THE WORLD- tow MjL m .a m ana pasta 1 lli mm nritj a. tiTHE. sSBsirS! sfl B BV dl Hk. fl H EkS hV A Bnriix. (rfflt In nM m, uMri'flt 'Ha CEO, (i , i ww nil ur ww AaImi Human interests mighty and vast NOW AT STAKE! The monster drama of war now shattering Europe, the bloodiest and most revolting conflict in the history of the world, fully described and explained from every point of view according to the most reliable witnesses and authorities The soul-staggering crash of events in Europe is the terrifying culmination of a series of political situations extending over a period of many years. For several generations . Europe has struggled under the burden of preparing for what is happening today. Huge armies and navies have been maintained, and the flower of the Youth of every European land has been carefully trained for emergencies that were bound to come. Now, practically all of Europe is involved in the most astounding clash of arms in the world's history. The Orient is now involved, and soon the sun may not set on the titanic struggle. The ultimate outcome is beyond the imagination of those who even dare to speculate on its horrors. The map of Europe will change; nations will be wiped out; whole kingdoms will feel the scourge of armies; dire poverty will reign supreme for gener ations; commerce and trade will suffer a crushing blow; and civilization in Europe will be retarded a hundred years. And why? What are the reasons for all this? How long has the iron heel of war been suspended over Europe? What of the nations involved; their rulers, their armies and navies, and their resources? Peaceful nations have been converted into blood-soaked battlefields. Whole villages have been wiped out and innocent men, women and children have been murdered and assaulted. Do you comprehend all this? READ THE STORY OF THE GREAT EUROPEAN WAR By PROF. C. M. STEPHENS, PH. D. which fully describes and explains every diplomatic document that led to this great war of wars. This book is the latest and most authori tative work on the subject and has been written expressly to meet the demand for information concerning affairs in Europe, besides contain ing a true and exact copy of the diplomatic documents which are in themselves an education. It contains over 350 pages of printed matter and more than 100 full pages of illustrations from actual photographs. A few of the most important contents are: rfcjwi.w HARLAN A, PhfMciaa, Narrow. DeiUKmn PbytlcUni Calls aMwcr-i 'ItkOM IL.rt, Hurla , Or- Minn Physician Mrct TV La went b. E. a: Bom, i M. A. Attorn i V-tly B, O. A. Rl Attorn;., Barns, ATTORNEY, Burn, l Room d.I ; CHARLES LAW1 Burns, in n,r C. 8. Und MM., i Uhe. II. ATTOKNt'v- Caiwfal attention i Uooa and Kel Fir- Is Notsrr Beaut A. W. GOfi ATTORNEYS Stete Courts and Land office Three doors Harney County Bur; i FRANK DA' Am sexy at ao GssatkayaayMivag, Mwitf UafraW iSttjim, U.s iwdoaiiM omm Mm h. . . - nJ MUMQr, Bta aiH iikSE W. O. IhLLAao IH Nm Am k. . . tU. iKlUUIIut. M fU fto. - Eistero Orcein I Corapaij on. ajb ikkimnsi fcni. DR01 The World-Staggering War. Early Stages of the War. The Deluge Capture of Leige. Wounds Worse The First Thoughts Of the War th The Awful Slaughter. Of Wars -Phillip' poem on Leige. A Sol- dier's letter to his Sweetheart. Word The impossible has happened. -The picture of the Battle at Diest. Cap Cause of War. -Prayer of the War ture of Brussels. The Burgomaster's Lord. Judgment Some Day. Poem. Appeal The Occupation of Brussels. Japs Move on China. Swiss armies The Machinery of War. Electricity in War. Monster Guns. Cement Forts.