The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 30, 1915, Image 4

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1 The Girl of Mystery
Ceeyrtgat, 114. All ato'laf. pillar.
rights rtitrved b v lk I'olvcnal I 'I !m
Mania c(arla Compam. ehich I
now rvhlh'llaf, Ihls predattloa In
ksdlflf thrs(r. Inlrinfcracnu. itl
re vlteroeslv prosecalcd.
VaJuabla Boveriimrntftl papcra are Btalea '
ay Thompson, fellow if heubqn ni
larnatlonal ipy. from lirneml Lot, arhnra
Loubeque hates. In Manila. Love's i
tar Lucille fllee to a steamer to i
tho paper In order to clear th name ol
Lieutenant Gibson, whom aha lovre.
Loubeque, tamperlna with tlie wireless
on the ataamar. la hurt. Liu-llte BUI I
him In an attempt to recover the papei .
Lurlllt ten the pipers, but the ahlp la
wracked 8ha la can aahor on a I's. He
laland and U taken by a native chief in
hie hot to nuree hie alck child.
The native child la restored to baattn,
and lb grateful natlvea Idol lie Lu II
Loubeqae, also caat ashore, tries van. -us
plana to recover tha papers, but In van.
Loubeque. jamed. forts a mn-'K"
from a neighboring chief to lure Lu ills
away from her friends. She falls lata s
pitfall. losing the documents.
Loubeque's native aid stenls the pet"'
from his master, and Lucille takea tin m
from tha native after ha la killed b) s
lion. She finds and follows an Older
ground passage In tha Jungle.
Lucllla falla Into the hands of a tribe
of ape men, whoae leader dropa a Bee It
lace of priceless rubles, which she lakes
She and Loubeque are rescued from the
laland by a yacht commnmled by GaBnata
The girl and loubeque are set aarlrt in
an open boat by Wetherell after she re
pulses th captaln'a advances, and he
takea th papers.
Saved by fishermen. Lucille and Lee
beque are In China. Aa she pas-", s
house Loubeque's diary la thrown i ier
mysteriously She tries to hoard a vessel
bound for America. Loubeque recover
the paper from Wetherell.
Lucille stows away, la caught and
drrssee aa a cabin boy with the aid af
tha captain of the steamer In order to
search Loub"iuc's stateroom for tha pa.
per He cut. Iiee her at work.
Loubeque takea the papers from Lucille.
Landing at San Francisco she is s.-l-naped
by the aa and held a plkauaer in
Louoeque's house by Thompec.ii
She throws i .Tiessaue from her window
to the c.iptnlTi of the boat, who :
the house, and a tight follow, which Lou
beque wins. He Is hurt, and she takes
and hides the paper, Tbotnpa m trie I
steal the rubles
At Lourwque s ranch In Hi Bsea, M
which Loubeque takea Luri.le. the girl Is
befriended by a mysterious stearic
helps her to escape after she Mr ikes n
Lucille fir), across the border sua
meets Lieutenant Caresady an army
friend. Hi puis her aa a trans I
Francisco, tin the trata is Tbompai n.
watching her
Thompson Heals the necklace froBi Lu
cllle, and Loubeque takes the papers fri n
her after she enters hl
them. Loubeque accuses Thompson of
being a traitor to hlrn
Loubeque chokes Thompson into sub
mission He tskes the girl again i" Maa
Ico. but she flees ngnln with I
her mysterious friend, taklnir wuh hf Mm
papers and tho rubles.
Lucille, stunned In an BfrftHrtfrl to her
strange friend's automobile, Ik raoapturad
by Loubeque. In Ban Francisco she es
capes again and pledges the rubles for
To win loubeque's admiration Lucille
dance a a cabaret performer in a li.ite'.
shocking Lieutenant Glb'on She lnler
repts a message telling Loubeque t.- d
ilver the papers to an edBeer af lb D s
8 Terror Tlu.rnpsoii tries to take his
master by surprise.
HU'TKK XXII OoaiiiwadJ
lllc bOt lei thief's BPprf ll,i ill U-1
bark from in teettl, giving him I ii- l
press) t .ill .lli.TJ' BMOgTal dug
" yiu Ibuogbl to i ! i Willi nil'!
LtinlNiea niuiiiiiireil WuuOVrlllgty,
mnre i" himself tbnn lu his . . In
'The mini arbo kuutra me better Ibnn
any one else tboutfbl lu ralrb l.mii rqur
siecpins. Yon dared rum urai m
after the second nfl.iir If I but
the Unie I slMBId struuBle yon with
these bands TUr) Itcb im tin- feel
of your throiit one. mora i Dave d
little favor to ink yuu"-
Tbe tiller growled autnetblag Innr
ticulate. urid bis eyea gill tared ran
jmotmly as In; fuatabed theiu upon ttsf
loea of his boots.
