The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 02, 1915, Image 2

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We wish to thank our
many friends and custo
mers for their patronage
and loyalty shown dur
ing the past year and
wish you all a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Barns, Oregon
(The tJitiws-iaAruCd
On Yaar
Si. Maata
Thr.a Month.
The Mad Coyote Situation.
More mad coyotes haw been
doing damage during i tie past
week and reports from various
sections in this county would in
dicate there is grave (Linger to
stock. Only this week a report
comes from the Pine creek sec
tion of more stock ha ing fallen
the victims of these rabid coyotes
and the people are thoroughly
aroused to the situation. Several
animals have been active in the
vicinity of this city.
Just because some of the boys
are inclined to have fun out of
"Lord Highbrow" stories is no
reason to think they are not ser
ious in respect to the real situa
tion. There isn't a man in Burns
but knows there is danger from
these mad animals, but hairsplit
ting encounters always bring out
some questions and remarks that
are not always appreciated.
The cry for help is laudable
and there should be some method
dt vised to get state or federal
aid in stamping out this peril and
no doubt there will be. In fact
that four copies of this letter be
made. One to be mailed to you.
one to be placed on the minutes
of the church, and the others to
be published in our city papers.
Wishing you God's richest
Yours in His Service,
A. K. MacRae.
Pastor Burns Baptist Church.
Presbyterian Services.
Next Sunday morning Dr.
Benson will preach from Ps.
146:9, "The Way of the Wicked
He Turneth Upside Down." In
the Evening from First Kings
17-24, "By this I Know thut
Thou art a Man of God. " Union
Endeavor services at 6:45 p. m.
All young people are cordially
Install Officers.
The Masonic and Eastern Star
organizations held joint installa
tion last Saturday night and the
ceremony was witnessed by a
goodly number of the members
and a few guests. Mrs. J. M.
Dalton, retiring Matron, acted
as installing officer for the Star
assisted by Mrs. Eggleston as
marshall. The officers installed
Mrs. Cassie Smyth. W. M.;
C. M. Faulkner, W. P.; Mrs.
AlUn Jones, A. M. ; Mrs. Curtis
Smith, secy.; Mrs. E. C. Eargles
ton. treas. ; Miss Leona Thomp
son, conductress; Mrs. Wm.
it is almost necessary that this i Farre, Ada; Mrs. Ludwig John
come about before the rabies are Is n. Ruth; Mrs. John Gember
stamped out completely but in ling, Esther; Mrs. Ed. Egli,
the meantime we might all take Martha; Mrs. J. C. Welcome Jr.,
a hand in the matter of srsdicat-j Electa; Mrs. Sam Mothershead,
ing the danger by killing every j chaplain; Mrs. Archie McGowan,
coyote it is possible to find. Warder; Ludwig Johnson, Senti
There is no reason why we.'nel;Mrs. J. M. Marshal,
shouldn't kill them just as often Win Cowan, retiring Master,
as we find them. We dont gon- installed the officers for the
Additional Locals.
Have your pictures taken at
the Saver Studio.
0. J. Derat was down from the
Trout Creek mines last week.
Usual picture program at Ton
awama tomorow night.
The fire boys had a most en
joyable dance at Tonawama
Thursday night as is their cus
tom. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cookies and
Doughnuts for sale at City Res
taurant. Schools will resume next Mon
day. The children have had a
big time during the holiday vaca
tion. Mrs. J. V. Welcome Jr. has
been quite ill nt her home in this
city this week but is reported
A few of our young people
went over to Harney to the dance
New Year's eve. They report
having a fine time.
There is a rabbit drive adver
tised for the Denstedt section on
Sunday, Jan. 9. Get out ith
your scalping knife.
McHose says he has the steam
laundry now in line shape to
operate in his new quarters and
is ready to care for the trade.
Geo. Smyth has been absent in
Portland during the past week to
receive ami bring back one of
the latest models of the Cadillac
Wanted By man and wife
place on farm or stock ranch by
month or year. Address 1438
W. 6 St.. J. H. Hankins. Eugene,
The Presbyterian Ladies Aid
will meet at the home of Mrs.
