w r l I Pjr pm-1 r CITY OF BURNS I J COUNTY OF HARNEY The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon, Beet In The West The Bigge.t City In Th Biggest County In The State Of Oregon ':' -:." BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. DECEMBER 26, 1914 VOL. XXVIII NO. 7 iiipih 'W'&'JW VrAV" ILROAD WORK TO RESUME NEXT MONTH kvorable Rate Case Decision Impetus Toward Greater Development in Contiguous Territory- Railroad Men Visit Harney County and also Sections to the East and South ssident Farrell of the O.-W. N. Co. will have another Brtunity to call The Times- Jddown this week in a denial i did not long ago. We have srmation of a private nature Fthe effect that the railroad ips this side of Riverside are irt up full blast the first of i year, directly alter ine nrsi January, which is only a Iple of weeks off. this information comes from a irce that makes it iook iiKe it as business. Whether it ily means arush of.'thejexten- of the Oregon & eastern on this Valley or merely getting ' iy ior the early spring worn are unable to say. It will be ther slow work grading at this Ml of the year with the; Mind frozen as it is, but the , ids may be established and iipment placed beat this season of the year it as economically and with as Je inconvenience as at any her time. If the railroad peo- are going to ccntinue the cx- lsion the coming season it lid be the right thing to do to It their equipment ready ana the ground during the period t ground is frozen and while ere is snow over a greater por- of the way. The recent decision m the arts giving the railroads a in rates has caused much ivity in expanding amens: the ilroad people and then again, interested in the railroad situ ation. Mr. Strathorn, President of the Portland. Eugene and Eastern, put in a week in Harney county, and in company with Mr. llanlt-y made a tour of the entire valley, visiting all the Hanley company's ranches and in a gen eral way sizing up the resources of the county. He is one of the leading men in the Harriman system, and his visit to Harney county at this time of the year is very significant Last week the Western Pacific officials from Chicago made a trip from Winnamucca north via Denio. Barron Valley, Skull Springs and Harper to Ontaaio. These people made several trips through southern Malheur county this summer looking for a cut off from the main line at Winna mucca to Boise, so that they can out along the take the traffic from the Harriman and Hill systems whose line sup ply this territory. Ic has been reported that they have been in favor of coming via Denio, and the Alvoid and Pueblo valley, and thense across via Homedale, and this trip of inspection shows that they are seriously considering this route. There are many reasons why the railroad people are getting interested in railroad development at this time, but perhaps the most urgent reason is on account of the fact that the Panama canal has made it possible to handle trans-continental fr eight so cheaply that the only Saline Lakes Leased to New York Concern following from the Juntura) thing left open to the railroads aes would indicate that if the riman lines were to control territory they must get in ire. The limes says: Ferheps we are a little opto- listic about things in general, it to a casual observer, the spects for railroad building in item and central Oregon cer- inly look good. During the it two weeks several prominent ten in the railroad world have sited eastc rn Oregon on missions it plainly told that they were is the development of their home territory and building feeders out into the country and in that manner make tonnage for their main lines. There is a lot of tonnage for some line in eastern Oregon, and judging from the recent meneuvers of the big railroad managers-, there will be several lines bidding for this traffic in the very near future. Citv eggs. Restaurant pays cash for FRIEND OF THE PRODUCER Burns Meat Market and Packing Plant BACON, HAMS and LARD Fresh Meats, Poultry Home Products for Home Consumers SPCIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO SHEEP MEN AND BIG ORDERS A Salem dispatch of last week says: To Jason Moore, representing New York capitalists, was yes terday awarded a 45 year lease on Summ r and Albert Lake by the State Board. The Oregon Soda & Potish Mining Company also submitted a bid, but it had failed to comply with the terms of the advertisement for bids requiring a certified check for $10,000, and also the terms of the lease proposed by the board, and it was not considered. After being awarded the lease Mr. Moore announced that as soon as it can be ratified by the legislature, he would construct works to extract the salts for which the beds of the lakes are said to be valuable. According to his declaiations. the factory will likely be constructed at the mouth of the Deschutes River on the Columbia, and the salines will be piped to it from the lakes a distance of 260 miles. He es timates the cost of the works at between $5,000,000 and $6,000,000 and that they would provide em ployment for about 5000 people. Under the terms of his leate he and associates agree to pay to the state a royalty of 50 cents on the ton for the potassium salts extracted; 10 cents a ton for the sodium chloridesalts,and25 cents a ton for the other salts. The Oregon Soda & Potash Mining Company offered to pay $3 a ton for the first, 5 cents a ton for the second, and 50 cents a ton for the third. Governor West de clared that there was only a slight trace of