h: m i P"i P hi iaBaaliti l; l VMM 1 '''I Is traShst aarattrs InlrlnRrmcnl will le vlfcrsti y prencmtnl. SYNOPSIS Valuable Envrrimirtital paper ma stiilun I y ThanipKin, follower of I utteqtta, ln-,- tarnatlonal spy. from Uaneral I ova, Whop Loubaque hataa. In M.mil.i. I.nva'a ilauKli tar Lucille fllaa to a steamer to recn or the paper In onlcr to Wear Uie nama of Uautenant Glbaon. whom alia loves. Loubaqua, tampering with lira wlrelrs en tha ataamar. la hurt. Lucille nur.ua him Is an altampt to raaevar tlia papara Lucllla arts tha papers, but tha ahlp la wrecked 8ha la cast ashore on a Paclflo Island and la tnkrn by a until, chief to hla hut to nuraa hla alck chilil Tha native child la rileraJ to haalth, and tha grateful natlvca Molina Lucllla. Loubequa, alao caat Mnoro, trtaa various plana ta recover the papara, hut In vain Loubeu.ua. .am, ,1. fmj,i a mcasnite from a neighboring chiuf to lure Lucllla away from her friends She f,illa Into a pitfall, losing the ilocumenta. Loubeque'a nattva BM atajsja. tha pavers from hla master, and l.m III,' takes tin in from tha native after he Is killed by a lion. She finds and follows itn under ground pns?ttge In the Jungle, Lucille falls Into the hnu.ls ol a tribe of ape men. whoa It'iider dropa s neck Isca of priceless rubles, which she takes. She and Loubttnie srs rsscuaa from the Island by a yacht eomnssndejd hy Captain Wether.lL Tha sirl and l.oulciue ai-e sat aniltt In an open boat by Wetherell attar aba re pultee tha captaln'a advances, and ha takea tha papers. Saved by fishermen, Lucllla and Lon beque are In China. Aa aha pasaea a house Loubeque'a diary la thrown to her mysteriously. Bhe tries to board s vessel bound for America. Loubeitue recovers Iba papara from Wetherell. Lucille atone away, la c.iuiht snd dresses aa a cabin boy with tha aid of tha captain of tha steamer In order to aearch Loubeque'a aiateroom for tha pa pers lis catches her ut work. I.oubeque takea the papers from Lucille. Landing at Han Francisco shs Is kid naped by the spy and held prisoner In Loubeque'a house by Thompson. Blie throws n BMaaajr from her window to tha captain of the ho.it. who passe. the house, and a fight follows, which I.ou beque wins Ho le hurt, nnd aha taken and hldea the putters Thompson tries to ataal the rubles f'H lI'TKlf XVI C itiued) Mil ; I iirc ;iu it Ir.im him nt men Imp at I In III iMrr, lllll KoniPthltlR In ic tteanlna itk I. ii'.nd ihe uinsk re- I -',,- rim ell out Int Uit- patio, iliio inr.v i . xl Thomp son whose eysg dnrtrxl .i inrKsage of aiiMpli top. at lueiii ' lie think nil I. r.nl rl ;t." said the Ci i.i ulctly win ii they were out of ajgbt - Well. In- .idileil. witli a low sigh, "lie Is right In bU suspicion. 1 could not hope u foul ih. it man. only a little less aria . i tlinn Hugo bliuaelf." "Not rlKlit' Then (i lime couie to belp mo' "I have couie," lie mwtjfad iiuletly, "tiecause I could uot help coating;. I have cuiue bfCiitiHu alnco first 1 looked upon joa you Rill fMgllt me there to tile city Imuie of Hugo, when I looked ii on your fact I have aeeu no other, t have MOM tiecause I could Dot slay a way I have como against tbe lll of the man to whom I one everything, the man I love, becuuaw you called me. lie. .mic" She torn hod hla arm lightly with her Angers In mute npiienl. Her woman's Instinct told her that aucb a love aa tbla might ba turned to account. Slowly ihey wanderetl through the iHMinllful gardens, speaking of w bat they aaw, yet never touching upon the Slowly They Wandered Through the Oardana. aubject nearest both thelr'lieaits. Sud denly the man seemed unable to atuud th strain longer, ami alio touched Ids arm sympathetically, hut ho drew away wltb a little cry of near pnln. "Come