The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 20, 1915, Image 2

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Made In Burns
25 New Patterns Received
Assorted Colors
$8 to $10.50
Leave your measure
today Get your pants
See Window
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
Thr ftimfs-iUraU
Oa Yaw 12.00
Six Months ... 1.00
Tar.. Month. . 75
Several have reported finding
dead coyotes around over the
country and it is quite evident the
rabies have caused many todi .
durintr this and next month many
more may die from the same
cause However, Dr. White, of
the state health board, in an ad
dress to the stockmen in Trine
villi last week states it is his ibis section to a connection with
of the state legislature makes
this possible provided it goes
through and becomes a law.
It is further stated that the O.
W. R & N,. and the Short Line
will bo merged with the Union
Pacific sad that J. D. Farrell will
1 e president of this entire sys
ti m. The arrangements for such
a change ia no doubt responsible
for the delay in issuing any state
ment m lo further extension of
the line west from Riverside into
this Valley. When these thing!
::e all adjusted it is expected an
; nnour.cen entwill be made as to
the amount provided for this ex
tension. With such an arrangement it
will he made as to the early
completion of the line through
opintfii that the condition will
be more critical during the next
f onths than the world has
ever witnessed in connection with
r ind that things will be
worm! yet before it improves.
Perh 3 Dr. White has not studi
ed me situation as it exists in
this section during this particular
time when the coyotes are banded
together and where they are sure
to become infected more than at
any other time of year. Stock
men consider it best to get their
herds on the range and scattered
out early as they considered less
dangei ; i that way than when
loci n kept together.
.-com all over the Valley the
reports come that the rabbits are
Incoming quit scarce and far
mers ire correspondingly happy.
It is nut thought many have been
destroyed since the bounty went
intf effect as the scalps do not
s'n w i t the court house, hut
w,th M many hunting and trap
pin them the rabbits have evi-
de ,ily gone back in the hills
i .re they are not molested and
may :omp down later when the
crops begin to grow and olfer
lemming dinners. However, it
is encouraging to find them dis
appearing and should they return
it is possible they will not be in
such number as will be any
material pest.
the west and when it is all one
system and no competing lines it
will be advantageous to have a
water grade and a more direct
line through from eastern points
to the coast and avoid the heavy
grades in the Blue mountains to
the north.
People who are familiar with
conditions state it is one of the
best moves ever made by the
railroad people to hasten the
completion of the line through
this territory.
The warm rains of the week
have made the snow disappear
rapidly and caused the roads to
get bad but as yet the ice in the
river is intact and it is not ex
pected to cause a flood at this
time unless it continues to rain
for some time. Should this be
the breakup the farmer is going
to have an early season and will
have lo govern his farm work in
accordance with weather condi
tions. Too early springs are not
desired as vegetation is advanced
to such a stage as will make it
susceptible to early frost.
Some Pending
Changes in Railroads.
It has been stated that the
Southern Pacific and Union Pa
cific railroad systems are to be
separated and conducted under
different heads. The plan as
outlined is for the Southern
Pacific to take over the roads in
Oregon south of Portland, which
will include the consolidation of
the Portland, Eugene & Eastern,
Cot vallis & Eastern, the Salem,
Hslls City and Western and other
such subsidary roads under one
management, thus saving ex
pense of the promoting efficiency.
A recent bill passed by the house J
Short Course
Illustrated Lectures.
J. C. Leedy, of the agricultural
department of the Harney Coun
ty High School, gave an illustaat
ed lecture at Tonawama last
Thur.-day evening on "Profitable
Feeding of Live Stock" which
should have been attended by
more people. This is a pirtof
the short eottrts being conducted
by Ihe school during this month
Next Thursday another lecture of
this character will be given. This
will include swine feeding and
care of milk. These lectures are
free and quite interesting and in
structive. Baptist Church Doing.
Fifteen new members received
the right hand of fellowship last
Over thirty were present at
prayer meeting last Thursday.
The average attendance at Sun
day School for the past four
weeks was sixty-six.
Mrs. Horton's Sunday School
class has raised enough money to
buy a new carpet for the pulpit.
Subjects of sermons for next
Sunday: A. M. "Some habits of
Jesus", P. M. "The Home of the
Soul." Special music at both
preaching service.
