. MW II HI mm m-tmtm I mi HI I . I? in LUCILLE LOVE The Girl of Mystery MASTER PEN" Copyright. IW4. All noting p'etsf rihM reserved by Ibe I'nh tr.il lilm HasetsClarlBf, CafafSay, arUlc'l i bo twhlNtlne. l r freest Ilea la Iradlnt Ihcstir l...'riafeeatt lll fee (' rea y areircste'. SYNOPSIS Valuable aovernniintsl papers ara stolen fer Thompson, follower of Loubrque. In IcrnalloBal spy, from t Vneral l.ove, whom Loubeque hatea. In Manila. Lova'ailiiuMi tar Lucille fllea l eteamer to rMO lha papara In order to ilaar tha nam of Lieutenant Uibnin. Biioin aha love. Loabeque, lamperlns: with tha wireless an tha eteamer. la hurt I.iuilla nurse him In an attempt to reoover tha papers Lucille lata tha paper, but tha ahlp ! wracked She Is east ashore on a Partita Island and Is tnson by a natlva ohlsf to his but to nurse his sick ohlld. Tha native child la restored to health, and tha trrateful natives Idolise Lucille, Loubeque, also cast ashore, trlaa various plaBs to recover ths papara, but In vain Loubeque, nrrti-.l. forava a meesnge from a nelgbboiina; chief to lure Lucille away from her fi lends She falls Into a pitfall losing the documents. Lbubocjuo native old steals tha pavers from his msster. and Lucille takes then from the native after ha Is killed by a Hon. etna finds and follows an under ground paasage In the Jungle. Lucille falla Into tha hand of a tribe of ana men, whose leader drops a neck lace) of priceless rubles, wblch aha takes. Sha and Loubeque are reacued from the Island by a yacht commanded by Captain Wetherell. Tha girl and Loubeque ara aet adrift in an open boat by Wetherell after aha re pulses tha captain's advances, and he takes tha papers. Saved by fishermen. Locllle and Lou beque ara In China. Aa aha pauses a house Loubeque's diary la thrown to her mysteriously. Shs tries to board a veaaal bound for America. Loubeque recovers tha papara from WetharaU. Lucille stows away, la caught and dresses aa a cabin boy with tha aid of the captain of tha steamer In order to aearch Loubeque's stateroom for ths pa pers. He catches her at Work. Loubeque takes the papers from Lucille. Landln at San Francisco she Is kid naped by the spy and bsld a prisoner In Loubeque's house by Thompson. (OHAI'T III XV CoiKiuued) I H Hie ! il boot tier wittily. Sne li I hr tii it faBstoat the window, !' ii Mtoptntl il tti otter futility of It. looked ilooii. atitl ber eyes Muted tntS ' of a pedestrian iiikiu il lewr'als It was the captain of he -nip who Imil been her friend. fclie I . w(l ber hr nd. knowing from big ex (i.ovion tli.;i h. recognized her, that l:- hid been limiting her. lie made a motion aa nf rltlng. and she mnMrcl Nuifll.t tbeil d.-irteU tuwiird the little ili ilug table. Ami t hi lie sat. dumb with misery. In the delight of seeing n friend's face at the psychological moment, when her despair, her misery, her desperation, trssj at f In I .'lit. she had not thought u simple thing like a pencil, it pen. Ink. paper. mUlii be oeceaaury. In despair Lui'llle hiol.cd about her. I'uper abe hud She lore the blank strip oil the top of the newspaper page, (ore It bo that the headline regarding IJeutenant (ilbson nppeured beneath It She star ed helplessly In the mirror, her teetb fastened t P-tonaly In bor loner lip. so vlrtmislv tluit when abe withdrew tbeto a tiny drop of red Mood appeared upou the delicate (kin. If only abe had i pencil or pen, something to writ ,c;th- , blood drop fell umjii tlie paper, .lining IL Lucille gasped ilelight- . ) Her band aelzed u pm from the ciltiiig table and dabbled at lag Hot Il bad dried op. Nerving herself ane lightly jabbed the pin Into the ball of ber thumb, feverishly writing upon the blaok paper. How painful it wits! How swiftly the blood dried! Hut she must sbo must "I'risooer of Loabeo.ue ll.i. tlelp -Itesd bead' - the iwayed slightly. Hot could en ' 'he torture no longer. It wag auiUc-ieat. He could plwe together what be read, what she bad