The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 13, 1915, Image 4

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"' ftltl tt THE KRUPPS.
The QrMt Qerftien Gun Work Slirltd
In Small Iron Foundry.
TIM famous tlertnan muniment Arm
of Krupp, which Is the urea test ludus
trtal enterprise to the world In (ho
band of a private Arm. hint Ha twain
ning Id email Iron Pwildf) wtiii h
Frleaklcn Krupp estuclMied In th. 1 i
ly roan of tne last century.
For thirty years he MM to cope with
constant financial and other dlnViiitli-..
and th reputation of Krupp are.
now fills too worm is MM to tune
originated through a mork oi atoaj
which too firm allowed M the UMMtaN
exhibition of I8DI.
It was the rapid growth t I'm-Mii
Into a military power or the nrst miti
hovrevejr, followed by Uh uiiiiienii t
tiennnny and the toa qui1 M en-ntnm
of the vast tlerroan army which aaea
the tlrin Its great opportunity, anil ill
tlmately Ita almost unexampled pros
perlty, aa the manufacturers ot anil
ery and ammunition
Other powers, not only In Ktir..,
but eventually In Asia and on tlie
American continent, followed the tier
man example In tbetr attempts to . r
feet their armaments, and Krupp r
celved a great part of their orders.
The business reprvsi'iitntloii of Die
great firm waa extended throughout
the world and assumed the dimensions
of the diplomatic service of a govt i n
ment London Answers
Poru'o Violent Contralto In Climate,
Altitude and Soonory.
Were I to be exiled and confined 'or
the rest of my life to one c-ouutn I
should choose Peru
Here Is every altitude, every ll
mute, every scene. Coastal Peru Is in
Egypt, central Pern a Tibet, aawten
Peru a Kongo country The Bfoleda
desert and the teeming Itingie the h d
teat lowlands and the bleakest high
lands, heaven piercing peaks and Hv
era racing through cau.vons all ure of
Here one meets with the Ulgln-t til
lage, the highest mines, the higiiest
steamboat uavlgatlon. The rraeat
heathenism flourishes two day In ilie
saddle from noble cathedrals and the
bustling ports are couiiter.ileil li se
cluded Inland towns where the past
lies miraculously preserved Hke the
mummy of the saint In a crypt.
In the year 'JllDU. when the Tyrol and
the Abruzxi. Dnluiatla and Ciirliitlda.
have lost their old world ehannter.
travelers mar be seeking the towns
bidden away In the And.-' CaJ iinan a.
Iluancavellea. AndntiuiiyiiM mid Ava
i ucho for rare bits of lustrous tnedl
eval Ufa until rulshed by the nreuth of
modernism. Prom "South of I'ana
ma," by Kdwnrd Alswortn Itooa. to
Century Magazine.
Don't sttempl to punish all your
enemies st once. Vou can t do a large
iiuslness with a small capital Don't
say "1 told you so " Two to one you
lie ver said a word about IL Don't wor
ry about another mans business. A
little selfishness is sometimes com
uivnduble. Dou t Imagine that you enn
correct all the evils in the world A
grain of sand Is not prominent In a
desert. Don't mourn over fancied
grievances Hide your time apd real
sorrow will come Don't throw dust In
your teacher a eyes. It will only injure
the pupil Imu't worry about tbe Ice
crop. Keep cool and you will have
enough. Don't borrow a coach to
please your wife. Better make ber a
little sulky. Don't imagine that every
thing is weakening. Butter Is strong
In this market Don't publish your
acts of charity Tbe Lord will keep
the account straight. Don't color
meerschaums for s living It Is simply
dyeing b inches Mark Twain
Hardly an Improvement.
Duncan wife bad the reputation of
being a first class shrew When Dun
can died in- neighbors put a tomb
stone UVfff his grave, with the epitaph.
'Asleep in Peace
Wm. a Dunraa was wlul it was
mean i as a slum at her and she knew
It was It un-ant that she dil not let
lilm ieep in peace when alive.
Die iielgnlsirs i-stired tier that It
wus noi meant that way
Then It ought to say so '
I ' please her tiny got a stonecutter
t add. "We all believe that be did
have pence here when he an-pL"
Most Restful Position
Bitting In a chair or reclining in a
lounge la not the moat restful po-ition
though It does MM certain portions ol
tbe anatomy Km why leave ot Her
at rained? If a person must stand
much the beat rest is uULalm-d ny lying
for s few minutes on the nnck with
the feet higher than the head fula
eases strain on tbe overtaied leg mus
cles and those of the feet also Chlca
go News
Why They Never Buy Havsnas.
"What kind of cigars do you wish to
give vour husband, madnm- Havana
or domestic 7"
"Oh domestic, by all means' In
giving them to him to encourage blin
to spend hla evenings at home, you
know -Judge
Gather Yo Rosss While Vs May.