Additional Locals.
Havo your picture taken at the
Sayer Studio.
C. B. Ausmus and wife were
in the city Thursday.
Blue Print. Inland Empire
Realty Co., Burn, Oregon.
Dry cleaning and pressing at
the Burns Steam Laundry. 4tf.
Mrs. Leo Thornburg and little
daughter were down from their
mountain home this week visi
ting relatives.
We do your mending and Hew
on buttons, without extra charge.
See the Steam laundry about
your work.
Bet the opening installment of
"The Trey O' Hearts in this issue.
It will be seen in pictures at
Tonawama Wednesday night.
Price Penick and wife were in
from their homestead On the
bench to the south and west of
Silver Creek Valley this week
and report they are now down
M6 feet with a drill seeking water
and as yet it is a dry hole. The
well will be sunk deeper, how
ever. Married Wednesday after
noon at the home of the bride's
mother in this city Chas, A.
Straus and Miss Lue McDuffy,
Rev. MaeRae of the Baptist
church performed the ceremony.
The bride has resided here for
several years and is quite well
known, having attended school.
Mr. Straus is an industrious
young man and their many
friends hope their married life
happy and prosperous.
Rev. 1). K. Laurie and Rev.
Win. Bslrd, both missionery
workers in the Presbyterian
church, arrived here Tuesday to
look after their work. Rev.
Laurie left Thursday morning
for Grant county and Rev. Baird
goes to Catlow and that territory
where he makes pilgrimages at
frequent intervals. His last visit
to that section was during the
cold snap in December when the
thermometer did not get above
zero for the entire period of his
trip. He has some experiences
on these tours that would startle
the clergymen of the more settled
districts and brings more interest
Last Week of Session Begins
With Lsrge Amount of Work
Remaining to Be Done.
Appropriation gill Total B,I93,307
Primary Election Law Amended
Houa Paaaaa atate Insurance Bill
Sheriffs Oat Old Joba Back
ehoelhouaaa for Social Center
Senate Votee Dry on Teet Reguiete
Dairy Corporations.
Additional Local.
It is reported that the little son
of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Williams
has been quite ill.
Mrs. J. T. Garrett was operat
ed upon again this week to cor
rect a drainage. She if now re
covering rapidly.
Owing to the films not arriving
there will be no picture show at
Tonawama tonight, but a dance
until midnight has been arranged.
The mill dam has at last been
made to hold and with a few
hours work in placing stones at
the foot of the structure and be
hind it the hoards will he put in
and water impounded " again
resume grinding at the mill.
Home made flour has become
quite scarce but now we can se
cure it again in a tev days.
to his duties.
Some Social Functions.
Among the recent social func
tions of this city was an evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cal
Clemens in which Mrs. John
(iemberling joined as hostess.
The party was in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Larkin who are guests
at the (iemberling home.
A Valentine party was given
at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Fred Clingan Monday evening in
which Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gowan
C. M. Faulkner and wife en
tertained a company of their
friends tit their home last Thus-
day evening at which several
tables were in play at Five
Last night the teachers of the
city, both the high school and
public school, surprised Principal
Sutton and wife at their home
and a most enjoyable evening
was spent.
Bid. Entertained (or Roadatattar.
Notice is hereby given that
sealed applications, for appoint
ment to the position of County
Roadmaster, will be received by
the County Court; at the office of
the County Clerk, in Burns, until
12 o'clock M., March 3, 1915; ap
plicants are required to state
amount of salary per month,
which salary shall be in full com
pensation for all services, and
out of which all the expenses of
the Roadmaster shall be paid.
The Roadmaster will be re
quired to inspect the County
roads, and to oversee all con
struction and repair work, he will
be required to give a bond in a
reasonable amount for the faith
ful discharge of the duties of
the office.
The County Court reserves the
right to reject any and all appli
cations. By order of the County Court,
made and entered jn the Com
missioners Journal, Jan. 27. J916,
County Clerk.
Colds and Croup i Children.
Many people rely upon Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy implicit
ly in cases of colds and croup, and
it never disappoints them. Mrs.
