The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 26, 1914, Image 2

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i i
We wish to thank our
many friends and custo
mers for their patronage
and loyalty shown dur
ing the past year and
wish you all a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
Clothing Company
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns. Oregon
The Holiday Season
Cheerfully Observed
( ontlimsd from pegs 1
OmYm 12.00
SI Molk . ... 1.00
Tkr.a Meatka .7S
State Aid Favored.
County Judges and Commis
sioners of Oregon in their annual
session at Portland last week re
commended that the 1915 Legis
lature levy a one mill tax for per
manent state road purposes.
The resolution also asks that the
Legislature delegate! to the
county courts the right to say
what kind of traffic is injurious
to the roads.
Recommendations to the next
Legislature were in part as fol fel fol
eows: That the present law re
gulating the payment of widows'
pensions to be amended that no
money shall be extended unless
approved by the County Judge
and Commissioners. That the
legislature appoint a committee
toirevise, simplify and systematize
the road laws and that the law
requiring the several counties to
take a census every ten years be
More Stock Victim of Rabies.
Leo Fisher returned this week
from Alvord where he took a de
puty state veterinary on applica
tion of Frank Clerf to ascertain
the cause of his loss of stock.
The veterinary found several
.head of his cattle afflicted with
rabies, Mr. Clerf having lost
about 20 head and more were
afflicted with the malady.
This is a serious loss as the
ranch is stocked with pure bred
animals and it isn t known yet
how many more will die from the
effects as several others showed
symptons before they left.
Mad coyotes are reported in many
districts and considerably loss of
stocK is resulting. The county
in general is becoming aroused
to the necessity of eradicating
this danger all over Eastern Ore
gon and it is likely state aid will
be ask to get rid of it.
There is a peculiarity in the
manner in which this diaeaes
affects animals, it not showing
symptoms that had been consid
ered indicative in former years.
It had been the theory that an
animal afflicted with hydrophobia
would not attact anything unless
it would come with in its path.
That a dog or animal whin at
tacked with the disease always
took a straight course and did
not deviate for anything. It
would bite anything within Its
reach if in its way but that was
it seems from description
brought in that the mad coyotes
will wonder around in all dlrec
tionsand would attact animals
and show fight.
Tho management of Tonawama
has kindly consented to give the
use of the hall and the picture
machine, and other arrangements
win De maae lor the accom
modation of those in attendance.
The lectures will cover a variety
of subjects, but it is planned to
take up relates topics on rach oc
casion. Thus one evening will
be devoted to Home Economics,
taking up such phrases of the
subjects as Farm Homes -their
construction, care and conven
iences. During another evening live
stock will be the topic, taking up
such subjects as hogs, dairying.
etc. Pictures of the best speci
mens of the different breds will
be shown, as well as modern
methods of caring for the animals
and disposing of the products.
Crops and dry-farming will be
another subject for discussion.
Slides picturing every phase of
grain growing will be shown.
beginning with the germination
of the seed and showing every
step in its growth and every pro
cess through which it passes until
it is marketed. Tillage metnods
and implements for dry-farming
will also be shown.
The lectures will be free and
the general public, as well as the
students registered for the course
are invited to attend. As these
lectures occur in the evening, no
doubt a large number of people
will avail themselves of the op
portunity to see and hear some
thing which will be both enter-
Saint"- Warren Teller.
Tableau IX 'The Christmas
Stockings" -Grace Salisbury,
Edith Biggs, Doris Safflt, Mar
jorie Jordan, Paul Cawlfleld
Tableau X "Christinas Peace"
Lucilo Brown
Tableau IX "Christmas Fare"-
Alta Sagers, Nellie Barron,
Margaret Irwin, Clarinda Dor
sey, Hazel Fireoved
Tableau XII "The Christmas
Tree" -Mildred Dalton
Tableau XIII "The Christmas
Waits" Katherine Farre, Jes
sie Drinkwatcr, Hilda Thorn
burg, Philip Cawlfleld, James
Tableau XIV "The Christmas
Child" -Gladys Byrd
Song- "The World Wide Christ
mas" Northland. Evelyn Mil
ler; Southlands Violet Terrill;
The Far East, Marjorie Byrd;
The Orient, June Dalton.
"The Three Kings" -tibntf-Uow.
King Herod. Elsworth Egli;
Three Kings, Theo. Sprague,
Milton Brown, Raymond Voeg-
"Chiming Bells".
Young People's Chorus
"Santa Will Come Tonight if
You're Good", Kindergartners
Pianists Helen Purington. Eve
lyn Byrd, Dewey Robinson
The other Sunday schools also
held appropriate exercises the
same afternoon and evening.