"tierald and Vanessa are to be mar
tied I get the credit for making tbe
Tags all tha credit yon can get. my
dear In a few years they may per
baps tie giving you the blame." Pitts
burgh Post.
They Hsve Many Important Parts to
Play In Naval Warfare.
Torpedo boat destroyers, as the name
Implies, were first built to engage tbe
small torpedo bout, which had become
a serious peril to the big battleships
and large cruisers.
Bo serious waa the menace thai
searchlights and rapid fire guns were
regarded as unreliable for the protec
tion of these big ablpa against this
smaller craft. It waa thus that the de
stroyer waa born, and, with gradua
tlon. Ita duties were extended until
they Included all that was formerly
done by the small torpedo boat, and
much more besides.
It Is a fact that tbe modern destroy
er Is three or even four times aa large
as one of tbe earlier type, which natu
rally renders It much more seaworthy
and obviously Increases Its radius of
action, seeing that It Is capable 0f car
rylng much more fuel.
The objects of a modern torpedo boat
destroyer flotilla are many. Perhaps
the paramount duty of every vessel lu
(be flotilla hi to discharge Its torpedoes
should It get near enough, at tbe eoe
my'a big battleablpe. Hut a very lm
portant office to fulfill la that of scoot
lug. wbtcb comprises locullug and re
portliie rne rmslrlon of the enemy.
UnM till' MrMtJ make a night at
tack (ha dvatrujerk ar relied upon to
locate mid report the po-Klon of the
attacking fleet's torpedo craft, aa wall
as sink or drive them a way before they
can force an attack against the bigger
battleships.- London Telegraph.
It Hod Besn Used Lena aefara the
Time ot Willi and Fultan.
Tile Marquis ! Worevst.-i whIM Im
prisoutsl in (to town oi London In
liiTiit luveultil iiml i ou tue t a per
fts i steam engine and Inol It publicly
cvh'bitcil tbe smue teat nt Vauthall
In nu(itasiUl oiHu-atlott
riiltt.v foul ems Intel In HIUO, Den
nis I'iipln udded the pi-i u to thw
on. pil- iiH,ox,.rv lii I i- Captain,
natnf) aVMN-si and liuui u ateam en
gine dllTereut In many details from
those mnde by Worcester and Papln.
and In ITuft Newcomb, t'nwley and
Kavnrx onstroetsd their celebrated at
mospiieri. engine, which waa complete
In every detail.
I'he alsiva amy of historical farts
notwithstanding. James Watt, who
n not (ram until sixty years after
thews great roan bad glean the ateam
ehL-iue to i he world, enjoya tbe dlatlnc
Hon nl i . nig the veritable Inventor,
ortu'ltinioi nd author of the moat use
ful euniin nice of tha present day.
I niton ho lived and worked In tha
early pan of tha nineteenth century,
la given the credit of being tbe man
who demonstrated that ateam could b
applied to uavlgatton-thta, too. In face
nl i he well known historical fact that
he (lagy propelled a vessel by ateam
In the narisir of Barcetotia In 1643.
HV .iniiirs Uaaetta.
Arms and tha Woman.
"Did iinvhody ever see a ooa armed
w. minii:' asked a gray beaded man aa
in surveyed tha afternoon parade. "I
neve did Almost every day I meet
one armed men. but I have yet to en
c. outer n woman with that pitifully
en ply sns-vs. Are there no women
who have offered that mutilation? If
not why iiotf And, If so, where are
they V -st. rday I heard It argued that
there was no caose for a woman to
lose mi arm: that women do not go to
the wars mil are not engaged lu oceu
pailons that are nkely to carry away
a part oi their body Bot that reason
ine I" not sound. Many women work
In mills and factories, and they are aa
hilile to i cldenta In the streets and
public i ..oi e ranees aa men. Frequent
It ihei I .,re In these accidents; but.
althoti.'i. men In tbe same situation
would .- an arm. women never do
bal is the cause of tbelr Immunity T
New is (J lobe.
Byren et Oetend.
Al one nine Oetend waa a greet fort
ress us. km- out over the North aea
tn-ouiM, a. i menacing loophole upon
the soli- -i Vlklnga. A century ago
Hyron made bis memorable flight, not
from Mil io Oetend. In terror of van
da: bapiit- who were laying alege to
in- mansion In Piccadilly. Tbe poet
in nir the Journey to Dover In hla mar
u I .i,i Okal coach, bat bad to wait
until u sto m abated before (he mall
pu. l. et felt it safe to set Mil That By
run was far from seasickness In bis
crossing uilde Harold's Pilgrimage"
testifier i.Txlon Standard
The Pessimist Beys
It opportunity had enjoy.. I tbe ad
vaiilugi ! a modern course In bual
De.s ,-riv. niicy It would i i leave a
m. 1 1. s .t.-.r after knocking a single
time ii would leave one of these In
termitteut alarm clocks Klcbmoud
limes Dispatch
Quite Safe.
