The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 30, 1915, Image 2

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We wish to thank our
many friends and custo
mers for their patronage
and loyalty shown dur
ing the past year and
wish you all a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailor.; and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Bulldin - - Barns, Oregon
She if imc5-rt;Ui
On. Y.r
SU Month
TKp., M.nlh.
f -.'
The Times-Herald hopea the
lard owners of Harney Val'cy
will consider the Irrigation arti
cle submitted by Mr. McConnell
on the first paste in today's issue.
Mr. McConnell has kept in close
touch with irrigation matters for
several years and speaks with: alcoholic traffic have been waiting
-.ireful thought, looked up many
legal authorities and compared
all the decisions of courts avail
able having any bearing on the
varioua phases of the question.
Attorney-General Brown has
finally reached a conclusion that
there Is no way by which the
will of the people can possibly be
carried into execution in relation
to prohibition, except by making
provision for a special election in
November next In case the
referendum shall be invoked on
i lie amendment bill of the Com
mittee of One Hundred it will
then have to be submitted to the
people at that time. The mem
b rs of the joint committee on
The Times-Herald feels the
suggestions he makes are good
and that the early development
of this big agricultural territory
will be furthered by acting upon
his suggestions. The time is
right for such a move anil wit i
concerted action this big country
may receive recognition from
sources that will bring early con
summation. The plan outlined iy Mr. Mc
Connell was advocat'd by Mr
for the formal opinion of the At-torney-Ceneral
in regard to the
different problems presented for
s tveral days.
A Respected Pioneer
Woman Passes.
Mrs. Katie J. Winters passed
away at the home of her daugh
ter in this city last Saturday
afternoon. The lady had been
in poor health for some time hut
Whistler during his active work ! ner demise was not
in this territory as an engineer! th:it time as she seemed better,
in the federal reclamation service Mrs- Winters waa one of the
and has been endorsed by Wm , lovllv and attractive characters
Haley ard other prominent men "f ,ilis community whereshe had
who have made a study of the ! r si(ied for many years and where
problem. s,1(' was highly respected for her
One thing is certain, The ir- Mndly hospitality and cheerful-
riKation of this big Valley under . ane always had a good.
the most economical plan of dis-
tribution of available water is
the most important matter before
us and it is going to be accom
plished. The sooner this is done
the better. 1 here shoujd te no
more quibbling or coaxing but
get right to work.
Short Course Next Week.
The short course in agriculture,
bookkeeping and domestic art in
the Harney county high school
begins next week. So far it is
unknown just how many will
take advantage of this opportun-
word for everyone and was so
devoted to her family that no one
who knew her could help but ad
mire her.
Mrs. Winters was born in San
Francisco July 3, 1851. beinsr
perhaps the first white child born
in that place. She was married
to Earl Jordan in 1877, her hus
band dying three years later and
in 1887 she was married to Isaac
Winters. They came to Burns
27 years ago where she had re
sided since. Left with the res
ponsibility of caring for herfami-
, ly many years ago she courage
ously took took up the task and
Hlicrei iled so well 1 1 . - t l,i. loovnii
.ty but no doubt there will bedauKhUjr who are KO(J(li exempi
several. It is urged that those I women and wh() an. ct
who contemplate taking uptheed and loved by the entire com
work go to Principal Shirk's
office Monday morning and regis
ter. This is the first attempt of a
high school to give such a course
Additional Locals.
Blue Prints. Inland Empire
Realty Co., Burnt, Oregon.
Dry cleaning and pressing at
the Burns Steam Laundry. 4tf.
We do your mending and sew
on buttons, without extra charge.
See the Stenm Laundry about
your work.
Next Tuesday is "groundhog
day" and we shall soon see
whether we are going to have
more winter or nn early spring.
II. ('. French was in the city
from the llarriman section dur
ing the week. He is happy be
cause of the big snow fall, as all
farmers are.
The Baptist ladies are giving a
dinner this evening in the roomB
formerly occupied by Mr. Weit
tenhiller as an office next to the
Reed grocery store.
Phone Orders For fat
young turkeys, alive or dressed.
to Willow Wind Farm,
J. W. Biggs. F. B. Howard,
Prop. Mgr.
Dr. (ieary health officer, re
quests The Times-Herald to state
that he does not desire any more
heads of suspected rabid animals
sent to him to be forwarded to
the state board, as it has been
conclusively proven there are
rabies and it is an unnecessary
expense to forward them since it
entails work and outlay.
