The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 02, 1915, Image 1

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The Bigg est City In The Biggest
The Biggeit County In The State
Of Oregon, Best In The West jj
County In The State Of Oregon
NO. 8
J Adjoining Counties Taking Advantage
of State and Federal Aid in Devel
oping Irrigation Projects. Harney
County Should Get in Line for Fu
ture. Meeting Called Next Week
An irrigation congress is to be until things are somewhut nt a
held intland next week and) standstill. Yet we a,:l admit the
it is proposed to adjourn it to) real development of this bis:
Salem the following week as the i country rests entirely with the
legislature meets that week and conservation of what water we
some strong recommendations have and us proper distribution.
are to be made toward securing j The adjudication of the water
greater aid for irrittation projects rights of Silvias River has been
throughout Oregon on the plan asked but it progresses rather
recently inaugurated where the slow; big concerns are blocking
federal government provides a the way just as much as possible
similar amount as does the state to this end and we do not seem
toward reclamation. Crook and to make much program toward
Malheur couunties are active in preventing these delays. It is
this line and are to ask for vast .possible of course the board
sums. Their projects have merit is progressing as fasl as possible
too, and should have serious con- yi?t it is annoying u have dt -sideration.
The necessity of lays when so much depends upon
bringing as much arid lands in the final settlement f the claims
the isolated parts of the state and the way made possible for
under irrigation is patent and those who have the matter in
means many times their cost to charge to go ahead ith the inat
the state when finally developed, ters.
Harney county has some possi- The man with too much water
bilities along that line that arc is just as anxious a the fellow
worthy of taking up but since we who has none, The) now realize
have not placed ourselves in line the real value of water and the
for such benefits nt this time it possibilities of their land holdings
is not expected that we shall re- under proper handling, and want
ceive any material aid until later, someone with the mortey to bold
However, it is time that our eiti- back the Hood until his crops
zens realize that we are being ne d it.
left in the cold and that other The Water Useres' Association
counties are forcing ahead of us f this place and the I'ommercial
in this respect merely because club are each entitled to five
they have seen the advantage delegates to this congress aoej it
of it and have organizations that ia hoped they will be appointed
work in harmony for them. at,d that at least some of the del-
Many years ago the govern- egates attend and get in touch
ment recognized Harney county with this important movement.
Til irriMtinn imnuU fh:it ufrf fhov Hunt nil need to trh hot
worth while but individual self- their proxies may be sent down
working out details that are im
portant which the average man
has no notion of. Let's get to
that irrigation congress and in
line for future assistance that
means so much toward the devel
opment of this big territory.
Pure Seed Law to be
Put Into Full Effect
'Hshness was allowed to block the
'work and people have been work
ing at cross purposes ever since.
The fact is almost every oi in
has his own idea about irrigation
projects and the individual no
tions do -not "jibe" therefore no place Harney county before
one has gotten very far toward .a eongress in a manner that
nraetical solution of the situa- count. C. 11. McConiicll is also
tion. If a man tried to secure in Portland and Would al M
canital with which to develop another voou rctwcPentativo as
some of the water resources of he knoj. Itfi ire about irrigation
this section there were othersjyttors in Harney equal than
ready to kick him down Mlfl any atbei man in it. lie has
throw cold water oa.0fbM studied it and devoted una; to
to individuals who are personally
interested in this section who
could represi nt them, Kepro
i .. Davey will be on the
i:r mid and is a good talker. He
knows conditions hi re and can
3B?",r 5
Burns Meat Market
Packing Plant
Fresh Meats, Poultry
Home Products for Home Consumers
The Rexall Drug Store
Victor Records
Toilet and Manicure sets
Box Stationery and Candy
Mechanical Toys and Dolls
We have a large assortment
Come In and aee them
The Burns Hospital
Best Surgical Room and Equipment
in the State Outside of Portland,
Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com
fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse In Charge
The Oregon Pure Seed Law is
to bo put into immediate effect,"
said Professor H, I). Scudder,
chairman of the State Pure Seed
Hoard and in charge of the seed
testing laboratory at the Agricul
tural College, "and all seed deal
ers throughout the state should
take notice that beginning with
the new year their stocks will be
inspected by the state commis
sion's office and the provisions
of the law will be actively
enforced. It is also felt by the
board that since the laws are de
signed to protect the farmer from
inferior seed, farmers and the
general public should co-operate
in all ways possible, and especi
ally by notifying the commission
er's office whenever seed stock is
offered for sale without beinir
properly labeled, both as to pure
ty and germination qualities. In
essence the seed law is:
"Every package of seed of one
pound or more in weight that is
exposed for sale within the bord
ers of the state of Oregon must
be correctly labeled with the
name of the seedsman, the name
of the seed, and the purity and
germination thereof; and further,
that no seed containing certain
noxious seeds, such as dodder,
Canada thistle, and the like, can!
bo sold at all in Oregon.
