai resident of this
section for years and his many
friends are pleased to note hill
appointment and congratulate ' Nu'l IC1
1 ill. iTATtl I NH K I li R, I
1 1 i r lira. lln-KHii, luininri '."'. 1914 I
Noil, u lit hofflby Kivth Mint NoltB K Cinrr) ,
III Hull ill, tfull, III I, mi I ' I 'I 1 1 n 1 l In I'M 11.
i" "i'ii -ii'i r 1111 1 in tri-n 101 n',.n,'.
Xrrtloii ... i.ivM.Kiii. ,wi a Ran is Hit K si
lllflllit tl' Ml lIlllMh. Use fill 'I in .til I lit 111111
Until.. IU Ilk -1 hi. Ill I 'rOOf, I.I . HlHllllr.ll I J 1 in In
I lie In ml nIhiVS . at rlL.'l. I. 'fori. t. MhIh
Tu.locti, 1 - t'ommlMluMor, m hiN office,!
Muuklsy, Uregol U mIi.Ihi -,f Man ) lulft
I'liiliMmil tiHRIM U WltBMMi
I'.i uol. y n Ah. In we UregOD. Kay nanl
mn, Harris Rblplty, i.otli of riMs, Uii'tjmi.
(Iftirie liniikln n Hod. Is Oregon.
W M I Ki keglNtur.
hiiin,. Orsfloa, 1 i'iui, ... Mi:, 1
Soili i' ! In rt-liv cIvi'iMltnl I'lydu A. Ollilmlii.
ii April vi, l'K, maije
'mi. or 1, .a I Nn. iriuj,. lor
NKi, . ,- III lixvli :t N lli.ii.-, I '. I li..... ..II..
will remain in the city for a few 1 '"',"""" "-- n- noiii-eoi Uuuiieata
. C1111I liv ri .r,M.I lni.etnl.1 lali , III I III tulhr Un1
days visiting with Inends. lorn
T.mi -111,1 Mr All. -it ,Mtiwi iiviir
i or 1111, . oraaou,
Ironi the I' Kancli 1 uiisdav and !!". -' 1 -.. irr n
Jese Vickers was down from
Harney the fore part of this
week making proof on his home
stead. He was accompanied by
Star Buckland and Len Vickers,
who acted as his witnesses. The
latter and family visited the
C'avenders while down.
overlook this money saving sale.
- Williams - Zoglmann Clothing
springs, inquire at tins ontce.
You will find all the newest
ideas in millinery at Clingan's.
The ladies of Burns and vicinity
are invited to call. One door
north Haines' store.
Chas. Couch and family came
over from their home near
. . Vai70ntire the fore luirl of this
Ralph Catterson and Dr. Hand , . . . . ,
ii.iil I..-. VLi'pk nml u'irii triifiulanf rn n u'ik
were up from the Iike region
during the week, the former en
land business, while Dr. Hand
attended to other business matters.
Alma Davis and family have
The Times-Herald has just re
ceived a card announcement to
the effect that P. W. Geer moved to the farm
has nssnmpd trip manacement side of Harney and
of the Studebaker vehicle take up me lining 01 m ph.
branch at Boston. Pearl has With the destruction of the rah
many friends in Burns who have WtS Alma thinks he est) make a
almost lost track of him in recent success of the farm. It Is cer
years but who will be pleased to tainly a must happy occupation
note his assuming a position of and one that brings satisfaction
such responsibility. He is a and contentment when it can be
brother of Mrs. Ben Brown of done at a profit and the family
this city. may De kept in comfort-
and friends in this city for a few
days. Having been solicit, d by a
large number of friends to be
come a candidate for city mar
shal at the coming election, I
The Dances of the Month
With the thought of the dances of the
current month the same problem which
you couldn't solve last month is before
you again bigger than ever. It's the
problem of
Proper Foot Wear
If you can't work it, don't let it spoil a
good time. See a specialist there is
only one in town -it's
Ladles' Patent Leather and Dull
Kid Shoes, also a complete line
of Spring Pumps. English
Walking Shoes for men and all
kinds of shoes for the little folks
- General Merchandise -
riasoiik Building,
Burns, Oregon
With every 9S.OO cash purchase or purchases
amount!; to fa-OO a ticket to either theatre will
be given GOOD ANY TIME
me OUH r l.,,v,, ,..ri,l,., ,,, m-il.-i. iVin mne
will again 1 dm Trriii
i ' '"" - "
Wanted By experienced farm
er and stockraiser. to rent u ranch
iMuipp d with stock and Imple
ments. Is expert irrigator and
oichardi.t. References, this of
fice. Supt. Breithaupt of the Exper
iment Station, arrived home last
Sunday evening after an exten
ded visit to outside points. He
was accompanied by Mrs. Breit
haupt. The gentleman has kept
rather "scarce" since returning
and The Times-Herald has not
had an opportunity to interview
Geo. Smyth has returned from
Portland with his new Cadallac
ear that is pronounced one of the
finest ever seen in this country.