There were but few needy in
this city and those few were pro
vided for in the way of nice
Christmas dinners, gifts of toys
for the children and clothing.
therefore it was a happy Christ
mas time for all those in Burns.
Tonawama gave a picture mati
nee during the afternoon on
Christmas Day and all the little
ones who did not have the price
of admission were given the pri
vilege of the house and while the
crowd was not large it more than
paid the expense of the entertain
ment and was appreciated.
A dance was given on Christ
mas night and a large number of
young people took part Pro
grams were used the first part of
the evening, a custom establish
ed some time ago at Tonawama
The Masonic and Eastern Star
organizations will hold joint in
stallation of officers tonight at
the Masonic lodge room. The
officers elected last Monday
evening in the Masonic lodge wete
Ludwig Johnson. W. W.; A. O.
Faulkner. S. W. ; E. C. Egglea.
ton, J. W. ; J. E. Loggan, Secy. ;
J. C. Welcome, Sr., Trees. The
Times-Herald did not get a list
of the officers elected by the
To Register Breeding Ani
mals Free From Disease.
The spread of tuberculosis by
the sale of pure-bred cattle for
breeding purposes has led the
department to propose a plan
for encouraging the breeding of
registered animsls free from
that disease. It is unfortunate
that tuberculosis exists in many
fine pure-bred herds. It often
happens that a man who wishes
to improve the breeding of his
herd will buy an animal from one
of these diseased herds and un
wittingly introduce tuberculosis
Into his herd. The department
is undertaking to establish re
cords of pure-bred herds that
are free of tuberculosis, so that
people who wish to buy fine stock
will know where they can be as
sured of getting healthy animals.
After applying the tuberculin
test, which will be done free of
charge, an official public record
will be kept showing all herds
which can be certified as free
from tuberculosis, and it is pro
posed to publish the names and
addresses of the breeders whose
herds are on this record. The
plan is purely voluntary. Herds
will be tested only when the
owners desire it and agree to the
conditions. Publicity may also
be given to these herds at ex
positions and fairs by placards
upon the pens, and it is expected
that separate exhibition classes
will be established for such cattle.
Owners of tested herds will be
expected to slaughter animals
that are affected seriously, as
such are apt to be dangerous dis
seminators of tuberculous infec
tion. Some States provide for
reimbursement for animals
slaughtered under such circum
stances. Arrangements may be
made for retaining animals
showing no clinical evidence of
tuberculosis in quarantine for
breeding purposes when it is
desired to preserve and perpet-
.imM" ' '""
Cbamt.rlalr. Cowgh Remedy-The
Mother' Favorite.
"I give Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to my children when
they have colds or coughs,"
writes Mrs. Verne Shaffer, Van
dergift, Pa. "It always helps
them and Is far superior to any
other cough medicine I have used.
I advise anyone in need of such a
medicine to give It a trial. " For
sale by all dealers.
llsirsb htatm I.a xii Orrit'S,
Duma, Oregon, lierrinber lu, rill
Not Ire la hereby given Ibal Jubn liraratoa, ol
Narrow, Oregon, wbo, " !'. It, Itrta. ad
llomvelead Baliy. No 1w.11,
NWbjSWU, ser. . t.-i .
..LI flWl U...II.H A Tnw.l
.. K'lll. ... II..I.II.H ).a
p, i niuinin. mmfiwm. . ..- .--
iMiiMuti lo maka Final rive-Year 1'iotil t
labllab claim lu the lanl abuve described be
iiirn Healaier anil Kerelier, at Hiiina, Oregoa,
mi ilia Han day ol January, 1010.
I'laliiieullieiiireea Willi
pan, lo, inn, made
Ii 1 1' i H., HengeH
ad filed until ol In
i.iIiii H. Jsuklmut Princeton, Oregou. Jan
Kulkaiad ol IHainoml, iiregun. Nla Halt and
Jaime r. Malum., but h ol Princeton, Orefoa.
'. CASSS, Keflaier.
,y, nreai
nail llnmeatearl Bnlry No, MM. Mortal, no.
ST lor HNBH. fUAtitak and ,
ettlun It. fowkebfa J South, K ti Kail
i lllemriie Meridian, ha filed notice ol Inteii-
I'NITKU "TATBM I.A Nil orril K.