-What did that nan want with you.
Henri f
ilr wm after my scalp"
'oislueea gradoosr
Don i be the least bit frightened
tie. ..uly a hair specialist"-HaHI-mine
fi-lu v tbe boy who Is sasalng mother
will grow np and marry a soman who
win not stand for aay part talk. New
Orleans tttata.
H'i'ortune" once sfgnined nothing
inre than "to be at tbe harbor." An
opportune ship waa a ship which bad
tome to port
Hand to Hum Conflicts Are Nsro Upon
iho fruyid at Battle.
In s talk aJxiiii ujjlltar) methods In
warfare Oanersi Stephen M Weld. In
discussing stoiiirs of bayonet charges,
"1 do not know of a single case In
oar war where bayonets were actually
crossed I heard of one oi two bat I
Aeesv happened to see one
"In the numerous charges mule by
our corps In the Widerncs ampajgn
the only one we ever inle sin eesaful
ly was on the ITtli of lune Dm- divi
sion hud already charged and heauj re
pulsed Our division was then ordered
to make a charge across a plain some
OX) yards wide Colonel Ooulil had
command of the division which placed
tbe brigade lu tny hands
"Before charging tbe men were or
dered to remove the caps from ihelr
gi. ne and when they did charge were
told to leg If like biases, which they
did In almost no lime we were over
the 200 yards, subjected to a storm of
shell and minister and only one vol
ley from (be infantry In (he enemy's
trenches Due half of the men In our
regiment were lost In this charge
"Bare was a caae where you would
suppose we might have crossed bayo
nets. On lbs contrary, Ibe Confeder
ates fled, tbe same as we would nave
done bad we been attacked We ap
tured their knapaacke and everything
they bad in tbe trenches Just as (hey
were." Hxcha uge
Fruitful Combination
! Mas Jfork a new teacher fouud
that a little negro girl waa named Per
tlllser Johnson
"Axe yon sure ITertlllwr la your right
name 7" aba asked
"Tea, ma'am." replied tbe little girl
"Weil, tell your mother lo come
here," anM tha teacher
Tbe mother came the urn day
"Tm, Fertiliser la rlajfct. ' shs said.
"Tou see, I named her ufiei net father
and mother both Uer father's umue
Is l-'erdliiuud, seal iuy name Is I Jta ao
we called hot fertilizer " Ac fork
Tbe beanflfnl gin was writing a let
"I mil writing," she mused, "not be
cause I bare something special to aay,
but because I hare nothing special to
Tbua does tbe bogy little bee em
ploy each shining hour. Philadelphia
Abernethy Was Too Busy For Romano
and CourtshlB.
Tha reported rushioii of the faraoo
Dr. Aiierneiins courtship and mar
riage la very . iinraclerlsllc. It Is told
that while attending a lady fur several
weeks he obMTVeil tlnauj admirable
qualifications In ber daughter which
be truly esteemed to render the mar
ried a(a(e nappy Accordingly on a
Saturday, taking leave of hla patient
be addressed her to tbe following pur pur
eort: "Vou are ao well that I need not
ae. won after Monday next, when I
aball come nnd pay you a farewell vis
it Hut In the meniitltne ( wisn you
and your daughter to aerkmaly conetd
er tbe proposal I am about to make,
it Is abrupt and ancereiiionloue, I am
aware, but the excessive occupation of
my time by my professional duties af
forda me no leisure to accomplish
whst I desire by (he more ordinary
course or aUentlou and solicitation
My annual receipts amount to I.
and I can aettle t on my wife My
character la generally known to tha
public, ao that you may readily aeesr
tain what It is I have seen In youi
daughter a tendar and affectionate
child, an asslduoue and careful nurse
and a gentle and ladylike inemlwr Of
n family. Bnca iwraon mnet be all
that a huaband could covet, and I of
fer my hand and fortune for ber ac
ceptance on Monday when I ca I
aball expect your determination, for I
really have not time for the routine of
courtship "
in (his mannei (he ladv was Wiaved
and won. an.' II i""v la- added the un
Ion waa rattcllous tu every respeit
Westmlnatei liaictte.
They Kill Not For Food, bot Foe the
Mars 8ake ot Slaughter
The ferret la one of the most peca
liar members of the animal kingdom
II Bgtacejp also to an extraordinary
family, that of the weusela A branch
of (hla family is called (he polecats
the ICuroM-nn representative of our
skunks, and the ferret la s species of
polecat. W Derails an albino, yellowlah
white In color, with pluk eyes.