told him aboard the ship. Hot bow to reach bitu with the fragmentary strip of Isalaarl Tearing the necklace from about ber throat she detached a Jewel swiftly and wrapped I he strip of pa lter about It In one leap she bad readied the window The captain was still there Pot a moment Lucille hesitated. Sbe must break the window pane. Swiftly -be took a slipper from ber foot, drew back and brought the tiny heel crash tog against the glass At the sound of smashing glass she beard a rustling without ber door The aptaln looked up at ber. and simultaneously she filliped the round missile toward him, watched him eagerly as be slooped to pick It up and then thrust It hurriedly In bis pocket, passing on. She saw Thompson, the butler, slip hurriedly out of the door and take after tilru Tbeu n slight creaking, as of rusty hinges, and she stared uhotit her In mute horror. She was moving; down and walls were advancing forward. She was moving down and the room was moving with her raino a little groan, a tremor run ning through the walls or ibo room. Looking up sbe could set? solid steel wails passing Inlo place where the room she waa In bad been Merely a cage an elevator hud ban the boil dolr where sbe was a captive. The machinery slopped Working abruptly he peered over the edge of the room. for she was merely standing up a flai surface so far us one side was con ccrned To ber ears came the insist n.t ringing of a bell. A huddled, black mass showed almost beneath her Crouching upon the floor she leaned ror and gingerly groped at It rlta ber lingers, drawing ibem sharply back a they encountered human ilcali. lor Just a second she fullered before Investigating ber faafMirerr. 1-oubtio.uti must have come from nci room In this fushlou It might be that In sum way Loubeque had fallen and Injured the machinery. To stoop down, take lliu papers from his pocket Slid lildu tlietti between the k of the lloor of the room an, i iu, i,i loin of Ibo elevator was the work of an Instant. As Ihe room glided gently Into place without u much aa a tremor she leap ed do.iu and lifted the groaning man's beitti to ber lap. She bad come barely In time, for lb spy was struggling feebly to Met to bis feet. He smiled ruefully as be lighted a mutch and scanned the features of bis companion for a second be appeared dated, then aavlfl iM.nyBjgjelj. r- . f((.M , his hand shot toward the plate woefe h had placed the stolon paper. "Come," be said quietly, big tones silky, yet dry and cold and bard, ie. young lady. Of coor yon nn- dcrstand tha, papers will be found, end this Is merely delaying tha Inevitable " lie did not wait for bar to speak. i, o rely touched her arm and assisted i r to the platform. He stirred slight- nuie the, whir of machinery, al most Immediately abut out Onco n ore the room weo In motion, going upward thta time. Hh closed ber ayes instinctively before the mystery or It When she opened them one more she waa lu the place aba had left. ). iy thing was aa It had been sate or a broken window pane and tha presence of Loubeque. He regarded her narrowly, still smoking silently. Ha opened bis lips as though to speak, then closed them sharply aud stepped to tba door, listen ing a moment, than ringing a ball. which was almost Immediately an swered by the butler and tha woman u bo bad brat captured the girl. Hurriedly Thompson eiplalned wbat had happened the pebble wrapped strip of white paper which the man outside had picked up. tbe manner In which he bad mysteriously disappear ed, eluding the butler's pursuit, tba ad mission of policemen to the house and the throwing of tbe spring that lower ed the girl's room to tbe basement. "And he got out of ths way. eh?" Loubeque frowned thoughtfully, then laughed a dry, barking laugh aa ha tin ued to the girl. "And with all this luck worklug for you, Miss Lucille, you see now bow Impossible It la to escape. Now I shall leave you alone to reflect upou tbe advisability of re