Iiuriia. Oiegiin, Iiertember 10. I'M,
Nolle la hereby lvew that ileutee Anderson
i nlil.r hi miImv. tlrseon. who. nn May . 110.
mail linmeateail Bnlry No. UN. Herlal, No.
linn to mat final five year proof, to eaiebllah
claim tu lb lend above described, before Heaie-
Icr and Heealrer, el Hume, Oregon, un II
litlli day of January Ida.
i imIiiiaiii ueinee ea wllueeere
llrrl A. Hamilton, Hubert J, Wllllame. ller
betl A. Dibble and Augutt '. roglmaba, all ol
Nlly, Oregon.
Wa Kaaai lleglaler.
Burn. Oregon, November 27, lilt.
s.iilc la hereby given that John M. .llllg.
a. I.
1 A
Happy and Prosperous
New Year to Everybody
1884 - 1915
Burns. Oregon
I Hilar,
who on July a, 111. ma
il, una-, teed Bnlry
K',NW. ml., Heclinn a. Iunht
liana .'I .
nutit r ul tiiirntlun lo eaego dual three-rear
eriNil. to eelatillcli claim to lb land eijv de
Mo. St far WUNSU
l. necllun 'ja. Iuwnahtii 24 a,
B , vYlllauirll Meridian, baa filed
anrlbed. bafnre Itcalalcr aud llewitar, at Hume,
i lalinalil nameaaa wllm
i ilrgnu, till lh JlKll daj Ilf lire wlxir, IVU
I will,
William T Lerlrr. uf Burna. Dregoo Dan
Mci.iimrli ni mauffvr oiegoa ony Tkomiavuu
w . Bturgia. of Hlley,
ol Kill
Wa. Fan. Krlater.
UNITBltaTATBN l.ANlnirrii'B.i
Hurna, dregoo, November IT. Ifli.)
Notice la beraby given Ihet Hannah May, of
no. oa November It, nil.
Hurna, mrnni.
made llumcaiaad Kutry No UMit. lor KUNB!
kii. lean. I .sa1,, Hecllou II, Townabli
IB it
g led
Finest alfalfa; timothy and red
top hay baled may he had at the
Goodman feed barn is south Burns
Notice I Creditor
oats certain strains.
Miss Hannah was in the city
today making proof on her lund.
Muzzle AH Dogs Within The
City Limits.
igeelB.. '
in, lie ol (mention tu make fine! commutation
l.loul. tiieetebileb claim to ibe land above de
avrlbrd. befure Hglter end Banlver. at llama
orrgou, oa the sub day of Hecember, lilt
- lalmaettiaiara aa wllneae
Itirt rotter, i . V Heed, iteorg Holdr end
Kay Barron, ell of Hurna. lireguu.
Wa. faaaa. Hef later
taining and instructive.
Public School Report.
Report of Burns school Dist.
No. 1, for the month ending
October 30, 1914:
Pupils remaining last month 230
... 2
- S
Kejristered new
Registered secondary
Pupils readmitted
Pupils dropped
Pupils remaining at date , ,
Pupils registered since begin
ning of year marked "R" 288
Pupils on register since begin
ning of year marked "E" 6
Puupils over 6 and under 9 87
Pupils over 9 and under 12 82
Pupils over 12 and under 14 38
Pupils over 14 and under 20 10
Total 244
Number of Pupils neither ab
sent nor late 144
Per cent of attendance 97
Number visits by parents . . 14
Number visits by members
school board 1
School Superintendent visited
for half a day.
Have your pictures taken at
the Sayer Studio.
Uneapected and Barfly
Fee at In the Arctie.
Noab lii hia ark could not bar
ore dolltfblrd orr the return of
dor tbau wero tbt mambara of KJaar
Mlkkvlarii'a lutrty. In to fl peart of
areguiand ice, wltb tb slajM of a
Sock of wild Been. In "Loot la tbe
UrUc" Captain Mlkkalfean fella of
taelr noed of rood, of the fa time of a
long aleilKe Jotirtirjr and of bla own Ul-
ocas. Ho linil become ao weak tbat be
wna oiiiigiti to ride on tbe aledfe. Cos
aequentlr tbelr procreae was rere alow.
We drlre on between a lot of tltti
lalauda or banka of flatial lea. Sod
only Ireraoo makes a soateb at tbe
oledg. canalng tbe dogs to bait In ae
toulalnncut, and wblaijeaw,
ioog. look! What's tbat r f
10 soiDctijIna; tbst looks like a let or
round atones, sod I esa siaiuatj k
Here m eta. It la a Mc Sock of
geese, sitting tbera eoand asleep. Itaty
bare not beard m. hi few lrrals
Iverson Is mi bis way toward frits
I or course renin lu where I ass am m
lie takes nlm. fires and tbe whole
flock rises. Stop a minute! Isn't tbera
one on the k round? anatcb np tbe
Rlasa. Not one, but two are left upon
tbe Held, and after following, tbe shriek
Ins flock a little wa Ireraoa rotoros.
ovniniiiK witn jiir, a bl- fat toose la
either hnnd. We are delighted and
drlre off southward lu tbe bast of
apirua. 1 vi-rsun ersa stops srery now
sod then to reel tbe splendid fat bodies
of ths birds, and wa do nothing) bat
talk of what a feast wa are to bare
when they are cooked. Tbe dogs an
doing; their best. Irersoo marches at
the rear or the sledge, singing at the
top of his roles, end eraa I fast a lit
tls better.