with mo to the crystal ball," bo cried, "aud seo tho vision that lias haunted my eyes so long u time. Come wltb uie to the crystal and N the face that bus made in forget my vows; forget the ouo I love find feat; forget verythlng save the desire for life thai I may lay down to bring a suit lo It Come Willi me, lady of my lirmi " lief ore tho tempest imusiic. is of Ills voice Lucille followed his lend (JtMM from her waa every thought of Innuit dlate escape. Hhe saw that the man could Dot bo handled easily; tbut she could njut escape from I , I iii-ajjkuirc than she could from UM fjJM W"N tbe epyiriglatAiVaM H.ft' and jet h (aj 1iBaw,01iy antMMlii mi lAm ifaut i" I ball llu. wa j TifljTle flagging beside th tmWutulb. boalde which stood Ihe uiouatroua, hoary, gray palm dec, lie halted, atarlng through the sills of bj mask Into Its clear depth. She trem bled aa she looked upon thu llamlug mf9 to (lose to the reflection of ber own fare Suddenly uo tore tbe mask from him and tossed It to one side, eluding bla arm fiercely about her waist and drawing her soft cheek agalnat hi.' swarthy one i'ngcthar they stared Into the nail, hi eyea luminous with a wild love, hers moist with mingled sympathy and fear. Uently alio dlseu- In iiLiiiil lilti II 1 1 " i t m 1 1 t-l M kissil at I has uumbues of them, tha ease wltb wl.i ' Hiev lespnndrd to her will nr M finmnired of aucb ytly, mm i BKlffarant aVv'aV Manlla- voil ones- lovatl ohoe grieving i' I ihey think it lost to them i ei I see a man, the handsomest. meat, truest man Id tha world tha mi I love. Ho la disgraced. Ha la in M'.mkcn. Ha I giving up tha sword lie lured, th aword h swore to nevei ii, t avo In defenae of hla conn- n' I - nnd the honor of a woman. He Is i iv ng up all that Ufa bold dear in lil lit lust as he haa long allies been In nil ii all he cared to have from n i in i. hiss I am Imprisoned here. ' iid I do not ear for anything e cept hla happiness He la my whole not Id. 1 would sin 1 1 II. -e every thing for him and for bla honor." flba turn si awlflly, her hands reaching toward her neck and unfastening th ruby necklace. "Here, my friend, take tbla. It la alt I hare to give eicept niy grati tude Take It uiid help nut to th man 1 love." He took the necklace, turning It Idly nli. uit In lila hands, then hungrily lifted Ml eyes to her face, na though Inani mate beauty was a thing of no account In comparison, II look her arm again and thoughtfully led her around tle vloiis paths to a deep, sunken well, be fore wldeh ho paused, n curious smile upon hla lips "It Is the 'wishing well,'" he mur mured. "Ihe w lulling well before which nil who have looked Into the crys tal ball and seen that their heart most desires must kneel and make re quest. It la the legend; but, ah!'' He tinned nwny to hide the awlft contor tion of Jealousy ami pain that auffuaed bla face Kb knelt beside tha well, almoat fearful of Ih magic powera lie ascrib ed to It. "Oh, wishing well, let me but bold in my hands the honor of my aweet beait that 1 may glvu It bark to him! Let DM but serve hla happiness and I ahaM ask for nothing more. Do wltb mo as yon desire, but grant my only wish." lie touched her lightly upon tha arm. and she rose obediently, her eye glow ing like Jew els. Lightly be placed th ruby necklace about her neck. "One look In your eyes," be said softly, bla mellow role breaking un der the torment of what he knew to be a hopelesa lova, "la more beautiful, more rare, mure precious to me than any Jewel. Come!" Slowly, silently, yet In perfect under standing, they moved back to th botiae. CHAPTER XVII. A Girl With One Idea, was the following day that, lean lug against the window grating of Iron, she was astonished to tlud it Pending