The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 13, 1915, Image 2

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Made In Burns
25 New Patterns Received
Assorted Colors
$8 to $10.50
Leave your measure
today Get your pants
See Window
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Loading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
Additional Locals.
Have your picture taken at the
Sayer Studio. .
Blue Print. Inland Empire
Realty Co., Burnt, Oregon.
The next meetinfrof the Libra
ry Club will he held at the home
of Mrs. Knrre on Feb. 20.
We do your mending and sew
on buttons, without cxtracharge.
See the Steam laundry about
your work.
Phone O r d e r For fat
young turkeys, alivo or dressed.
to Willow Wind Farm.
J. W. BiKKs. F. R. Howard,
Prop, Mgr.
On nnd after Feb. 16 freight
arriving on the l'rairie stage will
not be delivered around town but
taken direct to the stage office.
Charges must be paid when the
freight is taken from the office. -Wm.
Foren, agent.
Prohibition Bill, Patted By
Houte. Most Important
Measure to Date.
tit Uititcs-Mcrau
On. Y.r $2.00
Sim Month. 1.00
Tkr.. Month. 75
Overdrafts Are Doomed
year by Forest officials, 31 per
e nt were killed on the Malheur
National Forest by a method
which Supervisor Bingham has
f. und V' ry successful. In one
month bit winter Mr. Mingham
killed 32 coyotes in the vicinity
of John Day, devoting only half
li i tin. to the work. For the
bonefit t' those who have been
i ie victims of these mad animals,
n extrui from Supervisor Bing
I ,ni's H-iiort on his method of
dealing w ith the coyotes is given
I. ti-w ith:
"A o n should bo selected
that will lose its effectiveness in
short lime after being placed,
. i that i. case it is not picked up
bi coyote it will do no damage.
I he Northwest Hide & Fur Co.,
Minneapolis, Minn., sells a poison
of this character in the ihape of
a small ipsule containing enough
p lison to immediately kill a coy
The price is $1.7f per KHl
Under the new bank and cur
rency law it is evident the gov
ernment is going to be much
more strict than formerly with
reference to the regulation of the
banks. As evidence of this the)
have already commenced to pio
hibit overdrafts and advising the
banks that overdrafts will not be
countenanced by the department
The depaitment is co-operatino.
with all the states to have all the 'e
state banks do the same thing, capsules. In ordering these cap
While it has been the custom to it must be stated for what
allow overdrafts the department ' urpose they are intended so that
has always lcoked utwn it as an the proter aiaa will be secured,
unsound method of bankiii;:. All Different sized capsules are re
banks throughout the whole quired for different animals,
country are getting instructions These capsules are called 'Sure
to this effect and bank patrons death poison capsules.'
who have been in the hab t of J "To prepare capsules for use,
overdrawing will be obliged to take a roll of old butter, prefer
discontinue the practice of over- ably a little rancid. Warm it un
drawing their accounts. , til it is soft enough to handle
well, but not enough to melt it.
Man Shot in the Face. J"! must be " '",l ,to to,uTcn
the butter with the hands. Use
a small wooden paddle that has
i no human scent to it. With this
. paddle cut off a piece of butter
about the size of a marbl ; lay it
on an unseen leu board end flatten
it out; place the rapsul on the
strip of butter; roll the butter
Fred 01 ley came up from his
home the lutter part of this week
and was accompanied on his re
turn by Mrs. Otley who has been
at the hospital for several weeks
following a serious operation.
They were accompanied home by
Miss Mary iroxton who has been
assisting in nursing the patient
and who will spend some time
looking after her welfare after
she reaches her home.
A bill introduced in the senate
of the state legislature provides
that all schools of the state out
side of those of the first class,
shall be under the control of one
board of live directors for each
county. Thus it would be that
aside from the graded school of
this place the entire county
would be under one board of
directors. The bill has caused
much protest all over the state
and citizens and commercial or
ganizations have sent protests in.
It is a radical change that would
take away the community interest
in the country school, the patrons
of which would have but littie if
any voice in its conduct or the
naming of a teacher.
Thirty SMIe, Nene Impertant, Boomt
Lawa by Snd ef Fourth Week: Ap
propriation SHU Total e.06S,S4
Houee Amende Workmen'e Compen
Mtlon Would Reorganise Naval
Mllltia-Hemlelde SHI Phi "
la -IS Bounty on Coyotot.