Gault on next Wednesday after
noon. This is the meeting when
the annual election of officers is
held and it is hoped a full atten
dance will be present
Harney Ixxlge, I. 0. O. F.
elected the following officers for
the coming term: Pryor Barnes,
N. C; W. A. Goodman, V. G.;
H. M. ilorton. treas.; C. M. Sal
isbury, secy. ; Thos. Sprague,
financial secy.
The Geneva LockeB Company
will open their weeks' engage
ment at Tonawama Monday
night with "Bought and Paid
For"a fine society comedy drama.
.Seats are on sale at any time,
reservation may be made by tele
phone. Prices, 65, 50. gallery
.'5 and children 25 cents.
Miss Myra King, one of the
chief exponent of the Art Pre
servative in the Enterprise office,
has taken a two weeks holiday
Vacation, leaving Monday for
Juntura and Burns, accompanied
by her sister Miss Chespa King.
iney win spena me nuclide
season with relatives and friends
at their former home in Burns.
Vale Enterprise.
Vow but
rfr later.
wile came
Geo. Buchanan and wile mme
lover from their home yeyienlny.
Died -Wednesday, Dae. 30,' Time enoiiah yet for
Eldora, the two-month old infant must have it soonei
of Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy.
The fuuerol services were con
ducted yesterday afternoon from
the Nazarine church, Rev. Sadie Jehu Thompson has moved out
Lewis conducting the services. ,0 '" '" holdings for the pre
The bereaved family have tlio : wnt.
sympathy of this community.
Mr. McClaln'a Eiperlence With Croup.
"When my boy, Ray, was small
he was subject to croup, and 1
was always alarmed at such times.
Chamberlain's Cough R e in e d y
proved far better than any other
for this trouble. It always re
lieved him quickly. I am never
without it in the house for I know
it in a positive cure for croup,"
writes Mrs. W. R. McChiin, Blair
ville, Pa. For sale by all dealers.
: "'''2Wi'Qj Vn" Lbs.1 SBs
!f-jivxS '?' a bbbb H
I ssL is.
I ill! I i sssbbbbbbbbssi .BSBBSBsasBBSBB sn
mtaum wl a
tJj? ltd -i.' WWr SB
f 4,
Btlpt Hamilton and wife are
in the city. Walton Brown of
Drewsey accompanied them.
Mrs. C. ('. Couch has been in
from Wngontirc this week the
KUi'st of her nisler, Mrp.
Mrs. Wm. Stirling has been
spending the holiday vacation in
Portland, her daughters being
with her.
Miss Gladys Holland expects
to leave tomorrow morning for
Corvallis to resume her studies
in the 0. A. C.
Shirk's "All Star Minstrels"
are going over to Harney next
Friday night and give our neigh
bors a good show. The boys
will make good.
Ex Senator A. W. GOWSII ex
pects to leave here Monday for
Portland and other points, on the
outside. He will attend the third
house at the lesislaUirc as has
been nil custom for many years.
Chamberlain't Cough Remedy- The
Mother' Favorite.
"1 give Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to my children when
they have colds or coughs,"
writes Mrs. Verne Shaffer, Van
lergift, Pa. "It always helps
them and is far superior to any
other cough medicine I have used.
1 advise anyone in need of such a
medidne to give it a trial." For
sale by all dealers.
WM :'
Clearance Sale
win oner uunng .Jan. ana eD. a
large line of Quality Merchandise
at Reduced prices.
Remember when we advertise any
thing it is so and you know it.
There are lines that should be closed
out during Jan. and Feb. and we are
going to reduce such goods and offer
them to you.
Burns, Oregon
Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared
for special attention to all dis
eases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes
tested and glasses fitted. 50tf.
erally run for help when we find
a rattlesnake out in the rocks,
but usually take a club or some
such thing and kill it. The man
who Will allow a coyote to get
away now when the circum
stances are such should not
"holler" but be made to go out
and hunt the animal.
Letter of Appreciation.
