The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 13, 1915, Image 3

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Ha. Tha Larfa.t Circulation Of An?
Naw.paprr In Harnajr County.
Rssl RstfttS, Furniture and Fixtures
Five per cent Redemption Fund . . . .
Local News.
Tonawuma tomorrow night.
The thaw has made sleighinr
rather bum.
Hot Tamalas at the Gillenwater
Bakery from 4 until 10 o'clock
each night.
Chas. Davis was over from his
home near Harney during the
Bundles for the Steam Laund
ry can be left at the Capital and
and Star barber shops.
H. A. Denman was registered
at a local hotel this week from
his home near Harriman.
Hay for sale, either at the
ranch or delivered in Burns. Call
Henry Vulgamore on the phone..
C. W. Lewis and family were
in the city Wednesday to visit
friends and look after some '
business matters.
I hereby announce myself a
canidate for the office of marshal
of Burns at the coming election.
R. L. Haines.
PRev. MacRac of the Baptist
church babtized twelve candidates
in the new baptistry last Sunday
evening preceding the regular
or 'ICC I
Xl Don't throw awav your old
C. T. Miller is up from thohatwhei, vou have it made
ranch to spend a short time with Now for one $100-. Williams
the children. He has been down ! 7j0jrimann Clothing Co.
ai me rancn looKing alter the
Statement Of The Condition
Of Th
First National Bank
of Burna
At the close of business Dec. 31st, 1914.
Loans and Discounts $326,212.62
U. S. Bonds 41,000.00
Bonds and Securities 78,630.69
Premium on U. S. Bend 1,340.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits ....
$ 25.000.00
Capital and Surplus $100,000.
Oregon State Depositary
United States Depositary
Kodak Bins developed 10 cents
per roll, any size. Prints 6t each more smj0
All orders of 2 dozen prints mm
developed free.
A. H. McLain,
You may get ready for a real
laugh at Tonawama tonight.
Universal Ike doesn't provoke a
ho bring! the laugh.
Timothy and clover Met) and
dean seed barley for sale. VV.
Care of Saver Studio.?
T. VandeVeer, wn Pine Creek.
Address, Drewssy, Oregon.
if the
Mrs. J. T. Garrett, who under
went an operation several weeks
aim is renorfpil not sjii u'i'll if
late, a drainage having stopped Wednesday on one of his occasi
.,,,,1 onai visas 10 ioor .hut uii
i In uinil feed at Hagey's.
Tonawama tomorrow night
Harry Carey was in the city
during the week from Iwen.
L. M. liowe and wife were
the city last night to take in the
Use your telephone call ;W1
when you want your clothes
cleaned and pressed.
Mrs. Geo. Smyth is out at
Ontario on a visit with relatives.
Leave votir old hat we will
make it into a Now One. -Williams,
Zoglmnnn Clothing Co,
Finest alfalfa, timothy ami nil
top hny baled may hi had nt the
Goodman feed barn is south limns
The Burns Steam Laundry
gives special attention to pain 1
post. Send us your luundry by
Jk Regular communication of
7V Burns Lodge. A. F. I A. M.
Monday evening. Work in the
F. C. arul M. M. Degrees.
Out-of-town taxpayara who ilraiia ua
to pay their luea will pleat nil ui
the tan collector', atatamant of the
amount due, together with instruction
for payment of ame. HARNEY COUN
J. L. Gaultof the First Nation
al Bank of this city was a pas
senger out by the way of River
side yesterday morning en route
to Spokane where he goes on
business in connection with the
Mrs. Edward Egh and lit t u
daughter have gone to Portland
for a visit with Judge Win
and family. Kd expects to go to
the metropolis in a short time to
attend to .some business and will
bring in a a car or two as loon U
the roads will permit.
It has betn threatening a
Tonawama tonight
Boiled barley, wheat nnd oats
for sale at market prices. W. A.
Goodman's feed yard.
Rob, Drinkwaterand wife were
down last Saturday from their
notni mi Cow Crook on visit to
their daughter, Mrs. C. A.
Christian Scientists will hold
there services at the Presbyter
inn Church, Sundays at 8 o'clock
Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. Sun
day School at LigQ p. m. Bead
ing Boom at room No. (5 Masonic
Building and it will DO open
on Wednesday and Saturday
afternoons of each week from 2
until 6 o'clock. This is a free
reading room and people are wel
come to come during those
Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepnred
for special attention to all dis
enies of eye, ear and nose. Eyes
tested snd glasses fitted. 50tf.