Asaresultof g quarrel between
two vaqueros on the Island Ranch
at the Square Wells, Wednesday) :
Pat Mulcare was shot in the face '
by G. Crawford with a 22-caliber
pistol. The wounded man came
to town and it was found to be
merely a flesh wound the ball'
striking the cheek bone and
glancing, coming out near the
Sheriff Goodman went out and
arrested Crawford and he had a
preliminary before Justice Pat
terson Thursday afternoon which
resulted m his being turned
loose. It seems the complaining
witness did not attempt to prose
cute but rather excused his assail
ant. However, the fact remains
that the man was carrying a
pistol which is against the law
and it was also admitted he shot
the other fellow, in fact accord
ing to statements made by the
victim, there were more than jjne
shot fired during the fight.
Warrant Call.
Notice is hereby given that
there is money on hand to pay all
general fund warrents registered
prior to .January i:, 1914; and all
all road warrents registered prior
to March 1. 1914 Interest cases
on and after Feb. 8.
R. A. MlI.LKK,
County Treasure.
Notice to Stockholder.
The Burns Flour Milling Co.
will hold a meeting of the stock
holdtTs in Burns on February 20
and it is requested that all stock
holders who can be present at
this meeting as matters of im
portance are to be considered.
P. (!. Smith. President.
Man Accidentally Shot.
Dick Spence was shot through
the left lung by E. E. Owsley at
a logging camp in the mountains
last Saturday night and the vic
tim has been in a rather critical
condition at the Cummins hospi
tal since. He is some Improved
at this time and his physician
considers he has a good chance
to recover.
The Times-Herald knows no
thing of the particulars of the
case but is informed the shot was
Method of Exterminating
The Pestiferous Coyote
around the capsule, leaving it as
nearly round as pos ible. Take
a small pair of wooden pinchers
and place the butter rolls in a
jar that is fice from I 0 lib Never
use metal to handle ihe butter or
capsules, always wood."
Then let the b Itter rolls freeze
or harden and keep tliem, in a
cool place until used. 'I'll- car
cass of an old cow or hoi.. should
be used as bail it fresh carcass
preferred. Place lb bait on top
01 knoll or Jul1, such nsci.otes
frequent. Avoid ground covered
with brush. Do not kid the bait
by shooting, but by severing the
main arteries in the n I k. All
operations must ' done irom
horseback, s i thai no odor will
be left on the ground lo keep the
ciyotos away. Throw two or
three dozen capsule around the
carcass, either in the snow or
under natural debris. In conclu
sion, Mr. Bingham says:
"Too much emphasis cam. ot be
laid on the necessity of hh Wng
no human scent, either on the
poisoned rolls of butler, or I n the
ground about tho carcasi. Fire
arms should never be earned.
One migfat Occasion! lly be able to
shoot a coyote if ho has his sun
along, but in doing so he would
do more harm than good. Every
thing used in the preparation
and placing of the hail 1 1 o Id be
absolutely free from scent One
should mver dismount within
half a mile of the carcass, for any
purpose, nor leave anything
about the bait (hat could io-;si-
In view of the prevalence of t bly carry a human scent."
rabies among coyotes in eastern
Oregon, the district forester at
Portland, Oregon, has announced
the results of some very effective
work that has been done by the
Forest Service in destroying these
animals. Of all the predatory
Stockholders Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that
the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Masonic Building
Association of Burns will be held
at the Masonic Hall in Burns,
Oregon, on Saturday March 13th
1816 at 2 o'clock p. m.
Sam Mothersheod. Secretary,
Bids Entertain! for RotdnuiUr.
Notice is hereby given that
scaled applications, for appoint
ment to the position of County
Roadmastcr, will be received by
the County Court, at the office of
the County Clerk, in Burns, until
12 o'clock M., March 3, 1915; ap
plicants are required to state
amount of salary per month,
which salary shall be in full com
pensation for all services, and
out of which all the expenses of
the Roadmaster shall be paid.
The Roadmaster will be re
quired to inspect the County
roads, and to oversee all con
struction and repair work, he will
be required to give a bond in a
reasonable amount for the faith
ful discharge of the duties of
the office.