In-fore her. She looked I iiioro closely and wa astonished to In.! that one bar had been cut cleanly tluough. She eiamlued the remainder ol the bars They appeared absolutely untouched, tint when she pulled harsh ly at them every one gave way. Heady made was tier menus of escape. That night, fully dressed, she atood besiile the window looking out over the moon splashed patio. A furtive figure detached Itself from the ahadows aud crept toward her. Strangely enough it did uot frighten her to recogniae the butler. She crouched In tbe opposltu aide of the room listening to the faint tinkle of snapping Iron bar aa the man tie t.i rued Uie ends from their sockets Hla bead and shoulders appeared la the opening breathlessly she watched hla ap proaeh. There was nothing uuiIccMihI about his movement He was awlft; be was eeitalu; be waa euro. Not a mol Ion. not a step waa wasted. Ho nu almost over the lied when Lucille "prang from her hiding place behind ihe door. In-t.inlly he turned, bis head darting from side to side like that of a giant reptile He dhl not apeak Slowly his h mils opened and cloaed, while a grin losscd lil faces widened bis mouth hideously Inhuman grin. She tried i cry out. hut her lips were frozen but lie had almoat reached her aide. A life a gasp Lucille graaped a native v.iso that stood near and brought It low u on hi head wltb crushing foree. A lie sank to the floor with a tnoau i hero waa a sound outside, and her mysterious friend, the lover wbo bad promised hi aaalatanre, leaped lightly Into tin. room. Heading bla thoughts, yet h.iiing untiling, aha moved toward the window and lifted ber tiny foot aa though to mount a bora. His hands cupped about It- Bbe vaulted to tha casement and lu a aecond bad sera m blisl through. Ity her side stood tba niun. lor a mmi, cut he waited, then urged her for- vard. Mho was free, free, freel Of ..nme there were pickets to be passed, ut she bad nimbi one providential ee- i pa tonight, why not another? i int of sight of tbe building she paused and looked about ber. How . aim and peaceful and friendly ap i iied tbe ulgbt! The moon was full, the stars winked merrily at her, urg- Brought it iaad With Ing her on Bar Lh of a llndd linger upon he 1 1 ber from liei reveries. "The bora wait, my Camo a awlft Has eights from "'" bourn they bad a acur wf feel lie. loud. HL LBnV aBaBji 2 ahrlll, linrlstent The Mexican seined bar arm fiercely and half dragged hr from off the court to n dump of bnah a, where two horaea atood saddled and bridled. In a second ah waa lo th saddle, the man beside her The clatter of hoof rang out upon the silence Looking back, she caught glimpse of dark hVuro" silhouetted again! the tropical tegetatlon In th tin l In A spun of lire leaped out at them like n living thing. Th Mexi can muttered a guttural oath and urg d his liniM. I.i more speed Lucille ltenl in er her horse's head, bent low, for tho whine of bullets waa In th air bout them Suddenly the Mexlcun grunted loud ly. Ills hands shut high In tha air; then (lie Inn-se fairly inn from under ldm I p..u tlie ground he swayed a Ke.imd; I lien leaped agalnat tha alia ilnu of a giant lingered cactus plant. Lucille sprang fruin tier saddle and sought Ills Hide. had, warm blood gimhcd from the wound In his chest Hla eye Wr glaring when she stooped and briih ed her litis ncro 111 forehead. "liol" bo muttered. "Ool" Thou hi voice look mi tlie reaonaut ton Of a scant day or less before. "It la the ripple of the wishing wall, my lady tin! Hide to the on-your henrt -desires." He stiffened suddenly and a spurt of tear came from her eye. Louder grew tho about, the voices. Th air waa alive Willi long, darting flames. l.ouheipie's hive waa swarming. Kim leaped Into