Kodak Film developed and all
photography work dono in firkt
claM ihape. Prompt attention
liiini, Oregon, FWrnarf . lir. I
Nnlh. la li.irl.) xlv.Mi III. I W 1 1 1 1 11.1'llW.
uf Burna, Oregon, who, on Augutl 14. If II, m.iiu
llonivilead Kmry. No IV Ait I, I ur H', k'. mil
i' i ',.. 1 1. mi .'-, iwtiiiii He,ltaugeM
I . Milium, in. M, ii, IUii. haa M...I Hull I t" li.Mk.i III,., I ll ih.i l'r.k..l I..
lviitui.ii.ii Plain to iim land abort Saacrlbad
.i.l,il,,. ISulnl.f uinl ll.ii. Iv.r ,,l ll.i.ii.
ii. mi tin, "Ii .u ni Man h, I'.h.'i
Ulalmaui namaaaa arftnaaaaa
iili-n II . IIiikIh I, I N.'WIiiii Itiicl" i . IIiiiui ii
Miller ''.' l:' '"'"" "' Marrowe, Oregon, etantoa K
j i , 1 1 i'iii nn, ' im pen
I'm i m HriBs Lahiiiihh k,
Hums, Oregon, January w, ll'l- i
I i i Ii i" i by divt-ii tiist NolM h. t iin.-v,
ul Mutre its i Oregon, who. on Ktbruarf 10, IVI0,
in il- . 1 1 I hii-i I it i ,';,. utl'.m furM'.SK1,,
!.. rewiiBblpH h itsnue xi K.sT,
V tllrtim tin Mil Mi tit i hni im.Ik .- ..I I ii liiii
I ..... L .. ,1... 1 1. Il... ." . . ...
, , , . m'iiii' innii' mini i iimii, in eiiniiiigfii'lHllll to
breakup during the week ami, n ! above daaei i. before i . k.uiii
., ,, , IhIIimIi, I' i i "ii, i,,,.. I r. i.i i,la iitti, r, at
considerable of the SHOW has llaeaiojr. Oregon, on I ham hilar of Mann lall
. 1 , . I I'lltilUll! t".... . it, li III" .
melted hilt Hot SUlllCI nt to Cause l-ic Cooler of Andrv.ii. Oregon. Ilaruarrl
, , .. . ,, , .!. Ilerrln lil.,, hot), ., H,-Ma. Onion.
much runolt. It is rather early rge ni.iin..ii n..-.i ,. uregoo
for the Hood time and it is hoped
by all the weather will "tighten
up" and we may keep the snow
on the ground for a little time
Vfit i NiiiIi ' I" lii-tcli) gln-ti lliat('l)l A.
vv- in itili-r. iir.gon. who, on Ai.rll ill, urn. made
James Weston is having the
holes sunk for til
new telephone
be installed
i rnniii i v i i.i i.i Nuorric.
Hiiinu i ingoh Januai r mi, If i i
M.n. ,. Ii In i,.i. given inn i it ii ii. u i. It i, imi
f Huriii, nn,, who, nn iii.ruitir a, Itfli
illuilt Iliilil. Bl. i,l Mill,. NU In t. U l"l I'.1,,' ',
1 !',. (Surili o( Mull" in l Hki . -I, mm i,.
I'iivniliti 'ii H., Ilunui' .;.' I- , Wll iiiiM-i'i
ilerldtai ii'iK nii'il mint i nf intention lo mahi
i-inaiiii i. reatProo! t labl lai. rlaim to I ha
laml i m ,t nil ill, before Kegiaiei and
Ueiiilvfi, hi i .,1 1, a iii ,, , mi iIm- ..ii, ,lai i,i
Man Ii . I-r
t In una nt n a luea aa w Ii iieaaea;
i it in in iriiti. Wtiii. ii reaenian, alexabdvi
MrKt'lirli' ' liutliul llniuali, all of Nmniw.