'Now rti(iiiiisou. Just stop lo die and nil up the desk down
stairs lie OHsda ' Blgnlfleanl little
gesture with the revolver in in band
last the man hurriedly look down Hie
res-elver, bin fuee a pu-ty yellow
"Say there is a botes! aneitk ihief lu
Mr Lonberjue's aparliiient waiting to
bo arrested Mr l.oiiiiecii. has no
time lo make rttarg' no'., nut will
return shortly or meet the ptocaaalon
downs talra."
Tbe receiver droppad clattering from
tbe thief's hand. Loubeijue waved He
autoiniitlr ijnletly toward It and. as Ms
pitiful eyes of bis former servant met
bla own, tbey read no pity that noth
liili save a cold, vlndl'the Intent. The
trembling hand took up tlie raced.
one more and. word for word, trans
mitted the bMssMM as It fell like ley
particles from tlie spy's lips Then
TbomnviU whirled tuuanl lilm.
"Turn me over, will you! Well, listen
to what's coining to 3"U when you do
IL I know a tlilUK or two"
"Vou know too iiiinli." KinlletJ tbe
apy coolly. "That Ih i-ni'ily the reason
1 um dlaposing of"
"And I know about her." The thief
hand waved toward tlie corridor
"Maybe I can't tell a tiling or two
about yon and her. What's she doing
here what's the reason rlie got "" ""
Empress and stuck to jo" ever sln e"
The revolver Hlaiipcd Igatoal the op
poslte wall ai LoubacjO hurleil It at
the man's bead, following It with his
flying body, bla frame crashing the
man to the floor, bis fingers groping
for the vile mouth that spluttered on.
"I ain't saying ns what you and me
know I'm aaytng as what I can tell
and wbat It'll look like. Wliat"-
Loubenue turned bis heat) suddenly,
bis cars fairly peaked with the eager
nesa of bis listening. Tlie rattle of tbe
elevator outside readied tils ears. He
aprang to bis feet, dragging the butler
after blm.
"We muat get ouL" be breathed
hoarsely. "We must away before tbey
come. I'll I'll kill you-for tbU"
Swiftly the pair darted through Hie
door and down tbe hall. I-nuhopic
hiirrledly twisted tho knob to Lucille'
door. It flung open. With a gasping
sob of relief ho dragged Thompson
after him and slapped tlie door shut.
maintaining his bold meantime
"And that la what you would say
would tell?" Ills voice was not harsh.
not even Indignant, merely curious.
Tbat'a wbat!" Thompson straight
ened n touch of braggadocio about bla
verv ligure
Slowlv inevoriiM.i. th finger of
lingo I.onlM'Ojnc re:i lied out and grasp
I cil the man'- wrlt Slowly, Ineiorn
' M. he pres-ed the cold metal of the
i automatic Iron Into tbe ustlaoa palm
Slowly. Inexorably, that weapon bear
ing hand "' lifted, lifted until It
pre "I'd win I the blueing lip of the
thief, tlnn to"M.d l."iileqn'a voice
wis soft. pin. lug settling.
"Open the teeth, in.i old friend -open
them or IV kno, k them outl Pot
the gun ins, do QMiufli, It'a alm
ple mill a -is olid then i longer trip
than vou've rut taken before. Don't
fight It's useless inn should know
that Snrelv praaj won't resist and
m ike It h.inl foi inn master. Jllat
think If vou don't I might b called
a mo .'eier while-if you follow lo-
i - It'a juat aulcld"-
With every syllable be rendered the
wrist of the struggling man more fee
lib- fori cd the steel muaale of tbe gun
moil 'l more harshly against tho
! tender tutus. Aa he pronounced his
tin ii ltdgflMt, the Judgment he hoped
would prove tbat of a coroner, the
! muffled -hot beat against the walls of
i he room ThomiMion writhed, then
si alglitoned. Loubeque held tightly
b. I he wrists until rigor mortis grip-
1 in-il I hem about the weapon.
As I. ". llla Btood In the doorway of
loiiiiequ.'s room, ber eyea always
I,.. ii .suspicious to lb slightest trifle
win o : i '"lit the man. observing that
n- in- talked with her his eye were
fa it lied upon the gloved hnud. lu
-' mill it bad atruck br aa strange he
ah old wear a glove In bla room. Then
i iiu iiiuglit the reflection of his eyes
: sod saw tbe mirror flashing In that
i palm fie eyea of tbe man watching
th Mlna leading to bis liedcbam-
bi i I'll, y swayed slightly Then she
. adieus, for sbe knew Lou
. wna not alone.
hi her own room she paced the floor
i um -:. What did It menu Some
I inn- ha. I .iitered Loubeque's room, was
-i' Ilia nKin him. and the aurrvptltlous
I' i -en. bad been discovered Tbe
visitor wna under aurveillnuce. Hut
a ',,. could tbat vlaltor be? Wbat was
k lie II' e?
