fcCEMBER 1914 P" I 8 W 4 5 101112 15161718,19 1222324E2 293031 WAR TAX! teTimes-JIerald Larg.t Circulation Of Any eepaper In Harney County. (DAY. DECEMBER It. 1914 Local News. istmaa trees for sale at t'a house. Tamalas at the tiillen water from 4 until 10 o'clock light. EY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK CED STATES DEPOSITARY TVITES YOUR BUSINESS Btly and Geo. Smyth were i city early this week from )iamoml ranch. Sale A small team, har- Und light wagon see C. W. Mr. Harriman, Oregon. 4-6 Brown and his daughter Ethel, were guests of rel- and friends in this city the week. ik Johnson is preparing to his home at Prineville the of next week where he end the winter. The public's attention it respectfully directed to the following important provisions of the new War Revenue Bill, effective December 1st, 1914. NOTES. Notes must bear stamps when not exceed ing $100.00, two cents; for each additional $100.00 or fractional part thereof in excess of $100.00, two cents. DEEDS. When the consideration or value of the interest or property conveyed, exclusive of the value of any lien or encumbrance thereon, ex ceeds $100.00 and does not exceed $500.00, SO cents; and for each additional $500,00 or frac tional part thereof in excess of $500, 50 cents. MORTGAGES. Mortgages given to secure the payment of promissory notes are exempt, but the notes which such mortgages secure must bear the required amount of stamps. CHECKS NOT SUBJECT TO TAX. For our own use and the accommodation of the Public we have secured a supply of documentary stamps. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Burns CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000 United States Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED n i - ;, , - , Sea Salisbury's au. Born -e-To Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hughes, Dec. 9, a daughter. The Herbert Bell Comedy Co. at Tonawania all next wick. HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY INTITES YOUR BUSINESS Fresh Bread, Pies, Cookies and Doughnuts for sale at City Res taurant. Remington 22 rifles and cartri dges at factory prices at N. Brown & Sons. mm morn- TU. ALJla,. vwll iMMH Baptist church tomorrow ing and evening. The county court did not make the tax levy lnnt WMI an they had ut it learned what tin- stall tax would be therefore adjourned until the 21st. I will do any kind of work you wantdo.io. Cleaning houHe from the top of the flue down is my specialty. My price for the win ter only 80 cents an hour call Arthur Stewart. . Phone 124. .f.Ll.'J. BB H. Robins and wife were in Fred Otley was in town the their Crow Camp home this!1"1 w- shopping and visiting their I Good Bread is the statf of life. er who is in high school. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . 'THE BANK THAT MAKES $ $ $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS TED. A. Tupker fell while corn- am church last Sunday and her arm. The lady is quite id her friends are hopeful fcr speady recovery. Inaburg, Dalton & Co. have it complete line of Chrlst- goods and invite you to call when selecting gifts for ds. le guarantee to sell you a 22 or cartridges at catalogue es. we nave a large mreci lignment of Remington goods want you to call before order- I N. Brown & Sons wc ii. m i 1 1 iui aiutr taurant. at City Res- HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK UNWED STATES DEPOSITARY INVITES YOUR BUSINESS Timothy and clover seed and clean seed barley for sale. W. j T. VandeVeer, on Pine Creek. Address, Drewsey. Oregon. Ground feed at Hagey's. Orders for Christmas pictures will be received until Decemder 17th. -Sayer Studio. What is nicer for a Christmas remembrance than a box of that candy at the Ideal Confectionery? See them. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR $ $ $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. N N larried-At Seaside, Dec. 6, . Scott and Miss Lena Har Such is the announcement lived at this office this week. and Mrs. Scott returned to tland immediately after the emony ana no aouot win go fcnee to their home in Cali- lia. The Times-Herald had le mention of this event in a aer issue. The bride has a resident of this vicinity many years ana nas maue ly warm menas. mr. scou One of the big stockmen of the it and has made good in a incial way. We extend the rlyweds best wishes. A meeting of the Rod and Gun ' Dr. H. Denman and wife were Club will be held at The Times-, up from Harriman the fore part Herald office tomorrow afternoon 1 0f this week assisting Miss Mary at 3 o'clock. All members are j Croxton in making proof on her 1 1 ffi 1 Til I hi I I kl'ill',111 t : . ... .:..... . 