Vt a I i mi,., Ilualan i
UeftTIP BTs it I nii omoi
HtirilO. OrtffOU Jriinini .'. Itlfl
Notice Is licn-ti, given thgl inuel KrlfkstMi,
nf mini. Oftfon, who, oi Iropemtrtr IB.IBlli
iM.,.f ii, hi,, . i. .,.i Kuiir. Nu 06753, foi NH.,
Hf. tii.n :i, li.ui,J,i. vtf I., lUngc .i.'h.ttil
it Mi'ii-iiHii. lis i. ieii noiioi of InUotlon
to nakf niml Hint- yr proof( to i-inMiiii
ctiiiiM to tin-1 m i nt Bbovd "it'pi i ii.r.i, bffor l!-g
IrHt Hint ki'ifhi't. st Horns, Ori-gnn, UD ttic
(Hi Uy of Mint h. I'M i
in i ni n m n hiii in us irlttmBBi
Sai lifijiMj i i. ti '.' brnoi, J II y, K A.
HgtlBvD, nil of Muinh. tiregon,
Wm. i tiou ItcgUter.
im 1 ID HTATKM I. ami OFFMA, (
Horns, orvguti. ri Orunry ft, mi.'i
1 ll..iii.i,.tl Kt.lir No. H'.IU. M-ri-al No tri.. tor
i , " , i". i " ii. .'' - .tianir in r.." lilainutla
1m Will Kll.ll It., II,, I. II", 11 ,' ,1, , II I II I i III 1,1 ll,,r
CS ()t III mini ni ,artriiOitatallalii laiui lolheland
ui."' i .ii-m itiit.i, im i. in- ,n.,iiri ai"i in-rivpr
system that IS to at Burnt, Orel on ill mill .lay of Mr, :,
St ollCe. IlS it tSlt i liloianl liamea ai llln..i-a
. . , , i. fiiii, Inl'iiaon Wi Hull II llaat.VSiNi.l,
mg 111 new territory to bOSOrVOO U Beat, Benjai i- Mniur, allot
by extending his lines to several." w Ki'iat.-r
rural districts not in the origioi I
plans. One of the late proposed
extensions i i to COflBSCt the east
ern part of this valley with the
local exchange by way of llan.ey.
The Woodman Circle's masked
1 M k nrht m:in:itiir ti
r, . . ' ,- YOUR $ 9 $ $ SAFE
I'rtiiru'.itiiriiri sl;ii'i inc. I'limit in
- " " . .' . INVITM).
Notice of Public Auction.
N i inn- in lnri'liv KiM-ii Ilia I tlio uiiiliT
'iKiiitl.l'V aiitlnirilv ul nn ail nl tlio logia
latin ISIS, t'lni.iri S4S; nl tlio ea
inn liu n( a,n I Mar. ,ull -oil at pub-
THE BANK THAT MAKES , u nA uiyht vas largely atten-' "'' '"" Oavft, l IIm lo imm ttsd vnl,
AUDurti.ti.i,,.! ,.i,i , i hi Jliirne, iifi; m. mi MuihIiiv tlir 1Mb
tll'tl .llltl un 1 1: i 1 1 " iiiii. nianr.ei.-i .....
I. IV Ol liln nan, I'M t. ul III ii i link
up causing a temperature
considerable pain.
! ness of his concern,
Clarence McKinnon was a pas
M'nger out on the auto to Rivei
side vesterday morning en route
CssSSSSSn and other deiiring Boy'i all wool ihirti 75c. and ;n Vale where he goes on busi
iu to settle their taxes will pleaie $1.00. sizes 12 1-2 to 14. Don't ,U.8S.
end u. Treasurer's tax state- overlook this money savings ale. m acrea of j
ment together with instruction. - Zoglmann OsSadjdalI rtne p,enty ()f
for payment of the same. Firit wmtout. irood house and a garden
We wish to express our sincere ,ot that can be irrigated from
thanks to our many friends and springs. Inuuire at this office.
Miss Herbert, the trained nurse
arrived from a visit to outside
National Bank of Burns
The nmes-tieraia nnaa
'" ' "I'""' -,, .I...- .
inquiry of different farmers that , neignuur- ur u.c. .,, .
k I. .,... ,.r ,.nif,r,, ,L.ti,!tance in saving our home from
VIi. O..V." i.i UUI V,. U....V. ... ..v ,,... ,
Mr. and Mrs. Roland llankins.
all over the country but is in
"streaks" at frequent distances.