At a regular meeting of the
rCity Council hold Dec. 9. 1914
the Council passed a Resolution
commanding that all dogs within
the City be securely muzzled
with wire or other metal muzzles
from and after December 16. 1914.
and kept so muzzled until the
further order of the Council .
All dogs not muzeled found in
the streets or running at large
within the city after said date will
be immediately killed by the Mar
shal. This notice dated Dec. 10. 1914
and given by order of the Council.
Roy Van Winki.k,
1 MM 1. STATSS LAHCt Omcft,
Berne. Orates, November is, 114.
Nutlcele hereby glvea thai Jake M. Hewell.
01 nrcwevy, Oregon, who un November as, 111,
made AdSltleeel Homeeleed Botr. No. 0671.
lur N',HE aeriluu a. Tuwnabtp l a
Ha. of.'i
Haaswe Reef. Willamette Merldiea. baa Sled
notice of iblaatiuu lu make final three year
rriHM, ur mauuii claim lo in in,i auove ae
acrilred.lretsre B. L. Beede. v S ommleeleear.
at nla office et Urwecv, ur,,u. on Ike 1Mb
ilev ul Imrember. IVH
i lelmeai iiaraee aawllneeere
JameeH. Aadereon, William Kllhr, Semael
William, William I. jeoco. all of brewaer.
wa. rteaa. Begtaier,
Notice Is hereby given tbat tbe under
signed lis been duly appointed admin
istrator ol the ettate uf James I-conanl
docrsaerl, by tbe County Court of the
State of Oregon, lor Harney, County.
All persons baring claims agalnat ald
eelate are hereby notifletl to present
llieoi, duly rerlfled aa br law reqnlred,
to II. St. llortoo. sdralnlatrator. st hie
residence In Burns. Ilsrney County,
Oregon, or at tbe office of J. H. Cook,
bis stUrrney, In Hurna, Harney County,
Oregoa, wlthia sis month from tl.e
JaU of IbU uoUce.
I Sid this Slst day of November. IUM.
Attorney, Admlnistralur.
Barua. Oregon. November mh, il
TeCksries M. t'ooser. et Hurna. Oregoa Con
Burna. Oregon, ! e,Ur 10, lvl
Soi lie la harcby lvn thai Hart A
ol Hlley, Oregon, who, un July .. lata.
llomealead Boiry, No oa. fur MBUNWU.
N'Nr.'t. B4.Nb5. Mellon . TownabfpaS.
tange ti a. wiiiemalt Meridian, lie Bias
notice of lut'-niii.ii to maka final nveyeer
I'ronf, lot atabllah claim lo lh lend above ,!
crllwd, lietor the Nealetrr and kerejver, at
Hume. Oregon, un Ik lath day ef January lIS
Claimant nameaaa wllaiaan
i,urg AndereoBl'oltler, Boberl J. William,
Herbert a. nibble. Aegvsc W. (oglmaaa. all
ol Mllvy . o
Skk Two Year. W.ih Indigejatieat.
'Two years ago I was greatly
benefitted through usinir two or
three bottles of Chamberlain's
Tablets." writes Mrs. S. A. Kel
ler, Elida, Ohio. "Before taking
tnem I was sick for two years
with indigestion." Sold by all
Wa. run Regular
Balsa oreaoa, IrecemUr . 114.