potassium salts, however in the lakes. H. S. Wallace, promoter of the Oregon Soda & Potash Mining Company, asked the board to defer action until today, declar ing that he would then be able to present a certified check, and also stating he would agree with any of the terms of proposed lease of the board. The board, however, decided that this would not be fair to Mr. Moore, who had complied in all respects with the terms laid down by the board. Further, it is porvided under the lease to Moore that he shall give a bond of $25,000 for the faithful performance of the con tract and that he shall pay to the state a minimum royalty at all events of $25,000 a year. IMMIGRATION COMMIS SION EXPLOITS STATE Care of Potted Plants i During Winter Season A compost that suits the re quirements of house plants when repotted for the winter is made Opportunities and Attractions From the: jJSSES iT-SiJS Settlers' Standpoint Given Widest Possible Publicity With the State Vouching its Reliability. Settling Unpeopled Lands Gone Steadily on THE HOLIDAY SEASON CHEERFULLY OBSERVED A FEW XMAS SUGGESTIONS at The Rexall Drug Store A VICTOR VICTROIA Victor Records Toilet and Manicure sets Box Stationery and Candy Mechanical Toys and Dolls We have a large assortment Come In and see them REED RROS. Props. The Burns Hospital MRS. ETTA CUMMINS, Prop. Best Surgical Boom and Equipment In the State Outside of Portland. Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com fort for PatientsReasonable Terms Graduated Nurse In Charge The Sunshine Window. There's a beautiful sunshine win dow, In a neat little church I know; Whatever the state of the weather This window is all aglow. Tis built In the north of an alcove, Where least you'd be thinking to find, Continuous, radiant shining, As tho' from a lamp behind. Now, whence does it gather its sunshine, In dark, gloomy days, will you tell? I'd almost aver in its own heart Some wonderful sunbeams dwell. Our lives, like this marvelous window,. May light shed that clouds can not dim, Kind words, kindly deeds the reflection Of sunshine that glows within, -Mr: MattU J. T. Btruon. Fred Tregaskis is en old Benedict. The fact has just leaked out that Fred Tregaskis, the young real estate man of this city, is married yes, an old married man the event having been so long past. He was married while in fort land last August to Miss Frances Rutherford, daughter of Judge Rutherford, formerly county judge of Harney county. Fred has gone to Portland for the holidays, and Notwithstanding the unfavora ble conditions which have existed for the past two years, both In this country and abroad, tho set tling up of the hitherto unpeopled lands in Oregon has gone on steadily, although perhaps not as rapidly as during previous years when the railroads made a strong point of their home-seek era excursions eacn recurring spring and fall. Due to the quiet but efficient activities of the Oregon State Immigration Commission, which has been in operation for the past three years, the opportunities and attractions of this state, from the settlers' sUndpoitn, have been given the widest possible publicity, thousands of prospect ive homeseekers have been sup plied with detailed information. the reliability of which has been guaranteed by the State itself. and. in co-operation with the State Bankers' Association and the Orejron Development League, steps have been taken to protect new comers from being swindled by unscrupulous real estate deal ers and land speculators. A land listing system has been established by means of which the bona fide owner of availuble farm land may be brought in touch with the would-be purchas er, permittinK direct dealing with out the intervention of any third party. For this service the Commission receives no commis sions or feeB of any kind the lists being furnished promptly and free of charge to any one in terested, each sheet giving ac curate information as to charac ter of soil, adaptability and loca tion of the lands offered, also the price at which it will be sold, the reasonableness of this price being affirmed by the local banker or some other responsible party having a knowledge of the fact.". Under 'the auspices and im mediate direction of the Commis-1 sion there have been printed and distributed many thousands of descriptive booklets, each bearing the seal of the state and going into minute details regarding i the different sections where op portunities for settlers exist. A large part of this literature has been in German, Swedish and Norwegian, the Commission em ploying a translator to receive and reply to correspondent from all parts of Northern Europe. The Commission has success fully met and overcome all the inevitable difficulties attendant upon the launching of any new movement and is now fairly up on its feet and prepared to exert leave the state will recieve royal ties of not less than $26,000 per year, the royalty to be based on the tonnage of salts extracted from the lakes. The present de velopment plan includes the con struction of a pipe line down the Deschutes Valley to some point on the Columbia river where a plant for extracting the salts will be erected. As a means of reducing the number of rabbits in Eastern and Central Oregon and at the same time assist Portland in tak ing care of the needy, a series of rabbit drives will be organized men and boys being employed to slaughter the rabbits, others will haul them to the railroad stations and the O. W. R. & N. Co. will transport them to Portland free of