Burns, Ore., Jan. 1, '916
Rev. E. Benson. D. D.,
Burns, Oregon
Dear Brother in Christ:
At a special business meeting
of the Burns Baptist church, the
undersigned was appointed a
committee of one to write you
this letter of appreciation.
Masons, assisted by Sam Moth
ershead. as marshal. The follow
ing were installed: Ludwig John
son, W. M. ; A. 0. Faulkner, S.
W. ; E. C. Eggleston, J. W. ; J.
V.. Loggan, secy. ; J. C. Welcome,
treas., Henry Dalton, S. D., C.
W. Loggan. J. D.; C. M. Faulk
ner, B. S.; Wm. Farre, J. S..
Grant Reynolds, Tyler.
The ceremony was followed by
some music, a banquet and gen
et al social good time by all pre
ft lit.
Additional Local.
Frank Cummins has been over
from his Malheur county home
this week.
"Rnuarht nnH Pnirl Vnr" hv iht
During the time you were their GeneVftLoA- Qo., at Tonawa.
na Monday night.
pastor, you endeared yourself to
every member of the church and
they feel that they owe you a
a debt of gratitude for holding
them together under very trying
Your scholarly presentation of
the word of God, your loving pas
toral care and untiring efforts to
serve a people whose religion ;
belief differs from yours has
proven you to be a loyal and hou
est servant of the Savior and on
who is big. enough lo iejtBSCl i
Tin re hasn't been a mad
coyote give any one a hand to
hand tussle for several days,
Regular meeting of Burns
l.otg.- A. F. and A. M. next
Monday evening. Work in the
E. A. Degree. All visiting
members welcome.
The army inspectors keep put
ting off the date when they will
pome to this section and inspect
horses. Many have gotten their
stock up and have them broken
to comply with the requirements
ut it is so expensive to feed
em that some have been turned
on the range again. They
be needed just the same and
esible they will bring even
prices than are offered
During the vacation period of
this week there has been many
rabbits killed by the people of
this city who have taken the
time to go out. Very few have
been shooting them for the scalp
but merely for the sport and
such will be the case after the
bounty becomes effective. Thou
s nds of rabbits will be killed
for the mere sport and some one
else will receive the benefit at
they will be scalped.
Tonawama is fixing up a new
picture projecting machine, the
one in use having been used for
several years and is some what
worn, therefore another will
take its place in the immediate
future. The picture programs
have been improved and now it
is admitted that there is no bet
ter service anywhere considering
the dating! and the distance the
films have to be shipped. There
is no necessity to tell Tonawama
patrons that the house is just as
warm and comfortably seated,
ventilated and arranged as it is
possible to make it.
New Year is the time to Bit up
until midmight and gloat over
the cxpiringyearand then swear
off. It might be appropriate to
shed a few tears for any old year
that is about to die but we ques
tion the propriety of swearing
off. It is too common a thing to
desecrate a dying year with.
Old habits and the sin seared do
not shed their iniquities by swear
ing off any more than a leopard
can change his spot by quitting a
certain trail. It is the patient
plotting of earnest desire that
swears off and it is not the ac
complishment of a twinkling.
Thousands who swear off on New
Years scarcely ever reach Feb
ruary with their resolutions spot
less and unblemished. If you
want to swear off, do so before
New Year and if you are too late
to do that, do it now irrespective
of whether the year is dying or
not. - Blue Mt, Eagle.
Character Comedienne with
the Geneva Locke Co. at Tona
wama next week.
Jjdjaal HPS W
ssSsfl m
a Az HaeeaaSsaSS,
Notice) lo Creditors.
Notice li hervby given that the under
aigmJ has Iktii duly appointed udniit.
istrator of thw estate of Jamet Ionanl
'lurraMtNl. by the (utility Court of the
Slnttt n Oregon, fur Harney, County
All TrM-iin having clalnm against naiJ
"into are hereby m it ill til to present
them, duly verified aa bv law required,
loll. M. llo Hon, administrator, at hi
residraru in Hum. Harney County,
Oregon, or at the office of J. 9, Cooke
his attorney, in ..urn. Ham)' County,
Or.ynii, within nix mouth from the
date of this notice.
hated this Mat day of November. I'M.
