The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 06, 1915, Image 1

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The Biggest County In The State
Of Oregon, Best In The West
The Biff est City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon
NO. 13
Early Covering of Snow Protects Fall
Sown Grain and Greater Amount
Snow Fall Means More Moisture.
Ground in Best condition to Absorb
As it is Not Frozen Very Deep
With everything favoring a
good season for crops thin yr:ir
and indications of further rail-
road activities the Harney conn-
try may look forward to a pros-
perous season. While there isn't
as much snow in the high moun-
tains as is common at this time
of year the lower hills and moun
tains have a greater amount.
More snow has fallen in this par
ticular section than for several
years previous and as the ground
is not frozen
moisture will,
to any depth this er in cue valley realizes u is nee
under usual condi- essary to conserve the Reed water
tions during the break up period and that regardless of his pie
sink into the ground Instead of nt facilities for irrigation that
running off as it does when the
ground is frozen deep. A tele
phone call from the Purington
,'nill states the snow is four feet
deep at that point and on the
Trout creek mountains it is quite
deep therefore we are going to
have some water, even though
there is less snow in Bear Valley
than usual. In fact there is yet
plenty of time for more on the
high mountains.
The early fall of snow has fur
nished a protection to winter
grain which is fortunate. Even
now there is practically no BttoW
in other parts of Eastern Oregon,
especially in what is know as the
wheat belt and farmers are con
fident they will have to seed
again in the spring. This is not
the case in this territory.
A much larger acreage will be
put under cultivation in this Val
ley this year, a report to the rail
road last fall showing a consid
erable amount of new land clear
ed and broken up and the winter
grain acreage is larger than in
former years. The mark t con
ditions are also favorable as
wheat is Quoted higher now than
at any time in the history of the
United States. While local
growers will not likely compete
with outside markets, there will
u .mi f Mitilf in
u aun--
this county to feed the turning
year as well as hogs and other
Stock and the price is bound to
Burns Meat Market
Packing Plant
Fresh Meats, Poultry
Home Products for Home Consumers
WE wish to announce inai aiong wim u
Rexall line of Medicines and Toilet
Articles we have secured the Famous
line of Family Remedies and Toilet Articles
Each preparation guaranteed
or money refunded
The Rexall Drug Store
The Burns
Best Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Room, Good Care and Com
fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
i be good.
; In Iwping with other forward
movements for the development
of this big country there should
be active interest in the matterof
irrigation. Other sections of the
east part of the state are active in
this work that have not the ad-
vantages we enjoy and by work
ing in harmony on some fixed
plan, we may be able to accom
plished much good toward the
end right now. Kvery lain! own-
a modern system of distribution
and conserving of the water will
be W his advantage. Many havi
oil en nl views as to now tins is
to be accomplished but we must
all decide on one plan and carry
it to completion. Kvery day of
delay means considerable.
The adjudication of the water
rights of Silvies will be brought
to b doae just as early as condi
tions will permit and each Indivi
dual should aid in hurrying this
along regardless of his personal
opinion of the matter. The state
Board is going to finish this work
and it doesn't make any differ
ence what individuals think of it
this matter mu.-t be brought to a
close before anything else of a
permanent character can be done
with the irrigation problem of
this Valley.
Keep these matters in mind as
il is going to be put UP to you in
the immediate future and you
must be ready to meet this for
ward movement to further devel
opment of this big country.
Notice to Stockholders.
Notice is hereby given that the
annual meeting of Harney County
Kair Association win oe nciu m
Burns on Mondav, Feb. 8 for the
purpose of electing a board of
directors for the year and trans-
act any other business
as mignt
come before the meeting.
.1. M. DAlvro.s I'iiK.s.
Getting Poles Delivered
For New Phone System
Jamee Weston, who recently
secured a franchise from the
city authorities to install another
telephone exchange, has teams
now at work brinRinR down
poles from the mountains for
wiring the city. He now has
four big teams at this work and
as soon as any amount of the
poles are on the ground they will
be set and proper arms placed to
carry the wires.
Mr. Weston will remain here
and superintend the work until
completed, in the meantime the
line connectintr from Juntura to
Harriman and on Into Burns will
be pushed to completion. This
is the outlet line from this place
by which outside business will be
cared for over the new line.