However, there seems to have A recital by some of the piano
been a good supply all over but pupils of James Fellows and voice
:- i : .! .ii :. :if f'-...i ... .,...,;,..,.,.. i ' "
n some maces in ms-vauej n Vu u g w. "-" Udggg fa, millinery at Clingan's.
has almost entirely disappeared, the Levens theatre last Sa urday L la(JieB of Burns and vi(.initv
II.W-Atth.fWWhotol ft,l0, j""!?: STS invited to call. One door
in this city Wednesday, Feb. 10,
points this week and has again
.taken up her duties in the Cum
mins hospital.
You will find all the newest
Andrew .1. Craves and Miss Grace
Stockdale, Rev. A. K. McRae of
John Collins came in from
Baptistchureh officiating. These Wednesday evening with an auto
young people are residents of the load of passengers Ho states
Voltage neighborhood where they the M Has are not bad after pa -will
make their home. The ing Silver Crook going to Bend
Times-Herald wishes them a, but from there to Burns there is
who represented characters of all
fine costume.''
nations and some
were seen. Mrs.
and Mr. Broooounl wogsswsrded
the prises for the best costumed,
Mrs. Win. Fane, as an old apple
woman anil AI Welcome, as a
Chinaman, ware awarded the
prises for the best sustained
a m iin-iiiiinHitig dsssflbsd psrssMl
I i ii in i IV, lO-Ultl Tliroo lii-iiil nl
I'l'ed Clillgail I KiMing". itlanil 10 yi-are nlil , iiiio ho!
nt I'liititi liariitiHH, unil our iaiiii Ik-iI.
Ilni property Ik sold SPdSf Hie lien
iniit.l In finilinl. tn MiiUalv li'iil liill,
uti'l thl trrini ttifrt-nf will Ui i-h.
I Hi III .11 HI.
I SITB0 nn FM i 1RBOPFM r, i
in, ilia, urrvuu, Jaiiuar) .-'. in
t i.. n-i.t gltren tbatchnrlag K. Sragsn,
nl Burm oreguUj who, on Kebrunr ft. ivti,
n a. I- lit tttt .nail kntrf.NO o'la.'l. lor Ij.ii a, 1,
Nl'.sw,, get 1 ninl '."' I. M. i-lioti I..
r.,li.l,l, . i. Huiilli. Ilanna -" Kaat, Ilia lit
Mill. llan. Notiliol Lain', liae rll.-.l
ul iiil.tilliili lo malt dual llin-0 rrai
proof, lo.' i lahn lo tlt,i laint above ilr
rrlbao, before Iti-iUtrr ami It.oeher. at
Itimta i ir.-iioii. on the HnoaeoJ Marrb. Itla.
.Mini a til itaiii.-a aa wlllii'aaca
ki.. to iiiittiti Walter Oraaaaman. Aii-xainl.-r
MiK'-uir i liarlra I. Ilrogau all u( Narrowa,
V. u I a aim. Ki'Ktali-r
happy wedded life.
considerable snow to "buck.
erne. It proven a yery p.eas, ,u ,
alTair and enloyed by the guests.
Nl Dr. ( arl was called to Drewsey
l'et;tl W...!,,..!,,,. ,,n,l,t I,, aaa Mr M,.l.
II VHIH .1UIIJ I'l 111 fcJ . aV'le ll I
vin's wife. He found the lady
(Hide ill but left her improving
upon his return Thursday night.
Wanted By experienced farm
er and stockraiscr. to rent a ranch
equipped with stock and imple
ments. Is expert irrigator and
orchardist. References, this of
fice. For the benefit of the dancers
Tonawama has decided to put in
a hardwood floor just as soon as
the necessary lumber can , be
gotten in from the railroad at
reasonable freight rates. This
i may be in April. The dancers
will appreciate such improve
ment. The present weather is cer
tainly ideal for this season of the
year, the bright sunshine and
cool nighta making it rather
pleasant. The snow is melting a
little but not sufficient to cause
any runoff and it is hoped it may
disappear gradually as thus it
will go into the ground.
Died At the homo of her par
ents in this city, Friday, Fob. 12,
Mrs. Ethel Hill, aged l'. years.
Deceased was ill but three days
and her death was caused from
bowel trouble aecording to the
death certificate. Mrs. Hill came
here last fall in "company with
her Parents, giving birth to an
infant shortly after their arrival.