It is the latest model and one
that has every convenience and
comfort known to autos. He
will have an opportunity of try
ing its usefulness and power if
he attempts to use it much with
the present roads.
It. .1. McKinnon Jr. and wife
J arrived home Wednesday eve
ning from South Dakota where
they went to seek relief for a
cancerous growth from which
Mrs. McKinnon has been Buffer
ing. The many friends of the
family are grieved to learn she
was given no encouragement for
permanent relief from the
N. P. Biddle was in from his
Jiome Wednesday making some
purchases and visiting his dau
ghters who are attending high
school. Mr. Biddle told The
Times-Herald he had recently
lost two head of cattle from
rabies, a heifer that was violent
and a steer that had the dumb
kind. Mr. Biddle has some re
gistered stock and fears more of
his herd may be affected and in
such case it would be rather a
serious loss. However, he will
keep close watch and isolate any
animal that appears wild and
thus lessen the danger of trans
mission to other stock.
says the roads are becoming very
bad and they had a hard tune
getting up the lull the other side
of Wright's Point From Nar
rows to the P Raael the roads
are fine, no snow and the ground
is almost.
The Times-Herald force has
been revising Hie back tiles of
this great religioul weekly and
has discarded many hundnd
extra copies that have been kept
in the office. We have many big
bundles of back copies of the
paper now for sale at &r cents n
bundle and the red hot editorial
and railroad articles OUgbl to
make them ideal for placing
under carpets ai they should
keep things warm.
W. M. Carroll was in from hi.-
Catlow bone thfs week greeting
his many old time friends. Billy
was traveling around with the
aid of a cane and seemed quite
happy. Two years ago this
young man hail a most harrow
ing experience by falling to the
bottom of a deep well that he
and a neighbor were sinking in
the Catlow country and wen
trappi'd in the hole for many
days before being rescued. Billy
had both legs broken and in ad
dition ms leel were iroen
during his imprisonment, neces
sitating the removal of IhHIi feet.
He has artificial limbs now thai
are acting quite tame for him
and he is able to get around very
ui' loa iii" "I, before Kegletef lid Recelvai
ill Mm nn, i'i.,. 1:1, nil ll.i' Hltli day uf Mnri'li
111 I 1
I In 1 III. ui 11. nix. nn u tin I'M.,'.
1 rr W Jol 11 It o II. 11, m ,1.1,1 y
1 in.i, iii'iii.iiinii 1 Hollar, ill oi allay, Ore-
I ... Krantcr.
imil it I WAIT- FT It IK I. AMi Hril.K
UftrTSS HrATK J.ANtiorrirr,
Burnt, Ori-giiii, January 14, iVllt J
NotffW If htJfvbl ivffl Hi lit. MttJfMttdbf
tin i oiiiiiiUiluiiri 11 Hi.- i.rii-ral I an'l iitli-f
mi .1. in .. 11, ii .if Ail nf i iiumicii BtiliroviHl
in f if. i "" -I Mii , M7, iiiirsiiaiit io thr
lAtimi nf i hsrlie MiHirn, Hrrlsl Nu. U7'Ktv,
i iiiii
iIlT, t.tll
Hi r Nt l.lllillu auli', IO tin- highest I. hi
t Irll Ihsll .'i'M-i nirr.ui u
.. . o, k A M (ill Ihr .'lit Ha) r March. l'Ti,
al thin oitl. f the fiilluwhlK tract nf 11-'I
K'XM " , .-. M, i 'M It 31 K .. W. U.