The state legislature seems to
want to play "hob" with the
present game laws and make
such changes as will divert the
funds from the present state
game board to the general fund.
Sportsmen are protesting vigor
ously. We don't have to say
anything as Davey is on the job
and knows what the boys in this
section want.
Geo, P. Creonman, one of the
new settlers of the northern part
of Catiow, was in the city this
week on matters pertaining to a
new school distsict just establish
ed in his neighborhood. Mr.
Greentnan was here to consult
with Supt Hamilton and also to
secure data on the taxable pro
perty of the new district. He is
also drawing plans for the new
school building in the district
('. B. MeC'onnell arrived home
Tuesday from Portland and other
Outride points where he had been
since early in December. Mr.
McConnell spent most of the time
during his absence in Portland
but was in Salem part of the
time on business with the land
board and attorney general. He
also took in the irrigation con
gress and was present a part of
the time at the legislature at
Salem. He doesn't say whether
he was tagged as a lobbyist, but
says Representative Darey is do
ing some hard work in the body
and is considered one of the
strong members.
At a congregational meeting
of the Presbyterian church last
Sunday Dr. h Benson was unan
imously chosen as pastor for the
coming year. Dr. Benson has
had rather a trying year just
past and his friends in and out
of the church desire that he re
main on the field for the coming
year. Dr. Henson is one of the
most agreeable gentlemen and
eloquent speakers of the church
Burns has had the good fortune
to have in many years and he
should receive the hearty moral
support of all. He has labored
faithfully under adverse circum
stances and his exceptionally
fine sermons are inspiring to
those who have the good fortune
to hear them.
Bills So Far Introduced Indi
cate That Strict Economy
Plan Will be Followed.
Prohibition Bill Main Issus This Wok
Standard Barry n! Hop Msss
urn Proposed Panalon Paaca Offl
csrs Rsducs Stata and County Sal
arlaa May Invaatlgata Paaalblllty
f Growing Flax Amand Mothara'
Pt'ialon Law. Ilia legislature baBSB
Ilia third waek of the session all UH
Important measures oC gem-tnl laiel
aat, aiicn aa prohibition legislation,
taxation amendments, lite .pproprlu
lion bills, consolidation of boards nl
commissions, highway legislation,
changes In election laws, atlll remain
d to ba paaaad upon
Whlla a number of bllla wore passed
during the paal weok the) were moat
ly of a purely local character.
During the second week of the sea
Ion both houaea gnvo evidence of un
lutent to live up to ploiltteH to MM
clae economy Although IBS bin ap
proprlatlon bllla, which absorb moot
of the taipayere' money, lime not ap
peered, there la an apparent liirllna
lion to carefully criillnle nil Ml h
urea catling for expenditure of Itstl
- I, houses concurred In a
Joint resolution for the uppolul nn nt
of a Joint commlaelon to receive ami
consider all bills propoaliiK IBS OOfl
soiidatiou of ail state boards and obi
nilaaloua, a proposition fawned b
many inembere, which It la extorted
will reault lu economy and promote
erflclemr In administration
Senate Qlvea Evidence of Economy.
The aauate gave j)) Idem e of tie
aire for economy when It voted to
abolish the atate decennial census, re
pealed the law carrying an approprl
atlon fur the nuvnl inllltln and to gbol
lsh the state accountant- bourd
The bouse also passed a census re
peal bill and It Is cipcctcd thai the
two houses will concur on one meus
ure and withdraw the other
A measure abolishing Ibe state Im
migration commission, whhh loin been
costing 125 miu a year, panned both
What la also regarded nn In line
with the economy polli was the M
tlou of the house In passing the S hue
be I bill providing that all but an
copied few of the atate Hindi, be pluced
In the general fund Advocates of thin
measure claim It will result In a con
alderable annual saving to the state
Although the house hill repealing
all continuing appropriations was re
ferred back to the lommltleu for
amendment. It was manifest that there
la a strong disposition on the part of
many members to abolish all conltn
ulng appropriations
House Msnlfests Intsnt to Save Money
A further manifestation of (lie lu
Motions 10 save money waa displayed
In B comparatively email jay when
the bouae paaaed the Weeks bill pro
tiding amendments to the regletra
tlou lawa that will obviate Hie neces
sity of mailing election pamphlets to
more than one voter lu the same lam
My Thla. It la expected, will save one
third the expense of printing and mall
Ing election pamphlets every two
The committees in both bouses sre
working diligently to give ample con
slderatloti to all bills utile- be
fore them Committees that M6S4VS
the biggest grist of measures, like the
committee on Judiciary, revision of
laws, ways and means, education and
B few others have been holding dully
meetings In both the house and the
senate these committees are keeping
their work well up with their reaper
tlve parent houses.