The continuation of the line on
west from Harriman to connect
with Lawen, Narrows and on to
the Warm Spring section will
also be prosecuted to completion.
The independent line from Silver
Creak is to connect with this city
we understand and Mr. Weston
has acquired rights and lines
into Harney so he will start off
with a good territory by the time
he is ready to open the exchange
in Hums.
The Juntura Times has the fol
lowing to say representing the
local exchange in that city instal
led by Mr. Westen: The ex
change here in Juntura is a credit
to a town of five thousand, and
if Mr. Weston equals this ex
change in the Hums system the
people of that place can shake
hands with themselves.
A ch&ncsd h youth one !.
At tajUl 'tin thim llir Irnrinlt say
Ami asked In in whin (lie cliicl iloeiir,
lo which Inn fniicy imlii ntpirr.
in OM Miml! haii'l Ue hrl.l a wuud,
Of power, which, in every laml.
AnmMtril ly her leulu
louM chuiiKt) a wish to rraltr.
lint OM must follow loyally.
Condition which she, royully,
linpoKtil on him, nor deviate
One least iota from thin fate.
riii- youth aiii'iilnl cheerily,
The while In. wits ran merrily:
I'll iliooso Surer, for it will foriiijj
lo me aliunilant Wealth Slut h'nmr.
Ami with them comrs an Honored
A'u me.
So, all in one.'- Sueerti I'll claim'
In . i r i ilhiiiij 1 unilertiike,
1 inii-t Httceeed! My all I stake'
I'll not demur, nor count the coat,
In thin purauit, i lie all in loal '
Tlieluiry pondered inmiiiKlv.
Then eyed the youth uccuainifly:
Your claim's Immense:' And yum M
Tf uiiaccnila the ImiiiihIi ol jusl Irullion'
However. I will Ici-cp my word;
So take thmluill ol silken cord;
Anil w hi'iiadie.imol yoiiiacouieH true,
Vim limit a ikein of thi undo!
And cut it oir, nor wind iiKuiii"
In me iii o'er and it were vain,
To readjust it. Let it lie,
Where'er It full, until you die'
An day ly day, uud year hy year,
He won the things hie heart held dear,
The tilings on which he'd Maked
his all
The iii.ui unwound the precioue hull
No boon he craved wae e'er denied,
Vet he was Mill uneatiefied.
One day 'twas found the cord wuskouc
Ami that same day his life wae dune.
Mrs. Maths J. H. UknsoN.
Think This Over.
When a newspapers gives you
a lot of free advertising in order
to boom some concert or enter
tainment in which you are inter
ested, keep track of the linen
that are printed week by week
and multiply that number by the
regular abvertiaing rateB of the
paper and compare the remits
with the actual money value of
any favor that you get from any
other business concern. Then
take into consideration the fact
that advertising and circulation
are the only two things that a
newspaper has to sell. Now, in
t l , l-i u if liiirlu.r iiri,osl linu.'
....V.O. s.-.,.. . ......... r..v-, ......
much do you think It ought to,1 (lu,M' :;" ' ""'' ,ul c" ""l
give away? Kx. there has been much gross exag-
geration. From two-lift lis to
Billiousnass and Constipation Cured.
troubled with
If you are ever
biliousness or constipation you
will be interested in the state -
ment of H. F. Erwin, Peru, Ind.
"A year ago last winter I had an
attack of indigestion followed by
biliousness and constipation,
Seeing Chamberlain's Tablets so
highly reccommended, I bought
a bottle of them." For sale by
all Dealers.