'Minn' -on Gibson; Gluaou Thomp
-I !'.r sweetheart and the butler-ilii-r
i." h might have motives for sucb
an ettirj Tbat It related to the stolen
p ..peis aluj bad no doubt. Suppose they
Were t i .n by some other Just at this
kisi moment? But tbe man behind the
.mtalii- bad little If any rhanc
Inst l oubeque.
It was not curiosity merely that
made her place ber bead outside -the
n liul.ov Sb beard tbe mocking vole
or i.oni..iue. but dimly. Still it was
I: - m.i.i and surcharged with menace.
huu could abe galu an cniruii.e.
Ii .' -is- what waa transpiring?
Sbe ip.letly atepped to the fire ea
. i'i l.ui bigh and wide ledge sep
1. 1. 1 toil b. r from the Br escspe outside
I be Spy's suit. Sbe dared nut look
.! "" i il .red not tbluk. dared do notb
ii .- sai. heave a slgb of relief when
. fouud herself safe once more out
tie l be spy'a window It bad been
Bus) :i':.t all. She pes-ked within the
ruom, iruugllug a Utile expression of
.1 shame aa Thompson's threat
en me lu her ear. Breathlessly she
watched the men struggling upou the
floor, iiuible to understand the hurried
nt. . .1 of both from the room She
opened the window and slipped Inside,
tier b.'-'.m bearing ttiiuultuously at
tin- rt in.u j to Hcai.h the man's
i'be iluor slapped o i -ii Just aa abe
srai e, luring the drawer of tbe table.
She felt berwrlf seised by tbe wrists,
uttered a cry of protest and dismay
and (.leading, only to look luto strange.
She Opened the Window snj Slipped
brutal faces, the faces of house detec-tlw-s
and not Hie sunloiil. all y friendly
one of ljiilieque
"Nipped lu Hie act!' glutei! one of
lheiu. us be dragged tier toward the
door "'I'be glmrul dame b"1'
I'lotesilug, wis'plng. hysterical, Lu
.ill.- was dragged lo I he elevator and
bundled into cab (liable to tbink,
to i'.'.ihou. she only rciillj-d tb full
citiiil of hei calumny when the
gieeii globe before (he gilui police
station I. siined before ber ej ea.
She mighi line been iineonsi ioua, ao
little was -In u.tiiall) i, ware of wbat
was tl'unspliiiig Acute, lit merely
siibioiiNiiousI) so. she knew shu de
relided herself stoutly ngalust tho
charge of being a hotel sneak thief.
She feverishly cited the obvious rl-
db iiIoiimics of Hugo l.oiibc.pic'a mak
ing sijrh a . barge ugaluat her The nit
geiiui was frankly puzzled
ObrlokUaJj Ihls girl was not a thief.
The lii'llilant Idea Mi lick blm of suui
moiling the Jewell) from w Icin she
'claimed to hui'e nsimd Hie money.
! Also (be failure lo I'l'slUC jiiiIh-.I1U
I argued heavily against the boust- ,iiec
(lie's .use
And all Hie while Lucille pucaxl up
mid down the floor, while faced, mla
crablc ber Up moling us she inut
tensl "i'lir-lbjr(y this aftetuooii Kuslgu
Howell culls for tbe papers I'lve-tblr-(y
8 .'K I uiusl In- there must be
mllsl- must"
And (be station bouse rli. grinned
J wide derlslou at her. Its bunds polullng
' Irunleajly Inward the hour of )
An Ensign Feels His Dignity Offended.
IT l:n kid hill hriecu minute to 5
bcriii -In- fouud herself upon tha
Mi cot with tha Jeweler who bad
no In. I to ber assistance and, art
ci i burl . "inference with tb officers
mid delis lives, bad arranged ber re
lease, personally agreeing to produce
ber when desired,
"If you know Loubaqu baa th pa
dtf V) il
I 1
per, he ileinntidisj. -'why don't y6o
call on n poll, einan to protect you and
to rescue I bent?"
Lucille smiled Islutly at bla com
monplace advice, realising tha absolute
Impossibility of impressing anyone
with tho power of her enemy. And
abe must Inn ry to (he mysterious
bouse where Ensign Howell waa to
call at n 30, even ns she ilianked bar
friend, bidding him goodby at th door
of her inntnmir
Hurriedly she searched tb streets
for the mysterious residence of lingo
l.oiibeiine She had (en minute leeway
heroic Hie ensign waa due to call,
nmplc opportunity If sh bad not for
gotten any details of (be message Tb
bouse was n.aiiit. Just aa ab bad
thought It would be. fur Loubequ
would neier trust himself for a long
time to (he place that bad ouc bn
rallied II would suillce for this abort
lilt of business that waa all.