storing the packet to me. Until then you will not be disturbed even by a servant. You may recall, my cbtld, that thirst Is a vary unpleasant tor tine " He closed the door behind him very softly. Not a gonad came from with out Hunger, thirst, solitude all three ui this prison, this prison so much un til, c a prison that it waa rendered only the more hideous thereby. And even though outsiders knew sbe waa being detained here they could not And ber. could not even secure adequate evl deuce that she was here did tbey make mi exit munition. She Dune herself upon the bed, burying ber face in ber hands and giving way to sobs. She straightened, startled by a faint tinkle againat the window pan. Swift ly she approached tbe window. Upon the street no one waa In sight. She looked up and espied tba face of tha captain peering cautiously from over the brick wall above ber. I'everlshly abe ripped at the netting w lileh had been within tbe glass be fore sbe broke It. Carefully aba draw tbe glass Inside and laid It upon the lloor. The netting gave slightly. Sbe tore her hands opening tha space until she could get ber shoulders through. Slowly, round and round, abe worked the opening. It waa finally wtda enough she looked up. The captain maided briefly, then disappeared. In n moment be reappeared, slowly dangling n heavy rope fro which be had made a looped chair. Lucille 'ig'-ii her way slowly Ibrougb tba opening She stood upon the heavy sill outside, banging to tb netting with one hand the while aba reached for tba rose with tbe other. The second time her lingers closed about It. Swiftly site tucked It about ber skirts, then drew taut Her feet swung clear of the ledge Then sbe fait herself being slowly lifted, lifted In little spasmodic Jerks. Her finger tips brushed the roof. Another pull and she bad a firm bold and was drawing herself over, rower rnl hand closed about her wrist, when from la-low came a shout that told abe had been dls'-overed. With nn oath tbe captain yanked ber to the roof. Jerked her there so violent ly she toppled sud fell against blm. straightened and caught his arm to support herself. l-'rom beneath them came sounds of pursuit, hurrying footsteps upon stairs, loud voices. Lucille seemed to hive nil the Initiative now. She grasped Hie man's arm and hurried blm to ward the closest chimney Just a a sky light door flung open where tbey bad stood lie drew a revolver and beld It stead ily pointing toward the place. A chip of plaster crackled at tbelr feet Lu ellle looked down at a flattened lead bullet. Vet th.tre bad been no shot fired. Sbe stared Incredulously at tbe man. "A silencer-Maxim silencer," be whispered She nodded understanding. Together they crept In tbe shadow of the chim ney toward tbe tbln brick dividing wall, the sanded roof scratching tbelr hands terribly. Again that flutter of chips The captain turned and fairly bulled a shot from hi revolver at tbe figures so cautiously approaching A cry of pain followed tba report and lu tba confusion, tbe pair mad a abort rush. Tha pursuit grew bold now. Hose tb voice of Loubeque, cold, steady, terri ble. "Don't wast shots. Get tb man with lend. Catch tb girl." The captain' grip tightened reus urlugly on her vrrtot "If tbey get me," b said quietly, "take tb gun and make them work." Jn tb excitement be became separ ated from Lucille. She looked about then uttered a cry of warning. Ha took a step backward, then Instinctive ly lifted his elbow aa though to avert a bullet. Tbe movement overbalanced blm and he disappeared over tbe edge, a groping, tumbling thing. Front every direction came the pur suit. Lucille suddenly noticed there was no attempt mad to cios In upon ber, but that sb waa being driven In a certain direction. A bullet daabed a spiny of sand Into her face, and gba darted iisldt.