'Mills trail la tint. -rnl Into the inarktM tin
ahiiiiliiK .1ml thr fjualrr nrtltin lhtrnf is
antalnotii or ton mugh for 1 uitisitn "
Any p. r ! i lalmlng ail vcinr-ly Hit sIhiTc flhed laiitl arc s l laml In fill Ihslr rlsltns
ir i.l ic tlui'H, nti ..r '.i-fure I he tltm 'Icelgustcil
fur !
i M. KattKR. K'tfliln
i 4 ih't i i. Kn -ri r.
! : i f ' HfATH I.ANI Or VTi S.
Uuriia. tlriKni Januarvli Ivl l
V.. II.. llhsrCbj giifll that ss llrri'tnl b
IB'r i.l the icii.ial ami llfllci'.
uodsi i i ir ii ..I am ui i oocrM tpfenrVM
ui" IIO I -tali,. -17.) nursHNtll (litlir up
i "f i liii It r . ! heels. I, Hr rial Nu 0747V
IU Sflll . i St . ii I.l I. MlV.tOtbf highest I. lit
.Jnr. bill i.l m.t Ices than . mi pet site at Id
ii : k i m . nn iii. i. ih iisv iff Mart h . i .i .
a I thu ..iTi, c the f. i Hon III g trai t Of lsll.1
v ..... I m., R.MB., V M
' I I. l in I it f.r.l, n l In til the inarkcl nDl
thul the grratt t thrr.of Is ii tain", a hi too rootfti toi Ul i Hi lOlf."
SO) poraOOl oltJiAIni i-hrtnh Hh'Ihim
llf .1 laml nir .U li--l to (He I In it i Isiini,
t hoi on or Ih-hoc the ll in- ilrilgnati ii
Hm ns. Of HOB , .Ulintf "', IWh. i
Noth t li in iciiy given (list ChtrlM L Hroittn.
iff Mm no, i he,; .Mi, who. on Ohrltsr 1. lVl'i,
mihiIc 1 1. in. ft t h-liv, No 0 .v.'ii lot KiHW'f),
SX. (.Nuiihof Mslhciir, Moctlon i.
lowiihhl. . m., llstiK ''' R.i Hll'NMinlle
Mi i hi I n N, lots ill. .1 hoi ce cl I til cut Ion to nifc
I-1 ii ii i throt year I'm "f InttiliDllihi In I hi lolhi
laml alinvv (lest rihi if, l.ehoc Itcglalei mioI
ltr.( clir, t Mm tin (hi KMj, mi tin .Ih 'Isy of
At li r h. I'H ,
liimsni nntiiei an wlluOMPl
I" tin In iirlffm. Hath I i rc.if.iiui n. I. isodl I
McKciiic, i huii. i iirngiiii, nit ui Narrooii
V. Flint. Iti'irlsli r
I NITKH ifiTKi l-Ah lirriCR
Humid, Oregon, Jninian il , I'd:.
Notice f hi n I... vl . n ihtil Ham ll el KrlOIMfl
)f HU'ot, Oroion, who nf lYorombot i, it'll
uiS'le Mo. i. luteal Knlrr, Nn- IV,7...' fin S , ' ,
Hrrtliill :t, lovwi-hi). ',. s,, Itange HI K Wti
la in el in Mar Id Inn, has fllfl tint tea of In lent Inn
in malic final three m-hi hrnof, to eslahllMh
'Inllli to t he latl'1 nhoe ilcacn bfrt, he lore, Meg
oi an. I KootJror. nl MntiiN Oiigttn, on the
nli ilny ot Wnreh. I"1V
t Irtliiuiiit namao sa wlttn-iaes
Ni.l It. nn. i ( it-it ',. hmiiK, J r I y, I A,
llrn.M'ii. all of inn hi. OfHOn,
VS M. r'Ahei.. lieglstcr
HiiriiH, Oicgon, J fi n nn r y it, li'l..