1 v-.. .:n ,: ., i ..n ii .. i M,-o ii. ,(;.. Un.;,, r.,,i i;i,. I IUU Will llll'l ,111 IMC llCWVai . AM to. IWIUC 1MV.III' .mil mui- ideas in millinery at Clingan's. 'daughter and I. M. Davis were The ladies of Burns and vicinity over from Drewsey during the are invited to call. One door week visiting relatives and north Haines' store friends. Ben Brown left last weak fori A. H. Curry was in the city San Francisce where h had some Sunday on business. He recently business to attend to and also to ' returned from a visit to his old visit his parents. A letter states home '" New York, coming back the old couple are well and Ben waV Washington D. C. will return in a short time. Grain for Sale We are taking orders for Wheat, Barley and Oats for future delivery. Call on us before you buy and find out what we can do for you. N. Brown & Sonp. Mrs. H. C. Levens arrived home from Portland last Monday evening and is a pucst at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. ('. Wel come until the Levens building is in reddiness for occupancy when they will take up their abode in a suit reserved there. where he called on the postal de partment and discussed the mail situation in thin territory. JUST A GENTLE REMINDER That oar patrons, all of whom WEAR THE BEST SHOES, AND ALL OTHERS, who are desirous of obtaining the best shoes, may know that our full and com plete Une of Fall and Winter shoes are now on display. We are in business to please you and with the Best Line Of Shoes which the largest shoe house in Chicago can turn out we are able to do so A trial will convince That is all we ask I. SCHWARTZ - General Merchandise - Ha-onic Buildlnjr, - - Burns, Oregon Army Horses French uoteramuil isspectisa will be beld through W. I. Jones si Boras, Oregos, Dec. 15 aid he will pajr $70 a head for cavalry horses and 95 per head for ar tillery horses that will pan. Horses mast staid fifteen hands and ip, free from blemishes aid from 5 to about N years old. Both classes mast he broke. B4BBUBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSHBSS Wf-tllfiil Knh)i urVtAnf nnfi n ( a for sale at market prices. - W. A. 1 5? WMWLVfcWSIjJ fHWvlmnn'a fnnri van! wi tie Tom Allen, the buckaroo prince from Harney county was swap ping yarns with Juntura friends the past week.- Juntura Timet. Wm. Ilanley made Juntura a visit this week while attending to the Bale of a bunch of steers eastern Oregon feeders. Junturn Times. The local foot ball team went to Ontario this week for a return game which was played yester- and resulted in a score of "goose egg." on both sides. Judge Thompson and wife and their daughter, Mrs. Ches. Dal ton, left last Sunday for Portland and other Western Oregon points. Jmlge Thompson attended thejfi meeting of county judges and' commissioners in Portland this! week. XMAS A Fine Line of jjjj PRESENTS on display J Salisbury's &48M$M Beat Cough Medicine for Children. went toi "Three years ago when I was living in nttsburg one or my children had a hard cold and cou- 11. Geo. took,K.neu"ri"u"IU"y- up ! sw Ims returned v,cf' of a druKe8t purchased a home oi Chamberlain s uougn once. 1 find it the best cough medicine for children because it Mrs. Geo. Dunsmore John Day this week in response to a phone message that her sister was quite her over and hrinu-inrr liw ninne Miuo Penrl K!m. ! mnnB whr, will .lift hA, fnr n ! Remedy and it benefited him. at time. N J.C.Foley was in this office is pleasant to take. They do not the forepart of this week and object taking it," writes Mrs. stated that a riice Hock of China Ifayette Tuck, Homer City. Pa. phesants had come to his farm This remedy contains no opium up the river and he was pre- or other nareotic, and may be paring to care for them during given to a child as confidently as the winter. Mr. Foley says the to an adult. Sold by all dealers. quail are quite thick in his vicin- . ity. No doubt the Kod & Gun Club will discuss the matter of caring for these game birds ut its meeting tomorrow afternoon. A man by the name of Sham beau wus found dead near the P ranch last Saturday and Coroner Clevenger was notified. Upon I JCILLE p nvp Jet-- V H The Girl of Mystery "By the MASTER PEN" Cprlhi. I'M All moving plctsrt rights rtttrvcil h the Unlvcnil Film MaiHiUcmrmk L ninpsnt, which Is now cshiblllni fliln srodmlloa In Ira. Inn, theater Infringements will kc l; rnusly prosecuted. Notice of Sale of Slat Linde. Notice ia hereby )i veil that the Stole l.nnil llimril of the Statu of Oregon will receive aenled hula until 10:00 o'clock A. M., Decenilier 98, IUU for the following Iraciilied liinila, to-wit: ll.r WX ' IS '. a, 3, 4, of Hec. Mil, T. MM S. R. 33 K. investigation it was found he had BtetJoai lu und M, r. M s. . :iav. u. hoan nilinrr fnr uvnnl .livU nnrl rWctioni 10 Olid Mil, T 33 S. R. 3 li. his death was caused from nen- I, 4, Sec. Section lti, W.'j nnd l.ota 1, '2 id T. :i:l H R. M V. ralgia of the heart. He had been T,e si;... b'.' of w nnd l.ota I. a, hunting and trapping in that neighborhood for some time. The body was brought to Burns for burial. The Times-Herald did not learn whether deceased had any relatives in this section or not. I of Section 10, T. Si S. R. 34 E. I'll.