E. II. Thomas, Logansport, Ind.,
writes: "I have found Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to be the
best medicine for colds and croup
I have ever used, and never tire
of recommending it to my neigh
bors and friends. I have always
given it to my children when
suffering from croup, and it has
never failed to give them prompt
Baletn The legislature darted on
tlu laat weak of the lilth session with
tho uaual uouteetlon or business ami
aa In past aeanloai oonrusluii promises
to mark the. dosing bourn. All the
really Important measures roiunln to
In- iiuaied, fvw of them having gone
through both houses No measures of
atatowld Inlereat have reached IB
governor'a dek.
I'rohlbltlmi legislation remained un
allied. Tax incaaurea arc ln umplctc,
Irrigation code em not yet revised,
ftah and game legislation la In a litu
gle, aud complication are threatened
on consolidation
Tim workman' coinpeiisstton get
amendment are up to the smuto
(election anil road law revision. In a
few particular, are badly iled. but
nolther bouai' ha got anywhere on
thoau questions Night mchsIiiih will
In- neceaeary all , ... and liy proper
attention to business It limy he possl
ble to clean up the work of Uic M
ion, but then I gent dOUbl us to
whether tho "orntor" ran be helil
down without a rujiresslvc rule In the
houa. The senate ha iilrcmly adopt
ed a rule of tills kttid.
The legislation hu approM'il the
leaee of Summer anil Alien lake hy
the atate laud hoard lo an t astern ayn
dlcate, headed by .luaon Moore. The
large appropriation bills aro In hut
bave not bean passed
18,653,30, Provided for In Live Hill
Although Ihe Joint vvavs ami means
riunnilltee li.ej eonslgneil lo Ihe legit
latlve cemetery hills appropriating a
total of IUMI.1M mid cut rttJMttt for
appropriations to the hone. there were
still pending In the Icglalalme ft ft
ores appropriating the huge sum of
fi.r.".:i..!o7. lo he disposed ol during tin
closing week of the session
Hills niiproprlallnt; a total of 1187,
K3& are pending In the Semite, and bills
appropriating a total of II.1I7.MI are
pending In the house ConUDlttMt
haw- passed on appropriation no-as
Vat aggregating $ , ,',4.t, ens mid then
are peiidne: l.elure the ciHumlltccn
measures ailing for gpproprltllont In
the sum of 1,4M '-'
The house has passed hills appro
printing I1..IHN 4t; und the senate Mil.
appropriating M,100 One hill unik
lug an appropriation for tho partial
payment of lh expenses of the Irgl
latere aud their ( I. Mm has passed holh
houses, and hci n signed l.v Hie gnvcr
Petition Change PaecenV
A remedial n.o I hunt was the pies
age of Representative I. ill peg
vldlng iirlulii i hauges In the primary
etei tlon laws to eliminate pi-tltlon
peddling mid enable Btplrt ill for prl
mary nominations to hecume eandl
date by paying flat lees Instead of ob
talntng the ttfJAAttsftt of vntir, 'tin
petition system I not eliminated eu
tlrely, however, as the candidal. Is
given the option of (lie two methods
liepreecntutiv c Allen hill to enable
rural communities to form oiganlra
tlous to obtain a low rati' of Interest
was paased hy Ihe house and Is herald
ed by the upstate tucinhils us the
first atep In the estalillshnient of a
rural credit system for the state
It doe not attempt to pi u. e the
tale In the business of extending
credit lo the fanners, hut empowers
tbe farmers. theiuseUes, to orgmilxe
along tinea rtfinllar to those that have
been followed MMttMfuU In BWO
pean countries for many years
Stat Iniuranc Provided.
The lllukle hill pasaed b) the house
it a departure In the way of state aid
In Industrial development. The Unas
tire proposes a system of uiiuuitlea
similar to those In tittX t by many
countries of Kurope and by some of
the Canadian provinces It is not un
like alate life luaurutue, only the pay
inenta ere to bu mude on un annuity
basis lustesd of lu lump sums In the
vont that the Insured person dies he
fore the date of the first annuity be
comes due his eatute Is to receive all
the money Ihul has bueu paid In, with
lnii'iesi ut the rate of .'I per cent
Sheriff Win Back Tax Collecting Job
Sheriff of the atate won a victory
whon the house pussod Itcprcscntatlve
Kelly'a bill, providing that hereafter
all taxea shall be collected by Ihe abur
Iff Instead of the county Heasiirers.
and It iiieutis that all I. Ills Increasing
the salaries of Ihe latter officials will
be withdrawn, provided tills last as
lire passes Ihe senate
The last legislature passed u law
providing Ihul the county treasurers
should collect all taxes except those
which were itellmpieiii lie, iiusii ol
tbe extra work, tppttlt were made lo
tula legislature hy tho county troaaur-
tr for an Inoreaio of alarlu. The
committee on assessment and taxation
found Itself confronted with the proli
lem of reducing the suh lies or the
herlff If they Increased the salailes
of the county trttlllltri
Social Center Bill Pa.
