The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 30, 1915, Image 1

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The Biggest County In The State
Of Oregon, Beat In The West
The Biggest City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon
r &
NO. 12
sV V Jty wlw ' VH
- I
Writer Suggests Method to Get Early
Recognition of Harney Project and
Like Expenditure Cannot Accom
plish so Much for Development in
Any Other Locality. Act Now
With the united effort and CO
operation of all interested parties,
reclamation work in Harney
County bids fair to tie undertak
en along lines assuring its ulti
mate success and to the greatest
possible extent.
Various plans for Federal and
State aid to Irrigation in Oregon
are being considered both in
Congress and the State Legisla
ture. Bills providing for a direct
appropriation for Immediate
work are pending in both with
some prospects of early enact
ment But in any event the old
methods of Federal reclamation
will be discontinued and changed
and a practical co-operative plan
will be worked out within the
claimed and become available to
tanners at a reasonable price;
assurance of such development
would bring immediate construc
tion of transportation lines Into
the Harney Valley.
The state adiuication of exist
ing water rights is well advanced
and will be closed and the final
certificates, or titles to water
rights, issued during the present
year. The suit of the State of
Oregon against the Pacific Live
Stock Co. will be tried in the
slate courts this summer or fall,
with every prospect that this
landed monopoly will be broken
iui and its unreasonable control
of the water supply and distribu
tion will bo released. Records
next year or two. It is probable " stream measurements ana on
that the new plan will embody gineering data complete in every
federal and state guarantee of eiail and are compiled and avail
irrigation bond which will render
them a safe and profitable invest
ment, and at the same time will
leave the actual construction
work and full administration of
the system directly with the land
owners under the state irrigation
district organizations.
Co-operative investigations by
the engineering departments of
government and state reclama
tion services have been underway
in this state for some time. but no
particular project has been desig
nated as the first to be developed.
There appears to be no project
entirely ready- that is having a
able for immediate use
The first unit of the Silvies
River project based upon indi
vidual water contracts with own
ers of land in the upper portion
of the valley, to be served with
the cheapest storage and distri
bution, is most attractive and
could undoubtedly be financed.
This, however, would be a ser
ious mistake as the construction
of this piece of work would pro
bably preclude all luture devel
opment. Before any start is
made a comprehensive system
should be planned out which, al
though it may be constructed in
unites, would provide for the
proper district organization, ap-
nrovftd water simnlv settled leo-al greatest possible behelicia
water rights, etc. By a careful of our Wllt,-'r supply.
comparative study of the situa- These conditions have all been
ation it is shown that the Bar- presented to and discussed with
ney County projects can the the State Engineer and represen
most readily be put into proper tatives of the Federal Reclame
shape, and that in no other Hon Services. Acting upon their
locality can a like expenditure suggestions and advice, it would
accomplish so much in the way appear that the proper course to
of development. lie pursued is the immediate or-
By reason of both an economi- ganb.ation of irrigation and
cat storage and distribution, the draining districts under our state
estimated acreage charge is the laws.
lowest; large areas of high class The tentative plan suggested
state swamp lands would be re- being the formation of, First, one
district to include all lands now
watered and which may be de
creed a partial water rights by
the bean! in the present adjudi-
cition proceedings; Second, a
district of about 40,000 acres of
arid land lying east of the river,
which will require a full water
right; and Third, a drainage dis
trict to take care of the state's
lands in the lake region, and to
be extonded up the valley as
After the organizations are ef
fected, bonds would be voted and
issued, based upon the cost of
the reclamation of each of these
By such action it will be deter
mined just what lands are to be
considered and taken care of,
ami a definite plan can be pre
pared and submitted to the co
operative investigators. Should
state and federal aid not be avail
able within a reasonable time the
matter would then be in the best
liossible form to present to pri
vate capital and the most equita
ble, long time contract secured.