She was deserted by her husband
in Oklahoma and was trying to
make her own way to care for
Lher child. She is survived by
her infant child, her parent . Mr.
and Mrs. Kimball, live brothers
and one sister. The funeral i i
noon at l o'clock by IUv. Mac
Rao of the Baptist church.
i Mil i- -uiin LAUD OFF!) Ij
It u mi. Oil to". ..tmnry It. 191 -
Rot I - ll bfbl talvt-u thftt Kit,,. It i Bttcrsoti,
ol S fiiator. 1. 1 mni it i, h on J tin. .-
hi ri int. i i .-. II.' nfti ri It vi I . , in '! llu iur
. a.l ltlii.-s. Kit A 054s;, tor h'-jNK',,
M ',-1 Si. .''. vVHjHW, V'fcS'4 bK'
., .il.ut , I u' tivliip .', itfttlb, IUiiki
I. K..' lilsnu lit- M. rl-IUli. ,ims nl.-.l
liotlct! ul 1 1. U' nt I tni tit initk filial live )csr
i.i iM.I. In t ttnlilish i Ulin In w Intifl tie
l Im (wr ItMltUr RlM'r at Hurns
liniMf, K in.. wii nntl Anus hi u n . ).t i
t V't'lialnr I'lt'untl, Htt-Vf hi'MMfSril '' iin.1.
rKii i Vsooil Ksopey.oti frlnretoa, irvgoiii
m t- IMKI, Ul'UtStl'r,
The Dances of the Month
With the thought of the dances of the
current month the same problem which
you couldn't solve last month is before
you again bigger than ever. It's the
problem of
Proper Foot Wear
If you can't work it, don't let it spoil a
good time See a specialist there is
only one in town--it's
Ladles' Patent Leather and Dull
Kid Shoes, also a complete line
of Spring Pumps. English
Walking Shoes for men and all
kinds of shoes for the little folks
- General Merchandise -
rtasonlc Buildinjc, - Burna, Oregon
With every 92.00 cash purchase or purchases
amount! to $2.00 a ticket to elthertheatre will
be given GOOD ANY TIME
I w.n ti Sunt Ii wort li and family
wore over from their Hear Valley
home ttiis week visiting at the
home of Mru. Southworth's
psrsnts, Mr. anil Mrs. C. A.
Swei'K, and having some dental
work done. They were accom
panied upon their return by Mr..
Itobt. Bennett who will Hpend a
short time with them. The
SouthwortliH state they have not
the average snow fall in Hear
Valley this winter.
Hugh TudorMwaa over from
Alberson this week on business
before the land office. He re
marked we were having nice
weather but that over in his
country they had not had very
much snow and the green grass
is growing. The ranchers of
this section want to keep the
snow we have for a few weeks
longer, as they prefer it to re
main until later when the melting
will do more good.
February 24 Keep Thai Date Open You'll See!
Itiiitis. nn koii, .'miliary ii. H'lvi
'..iini- In In niiv rhi'ii that (ln'stcr Kmiwn,
! Smiiiua, UrMOtl.WUOi "H JiHiniirv -o. .I'.'.
titaili hnlrt. Nn iii. for NW1,,
.-ii. Hon in, ToWMhlp .1. rluuili, K. U bast
inanii in- M'i HiiMii, lias ukmi noiirti oi inu-n
t..i to iimk i- final tlirui- yt'sr i stahllsh
rial in to tin Uinl KbOvS dW i Hm-iI, In-(in. Id j. if
til runt IUm'i-U.t, ai Mil: no, (r(-on, on tin
.ml ilay of Han b, 1'U.V
( is I man l im inh VlttlCMM
iharlrsK I'llliiian. ttlVn, ami Karl
Ha- kns.all of Nat rows. Uiegoli. H. nt Y Dill
man, or Imi. n I, Oregon.
Wat. KmHr, Ili'ilsti r
HerUl No n. i. .
Ilutns. ori'ifoii. Jai.nar 13, UH'..