- - Submarines. Air ships in War. Dropping Bombs from Air Crafts. Zeppelin Airships.' Full War Strength of Nations. Mobilized. Russian Advance into Austria. First Experience In the Great War. Commonplace horrors. War Corre spondent's Description Experience of an English Millionaire.- At the Capture of Brussels. American Tour ists in the War Zone. Trials of an American Actress. Diplomatic Documents That Led to the War. First Events. Austrian Note to Ser via. Austria's Circular Note. Ser via's Reply. The Reply Denounced. Austria's Declaration of War. Japan's Reason for Declaring War. Japan's Promise to America. Kit chener's Instruction to Soldiers. - Eng land's Praise of Belgium, Pledge to Belgium. The Great Test of American Diplomacy. Cost of the War. What It Costs to Kill a Man. The Red Cross Society. Switzerland has a War Hospital. American Part. French Causes, Documents and War The Age-Long Conflict Be Measures. tween France and German. Causes and Prophecies. How Paris is defended. Three Feast- American Sentiment. English View, ' ana their Cost to Europe. A Viewpoint of Socialism. German Hapsburg Tragedy. William If Ese- Official Statement. An Appeal to Porer of Germany. Albert, King ef Sweden. The Jewish View. Poem, Belgium. English Kingship aeseag "The Only Peace." h Royalty of Europe. Europe ead American Gamblers In Food Smashing the; Machinery of 'V p, "' 'P1 ,"lla Product. The War and South Civilisation. f "" mde Tummm ta America. War Measures. w.. CKri.ti.niiv F;ud? u.-: - Censorship, Fortifications. International Arbitra- the Time of Great War. Words , Wai51Sss7 "lsW-H It tions. war songs or the Nations. oavea ine nation. nn . Ii.huUSK HARRIMAN ANDREI A.H. Cl'RRY.hel lwll Hmismiii Montfe Sf ead arrivM Wedneathiaif saXwuh. con.,,. Inn tf D iu.V ,iinrnuKa Heroic Deeds. Heroes and Cry of Women. This book Is handsomely and substantially bound In cloth with colored cover Inlay Agents wanted It will be sent post paid at owner's risk to any addreas upon receipt of SI. 50 In any form which Is convenient to send. Five cents extra to Insure Address City News Stand, Arthur Stewart, Prop., Box 106, Burns, Oregon " On account of the enormous demand, delivery It not guaranteed within leas than ten days from receipt of order JOHN (J I MIIKKLK t dfc djk CawnbcrlaiiT. Cough Remedy Mother.' Favorite. fh "I give Chamberlain'H Cough Remedy to my children when they have colds or coughs," writes Mrs. Verne Shaffer, Van dergift, Pa. "It always helps them and is far superior to any other cough medicine I have used. I advise anyone in need of such a medicine to give it a trial." For sale by all dealers. Iiiirui l.l.t No. 117 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. INITIO STaTSS I., hi. Orrn I ( Hums, Orugou, OelOMf, 'it, lull I Niitlt-i) U h.ruby atvD lli.t III. NortNrui I'aclflc li.llw.y Ciuip.uf, whole pint oftti'u .(taruH. I. Hi I'.ul, Mlliuwoi., h.a I In. .'' 1 1. day ol in iuir,lM fllsdlu Ihla ulUr Ji. ..ll i. Hon to.ol.ot uoilur ih. iirovl.liiu.ui Uio sol ol 1,'ougrwi, Julv 1, HHia 'iioni.i v., n. NUolHU o. I, T.HJM., K MK..W H. IMl.UU Serial No. 077IW Any.Dil .11 u.rin. rl.luiliitf .dvonulr Hi. ImiiiI. ilu.irllwil, or dMlllIlK Uiolil.01 tHltiauwol til. UlU.r.l t:tl.r.0Uir ol til. Unn. VI .11) Kiln I I uaft.,11 . to lilt- llllpo..! to .('OlU'.lll, .IhiiiIi) III .If I l. Vita nt jnoU'.t 111 tLlloflli:.. nil in lii fur.tliu' liot.liiUt lvl Wv. rasas. K.sUu.1 We do job printing. Something new at Tonawama. (USlJ II ii r 11 s HO l.l.l No, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. IMTKIlHTATKil.ANKDKKIrK, I liiiiiii, Orsffus, llilulur l, IvU.I Nullii In In nli) given that Hi. I'mllir U.llA.y ( innliHliy, wlioao piHil offlou mliln.a I. HI imil, Mliiinaiita, lias llili lulii .l.yiil if. I 'II ill.. il In Hi lm, It I. Il..i.,ll.. linn In n.1.01 illiilnr 111. iiriivl.luni nl 111. ail ol i iiiii'iinii, .