She lei her-elf easily lu by the door,
the suia-heil I... I of the raiding party
never bating hfen replaced Swiftly
mIic rushed through (he familiar room,
in (he stalk iliawer of th apy aba
found I nusliiim -l.ed automatic, lb
silencer nt III fasteniil on It. The front
door bell clanged
The last n. t in the play waa about to
In. begun I'.nslgti Howell waa at tba
door, unions the spy had detected her
trick In tampering with tb maoaaga
of ihe currier pigeon
Her right ban. I. which bad baen
clasping Hie i cMihcr concealed beneath
lur coat, unclasped, and a algb of
obvious relief came from her tip aa
tdic opened the (o greet a yuung
ensign lu uniform sh did nut quit
know Willi I she would lisle dull bad
It been l.oul.i'iiii'
"Liislgn llowe.l?" she murmured.
flushing prctlily at Hie admiration and
astonishment on Hie officer's face at
being gicctisl by su. h a vision. "I am
mtv sorry." she murmured hurriedly,
aa ho started to eider, "but Mr. Lou
baajM was obliged to leave hurriedly,
lie left word Unit he would surely be
nt any llnM comenleiit after 8:40."
"Any place convenient?" Tb offi
cer's (ones were more of surprise than
"Tbat Is." she hesitated, "wber It
would be coiiM'iilent for a cutter or
boat of some sort to take blm to tb
Terror. Thai iiiaHi'r Is of such Impor
tance he does not care thai Is"
Tata loiuig inn ti straightened himself,
his fac" w .-iiing an expression of
wouiiitisl dignity. Lucille heaved a
algb of nilcf
'That Is quite Mr. Luuheque' privi
lege," he snapped "I shall writ tb
address .. ii a . mil where the cutter Will
He so their can be no further mistake."
Lucille .1 -. i pl.-el (he card negligently,
holding hat eyes averted that be might
pot read tho 11'stns.v (hat fairly flooded
lb. in She wat. hod his ruler straight
I. a. k as It ill .appciiri-d down the street.
then ' ..i-i'.'.l the card feverishly to bar
hreii' t Iiu- II rM move had been made,
and aba had more than taken tb hon
or High lu-iit In ber heart bo
cause of the little victory. Sb snapped
ber teeth tightly shut Yea. tba papers
would Is- taken aboard th Terror, but
ii .t I'i Hugo l.oiiliequr. Neither would
Hi. ie bo anv iin.l.ult with them from
(he an h spy She wss ready for any
thing to .w
Laggard Una (or OSCa flew while she
Mailed the long Interval that waa to
elap-e before the nrtiviil of tb apy
I u . found "ii' e in.'ic tb tunnel
through Which she had been led, found
mysterious pa-sages and explored them,
stiidii.l out the position she would b
In when she - "inplctcd her work with
(he eni'iny who was (o com.
A sliii sounded overhead, slow, meojs
unsl. methislical Sbe prcoaed cloaa
again' t the - w itohbourd to tb bona
of mystery. Hie emanation of tb
niystcrli-s Her lingers trembled alight
ly. The feet uiovis) up (he stair. 8b
Malted, ling, is outstretched toward a
little Ivory button The cool aurfac
kissed lb.' linger pad. tha pad upon
which depeiidisl the honor of father
and sMeet heart, which spelled bom.
life, love n her
Hugo LOttbajqUs) moved slowly to Ills
private office on (he second floor. Ha
Mm.-ml sligntly aa be went up tb
stairs Oboata were III tba house,
ghost memories Hint he was about to
slay dually and forever
He seated himself at bis daak to
wait, wauii.iii.g off In a day dream
of pleasa liter memories Lulcllle bow
tier very presence here bad mad tb
place bearable He took tbe precious
packet of stolen papan from his pocket.
The he had longed for waa
Ins now and vet it waa not sweat.
He i.lappi'd his (1st heavily upon tb
(nlile. .urslng himself for a fool tbat
such thoughts should oppreae him.
What tilled the ensign that be did
not come? It waa past tb Um ap
pointed That was most unuaual. Ha
strode nervously op snd down tba
flour. Suddenly the floor gava way
violently tie n oath him, dashed down
with lightning speed, bringing up upon
the basement door with sucb violence
that everything in the room waa ovac
turmsl. while he himself lay half
stunned against Hie table.
He staggered away, fludlug himself
ao weak and dazed be waa obliged to
clutch tb.- table edge to keap from
toppling over Something cool and
soft brushed against hia hand, than
tho sofdiesa grew as Iron and hi
lingers weie loosened from their clutch.