Government Statistics Contradict Re
ports That Prices Will Reach Un
precedented Figures. Nations now
Warring Have not Drawn Horses
In so Great Numbers as Reported
For the first time in many
information collected by
the department of agriculture
shows that all classes ot livi
stock in the United States are in-
creasing in numbers. Thus the
real facts contrndict, absolutely,
sensational reports that prices
for meat and shoes would rise to
unprecedented litrtircs in the im
mediate future. It has been said
that a (iovernment statistician
predicted meat at .r0 cents a
pound and shoes at $10 a pair
within the next two years. Such
a prediction, the real liovernmont
statisticians say, is quite unwar
ranted. On January 1, for example, the
number of beef cattle showed an
increase of 8.4 per cent over the
number a year ago, and an actual
increase of 1.212,000 head. Hith
erto the number ol beef cattle in
the United States has declined
steadily since 1010. There nre
also more milch cows in the coun
try man nisi year, me nun a e
being 2.f per cent, or in numbers
525,000. Swine, however, show
ed the greatest increase of all
classes 9.6 per cent. On .lanu
ary 1. 101 I, there were only 68,
988,000 swine in the country; on
January 1. L916, 64,618,000. 'Ihs
is accounted for by the fact that
production of swine can be
increased more rapidly than that
of other classes of live stock and
consequently an enlarged demand
can be nut more leadily.
The prediction of fiU-eent meat
and $10 shoes wns accompanied
by the declaration that France
alone has taken from America
nearly 800,000 horses within the
last five month:-, and that the
other countries at war have
drawn upon our resources in the
same proportion. The facts are
that more horses were on the
farms of the United State; OB
January 1. 1015, than there were
the year before, the increase be
ing 2IW.000 head, or 1.1 per cent.
So far from France alone having
taken 300,000 horses from us, the
total exports since the war began
have certainly been mui h less
than 100,000 and very likely not
over 75,000. Since there are ap
proximately 25.000,000 horses al
together in the United States,
the drain on account of the war
is scarcely alarming.
It is. in fact, pointed out by
Government statisticians that
the market value of farm horses
has actually declined to such an
extent that the average is now
about $0 a head loss than a year
ago. This decline is must no
ticeable in the cotton states and
in those states which make a
business of breeding horses for
sale in other sections. Mules
have declined even more than
horses, their value being now
$11.50 per head less than a year
ago- The explanation is to be
found in the depression on ac
count of the cotton situation in
the south, which is the great
market for mules. An improve
ment in this respect will do much
to restore the demand for horse:,
so that (iovernment specialists,
while ridiculing the notion of a
horse famine, are convinced that
farmers will find it profitable to
use good work mares for breed
ing more stock,
As for hides, the situation is
. ,
less than one-half of the leather
used in this country is imported,
,Bbout ':t,r tent of lho foreiK"
hides coming rrom Argentina, 10
rur cent from Canada. 11 ier
cent from Mexico, 84 per cent
from European Kussia, and 74
from France. Since the outbreak
of the war importations have
shown a certain falling off, those
of September, 1914. for example,
being only H5, 000, 000 pounds, in
Btead of 45,000,000 pounds the
year previous. There Is, how-
ever, little reason to suppose that
tKis decrease will be permanent
or of sufficient importance tocre-
a'e any real scarcity. Since the
great hulk of the imported hides
comes from countries that are
not. at war, shipments nre not
interfered with in any way, and
the only new factor to be consid
ered is the possibility of an in
creased demand by the warring
It is believed, however, that
the United States is now in a bet
ter condition to face such a situ
ation than for years past. The
tide, it seems, has turned. In
stead of live stock steadily de
creasing year after year, this
year for the first time, as has
been said, all classes show an ai
preeiable increase. Including
horses, mules, milch cows, beef
cat lie, sheep and swine, there
were on January 1, 1915, 7,712,
000 more farm animals in the
United States than on January 1,
1114. The increase in the total
value was $7H,024,000 or L8 per
cent. It is quite true that this
increase is not yet proortional
to the increase in population,
which is approximately 2 per
cent; but the fact that there is
an increase, that the tide seems
definitely to have turned, is re
garded as a sufficient answer to
alarming exaggerations and mis
leading figures.- U. S. Depart
ment of Agriculture Mews Ix?t-
Believe in Your Town.