.Senator Moser's hill, providing Ihul
public schoolhoiisi s may bo uaed a
(octal and civic (enters, wits pasaed
by tbe house.
Thl measure legallxes a practice
that ha been In vogue lu fort land and
other ililes of the atate for the laat
few year. Uader the present law the
school director ure remilred to give
formal permission for the use of the
cbool buildings for these purposes.
and u fee must po charged to cover
the coat of light, heat ami Janitor aerv
Ice Under the Moser bill these costs
will bu paid for out of Ihe spei lal cuun
ty school district funds The use or
tbe building, however, la not to Inter
fere with the regular si hool service.
enate Tet Vote I "Extra Dry."
The flrat tost In the stale senate on
the advocate of a ttrlct law. Tbt
minority report of Senator Dominie
of the committee on alcoholic trafflo,
which wa favorable to tbt bill at
paued by the bouit with no Important
amendments, wt adopUd by a rott
of IS to It.
It retained tht eastern!, "It shall b
unlawful for any eae parann or family
within thl state to receive from any
cnmiiMin carrier mora lhn two quarta
of spirituous or vinous liquor or mora
than 'i quart of malt liquor within
a period of four successive weeks "
Tho irJorlty report, by flanatore
Farrell, itlshop. J ft Huilth and Stray
er, eliminated the vorda "or family"
making It possible for each adult mem
her or a family to purchase the atlpi
lated amount.
Abn Voter Win In Bill.
Tho senate paaaad a bill providing
that persons away from home election
day may vote wherever they may be
tot presidential elector, atate officer
aud constitutional amendment by
Identifying themselves ami producing
a certificate by the Judge of election
In their home precinct that they are
qualified voter.
The bill provide that an elector
who expect lo he away from home oa
election day may apply to the Judges
III the election district III which he
lives for a certificate aa to hi quail
flint Ion Upon the presentation of
ihe certificate to the Judges of election
where he may be election day and
Identification by two quallMed real
dent voter, he mar exercise Ihe right
Of suffrage
Pro-Farmer Act la Paeeed.
A measure Intended to prevent big
dairy and creamery corporations from
freezing out the email cooperative
concern of the farmers went through
the house All the repreaentatlvea
from the rural dlitrleta voted for It
and most of the urban legislators also
were for It.
The hill wa Introduced by Itepre
scntatlve Hunt, of Clackamas county
It require creamery companies mid
other, who purchase dairy product
from r.irineis. to file schedule or
their with the atate authorities
and prohibits them from paying more
for the .ice commodity In one com
inunliv than they pay in othera, freight
rates snd other costs being conild
Governor Sign Teachers' III.
in the presence of a large delegation
of school lea. hers from Cortland, who
.ire members of the (Irade Teacher'
association, other educator, Senator
Moser ami other. Governor Withy
combe signed Senator Moser' bill,
which provides that there shall be no
discrimination In the payment of sal
arte between male and female tcaeh
l!ov oritur Wltliycomhe used two
liens, and one was presented to the
Cortland tirade Teachers association
aud the oilier to Miss (lallnwav. of the
Ml. any schools, where the movement
toward the paasage of the measure or
Legislative Brevltlea.