The house now haa received an ag
gregate of HOG bills, while the senate
has received H
The surviving children are
Mrs. Dalton Gibbs, Miss Mamie
Winters. Mrs. Orville Stoy, all of
this place and Mrs. Charles
in the state and the people should Scribncr ot WeiBcri ihlh
take advantage of it as it offers
opportunities not often within
the grasp of those living in iso
lated places.
The work is practical and ad
vanced from that of the former
short course work given by agri
cultural college instructors the
past two years. In addtion to the
lectures there will be textbook
study and demonstration with
those taking the courses doing
aetual laboratory work and test
ing. Just how much demonstra
tion work, such as stock judging.
Funeral services were conduct
ed from the family home on
Monday afternoon, conducted by
Rev. Dr. Benson of the Presby
terian church, who paid deserved
trivnte to the life of the deceased
during his discourse. Interment
was made in the Burns cemetery.
Cewgh Medicine for Children.
Never give a child a cough
medicine that contains opium in
any form. When opium is given
other and more serious diseases
.., .,.11,,.., I ,..,,,
etc., will depend upon the num- "'" , ", "" -i'
, , , . . ... has demonstrated that there isno
better or safer medicine for
coughs, colds and croup in child
ren than Chamberlain's Cough
ber who take advantage of it
Citizens of this city wh' have
the time should devote a part of
the period during the month to
attending this special course and
get what they can from it be
sides encouraging the undertak
Notice to Stockholders.
The Burns Flour Milliner Co.
will hold a meeting of the stock
holders in Burns on February 20
and it is requested that all stock
holder., who can be present at
this meeting as matters of im
portance are to be considered.
P. Q, Smith. President.
Notice to Stockholders.
Notice is hereby given that the
annual meeting of Harney County
Fair Association will be held in
Burns on Monday, Feb. 8 for the
purpose of electing a board of
directors for the year and trans
act any other business as might
come before the meeting.
J. M. Dalton Prks.
Special Referendum
Election Is Needed.
A Salem press dispatch says:
After having given the subject
Remedy. It is equally valuable
for adults. Try it. It contains
no opium or other harmful drug.
For sal by all Dealers.
Kodak films developed 10 cents
per roll, any aize. Prints 6a each
All orders of 2 dozen prints films
developed free.
A. H. McUin.
Care of Sayer Studio.
Catholic Church.
1. On Sundays and Holy days
of obligation Holy Mass with
sermon at 10 a. m.
2. On week days Holy Mass
at 0:30 a. m.
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announced in church.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime. Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
Prohibition Will Demand Attention.
The prohibition quaaUoa doubUaog
will demand much attention from the
hi. use thla week The committee on
alcoholic traffic will be read) to re
port out the lomnilllee of One Hun
dred's bill Biased to make gffot live the
prohibition amendment to the DOOStl
tuilon adopted b the people last fall
The report will he favorable lo the
A prohibition bill that actually v.lll
prohibit Is dealred by both the Oregon
legislature and the overwhelming ma
Jorlly of citizens who voted the state
"dry" at the last November election
This fact was brought out touqlii
elvcly at an open meeting In the ball
of the house of representative,) hit
tween the Joint committees on aluo
hollo liquor lu both the house and
senate. While the pronounced sentl
uient of the meeting, which waa at
tended by moat of the members of
both houses, gs pell us by Interested
psrsong of gll putts of the slate, were
in ravor or a (try put, there waa
some division of opinion as to "how
dry" to make It.
Standard Proposed far Berry Bases.
A standard for boxea or bankets for
strawberrlee, blackberries, loganhur
rles, raspberries and other berries Is
prescribed In a bill Introduced by Sen
Btor bay It also prescribes a stand
ard hop measure.