- N'j and N' j ..I S', and l.ota 1, -'. :i, 4 of Section 10, und nil ol Section 86, T. 34 S. R .1-' IC. Seclioiu 111 und Htl, T M S. R BSVi B, Sectiona 1I nnd .1(1. T. 84 8 R. :ii!4 !:. All of Section It), W'u and l.ota 1,2. 3, 4 of Section 3D, T. 34 S. R. 33 B. All of Section 10, N'v, N'.' of 8.S, nnd H. W. McHose has moved to' Lota 1. 1, s, of Section 88, 1 . SB 8. the brewery. This may sound B.BIX1 rather strange to the many ac- A';'" "'"mlJ"' ' M " K- quaintances of Mac who know lie - ... ,.. . . ...jL-... . is a Godfearing man and a pro- .KU,iy eiecuted application to pur hibitionist, but he's going to turn phsM and check or draft for at Icimt Rev. J. B. McBride a great evangelist from Pasadena, Calif, will commence a rival meeting in the Nazarene Church in Burns Dec. 17, 7:30 P. M. Afternoon meetings will be held at 2:30 P. M. You are cordially urged to attend these meetings and enjoy the breaching of a man who is a noted evangelist and has had wide experience in his line of work. Rev. Sadie Lewis. Married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's mother in this city, Mrs. Vera Welker and Dalton Gibbs, Rev. Dr. Ben son of the Presbyterian Church performing the ceremony. Both contracting parties are well known young people of this vici nity, Mr. Gibbs being one of our prosperous farmers and a young man who has the esteem and re spect of a wide circle of friends. His bride has conducted the Ideal Confectionery in this City for some time and formerly worked in The Times-Herald office as a compositor. She is a most esti- I muble young woman who has many friends and admirers. The Times-Herald man was not let in on the secret and this marriage came as a complete surprise not only to the writer but many other friends. Mrs. Gibbs will contin ue her business for the present but no doubt later they will move to Mr. Gibbs' home on the G. A. Rembold farm across the upper bridge from Burns. We wish them a life of happiness. the brewery into a steam laundry a wet business but not what the building was formerly used for. He has secured a long time lease on this building and will be better equipped to care for his trade. Mac states he will have a steam dryer in the build ing also. one-tilth ol the iiiiiount of the hid. The right to reject uny and nil bida ia reaerved. Amplication" and Imla ahould be ad ilieaaed to G. i. Drown, Clerk State Land Hoard, Mulem, Oregon, and mark ed "Application und hid to purcbaae state lunda." 0. O BROWN, Clerk State Land Hoard. Dated Uctolwr 'JO. 1014. Having ascertained it would be but a short time until the Electric Light &. Power Co. could take care of its service Tonawama did not consider the short interval justified the expense of putting ita plant in readiness. Saturday programs will be resumed in the near future. Announced later. a ONAWAM n THEATRE JUnLAI illVjIll an additional attraction Vaudevilles by Herbert Bell Comedy Co. A Big program Admission, Adults 50 cents, Children 25 cents MONDAY NJGHT j&5l Herbert Bell Comedy Co. in complete change of program Admission, Adults 50 cents, Children 25 cents TUESDAY NIGHT rV.50- THE HERBERT BELL COMEDY CO. Vaudeville, Farces, singing, dancing, contoriionists. etc. "LUCILLE LOVE" WEDNESDAY Regular prices, 1 S and 25c. Vaudeville for good measure ii i. - r - 1 ii - ia. -i .