- darted Into a yawning blackness. When she opened ber eye she waa surprised to find that there had been no fall worth mentioning, that ah bad merely been driven toward a trap door and raugbt a ah toppled down. Lou beqtio wus watching ber, a curiously twisted smile playing about tba corners of his mouth "You have too many friends, Lucille." be said. "Yea," he murmured, after a mo meat's silence, "you ara altogether too too slippery, too nerve racking a prls oner. I think, whil tb arcb for the packet Is going on it would save wear and tear on our constitutions to move you to my ranch -my ranch In Mexico A beautiful apot" be smiled. "I trust you will enjoy It as much as I have," Lucill looked at blm steadily. In tba of both glowed an Indomlta bl purpose, a bard resolve, a mutual admiration. Louboqu amlled once more, this time grimly. "Honor bav ben too va till now. I fancy the ranch Will settle tb rub ier satisfactorily -at any rat, satisfac torily In m" e e e e e A Thompson, the hutler-tble'- arrlft ly deacriidml to the ground floor and out Into the court and knelt oor tba tKwIy of the man who bad fallen from tba roof top. ids hands fluttered vr the man llko tiny, white bird. Through the pockets he went, rifling them cniiiplptely and replacing tsoee thing which would h of BO train to him. He siopiM'd a be unwrapped tb note Lucille had wrlttan on tb scrap of paper unit bound about tba ruby. Incredulity, nvurlc and puaalad de light fought for mastery upon bl fee. In his eyes Secreting tb ruby In hi pocket, he carefully lifted bl burden nml eat i led It lo Ihe basement of tb bouse Then lie took one last loving look at his find and started In search of bis muster. Already a plan had ca tered his cunning twain to gain tbe reet of the necklace, a plan whereby beqtie was to be no gainer, CHAPTIR XVI. A Thief l Rudely OWRTI.Y Lticlls self In Is) to tbe room fi hud Just mad A Thief I Rudely Felled. ucllle allowed bet .inducted back from which ah made her escape. Iler heart wus so heavy over tba death of the captain she did not car what happened. She hud tried her boat but still failure, dogged her footstep. Bar sweetheart hail resigned from tha army under such a cloud aa must hav broken his spirit completely. HI heart she knew waa already broken by ber seeming disbelief In him. Bar father wna entangled In the same nt with his aid and she beld tbe key to the situation n key with no loch to fit Sbe aloue knew where tb paper tbat would clear up tb entire my tery were located, and she waa a pris oner "Mr. LouU'ipie's compliments, aflaa Lucille." murmured the butler aa ho noiselessly approached With a tiny glass of liquor, "aud ha thought a tiny stp might prove beneficial to tha nerve." "Thank you. Thompson," sb nmred sweetly. "Tall your proaaat employer I shall gladly do so. But" sbe nilded, ber eyes flashing malicious ly. "I forgot Mr l.oiiisrqu has beoa your employer right along." "Quite ao, Mia Lucille. Thank you." Itefore his perfect aplomb Lucill torsi undecided. Her nerve war shat tired ami the drink, ah knew, would do her good Hut there had been that look lu the man's eye. Sb could not lie mistaken lu It. She touched her tongue to tbe delicious, fiery stuff and waited A sensation of comfort slow ly approached her weary spirit a feel ing of lassitude. She fought tb sen sailon away. Pouring out the doctored liquor care fully . she lay against the pillows In posture of dream leas sleep. It wa half an hour before ber patience waa rewarded Then Thompson slipped stealthily Into the room. Lucill del ed herself-a steel spring wound to Ha last not. h. Thompson approached swiftly, silent ly. He was beside her, leaning ovor ber. his hum) groping at ber throat; a little exrlnmntlon of triumph aa bat linger puds touched tb necklace. It was lu his hands, and then the steel spring uncoiled w II h ticlnrudoua sod dehtioss Taken by surprls before tb vVlooa fury of the girl' attack tb butler etuggcred buck Itefore be could re cover she was upon him, driving blm townrd the drsir He lifted bis bands to rend Ills face, then stopped