the saddle one more and dug her heel Into the horse's aide. Through the night she rod with tlie ripple of tlie wishing well Id her ear Behind her, Lucille could bear Ilia pursuit. Not a second could aha apara for thought of regret. Time, above thu ringing of her horse' hoofs, tint would hear th shouts of those behind bar. Now and then a message of lead would whin Its dreadful tale Into her ears, but all these were growing fainter, lea dla tlnct Willi ctcr.v leap of th animal aba tHsstrndc Hour, It MS'iucd, she rode, with nev er the slightest slackening of tha mad pace to which she originally aet ber mount, lie was lathered with foam, but she bad M pity on him. Her brain was fiercely chaotic, wild with tha Mistily meuioiie of the night I 'ro m now mi she had every advan tage she was free nnd ahe knew w here tbe stolen papers aud documents Were secreted In the mysterious bouae of Inexplicable dlsiipteiiiihg rooms and stalls. Sbo bad the diary of Hugo I.i. ul. e. pic lu her possession, and abe hud (lie ruby necktie which waa cipihnlcut to last wealth. She hud the outward seeming of gulleleaauevia. was glillsli and delightfully effeminate, but she knew the power of tba rlawa she had. and her eyea rested foudly on tin. rcniher wlili h she found lu a lml ster alia, hid lo (ho Mexican's aaddle. even ua she urged her horse to greater speed. Across ih trackless plain abe rode with only the iiuinii and atara looking down upon her. a wild, eerie figure of a ban headed girl llehlud the pur suit had died away aud before there was nothing save a slender ribbou of Vtnlcr that the moon buried Its face lu conlellledly MM heard voices, low pitched, yet carry lug far lu the silence of the night Instutiili l.e ilnvv rein and flung her Heir to lie g ml. listening Inteutly. Cri-oplng i niilloiisly to a slight lias. she looked down upon an adobe aback, before which a little aiuad of bare fooled Mcvli nut loafed Idly, their Mown hands laxlly supporting old fashioned spi Inglield rifles, aucb aa abe recalled the aoldlera of Unci Bam to have carried In Ihe old day. Troiii w here she watched aha sud denly noticed a stir among tha men. Proa tlie Interior of the aback step pad a gaudily drussed Utile Mexican, evidently an otllcer from tbe awkward salute accorded him by tba tatterde malions gathered liefore the house. I or Nome reason she could not sua lyre, tannic listened eagerly, her lircalh i inning in quick, eager gaepa as she overheard their daring plot to cross (he river nnd stampede the cor ml or an American ruiichmau A lit tle i ry of delight came from her Up aa she h.iinl their allusions to th lulled Slates cavalry they must alft through Itfoie hoping ror success Her eye were glittering wltb I citeinent when she stole cautiously to the adobe shin U, peering Inside alowly and can fully In-iore entering Bbe knew all their plana, aud ber blood wa i boiling, but she alao knew from what they had aald that they, too, would be on the lookout for any upaat to tlie well laid plot. I ii. in a (lust In tho ((truer, whlcb shu hurriedly overhauled, ah draw a similar suit to the one lb little lead er had worn. It would Just about fit her, and shu must take no chance of trying to cross thu Hlo Urapd attired us alio was. Hwiftly she i hanged, for every mo ment now was pie. lous to others aa well a to herself.' Daughter of Hen era I Suinplei Love, ahe waa aflr wltb rage at tlie way th Meileana bad spoken of the border patrol of bar country, lljc presumption of the plan shu had heard outlined, ihe gaudy en (lllllie fitted llIT IsaUtifUll, god lb broad straw sombrero, wltb Us weigh' of silver i Hiding and tassels, mad It easy for her feminine feature to b iiuriicogiilzalilii even ua it concealed