To hunt and kill mice. rata, rabbits
and other small animals Is tbe ferret's
delight. I( is coldly methodical lo Ita
murderous pursuits, and. while 11
serves Its uuistei well, never tlrlug In
the chase and mver shrinking from an
attack it shlbttl no trace of affection
or attachment toward Its trainers, as
nobler animals d The ferret is a
typical killer and blood shedder It baa
no friends and apparently wants none
II catiuot be trusted aud ss-ttl some
dmea attack small children
II likes (o kill not for tbe sake ol but for the sake or killing I'he
mere act of taking tbe life of auothet
ircaiure Is n pleasure (o It How II
got (his bfuodtblrstj -train in Ita na
Hire no one . mi tell Ita ips-tlte for
slaughter serves well III ridding our
booses of rata and mice, bill of wbsl
use Is ll to tin- ferret to kill those cree
lures ita nature Is that of s demon.
ind wherever ll sees the lire blood
beating at a throat Its brutal Instinct
urge- i tu sill the throat with Its keen
teeth and let the lire throb out! New
York ImihimI
Ruskm'e Political Views
Ituskin was once s candidate for
the rectorship or Olasgow university
and tlew Into a rage when aaked by a
deputation of the students whether his
political sympathies lay with Hvucotis
Held or with (Jladstone What In (be
devil's name," he exclaimed, "have yoo
10 do with either Disraeli or (Jladstone?
You are students al (he university and
have no more business with politics
than you have with rat catching Bad
ymi ever read the words of mine with
understanding you would have known
dial I rare no more eltber for Mr Die
raell or Mr Gladstone than for two
old bagpipes wltb the drones going by
steam. MM that I bate all Uberallam M
I do Heelxebub. and that with Cartyle
1 stand we (wo alone In Bngland
for Hod ami the queen"-London Ex
press. Character Shewn by the Naaa.
"Here Is su article In the paper that
says a woman's character can be de
termined by ber nose"
"Well, there may be something hi
that, but there's a surer way No one
can make a mistake concerning a wo
man's cbaructer If be will look st tbe
noses or other women who meet bar
Tbe extant to which they turn op at
such times showa Just wbal ana Is or
It argues. Indeed, no small strength
of mind to persevere In the habits of
Industry without the pleasure of per
celling (hose advuuiagss which, like
the bunds of a clock, while they make
hourly appriimiicB lo their point yet
proceed so slowly as to escape observe
tlon Hlr Joshua Iteynolda.
His Objection.
Tbe Lawyer-Madam, what M year
age? The Opposition (Interrupting)
Your honor, I submit that my honor
able opiwiiicnt la Inciting the wltneae
to perjury - I'leveland leader
His System.
Wife John, there must be s tot of
Iron In your system Husband Why
do you think so' Wife Because yen
Invariably lose your temper when yoo
get hot
Ue who cannot forgive others breaks
the bridge over which be most paaa
himself, for ovary man has need 10 be
How Ho Won Her.
.She Mamma la opposed to yon be
cause you never minded your mother
nnd were never considerate with yoor
sisters He Perhaps you would rath
er marry some reap who would want
hla mother and sisters lo come live
with you? She Horrors, uol How fool
lah iniiiiima Is! N'uu fork Weekly
Rubbing It In.
The wife 1 recall our courtship
days, (hose blissful days. The Brute
When I' was In a blissful daxel-Pblla
delphla Ledger
Locating the Fire.
"IVbere was tbe fire In town Mat
"I think It must have been the B
brury "
"IVhal makes you think thai 7"
"Well I heard the smoke wag MM
lug lu volumes." - I Pinion lelegrapb
Different gulls.
Father-1 see lu tula expeoM account
"Fourteen anils. 11.000" Vou didn't
pay (hut much for fourteen eulta of
clothes Hon -No; two of 'am were
da mage au I ts - Bxchangs.
One film Fsun la Raits xeO Bsrrltl
si Water a Day.
Professor Pierce tails of a Washing
ton elm wb'h possesses l.iaKMXX)
loaves eannafHl. a foliage surface or
five acres, which gives of? lo the air
M0 barrels of water every summer"
day, and that this tree Is locuted near
paved streets aud cement sidewalks
Tbe question arises. Where doia Hits
VMl amount or water come from? It
la assumed that many city trees perish
from lack of water owing to water
tight pavement and water tight side
walks In answering Oils quesOon II must
not 1st forgoHeu that tbe roots of any
tree, especially the elm tree, extend a
long distance, thus encroaching upon
(he lawn aolla adjacent the aldewalka
and tbe streets
It must alao be remembered that
there are tnuuy subterranean springs
axlattng In ritlea and towns us well us
on farms.
Notwithstanding theee explanations
we wonder at tbe capacity of tlila big
tree to gather moisture to Ita room,
partly roofed over by city pavements
It Illustrates the fact that there la
much, yet to be learned about root
growth and tree growth generally
After being told thst one tree throws
Into the air 1.1I0 barrels or water every
summer's day we may gel aome Idea
of the rMaon for the coolness of the
sir In the forest or beneath shade treee
growing In tbe field or upon our lawns
Shade trees are Indeed more productive
of coolness on a summer's day than
would be a gigantic fan - Krult
An Old Roman Carrier Pigeon Btatior
till Stands In Franca.