Under any plan of reclamation,
the lands to be benefitted must
unauy stand tiie costs. Here we
have immense areas of irrigable
lands and a somewhat limited
Water supply. There have been
many serious mistakes made in
the past which have caused enor
mous waste in time and money,
and these have reacted to the
serious detriment of all reclama
tion work. Advantage can be
taken here of all this experience
as we are starting out with a
clean sheet.
This matter is entirely in the
hands of the land owners of the
Harney Valley. Are wo to have
scientific reclamation and secure
the highest benefits from our
water supply, high-class diversi
fied farming, transportation and
modern development? If so we
must have active co-operation
and the jiooling of all of our
interests. The business men and
land owners should meet and dis
cuss thesemattcrs and take imme
diate action.
Engineers Who Worked on the Oregon
Trunk Survey Line into Prineville,
Giving Impression it is Hill Road.
Power Site and Timber Purchases
East Indicate Continue to Burns
Last issue The Times-Hernld
admitted it had not been living
up to its past reputation in build
ing railroads and would make
have the literature ready for
the opening of the Panama-Pacific
exposition February 20, 1916.
Quantities will be sent to eastern
states for distribution among the
The opportunity has arrived in automobile clubs, commercial or
what has the appearance at least I iranizations and tourinc bureaus.
of a real live railroad that would
tap a rich territory over a most
feasible route.
Frank Johnson, of the Oregon
& Western Colonization Co., ar
rived here from Prineville Wed
nesday night and reports Prine
ville is sure to have an electric
line at ence, connecting with the
Oregon Trunk at Redmond. Kn-
gineers were expected to com
plete the survey to Prineville tins
week. They Imve been at work
quietly for some time and are the'
same men who had charge of the I
survey for the Mill Interests dur-l
The booklet is the first of its
kind attempted. It will deal
with the scenery and highways
of Oregon.
from om 1'oniionl OoftMpMdtstj
The farm land bureau of the
Oregon State Immigration Com
mission is receiving a good many
inquiries in regard to the possi
bility of renting good farm land,
ami nearly all these inquiries
came from practical, exerienced
Madstone Used to Cure
Hydrophobia Victim
Since we are experiencing an
epidemic of hydrophobia in this
section the following story, pub
lished under a Columbia. Mo..
date line, will be interesting read
ing: While playing with a little pet
collie Wednesday C. ,1. Pavton
and May Mitchell, who live eight
miles north of Kocheport, in
Howard county, were bitten by
the dog. Later when the collie
began to bite stock and other
dogs on the place, Mr. Payton
was led to believe the dog had
contracted hydrophobia. After- The county commissioners met I inspector.
warns ne ami May M it chell came again fast Monday and completed Official bonds of the several
to Columbia to have a madstone the business of the court for the county officiers approved.
"imueii. i.ianuary term. J hey met at the ' Dr. .T W
regular time and transacted some! health officer.
Business Conducted Without Aid of a
County Judge as no Decision Was
Handed Down by Supreme Court.
Take Recess to Await Decision but
Have to Finish Business Alone
The owner of the madstone, K.
II. Moore, of 811 Kunge street,
pronounced both as suffering
from the bite of a rabid animal.
Mr. Payton was bitten on the
neck and May Mitchell on the
Mr. Payton is a well-to-do far
mer of Howard county. May
Mitchell is the Ki-y car-old son of
Kdward Mitchell, also a farmer
of that section.
The two cases make a total of
six that Mr. Moore and sister,
Mrs. Lillian Norman, have treat
ed since September. The mad
stones that they use have long
Geary appointed
business but owing to the uncer-
Wm. Farre appointed member
.,!.. r.t ...l- ' ... J
.., u wo ,s county juoge . county fair board for a term of
ii. v. Ljevt-iiH nav i if oaiied
three years.
J. L. Caldwell appointed a spe
cial deputy assessor for a period
of two months at a salary of Hop
per month.