If you live in a town you should
believe in it. If you don't believe
your own towi or city is a little
better in most resjicets than any
of its neighbori, you should move
out. Like other places, it has
advantages that others have not,
and your modesty should not pre
vent you from making that fact
known whenever the opportunity
prevents itself. At home or
abroad, whether pursuing plea
sure or engaged in business, do
not neglect to give those you
come in contact with to under
stand that you live in a town
populated by interesting, wide
awake, goahead people and one
that is advancing instead of re
trograding, If you can truthfully speak in
commendation of the ability of
your professional men, the square
dealing methods of your business
men, the excellence of your me
chanics, the superiority of your
churches, schools and public in
stitutions and industry, energy
and sobriety of your citizens, let
nothing prevent you from exer
cising that privilege. You should
learn to believe, if you do not al
ready, that we have all these and
in addition the beat located town,
the finest country aurrdundingit,
with the most intelligent people
to be found.
If there are any drawbacks it
will not be necessary to mention
them. The people and news
papers of competing towns will
relieve you of that task by atten
ding to that part of it themselves.
Strangers seeking locations are
always v really influenced in
favor any town whose citizens
are enthusiastic in their praise of I tho colds themselves that you
It. No city or town expects to ' need to fear, but the serious dis
attain prominence over its rivals eases that they so often lead to.
unless its inhabitants appreciate For that reason every cold should
excellence and virtues of each bo gotten rid of with the least
other anil will collectively spread possible delay. To accomplish
abroad their faith in the present this you will find Chamberlain's
prosperity and future greatness Cough Remedy of great help to
of their locality. Talk is a cheap you. It loosens a cold, relives
commodity but when rightly
utilized it can be made effective ' enames me system 10 mrow on
in many directions and this Is 'the cold. For sale by all dealers,
one of them. Ex.
For rent-200 acres, 80 on flat
Shooting is positively forbidden j and under irrigation balance
on my farm near Burns and 1 grazing, near Burns, good house,
shall prosecute any one found ' barn etc. Inquire at this office,
trespassing. There will be no
favors shown in this respect. -II.
B. Mace. We do job printing.
.I'rutii Our Portland Correspondent)
From ftgurei recently compiled
at the Portland Union Stockyards
it would appear that unless there
is a radical change, on the pail
of the farmers, in the bundling
of tht hog business, in a short
time Oregon will be rfgbl back
in the position occupied a few
years ago-almost no breeding
stock on hand, record brtakinir
prices in the local markets on ac
count of the inevitable shortage
of supply and another hurry call
on the Middle West for brood
sows to restock the empty pens.
And this deplorable condition is
being brought about by the pres
ent abnormally high price of
wheat, and also to the fact that
a large number of hog raisers
throughout the state neglect to
grow the necessary feed on which
to finish their crop of ork and
on which the surplus stock can
be economically carried through
the winter.
During a period of seven con
secutive days, ending the past
week, 12,000 hogs were received
at the Portland yards, only a
small percentage of which were
really fit for killing, the balance
apparently having been shipped
to avoid the expense of carrying
them until spring. The certain
result of these excessive shi-
ments will be a ruinous falling
off in values, a wiping out of the
hog surplus of last fall. Oregon
soil and, climate is suited to the
production of corn, field peas and
alfalfa, all of which are splendid
hog feed, and until the farmer
plants more extensively of these
crops and thus makes himself
independent of outside assistance
the hog industry will be at the
mercy of any influence which
may affect the prices of wheat
and other jrrains in the North
west For several weeks past the
management of the Hose Festival,
to be held June 9 10 11, has
been Carry log on a slogan cam
paign, offering $25 for the phrase,
not exceeding eight words, which
should best represent the spirit
of the season and of the Festival.
more than 5,000 slogans weie
submitted in this contest and the
judging committee, COtnpoeod of
a large number of representative
business men, finally awarded
theprioe to Mr. J. C. Cooper,
manager of the Yamhill Walnut j
Experiment Station, at McMinn
ville, and the phrase "The Whole
World Knows the Portland Hose"
has been adopted as the official
slogan of the 1015 Festival.
Following the sale of 00,000
of yellow pine in the vicinity of
Bend, it is expected that the
manufacturing of lumber in Cen
tral Oregon will be commenced
on a large scale, it is stated
that the timber belt of Central
j Oregon is approximately 135
miles long by 50 miles wide, and
that in the territory tributary
to Bend alone, there is at least
20,000,000,000 feet of good saw
A campagne has been started
at Albany to sell $25,000 worth
of cannery stock, work on the
construction of a co-operative
cannery to commence as soon as
the stock Ha)es amount to $15,000.