A few miles north of Marseilles and
within May walk or the nam to aii
en Provence Ilea a typical I'roveuenl
village thai tourists usually miss It
waa founded by the Humans during
tbetr occupation of the south of
Prance and la built lu m I wltb
tbe cuotoiue of that lime. The houses
appear to be perched on lop of each
other, but un closer Inspection are
found to be built on ledges ou a hill
Tula bill U the most Interesting fea
tore of the place What appeals as
a solitary crag Is In reality a ensile,
tbe rooms. foitlrU atlons. etc , being cut
oot of the solid rock and forming s
fortress practically I tn pregnable in
those days At the aldu of the castle
la a round tower, alsiut lorty feet lu
height and seven feet In diameter
Tbe interior of this tower noted as
the "wireless station'' In Itonian inn. si
The Interior consisted of a acrtcs of
pigeon lofts, from which the birds,
bearing messages, were sent direct lo
Tbe whole of the Interior was con
stroctcd of e very hard cement, which,
with (he wear or ages. Is now slowly
decaying, and 'Only one perfect lots
now remains There was aeiaunmoda
don for about 'JfiO pairs ot birds to
gether wltb an abundant water and
grain auppty, the attoudiiuia awing
quartered In the castle - Wide World
The Long Bamboo
An Englishman was once rallying s
native of India BBM Ills faculty In ly
Ulg. The linllie al once replied
'Why, sahib, we are nil more ol less
llsrs in uiy country, and If one tells
a story another Immediately cai It
There were two young men of my
country wbo bad a boasting match,
end one said. My father la so rich and
Ma ao many horses that his stable hi
of such extent aa to lake a horse
eleven mouths to go from one end stall
to the other.' 'Shai ash, brother,' re
plied tbe second boas(er. 'that la very
good My father hna a bamboo ao
Jong (hat be can sweep (he clomp.
way With It when tbey olmcure the
MO In banes! time 'HI. bit' ex
claimed tbe first That la very won
derfnt, bat. pray, brother, where dow
your father keep aucb a long bam
boof 'Why, you stupid, was the aa
war. In your ruther's stable, to be
Not Unnatural Inquiry.
Dorothy baa a baby brother wbo has
recently been HI, cutting his first teeth
Tbe baldness of tbe baby's head had
censed Dorothy great anxiety. She
stood at tbe mother's knee one day
gently patting the little head "Be
careful. Dorothy," audi the mother
"Too know poor IJttle brother Is 111
Bo M cutting his teeth." Dorothy pat
ted tbe bald bead reflectively "Mam
ma," aba Mid. "will It make htm 111
when be cuts but balr?"-Exchange.
It la Wieo Not to Eat Apples or Peers
Without Peeling Thorn.
Borne people say that an apple docs
not taste right when (he akin la re
xnoved. Home even go so far us to say
there M ganger In eating fruit thai has
corns In couta'i with I In- steel of (lie
paring knife, as lb m Id In the fruit ts
apt to produce some poison when It
comes In contuet with tho uniul Hut
whether these things are (rue or nut.
there la still greater danger In eating
applee without peeling them.
The akin of the apple bus always
been more or less Infested with genus
of different types, aud now our mod,
era methoda of fighting Insects by
apraylng the trees are liable to leave
polsououa deposits ou it which will do
our atomacha serious harm.
Arsenate of lead, limn and sulphur
wash aud a number of other spraying
compounds used by fruit growers have
been fouud to remubi In conslderuble
quantities, ou tha akin of upplea uud
pears until ripe aud placed ou lliu mar
ket The action of such chemicals
npon tbe tissues of the human body
M very Injurious.
Spraying the trees la giving us more
perfect fruit and getting the grower
better prices, but If you value your
health you should never out upplea or
pears without first removing (he peels
New York American
He Might Have to Loss Battles, but He
Would Not Loss Minutss.
After forcing the army or .Sardinia
back toward Turin, Napoleon had
scarcely taken possession or the beau
Uful Palace Buluiatorl, at Cberaaco,
thirty Ova miles from the licdmou
tsso capita), when an aged marshal
from tbe Sardinian aide came aud In
formed tbe Utile general of the French
(bat tho king was ubout to propose
terms of peace.
"Tsrwsl" shouted the young com
mander tn chief lit startling tones, aa
be pounded tbe desk, "it Is 1 who uume
terms If you don't accept l hem st
once Turin Is mine tomorrow I"
Although tho directory, sitting in far
away Paris, hud reserved the right for
themselves aud their trained diplomats
to aHR Mr fyt rmo
general collld not. dfmy OporkHoM for
weeks while ttOingr Were Mbt
bock and forth between the camp and
tha capital, to Bonaparte took It upon
himself to arrange an armistice lie
called a halt to all epnrring for time
by drawing out bis watch and, lapping
(be dial wltb hla forefinger, ordered
(hem to algn Immediately, remarking:
"I may lose battles, but I will not loae
minutes." Condensed From "In tbe
Path of Napoleon," by James Mangan
Hla Indorsement.