Null' r In hcreh) given that I hesli r Kniwn,
of Narrows, Oregon, who, on Jhihihm HI, I 1 ',
le lliiimnlriKl, . .(,"., oi,s'4
o'ltlnn In, loWiilih. niith It u Kant
IN 1 1 lain el Ui Mi I I. Half, I -I i ii'i'lii' of lllteli
tion to make tins) three y hi prouf.tO ntahltfth
claim to th Ian .I RDOtfl ut-m rlbod, btlorej KOgil
tit slid Kiicolrer, at llurun, Orswoo. on il,.
Ird .lay t MarO.. i'il...
'lalmaiit n nines as wltnasn's
MiailesK (MMtnnn, Itu Wilson ami Karl
Flaekus, all of Narrows. Oisgoti. Hunt) I Inn
man, of I H mil I , irK(n.
WM. KaKHK. Iteglat. r
Herlsl No OT70fi
Hums. Oiegon. Jai.nar)- i:i. V.'V:
Notice Ipherch) given that A4l6 Kaulknir,
ol Hanii'v t'outitv.riUtvof OfOffOB, whoac 1...1.1
off ice iddroH Is ll n run, (in o n, (1 hi on he in em
I.. 1 l.ll'll, life III IhlR Dftlf 11 Ills Mtteatllfl to
nnikc enlrv lor Ihe hK'4NW,4, Har. l.f.aiH.,
It at K . W, M.. SS trough! nl Joel W. Ili-Vcrli,
who is titiileil (.. ma k 1? entrv therefor ss a. hit
th'iini to IJ K No ON, maile Nun iiiher l'. W.u,
atllneoln, Nehtsaks. ninlrr hec thing 5fcail slnl
.:" of the Jtevlnvd Mlalulen of the 1
laics, and l he rules and icgulatloiii of Ihe
l'einrtliieiit of tliu Interior then ulnler. ran
lug ailillllonal tainhj to guhllers ami anllori
who iiiw! Hi tin A no nr Navjr of the I hlte.l
Slalei. .luring Ihc VA a r of the l(l.i III. 01
An stid all iiarsons rlaliiiuig adversely the
lands doMnbod, or desiring: to ohjeet boottOoo
ol ihe mineral charm irr of thu land, urany
(fart thereof, or for any reason, to tboallOOOM
to appltcsnl, should Die their iffldsvlts of pro
lest In this oilier on or - ' the nth Ml ol
March, ni:,.
VVm. KAttftH, Ui glsf.r.
1st iinhltcatloii, January ;w, l'r.
t.asi ation Man 1. '., 11 I
I 1st 1. Mas
ItKHloltA'IKiN lo KNIIli tK LAMM in
NAl'luNAl FnltK-if Notlev ll livrvhv given
Ihtt the lamia deaerlheil tielow, vtuhrtelnif
("aires, wiuiin ti... Malbeur National r..r
et, ongou, will hr stihjtrtto ieii Ifiinni and
cuiii io I. r H.e ii.iiiiiiii.l the homrstrad
UhihI the f tilled Males a ml I he a, l . 1 1 June
Ii, ivm (.ti Miat . .'.t.ii. si the l.nlied Mtaics Itml
oitn e at Itiirnt. tiiegon. on March 4. )'i
Mi set Her rbo wss set ually snd In gow. faith
1 .aiming any of inld mud for agrh nitural pur
pOori .nor to Jatitisr I. I'sV,, and has not
nhtudotiad Mm, hat a prefnrencr right to
Utakcta hum. stead HIT) for the lands hi tlia.ll v
01 cti pled .-aid is uda en- llgted upon (he ap
plliallune of (he poraOOl hiciiUom d bolOW,
ho have t 'ft f.-ieiji c rlfht eul.J. . I d.
the prior iiil.t ..I tuv ant h scllhr. MoVtded
nth scttiet or at. till, nut is uual hed to
inahe hometi al enlr and thy ( led rein
tight is eicnlacd pitor H Man I. 1. 1 lift, ....
which dale Ihe lands will be auldei I lo settle
Working for a living? Making regular wages?