The preliminary meeting wns at
tended by more than 100 farmers
and fruit growers of Linn and
Benton counties. A limit of $50
worth of stock to each subscriber
has been set, and it will there
fore be necessary to interest 500
growers in order to raise the
Daners of a Cold.
Do you know that of all
minor ailments colds are by
the most dangerous? It is
the lungs, aids expectoration and j
Ascertain Quantity of Water Required
During Certain Periods and on the
Different Forage Crops. Range
Conditions Causes Amount Water
Required to Vary Considerable
In connection with the examin
ation of range conditions on the
National Forests, the Forest Ser
vice has recently made a study of
the watering facilities on each
forest where grazing is possible.
According to the announcement
of the district forester, capacity
of all grazing allotments is now
fairly well known, but the recent
study was designed to ascertain
if the existing water supply is
sufficient for the needs of the
stock on each allotment.
It was known that stock using
different kinds of forage needed
different amounts of water in
order to keep in the best condi
tion, but exact figures were lack
ing. This study has developed
the fact that in the Cascade
Mountains one sheep will require
per day:
On pine grass range, green, 1
quart; on pine grass, dry, 2
quarts; on bunch grass (low,
green) 1 quart; on bunch grass
(high mountain, green) dew or 4 holders in Burns on February 20
pint; bunch grass (low, dry) 1 land it is requested that all stock
quart; bunch grass (high mour.-' holders who can be present at
tain, dry) 2 quart. this meeting as matters of im-
On the dry mountain range portance are to be considered,
east of the Cascades, or in east-' P. G. Smith, President.
ern Oregon and Washington, on,
pine grass, Geyer's sedge, bunch ; sick Headache.
grass, and dry meadow range, sick headache is nearlv always
in the early spring cattle require cau8Cd by disorders of the itom
6 gallons of water per day. On acn. Correct them and the peri
the same forage sheep with odic attacks of sick headache will
lambs need 1 gallon per day. and disappear. Mrs. John Bishop of
dry sheep but 4 gallon. This is
where the animals are salted on year ago I was troubled with In
the range. In the late spring, digestion and had sick headache
early summer and early fall, on
the same class of forage and un-
der like conditions, cattle require
74 gallons of water per day,
sheep with lambs 14 gallons and
dry sheep 1 gallon per day. Dur-
ing the summer cattie require 10
gallons per day, sheep with
lambs 2 gallons and dry sheep 14
On high mountain range, with
weeds, damp meadows, or browse
Breakfast 5:30 to 9
Mac's Restaurant & Bakery
Located in the new Levens Building
W. R. McCuistion, Prop.
Supper 5 to 8
The Burns Flour Milling Co.
Manufacturers of home products
The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable
Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds
You Patronize Home when you deal here
Is The Place to Trade
First: Promptness, accuracy and fairldealing.3
Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Drugs, Chemi
cals and Druggist Sundries.
Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be just as
represented or your money refunded.
If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be
come one and be convinced.
J. C. Welcome, Jr.
salted cattle will require per day,
in late spring, early summer and
early fall, 5 gallons of water,
whereas sheep with lambs under
these conditions will require 1
gallon, and dry sheer) i gallon.
During the summer, cattle on
this class of forage and under
similar conditions will require 7
gallons, sheep with lambs 14 gal
lons, and dry sheep 1 gallon per
With these figures and those
for the forage capacity of the
range, the amount of water nec
essary for any range may be
determined easily. If the avai'
able water is not sufficient to
meet the needs of the range, the
Forest Service plans to undertake
the development of known sour
ces of water and thus increase
the supply.
Notice to Stockholders.
The Burns Flour Milling Co.
will hold a meeting of the stock-
Roseville. Ohio, writes: "About a
that lasted for two or three days
at a time. I doctored and tried a
number of remedies but nothing
helped me until during one of
those sick spells a friend advised
me to take Chamberlain's Tablets
This medicine relieved me in a
short time." For sale by all
Dry cleaning and pressing at
the Burns Steam Laundry. 4tf.
Dinner 11:30 to 2
Short orders at all hours