her long bulr. She was well i, based wltb herself when ngalu she mounted her bona. Tho beast had been ready to drop In his track any moment, and aba bad killed two lilid with oua atone while changing her costume. Cautiously to a a id ihe glittering i II, I... n of river aha rode, her eyea always alert for any sign of thu Mexican foraging part. The horse huHltntcd ut tha bank of (he stream, but Lucllla boldly urged him forward. "Hurrah! We're ucroea!" aba aald lo herself, ua, dripping and disheveled, she Niood upon the "right alda of th Itlo." Up and down the bank abe looked for signs of the border patrol but iiuno was In eight. Hut lu tba dla III lain,, abg ..nld make out a tiny apeck Tho i hauiei were It was on of the Mexicans Hut eomethlng must be done If (he ranchman waa to b saved from the plot abe had orerbeard rTerctiy hu urged bur mount toward (he speck In thu tllatuuc until baV heart sank as shu recognized lb mas for one of tho plotters. Hour II seemed to her ahe pursued the slinking llgure until It Joined Wltb two other. Gradually, after a faw miles Journey lug, a great bias shot high In the air, a blaze puuetuated by shot and wild cries. Th three men cruelly dashed their purs Into the sides of Ibelr horses. Ca llal Q Him rider of sOunA as a great bunch of .iiiiu from tba remuda of the American were driven toward her by tho llemlisli Mexlcun, Lucille aaw the danger she waa lu of being tram pled underfoot by that wild bard, drtr u to frenzy by the flames and popping V aw A 9bv trnrnr '"to? IvF Q mWll As-alr '.awawflH at I fV 4 -ti r.'ejof. Tha Costume Fitted Her Beautifully. revolvers from behind tbeiu, Mhu urg ed her owu In. is,, to thu right, escap ing Just aa tbe cattle whizzed by her lu a wild riot of sound Here and there tba Mexican had iiaMCInhlcd themselves, always alert, marvelous hoi semen all, keeping the frightened beasts together while they drove Ihcin lu a direct line for tbe river Lucllla felt a shot slash through the sleeve of her Jacket. Shu reined lu ber bora Instantly, fur she knew the Mexlcaua bad passed. Aa she turned ahe almoat collided with a long inns inched, grizzled man. driving bullet after bullet aftr the marauder. She did not spcuk did not eveu relu In, but urged ber own horsu be-hie hi, drawing her own revolver Tba ranchman uttered a bewildered ejaculation aa he saw she was of Ills own blood. "1 waa trying to get there In time to warn you," ahe gasped "There1 a (bancs of driving them Into the pa trol If you know where It Is " Without a not her Mold, ns though complete understanding had la-ell es tablished, he waved to the light; iiuno a auddeu abrupt wheeling or the stam pede; came a rltle ibot, more like a cloth being ilpis-d U was than any thing else Lin lite heard Ho. sharp mice of Hie senliy. s.i w (be hesitan cy of the aleltralU even as they hud dled close together, lining Unit soli tary figure lu till v ,. khaki, bestriding his mount as tiion. h i i r veil riom gran ite They hstUed bevaUtlugl) behind them The lam In n'a revolver sound ed, aud t tit Ii lead i i . iv his lunula lu the air and tlopptil over upon III horse's neck II In r s mice rung out lo them and the .' . i htilicil 1. audita threw down their ibort laihlms In to. ken of surrender The sentry vvallisl uutll Lucille and Hie ranchm.iii came up. then llsteinsl to their story, at tba end demanding then pit me before bla comtuauillng oili. iTolsiunliniieil next wctk. All stock now on hand at Mrs. Millar's at ont'-thinl discount, See her at Schwartz's store, Huriia t lei He 11" SOTICK KOK !M 1111 HATION. I'mtmi .rT - I tsin nr u . Hurn, (irrituii. Simiul'ii I, I'-U Null.' Ii hen I.) kImii Ihnt I )- N.. iMi.ru I'aVClAr KaliiltH) I'll. ,llll) Va llt.it Jh I k t . ft. . .. I 'IrmliNt I'ftul Mlenotultt, imi ihu tlti U ol NtiVvvaibrr Ivl flit 1 In U.le ufllt tltl ftppllt BlluH iiiirlft't umltrr (hi prOVltlutlt Ol tiio m i ul n ffjrva, eitiroi i-il July l. Uttt -i1 t t ; I iij l Hw !U, 1 I - - R.,n M 160 ' Hajrlnl Nu Onl Any mi. t sU rrfti i iiilinliiir mlvt ta-! tt.r lamU dsarrllkitxl, nr tlrli u., lu (. it ti-. usu al tbt bilunml i )ir t-r el lit Intnl. nr for m.y nlher raaWiri In IIih allaiHiaal (it ahlilli anl ahouid flir ihrir ftfflu)y.li -i pnttMi m ihia null as, vii vi Willi I1 ItJV r'nin tj m j ui in " f , 1VII. Hs lti.nr liislanr. NOTICE rOR I'I'IU.ication rmni'Mi it. I m. in to s, I tlurm, uriiiui, Snviiiil.il BJ, phi Niillit' Is liersli)' glviii tl.st tha Nnitlirrii I'aclflc Ksllwsv i niiii.aii) , tt h noat orrii't' itill rM IS Ml. I'aill, Mllllli'Snlii h.I lllll All II dajr ut Novrlnlter 1UH, fits In this nflli t- lis sp pllcallim lit .t-ltn I mill, i lb provision ol tlie art of l ourcss, approved Julf I, IBM (M)tal . 0S7.liiMJ i .11, "i,Hw''ou'lown"1''1, '"'''''' l'''l' i Hl'llsl Nil BMI Any spd all itaisotis olalailog .ilvcrsub tlis laiots dial III. ul 6r doilrllit'it In iil.lii'l l..( B of ihe Hlnvral iliaracirr ol Ih Uml, " snr utksr rssson. In In ijiait.ul in .i.f.ii. uni, should file their sfhilsvlls itf .o.ief In tills oaisa.nlior liefore in. lllli ila HI Jiti.u.rx itu. W vi I n.Ht, Hi .lali.i. THE RIGHT ROUTE i to PORTLAND SPOKANE SEATTLE TACOMA and all principal points in Oregon ana Washington I via Junior, Ihe Oregon Eaalern Railroad aad Ihe OtEGON-WASfllNuTON RAILROAD & NAVI8ATI0N CO. TO THE it via Juntura and the Oregon Eastern Oregon Short Line Union Pacific Information schedules tickets etc. upon applica tion to any System agent or address a card to the GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT Portland. Oregon W Lur.l 1 B tMAflf J v.'jg, Dalton k Co. hav n mont complete line of Chrlit maa goodi and invite you to call nnd see when telecting p,if ta for friends. Sick Headache. Sick headache i nearly always caused by diaordera of the stom ach. Correct them and the peri odic attacks of sick headache will diBappear. Mra. John Bishop of Ropeville, Ohio, writes: "About a year ago I waa troubled with in digeation and had aick headache (hut lasted for two or three daya ut a time. I doctored and tried a number of remedies but nothing helped me until during one of t hose sick spells a friend advised me to take Chamberlain's Tablets This medicine relieved me in a short time." For sale by all dealers. .. - I r Neptune respects Maltheic I. yen he know that it is water- ' and weather-proof ant that mniamra and wind have no effect . whatever upon it I Malthoid was made to make gooc i and doe. We tell, guai autre and tr.'niiimriid it. Harney Valley Lumber Co. Burnt, Oregon IMPORTANT EVENTS ti-iai AT rainiiH WINTER SHORT COURSE JAN. 4-JO AcrUultur, liuludlng Afronoaiy, Animal Huibandry, Dairying, Hortl inlini. Poultry Husbandry, limits, Plant .111 J Animal UlMaaes, ( .iatn ry M instnnsiit, Marketing, tf, Heme I.. onenaka, Including Cook In K Hem Nuralng, Sanitation, Sow Ing, Urtsamakliig and Millinery, Cumraorco, itu lujing RuIiim Man. agaitKiit, Kural l:tuiioinl, . Builnesa I .in 1 ifii.a Training, Farm Account. In(, etc KaglaaaHag, huludlng Mioimiiik snd Koadbulldlng. I AI.MIHS WCI'.K I'KBRUARV li A gentral 1 tearing boua aasslan of U days for th tsthang of dynamic Idea on th aiust pttsilng problems l th limes I atuiaa by leading authorities. State infrme. EXTENSION SERVICE Oflara lacturas, movable school, lo st itulei aad numaroua crrsondDC 1 iiiinas Ofl rsquast. MUSIC: Plana. String, Band, Volco. No tuition. Reduced rate en all rail roads. For further Inloraa'lon address, Tbe Urtfoa Afrlcaltaral ColUfe, II. I .' 