Jury list for the
year was
farmers who are not til Ihiu mm.
ing the building of the Deschutes financially able to purchase land,
line and it is taken for granted it The Iturenti is now ..Inm.imr m
add this rental feature to its
Burns Meat Market
Packing Plant
Fresh Meats, Poultry
Home Products for Home Consumers
Hill People Getting Busy
With Road to Our East
The money for building the
Hoisc-Winnemucea branch of the
Western Pacific is ready and it
only retnaini for the directors of
the system to decide what action
they will take in the matter, ac
cording to Ontario and Boise
papers. The business men of
Boise have offered a handsome
bonus for the construction of the
is a Hill move, especially since it
is characteristic of these people
to move rather suddenly and ui.
heralded. According to Mr. Johnson they
have asked no concessions or fa
vors from Prineville; have made
no statements IS to their connec
tions or their final destination.
It is known, however, that Red
mond has been asked to L.rrnnt a
right of way through the town to
the west, indicating they contem
plate a western extension over
the Cascades.
Another significant mors Ifl
connection with this survey is
the activity of a well known man
closely identified with the Hill
interests in buying large tracts of
timber up the Ochoco River be
tween Prineville and Hums. It
is known this gentleman has at
least three big power sites includ
ed in his timber purchases in that
An electric lir.e up the Ochoco
and across the divide to Emigrant
creek then down that stream to
Silvies river to Hums has been
road and the Idaho state legisla-1 investigated in the past and pro
ton has introduced a resolution
to appoint a committee to make
an investigation of the route.
Everything is favorable to the
The Hill lines own the Pacific
ft Idaho Northern road that ex
nounced feasible. It not only
presents reasonable grades but
also follows the timber line, an
excellent and almost inexhausti
ble source of revenue for a rail
road. In addition to this the
proposed route would find nuiner-
E wish to announce that along with our
Rexall line of Medicines and Toilet
Articles we have secured the Famous
line of Family Remedies and Toilet Articles
Each preparation guaranteed
or money refunded
The Rexall Drug Store
The Burns Hospital
Best Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com
fort for PatientsReasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse In Charge
tends from Werner to Meadows i0U9 nub-stations to augment the
and from there north is a water lelectric .supply.
grade down Salmon River to) Another advantage would be
GrangeviBe, from which pMsjfthe) line would pass near the sits
then- are railroad connections to or tne necessary dams to impound
all points in northern Idaho. th, "001 "f Silvies river
From Weiser the proposed road that '8 ,0 l"' us('(1 l0 IwUfSth the
will cross the river and extend thousands of acres in Hariuy
south ihrouirh Malheur and Har- Valley that it may produce ton.
ney counties to Winnemucca, Hiiflu-ic-nt f..r half dozen
opening up to greater develop- j railroads.
ment and settlement a vast ter- Mr- Johnson's railroad news
ritory. A branch line will con. ''certainly is of more than passing
nect the road with Hoise. interest to the people of this sec-
Atone time parties projecting ' tion aH il has every indication of
this proposed line were consider-'" rt'u live railroad and if it is a
ing the proposition of coming! "'" lim' tnm' wi" ht no blaring
from the Barron Valley country OI irumpets or monkey nusi
through Harney Valley then on ne88" they'll simply build and
to a connection at Lakeview, but not he long in doing it
it has never been brought to a
other work and would like, a;.
soon as possile, to make up a
generous list of such offerings.
No fees or commissions of any
kind will be charged, and in all
CSSSSS the reliability and fitness
of the applicant will be carefully
Farmers and land owners
throughout the state who have
land for which they have no pre
sent use, and who would like to
derive an income from such acre
age, are invited to write to J. W.
Brewer, manager of the farm
land bureau, at Portland, for
blank on which to list such
If present plans do not mis
carry, Oregon will in a short
time be listed among the impor
tant sugar-producing states of
the Union. While Eastern Ore
gon has been more or less active
in the raising of sugar beets for
a number of years, it is recently
that the movement has extended
to the Willamette Valley and the
counties in the south end of the
state. Approximately 5,000 acres
have been signed up within the
past few days in the vicinity of
Medford and Grants l'ass, an
acreage suflicient to warrant the
erection of a beet sugar factory.