The Inle Lord Roberta once aent bla
orderly to tbe bank lo caab a check,
snys Pearaon'a Weekly, nnd the clerk
wanted It Indorsed
"What for?" demanded the soldier.
"Well, It's tbe rule, and I can't pay
you Hie money onlll yon do Indorse lt,M
he was told.
"Ob, all right," grumbled Ihe niessen
ger. So he took back the check and bit
the end of a pen In deep meditation for
a minute or two. Then he wrote (his:
"I beg lo aay thai I have known
Lord Koberta for several yeara. and be
has proved hltnaeir times without uum
ber to be aa brave as a Hon. but al
ways kindly conaMerate to Iuom wbo
serve under htm Aud I have, (here
fore, great pleasure In respectfully In
doming hla check."
You're Roinji to Tonawama.
Hume, Urston, Jsausry 14, lilt I
Notice ie hereby slves that, ss directed by
the cueaaiUeloaer of Ibe lieaersl I siel dales,
utnier arovleloesol Ad nt runseeee aijirora
June 7, 101, (M state 617), pureusut to tile
lillcstloo of l bsrlee Moors, serial No. V7M,
sru will ulfersl public sale, to tbe lilgheet bid
Us. I, al at mil
lose iiiso per acre, si is
clock A M on tbe 1Mb osr of Metric mo. el oitne. tbsfulloolns tract of land
M.NKi. Hoc 14. T lS , H. J4k W
Tide lierlle ordered lato the msikrt on s
.). .mini iliei ibe (rosier portion thereof Ie
uiiMiiitsluoue or too ruugb for rultlvsllou.
Any pereooe claiming edrereely Ibe ebove
I, .. mi,..1 ism! are sdvlssd to Ale their delate.
a obeutloue, ou or before lbs Ii in deeliaeted
Inr la'.
Wo rasas, Healatfr.
Man Mirrnssansaii, Receiver
unitsu BTAras i van orrioa,
Sums. Oregon. January 14. Ills
Nolle Is aerebr given thai, as directed er
ilie ' einiaieaioiier uf Ibe Uosersl Lena nfflir.
under provleloss ol Act of t'uogress approves
'un.- XT, IMS Ml State,. 617.) pursusat lothe ep
..n anon ol Julia It Polkeslad, Serial No. 0747V,
. , will offsr st public sale, to ibe blgbeel bid
Uer, I, ui si not less i lieu t ii per sere, si ID
ii clock A. M., on Ibo lotii dor of March, 1111.
at Ihla office the folluwlug tract of laud
SWi Ssc.V. T. MS., R.HI.. W. M
tine trsrl Is ordered luto tbe marks! ou s
la. wing thai s greater portion thereof Is
inuiintsloiiue or loo roegh lur rolllvslioa.
Any persons clslraiug adversely tbeahove-
i.a.illMMl land SIS advise lo flle llivlr clelaie,
or olfactions ott or beloie the lime dvelguslod
lur sale
Wa. rsss Resistor.
has Muiaasaasab, Receiver
Combination kick, injury, accident
and death benefit protection at mini
mum cost. 12,04.00 death benefit ;
(1,000 00 lor loasol limb or eyesight;
faom SA 00 to I6.00 weekly alrk or ac
cident Is-iieflt, 11,000.00 Kmergency re
lief I--II.-IK. Cost is fO-00 per yesr;
no other dues or assessments. In tide
insurance all men ami woman are placed
on an eiual basis, regardlM ol occupa
tion. Kvery person makes the same
form of application, pays Ihe ssiue
aiuouutof premium aud receives the
same amount ol lament. Men and
Women between tbe ages ol It; and no
are accepted. No restrictions aa to oc
cupation, only Hail road men employed
employed on (rack, train or roonnd
house, can not be accepted. Claims are
paid within sixty days anywhere tn the
r.S. Canada or Knrope. Old reliable
Insurance Company. 100,000.b0 on
State deptaiit ss s protection lor Policy
holders aud lo gnaranlee the payment
of -islins For lurtlier free information
addraaa tluatave V.. Werner, Secretary
and 'ieneral Manager, Hot 813, Buffalo,
N. Y state age, sex, occupation and
mention Until. iJ 172.
We're glad to
stand back of
We iccommend it.
We guarantee it.
A guarantee doesn't make it weal
any longer. It only show our
Ufifiijcrcc in it.
Becgutg it has gjygn every utcr
such extreme iktitfaction we want
you to know about it wonderful
We're anxious to talk the matter
wer with you.
Harney Vallry Luxriber Cp.
Burnt, Oregon
Agriculture, Including Agronomy,
Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Nortl
cullurs, Poultry Husbandry, Insect,
Plant and Animal Ulieases, Craaia-
srv Maiiavenietil U.,lj.lliia al.