abruptly as he staggered Info his master, joat entering the room Hugo Nuihcquf wnited. watching tb furious girl snd the ruffled butler etirt onsiy a smile curved lua Itpa ao ho turned townrd her "1 on object to the draft 1 I assure you It baa no III will make the Journey on of instead of weariness" Then ho whirl ed uHiu tin- butler, his far bard aa granite. Ills teelh clipping off Word like steel particle. "What lire joii doing her?" "I (lime to see If the draft had effis't." sulkily murmured tb butler. "H w bat nulla, rlty V "Asking your pardon, sir, but I sag vested It and was afraid It might bav a laid ciTe. i i grew to take an Inter est lu Miss Lucille In Manila, air, and did not wish" Lou In-quo frowned heavily, bat Ctpf him short with su Impatient wave of his hand, tactile felt a sudden im pulse to tell him tb truth, bat con quered It swiftly. Sb could fight Thompson much easier than thta man. She must keep bor own counsel Tb spy turned to her again. "You did not tuk tb draftr "Not" "I a as tire you on my word aa a gen. tiemau that It will cause you no locon venleiice I'urtber, I hoped not to bo obliged to tell you that if you do salt tuke It willingly you will be compallod to get It down." Sho btnt Iter bend docilely. Bsaasl mice was out of the question, aad, aft er all, she must save bor strength to Igbl the big tilings. After a momoat hesitation, a shudder at tb wrxUcJgej colors shed from the stuff, aba drataod the glass. Languor, comfort, pMc. gba gar herself up to the drug with a prayer, a prayer she felt so certain would ha beaded, thai In her slumber a purled her lips, played about bor ten unci- Aud when bo awoke was at Loiihequo's Mexican ranch. e e Low, rambling bouse of archills turn dotted tb great which the curiously fantastic, wholly srtiHtlc fence Inclosed. Tbe grounds ware laid out in orderly fushlon, bloom big like the garden of Eden with a riotous profusion of flowers and punt. This was a new Loubeque sb mot there Always had slut associated Wgj wltb the manner of ber knowing limes he had Imh-u tender, other he bad been cruel, always waa ho fat ty, t-ti lining, courageous, a one Ideal man. Hut now he seemsd all peel painter. She could boar tbe softened tones of bis voice as. wltb om of bl companlona, b wandered about tb grounds, tenderly explaining to thaw the history, tbe beauty of the Sewer, the ruro sped be bad Imported for tbe place. It wa after on of those ramMe tbat sb noticed sign of some liQpsnfl lug change about tb menage. On morning he suddenly walked toward hoi. cntei lug the house to shortly ra ter her room "I uiu louvlug today," be began ab ruptly, uii the nature lover gone from bis cold, atom manner "Again I gab you to tell me where yoa put tbe pa pers." "Thou they huven't been found" Sbe slopped abruptly, realising that ber delight bad revealed quite aa mnob as bis demand .. "I uiu sorry, Lucille, that yoa oaaaot see tbe folly of this. It la your laat ciiauco to tell iiuj it la chance to count ma u menu, i am waiting." Sb did not answer. Tbelr eye met and held, both Iliad with an unaltered purpose. Then Loubeqtte. without a word, loft the room, Nor did abe aee him again. That he had gone sbe knew from tbe lames about the household among his serv- anto. It gave ber food for hope. She moot escape ebe must She must sap before tb Iron grip of dreamy languor about tb pine became tin breakabl. BM always when ah wandered boat ah would encounter one of Lou beqae's aide, always masked, always casually aurprlsed at coming upon her, alway urbaue and pollti. el Insistent upon tuning ber In an opposite direc tion. It got upon her nerve to ucb an extent that she finally took to tha house and remained there. Bvery room waa grated, and, though she knew they wort not bore for the ptirisise, they erred It admirably. Tbompouu aeemed upou his mnater's departure to bare lost polae aa thoughts of tbe ruby necklace bl fin ger bad touched scored Itself upon hi