(iiirov.d Jul) I. IMM w) SUt. W7, nw an otl.iiiluil hy Hi. Ait of mir i. proved Mat 7, IHWI. HWi.NK.i4 Vt',.1 k(CUH.v. H, rwu.Hg.,H. U K...1, W M. Serial No. 0777 An) mill .11 iii'imiii. rlaluilug adversely IJLi. l.inU ih .i i IIh'iI, ur ileslrlus In ulil.t'l neraus. ol Hi. atlu.ial l.r nl ho laud, or ally other reason, to Urn disposal to appln-anl, should Ills tholr etftilavlta nl pmleit In lull nfflue, mi or b.Iocs 111. Utu day ol lieoewber Id. Wat. rasss, lUjI.t.r lliiin. I.I..I No. lit ROTIOI Koit PUILIOATIOX UaiTSIirlT.Tss l.lHli Drrii , I llurns, lirogoii, NiDviiilmr JU, mill Null,., la hrr.liy glvro II. .1 Ih. North. ill rai'ltln ItaiUt.v inioiiaii) , Hhn.o hi.i unit o adtlii'w Is Hi. Paul, Slitiiit'iniii tin. this joth day nl S... in. I., i fill, Ilia In ihi.i.nii'v Heau plli'allini In .i lii i iilnli i I lm iro visions of Iho ingii'.s, approval July I, (Bu Hlal , Otl l.'.'UJ NWiHW4.Mei . J'J,'loini.hlp.'iiH..iilh. Kalian Ml Kasf. W M, lii.UO. Herlal No u7his All)' .ml all lil.uli. it. lining mil, i.oli in. I. nil. it. a .in. I ... .I...I ril.,..1 I,. ..i.i..... i.... u . oltllu Nliniat ili.iaclir of tlio land, or any olllor reason. In tho illsiuasl to aiiiilliaiil, j.i i.i in. iii, n amuavliji of proto.t In this nu.niiiir IimI.i.u Hi Iflli .law ..r lu.....u IVII ." -.- -, ..MM..,, Wuraans, ll.l.tor. llurns No. ill NOTICK FOR PUBUBATION. DKITBI) STATSS UNUIlrVll'S. ( Hums, Oregon, Nuv.uiIhh i. lull. I Notice Is hereby given that thu Norlhein ri lilt K.ilway t'ouipany, wuoao iHiatonr. ad I. Hi. Paul Mlnnaaiits. haa ihl. ill. day ol November 1VU Sled In thUniti, tlteapiilloailou tnaoli'i t utidor Ih. provtsluusuf III. .rl nl I mi grass, sppiuved Julv 1, lawn (so Htal m7, itjoi HKV .ppru .. H.T T. 111. U Ml. K. , Vt . M. liaj An Herlal No. (17.10 Any and all peraoirs ilaluiliig adversely (he lands dusvrlbud. or desiring lu onlml b.i i.usi' of the mini -1 .1 iliarai't.r of the laud, or fur any oilier rraaou in Hi. to eppllnaiil, should file their aftldavlU ol pmie.l la Una Aloe, on ni befnte ih. jnih day of lieinului mil. W. rasas lliglsl.r. " ' " Jeweler. 11 t i.lan Enui ivor. Fine Watch K; miio cialty. Tonawama tomorrow night. IIMUjButBsNo. Iia l.iaf No NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Uhiisii I.amii iiprn . Hums, Oregon, Ucltihei t.iti i.i lailllr It.llwav touipao), .pose 1....1 ofllua addi.w I. hi .nl. Mluueaota, ,a. "hlalHIi oallnn In a.'l, ud.. i., , i,,,,,,, ,, ,,,,', '., ;,,.....,"..:.'.,.':? ,u". i." nia mc. .:. Via, w. .; """"""'". .PP.ov l.ul i, ow 4"Wi( Hoe. 114. SVVlaNU'i. 1 ol i s..,, m 1 ho, . sTtwVm 'i'iiiiTa- m hftf: Herlal Nu (17716 All) and all MnoBf , Uiniln, adtotaeli II,,. laud, dwrrlbfd. or,,, ,,, , ,,, JJ Hi. Mineral oka, alter of Ih. laud, ul nine rea.uu, to Iho to anninanl Should file their sSld.vltsTf p,"l,. ' T . nOl.o, ou nr lKfor.ih. 7ll d.'yol 11.. 'M PAkSS. lt.,1,1,., Il.aiii' Hums lit IJal Ne. NOTICE ROR PUBLICATION. I "H'KT.TBSl.Altl, frrl'S Hun. a, (irgoa.Noveaibr, in. ,,'...!l.ri'ittWPJU1u 11 1 'ii 10 1 ma onto. it. .aiuuL. iinu 10 .,1.,'t mid,,, ,u. provlso)acjfj t'ougraaa ei.i.mmt ju, I ...F i,j nwi.'kiu '-K'i.tim'tk. Two. aa esleudei Kiev 17 lutu NW'.NWi.ha,.., 'losu) fan iiiiuui) 1 . iwsin)sui.trr. sss 1 he am of 1'ongr.a. apurcvj "P H S.I. leg. SBtU . BM. SlUNKL ;.SsS" B I lift. Ttfcii HUs. U Mriri hi Any a u.l all trou ttlalmlaa ait ni uio Mineral 1, oiusr rcssuii ic allllllltl Hit. Iliaal. offite, on .( lrut !, rial No. 7SM " una lalutag alvataal. Uu I'' dUpoaal lo VtlaiTi. . si r 1.0M: I firPA RE8TAURAI aeOROti I (i( Pi' Heals At All Hour Order and I'l.niipt! .... . -. . OaatSl With Keastni.ii'if Give Mi-' A Call WlttMtlta Tlssiw ll.iaM " r 4 aag, aetata