The County Court reserves the
right to reject any and all applications.
By order of the County Court,
made and entered in the Com
missioners Journal, Jan. 27, 1916,
R. T. Huohet,
County Clerk.
animals killed in the district la. tH. B. Mace
Shooting is positively fVrbiddm
on my farm near Burns and i
shall prosecute uny one found
trespassing. There will be no
favors shown in this respect.
CM and Croup in Children.
Many people rely upon Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy implicit
ly in cases of colds and croup, and
it never disappoints them. Mrs.
E. II. Thomas, Logansport, Ind.,
wrftes: ' 'I have found Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to be the
best medicine for colds and croup
I have ever used, and never tire
of recommending it to my neigh
bors und friends. I have always
given it to my children when
suffering from croup, and it has
never failed to give them prompt
relief." For sale by all dealers.
u.i.m - -Tho inoal Important
acoompllehed during the fourth week
of tho preeeal aaaalon of tho leglelp
... ... in tin- liouau of
luro waa ui im-- -.
Hi- prohibition bill, won bwj
dtsseatlng otee. thoao of Kulin
Lewie, tho bill of the CommllU
,.. mmiiiIioiI aa amended by
houto couimitta on alcoholic traffic
paaaod tho houaa Aa It paHeil the
houso lha bill permits the Importation
for homo rouauniutioii of two quarts
of aplrttuoua liquor or -'4 .inerta of
malt Muor In each eucceeelve I las
I'arbapa UM nam act Important
flowing lha altuatlon from UM ane
of economy, waa tha killing u UM
houaa of tha bill for BBpreprlatlBI
$40.tH0 for Irrigation ami rSBtafllB
tloii purposes A few minor MM M
teat to thu Irrigation Interests vara
grantatl thla week. Imeever Knur lr
rlgallon bllla were BHH "'' 0''"
Irrigation dlatrlrta tin- right to Mil
aurplua oleclrlcal power, and Mother
makaa atatr land subject to Irrtfja
lion aaeeaemente. anoih.'t givca Irrl
gaUon dlatrli'ta'tho power of mantel
palltlee for bonding purposes ami the
fourth auipowara tha atutf t" SB) SB
proved Irrigation bonda.
In tha laat week, tha house rules Um
Itlng tha time for I nt rod m UM of bllla
baa been auapauilnl srrrsl times, and
MS la Ihe total number filed with the
clerk lo date In the senate ZV bllla
have been Introduced I'lif gOTMf
haa algned nine atmale nnd J I limine
bllla. Man ba StM withdrawn ami
othere laid on the table
Laglalatora Paaa 30 Acta In 21 Dya
During tin- flrat IWSBt MVW h'gla
latlve daa Clu bllla haw- bwMOM lawa
- little belter than OM bill a day.
That la Ihe ret-ord ol tbr U'Kllature
at Ihe tloae of the fourth wti-k 0t
ernor Wllh" oinbe baa ttad MWetM
ly SU BMSSWSSi allhtMii.;li H oUMTI
are before him He ban traUMd none
Nlue of Ihe uniiaureii to l.l'b UM
governor haa atuMksd big gignaturt
are aeuale bllla and 1 an- SottM
bllla The five unlgiu'l gMggnnhM art
bouae bllla Twelve gddlUOwal feOSM
bllla have gune Ihrmigti lli- nt-nuie aud
three additional natr MlH baY gOM
through Ihe houav.