Attorney. Administrator.
Mil rut, Oregon, Povasabar tTtli, lM
in Caarua. M, Cooper, of Boras Ortgi "
v.,,, are bsreby uotifirtf that bar lea t iu;
wiiu vlvra 1'laiiiou tl. Oregon. h hie i.i
rTirr aililrvsN, ilhl on Notnnbvi .h iUii
III lu ilils tilt) i l.leilulv t i.ti.r .,. 1 ai'plh a
Eton Itiruiitsst intl sscurr ih ftaattjllatluti of
)our MoiiivaU'aii Kmry. So., atrial Ko 04
tamlt Mart It Iviii. IWlufor W'jWK-,. lI,t
of ,Hr I1UU A, Tutithlli l Mitilb, Kti It
Kill W illanifltr Mirlillsu.aiid as grontialR tut
li laconical tiralli gsetuiiall liar It U I in r
has wholly aoanluutl aaitl vutry. that bs
n tTt r t ttm nl Uhvi of main: a 'Ik i aroatoe&es bi
matte siii ISsOfOI iiniili lltrreoa, iol bat
aUMMit.'.i himself and tliarjgti hie rtetdi i - u
therefrom ever lnt e the data of twtfl
You art- therefore, further notified tlml Do.
aid allegation will U- lakt n Vfl COahnssO
and your aatd entry will he caiirrlt ! altbiut
farther right to !. heard, either '( tbll
oitit ur tui eal. It )ni full to nie In tine
otnre wlthlu twenty dae alter the tti Kill
I'Uiiiii nl thin uotlte, as iho u baloa
tour atianer under oath, ii-rtiflt ally r. i ,
Ing ti tine' aiifgaii.nn of aontaat, uaibei
with due (immiI that jolt have served . i tony of
TiMu auiMir oo lite Raid contestant i Itht t in
Ti a Coatuma Fitted Her Osdutifully.
At Tonawama Weclncaday
poraoa or tiy registered mall
You ihutiltl state In your ai
the M,t uttlca to wlilih iu ootlrtj
Why not give something; useful?
I have a nice line of
Ladies and Gentlemen's
Felt Bedroom Slippers
Hair Ribbons Ties. Shoes
Hand kerchieves, etc.
special tor xmas: t
Mince Meat Cranberries
Plum Pudding
Candy and Nuts
My general lino of
Is Complete
A. K. Richardsoi
General Merchandise
not Wis to he sent to
ur anaMi-r i In- iiait.i of .
aaas BBBTaaaaiaSsWa
W w Kakhil. Ut-fflstt r
Uataol flrit imhllratlou Notemler .vih i n
Data of second i.uhili aiiou Di am bar Mb i '
itatr of third nutl sllon Iecctuler 1 14.
Dataol hmrth i-uUHfs'ion et-emUr I"t! !'i
fMTgh tTTan LAOO i if , t g, t
llnrus, Oregon, NiauIh i ; i, t
Not h t hrrahjr gh m that William W mllli
-I I all. Oicaou. who un Jlllv M. ivit. inadt
Ihtuii-uad l.tttr. No UVt, for h1,, v.
ii. .n Is, Township -ti H , Kangr -.' K , wiDkui
''!. Me'ldlau, haa Iliad uutlcr of iuifiiMou to
iu a k it final firee year 1'ioof to cslaLM-h
claim io ihj isud ahova des- ni.-.l. bafon itt h
Ister anil Hrcelvar. at Hums. Oregon, an tin
-M, .l of lacsuttter, 1V14
Claimant names at witnesses
fatal fcirrson, of hgll. Oraajon, w Barber,
al Narrowa. Oraaoo, i. j Maim ami iim .
I n.sit , both ofstfH, profoti
Hu. Kshsk. I eg. it r.
il.'iTU) Hums fj (.1st No.
tfurui, (gtti, NovamlHir wrl. fit i
NotlM li livrvby glvu tbat tb MofUiatii
I " i in Katlway t'ouipaity, wttOM' ticitt 0A -
tlilfrM In HI. l'ul,Mlnucola, hu (till Mftl '!