The house passed Hie tax i otnuilt
tee s I. Ill to remit all penalties no de
lliMHient taxea under the 111 tax law
Insanity shall not be made a lauae
for divorce lu thla atate. according to
a decision of the senate
liy a unanimous tote the senate
passed a bill which provides a pre
fcicntlal of 5 per cent for Oregon pro
ducta In letting contracts for public
Hy a vote of Zl to . the senate voted
un appmprtuilou of t'.u uou (or erect
lug a building for training work at the
Oregon atate normal school In Mou
The home paised the measure pro
viding for an appropriation of $411,200
(or Hie Industrial school for girls Thl
Includes $16.0011 for a new cottage
Id. ad work for tin- coming blenuluin
Is to lie continued on Ihe one fourth of
1 mill tai levy of 1H13. according to
decision of the house
A substantial saving In the expenses
of state and local cleitlons will be pes
slide through the operation of He, ire
scntatlve Chllda' bill which the house
has passed it provides for only two
dec! ion Judge Instead of three, a
undi i UM preaeut law
Clearance Sale
Will offer during Jan. and Feb. a
large line of Quality Merchandise
at Reduced prices.
Remember when we advertise any
thing it is so and you know it.
There are lines that should be closed
out during Jan. and Feb. and we are
going to reduce such goods and offer
them to you.
Burns, Oregon
Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared
for special attention to ull dis
eases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes
tested and glasses fitted. BOtf.
initkii sTATa I. ami orru i .
Hun, i. hick. in. I. i.m. mi II. II
Notice Is hereby given tbst Jsni.t M
ol Harney. Orsguu. who, on felirusr) I, 110,
made llowetosd Knlry. No. dr.. lot
WU, Mellon a. Township ' soutb, i:m..
:a tsat Wlllainells Msrldlsn. lias tin 'I
notice ol iiilstillou lo llisks tins! II r. . . II
urool, lo establish claim lo ihs lsi..l bovs ns
sort bed. l.rlerr Uslslr sad lu-i . i . i at Mm I, ft
Oregon, un tbs icmd day of Hsrcli, ivitv
. Iftltiianl cftiiirs ss witnesses v '
Joseph w Hscbsasn, iHiir M. Hamlin n
I . IIUI'IISBSII, Sll Ol IlllrllSI.SII, lUrgili
AlbsrlW Uowaii.of -We
Kiui, io-k '
turns, Oregon, rcbi uui if.
Notice Is liertbl (Iven that Clara rid ' It. t
dugo, formerly cists Mr s, iIbiikIii. i auo mo
of Geo. rises, deesssst, of Itrrkley. Ul
who, on J u us .ii, i VI1 1 sod March I, I'll, in li
llomsslesd hauls. No OSMl OTixi Mats .... y
furs1. Slid HW'i. Section .'3, Towlialoi I
itsnsr .n rest. Wlllsuistti' Msrldlsn. lis, filed
nollcs of Intention lo make fins! tbic, jrsal
I'root, lo Mtsl.llsh claim to Is laBrf ahovi di
scribed. Dsferrf.K. TulUsrh.l m i Blktloorr.
t hit office st rl.cklrr. ir.,.,n on Ih. no
its, ol March lIA.
Itluitnti.siiict SS witnesses
1 l.silrt Hscklrv. Wlllll lir. kl. . . I V UCHi.
J Hsrdnaju, sll of riscklrv, o pgon.
VVs. Kasss. Hesltnr
I'M'IKHM'I . 1 r - I VNI'.'I I II I i
HurBt. orrfon. tcbrutiy hi: i
..'ollic It l.srrbr alvrn Ihst John Innultin
( hloos, of Hue I. si, so orrloii. who. uu ... lilts r
i. mi, Homrttrsd Kntry, Nil u. n, i, i
g'. sVctlou .is, iowuihii." i-uiiti,. Kanai
.:., Wllllsmstlr Msrnllsii hstlllcil not I. sol It
trillion lo uiskr fins I thrtr vesr proof lo eatal
llsh clslai In the Isnd above dtseribrii, tsifuri
Kcgltter snd Kocstver. at Hutu., Oregon
lbs .'4th day ol Msrrb 115.
Claimant names st whuvtsst
J. M. ilogedlis, ol 1-swrii. orego A '
Mcl'hall. I. It Mci'hall snd James M Itc-cl all
of Huchsnsn, iiregou
Ma KAsa. Kriiltter
Phone Orders For fat
young turkeys, alive or dressed.
to Willow Wind Farm.
J. W. BiRk-s. F. H. Howard.
Prop. Mgr.