Aa a taatter of fai t BOM of UM bllla
thai lha governor ao far hua algned
la Important tompured with aome of
the meaaurea that tt ui- b.fort- the
A big ruah of bllla la t tpt- UM M the
govarnor'a offlte thla VM Uotli UM
houaa aud the aeuatv are prepervd lo
turn out lawa b the M -ore alni"l ev
er day Already the bOHM bit" paaa
ad more than 1U0 yilla In uiblltlou to
Uioae acted on by Ihe m nuti- imil the
governor The aenate glao lata aent
nearly twoacore of lta own produc
ttona over lo Ihe houae
Ilia aandlng Aak for S3,M3,g&4
Appropriation bllla laSart UM houaa
and aouale total g:i.f.63.HG4 1'bln In
otudaa racommt'udallomt of tin1 Jtdut
waya aud mt-ana OSBUBtttM whlih
probably will be adopted without
change, but tha aame tannol he aald
for eeveral of the other uiiaitiiri'H Al
ready bllla carrying appropriations uk
gragatlng almoal ' hate been
conalgned to the waatebanktt
Tha Joint waya and mranu tiiinmlt
a baa labored more Imlimtrloualy al
thla aaaalon than aver before, with the
raaull that It haa reported on u lergo
number of appropriation bllla and la
fclpeoted to act on virtually nil olhera
pell werk In compliant!' with the
genari I daniaml. It la aettlng a rei ord
for economy, although approprlatlona
muat ueceaaarlly appeur lurge becauae
I coata much money to conduct the
tele government aud lta urluua In
Houaa Acta on Compenaatlon Law.
Tha houae alao acted on the aubjrcl
of workmen coinpcnnatluu The bill
paaaed provldea a eerlun of amend
mania to the preaenl law, reclnaalfy
Ing the Induatrlea anil giaduutlng He
rata In proportion to the rink It alao
la Intended to prevent at i lilcntH by
offering rowarda lo employer who In
alall aafaty devices and proudlng pun
lahuiKiit for thoae who do not The
gluioat uuanliiioiia vote on thin DMSI
uro lg taken to Indicate that the houae
will not act favorably ou Ihe lllughum
bill In the aeuale, which la aald to re
aamble the Mhlilgun luw and whhh
would permit cgaualty compunlcn ,,
lompeta with the glgte If Ihe aeuute
dooi not concur In thu mcaaurc scui
over by tha houae It la probable that
no woremou'a compiu lutlnn lun will
ha enacted by thla legislature
Although the aenate haa jniesed a
hill abolUhfg tha Oregon Navnl Mil
Itla It aaami now barely poaalble that
tha organisation may be permitted to
Hu I- k 4 , . ...
"' ' at aaaasagajn torin, ror u inn waa
Inlraduoed In the houaa by the coin
muiau on military arialis, proilrllnn
for lta reorgauliatloR, und oOBlldgf
able scutlmcnl axlata In fauir or It.
SiBva Ihe paaaage of the eruate bill
abellehlug tha organliatlon, Uoveruor
Wlthyi'oinba hua announced that ha
double whether It la wlae lo abolish
the organisation Thla attitude or the
governor, and appeals made by tho
aavy department roi the retention of
tha organization, are powerrul factors
In favor of tha new bill. II provldea
for lha abolition of thu prcnent nuval
board and aubatltutag' for It a naval
atafr to oonalat of the adjutant gcm-rul
4 two ooumlaslunad nuvul
to ba gppoluled by thu commanilor In
blaf p tallica gn appropriation of
1(,UU0 which la til, out Iras than waa
naked for originally by tin- organic
County May Build Brldgaa.
Beuater Uarlaud'a bill, pruvldlug
Unit county courts bp permitted to re-
jaet gll blda for brldgaa eoaUng mora
than 1S00 and build tham ihagjaalvaa
waa paaaed by tha senate II la pro
vided that tha courta muat obtain aa
tlinatee of tha ooat bafora letting tha
contraota, but tha eetlmatea muat ba
kept secret Whan the bill waa first
arguad aavaral aanatara Inatatad that
If a bid eama wlthla tha aatlmata It
muat ba aooaptad, but It waa nat la
eluded in tha bill aa paaaad. Senator
Garland believes tha law will aaa tha
oonnllee a graat daal of moaay Mat
now goes to brldga conatructloa com
Homicide Penally Bill Peeeae
Senator. I. angguth's bill making tha
penally for homicide lu tha aaooad da
gree linprlaonmanl la lha penitentiary
of from 20 to 10 yeara waa passed by
tha senate It haa a savlag clauee ra
luting to parsons already convicted of
second dagraa murdar. la a bill lu
iroduced by tha aame aanator which
waa passed, tha punishment for first
degree homicide la Ufa Imprisonment
The changea ware aeceasary because
of the amendment paaaad by the peo
ple abolishing capital puntahmeul.
Coyote Bounty BUI Paaaaa Senate.