1 (u 1 If COH At I 1 1, UHUOOM I I f. nil.iinili.in risk, Injuty, iinii!fiit mol! death Item III protection at mini iiiiiin ",1-iist. :',0 4liKi death benefit; fl.0U0.00 fur loss ol limb tir eyesight; In. in S. on t lift 00 weekly sick or ac cident Iteueflt; 11,000.00 Kmarirencv re lief lieiieili. t ol i $11.00 pur year; no olhcr ilues or aascsainefil. In Ibis i nHti ratirt. ell men ml woiiiuii art pUcetl mi an enusl baala, regardi of occuna , tlon. Kvery person makes the same form of application, pay tlie same , iiiiinunl'if pu'inluin and receive the B.iniit amount of benefit. Men aod ; H oiiieti Uit wean lb egea ul Id and Sfi j are accented. No restrictions as to oc cupation, only Railroad nun aiuployed employed on track, train or rooiind Ionise, can not be accepted. Claim are paid within aiaty days anywhere in tbe V.H. Canada or Kornpe. Old reliable Inauruiice Company. (100,000.00 on Hut0 Jopoaltaaa protection for Policy holders and to guarantee the payment of claim. For further free Information address Uuilave K. Werner, Secretary and tieneral Mauager, Hoi Hill, Buffalo, N. V. state age, ei, occupation and inenlloo l lent. B. 173. EAST k fsaKsv T.' aral aawaw1 Kam UNION PACIFIC SIYSTEM hWwwasmTasS I aJUi N(jJl-- We'V -: LONE : RE8TAURANT OBOROB FOON Pi op. Meals At All Houra. Short Ordera'and Prompt Service With Reasonable Itntes Give Me; A Call Oupaalt Tlaaee-HeralU silldlnB a II (! ! Sumpler Valley Railway Co. Arrival and Departure Of Trains Depart No. 2, Prairie 10:15A.M. Sumpter 2:35 P. M. Arrives Baker 4:00 P. M. Departs No. 1, Baker 8:30 A.M. Sumpter 10:05 A. M. Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M. No. 1 Makes good connection with 0.-W. R. & N. No. 10 leav ing Portland 7:00 P. M. and No. 17 from east arriving Baker f:.iO A. M. No 2 Connects with La Grande local 7:00 to La Grande, and No. 0 (fast Mail) picks up sleeper there arriving in Portland 7:00 A. M. Also with No. XL ut 10:45 P. M. for points Ea No other like it No other as good ' Th Hew Hon Sewing Machine Company, ORANGE. MASS. V ' " H " 1 alCl'aaaaaaajaaj I IKe only way to &p m ejrt tU yruuine Bai f New Home ljJ Sewing Machine B M 1 it in buy tha machio flj 1 wtili lite name NEW JbH -1 I IOME ua tlie aim Bjfijjp m ami in tha Ice. Upsjrwn af Tl'' asaaklata k jH fS'Si ' m vwarrsalaj fur all IB W.i I Ni other like It Tflarlln REPEATING RIFLE You can buy no better lor target work and all small game up to 200 yards. gun rfSgW8 .ui2ZXL vr .f V r- ja3vTl t ir.l ruiina Ta. Ill sacs JfUnVit cataUc is Sit. , aitlt uttt nil. Mat saws rattr !oaioJI Sutitt. Sasd I Bataaj '' l.itt &ar BUTTER WRAPPERS Printed in accordance with legal requirements on short notice at THE TIMES-HERALD Job Rooms If You Want ALL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Rest Job Printing JOR WORK . We do it right 'fl1'' F" "if CARL C. VI, I -Sheaiclan nnn Honie Fnlntlnu Paper Hangliujj and Decorating Calclmlnlng Ilnnlwnod Finishing Fresco Painting Eallmates farnlahcd on ap- l plica lion. Siiinplea ahawn. GIVE HIM A CHANCE Uttiwmnt wt:t mil' tmmttnttn '"" n iost IICCUMT! .22 CALIOL.? Repeating Hiffe In the WORLD. fifnii.- in tvi'o iic. deNt one for .91 Mi. .rl It. !'. rar- iii. i tin oilier for .W tang iini' r. r. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 70. llmullu lo .M LIST PRICE SS.00 Miorl and If .H Innff rifle cartridges. and lor hanilaomdv illu-li'iletl llillr Cat.. .1 "How ta Shoot N.'ill". 