Notice la bereb gl teu thai Joaenklae Hrun-
aell, of orovlll Oregon, wba, on Ireeembar I,
1,1,1. mad Hoateeleed Koirr, Ne. wiui, fee
aWjNBi,. WUSICS. See. t. wUNEW Secllea
L1' J"'f V f- "" " laa
Merldiea. baa Sled aoilee of Intention to make
Seal S verier steel, to eaiebllib claim
lo the land above deernbed, before (tee
i oregoa, oa tse
AHn. I J. callow, M. M IJoaa
Yoa ate hereby notified Ibel i herlee W. Hell '
ka gtvea IMemoa d, oregoa. a bla uoal
SStre add re, did oa Nuvembei .-;.li Hit
I la IhUoBUe hmduly corrulnraied aonliia
ties W eaaiaea eas mwm ik r.,. ..ii.,,.., ..,
year Hamaaiaad Batry, No., aerial No. sstau
mad Merck 1Mb. Itldlor Witr.'. SteSWe
ol SeeUea . Towaahln is, wauik, Keuge at
Baaa. Wlllamella Melidlen.eud a graunda lor berlvaU ( re.per
ha wholly akeaaessB aald estry. That ke
aevreUhilakia4 or malaialaed a realdenoe. or '
mad say lmrrovemani iseraaa, end hee
psnal blmwrf ead ekanged kle reeidvnc ,
ewstsffom ever alnee Ibe date of eatrv.
Tea r. Ibereler. further aotlSad Ibel the '
eels SHagatloo will be taken e eoalvaed
end veaereeld antra iiiiaf.i,,..i.i an.......
farUer rkjkt le te br,l, alilier befure u,i
sgjes or ea ssal. If yuu fail to nte lu ibia
ofllce althla leaaty deia etier Ibe rol'Klil
pwenceuoa ui.iBie nonce, a aown beluw
vuareruwer auderoelh, ai-ectBcally rvooi.,l
log to Ikese alragatlaa ol conteet. log.ttic
wfife Bee yeoot thai yoe save cerred e i-uoy ol
roar SJfcgwar sal the aald oealeeleut either In
pwewew w ay regiaierea mail.
VuahieUtolaroaraawertlieii. I
ajr.k,i.7or - --"""
Wa. raaaa. Bejgieier.
Dale el Bret publiralloa November ash IM4.
paletaeeaSbUbllattoaleubet ill, lull
Dele of third eablleaUoa Irecembrr r.'ih ivu.
pel ol loort pubUeeiluu December itth Ivu
Why not give omethln niefJ
I have a nice line of
Ladies and GentletiK
Felt Bedroom Slip;
Hair Ribbons. Ties, SI
Handkerchieves, etc
Special for Xmas:
Mince Meat, Cranbei
Plum Pudding
Candy and Nuts
My general line of
Is Complete
A. K. Richards
General Merchandise!
"in in, Jr . It. s. i ummlaelooer. el hit
bla ufUce el Andrew, oregoa. on the
uf laauary.lM.
laliiianl nameaaa wltu,
Ered I.. Allan. EwS. J. I
w. n mi l la. all uf orovlll, Oreaoa.
Wa. EAaaa. Besister
'Jftth day
for Liquor License).
Illustrated Lectures
at Short Course.
AdUUonl LocaJ..
J. F. Mshon was in town this
A feature of the Short Course
which will be held at the High
School during the month of Feb
ruary, will be a series of illus
trated lectures occurring in the
evening at intervals during the
Usual picture program at Ton
awama tomorow night.
Fresh Bread. Pies. Cookies and
Doughnuts for sale at City Res.
Tom and Mrs. Allen were in
from the P Ranch this week via.
lung friends.
M. Breecount expects to take
his departure Monday for Spok
ane to visit with relatives for a
A Lessen In Curling.
luexrierlefK'ett 14 ember (to rsnsrsbls
i-tipi wim f a pstlld, Mr. Msopbsr
Mm? Hklt Dae ye no see, ye gowk)
Y dlag reT Htune csunlly, but oss so
dm. as nn- liiiu It Nae ualflln Oeg. nor
jink-in turn, ye kiii. but toutlly, tbat It
syo Bulitta eiiuovlu' ail' ebutiturln
iiiniiii tho Ktiiilrti. till straucbt as su
I'liii-iH wnlk. bogys fs' oa this van
is. Wben ye'sa dune tbat, lafldat,
'. iimiic imtiiii. no' ye nay bear Uf
givu 'Inn, nli, (llobe.
Even Worae.
"W liy tlu Hicy imte ostb other aor"
"Tlicy ii ih rivals.",
"'Ii, IiiiIIi trying to tuitrry tbe asm
Klti, IiV riuit aort of iking certainly
iiik'h uriiiini ii uiiiii a primal pssslous
"I u till rasa t la worse tbsn tbat
tuej are tmiii I tying to marry tbt
Niiiin. r.ii'iuiii- lluualnu I'ost.
Well, If SuspenaaB.
'I't I lell me i, ne (blug."
"W bill In ii, my anur
"I i -iip, niliil ecntencs a bangtng
iiMltoiV iiiiiiliiinre Ainerlcsa.
A mmii iimkniit jrlres III luck sway.