He staggered buck, back against tba
basement wall. lie beard Lucllle'a
voice utiirliig a Hide cry of delight
II i i bunds eiicounlered th light awltch,
InMliii lively pressing. Tba room waa
u flood of yellow light. In the center of
which, slowly retreating toward tba
tunnel exit from tha house, revolver
'dull il steadily ut blm, with ayea
sighting behind tbe revolver tbat warn
harder even than th glint of metal,
slood Lucille Love, th precious packet
of papers lu her hand.
Slowly, without a word, ab dleap
peareil from view, departed aa abrupt
ly, us ilncVH'ctedly as aba bad ap
peared, making use of tba apy'a In
genuity to turn It against blm In this.
his greatest hour, for a moment ha
could not llilnk or do anything; then be
dartisi toward (lie tunnel, staggering
back as a white hot Iron seared bla
brow even as an orange spurt of flam
limpi d out the darkness at him.
Ho i .ml. I not eharge that way. Ha
dasbisl to tho stalra, rushing Into th
open. biiilis.s. wild, dishevelled. Aa
iiulomolille stood lie for tb door. H
directed K wildly toward tba tunnel
in tin 1 1. -, nulling (her barely In Um
(o see Lucille step Inside another
motorcar ami dart forward Ilk a liv
ing thing
Helpless, hopeless, yet fighting on
wlili bulldog ferocity. Loubequ con
tinued tin- chase Time be would
I..... iter, only lo pick tbe car up again
in the most unexpected plac. Then,
fur a full live iiiluiitiss, along tba wa
ter front, she disappeared.
A husky, irate chauffeur stepped bo
fore his driver and Mummed open Um
"Hey. youse." he brawled angrily,
"whiilta yuh mean chualn' a loldy Ilka
Loobeqoe did not unswer. Instead
b put a question, snapping It In a tone
af aataorlty Ibsl made even th Ban
"Where did she go?"
Tba driver passed hlin a grimy card.
Tha International spy turned It over
in bla band, reading (he address upon
It and marking tbst It was not a block
away. On tbe abraraa side be read
Ensign Howell's name. The chauffeur
waa pointing out upon the harbor.
Loubeque looked, marked th slim
figure of Lucille stun. ting upright In
th briskly inninie.l cutter approaching
th big ablp. He turned away.
Ills shoulders secinisl (o have slump
ed In the half hour. Ids faco to hare
undergone a chiseling process by the
sculptor Suffering, but a smile crossed
bla face
Once lu tbe cutler. Lucille for Ihe
first time heaved a huge sigh of icllef
aa ab glanced hack toward (he shore
ami saw Hugo Lonbaqna Jump from
tba car lu which he had pursuing
bar and glance hurriedly up and down
th barbnr front.
She clambi-red over (be shies of the
waiting government vessel, being met
at tb deck by the eaptaln himself. Ills
yehrtiwa rose III siiipiisu as be regard
ed tb slender slip of a girl facing him
bar eye wet with tear.
"Ensign Howell Inf.u in.d that
Mr, Loubeque" he began, when she
"Th pcr are lure, captain I have
them. They are safe now "
Kor a moment lie si mil.. I her tiusll
taUveiy. She toil an Icy chill running
up and down her spine Would be (urn
back and force her lo return (he pa
per? At tbe very suggestion her fine
flexed In every muscle, while hoi evi-s
met his coldly and steadily, a pursise
lu (heir depths whl.ii even (lie 0 liber
turued away from, convinced Hint all
was well
Aud HOW that she was safe, the n.i v
ous reaction came ttBOn bar, lu her
own lluy cabin, safe dually from (he
man she bad last seen upon the sh.ue.
tt seemed Hie very air was fraught
with terrors, horrible fears teaching
toward her. gibbering nt ber will.
threats of ierlls greater even (ban
tboee sbe bad come through already. A
light lapping on the door brought her
to ber fed heaitlly ashainisl of the
false terrors she had allowed to un
nerve ber. Sbe opened the dour, and
luislgn Howell entered
Lucille regnrdisl him coldly. In far
different manner from (he coquettish
yoang woman who had put him off at
th house of l.oiibispic
"Miss Miss " - he stammcrisl, "why
did you send in away from tin' up
polntment? Tbe captain wishes to
speak with you. and when mui (ell hltu
tbe truth It will appear ns tie ugh I"
"You neisl have no fi-nr." she an
swered qulelly "Will you klndl) con
duct me to the captain? I will explain
Tb csptalh of (he Tenor roguidcd
ber steadily an she was brought before
blm Seated nt his desk, in (In- very
tbroue of his authority!o fell
him a very much more formidable be
ing than wli.ii she met hlin on tbe
deck. Tbla man was her enemy, would
tm V
mllr A
aV rT' - '
j. jmmm- tag
iWr : imTBI
r3sU" isjijfV " ' aJst
I- flaflBaaaaaaCP' Tsss.
;"WI ...Bft 2i bBbsV ..