'tut' r Stovaaa tfla Plilsltaad Sketfaaa from your Dealer. STEVENS aiBMI & TOOL COMPANY. P. O. 80s B004, nut oi-ki: pai.ls. MAaa. I I 1 ICIAL DIUEt'TOaV stuti SBaaNaTI - aaaafi .. lOao. B. Cavaaserlaln I Harry l-ans W 0 Maoist 1 niisrcssiiii'n Aiioriu-) eaaaiai ' ...v erniir r) n Htatu 1 n saoroi supc, I'tii.ilc iniirunloa. Miain I'rltiler I N t Kiuauil A. M. Crawford Oswald Win Baa w uiciin . T.B.Kav 1 A Ckarchill . IDaaiwar I Kvbi Sakla T. A. McBrlds Uso n Barsetl a. a. Bsau. P. A. Meors -n fi me III l,-. NINTH Jt'Ult.lAL UliTBICT. iiiniii 1 J...i" bailee Bins . "u,.,j n-. ,.,. 11 j iitii 11 Biumuil (In nil 1 imrt mi ee is the Brat atosdsj lo April aad Ami Mi.u.Ur lu October. Inn.! Ronaiof Jolni Bevraaeutsilv wh Breeks W. r. Heaaa oorBTT HAaaav: 'nsm Tkoaapaoa ' k T. Uuakal li'ssuit-r K A aiTllar C. a Hrrrr AW. Hlclisrdios J. J. UoDagaO LH llsuillntn fl. i irtrain JObB HublBMID is ' SYlvsstar i. .( I III.!. i..i I, Inapc r ..I., intaslttiH in il lios Bala ("""I) .'ii.. is the Bis! Wsdoeeder la I.e.... . March Mar. July, Hepwmbar sad viFTTstjZrjrzs m i nmr )f, JJjhf-f iiiivii in 1. 1 sit ervics: Wa Karra I ' Baal Multaartttrad 1 1 1 scans VJ....I . ham klotbeisksad R( Ii Kity Van ninkls I ii "tin. ... Hsnrr ItaluiB Marabal, . ..B. I . Uali as K J Haassn Ihiiii' lira -A. C. Walooaia 1 Jsssas Lajaasbira i K J MrKlnauta "' i . .ioi.il mi; eaeead aa ruurta Wodnaad Model 20 Without chance ol mechanism il handle .22 short. long or lone-nils carrwaW pcifcitly. The deep Ballard cirvrlorts maximum aaaaaal aiwt accuracy and adJt yean lo the ne of riile. Tkt aa.1 ant u pntatina I t.aa .Mi-rsv. iiimbju issiBsassBisiisi aunli.tbr,.IJ.,v.nU. t 1 1 .,lr taai sat II anliiTdUat titJiU.!,,,.!,!!.,,.,,,! ..,i.t. wKixidua. WakajjsjIsaaW oVtwa ciaMrwii.a. 'ni..ia ,. n, ,,-kaapare aar JJlHtstdst quKSM utd latMM U catau. A "! nuna nas. AaV aa sa SsaW. 77u 777arfit 2ranms Cm At Willow Slr.at Naw Ha. - ' ' ' - 't J. LU. CI rnyiiciaii 111..1 ,,rn Burns, - - - Oregon. Office Id new buildlnv nonth 'if Wele harness ihop, Sluin HI, Then Main aft, CEO. 6. CARL, M. Phyaldaa and tturari la Tmik.iiiu rllaUna) lsakl aMsatlaa slvatt .1 . ... of ika era). I aaasaav daraat. HARLAN A. HARRIS M. Physician and Suigeon Narrows, DEHHHrl & JL.f Physicians ;md Sqrtj Call anawored pruniptl .hi or! 'rbooo Harrlman, Harrlman Oregon Dr- Mini-iii ijam Physician and Sorgo Wroct Telephone Connection 1 Lawen. Ore. Ii. E. HIBL'ARD XDEXToris'rJ Office first d(,r cu I plioto ksII Iini Orejrun. i M. A. BIGGS ) "Attorney at Law oegiiy uiajf., IIuiiih O. A. REMBOLI Attorney-ut-J,aw, Burns, Oregon -J' IMt I HERMAN VON SCHMf Attorney at Law l ootoat and practice bofore r U ,.. w t'uiuc a sjujciailjr OBea: Key Bldg. ne.t door to u Burrs Oregon CHARULi W vEliLJ LAWYElf Burns, PracticM in tin- - Ul i on fore the U.H. i i: Ofl ... Chaa. II. I AaTOalNlfV- v iJ Careful stUntit.u jU. tions and HPai Krt Kire Inrumn Notary Pill BuitNb. 'KK A. W. GO UP ATTORNEY-l-j AVl SUte Courts ami V 1.11 Land Office IV:u m Three tkonSouth . f7J Harney County National! Burns. Oresron FRANK DAVE1 AUaraey at Law Notarfl Caavasaaclat. Moa.y Lo.nin,. Ra Aaaa.ia U, S. Land V Ml., . I ... Ik, OSIe between Banes r ainiv ',i aad Lan.l n.tl. Burn., Oregon r.C. JJataBu A. O. K Ferasrl; Aast. kiiineei I i.ri . ,l,i la IT. a Kn Isolation s, i ga( all 'c. u i . ' in Hjrl Eastern Oregon i ngii Compaii) QTIL AND IKKIiiAim.N Burns. Urtaa, Jeweler. Cpm l-'.jiLrr. i i Finr Wtch KT.n.I dialiy. $1500 Rewai tliirlklaa SIlAN.s I t Vf 4f,ia Vials ioa Assoaiailoa, -Un.il is nmb will gi 9ywi it v. ul ror i -1' llt'l- lftavdlaTaat Il ------. w-w a I In Silial akttl Mslsaasa 'J r cl.uu ul Ibb la4lluii lullio .1,... ...a. liters lbs sama (euilli ion i . u .. (r ,j gj! "" aursa sii.hI I.., LmjU, orallgsr " raeoiqi.1 In ,.,, ...uu,!,. oat U.J. l..a al.tl ( i.,k ('iiiuillwf. Ml vaatad ark.a aoi.i Nitas but erowii bur.n. ...t.t ....t ,...i.l ate uuacaas, BHijMN Kits, Orsgeal JOHV (iKMIIKHL A 'ft JVl vl ' W '.""fS-ai I. n,.ii..iamiTl i.i "I II raaaii