Hone Bcoaaoilcs, Including (book
ing, Home Nursing, Sanitation. Saw
ing, Dressmaking and Mlllinsiy.
Commerce, Including Butlnea Man
agement, Rural Economic, Business
Law, Office Training, Farm Account'
Ijlg, lit. Esglaeerlng, Including
Shonwoik and Roadbulldlng.
A general clearing houa stta af
six day for Hi (xctiangr of dynamic
Idta on the most ptisslng problem
11 ilia time. I ctute by leading
authorities. Stats cnfrnce.
Offer lsctursi, movabls school, In
stitute and numarouicorrttpondsoc
courses en reeuest.
MUSIC: Plane, String, Ban;. Vales.
No tuKlM. Raducea rata en all rail-
ruada Far fmrikar ..i....
The Orcfoa Atrlcullnral Csllsgs, ' I
uw kiwi i) ccjitVAM-l,
I EiSK ,'s
k. ' V ' was BTavL i a,
W do job printing.
-: LONE ..
oeokub i:oon r.op. ;
- e
Mealn At All Hours. Shorts
Order!and Prompt Service j
With Reasonable Rates
Give Me A Call
i e
OPMJoite Tisses-eleraia attains
mi in
Sumpter Valley Railway Co.
Arrival ud Departure Of Trains
No. 2, Prairie 10:15 A. M.
Sumpter 2:35 P. M.
Arrive Baker 4:00 P. M.
No. 1, Baker 8:30 A.M.
Sumpter 10:05 A. M.
Arrivea Prairie 2:10 P. M.
No. 1 Makes jfood connection
with O.-W. R. & N. No. 10 leav
injr Portland 7:00 P. M. and No.
17 from east arriving Baker 6:00
A. M.
No 2 Connects with Iaa Grande
local 7:00 to Iaa Grande, and No.
9 (fast Mail) picks up sleeper
there arriving in Portland 7:00
A. M. Also with No. 18 at
10:45 P. M. for points East.
No other like It
No other as food
Tki Nit Htm SniiK Mickln Compiry,
and target
k ntsi hatusnt anu Bin m
aatnts- , m.
11. L.I- ...
ium gown tMitv. iou can I'-tisV lliiKuwji tin-
paitai i clean Iimt bolh rn.l.
Ita VoUStaalTM pmtrfiiyimr I - anJ rrm
inijr lr,np UWjct.t'!i.dc. I., nt ! - - ,
lM InalM KjttlKM jhr'.W ellglJB -.fc)
lleWar UD wM.fl.laM vuuf line 111 aistnl
5-dewvSsM a '' I C" ""
v, Tn only way lo "l fc JBi.lf "
m pt tha genuino CIHi.
New Home bJ
I Sewinaj Mschine fJB M
I !e Ie bey die avscluae jH
I wiih llx asass NEW B
home so thssist xypy
enJ u iKs left. MisaR
M TKi. easekiss I JH dQBLsSsa
M waarealad faa- ajl BB mTji 1
"' fTsT-3'-' i
I No other like It jF- I
I No other as food 11 '
SBBBHa BBSS . , .a4 BBBSBltS wr4BJ , a HlU, (ill" f ar t I HI K 48. 1 1 II I tU -
in tha iMMlowpotnl hunting fartndaae. A. mitKin 00 ai i A pcilet
rin fur rahhiia, Butwcrau, hawk, eruwi, -t. ,
fflLhnfVrf 11 taiatra alao made with lavn . Hon. ask vmu .If.lfr
a- - - a . , i La, ! --a .,,, ,
7Z Martin )rarms Co,
ata Willow Sit, Nww Havon. Conn,
Printed in accordance with legal
requirements on short notice at
Job Rooms
If Yoo Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
'..I .i '' i ' i
We do it right
House Painting
Paper Hantn
and Decorating
Hardwood Finishing
Fresco Painting
Rstlmattes furnished on ap
plication. Mmla aba art.
1 ST
M. RATI 22
"'.1 repeating
f "" In tho vnRlD
In lm iiiuiIi-Ini one
Rhort 11. V. c-ar-
llir oilier for .M Lot
11 It r.
RIFLE NO. 70. 15 .M
Short and It .M
lunar rifles rartrldeea.
Send for liemleumely
illii-.liiilr.l Hide Cets-
I i -ii n.l "How toSboot
tn.!. i Steves Sftee
Plilalsaad llBWi
Irni'i i.i:r Oruler.
P O. Boa B0O4,
chi ana rixa MAsa
islors iflwi E i kaaiksileJa
f Harry uiii
1 W C Hswler
. unxr. esmea
Attorae flstiei!