Thi-n every time you receive your wages take out of it
Home sure, certain, fixed sum and BEFORE you spend
a single dollar of your waseu bring that sum of money
here and put it in your Account. It isn't the amount
that countB- it's the doinjf it regularly, systematically
keeping at it all the time.
Siinc from your ')' BBFOU you Ikk'"
to epcul your wiik. That ia the one,
aure, urnl Hccrfl ol Kucccaa. HaviiiK I'irM'
Burns, Oregon
Hour.: '. a. in. to 3 p. m.
r jmy 4 wr tent, interest in our Simula DtpSTtmittt or
(CfftiflcatH ofDcpoiit.)
Aluminum Ware
A New Consignment Just in
The World's Best "Quality" Brand
i Ml
w Ksaas, h.glster
HH Me) mi H-iih n. Kveviver
I'M I Hi HTVTKm I.ANH "frill, I
liiirim, ori'ifim. January fa, I w 1 ;
la hereby tlren Ikat ChaTtel B. Srocaa.
I Hum.- iirrgnn. whu, Krhruary n. iwii.
inaili H miaira. Entry. M 'i, for h.ii i, i,
NH'.Na'l, ' 7 nu. I 4. Mi'itlmi n
l".iwanl .i -i'.iiIi. Kanee I Caat, illamHc
Merlillau, North ol atalheui lk-, l nie.i
DOtlra il IiiI.'IHI.iii ui iimk. IImnI llurr yrar
brtMjf, loealabltah alalm in ilu- Uml aouve de
rrlbett, Iwlora lo li, t aud llreelver.
llurna.urefou, on the Ubdajol Marih, lui.'.
I I N I III Mil I lirtliH'l KB Wttlli-Mr
i rirtiii Mr alter Creaemaa, .M' nadrr
Mi ! I, .lire I. Hnieioi all ill Ntrmwe.
rli. ItrfUIrr
I e " I. ji J-Jafl
If U s -utimW ' "41
r i LMri: JW gar ,.; ......, f
iii.nt Nifl fiiliy lo nn .p... Ilti.-'l i'iiii III.
ImiiUiin. IiiIhih,' lli.M',Nrt'. tl. rW.
.rt'. Hi.' M',H',M '."W',. Ihi' flWUNW1,
Nr1,"1.. Hei .';i.M.',NK'k Ihr KUNKi.rtl!1.
IbeSsWTaKK'alfK'i Ibe N S..NW '.SI ',-K', .
lee , I Wh . It .' I . It W. Maoree. appll
rnri.ui i.l Urn I hiiii.Im-Ii. Ji . Hun,, iin.'i.u
I i.i i, uii Prreuiber II ei i i M Hill VK,
.unlplNUl I ..liiuilbilolirr '! tin i.i huii I ami
i-nl.Al i ID I it ait. i'riu.ii' LAND tA LI
Hums, ort-gon. January M, Ivl'.
Nolliflihrr.l.) glvvn thtl, as .llrct lct .v
the oiMinlealoiiiir M the i.eneral I n. i n . ,
uioler bi .vi Act oi i uttgrsM tamrotrtj
Jtlllf ..', IMS. 1.1 rtMt . -Ll . to l he a.
(ih. an. f Hit IimM j lUuiitrKer, taartal No
'a'.. f Mc will oiler tt kBbJU snle, lit I he lilglost
l.l.ltli r, hul Ml not less lliall .!!' Ml tire, tt
hi n'l ,.k AM , on Itu Ii.ih iltv ol Mar. li, I.l ..
tl (lilt nllii'i', l lie liiiioit i ii k lit. I of Jtlnl
hkuhwh. hc a, m.' nw', rive a.T.'-ft
h.. H K H. U.
This If tit li oftlrre.l into tin niaiket on t
tliowlnH tlist Hie gretur i.tti.m theteul is
mouiitainous or loo tough (or i ultlvai i..n.