I 1 1 ii' Ii I'lulX'b.
Ws, lh uiiileraigued. iBal vuUrsof
nsrrimau I'rtcloct, llarauv fjouoty,
State of dregoo, respectively petition
the Hoa.Coanly Court of Ilsrney Coon
tj, Stale ol Oregon, to grsnt a Licence
to AlbritUm Hotel, Cliaa. Hobn, I'roprl
tor, to tell Spirituous, Malt and Viaoas
Liquors in less qusoiitita laaa one gal
lon la llsrrunsu I'rsciucl Harney (nun-
Vi " Of uregon, lor tin. iieriml of
81b Montlis, as in duty bum.! wo will
esr pray :
NAWS-(i. C. Wlllard. T. O. Albrlt.
Um, Cbsrls Bohn, tl. I. Cole, A..
Ilsnd, R. N. Hand, (i. K. I'urkar, I. t..
Mlseper, Thos Koutley, Tbomna ltout
ley Jr., Mrs J. W. Using, CaSB, (iur.l.
Mrs. U. S. Osid, H. A. tlibsos, Mr, J.
W. Halm, K, L. Hniltb, Jarnes Uary,
K. M. Miller, C. L. Lee, M. Holm, J. L.
Millsap, J. Dillon Jr., . W. Csrpentor
W. J. Oray, D. I. Hnydsr.O. W Mill,.,,,
J. M. Jones, P. K.. Using, n. o. ii.i,,..
JJ. Using, John Kblne, Mao HI, Inn,
moms ii . i.ii.i.y, Kuimt C. I.lbby, 0.
W. Kellogg, K. L. Grey. 0. T. Carv. B
r. Lioer, u. it. Jonas, V. Kern, It. T.
Wald, Otto Hon., J. 0. Nicholson, o.
Poe.T. A. Holing. II C. I'roncb.Ar..
llulst, I. B. Clsrk, Nels I'osliung, Honry
N. Messner, Joe Kellogg, ii Deninan,
Boot. Burkhardl. Mia. h. llurkliunll, C.
O. Lougbsad.J II. Duuhnrty.
Wotlas Is hsrshy givou that on Mon-
' Jk dsv ol January IUI6. the
undsrslgnsd will apply t. the Honura-
w.w v-vuui, touri ol llarusv Cnuni
Nettre la hereby
.Oregon, aau,
t'airao Brara l.aao Orrtoa,
Barn. Oregon. Oeeerabera,
Ivea Ibal rred 1. All, of
ii. oa BecemUrl.lsiisael
1 1. 1 .ber . tSI. reaaweil veil, mad Hem.
Mertdien, ka Sled notice of lateailoa to set
nujAi ave year sroni, to eauMeak claim ts
i Jk r ..V weweviewo, ui..r ilo A.
saiytfc, Jr.. tl B. l.'osamlwlonar. al in ofllce,
at Andrew, Oregoa, oa lb 1Mb day of Jana
ary. loiA.
Claimant nam aa wllua
Kdw. J. fallow uf orovlll. oregou. W, o.
rllllioga, of Healu. 'iregoa, Joaeakla Brea
..II, and M. M uSkoJ dell7oreaea
Wa. rABas. Bagleur.
OaiTsa Btats I. am. Orrua
Ukvlw, Oregos, October 3ib, l.'l.
MoMe le hereby gives teal Pater Wye, ol ,
rife. Oregea, wbo. on f.broary 1Mb, lull.
S!f? ??"ift,t4 ",r'r. N. a7, 'or SB',.
t".toS KT;,1 SM:ifca.lwwa.nlp .' B.
K. XL S Willamette kfaaldlew ka aia ....,.,..
of iOtentiaei le luha lul ikMta., ,.., ...
sstoUlsh claim to las lead above .leecrli,- ,1,
before Oka. A. Skermaa U. B. Ceamlaaluncr.
MKIfe. Oragoo, oa tk Irak day of Decern oerj
Claimant name as wltatatss:
Adolpk V. Uaaeea, Jim. Wileon. do. T.
Haeiti. rred. ( ol Ml. Oregon
Ja. P BCaosa. Kegiatcr
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top
Baled Hay For Sale
Free Camp House and, PriviyWt s in
or isari.. Lustomers Caw For Own Stock.
Umitui Stats Lash Orates i
Burn, Oregon. Iiecemrwt 7, ltl I
Notle le bevebveteun tbat Wmliar I.A.M..
i,t Diamond. Oreaea, wbo, ou Nov. 7, im.
made llomealead Batry, No. OlMaa, for KiaaSU,
c.7 and.WUSWl.SsolJaMjTWwsairAli?