brain. Sbe recalled how lie bad served In her father's bouse so loug with never a suspicion from any oue that ho was other than the perfect butler wltb a thought ouUlde of his work. And then he recalled tbe Incident of the neck lace, alwaya would h shudder at tha recollection, then deliberately drive It from ber mind. It waa tb fourth day aluco lb de parture of tbe maater of the pine,, that. standing baeld ber Iron barred win dow, she eaw tbe figure of a man top pUig a rlee In tbe distance and draw uxg swhttly nearer There was some thing strangely fs ml liar about blm. nmathlng she seemed to recall. In lashed bolero, tight trousers and gold braided eombrero of straw, bis long black hair waving gracefully to his shoulders, tb man made an Impressive figure aa be fastoned steady, undevlat tng eyea upon ber wludow until alas wa positive he wa looking at her for a purpose Low voice bummed la con vera Hon, then the man appear ed before ber, offering hie arm "Sonor Loubeque sent me tbat I might escort you about the grounds, might place myself at your disposal." he murmured (To be continued next week.) Bursa i.i ei No. 117 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. f Bitsn STta I S1. l,ro B I eras. Oregon. Oetobar, IK, tun Motive I hereby gives that the Nartlirru Paelas Jtallway Coiapeny, whose poet offtrr age l amis at Pest. Hlnneaoie. has line .1 il. ay at Ovkaber.lall gle4ti isi, m.,- ueaer-li eailee teaelect uailer the erovlitoueol the ei of ('agrees, approved July I, lasS'MWMBtl, BBBB. NUoreii See. ii.t.mh., hi w M leouu si - si . ; aerial He ins a era! elf pen eialmlaa a.lvvrarly the laaate flSJMtbed, ae deelrlntoliiert bwl iheatlaaralekarertei ol the 1st 1 t o other reieaajo tap alepoeel to eiploeoi ehftuld at. tbelr eSlJae lie of pretest In due ..(to -. unor i- fereikeJUidei i of llereiahrr ml) rasaa, iteguaei Saras list No. lia NOTICE FOR I'UHI.IBATION. I'SlTStiBT.T.e I .SIMirncs. I auras. Oregon. November t, e-t 1 Motive la tinbr gt'rn thai the Northern Feriae kalloay I oaepany wboer issu ..Bl. al trass last, r-aol, Mianeaoia. I.ee ihie tib day d November Itltgledln lhiaoi., Itaeaolirellea loeelseiBBdor tbe aronlaloat ... iha I af i on gram, sfnyevted July I. laaa (an nst.W7.ejU) KM. It. W, T. MS. H a, r.. , . M. lw w aailalHo.ilf.1.-. Aayaad all pareoaerlsliiilng adversely Ihe Is tide aeaerlaaal. or deelrli.g to at Ike Selseral rtisiarier of the lend, ol for any other reaeaa. to Ihe dlepoeel to applicant. aboei il tbelr aRtdaHa ..I Benteei la thta oeSr-e.es or batata the flUh t of lie. iiuher, ItM. vua rasas Ursleier. Bums I. let No lii NOTICE KOR PUBLICATION UkitBBBTeraa l.iin.iirri. a. I Heme, uresis,, Mevesiee jo, luitl Notice la beral.y given tl.ai in,. Northers Paeifle Hallway I'ooipenr, r. b.so poet i.rrur eddteaa Is St. raul, Milineeola. haa thta Ann day of Naveaaber lull, file In ihia ,.m neap plIeatloB to select und.r tbe orovleloBBol las rea, approve-! jwy I, imjm iau rial . Sah'4 M. 40.00 . w. . , aw-......,- . ---, ..- Oa r-l T..W..!.!.. H...U . I.MnHH Belial No traea Aay aad all persona rlaimlng sdiarael) the lands deeerlhe or deeirlbed lo ohlert In., suae of lb atlaeral rbaraeter of the lead, or any otkee rssasB. to the disposal to appliiam. leal ale their asidstl'a of protest In this oner before thr Uth day of January IfU. Wa. rBBs, Reglater. tumi Bursa II i let No. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'sitan HvaTsa l.asi, Orrn a Burn. OiagOB. November , 114. Notice 1 hereby given Ibel the Northern rmeile Hallway Company, whoae poet oBice addreeala St. raul. Mluiieanta, hsathla attnlay ol Noyera ber, 114 lleil lu llila oltlie lie appin a no taaaiset aaoer toe pruvirioue or uie an in rnngieaa. approved July I lass I an Hiat d7, ami VZffSB By ine err ill ' ungivee ..r..veu BTBTlUdWU See SB. Twi M H , It til,. HB), i"rf.VDtf.S.i;w!" Serial No. V7M gjay aad all aaraona I'lalmlug sdvereely the leasts aeertbM, or ileelrliis loobjasji beieuae ol tba BtiaeraJ cbaiarterof Hie land, or any atbar reason lo the dlapoaal to applliani, aooM tie tbelr effldeviia ol pruteat Id thta etnre.onur before the usth day of Hereiuir 114, rVa Fa BBS. ItrMlater T;HE RIGHT ROUTE to PORTLAND SPOKANE SEATTLE TACOMA aad all principal point in Oregon and Waakiagtaei via Juatura, the Oregon Eaetorn Railroad aad tbe 0IEI0N-WASHIN6T0N RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. TO THE is via Juntura and tha Oregon Eastern Oregon Short Line Union Pacific Information, schedules, ticket, etc., upon applica tion to any System agent or address a card to the GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT Portland, Oregon Tonwma tomorrow nlgrht. Sick hMutachtk it nearly always caused by disorders of the stom ach. Correct them aad the peri odic attacks of sick headache will disappear. Mrs. John Bishop of Roseville, Ohio, writes: "About a year ago I was troubled with in digestion and had sick headache that lasted for two or three days at a time. I doctored and tried a number of remedies but nothing helped me until during one of those sick spells a friend advised me to take Chamberlain's Tablets This medicine relieved me in a short time." For sale by all dealers. See that good roof? that's Malthoid -It's used everywhere (or every rooting purpose, by men who know what it mean to hare s roof that is absolutely water- and weather-proof ALL the time Malthoid. Harney Volley Lusaber Co. Burns, Oregon IMPORTANT EVENTS OI4l AT i a-1 a a WINTER SHOIT COURSE-JAN. AgrUultisre, liKlualng Agronomy. Animal husbandry, Dairying, Herri culture. Poultry Husbendry .Insect. Plant snd Animal Dta, Cfaam ry Management. Marketing, etc. rtoesM Utoooaasrs. Including Cook lag, Hoar Nursing, Sanitation. Sew ing. Dressmaking and Mlltrncry. Corn marcs, Inclndlag amain Man aggmrnt, Mural Ecenemk. Buslne Law. OnV Training. Farm Account ing, etc raaTJOggrlOg. In. luJlng Shonwork andHsedbulldlng . FARMERS WEEK-PERRUARV 14 A general clearMg hetta Maaleo Of six days lev the .. hangs dyaalc klra on ihe neat pressing ereelem of the times. Lecture by leadtag authorities. State cnfrrnce. EXTENSION SERVICE Olferg lexturw, aisvable schoels, hv stltuttt aad nuamrau crrwandnce court ea reeuott. MUSK: PUn. String, Band, Voice. No tuition. Reduced rates ea all rail road. For further Infoi ma'loo addr, The Ort Agrkaatorol Cadloge. ti i.i loin e t'om til nation glck, iojuty, arrldent ami ilratti beoaflt protection at mini iniiiii oott. W.OiO.OO death benefit, 1, 000.00 lor low of limb or eyesight; laom go 00 to 910.00 weekly ick or ac cident beoefll; $1 ,000.00 fcmergeocy re llel beneBt. Coat is ft) tx) per year; no oilier doe or tms taenia. In this inseranoe all man and woman are plaoetl on an eqoal baali, regardlee of occupa tion. Rvery person make tbe tame form of application, pays tb same ainountof premlam and rseeiv tha same amount of beneBt. Men and Wosaen between tbe age of 10 and 6o re accepted. No restriction a to oc cupation, only Railroad moo employed employed on track, train or roound lioues, can not ba oospted. Claims are paid within alxty day anywhere In tba I'.H. Canada or Korope. Old reliable iasuranc Company. $100,000.00 on Htato deposit a protection lor l'olley liolders and to goarsnta tha payment ol elalmi. For farther free tnformstlon Rildroaa (iustave B. Werner, Secretary and (leneral Manager, Box SIS, Boffaio, N.-T. taU age, mi, ocoupatlon and mention IVapt. B. 171. EAST UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Pkr Wa do job printlnf LONE RESTAURANT aBOROft POON Pi op, Meala At All Hour. Short Orderg'and Prompt Service With Reaaonable Ratett Give Me; A Call sjoroM MliBB Moooooooeooeeoeeoeeoe Sumpter Valley Railway Co. Arrival ui Degirttrre Of Tragi Departa No. 2, Prairie Surnpter Arrive Baker Depart 10:15 A 2t35 P. 4:00 P. M. M. M. No. 1, Baker 8:30 A. M. Sumpter 10:05 A. M. Arrive Proirio 2:10 P. M. No. 1 Makea good connection with 0.