' PaTJ - - O aatsaaaaal
"I am Lucille Leve, daughter of Generel
be her enemy until (be qucstlou of
possession of (he p ipers hud hccll tlior
ouglilv Ihrashisi out.
"Your nil inc. plcasuV" qucilud th
commander shortly.
Lucille fell 11 Until of prido miming
through her
"My uauie. sir." she said quite
simply, "is Lucille l.ove-diiiigbtcr of
General Sumiter (aivc. Lulled Sluice
Tb commander held out Ids band.
"I am In receipt of orders from
Washington." he said quietly, "to meet
Hugo Inajhaqiia who would turn over
lo m certain papers nud orders which
be received from Geuerul ! while
la command at Manila, and which be
"It's a lie!" Luclllc's voice rang
against (he sides of the cabin w-ltb
vtbraut furce.
"Yea. a lie." she repeated, quletlug
tb fury M'hlcti was racking her. "Mj
father did receive the papers. There
waa a military ball lu progress at the
time He gave them 10 tils aid. Lieu
leusnl Gibson, my llancee. (o put lu
UM safe That nlglit they were stolen
by a servant lu (he employ of Hugo
Ixiubeque; stolen. I (ell you. not sold."
Tb commander nodded coldly.
"Your contention Is a 11. alter for tbe
court of Inquiry to thresh out. I am
under orders to receive (ho packat of
papers and take tli-111 (o that court, to
gether with the affidavit of Hugo
Loubeque (hut liny were sold to him.
If tbey are in your possession, I will
(ske them; If not. I shall bo forced to
turn back and llnd Mr. Loubeque."
"The papers arc lu my possession,
Bbr. Tbey belong to me until I can
turn tbem our to my fudier, to whom
tbey were sent What ho will do with
them la a matter for (he court of In
quiry to decide "
"That la quite Impossible," iiu. man
auapped sharply. "In (bo first place,
your atory is quit Incredible Lucllla
Lov waa drowned when Ihe Empreaa
took fir."
"Lucllla Love Is bore, sir. Lucllla
Lor was aboard the Luiprcaa, flew
there with Mr. Hurley, (he government
arlator, bocuuso sbo knew from a uiea
saga ab cut lu on upon (he telephone
tbat Hugo Loubeque waa aboard tba
Kinprcss and that he had I tin papers.
Ever allies, through Jungle, desert, land
and water, I have followed blm. I
bsv seen the spy's diary. It Is hera
with tba pu peia ai Tbat will
ahow bla batrad for my father. That
will explain That WIT! prat ml
Ivcn as ihe captain nodded, rising
to his feet to eagerly watch th glrTa
frantic anarch through tba packat, a
little, dry sob broke from ber lip.
Sh recovered baraclf with an effort,
shaking her bead aa though to drlva
away tha nilata of falntnaae which this,
(he crowning misfortune, bad delivered
her. Tb diary of Hugo Lenbeque
was not among th paper abe had re
covered. 1 be . iipiuiii nodded toward bla en
sign, who, with a glance of sympathy
toward (he stricken girl, scooped np
the papers aud laid tbem before bla
commanding officer
Lucille dirtied and slowly left Ihe
room Her eyes were fnstened directly
nliiiid but ab walked aa one who
b'uiiievs lii altiiuber. unseeing, be
numbed And her IImj rsrtd over
and over again
Too cruel! Cruel! Cruel I"
(To be concluded nt week.)
The Conclusion
of tbe thrilliof story
"Lucille Love"
will be seeo io
00 next
FEB. 3
Conil.lnstlon sick, injury, accident
and death tssneflt protection at mini
mum cost. I'.'.UOtsi death benefit;
tl.OUU.00 lor haw o! limb or eyesight,
faom 1x1 to 16.00 weekly sick or ac
cident lsurl)(, 11,000.00 Kmrgmy re
lief U-iieflt. Oat) is an.00 par year;
110 other dues or assessments. In title
insurance all men and women are placed
on an equal baaia, trgardlee ul occupa
tion. I very person makes the same
form of application, pays tbe same
amountof premium and resive the
same amount ol benefit. Men and
Women between the age ol 1(1 and 6A
are accented. No restrictions aa lo oc
cupation, ouly Hailroad men employed
employed on (rack, train or roouad
house, ran not be sccrpted. Claims are
paid within sixty days anywhere in tbe
11,8, Canada or r.urupc. (lid reliable
Insurance Company. 1100.0OU.ti0 on
State deait aa a protection lor Policy
lo I. lor. and I., guarantee th payment
ol -Islms Kor lurtlier tree inlormslion
address (iusluvc li. Werner, Secretary
and tieneral Manager, Hoi HI:), Huflalo,
N Y. state age, an, occupation and
mention Hept. H. 172.