'I he bill provides that berry boxes
shall have an Interior capacity of i .' .:
oublc inches (dry uuurtj or :i:t i; cubic
Inches (dry pint).
Tbe standard for hop measure Is
19,444 cubic Im 'tee.
lly the provisions of the measure.
the position of county sealers of
weights gnd measures is abolished
and the statu sealer Is given authority
to divide the statu Into six districts
and appoint a deputy aealer for each
Psnslon Propossd for Psaoe Offloers.
Representative Lewis, of Multtio
mat county Introduced a hill In the
house, providing for the pensioning of
peace offlcera. lu brief the bill pro
vldes that peace officers shall pay In
lo B fuad to be kept by the slate trees
urer 1 per cent of their salaries, and
lh si If any officer Is disabled he shall
draw $10 a month whrie lacapacltatsd,
ami If kilted. hU widow shall draw s
pension of $10 a month durlof sat
life, and If he does not leave B wlfo.
but leaves ohlldrea. thsy shall draw
this sum until they reach tbe age
18 years,
Selary Rsductlen In Slsts and County
Benator rarrell's bUl for the cutting
of salaries of various stata and gounty
employss Is before the sesata. It pre
vldes: On and after July I, 1111, asd eg
ten, ling for a period of two years, the
salaries of all officials aud employes
who are at preaent receiving salary of
$.ititio or mora shall be reduced uul
formly 20 per rent, and the secretary
of state and tbe county clerks of the
several counties shall draw warrauta
in accordance with this act In the pay
ment of salaries."
Flax Plan Bubmlttad by Oevernor.
A messase from Governor Withy
combe urging the houss and seuata to
appoint committees lo Investigate tbe
fenslblllty of growing flax In thle state
was referred to the committee on egrl
culture In tbe senate, with Inslruc
tlous to report at the earliest possible
(lovernor Wltbycomhe says he Is of
tbe opinion thai the crop offera a so
lutloit of the unemployment conditions
of convicts lis suggests that a fac
tory could be operated at the prison,
the convicts dolug ths rough work
without coming lu contact with free
Widows' Psnslen taw Changes.
If the amendments to the wldowe'
pension law. contained In a bill Intro
duced In the senate by Senator Wells
her, becomee a law. only widows or
mothers who have lived la the state
three years and la the county one
year will be eligible to receive a pen
The bill limits the amount that may
be paid to one family to $40 a mouth
Payments to thle amount may be
made on tbe basis or $10 for the flrsl
child and $7 50 for each additional
Legislative Nuggets.
Itepreseulatlve Anderson, of Wasco
county, haa Introduced a bill In the
house providing for repeal of tbe law
reiiiilrlng a medical certificate "aa
additional requisite to Issuance of a
marriage Mi ruse"
Legislative lobbyists were put on the
run by the houee Tbe Bcbuebel autl
lobbying hill was passed, after a warm
discussion, by a vote of to 11
Members of tbe legislature from
eastern Oregon are going lo Insist on
a liberal appropriation for bounties on
Hepreeenlatlve Blanfteld of Morrow
uouuty haa Introduced lu the houee a
bill 'tempting banks from liability to
a depositor because of the refueal to
pay a check through mistake uuleae
(he depositor shall prove himself dam
simplicity marked tbe entry of Ore
gon'e ftrel woman state senator to the
state capltol Neatly, but not 'elabor
ately dressed, with a black veil shad
Ing a pleaaaut but flric face, sitae
Katbryn Clark, of (Herniate. Douglas
county, paaard Into the building at
(he front entrance and fouud ber way
ii.t" the senate chamber
The question of a special elecllou lu
the fall of IMS lo consider proposed
constitutional amendments alao is re
celvlug some attention, but It la ap
parent that It will be difficult to paes
a measure providing for a special elec
Hon through tbla legislature It Is
pointed out that such au election will
coat the state fully $100,000.
Ily a vote of 14 to 12 the aauate de
lined to memorialise congress to call
a ronatltutlonal convention to amend
the loiistltiitlou so that the 1'nlted
States should have entire coulrol of
the suppreeslon of polygamy Sena
tors votlug against the proposal de
clared that It was a gratuitous insult
to a atate that had discarded tbe prac
tire of Mormonlsm
A bill Introduced by Beualor Rasa
dale provides for the abolition of
school districts and makes the coun
ties the units Under It a couaty edu
catlonal board of five members would
bave complete charge
Clearance Sale
Will offer during Jan. and Feb. a
large line of Quality Merchandise
at Reduced prices.