Any prisons Utinlng t'lwrtclv I to ftQOTt
ilest iiIhkI ItnU srs t.lvlse.l to (Hi- their eltiius ,
or ohjetlluu. on r Ufnrc the tlnir tloigaatetl
("i ssh
Wh Farms. HegHler
HtM M-'Tiis ivo.i ai.. Ketilv.t
INITUi M vii- (mi orllt'K,
linrns, Oregon, Januar) 14, ttll
N.ilii li licit lo given that, as (llreeled !)
ihc i onimlMlonor of the i.i neral urti. .
uinler iirovislun ( Aotol ConffNM anpiovei
June if, IIM. ,54 Htats . -17;. 1 iirsutut it. i hi g,i
.llrtlloll o livtltj i.llfioii, i UI Nn '. I,
we m li i.flvr ai public MM, to lbs Uiglu tt ; i.l
Li i. ui ai Uot icts ihtti $: i' per at it l 1
Iim k v M . on the i .tn -Uy ol Ma... h. IVIA,
tt tlilt oltlie, llo folltoi ing Uti-I ..( Uml
HH1',, Hr w and HJCnK!,, s t .-v. I
H I It .i K . W, M
"I his tract Is ui-i-r.-l Into the marltet on a
showing that a grrali-r potiloii ilnici
tiiouiiiainoiis oi too rough lor . ultlvatlon
Any M'Tst'Us elaliiiiiig ailveistl) iboftbOVt
dotwrlMa Itml tie alv isml lo file i hell claims.
..i ..i.jcciioiia on or U-loie th lime lc signal!
fur gale
Wm. rtn.i . Krtgksler
Ham Mmi iimi-in .i-. Ucceivii
UMTaUltTAYM lAHiiliM-iif i, 1 1, I'.M'.
HollMll here).) given that, as ill reel iul bl
Hie t oiuinlaololicr .if Ihe Oeiieral Lttt.dOff.Ot-,
ii li-li I 1'invif oi.B . I Alt iif t Uliurcaa a moot ...I
June .'.. pan. M 'late., .17, purtUftUl lo the a,
llh at ion i I i auk tin ll. -t i ml No Ui O ',
mi) will offer at stle, to ihe hlgln at bid
tier, but al to. i leas than . ' p.-i hcic. hi In
i . luck V M, on the 1 Hi It)' ol Man'h. IU...
It tills tiTllte, tlu fullovtlug Intel ..i htii.l
NKWNKK, her. 14. T. IU ., K. 10 K tt. M.
I his trail is urtlcre.l Into the market ou a
llllit llle I lint t hat l' t I ' i i.. it I i . ii. I I, .. r.,i I la.
uiouiiImiiious 01 100 rough for n III v h( loll "
.ui) l'rini ciaiiiuiig ii.ivtiii'h ItieulMivo
lesciiliiil laml ari itilvistil u file iheln lalmt,
oroi.jecuoua on .ir nviore the iinu- iiniiguaici
I lor sale.
Wn. Kahuk. Hoglaler,
Ever Hear of a Funeral PyreSaving a Man'sLife?
This was intended to be a funeral pyre.
But it did two inconsistent things. First Saved
Alan Law's life instead of taking it Second - Kept
a woman's heart from breaking.
A way you can find out "how" read the story.
TheTrey Oearts
Author of TheFortunu IluntorTha Black Umm--Tha
Loiw Wot? JOt)
We have secured publication rights on this extraordinary
Picture-Play story and you and your friends will want to
read every word of it. Be sure to gut the opening installment.
Nolica ot Sale of Real Properly.
In the ('utility Court ol I he Slut,' uI'Di
ijiiii, ln Ilui in y Comity.