Hanac lit Beat, Wlllaaeatt Meridian baaSUJ
nwllce ot Inleallon to make Ptaal Sv-yaar
I'ronf. lo ealalillab claim to ibe lead abut So
eerlbed. before Ibe Baglttai aad atcceiver. at
Baraa. Oregon, on tbe Tlib day of Jsaasry,
rletuiaat nemv a wltu:
Hall Tumci, Blba Tiuaer, Jam rail aaS,HmyinllolllmMd,Orjee.
' ''. Ssgajsti.
W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair
Uarrso stats Umornn, i
Barns. Oregea, November a. mil I
H3if Jf '0 gl vea that William W . 8m I Hi .
B S", fBpa, wbo oa July H. 111. mail.,
iry, ne out, for BU, Sec
ae a . aieaatt a u ,,-,..
SIsB aetle el lalaaiion to
S? JLtJfJ"Vl XJ- mlm S . Will.
elle Meridian, has Bled Bailee af lnieaime
tates-jresr rreaf to tai,iin,
abSTS deecrlbed. belnr Kct
Ivor, at Burna. Oregou. on u,,
make final
ua to tbe i.
r aad Beeelvei
bdayot frsssatt
Jlauaal naa.AA m ,...
rater rireue ,.r an n.
ml J. . AZZ1- -3P"! w.'.Ta
jarjr."z-ywK '
iwaiar. aoiB or agu. o
W Hail..,
Ilamra aud llariey
In llie lustier ol the Katate 1
... .mm., kvuii ui imiuey Liiumy,
urason, lor the licence uiontlouod III
the foregoing petition.
CHAH. BOHN. I'rourletor.
Allirltliin Hotel.
Baru. Oregon, liecmuUr 10, liiia 1
"J krby alveu Ibal Kraut A Kill, of
inri.' ;; -...r '." :""i'i
tiSa.iT wiiiameti." mm :.." r-J "TO!
aotlne l I..I-,..,.... ... ... " .V"r- . -Tm n
rreaf, i
K1"". blor Heglalur
ue of lulentiou to mate fjnal livo .,,
J. toe.l.bll.1. ciaiu, , ,u. f,' .ZJiV
aid, before Heg alar aud n..,,.iJ. :.
, Or.ou, on til. lUit, day of Jaou'ery,
aud lleoeiver, at
Claimant nauieae wltnaeau'
Jame Ulll,..,i ....I u-..i...
Wa. r-assa, Hglatar
A. C. Lynch, dm-eaaed
To Mary Aana Orson, Martha A.
MoUriff, Jflfts Kergurou, Julia B. Burrill
Klorenos B. Nine, C. 0. Franklin,
William Franklin, J. L. Franklin, aad
A. W. Franklin, UBKK.T1NQ:
OF OBEUON, you are hereby cited and
required to appear In the County Court
of Oregon, lur Harney County, at the
tourt ttooiTi there ol at Bum , In tbe
County ol Harney uu Wednesday the
th day of January, HUB at 10 o'clock In
the forenoon ol that day to than and
there show cause, II any exist, wbv lha
Judge of ths Coaaty Court should not
Ittus an ordsr to Ball ths following de-
evriuuu mai property, to-Wit I
Lots 1, 4 and S of Ueolloa 8 aad Lot I
audlheNWUaf the HWt; of Keotlnn
6, in township 27 8., Hangs SO E. W. M.
ountalulug ISO acres muio uf less.
WITNKHH: The Honorable t leant
Thontison, Judge of theOouuty Court
ul the Htate ol Oregou, for the County
of Harney with the Seal of said Court
sfAxed this mh day of November A
I). IUM.
K. T. Hugbet. dark.
By O, N. Jameson, Deputy Clark.
UMITSll ' BTATBtl LAJtu OrritiB.
Bursa, Oreama. November . iu
aksrekjr flvaa thai Frank It ruber.
"vwsw", wao. aa March Ja, ,.i
lead Bulrr. No omm r... ui
".I..' " Wlllswellc
et Blad aoilca ur . in,i... , . .
8ltJlteb3!"tt a?
te'raV. ?4 0nm' ,h ",h "' "'
lalssmaVatt Mat-ilBst tvm -'" .
Tkoma k, JKrjtmVTr
Kid tea. a
let.. Oesgea,
IrinatrmiH Ui.ii.