N,.l.i- le InTi-hy nlven that A-l.-nO Kan Ik in t,
of Jiarnai t mi in r , Htati- ol Urogoa, Wtioso lmt
Off ICO s'1'Im-si. Is lliirus, tiii'im, illil on loptm
Im r 4, IttH. Ale In this Oltu o Ms .nl i hi Ion to
maki' viiirv fur iho nK4NW4, Mar I, T. WB8.,
i: Ol , W M . iiNiiiimu( Jik-I V llcvrrii,
nit l i" m ui. i' intrv miiti lor as alu.
! i to UK No ..'.vi. niailr Ni.. I., IBM,
at l.linolii, Nfliratka. ondof OOCtUillt 8sW QHU
JU7 of tilt lti'lpi htaliltr-s of tin- ('nl1l
--tins, anl lot ram aixl ri'tcnlatioiis of IliO
I'lj.artiu.tit .( tin It.i.ii.M id. -I. uinli-r, xrsni
IliK aililllloiial lati'ls to iuI'IIi-ip sinl sailors
hIki OOfTOd ill On- A; i.i v or Nav ol tin I I)ll0i
Kaltl, dor I DO il.r Mar of tin- KrlIIIoii.
An) and all person 6laJmiB Ltdvi roolj Ibe
lands dot- libou, or .isltini( to ohjool bocoilsa
of ii. ruin -il i liar n U i of i hi- Uinl, or nn
l-art thrrrof or for tin rOsUOfl, to Iho dlgBOttl
lo ant. BDOtlld Dl tlo u affldtvltl ol foo
list in this oftii i "ti or l-i.i.- Mi. ethdstrol
Manh, 111!
Wm Y ArtNK, ROfllOU r
lit ii.nh at I. n, J mii nn i y B0 111 i
i ssat iiuliln mMi.h Mori b .. I l i
I a .. I MU
NATK'Nti KUHKol Not lea li horob (Ivoo
I list the Uint .h . i llti.l twIllW) ruilum u.!,. nrltbln ii..- National Koi
i-st, OrOgwO -fill ta u i.j. t lt mMl.lmni and
intij iinili-r tho provision! ol iho boUeMlMuJ
laWtol lb UollOd Mat. nnd llii art of Junt
II. IVMi (M "lai , ':, at thu I tilt dHtaiis land
OaaOt ai Burnt, OtOgon, on Matih i. l'Ji'i
Any si-itlar vt ho a a ai tu.ilty ami tn kihhI faith
i la I in I lia ii y ( said Iniid foi arh iiiitital pur
e'n-s prlof to Januarv I, IfUl, nnd has not
abandoned sainr, boo O pTidatt m r iiiht In h.'iii. l OM onU fur the lands artualh
ore opt ad -i. i lands ittro iiup-i Upon Ibt Mp
pll.atlons of thr persons iuanilonil bolow,
ulin har n pri h-rioii ily In sul.Ji i lo
tin- prloi rlgbl "t any am ti Mlllor, oruTldod
surh m ttiit or applli ant in qoaliflod to
BlOkO l"i ni--! i ml i ti 1 1 nnd t hu pi 1 i i.
ililil ii . . . i . i-. -i prloi t" Man ii i, i.i.. on
v no n dm- nu- win hi- mbjot i lo Mil e
inrtit and i-ntiy by U) .iiH!lllrd pOlftuU I ';
Uudaaiaas folloivi Ho- N Wi4Hft '4,lhaHW' .
NW, Iho WHW'aNKUsW, tl" KWiiS',
NI'.SWl.. rfi' .. nK',M,:,4,lli.'KliM
ih.-r.'jWr.M ,- ', Hir NW'4NW 'si -4-K ,.
II -. r. Iff n, K M K . H M ii-u n r.-e, ppn
isiiiui nl Id ii i ampin i;, Jr . Mui ua, orraou
l n' n- DooMnboi Iff ivh M BRtTcK.
Assistant i iHiiiuiBPl- 'tirr uf the immii t al I and
ofln .
I: miii. i stni.' I ii. i Iffffies, (
Blfftii. Ornjon. Jupiurj u, IffU
NotM i- Is hiri-hv gtffffB that, as dlfffetod b
ih- i "Uitnissiniiur of (hi n-niral Land i ll i . s
Uttdorpr it) Ion id Act ol t'ongrotff nnprowd
J tin J7, ISM h Mats . 117, put sua nt In the ftp
phi atton of Uli hard J BouinborifOf fforlol No
tr7ri'. w- w 111 onVr at put. lit- isle, to tbt blf bt nt
i.nlder, tin I at not U-a than $.' w p.-r air", at
In o'olm AM , nu thi 10th iay ol Mar. n. Il
at this ii 11 In-, I he lollop IliK I ri t of Inn .