A corporation backed by Oregon
California and Utah capital has
been formed to carry through
and interesting histories. One the term and adjourned
nas ueen in possession of the Kollnwincr U
anu u was sun some question as
to whether Judirc Thorrmson
Would hold over or not, they took
a recess pending a decision of
the supreme court covering the
point which was to be rendered
on the 20th. However, no deci
sion was handed down and when
court covened on Monday they!
were as much at sea in the mat-1
ter as formerly, therefore the Receipts for last week at the
commissioners finished what busi- Portland Union Stock Yards have
ness there was before them at i been cattle, 628: calves 51
j Hogs. 8580; sheep, 299.
a synopsis of the! Wlin tne exception of a fevy
Market Report.
Moore family for more than 100 ' proceedings as shown by the I can the catt'e receipts this week
years. This stone weighs about J journal entries: j have been of mediocre quality,
four ounces and is about the site D.ini j . . , Tons have failed to brino- mn
nuici j-Maiuuiiugrunieuasaioon I., .
license for a term of six months. 1 V,a n 775 at any time s,nce Mo"-
S. I). Miller of Drewsey allow- m i . i .. ,
,i - m,L i- j Monday witnessed the argest
cd $25 a month for the care and L;u a ei
1 7200 head being received. Many
A petition for a liouor licence ; koir r, ,i i i ,
i j l L ah . ' ic.iioi.iiiu ruuKii nogs are oe-
of a dollar. The color is brown.
Seen through a microscope, it
resembles a smooth sponge with
many small pores.
This stone, says Mrs. Norman,
was found in the stomach of a
white deer by one of her forefath
ers. During the century that it
has been applied to the wounds
made by mad dogs it has never
failed to cure, she asserts.
The other stone, Mr. Moore
discovered. In 1HH0 he went to
California to mine gold. He
crossed Nevada at the time the
Modoc Indians were in rebellion.
It was due to the advice of a
friendly Indian, who told him to
go straight west for two days
without stopping, that he came'
upon a dying deer. This deer
had been severely wounded in a
tight with some Other animal and
was almost dead when Mr. Moore
came along. The two days were
about up anil he was extremely I
hungry, so he stopped to feasl
on the deer.
This, too. happened to be s
whits dear, stag with 10 points
on his horns. After feasting.
Mr. Moore examined the stomach
and there found a stone about
three inches long and an inch
wide. This oval stone is also
brown in color, weighs about six
ounces and apparently is of the
same material as the other.
In treating a patient the stone
is upplied to the wound, to which
asked by the Albritton Hotel in
Harriman precinct was denied on
the ground that the petition did
not contain a majority of the
voters of the precinct.
ing received. The market
closing at 6 80 for tops.
As usual sheep continue more
in demand than the supply. AH
offerings are being taken at
James Weston granted permis-' steady prices. Lambs at 7 50;
sion to construct telephone lines 'yearling wethers 6.50; ewes 5 50.
along the public highways in
llatney COUnty. Billioun,i and Constipation Cured.
The Times-Herald designated If you are ever troubled with
as the county official paper. j biliousness or constipation you
Dr. Carl C. Griffith appointed will be interested in the state-
e.illllle nhltoiiinM ..-. t, . . .
- KH- -r . eor. ment of R p Erwi
The clerk ordered to pay a "a i I ,L ,
bounty on coyotes and other pre- yBr ! "' w'nt had an
datory animals upon advice that ?T f md'efon foIlowpd
the legis.ature haY made provl . h"? , ?"&? '
sion for such. ?ee"g Chamberlain's Tablets so
,, ., , highly reccommended. I bought
. B. Beery former county a bottle of them." For sale by
surveyor, ordered to complete the all Dealers
plotting of the county roads.
.1. L Caldwell appointed stock You're going to Tonawama.
the project.
The commercial club of Cold the stone clings if the bite was
Hill has also launched a cam-1 made by a dog having rabies.
paign for the purpose of raising I The patients say they feel a
the necessary 0660,000 with which stinging, drawing sensation. The
to finance a sugar mill in that
locality. It is more than likely
that all the interests in Southern
stone is permitted to stay on the
wound until it loosens itself.