..I Nuv.iiiUt IU, llli-.l Iu Ihll ulllriM!ni..i . .
linn n, Mlavl ii u.Iit cti iiruvlnou ui Hu- n. I
of ( oukti-hb, niiruii'il July 1, litWI :I0 Slut.
- ' .' ii imI.'.i li) tin' Art ' Uuorrai m
provad May 17, inw,
NWUHWU.Itao . I i H. K W t'a-.l NW,
N, -,. Ill NK.l.NW'. S.t. Id, r.'.SK ,.
t ',SW , -it 17. I i.i :l wr M, I' .17 H It .
hl. I nl .l.l-ci'. .' hKHKS. Hr t. T s , K
I ...I U M
Horlal No. ..--'
Au Hint nil iKimoni t'laluiluit m1vi'iii'l ih-
lmi.t. .Iim I ll.r.l, or ilcilrlUK to ntiU'l't luTMII
of iln Mliiuial i liararlor uf tho Imnl. or ,m
Otliar ri-HMiltl, III III' tltlMlIHl IO M lli M I I
IiiiiiM llli' llnlr ultlitavlta nl prolftl lull' I
offlri', .ui ur bi'lora tin1 lath tin) ol Janum.,
H U PiNHk. Il,'i.l. I
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfaffo and Red Top Ha
Baled Hay Ft Sale
Free (amp House andAFeeding PmNres in
or Harn. Customers Care For Own SfV-7
W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair Grounds!
In tin" mutter of the I -tut. .
A. I'. I.) null, ilet'Hi'il
'1'n Miy Anne QrsSII, Murllm A
Mi 1. 1 ill, June Kersuron, Juliu II. Itmriil
llnr.'i.rii 15. Mine, ('. '. I'taiikln.,
Willium I raiiklin, .1. I.. I'mnUin. un.l NOTICE
A. W. l-rtiklln. UREBT1NG:
Or UIIUUON, on Hie Ii.tiIi olUd and
We have a complete stock of
Seasonable Good;
Big Assortment of Suitable
Christmas Gifts
For both young and ol
See them while out shopping
CALL OR SF.tVIi vnirn nnmu
I aaww UHVCHi
The Burns Department Stoi
' Mill hi. I.ll. . In So
tlKITID sr.iiK.1 1 anii OffSBSi I
" a. lllt'KOIl, NuVi'IuIiit H, mil i
S'lu. la L. nl,, kli tl,al IS Norllirru
I ii . I ft i l.'.j. .. ........... .. k. . ..
reiillr.'.l U. ifur iii llieC Iv Ci.nri ai.l. ,. i. -, f,l Ulnua.aU UaithliiJt'hdaf
olOrstftM, fur llarni-y County, st the 'iVi,'," J'J:,! ,',:". ""';! '" "" ;";''" '",:'"'
" Ml" lofctiliMi 1 1 1 1 . 1 r llu iiroi laluaa of tilt art
('unit Itiiiiin lln'ii' ill lit Hum , ill I In- ol iiiuri'aa aHirouil Juljr I, Ivn ijn Hiat. mij
.'.."""'" '""'" " '"'I "I ' "iinrcaa appruv
i';l Mail i i in h.K..NK'. Siiiluti . Towu
QaU lK1Mn'n m.1. . I
" nn-ic Kt'iHK 10 nei
good pictures at Tonawad
Final Sett I. oi.-ni of Aceoua
( 'i itinl i if 1 1 iii nt-. on Wuilni'Ni.i.i t In
"",""' ' ' !"" --j.r. 4
litlulu1 .if .1.11111 irv. I HI r lit lO.iVluik III r ''.::. 7 V '.-.' '."". '"' Nr'.SKl. Hr.-, !7
lowiiaiii,. .v,, f-i.uiii, Italll-i' ...", Kail. W. M
inn i'ii. ii un ui mm iiiiv iii ini'ii .ii'.i
.11 If x,n ,lll'l ' I
IIiiiio hl.uw I'mi-p, ll uny I'ljial, why llio ,i, ,, iii,,.,
Iiiilun nl iim ( 'utility Cuitri flititi lit in
inriiir an ui ili-r In aril the fulluwinn Js
Mi-rllioil ti, ul iroirty, tnvvii :
l.ota 1, 4 ami n of Soiilun s uml I . . t j
mill Hi,' N U i, al llio ,S ', of M'lli ii
ii, iii toMimlilp '.'7 N,, flange BJQ W M
r.iiiliiiini. I tin SSfN inurour lean.