-k'.Wi.. be.' U: NK'NVN1. . .. I . ...
sm.aud L , H. .lo t . W. M.
I nis lisrt is i.r.iiTiM Hit" Ui
- mat nt i on a
)... wing that iho ten nli t portion Iborooj ,
n "iiiitalnous or too rouith foi ooHlVOttou,
n prrsoui (laiuilnit dtrffrtoli Iho ibove
doooi I bod I Mini sr a.U Isitl lo til. I h. In i ins,
ti .ttm i Onus, no it bofor thr ilmv .Ksiicoatt'il
I -r sali
Hh 1 anas. Mflilor,
Haa IIOTMBeUHBAU, Kut'tdii r
I MTIlli linilM I IMi nl I Hi .
lliirna, ttrt'Uun, .l.titiai. it. IliB
thr i iiiiitii
nn. I.i .u.v ni Aft nl t intgri'aa etitniitl
Usual Picture Program Tonight
Three Reels A comedy
Thrilling Jungle Feature In two reels
Showing wild animals Exciting
"Universal Ike Gets a Goat"
An extremely funny funny
Uulveraal Ike always gets a laugh every time
Usual prices. 10 and 1ft cents
Intensely Interesting two-reel Feature
A great comedy mystery with something doing
A lively drama with a punch
"Across The Atlantic' in three reels
This feature run at the People's, Portland, to record houses
l bo rob j Kltt'ii ihst, sa dim h il b)
ul mi ii nn ..T tin Uonorol I Hint t til 1 1 i
::. M His . M.i. i.utstiHiu tin- i
(Hi n( l.i-vtlsj (ilbftbu, HsrUI Nu in
mu wilt i.ffrr at in i ill u- wlo, to Ibo IiIkIhsi bid
dor, but si it'.i rs Uinl) .'" nor 10
rloi It A. M , nil (hi' llli .Isy ul lnu Ii. I') i,
nl ll. is ollOO, I hi- Iik trm loJ ImimI !
HW',-W'4, mi tH itiKl l.'t-K1., hei.JV. T.
:( It M . W M
ihts iimol is ordorod Into Iho nwkoj mi a
slinWIItH Uinl Kri'sli i ..iilnii llitiritif Is
in mm mi ti i in hi ii or too rotlgfa lor - uli it silon
Any ntsiiifo iisiiiiiiii. ftdvorool) tboobovo
doW rlbod I in nl iim- ftil , I mill tu Alt tUOlr rUnim,
01 olijiTlioHs oil or bolott tin- liuii' ili-slKnnli'il
(or ss)
Wm. Cj i! 1. 1 Mglolor.
i iii no rftdji i. i'i iii u i two sm i
r Mil. 1 1 HTATKM LaiHDO'rtl'l .
Hums, Orogim, JonUtti i li, I'm t
Nun.. i borob) niton iiisi. i. iiuiiii-i Li)
iii.' oniuiluliinoi "t Ibo Uouorol I aud dlfuo,
nndoi i-i". m out H i i ..I ii'iiiiiM iMiii ...I
J Hill' J, . l.HSi ,. Mlllf., M7 I'lllMlMH I l) (llV SI
pill uiiiiii ol ItiiiikliH i. Kotlttl Nu I
0 will ,,iii i nt ii Mii wit t Hit- btfbrsl bill
i.-r t.nt si hoi 0M limit t.' MI , r mui.mi l
h i lock A M, I..' I itli .iiiyoi MuhIi, M .
t this uiii. I-, i iir follow in,; tun i oi leud:
NKyK'.n , 4. T .'M, M -It) K W. M.