"With the seed law actively
enforced Oregon will cense to be
a dumping ground for inferior
agricultural seeds that are not
saleable in any of the adjoining
states all of which have good
seed laws. Further, the reputa
ble seedsman who wishes to do
nothing but an honest business
will not be compelled to compete
with low grade. Inferior, cheap
seed, which is never cheap at
any price. And most important
of all. the farmer will not buy
this inferior seed without know
ing it is inferior.
"The result will be not only a
more prosperous and desirable
business for the seed dealer, but
an increase of hundreds of thou
sands of dollars annually in the
farmers' incomes, through the
DM of bet er seed."
Problem of Producing Better Cattle is
Secondary to Producing Cheaper
Beef Leaving Profit for Man That
Feeds the Cattle, Says Head of the
O. A. C. Animal Husbandry
Evil of State Regulation.
Cattlemen in various parts of
the state complain that they are
driven out of the fine stock busi
ness by too much regulation and
the evils of growing bureauo
cracy. As a practical illustration of
tin- working out of agricultural
problems by farmers themselves
without state interference take
the action of the Farmers Ex
change at Ilermiston last week.
Thev decidod to form a co
1. 1 (native Hull association, to se
cure for the members pure-bred
bulls of good milk-producing an
cestry, and save expense in buy
ing and prevent inbreeding.
The Farmers Exchange is
working this all out for itself and
has so far not asked a state law
or the intervention of the num
erous domestic Animal boards.
commissions, etc.
More cows and better cows,
more and better dairy products,
richer and more successful dairy
mnchaf, will be the result of this
movement of the hard-headed
Farmers Exchange.
The theories of bureuuocracy
are falling down from the feder
al government lo the state and
county affairs, und the people
are revolting against the useless
tax burdens.
The chances are in favor of the
Farmers Exchange Hull Associa
tion accomplishing more for its
members than all the laws.
boards officials commissioners
und bureaus under the shining
Christian Scientists will hold
there servioes at the Presbyter
ian ( 'hureli, Sundays at 3 o'clock
Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. Sun
day School at l;30p, m, Head
ing Room at Miss McKontie'g
house. 1st door north of Summit
Hotel, Wednesdays and Satur
days 2 to 4 p. m. Everybody
'A beef steer requires as much
food as a'dairy cow, and to sta
ble and food him in the same
way is iui economic impossibility,
although the finest possible beef
might be produced in this man
ner. The problem of producing
better cattle is secondary lo that
of producing cheaper hoof bo as
to leave a profit for the nil that
feeds the cattle. With dairy
cattle and hogs the best feeding
is nearly always the cheapest,
and the feeder that gets the best
gains usually linds that economy
is also served. Hut with beef
cattle, which require to much
more food for what they produce
than any other kind of farm live-
stock, the case is different"
This is the reply of Profi or E.
L. Potter, head of the . ,. c.
animal husbandry department, to
the suggestion of theorist! who
think that farmer.- should raise
beef cattle on heavy rations of
grain, silage, soiling crops and
hay in the sumo manner tli.d
they do dairy cattle. He further
says that, ir beel cattle hd n it
consume largely cheap feed that
has little other value and at the
same time require but little cue
and labor, beef would be very
much higher than it i .
"It is often stated that a dairy
cow will produce in one day pro
ducts worth two or throe times
as much as is produced h s
on the same food. This ;
the case, we certainty tnii.rt have'
cheaper feed lint u-od for
dairy cattle, other wi ie beef pro
duction would be an impi sibihiv
The basis of profitable beef pro
duction is cheap grass and when
we realize that three-fourths of
the state of Oregon ii grating
land and that half of the state Is
yet government land we see thai
Oregon can produce and docs
produce thousand of beel cattle
on grass at u mere Iraclion o
what it would COSt to shut them
up in a barn and feed them like
dairy cattle."