40 Rolls Stolen
VVa recently stolen from tbe roof of
a tix-stury building in Sari Francisco.
They climbed over millions of dollan
w.uth of jewelry and diamonds to this wonderful roofing
Soon as you buy Maldioid- apply
nail it down, for it's well known
for its good qualities and is in
much demand.
Harney Valley Lumber Co.
Burns, Oregon
mm inuiiii contGE
Agriculture, Imludlng Agronemy,
Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Herd
culiutt, I'ouiii v Husbandry, Insects,
Plant and Animal Diseases, Cream
ery Management, Marketing, ate.
Home IconomLs, Including Cook
ing, Horn Nursing, Sanitation. Saw
ing, Dressmaking and Millinery.
Commerce, im ludlng Business Man
agement, Mural Ecenomlcs, Ruslaess
Law, Olnc Training. Farm Acceunt
Ing, etc lingUeerlng, Including
Shepwork and Roadbulldlni.
A general clearing house sesslea af
six days far the txdiange of dyaaaik
Ideas on the most pisssiug prahlaais
af the times. Lecturet ky load Is a
authorities. Stat coafarsnee.
Otters lectures, movable Kneels, In
st iiuiss and nuaisreuacarrasaandaaca
ceurses en request.
MUSIC: Plana, String, Maad, VeUe.
No tulilen Reduced fates aa all rail
roads. Fer further Infetmeltoa address,
Tba Orces Af rlcallarai Cellege,
i' leeoai i) coavaiAJS,
W do job printing.
Meala At All HourH. Iboitj
Ordennd Prompt Service ;
With Retwonable Itatts
Give Me A Call ;
OnpeeMe T1ssslsr.ia nam. e
Sumpter Valley Railway Co.
Arrival ud Departure Of Trains
No. 2, Prairie 10:15A.M.
Sumpter 2:35 P. M.
Arrivea Baker 4:00 P. M.
No. 1, Baker 8:30 A. M.
Sumpter 10:05 A. M.
Arrivea Prairie 2:10 P. M.
No. 1 Makea good connection
with O.-W. R. & N. No. 10 leav
ing Portland 7:00 P. M. and No.
17 from east arriving Baker 6:50
A. M.
No 2 Connects with I .a (irande
local 7:00 to La Grande, and No.
9 (fast Mail) picks up sleeper
there arriving in Portland 7:00
A. M, Also with No. 18 at
10:46 P. M. for points East.
No other like it
No other as good
Tlii Niw Hon Suing Hickln Company,
''Saasjai ssl - T 1
-'-c g w 1 dE3 .i
The esty way lo "1 I
A en list genuine tSi
f New Home
Sawing Macnute fl
1 is lo buy lite euctuae fll
1 .K ibe aaass NEW yfl
1 HOME oa U en WjXjJBpkA
m seJ s ike legs. MWiMKa
m Tku Ma. u lB i5vV A
m sjsjBjsgaajl fe all IB LJTa I
I No other like it MZ - I
I No other as good V j
You can buy no better
for target work and ail
amall game up to
200 yard.
sMi ruse t4.i
TVIstases Mimi'm csule
BS '"tScfcr'lll!!"
Cd 1 iZ i sTS.. '
&S: T
S" .''laaT-T'i - .1 J
sOljFNri lir
jaaflal sT.V " aar-
Printed in accordance with legal
requirement on short notice at
Job Rooms
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Rest Job Printing
We do it right
lluasc PalntlB4f
Paper Hanglnaj
and Dccorattaaj
Hardwood Flnlshlna;
Fresco Palntlna:
Eatliauste farnlalsed eat eas
plication. Sample
Bttmittnimtv ntw ntniiuiuui ii I'll '1 1
NON- rf
A llammcrleaa Can with
Kasli-st operating aa
eat action.
Repeating Shotgun
era averrebara aa
'-Soaarb far Trap at
Made In five styles
and Illustrated and
dc-K-ribed in Steven
Sliutirun Catalog.
II" your Healer shew
you a Steve Repeater.
. 0. 1
oucorti t Hit.
lleo. g. Ckejssanats
J Usui lae
l WO Hauler
1 N J ataoeci
Vl'..ltie) "i. ii-rsl ....
' I li'ir
sei reiarf "i sta's
I reeaurei
suj.t I'i. i.iii I i.Blmc Hon
BSail i M.tcr
A.M. Crewtce
Oswald West
Bea w. uieoii
J A Ckareklli
W a Keel -.,
i rcosi aaaia
I T. A. HcBrl.
a. . Beea.
I F. A. Moors
i Koki BakU
I T. A. HcBrtee
fl I" Ill Ifrs
i aeraesi
NiMH ji'iiii tau piaraicT.
OisTiei Ja4( Iisitas aifgs
... ,i.i vi'. i.tsi aaiuBMt
in mrets the Iret Moeoaj la
.I i. i.i Heneaf lu October.