I uilar aueueiialon of tha rules, tha
aenate paaaad house bill II, which pro
vhlca for a bounty of S3 ou coyotes
during lha remainder of this year. Tha
Itate I" to pay half tha bouuty aud lha
counties the other half The bill waa
Bagged with an emergency clause, aa
It la reported that conditions lu the
eaateru Oregon counllea are aerloua
ou account of rablea among tha aril
It la probable that au appropriation
of J i no una will ba aakad to pay lha
state's share of tha bouuty Two yeara
ago 140.000 waa appropriated for the
bounty. A deficiency of $10,000 waa
Incurred. An appropriation will have
lo ba made alao to take cara of thla
Insanity Divorce Basis In Sill.
I'ermauent insanity la made ground
for divorce by a bill introduced by Sen
em i.auKguth It la provided that be
fore a divorce aball be granted. In
aanlty being tha allegation. II shall be
pi oved that the defendant haa been
ndjudged of unsound mind by a court
if this or another atale five yeara or
I. dure tha ault la filed II alao
i ii ii n l be proved lu the court lu which
he divorce la naked thai lha patient
a Incurable
Leglelatlve Bravltlaa
Ihe aenate paaaad houae bill ra
pt .iling a law providing that doga
aught pursuing dear ba abut.
A Joint resolution authorising Hit
aupeliutendeut of public Institution
to annotate and publish tha achool
laws of tha stale waa adopted by Ihe
What la regarded by many aa one
of Ihe moat Important new lawa an
acted la that repealing the free test
hook enactment of Ihe laal aeaalou lly
paaalng thla uieaaure the leglalature
haa aaved Itaelf a controversy
Dan Kellaher Introduced a bill lu lha
senate pruvldlug for weekly payments
of various employ es, which Is aald to
have the auppurt of certain labor lu
tereata and uuqueallouably will fill lite
halls of legislation with lobbyists
To facilitate the operalluu of Ihe
constitutional amendment paaaed by
tha people at Ihe laat election which
proi Idea lhal only clllaeua of the
1'nlled statin shall vote In Ihla alata,
Senator Moaer Introduced a bill em
lowering county clerks lo atrlke from
the registration records the names of
ill aliens
After ameudlug Kepreaeulallve
Si Iiui-I.i I a bill, merging all pedal
finds lulu the general fund, ao aa to
make tha lit eiieee aud feaa collected
by the state fish aud game commla
Ion i ouatltuta an appropriation for
(hat i iiiiimlaaton. Ibe houae paaaad Ihe
measure by a vate of S3 to S. two mem
bers being abaent.
Tu give tenners power to arraat
hunters who treapaaa upon tbatr prop
erly la lha object of a bill paaaed by
the houaa. I'uder the peoeent law a
treapaaalug hunter Is subject lo ar
real, but tha owuer mual obtain a
warrant Repreeeutallve Feawlck, au
thor of the measure, pointed out lhal
by i i.i time a farmer procures a war
rant tin damage la done aud lha huat
er la gone.
Clearance Sale
Will offer during Jan. and Feb. a
large line of Quality Merchandise
at Reduced prices.
Remember when we advertise any
thing it Is so and you know it
There are lines that should be closed
out during Jan. and Feb. and we are
going to reduce such goods and offer
them to you.
Burns, Oregon
Ealrayed Came to my P.AC4
in Catlow. one black horse, wtlght
about 1000 lbs., three black feet
one white hind foot, white star
in foreherd, branded either a run
ning M or WA connected. Ow
ner call and prove property ami
pay expene. Joe tiuKer, mck-
ley, Oreffon.
urns. Orvfoii. January j&tn, m
lu i hetiri M. Cmi, -er, Ol Hurtu, OffJgM I
lee tee
Vim en hrrn.y iiutlflnl lltl i bfcrlM Hal)
who glvei I'Ibuiuu , tir t"ii, " ' ,ai
nfBi-4 eriilrve. did uti January g ih 1VI ,
flit la tbli usAr aalttluly parroborfUvst a,i'H
tloo lt vo u leal ami ae ur ibe CMt vital Inn of
)uut MoaiaateaO Knirff. No, serial Nu '
natlrMerrb IviblvlO, fur W',, N',Htt'4,
of ftexllou I, Towuiblu .a. Hodtb, :...