W1TNKHS: Tin- llunurulilo i.iui.i
'llioiii inii , Juilgu ,i llin t'nunl v Cmii l
ul tin, Stale of ( iri'itmi. fur tlui fJotinlJ
ul I In niry with the S,:il uf Mini Cour)
iiIIiei',1 Una tnlt day ol NuvoiiiIxt A.
I). 11)14.
It. T. llngliil, 11,'ia
I'owilllil,. .1,,
I ml .No ,;k.M
out I,., ii ii, it a'Ueni'li llu-
il !'.!, in,, loiiliii,,.! KM....,.-
, '' ,,,,.,i tnuroi nit) lailil, or aur
,,l lull li i..,,, I., I L.. ., ,u, I , .. .. ............ -I i
" ,',.... ,ui .UIIIWII.IUUU U
- I ii ' ,m,.l liia,.liiaut,iUotll
nli'llii'ii iitli.lai.ia ,. ,,.l. at In thla oBli'e, in
ii,,,, i lit. in, nil) in Inliuai jr, 1'.I10
m hAHHii, Itviliier
... . , , , ny ii. :. juuifmiii, fouim i lei k
MUs Locke and her company at Tonawama all next week (svui .
Iu the County ('nun ,,t t, statel
gon for llaruev CoutllV.
In the mallei of llio hu.t will audi
tnent and eatute ul sunuifl Koa
Xtotlra la usrsby glvi ii iliat tlid
igneii SWBefr Si In laat
leaiainent ut sm,u.j ;Ml., J
baa tlle.1 Ins tin,,) an,, in.
llu i. ...... I .... 1 al . .1 '
n .jtiiiiti, nun mil uitutiVrJ
court lias wH llio 0 it dav u( jl
lWiO, at 1(1 oM.-rk V. M . tiaOl
i. -.--......-.
. i i -iim ii.H I .ami urrl'I. Iioiiae at Iim .,. ll .1 -1
11,11 na. in, ,'. 11... .nilKrio.lvu """ l I'urna. l iienun, aa tlie tr I
I, 1, , ,n,iilliat Iter! A Hamilton ' P'S for the hoiinvu ,. hI.ibcI
' ...-. .;.... aim, on (,) ..,, laua, laaila aald 11,1.1 ......,,,,1 ,..! ,1... 'Jal
. , i. . ... kilM k' 11,1 I " "aaa aailli llll . IUV"--1
thereof; any and all uonuu tit
oUJectioiii lluri'lo mual tile lb
wiui uio clerk ol - u.l nun t iUi 0r bell
Haiti day and time.
Klrt publiratiun n,,,.'6 iQM.
w Ai.Ta i
U. S. ItCMttol 11, Atluiutajr 9i
So o .',. lor NKI.K'WI.
, Si', lion -II. luwilllllp 12H ,
Iim, ,. Hta,l anil
. M '. .r'.Nh'
l(attu -V I l i.iaini'll,' Meilillall, liaa lllvil
n,, Hit' ul lilt' nil. ill lo niaau dual tl... ....
I'toot, Ui iliilin ion,,- lain! above ,lo
-'ill,., I I. i .,,' II,, K,il.l,'i an.l Hu t'lvf r, al
j Huraa.oraaou.oii tin, imii ,lai ut Jam, air mil
t'lalJiaut nam,', aa u llu.'aar!
ilaurga Aiuli laou lolinr. Koi.urt J. Wllllaaa,
Miami rr. MglaMalS, all
Wm Faaai. Rlattr
, llurb..rt A. mi, I, I
j ol KIKy, urtkuu.