'"' .. WM Breots
isilre . W. r. Meaasa
sti n as it:
eyaai) . ajsajaa rkaaseeea
B.T Ma.hel
I "" B A Miller
C. B. Beery
A K. MitksrOaua
j j, tieavaaa
l. M Heastli
u. w r-is a eei
Jotia BeMaaan
IB. r. eylseeiii
rTkee Bala
' i he Srst Wa4aeeaay (
Merck. Mag, Jaly. Bestssiksr sad
'- (. i i s lssii mini:
Wss rerte
k. .en , gam Meikersksaa
. irr - arass
Marol . Bjajej MeUerakead
Hoy Vaa wiakU
llimr DeJiea
Ma ' B. L. Maluaa
u ). Haaaea
' ..ii". i. . . Welsssse
! Jaaxee lassaeklre
I h J McKlswa
i.eti every Bee aad
. ,V . . , . I
change of
handle 21 short.
long or long-rifle cartridge
perfectly. The deep Balard
rifling develop maximum power and
Eajgti&SR&xiSSP' tnjKuMUgan
accuracy and adds years lo the of rate.
sUhvgspraM's I. sb Sjdsatas (sivmaew WMSSBS1S
- ' i a i -. -.. i. s, .isf,,MisSsc wake
sow (tmxtr rm-lii ...s-psici, basl ssss f see
ass. SMI asd imhI Is Jcsu. A erl vscasoe nx. AJl sav
ss a in.
,- , .. . .,
VV.IU.W Slssssl New Heeees Oawa.
PhyaWian and asHBjaM
BJDBNB, nill'."-.
J. Ul. GfSflRV
Pbyalcian arid Bnrgnon.
Burns, - - - Oregoti
Otflee In new buildiuir somii ! Wi-lrdBa
barnees shop, Main Ut,
'Phone Main H,
IPfewBlctan and Snrieron
ilav Tssskssiii Ili.ltdlaa
siisniisa eleeaawsesj M iii re, ear
ied rknssi.
Physician and Surgeon
Narrows. Oregon
Physicians and . nrcieong
Calls anawenxl prump uigbl -r rJsy
'Phone Harrinian.
awerwl pfutnp . ulgb
l Harriman.
Harriman, Orpgon
Dr- Mini.. Hand
Physician and Surgeon
Direct Telephone Connection
La wen. Ore.
It. E. rllBBARD
OtBee first door a-t pbato irallery
Burns. Oltafoe.
Attorney at law
Veegtl, Bldg.. Hums. Oregea
Burns, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
Cjtaataaad practice bafara I . S. Land
OtBce a jrwcialty
Oase: Py Bldg. next ; . . : p ,t ofijee
Burns, Orrgnn
BuruB, - Oregon
Practice in tba -late i ..urts and b.
lor th U.K. I jiri. I mil,...
Ohari. II. Ix-onaiil.
Careful attention p v. n to Colleo
tiona and Real Egtata tuattara,
Hire Insiiraiii r.
Notary I'ulntc
BUstMB. OataWMM.
State Courts and I'nited Statea
Land Office I'i:a-tice
Three doors South of the
Htxney County National Bank
Burns. Ort-con.
teavy at Law Notary Pabba
Caeiraciae. Mum i saakaa. Rninki
Aksssvssas-U. S. Lead Ofdc, Praclks
ke4wrD Msrii". I mt) Nsilouai Bask
aad Lead Bases
Burns, - . Oregon
t-0- UltUABIl .11. KarLBBBl
vaiaely assi. Bnajb .. i sraaerly ctneiaM
lei". a Beelaaailou s, i gtaeat ul Boles
ae. Vle.leru R.
Eastern Oregon Engineeriig
Barns, llnifoo
efWy. J
Jeweler. Optloluu ts&d
Knuri'iix it.
Fine Watch Repairiaa A Spe
$1500 Reward! t
1 Im orsaeu, c'sl
' alaaasf Nsrada
in.- -usk fnxee
iou issociaiivaef
vct.u-ti the uuder
aiaaed is aismber.
reward for vl-
e IssdlBf
lie arrest ami sea
,.i aa set
' . 'i I'sriiss slsai-ins-
hiirssa. salUs
.11 tiuilrs tisloa1a
" any ,.( lit raap
. 1 i.e iiudarstaaed
so no tur all Burets
bulk or eltksr Jae
i.iuuilaa Beufs
"ii o tii. Koreas
ol.t aud velJla
Is addition loth,. i.,.
oSJeie Iks seuie Seadllleu i
made kutae-aliod 1..1 ....
Bread reeoide.1 in , kri 1
Maraey. Lake aud
sated etisu sui.l
Maae kul srewu u.irse.
w. W.BHow
'us. Ore,