Kaal Wiilanirtir Mefliliati.aiid aa ground! ti
lilir.nil.Bl iirallreeli.altal'1 ha f lta M .. )-
lu wholly ebaudotivd said eulr. 1 hi i-ii-i
reiiaiillsiifd or ami malum trMldei
tuade ati luipiui etuebU tliertMiii, aud Im
abaauled li liner! I and rliaiieil tils rwtdi in
t&errfrom artr alnr lha data of enlrv.
Yoa are, ihenfora, further notified that lb
aid allegation! will ue taken m Wmlatad,
aud your aald cnlrjr w (II to rinn-lnl mw i
farther right to be heard, either bafore ihip
office or on a,eal. If niU fad tuhh
uttra wllhln twenty days after Hit- FOURTH
publication of this notice, aa tfeovrn below,
jour ana war under oath, ioe n ally rvapund,
log lo thaoe allagafljnt ol oonlaat, tugelhvi
with due proof that yuu hair gorvad a iop) i
your anawer on tha MM gMitagtatit either la
leereon or bf raglfteroi mall
Yuu Bhoui-I alata in mur i
lha lauat uSlc tu wftlrlt
In vour anM ir the ubiio
tot) drin ln'ii i
notice to be eriit to you
Wu I anna, ll g III I
Data of ntal oubltraUun Juuary hhi. I r
liale of aarund bubllreilon Fabruarf tti ll"
Date of third tmtdlratlnn Kathruar) 1Mb Ivl -Iateuf
fourth uubllta'h.n rri-ruen RMh UrJ
Httrna. Oregon, Januaf gg, l- I
Ni.iii r laheraby glvau thai Matth a n llllatna,
u( Ueiu, Oregun, whti, on rlnign :, I -I '.
raade Homeatead fcuiry. No gftgBf, lorWJ4(
Iff Uou i, Tuwaablp at' ktoutb, katigw
RU K., Wlllauella aferltflatxi baa riled notlre
of lo leu Uou to make flnal thrrc eer Brft) t
ratal. lith rlaltn to lha land gtova daj
before kaglatrr aud Roaelter, at Humi, On
fun, ou tha Jftlh dag wf Frbruar), 1 vl
rial want natnaaaa wltuaaaea
W J Hiuu, ltiT I'fl.f. Andrew Palertou
Adam ( obv. allof Utrti, OtWgfM
Ha fAMBK. tti-glaiii
Now on. Call and see the big
reduction in prices. Listing
of goods will appear in this
space next week.
County warrants taken at
par in trade.
My general line of
Is Complete
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Agt. Buick Automobiles
Cattle Raisers in Conven
tion Adopt Resolution
The Horse and Cattle Raisers'
Association of this state held a
convention at Prineville the fore
purt of this week which resulted
in a closer and more harmonious
understanding among the men
'iiKiu.i-d in that business. The
following resolution was adopted
by the conventien:
"He it resolved by the members
of thin association that we favor
a law for eastern Oregon similar
to the one which the state of
Idaho has in regard to turning
cattle on the public range, viz.,
that any person turning upon the
public range female breeding cat
tle will keep therewith one pure
bred bull of the recognized beef
breed for every 26 females or
fraction thereof of 15 or over;
provided that two or more t er
gons shall join together in fur
nishing such bull when their ag
gregate number of female cattle
turned upon the range is from 15
to 25; that a severe penalty be
provided for any violation thereof;
that a copy of there resolutions
be sent to each of our represent
atives for eastern Oregon now in
the state legislature, and request
them to have the same drafted
into a law at this term of the leg
islature, to take effect the first
day of April. 1916."