Remember when we advertise any
thing it is so and you know it.
There are lines that should be closed
out during Jan. and Feb. and we are
going to reduce such goods and offer
them to you.
Burns, Oregon
Wanted -By man and wife
place on farm or stock ranch by
month or year. Address 14UH
W. 6 St., J. H. Hankins, Eugene,
The Conclusion
of the tbrilliaf story
"Lucille Love"
will be seen io
oo next
FEB. 3
Burin. Ortfou, Jattuar) jAtli. Lff, I
1 rfaarlr. U I, ol Dunn, OftfOS I '
You art lirrli tiutiflrd thai I harlca Mall
who flfra I'.ttnon l, Oragou, aa Ma j '
uBdr a-Jtlra-a, J Id un Jmuiiy .'''. Iff
Hit Id tall uflScr tsladuiy ror rubor at i-'i-' a
lion to oeutaWt aud H'ur tu can rllatioi, ol
your lloniMteawl Kutrf, No,, Morlftl Ku IM M
taaUt Mtrrh IVIV IVI0 tot V ," a N n
of rtartluu t. Towuiblu .', rtoutb, r. . , -a.
a at WUUiurtta Mrrillai, , tut! et bi-alirRM(tiairii ' iiarh a M oofM r
bM wholly ftsMU'sOntad Mid ulrjr. 1 hat ba
ua-vrraaiauJlahad of iualniu. . ar-Mldi n or
ma4a any lutpiovrmaou thai uu. Mid aa
abaautad bltusalf aud i hangr.i Mb rtl1M-a
tisvrrfruiti aar alnrr ibadata ol
You are. tbtafura. furlhar uniltlaU that u
aaltt allogalloua will be taken aa 0Otltd
mod four aald rulry will b i'iih I- -1 wittn.m
further right to ba baard. aithar ba)for tbla
oaBca or on auoaal, II you fall lulllrin Mm
utBra withlu twaulr daya allar the hii
wabllratluu ol thla uotlra, aa ahunu boiow,
four auawar. undarut-tb, auociDcally raapond
Da; to tbaoa allaajatlout el iontiat, togotbai
wltb dua oruol tbat you hata e rse.l , .y ol
your auiwrr oo tba aald asMtcavlatnt ollhtl
oaraon or by res-laOrad mall
You abotald atata lu your aniwt i tin nam. '
tba poat uftit to wblcb ton tSajaJlt ftttu
noilcva to ba aaiit to you
Wm hNsi i:. trai. r
Datool ft rat publication Jatiuaiy OOtb .01
Irtts ol aaHiud publtratli-n rei.ruary Bib ll
Ua ol third nublloatlwu Kahruars l.'th Iwla
Uataof fourtb publleallou Kabruan .inb li
Hurua, Urrgou. Jauuar ., lOtl
Notba li h era by glvao that Mattlt A. Will Ulna, '
ol l.awau, i'resjob, wb.i. on Kftbruarv 6, 1 ',
made llomeatrad Kutry. No U'siaW, lotr-U-,.
Nacllou i. Tuwnablb H hnuth Kottaro
ItfU Wlllauirlir MeriUlatu.haJ nle.l HOtle
ufiutentiuu tomaae Dual Uh.- yaar nrM.f t.
ssttTihliab claim to the laud nbofa doacrllsed
balura Kaalater at.l Km-urr, at Hurna. Ura
fun. an tba tb day of 'abrtury, 1 1 1
i la 1 in am uatnaa at iti,.-ia.
W. J. riynn, I'aiar Trier, Aodrau lalrraua
Ad-aro t uby. altof liweu, Dreitou
W at K.HKK, lis arlet i
I'MITlti HTaTBa LaUlfi Of FW . '
Hurua. Drvgou, Januar 7, IjI'. .