Hlu.a, all ul i'rtnc-
taass, Beglaicr
We have a complete stock of
Seasonable Gooi
Big AwMrtment of Suitable
Christmas Gifts
For both young and old
See them while out shopping
The Burns Depaitment Stoit
Burn, Oregou, November. It. mil
Notlo I bar.l.y gl,.,, that Tboma 1 Ja, taon
JifX'H'U0?"' " ou PsssstUris, laTfJ
:KinE..Vi.,',aV..Il,"?. '. '"""
IITil.. , "'7 J."' "n.
ne II Bail
tlad aelletel I
year proof, to i
sbovs deaertbed before
' ' ' , -fk
IW-oTaB), far hi.nw.
tU NvrlitUu, h
sares, llreana, "sTsaikaf it, uu.
.H. sua HU. Be t. Townalili. .n h
i. nil, am. u Meridian
oa lo mate Hiial Uu
tun Halm in Hi Tanit
i . i.
Say there's going- MH
trood pictures at I ', Mawastsl
Bouoeol intention to mate Hiial t
emaaa Uar,.. i - a, .
-ir..; ; ra.zsrr'x .,,,.. , i.
r. 7TIT TIL. a J" TJ7,m rewy,oii.giin, ,,
tfc ktad day uf Deoauber lull
Olalraaot nam a wIIomm i
Wm. raaaa. BegUler.
(1N Bura lat l.lai Mo.
. Bare, Oregou. November atlrd, lult.
Botle t fcsrebv given tbat th n
iIBm a.llM, ia..JL- ZX" "" w..v.
-" T."J
Nilli., Ii I, it, by alirn ll.l ilk.u a. ...
aauii orea.iu, ahu, ..,, July I, iwki T ma'd. SSg5g
UopieaUiad K . ututl u't i .lJu, EJ. . '
';j;,7Ci;f.,,;:;,.,2;; Fv.,i,,.., I., ta.-t,.. a...i - . -as muilVB VI
mvz. inraiJi """."?"? .?" "'
TZ." "; " l.amUMajju,Bj.1 BBaJB III B ilftl Ubv
K iTikT'i -i i lnikU IU.pllu. Hun. a. iifenou. NovtJUiber 14, IBU
al. Plain, tut).. , .,' desitiked bSCra
lli.tier ami lt,,-elvei. al BurS oSlS"
ui. i.i ,1.1 ,,t nt.iiv ii," """ '".
. i.iutani iiaini'a aa w Uu
uargaivlHIia,., i and Oliver I'nbl, bulb uf
Uwao. Oregon, ilui k.Sb.vereuU WmT,",,
IkiIIi e Bun , urugnu. areaway
Vim. KiaaK.Hrglrti-r.
Iln) Hurna I jo, l.lal No.
it, niegou, November It, Ivlt
I Atsa
B.rl.l Ho. OTSU
uf i
i"Lrr,"t ' ,n dUuoael
koata Bis taelr afUdevltt of ,
oglaa. on or Venire the 1Mb da
la the Coaaty Court , i i
B8" 'or llariifi Coiii i
In tbe mailer ol tho I.i ., :ltsit
wont and eatato ,.i i keBal
Kotlos is hereby irii, i, i;,!tbt
fMd sseouior ul ii. ut tw
lestameul uf Samuel l.'.aih,
aaa Sled his final atromil hereBtS
lw required, and that i!,oaBH
court hassut the Bih i
iJlo, at 10 oMotk V .ti tael
i..... . ..
uuuecai puma, Urtigun, no tM
lilaoe lor the hearing , i ..lijasJafJ
aid final awouiit an. I llie
thereof; any ami all I
objection thereto mn-i nl lal
I i laiuilug ailvrlv ibe w,,u lb" olork uf ami ,.,,i.t nUetl
of lb. mlunal -nUirmTwol lb. r lil JK I ,B,a "' "" "
. Ui.v
I .kl. tllll ktl Ulfl St Ti.
r.a.:.. i . .; -"""." ' 4 ,H'. n.
lUBMLrimi&x.&.w " ' .... IMkraiMP "
iieTe nr-.TTr' l weyesBjiBj tu uuisvi uecKHSW aim fill
wiy.tlllw. PM"WF 0 ? Und.uraity I UiiitHiltNfiH
A air. ii I l,i. , I Uf that mi
-- "frm rani! I - -mini i IIBI It I UI trial lan.l .,e m aa aw
proteai In 1 1,1. I nltier ruaauu lo tliu dlaiml teaublii.eui. .h,.T,lA
'rat Baibllrallou 1. ln
I Janaary, Biaiuairaffiaailtauf , lo Ibla oafce. oa
or befote tbe lib day ul January lilt
UU' s rAB.a. BeglM.!.
Wa. raaaa,
A. ii, Attorn)