TiT?kSBiaWBmw rjaal
I lYKPfrxS'
lMtf.ll SI A lb LAND On It I
ttiniit orssou. f ehrusry 17. 1 1
Notice is lirrrly given ihsl llsydrn Brooks,
ol Wavsrly. Oregon, who. on oelober :, I'll.
made Homttlesd bulry No tV4,4.t. for N,NI ,
SK',NK',.H.c II and NWijSW... Section I
Towuthlf . south. Ksuge ,vj Kstl. Wlliiu. i,
Meridian, has tied notice of lelantlot
lo make Dual Itirei-yesr btoof, to eatabUsk
claim to itie isnd sbovc dc. rlbod, Uefon hi
msrsnd Htctlvtr. al Hurnt. Oregon, on Ihs
vih dsy ol March, ll..
i Isimsiii names sa wltnetset
H. li I'rslg, II. I.. Vsn Horn. K - Ureal snd
H A . Ursksman alt of Wsverlv , '!-. u.
raaai . Ki gtstt
Now on. Call and see the big
reduction in prices. Listing
of goods will appear in this
space next week.
County warrants taken at
par in trade.
My general line of
Is Complete
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Agt. Buick Automobiles
u,wf w,..h ,nri nuiru t, -iiorn
ill, Oregon, who, ou sn 1.. I'll. Bisn
les.l gutrl. No oftTi., tot K',-W ' , I., i
T a .KM K ..NI-.t.NK',. .-. tloi, .1
No secrets about
It' well known for it perfect
nulling qualities all over the world.
From the poorest and cheapest t. tht
finest of steel structures, Mtlthoid
is used in every country.
Malthoid hiis a great reputation
and we are glad to recommend
and sell it.
Harney Valley Lumber Co.
Burnt, Oregon
Hums, Oregon, ,'el. rusty It, I d I
Notice It hereby gives tbst Hubert I. -uiltl
of i swen. Oregon, who,
ow . -, ..., w r. , ,. .!. r. -, l-
lownshli. i-. rtoiilh. Itsiisc '.". K VMIl.ui, It
Msrldlsn, has fiu-d notice ntiiiteuiiin. to nsaki
tlust iviiiitiiitslloii I'roof, fo MUl.llfth claim lo
the land show deerrlhed, before Heeitlet and Itiirns, Oregon, on tlie.".'li .1..v . '
March, id.
I'lsln.siil oainea ss wltnestet
H. I' Huyder.Thumu Koullsy, Arthur llsu.l
T I. Albrlttotl, all ol lwen Oregon
. KaS. Begin. -r
t'NlTtnTTK8I.AN) OKKti I i
Hariuj. Oregon, Jaawarv :v. t - i
Notice It hereby glveo tlialMaltjn A Wllllsmt,
of 1. swell Oregou, who, oilKebrustv '.,. II
mads Hoiiiestes.l Kulry, No n,iw, to. ivv ,,
m r I I u II ;, Tosrnihlp 2.'i Hoiitli, Bnnwc
rlilltui. in
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy. Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
IVoe (amp House andeedinaY Privileges in Corral
or Burn. Customers Care For Own Stock.
W. A. GOODMAN. t7.t.n .
, ......& ion VIIUUIIUB.
:i.", g Wlllsmelts M
of lulunllol, toinske tlusl linn- mi i I
list tiled
establish claim to tbe land si-i.v. deseribed,
oslors Bsgitler suit Beeelvsr. si Hurnt. Oi
gou, on lbs aih dty of Februsrv , id,
eisluisnt nsiueeaa wllnssset
W J. rlynu, I'sier Urfur. Andiin I'eti r.n
Adsm t'uliy. all of I swen. Oregon
W Kssss. Register
UsITBh HTSTas I.4NI. llri h I I
Hurnt, oreguu, Jsnustv r, Ivift.l
Nollcs It hereby given Ihst Milton chevalier.
of Andrews. Oregon, who, on Msy I Iwu, tun In
lioninttrsd rnlri. No u.i... I,., - -,.
Towuthlp So Houlb, Bsuge XI Ksst. Wlllsii-
site Msrliltsn, has filed noil t lid.ii
llnnlomake rinsl live yesr irouf tocalahllih
claim lo lbs land above deaerlbod, '
tiso a Hmyih. Jr., II. h Oommlasionei nt i,,.
ogles si Audrewt, Oregon, on the 1Mb .lav ol
February. Ivl.'i
elsiinsiil tisittes sa wltnestct
Jseoh Thniiiatii. ('has. Turner, Nirnnni
lliifiinsn. Kdwaril ( ailaon. all of Imli..,.
vv a rSHk. Kiglttcr
We have a complete ttock of
Seasonable Goods
Come and ee the great variety
For Everybody
The Burns Department Store
- - -
"r1" HMgaajass.lV' .