charge and deliver the game to the headquarters of the Mutts, in the Pittock Block, from which point they will be distributed to the consumers. A party of fifteen Minnesota farmers has visited Sutherlin within the past few days for ihe purpose of inspecting the lands in that vicinity. A number of them purchased land and express ed their intention of taking up a residence in Oregon. For the first time in the history of the state a foreign market has been found for Oregon onions, ten carloads having recently been shipped to Europe via the canal and New York. This new out let has caused a sharp advance in prices. Will R. of the Reclama tion Service Hereon Visit Judge Will R. King, chief counsel of the U. S. Reclamation Service, who has been making a tour of general inspection of the government irrigation projects in the west, including those in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Idaho, stopped off in Ontario this week to meet his many friends here. He visited the Minidoka, Payette-Boise and Black Canyon projects and spent several days in Boise on business connected with his office. He also visited his sister, Mrs. J. M. Tinwiddid. in Jordan Valley. He left Sunday evening for Baker Citv and Portland, but at Baker he received a telegram summoning him back to Wash ington, D. C, for consultation on important matters connected with the reclamation service, and left for the national capital Tues day, stopping off here between manure and leaf mold. This formula is recommended by David Masterton, superintendent of the Oregon Agricultural Col lege green house, who supplies additional information on the winter care of potted plants as follews: "A very prevalent mistake in caring for house plants in winter is to give them an over-supply of water. As a rule water should be used sparingly so as to admit plenty of air to the soil, or the plant will be retarded in its growth instead of benefited. The individual requirements of each species ought to be studied close ly. "In this region where the air quite dense with moisture during the winter months, evaporation from the leaves of plants takes place slowly. Where there is a dry atmosphere to be taken into account as is the case in a heated room in winter, it is advisable to sponge the plants or spray with an atomizer frequently. This not only increases the humidity of the air but keeps open the breathing pores of the plant, which is necessary for normal growth. "A temperature above 60 de grees in the house is adverse to the best development of most plants and it is better to put them in a room which is of very moderate temperature. In1 the College greenhouses the winter temperatures are kept at an ave rage of 50 to 60 degrees, and even lower for such plants as Cineranas. "If. it becomes necessary to use an insecticide, a good one can be made with Ivory Boap, dissolving one pound of soap in five to seven gallons of warm water. For scale insects a strong er solution will be required and the plants should be rinsed after ward in clear water." Churches and Schools Hold Appropriate Services and Exercises. Entertain ments and Social Gatherings With Home Trees. Less Fortunate Are Remembered With Provisions The holiday festivities have ian Science Sunday school had a been of the usual nature this fine Christmas program at Tona week with the churches holding wama on Thursday evenining special Christmas services and and the house was crowded, the Sunday schools appropriate Opening Chorus Ch.mb.rUin'. Cough R.mady -Th Mother' Favorite. "I give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to my children when they have colds or coughs," writes Mrs. Verne Shaffer, Van dergift, Pa. "It always helps them and is far superior to any other cough medicine I have used. I advise anyone in need of such a medicine to give it a trial." For sale by all dealers. a tremendous influepce on the future welfare of the state. It has in its files listings of more than 400 ranches and farms and in many of these negotiations are already under way between the owner and prospective buy ers. Neither the individual mem bers of the Commission nor C. C. Chapman, their executive agent, receives any compensation from the state, all available funds be ing applied directly to the collec tion and dissemination of facts and figures. trains on Democrat. his return. Ontario Market Report. LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (i'ruw Our I'urtlitiiil UurreiipoiiclcutJ After lying idle for centuries and, of late years being the sub ject of numerous coniroversies, Lakes Summer and Abert, in the central Dart of the state, have will probably I been leased to a New York syn- bring Mrs. Tregaskis home with dicato for a term of 46 years, him, that is if some one does not ! years. Mr. J. C. Moore, head of put her wise to the way Fred has ' the syndicate, states that his been galavanting with the Vale girls since August. Vale Enterprise. Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared for special attention to all dis eases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. 