-W. RAN. No. 10 leav itur Portland t.-OO P. M. and No. 17 from eaat arriving Baker 6:50 AM. No 2 Connecta with La Grande local 7:00 to La Grande, and No. 9 (faat Mail) picks up sleeper there arriving in Portland 7:00 A. M. A too with No. 18 at 10:46 P. M. for point East No others Tk lM Host Siwiig Miekin Ceapat, OaANCT, MASS, The TI ostly way lo "I 1 m fat iU gtnuhw New Home KLl 1 it la Bar tas eaaaJaiae H 1 wsb iKe sasso NEW A 1 HOMCobiiib1 Hi A sab. laaa, 1 I Tea. aafclae U R wLrd V BeSsrtaBea) Iw afl saaaaaaaa BbJ sJ"L JutJft I No other like it M I No other as good W i Ttlarlin REPEATING RIFLE You can buy no better gun for target work and ail small game up to 21W yards. BUTTER WRAPPERS Printed in accordance with legal requirement on short notice at THE TIMES-HERALD Job Rooms If Yoa Want ALL The Home News READ THE TIME-SHERALD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing .- "''saaafaBaBaa "t i) iroj JOB WORK We do it right RODNEY DAVI S Houee Painting Paper Hanging and Decoratlseg Calclmintng Hardwood Finishing; Fresco Palatini; IMlMMitee rarnlehoes OB p- pllrotlon. Soetplee nbowe. CITE HIM A CMAMCB wwttwimim t mfHH T' .OfiT A HE 22 CiUiurtiRepgatiM l-Tiih the mm ;i.... la. one I 1t. T. ar- ft. .ti M . tii lini It I. .ilirr for .M Long STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADINC RIFLE NO. 70. Handles I ,gg HIT patct sa.oo Hliort ami It M limit rifle rurtrldaea. rif f..r hsndawuslr iiluvtraletl Hlflo CotaV d 'How to Snoot Will'-. Or.l. r ttOtfl PIMI fttim your Dealer, STEVKN8 ARMS A TOOL COMPANY P. 0. Oas BOO. CVK-OPCK PAUA MASa orrwtAL DiRHcroav eTi -. !.: .. Ifteo. . CkaaaWrUlB II s Beuaiora llarr) i CunsraaaaaeB All.irnejr (leneral liovefee serreiary ol stale Treasurer su.i ful.llr li.atru. tloe Wale I' r Infer WwBSlVoSI ejo r. otaeai T.a.Bav I A CkBRkili .. Dalwar Sail a T. A. MaWtae UMstaraaM Supreme Jailgee a. . aoea. Km, atosr NINTH il'KU.'IAL DISTRICT. Klelrlrl Jnnie l ouul Aiioruer I Irrnli r.iurl rnaeu Oie Srat Mejsstor la April e.,,1 Aral MunJar la Joint seoaasr I. uiu lie.rearnieilve WB IrMk, w. r. ' Ml BlUIII a '.rem a v3E avear, R. C .il A. K J i. lunaees OIBajpcrll l.-iideut oner k laeasBi i.-t aasiaefuuera t. at Haaalheo ti. w.c MlVeOOSI ReOlaaea itt. r. estfi fTkos Bali i ..unit i ourt aieeia the list Wed evade; Januarr. Merit. Mar. ialy Noieaelar iiimi t . s lb i. errirs: eslelt'i el eiv ' wai ram IVV i sse vs.. ..i Heae Metaerakaast K..i Rov Vaa silafcl TreaauKi Meaty tsaliao Xaiei .: ..R. L Malaa Il J rlsaseB i ..ui.tlliBen A. C. Waleesaa I Jaaaea Lauaeeklre iH.J.MeKlBaoa Meeiiiise l tbe I'uBurll etejry foui ik W4ae4 Model 20 Wsko "age of it 21 stoat, long of looerls coSsatos perfectly. The deee BtJkrd rilling develops niirnoni power sod xzAP&wimk IQjgre " m & rw, J W accuracy and add yean to tbe of TV.-j-i..,.. j t.. .. olrslsa. stZttX2XTjsri T?'-'!- BsBeaaalaa.iilaBaaaav, laaaassBeteaeJI aKaaeiaasleeaaaie.d.ae. A treat easeaea aeVAati aaa east 7X Iffarin irvarmu Cm Wittew gfaeaa) New Itaeesa. Cesa. CARL i fliysiiH!,; RIII W,i Ptiysirlaaa Bartif, Ofliee la new karns It CEO. G. rajmirtra, eaat U.,t HARLAN Phaskiaai Nerrowa, mnail PhysicUm HMriaaBx HarrifTsjj Or- Mini Physician Lawer E. IT. deofi Berts,! M. A. Attornry M ogtly Bleg, O. A. R AtturMM Burns. HERMAN Attorney ll t prtrtlea Offle.i irayBidg n.na Burr CBJmiiES f. LAW1 Burns, PraeUeas to Ux fore the C.e. IaiiiI Ohos. M AtTiiiim V- Caiefol atteiit -ii end It.-ai Ftrr la Notary Burns. A. W. (.01 ATTORNEY State Court and Land Office, Three dours ! Harney County Bum.. FRANK AMaesssa at Low DAI O. DlI.LABK l AsstKnaii aa StD.S RaelaaialK.i ra Eastern Oregon El Compaij am Af wiitiUrtfj kris. Ore's Jswelet-. Oi Fine Wstch R. , H dalty. $1500 Rei Uaasrasa leua it,,,, a easillt luii i kraaasa kaako4 Us, o Sro4 MOr4d to sift I aaraey, jjut sud , ,, , 1twsoekl4. i, ure ,it Sot fraaa Uoie, . so BBBQlHI. U.S I... J OSeea katweea Barn. i a Ussl OOrv aVin. IJOMNUKMItKaUJ aC J ' eafO"