In tlic miitter ol the relate ol A. ('
l.y. H'li. ill ii -I-.. 'I
Notice ia liru Ij. given Hint uiulor and
lit mi tuc ol' nn iinlci' ui s.'ln uiutlr anil
Mttnd in III." uliinr i-ntilli'il MUM on
tin- 17th iluv Of li'liiiiiiiy, 1015,1, th,.
iiinli'iMj'.ni'il, avliniuiitratot of thubovi
entitleil ratntt', St'l Mil at piiv.ite antu
(or cnall in huinl, lioin uml nfler I lie '-'-'nil
ilnv f Muicli, iuii, Hie Vlowlng ilu-
Mrtbwl i.'i.l iioKity biloiiglag ''"
i.slllle, lo-wit:
l.ola 1, V anil .I in Section N uml
l.ut 'J mid the NW1., ol the SW
1 1 of Keel ion (I in Township 27
S. of Kiinire B0 li. W . M. aitn-
nle in lliunev County, Dreuou.
Thai uotieem iulihheil lor u peiioil ol
loin eonai iuIimi aTMkl in The Titmm-
llciulil, n MWipSPM pulili.heil anil ot
MBTeU eireiilui ion in llurney t'ounly,
OreKon, umlei mul hy virtue ol nn orilei
of the lion. II. 0. I.eeliB, JSJS of the
aliini' ilitilleil t'ollll, ui.olr on the 17th
il.iv of I'VIn imrv, l'.tlo.
The MM ol Mid pioKily nhoe ik
acriUil will he aulijeet to eonln iinilnui
li v the llliove .nt ii l-. I Court.
Huteil ut r.iirnn, OrtgOS, thll Itlt h
ilav ol I ehiuuiy llllfi.
Auiuiuiatiulur ul the natiili, ol A. C
Lyiiili, )eceiiw,i.
m ijrj f TcvBw fca
Bfl He, iSvH
BS ta mt eeaaa Sfj e
eg SeBlSaaaaMSSg t
This shipment includes one
piece Tea Pots, Coffee Per
colators, Double Boilers,
Preserving Kettles, Milk
Pails, Combination Funnels
a most practical article,
with various attachments
permits it's use in many
ways Skillets, Tea Balls &
Strainers, Salt and Pepper
Shakes, Collapsible Cups.etc
A 20-Year Guarantee
Special! Special!
We have a big stock of dishes
and are offering some at re
duced prices at present some
See our line of
Heaters and Ranges
Builders Hardware
Paints and Oils
Farm Machinery
Implements of all kinds
in steck: Seeders, Plows,
Disc and Drag Harrows.
Binder Twine Barbed Wire
Nails, Doors, Windows, Roof
ing, Building Paper
Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition
Crockery, Tinware
For iti wonderful accuracy, ita aaf cty and con
venience, and iti effectiveness for tunall lmiiib
and target shooting, you should buy
MMBH apg The
ISOpS The J7SV? .72 BB
pA pump-sitiun repeater has linpla, aPf9
(III II 1111 llBlilaiil ii, I lli.Lim ..ialu A. . 7Bm.
StriKll'll I laa arnail.lai., If I. ail., ma, tt Kv aaaaaaW
i. ..i. fc.m. S.Q9-. (M
Jssisr. bDLLMXM
al -VJ
iM I laa ar'
tikaa Jiiwn easily. Vio can I ..ik lliivusli the
aire! it 1 ins f turn both ends.
lis Solid fU.ITou.i.,tiVOUlli:j suit, eves aaainst
Injury Mm ilflfns t HimIsm, liuin sheila, i -w.lci an I
fair 1 I.i- bids FJvotiun tliixws tlielU swsy to tlio atJc
iievui u,i anua yuui tins il sighl.
Repeating Rifle
Model 20, illustrated, 24-
inch octagon burrrl. I ' ot
25 shots, II 1. 5U
round batit I.
lUiidlra all .22 short. .22 kins and .22 loaua-stl. r,l.i.U ,
ins th hollow i (hunting sartndgN. Acuists u. 2U0ysids. A irtftt
Sun lur isUUls, gumU, lk.wks, uuwi, vt- .
iffufitUt 2i tepsateia also uisuls with Isvar siiiun; ask your
7Z ffiiMiJiM fWiyvoc . 8rf ? mmmha csui. c
. - "" "' "- " "" ' al I
aai niimw i., issvv iisvcii, i una. tsuj (Ulss sjuI ihuls
-. .i