60tf company will spend $6,000,000 for development work within the next two years, and that, if the results meet their expectation, from 3,000 to 6,000 men will be employed. Under the terms of the lease the state will be em- loyed. Under the terms of the Receipts for last week at the Portland Union Stock Yards have been cattle, 872; calves, 9; Hogs. 4664; sheep, 3200. The quality of cattle offerings have been good during the week, the quantity however has not come forward. Steers sold at 7.50, cows 6.86 and heifers 6.50. Demand is good and trading keen. Hog receipts this week have been lighter than usual, this week with good demand has brought the price up to 7.50 for tops, the highest price in the United States at the present time, Hub tern markets ruling in some caseB forty to fifty-five cents un der Portland Market. Sheep prices were fully as strong this week as other lines of livestock. Good grain fed lambs would no dqubt bring considera bly more tban the present top of 7.85, ewes and wethers going at strong prices. Frank Cummins, of Westfall, bought 3000 sheep from J. R. Jenkins, of Harney county, and they were delivered at Riverside the first of the week. Mr. Cum mins shipped them to Vale, and they are now at the Curtis ranch J across the river. They will be fed in the Malheur valley this Winter. -Vale Enterprise. Catholic Church. 1. On Sundays and Holy days of obligation Holy Mass with sermon at 10 a. m. 2. On week days Holy Mass at 6:30 a. m. All other services, besides those mentioned above will be announced in church. All invited and welcome to the divine services. Sick-calls promptly answered at anytime. Religious informa tion and instructions willingly imparted at the Franciscan Residence. exercises. The schools did not dismiss for the holiday vacation until Thursday evening but wi'l not resume until Monday, Jan. 4. Several of the high school stu dents went to their homes in the country to spend the time with parents and relatives. The first special service was held by the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon at Tonawama with Rev. Dr. Benson giving a fine Christmas sermon. Special music was provided for this service and there was a large congregation. Tuesday evening Shirk's "All Star Minstrels" were the attrac tion at Tonawama and the boys were greeted by a good sized house, the largest for some time. The performance was an entire success and pleased the people who were present. Many con gratulated the boys on their suc the show being much better than had been expected. The Times Herald would like to give parti cular mention of the individual numbers but the fact is all the boys did well including Prof. Shirk who acted as interlocutor. The boys didn't hesitate to hit their principal hard jolts in their jokes and gags, and for that matter most of them were local, several of our town people com ing in as the "butt" of jokes. The end men were Albert Swain, Dell Hayes, Owen Cawlfield, Earl Hagey. Dorman Leonard and Dewey Robinson. There were 20 black faces in all and each turn was roundly applauded. Piatt T. Randall delivered a monolog and Mrs. W. M. Sutton was accompanist. D. Potter, Ludwig Johnson, Dr. Brown and Piatt Randall rendered "Old Black Joe", from the wings. The Presbyterian and Christ- "Adeste Fidelis," School Invocation, Dr Benson "I Wish you a Merry Christmas" Eleanor Eggleston "A Christmas Story", -Louel Cawlfield, Arlene Jameson, Kathrine Welker, Dorothy Miller. "The HolyChild",- Burns McGowan Song "The Heighth of the Christmas Star" Ruby Camp bell, Marie Smith, Ma rice Smith, Juanita Slocum, Burns McGowan, David Cawlfield, Welington Gault, Philip Cawl field. "Telling about Christmas", - Isora Gemberling ' "Once in the Days of Old",- Marie Smith j'The Snow Shovelers",-Alfred Brown, Frank Mothershead, Lyle Gould. ! "The Holy Night", - Ruby Campbell "A Christmas Angel", Juanita Slocum "What We May Have", - Marice Smith Christmas Tableaux Pages Wood bridge Geary, Wes- tley Welcome Tableau I "Christmas Greet ing", Edward Brown Tableau II "The Christmas Sheaf" FrankLoggan. Tableau III "The Christmas Greens" Hilda Thornburg. Lucile Gould Tableau IV "Christmas Bells", Lela Loggan Tableau V 'The Yule Log" Adolph Byrd, Lester Gault, Eldon Barron Tableau VI "The Christmas Brand" John Mothershead Tableau VII 'The Christmas Candle" Margaret Welcome Tableau VIII "The Christmas Continued on page : Breakfa.t 5:30 to 9 Dinner 1 1 :30 to 2 City Restaurant w. R. McCuistion, Prop. BURNS, OREGON Supper 5 to 8 Short orders at all hours Rolled barley, wheat and oats for sale at market prices. W. A. Goodman's feed yard, Mr.. McCUin'. Exp.rianc. With Croup. "When my boy, Ray, was small he was subject to croup, and 1 was always alarmed at such time.. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy proved far better than any other for this trouble. It always re lieved him quickly. I am never without it in the house for I know it is a positive cure for croup," writes Mrs. W. R. McClain, Blaii ville, Pa. Fbr sale by all dealers. Christian Scientists will hold there services at the Presbyter ian Church, Sundays at 3 o'clock Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. Sun- I day School at 1:30 p. m. Read ing Room at Miss McKenrie's house. 1st door north of Summit Hotel, Wednesdays and Satur days 2 to 4 p. m. Everybody welcome. You're going to Tonawama. The Burns Flour Milling Co. Manufacturers of home products HIGH GRADE FLOUR "CREMO" THE FAMOUS BREAKFAST FOOD The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds You Patronize Home when you deal here THE WELCOME PHARMACY la The Place to Trade -WHY- First: Promptness, accuracy and f airdealing.2 Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Drugs, Chemi cals and Druggist Sundries. Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be just as represented or your money refunded. If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be come one and be convinced. J. C. Welcome, Jr.