I'ATa I vi nrrn g,
.Oregon, 1 1 i.iiial) 16, l.i.s
gurus, Oregon, Jstiusry.u, Id ,
Notlse la hereby given thai Jun K. v li kart si
Harnty.oisgon who. on Heceml m 4. Ivuv.uia Is
Hemeetsad giilry, No. muss, fur N'.v,,, Hvi
lion It.Townslilu a H , Bsuge III K , w'lllsiuclic
Meridian baa filed notice of Intention lu inukc
final five yesr proul lo ettal.llth i Islui I., i In
land alMive dstcrlbcd, beforo the Bcgltrei sud
Bstslvsrst Bums. Oregon, ou Ihe 1Mb In, ol
elsiuisi.i tisiuet tt
Hlsrr Htirklainl and J. I.. Lowe, lu.lli ol llm
iiny. Oregon. I initio Vlckeis, of llm hamoi
Oregon. llsruey. Oiegun
Wa. i
Printed in accordance with legal
requirements on short notice at
Job Rooms
relief." For Halo by all dealers, "roiuuitiuij tin wuh a victory tori
Nullis It hereby given tbst L'larsmuut i
Hshhldge, ul I.awen, Oregon, who, on August
77. lulu, mads lluinsttvad Kulry, No ici.,i fur
HB'.K't.'gUHgt,,Hec n suas'.NW'.Beo
:l. Tiiwlishlli ti H. II. hg, ll.'i,! Vllllsiuelle
Mi ii.lian, bat tiled iniilcs of inUiiiiiiu to maks
iiiniiiutalleu proof, lo cttsblltli i lalm lu lbs
laud shove desuriLsd, before Begltter slid gs
civet, al litiint, Oisauu, uu lbs '.ttnl day ol
Msrob, lul '
i Islraanl uauiss at wliu cases :
A It Whlinsy sud Joseph Wlllueeksr holh
ul burnt, Oregon. I.n.yd t' t'ulpaud Usury
K lluulle) holh of J.swsu, Oregon.
Wl. KcBSS. Ilcgltl. I
Bums. Oregou, Janusri II. II
Notlre Is lltrsby given ihst filer Mili.i i ,i
Fields. Oregon, who, oa June iki, lUliaud liu.
il7, liiureaiiecllval) madn Huuietliad I inn
No Uufiis-Oiuw. lor HWi.Ngt.Ki.Nk,.,
ic..NI'N-h'H''' . 'lotv.t isH .Kanse; i
., niiiauieiie aieriuisn. list Hied null, c ,,i i..
teiiiiiiu lu make dual Hires ysar pruntini iai,
Hah nlaln, I,, il,.. 1. ...I !.... ,. .1 i. ....
--"". " " .i.m mow, d oa. ii i. o. nil ,
OsorgeA. Hmjrlli, II. H. (oiuiultiliiunr. si hit lit, (III
ow., e .1 miuifwi, iiiaguu, on uu- join davul
February. 1916.
llsluisnl uaintt st wltuettes:
Kafuideurge J M. Mcllsde, Oliver Mel ... 1 1
Johu Mel eau all nl Held., Oregou
Wa Iassb Itcgl.o,
Stockholder! Meeting.
Notice la hereliv i?ivn tl,,,t
the annual neettnjro! the stock,
holders of ihe Masonic Buildlnir
Warrant Call.
IS lli'l-i'liv niciin Ih.t
there is money ,, hand to pay all
general fun.l warren U regiataivd
prior to JntHi.iiv - nn j n
on of lUirna will be held i all road urranr. ..'.:',..'. .1 .
M.,.,,,,1,. llll i i. U- - '.....,,cn'u.irior
v 'ii hi nuriiH. ui Aiurcn - .1
Oregon, on Saturday March 13th on and after Feb. s.
Interest cases
initial 1' o'clock p. in.
Sam Motliershead, Secretary.
R. A. Miller,
County Treasure,