Then the stone is placed in a pail
Breakfast 5:30 to 9
Dinner 11:30 to 2
City Restaurant
W. R. McCuistion, Prop.
Supper 5 to 8
Short orders at all hour
Auto Club Issue Booklet
To Attract The Tourists
definite conclusion which route
would be taRen.
U. P, Hush, president of the
W , ,1 , - ni 1 '-i , 1 1 1 t-i a u .r-i MSB i LsnsfeJ t , .
send a report of the directors" Much enthusiasm is being man
decision to the business men of lHl throughout the state in
Hoise as soon as he receives it. the Oregon scenic booklet which
lis being prepared by the Portland
Sick Nsassefcsi Automobile club for free distri-
Sick headache is nearly always ; bution at (he two California fairs,
caused by disorders of the Btom-j8av8 tnc Journal Commercial
ach. Correct them and the peri-, clul)S ani other organizations are
odic attacks of sick headache will displaying a lively interest and
disappear. Mrs. John Bishop of are K'vmg their assistance! to the
Hoseville, Ohio, writes: "AboutalcommiU('('- 'Jlne Automobi le
year ago I was troubled with in-1 dealers' association will donate
digestion and had sick headache ' lioerttl m-rcentage of the n
that lasted for two or three days ceipts Tuesday night at the auto
at a time. I doctored and tried a "how. Lnough funds are ex
number of remedies but nothing Pected to guarantee at least
helped me until during one of 100.000 copies,
those sick spells a friend advised I James 1). Abbot, chairmun of
me to take Chamberlain's Tablets l the Iwoklet committee, expects
wrcguu win commne aim loeute oi warm mini mr me same length
the factory at some central point of time that it clings to the
to which the beets can be shipped I WOUad. Presently the milk be
with the least delay and expense. 'cpmes a yellow-greyish color.
Coos and Curry counties have The milk curdles in proportion to
raised a fund of $5,000 to meet j the amount of poison extracted
the expenses of a comprehensive j from the wound,
display at the Panama-Pacific I The madstone is applied sever
Exposition this year and within jal times a day until it refuses to
This medicine relieved me in a
short time." For sale by all
to have the matter on the press
early in February. He says all
speed possible is being made to
a few days the material will be
shipped to San Francisco and in
stalled in the Oregon building.
Of interest to all wool growers
in this and adjoining states is a
movement recently inaugurated
to establish a big wool warehouse
in Portland to handle the clip
from ull flocks in this territory,
thus eliminating the speculator
ami broker who have heretofore
cut deeply into the annual re
ceipts of the sheep men. Under
lie new plan all wool will be
advised exactly what his wool is
worth. It is estimated that this
plan will net the woolmen from
3 to 6 cents per pound over form
er trices.
Shooting is positively forbidden
on my farm near Hums and I enables the system to throw off
shall prosecute any one found the cold. For sale by all dealers,
trespassing. There will be no1
favors shown in this respect. For rent -200 acres, 80 on flat
H. H. Mace. Und under irrigation balance
J grazing, near Hums, good house,
We do job printing. barn etc. Inquire at this office.
cling to the wound. In the in
stance of Mr. Payton and May
Mitchell; the stone clung to the
wounds for one hour at the first
application and 20 minutes the
Daiigi'i of a Cold.
Do you know that of all the
minor ailments colds are by far
the most dangerous? It is not
the colds themselves that you
need to fear, but the serious dis
eases that they so often lead to.
For that reason every cold should
be gotten rid of with the least
possible delay. To accomplish
this you will find Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy of great help to
you. It loosens a cold, relieves
the lungs, aids expectoration and
The Burns Flour Milling Co.
Manufacturers of home products
The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable
Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds
You Patronize Home when you deal here
Is The Place to Trade
First: Promptness, accuracy and Uirjdenling."
Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Drugs, Chemi
cals and Druggist Sundries.
Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be jut t as
represented or your money refunded.
If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be
come one and be convinced.
J. C. Welcome, Jr.