Mrs. M. C. llibbard passed
away, Thursday about
l.v 84, l'JH, nt the fumily
home, near (Irangcr, Washing
ton. The deceased had been
ailing for more thun a year and
her ileal h was not unexpected
Miss Mary Frances Gris wold was
born in Now York state, July 20,
1KT7 The family moved to
Michigan whore they livod a
number of years then to Hunker
I till, Kansas, where she was
married to M. ('. llibbard. March
I, 1877. They made their home
in this place for some timo and
eight of the twelve children
wen born to them here. They
then camo west to Touele Co.,
Utah, where Mr. llibbard served
one term as district judge, com
ing on to Hums, Oregon in l'JOl,
Last May Mr. llibbard, accom
panied by bis two youngest sons.
took his invalid wjfe to Washing
ton, in hopes that change of cli
mate would benefit her health
ut she steadily grew worse un
til death relieved her of her suf
forings. She leaves besides her
bereaved husband and aged
mother, twelve children to mourn
In r li
II. M. llibbard, It. W. llibbard.
Karl llibbard, Duane llibbard
and K. R. Dickenson, all of Hums,
li, Mrs. .Joseph Landuer of
Hoiing, Oregon. (.'. M. llibbard
of Ibapah. Utah. Theodore
llibiiird, I.loyd llibbard, Ches
ter llibbard, Miss KUoiae llibbard
and Mrs P. E. McDonald all of
n Washington.
how they are affected. When a
sheep become! afflicted with
rabies it will fight with anything
it comes in contact with. It will
bite the other sheep nnd will try
to bite the herders. A sheep
that I had put m a separate cor
ral, a few da a ago, lo watch,
took a drink of -water and imme
diately died in the most horrible
agony. Its groans were like
those of a suffering human be
ing." Mr. Williams will ask the coun
ty court to notify the State Vet
erinaran official of the conditions
existing in Malheur county, and
see if the state cannot do some
thing to relieve the situation, as
rfn hkp hiss of stock is becoming
serious, wnile the menace to hu
man life has become such that
measures of protection are de
manded, not only for the country
people but for those in the towns
The infection is rapidly spread
ing in all directions, and unless
some drastic measures are adopt
ed to stamp it out. loss of human
life may be added to the losses
of stock. Vale Enterprise.
Agricultural Appropriation Bill Pro
vides $100,000 Set Aside Towards
Their Destruction. National Forest
Rangers to Assist in Eradicating
These Vicious, Preying Animals
According to the announce-, tion was passed and a petition '
iv. ,.. i ..C iL... -- M. t . I an ...
.cm ui me uismci ioresicr at , mailed to Washington, urging
Portland, the recently passed
agricultural appropriation bill
contained u provision by which
Congress to make an appropria
tion of $300,000 for the extermi
nation oi predatory animals in
$100,000 is to be set aside toward the United States. While it is
Facing Better Business
Conditions in Oregon
The five percent increase grant
ed certain Eastern railroads will
add from thirty to fifty millions
to their receipts, and enable them
to purchase needed supplies for
All this means a greater de
mand for what Oregon has most
the destruction of predatory ani
It is estimated that over $15,
000,000 worth of stock is destroy
ed annually in the United States
through the depredations of such
animals as wolves, coyotes, wild
cats, cougars and bears.
While the Biological Survey
will have charge of the work,
the Forest Service will co-operate
with them in the regions of the
West where there are National
Forests. The service has already
had some experience in hunting
wild animals. The invasion of
the National Forest range in
years past by wolves, coyotes
and cougars has been very mark
ed, and it has at times been for tne week
felt that the present appropria
tion of $100,000 will do much
good in reducing the menace, it
is not sufficient to bring about a
permanent relief. Therefore,
Congress is urged to increase the
appropriation with a view to the
complete extermination of all
predatory animals in every part
of the United States where they
have done damage to stock.
Market Report.
Receipts for last week at the
Portland Union Stock Yards have
been cattle, 638; calves, 9; Hogs.
7122; sheep. 2469.
The cattle market opened up
to sell timber products of which i found neeoeu.-.rv t wmtinv iin. . . ..,. - . .
.. . -, . . w...K.w, "-..- woa quality oi onenngs was in
1 1 roads have always been ed hunters to tran and kill t hos. I ..; u: .
Hydrophobia Becoming
the rn
me greatest pure
best customers of Oregon.
If the interstate commerce
commission were not composed
largely of politicians and men of
small calibre they would have
granted the increase on western
roads first as they need it most.
Seven billion dollars worth of
transcontinental railroads are
coming daily into more direct and
deadly competition with the
Panama canal built by the gov
ernment at cost of four hundred
I hose transcontinental roads
with their long hauls, with their
ra wna i
ve always been led hunters to trap and kill thesejevinence, choice steers going t
.hosers und the (invaders. The rangers, too, have high as 7.75. cows touched th
aone excellent worK in trapping '6.60 level.
and iKiisoning these preying ani-
a Great Menace enormous expenditures for up
keep through thinly settled terri-
Iver Williams, the sheepman il.7are ino "'iwrues most , ous marauders.