Say there's going to be some
good pictures at Tonawama this
L'NtTgO !-tTB" liiNtil'MK l I
Hurua, oregtiti, JaMii . .. I I I
Nullre la hereby at ven that Milton t h - glirr.
uf Aiidrewa. Oregon, who, ou May 1 liav. tuadi-
llontaeiead entry. No OSUbt), for NH'
Tuvruabln to Muuth, Range XI Kaal. Wlllaru
alia Meridian , haa ft led not Ik- ol I men
lluotooraka float five year irof . (oeatahlith
claim lo tha laud above deorrl'aett, bafora
Oeo A. ttmyth. Jr., U. t t.'otoKilaalonrr at hi
ofBfe al AUdrawa, OregoU. on the IMh da of
Kebmary. lllo
t latniani uimfl aa wltneaaea
Jacob Thomaaa, t'haa. Turner. Norman
MufTuian, Kdward Carlaon , allof Andrew a,
ttN KAKMK. Il-fc.fci.-.
rxiTKn sTAiae UaJB MratOB,
Burns. OffaBaBi Jsiiusry.i, I'M .
Kutic i lisreby l vin thst Jesse K.
Harasr.llrssuB.wliu. us Hscrinlier . 1'HHi.iiis'li'
lloinsstssit Kulrjr, No utass, fur MUM., -oc.
Hi. ii 1. Tnwuslilii ii H . Ilsnsn.14 I . tt lilsm. ii.
Msrlillsn hssalsd uutlrsof intfitilun in sjaks
llaal ftvsysar proul (u rsutllsli claim talks
laud above dsscrlU'd, before Ibi Saalaiaraiiil
Hsrslfsrat Harm. Oregon, ou the I 1 da) "I
i Uinisnt uanirs as wltnsassi
XUrr Hu klamt ami J . 1.. Ixiec I11.1I1..1 Mm
aes, Oregon. Llnnls Vlcksrs, of Hm haasii,
Oregon. Hubert Irving, uf Hartinv, OrcgiM,
we raaaa.Ki'Kisli 1
Hums. Orsguu, Jauuar 14, III
Notlre Is hereby given Ibst Baafs Millar, ul
'Isles, Orsgnn, who, ou JuiieJc, Itllandjlll
'27, luU ri' tlvel) ins'lc HoulrKUmil Kutrle.
No U6l-r7ai, for8W.NEi,NlNk',.Mi,
H'H. Nkl.NKU, Sw , .i n .:- H . i:i,.-.. I
K , nlllauieils Msililisu. hss filed liolli n af In
tstitluu to make final three year aruoi taastali
llsk rlalm tu the land above aaaerlned, before
(Isorge A Smyth, II. B. Oommlsalonvr si his
uBi'i at Audrstts, Orsguu, on the .orii dsy ol
Februsry. lain.
1 lalmaiu namssss allursscsr
Rafus (Isorge, I. ki. Mr Dade, Oliver Mi 1 arty,
Juhu Mi I on sll uf Willi. Oregon,
Wa KlKKS. Krgiili r.
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
Proa (amp House andtfeeding Privileges in Corral
or Ham. Customers Care For Own Stock.
W. A. GOODMAN. Adinin.W n j
, -,..,.ft a UK vuuuilUBs
BBl .
l" I TTZ a
We have a complete stock of
Seasonable Goods
Come and see the great variety
For Everybody
The Burns Deptutment Store
Mrs. Watts, who has been ill
at the home of her sister. Mrs.
. B. Reed, is improving.
In Hie matter uf Hie Knlatr 1
of (
F. Crews Croitou. Doc'd. I
To W. T. Croxton, Mnry I. CroatOB,
Robert Croxton ami Nut itlic Croiton,
OF OltKUON, you are hereby cited and
raqulrad to appear In Ilia County Cotirl ul'
tlie State ol Oregon, for Harney County,
at the Court Room theru ul at Hum , In
tha Ouiiuly o( Harney ou Mundav, the
10th iluy of March. l'Jl.ri. at 111 ul... k
in the forenoon of that day, then ami
thereto show cause, if any eiint. uhv
tha Kcal property, to-wit: H' NW4
aud Lota 1 aud 'i of Sec. is, Twp
S., K. 34 B. W. M., LkIoiixuik to aiiid
eatate should not lie sold.
WJTNBHH: Tha Hon. II C. Uttfa,
Judge of the County Court ol tho Stala
of Oregon, for the County ol llurm ly
with lha Uual of aald Court aflml
thla lafhdayol Feb., A. H. I'll ..
It. T. llughet, (Turk.
By Walter T. Htrtuk, Deputy Clerk
Printed in accordance with legal
nquiremenU on short notice at
Job Rooms
I aaaaaai
We do it right