"Tbb IiSi I Is on In I'll 1 1.1 o I Iir Him kit nil it
kiiowhiK timt ih.. itrootei portion Ihoroof li
MiiiMiiiHliious or loo roii(li for riililvHlloii "
inypdMoni eloluiloo Kdvorooli iboobovo
doocrlbod loud on uiltlmtl i Ills thiircUluis,
i objoi lions on ui bofuro tin- Hrao doalguglou
lor soUv
W m Kiuu:. Ki'ufstcr,
m Hotu...uhi..i Koroliojr,
DSIMOSTatM I .imi iii Hi ,
llllllia, in,-..mi, I . I. iii, il I . I'll:,
Nolle, la tier.'li) Kin" Hint Miinann T. aali,
nt llllllia. Uir, ,iii. Mllil.uil AUK .'i. IIIUH add
Nuv. ;i , liuu. in. iln II hintim, u
UntH U6IM r,ii',llviu.liir N' ,si:'4, hWUNh.1.
NW'.Mh',. Hfci.NM',. S'l.SMI4. l'.,'
Heoiloua, liiwiialili il South, Itu,
wil.tniiiti' MitIiIihii. inn. nii'ii iiiiiii'., iii inieii
ll.ill In llniil III, M Ht I'I ..ill. In i nlillilHli
i'IhIiii l,i tin Ininl abovu ileal lueil, i,, lure Id a
UtiT Hint Iti-n-lviT, at llllllia, tllrliin on lln
lull iln) nl Hun li. im, i.
I'I. I III Hilt III, llll'l. Illl I, llll.lN.I'l.
Ki.nk ii. J.i l..ii. Marvin M Ui'Uee, .'"Im
H. Caldwell, Lea, nil nl liuina. tn,
tt M Ka H UK. Hu.lali'l
i'mtih M'i'i'kn Laho Orrioi,
HurtiH. tJrt'KOH, l"i-airiiNi) n, n.
Noiiri ii hoffby liiu'n i hm Jorri hiiion, Jr ,
uf lUrrlmsii, Uncoil, who on Sot nn lw i .'..
IIMIH msitu lion rsli'iiil iiilry No oil i, (nt
nV4 Horllmi IH. TuWDtjblpM Smith Km,,. ,.
B, VS llhimt'llr MuilillHll, httH lilt. I nut ,i
ul inifiiili.ii io niiikt' llusi flvo rur .inHf,(o
uslnhllsh i IhImi io tho 1hi nl bovodost-rlovJ i:.t-.i.h'i siul Hoi'olvor, m Hortis, Ort'
iOM. oil thl) Mb (U ol Mnii'li, UM.i 0
('Ulll)Hlll IIHIIIt'S HN MllllOBSi'S
llt'iiry tult-y mul llnury Oooikc buto ol
LA VOU,, .liii'Hilnh illl.iH,,i( HonliUHU.
ttii.uii, I'lma, illlay.of I.owtni, triKn.
Wm- KAKHi.uvuliiior.
Working for a Hying? Making regular wages?
Then every timt you receiyfl your wages take out of it
Home sun, osrtsin, fixed sum and BEFORE you Hjiend
a slllfla tlollar of jrour wsgM firing that sum of money
here and jui I il in V0U1 Account. It inn't the amount.
thsteountl It's the doing It rsgulsrijr, systematically
kroping at it all the time.
,im i viiiir nragca BEFORE jros begifl
i i n nil vmir WBJe. 'Mint ia tlio one,
MIW,gTtSl ' I ill SiKTOiis. StiviiiK I'irM'
Burns, Oregon
ii'in B .1. in. in :i p, in.
Wi iny pti cent, Isti i i in 'nn Bsflnsji DtpsrttmBt or
(t'ertilirtitt". of luji"
Aluminum Ware
A New Consignment Just in
The World's Best "Quality" Brand
Wll n
1 Bat I t w
m m ' &
This shipment includes one
piece Tea Pots, Coffee Per
colators, Double Boilers,
Preserving Kettles, Milk
Pails, Combination Funnels
a most practical article,
with various attachments
permits it's use in many
ways Skillets, Tea Balls &
Strainers, Salt and Pepper
Shakes, Collapsible Cups,etc
A 20-Year Guarantee
Special! Special!
We have a big stpek of dishes
and are offering some at re
duced prices at present some
See our line of
Heaters and Ranges
Builders Hardware
Paints and Oils
Farm Machinery
Implements of all kinds
in steck: Seeders. Plows,
Disc and Drag Harrows.
Binder Twine Barbed Wire
Nails, Doors, Windows, Roof
ing, Building Paper
Fishing Tackle, (iuns, Ammunition
Crockery, Tinware