Of Barron Valley, was in the city J1'""1 t government care.
on business Tuesday, and states L .change m revenue returns
thai he has 4.060 bead of sheep ""'"ds between two por
,.,. the feed yards on Willow u"ls from , ,W9 to J90t5- aml Um
i nek. being located at the W. .1. '" l S,,OW8 n Con.Mtantly dim
Scot i ranch inisbing rule of earnings and a
e i.;, ... ,.r .i. ....,..u f constantly rising rate of cests:
i '' muiij, ui un t(iltl o ui
mats. But the Service has been
handicapped for lack of funds to
spend in hiring men for this pur
pose and furnishing them with
the necessary arms and ammuni
tion. Hence the work done has
been but temporary relief.
Now, however, that an appro-
iruuon nas oeen rniia, in el
work can be carried on with
some hope of success, and stock
owners, both inside and outside
of the National Forest, may look
forward to the time when their
sheep and cattle will be free
from the attacks of these rapaci-
Death of Former Har
ney County Woman
The Times-Herald received a
letter this week announcing the
death of Mrs. ('. M. llibbard at
Granger, Wash., on December 12 1.
The family resided in this section
for many years and but reorntly
moved to Washington. She was
hydrophobia among the animals
on the range, Mr. Williams said:
"1 have lost quite a number of
sheep, and both the horsemen
nml .- . i I !. ? 1 1. ! i -ii. I., iui. . i . .. I.
daily in nourly every purtof Mal
heur and portions of Harney'
"When a sheep becomes alllict
ed with the disease on the range,
I Immediately shoot it," continu-
Tho main fault of regulation has
been wilful! blindness of commis
sions to such facts.
Muzzle All Dogs Within The
City Limits.
At a regular mooting of thai
City Council hold Doc. 9. 1914
the Council passed u Resolution
commanding that all dogs within
A u result of the activity on
the part of the federal govern
ment, the stock owners them
selves have awakened to the
needs of the situation. At a re
cent meeting of the Oregon Wool
Growers' Association, a resolu-
Since Monday the
run has been below normal with
good demand.
A very keen hog market start
ed Mondav with a run of nearly
6000. tops brining 7.50. This
market has maintained its supre
macy in price Over all other
American markets for some
With the exception ot Mon
day's run the receipts continue
light The murket on all classes
of sheep is good and killers take
all offerings readily. Shipping
to the market could be materially
increased without any decline in
I will do any kind of work you
want done. Cleaning house from
the top of the Hue down is my
specialty. My price for the win
ter only 30 cents an hour call
Arthur Stewart. Phone 124.
ed Mr. Williams, "but since 1
a highly respected lady. The ,mvc' hiUl tnom ul lhtJ " yards, the City be securely muzzled
following obituary is centributed: ' have them put ma corral to see with wire or other metal muzzles
from and ai tor December 15, 191 4,
and kept so muzzled until the
further order of the Council.
All ilni' . mil i, 1 1 1 r , . I , , 1 f.miiil In
the streets or running at large
within the city after said date will
be immediately killed by the Mar
shal. This notice dated Doc. 10, 1914
and given by order of the Council.
Uiiy Van Winki.k,
Catholic Church.
1. On Sundays and Holy days
of obligation Holy Mass with
sermon at 10 u, m.
ft On week days Holy Masi,
at 6:30 a. m,
All other services, besides
those men Honed above will bi
announced in cnurch.
All invited and welcome to tin
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime. Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted ar the Franciscan
' .AftilM H r
sB m Lfl I
LLHl Hk, Lk
Breakfntt 5:30 to 9
Dinner 1 1 :30 to 2
City Restaurant
W. R. McCuistion, Prop.
Supper S to 8
Short orders at all houri
The Burns Flour Milling Co.
Manufacturers of home products
The ( ea u of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable
Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds
You Patronize Home when you deal here
Member Geneva Locke Co. Tonawama all neat week
Sick Two Yn With lldla4tiua.
"Two years auo 1 waa greatly
benefitted through vising two or
three bottles iif Chamberlain's
Tablets," writes Mrs. S. A. Kel
ler. Elida, Ohio. "Before taking
, them I was sick for two yours
with indigestion." Sold by all
la The Place to Trade
First; Promptness, accuracy and lair djotU
Secend: We carry a well aao-
cals and Drug
Third: We guarant
If you are a cust
come one and
.SBfl BBsK. Bsfl