'm.ii ii,, i
i ry ol Htslli
Upt. fiil.ii. In.truelloa
i.t. , I'rlutsr
I i Klaaaal
A . u Crswsr4
lieu W. Oleetl
l A Ckartkin
Kbi ask la
T. A. M.S. Id.
'eon Ber sell
-i.i reins Juilgee
a. . Bess
r. A. Moo. e
in. in. i la Daises kuias
I'oanl) ai, uner lieo I ewewsseM
i Irenll . oorl nireta tks m MusSAf is
AM, 1 11. .1 M, inlar lu October
nsl it
lolfil lte ri aenlallve
WH lieuli
r. Hossaa
irsnl Itiasassss
a T H ii, bal
a A. Miller
c. aasery
A. k . Mleksroeos
J. J. hiaaaat
I M HasillBMi
u. w fiavsaser
J ok a aeMssea
It. r. Sylvester
ll .
1 teas. II. f
-II I .11
ski 'id
ape riati Bdaal
. i aai setoi
l i.iniiiiaaini.'t re
. Hi. Href WsdBseSay la
Isaoary, Merek Mar. July. Bss4ssssr asW
ihmk i . i.asii Ulrica:
.io etwkerskesS
a. . . i
asm Metkerskssd
kor Vsa wiskU
Henry taallsa
..a L. Bslses
I H.J Haasss
A. C. Weieosae
I Jesses Laespsklrs
1 H. J.MsKtBBaaB
i mite II every Ssesejil ssd
' BB nl Hi.
Ki.unh '.
Rica m
sjio.vv m
it ' jr
) I
For it wonderful accuracy, its safety and con
venience, and its etiectiveneaa for email game
shooting, you should buy
ti cLiaac
Repeating Rifle
tfat r'K
' ' U-l 2a illtntd. 24.
inch octftgroa bvttl) I or
. 25 ahota.1 1 1. ML
to t
round barrel.
ir-i . - i l.. a
lea nil" anU .huieuna. asjasa)
Phytlclari ami Rnrjrson
AURNa, DHK'ioy.
PhvsU Isn srel UnTfOrru
Barns, - - - Oregon,
Of flee la new MMIifcjwatiiiil . i-ijjfjje
barneas aln., M.n.i ,
'fbone Main M,
Physician and Nurtteon
swsjetaTeaieivsms Hoii.iin
Speelel selewH slven s'ia.aara of i'. .re, ear
Physician and Surgeon
Nairow. Oregon
DEHHrirt & DENMAri.
PbysiclBns and Surgeons
Call snswsreu pruiriptly inlit or day
Tboue Harrimsn.
HBrTlmen, Oregon
Dr- Minni Hand
Physician and Surgeon
Wract Telephone Connection
Lawen. Ore. ,
OfflM firtt door fa-t pbottO umiUry
Born- Ort''on.
Attorney at 1-iw
Veetly Bids;., Hums. Oregoa
Burns, Oregon.
Attorney at Iaw
CoateetaanJ practice befure I'. 8. Land
Office a pec'alty
Office: Fey Bldg. next dear tu poet office
Burns. Oregon
BuriiB, - . Oregon
Practices iu tlie Btata Ossjfwl and ba-
lore tbe U.K. Ijiml nilue.
Cha. n. Lsaooard.,
Careful attention jriven to Cotlao
Uons and Keal hatute matters.
Fire Insiirani-e.
Notary Public
Hi u.n - Ohkoon.
State Courts and United Statn
Land Office Practice
Three doors South of the
Harney County National Bank
Burns. Oretron.
saawswesTsJ at Law Notary Pubb
Csweswssatess. Mower Loeaios. RevleweBS
AeiklHi U. S. tUsd Offke PvsclKS
OaesketWBsa Himi i oust National Issft
sad Laud Offcv
F. C. DiLLiau a. o. KarLsuraa'
Vwrsesfly aast. Baglneei rm sssrly chisl e-
taO, Reslaaislluii Nir xlneer ol Boise S
vie. asaksra Hy
Eastern Oregon Eogineeriif I
crra and irbkjation ENWNms
Bans, OrtKOB
JOHN (iKMlMltl.lNO.
Ja-weler. Optician ttwii
Fine Wau h Rrpairiag A Sp
$1500 Reward!
I tut Oreaoa, fa
i I niilsaua Nevs4e
Itock rratsv
iimi AeeorlslloaeJ
lurh tks uader
tgDaja la msmbei
HI iive l. UM U)
i.xanl (or vl
ilskos leading to
Iks srreelsail sea
vi. linn ulsar Bar liar lies sisal
I etssl
ma Bursas, e
hi iiiulpe bslofl
In44lllOM III 111,, !.,. a .
- u.nieisiase
oflkrs Us tame condition hoo ou (or sll tuicsee
saea aoree ,nu) us, oll ,,, ore,h,r ,
raaa recorded m ,.im ,,.. wJC
....... , '.niiii'p (laayw
sraey, Uks ami t'rouk luunMsa. Horses
ysaua wfceu oia r
Hon bat grown In ...... ., .. . ea-
i-e kuackas, "err"
W WyWN rils,0rwa,