Nutlca la hare by given that Milton Choral tor,
of Andrawa. tiragou. who. u May l. IWJ, Mndo
llomaataad aulry. No uaua., for NW'
Towuahlp 96 Hoitih. Kauga M Kaat. Wlllain
otto Mar Ulan baa nlel uuiliv ,.f Inton
tlontomaka Plnai flfe year nrool. to oalabllab
r la nn to tba laud abova dvacrllevl, I
(io. A. MiSytb. irtV M I ommtaal.uM r stilts.
uSctal Abdrtwi, mtfiin at tho loth dai ul
Fabruary. IV16.
t'lalmaut uaraea aa wltueaa-i
Jacob Thomaon, t ban. 1'urnvr, Norm an
Huffman, Kdward (arlton, all lodrawa,
WT, raa . K-, im- '
Now on. Call and see the big
reduction in prices. Listing
of goods will appear in this
space next week.
County warrants taken at
par in trade.
My general line of
Is Complete
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Agt. Buick Automobiles
Burnt, Oregon, January. v, 10
Noilca la hereby ilvan that Jeaaa K, Vh ion
of Harney. Kragoa, who, on ltererahar . Daw,
lloinaaiaod Entry. No ,OM, for NUN1;, Hor
lion 11. Towuahlp H . :n y num. it.
Marldlau baa Blad nuilieof lalontjorj to mak
Una! flrr year proul to la.hllah rial in lotha
laud abova daacrlbed, bvfort the Hcglaiet m d
Karalrorat Hurua, Oregon, on the 1Mb ''. ul
Claimant namea aa wllneaaaa
Hlarr Burkland aud J . 1. LOWS, IhjIIi of llm
nay. Oregon I. Inula Vlckara, ! Btiohanan
Orogou. Hubert Irving, of Haruej, OrOfOu
Wm, raaai. KcKlati i
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
Free Camp House andFeeding Privileges in Corral
or Ham. Customers Care For Own Stock.
W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair Ground.
2 aaaaaaBaaaaswaBwani -
u i i-. . T na I
Kodak Fib. Developed and all
photography work done la Aral
class shape. Prompt alteatien
Tonawama tomorrow night.
Barns, uuu, Jauusn It, tvl.i.
Notice It hegaSa iuu that I'ctri Mlllor. ol
rts)S,, orsgoD. who, on June is, lull sad Jul)
'17. lM rsanectlvely mam, llouie.U'sil Kulrlr,,
No OMlt OWH. lot HW'.NK'.. N'.SK ,...
IMiSM NBWNBia, Ser , Tomii.&k jKoogs i
B.. wlllaaittts Msrldlau. lit. Mini n..i i. .1 lu
teutlon to uasa dual llirra jaar nriKltoiiitat
llab claim to lb, lauil abova ileaiTllieil. In-run-(.sores
A. Hmjrth, II. H Cuiniulsaluiu-r. at hU Audrsw,, Urefuti, ,111 the '.Dth ilayol
rsbruarjr 1115.
Claimant uainvi aa wllui's.t-.
Bales Ueorge. J. M. Hi HaJr, out, r Mel art) ,
Jubn Mrl.san all uirirlil,, .,..,
We l'.s,.
In the matter ol Hie I, stair I
of '
A. C. Lynch, deveaaetl
To Mary Aoue (Irerii, Martha A.
MeOrlff , Jane Kerguron, Jnliu It. Ilnrrlll
Klorstice li. fllun, ('. ('. Iiitiikhn,
William Kranklln, J. 1.. Kraiiklin, ami
A. W. Franklin, QBJCBTINOl
OF OREOON, you aru herehy clleil sad
required to appear in the Count v Cunrl
ol Oregon, for llarnuy County, at tho
Court Room there ol at llurn, in tin
County of Harney on Weilm'stlity tin
0th day of January, 191S at 10 o'clock 111
the forviioiui of that day to t licit ami
tbara show causa, il any exist, why tin
Judge of the County Court should not
issue an order to still the following tin
scribed real prowrty, to-wit :
lots 1, i and fi oj Section s and Lot I
andthe NWti af the HV4 of bSflUou
, in township IT H., Range M K. . M.
oootalnlng 100 at res more or less.
WITNKBB: The lioiiortiblo (irant
Thompson, Judge of Ihc County Court
of tba Hlate of Oregon, for the Cotinlv
of Harney wltb tbe Seal of said (unit
aSiied this 17th day of NOfSSsBSI A
D. 11)14.
R. T. Hug bet, Clerk.
By (I. N. Jameson, Deputy Clerk
We have a complete stock of
Seasonable Goods
Come and see the great variety
For Everybody
The Burns Department Store
Printed in accordance with Uyal
requirement on short notice at
Job Rooms
We do it right