-.... - Thursday night Herbert Bell Comedy Co. with a complete change of program. Prices 50 and 35 FRIDAY NIGHT A BIG DANCE Saturday night Herbert Bell Comedy Co. with a complete change of program. Pricea 50 and 35, SYNOPSIS Valuubla a-nvernnniit.il papfl ara atolet. by Thompaon, fnllnwar of liutimiua. In tarnatlonal aiy, front 1 nernl l.nvn, wlmm Loubaque Initea. In Miinlla. I.uve'a iImijkIi tar Lucilla Ulna tn n abaamar to raoOVW tha pauera In nn1r lu i-lnui (lie niilna of i.ioutanaiu Olbaon, brhorn tba Iovm Loubaqua. tnmprrlnw with the wlrelaae on tha etanrnir, la liml Lucilla nuraea him In an attempt 10 raouvar tha papara. Lucilla fete the pnpera, Imt tha ahlp la wracked Him la out aetiore on a Pacific laland and le taken by a native chief to hie hut to nuraa hie alek chlhl Tha native ohIM la reetored to health, and the (taicfui nutlvia hlullee Lucille. Loutieii'H-. ni -. eaat nnlnie, triea vartoue plane In roeevar tin- b i - ro, mt In vain. lxUtM-tiir alii ii fotoV4 a maaaase from a ajtbjhuorlna. chief to lure Lucille away from i,. r, hi, fulle Into a pitfall, loeliia the dmurnvnta Louhiiiue a native n ! atoobl the paire from h.H mii'ii', mi I in die tukca them from the Itatlvi aflel lie le killed by a lion. She ftmln anal foflowo tin under yruund nnamire In the iuntle l.uillie folia Into tin' lunula ol a trlhe of ape men, v hntie u inter itroie a link laea of prli-eliH rujbk n Whloh ahe takea. She, and tiOitlwantio ore hoocuad from the laland by n yoehl ennininii.li .1 hy t'aptatn rVetherell. Tha alrl and Loejboqtto ore art adrift In an open boot by Wetherell after aha re puleeo tho captaln'a ndvarieea. and ha takea tha paper Saved by flihrrinru. I.uelllu and Lou- bwpje are In OfaUaV Aa alia paaaaa a houao IxiutMMjijn'a diary la thrown to her myaterluuely Hlie trlea to board n veaeel bound fur Ameriru Iiuheuue reeovere the pupera from Wrllierell. (UHATTKR XIII Continued) I oi nil- i in..-,i bur h.w. d dollgbtd I. Iiei gen twin alnro of deligbt (tt the parrfort worklnt; nut of her dlf tl ultlek WurkliiK ni nl-lit there could lie lint Mi lint ilnnnc fur I.oiiIiiviui.'h reinKiilftliiK her. If In- retained bit nc ii'llre liuhlta. ti ml rt wna UHiiHlly at IllKliltlniu tllilt he p.ieed tho deck mui li'TI Ilia 1'iililn nlnnt- No pooltloo i-oilld moru HileiiiHtil.t lime nlven her on ni'i'iit iiinlij to en nli the man'o cabin for lliu atoltii docuuivnta nnd papsra The Ihoittilit of II fnlrly took away tint lneiilli.s wna Htlll ull domliiunt In her inliiil while ahe llatened to tbo otewnid'N liistiniiiiiiiH Slio oaw tin Ultsllatelv Unit Iter Kxltloii iilniiird wao llltle e tliiiu a Jeat of tbo oblp'o iiniKiei. for -im bud little to do onve a till of dtiMtltiK iitxiut tit snlooDO, and. In I he event of etorma keeping tho cap tnlti on tlio bridge for protracted treti Ilea, fetching hlin hot tea. Bba laughed with him at her pooltlon when the allowed herself before him lu n nutty while duck ault, vrhleb made ber Blender fragility more iipiuireut and in. lie nppcullng thiin ever. I'liiil very evening aha fouud the ault neeiipleil lt tho liiteriiiitlonul apy. l.milieipie allowed lilmaelf ut nlgbt, not lung after tbo oikldlo watch, Ida tall form miiiitlieii d In ii long ulater, the upturned collar of which concealed iii.et of his featitrca from eight. She noticed the bulldog grip with which ha beld the clear between Ida teeth, Ita glowing end revealing the Hume In hie deep act orejl She knew the ten sion under which he luborcd wna prob- ITtil) dun to the illsiiiietlng newa ba hud received nt the Inst moment re garding her csenp-'. Kvery night nt exnetly the sumo time be enme out upon the deck, and for two night Lucille tried to bolater up ber courage aufllcleiitly to enter tho Btuteroom, but alwaya the sound of tlntt omlnona, sternly step on the deck dlaautidcd her. On theifourth nlgbt ahe felt herself trembling with aubcon aeliuiH ktiowlodge thnl tonight waa to be tho time when ahu made her at tempt Consciously, she wtta positive oho could not force herself to do It, but eomethlng from within Impelled her feet lu the oppoelte direction from flint taken by the apy. At tho door of tbe stateroom she baited. I.oiiheipio wna moving townrd ber, silent, Imperturb able, grim, a feursome figure. Two bella aoundeil. Lucille wntched the apy. Ills habits were remurkably regular lu their very irregularity. For another bell be would not return to hie etaterisnn flic turned tho knob and entered, closing the door softly. It would be a simple place to oenrcb, tbe furniture being aciiiity nnd Louhcipie traveling without mucb luggage. Swiftly e worked, tinning every thing upside down and carefully lay lot all eigne of ber search afterward. JSaaaaaamft. ' .aaJaaaa His Tall Perm Was Smothered In an Uleter. x WHAT ABOUT CHRISTMAS? Dread to meet the question don't you? Been think ing it over for aome time simply can't make up your mind as to what gifts to give. Why not an Account at the Harney County National Bank? What can you better afford what will be more acceptable than a Bank Book? You can get your Christmas Hank Hooka by Mail. Send list of names and amount for each. HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Burns, Oregon Heurs: U a. m. to 3 p. m. We pay 4 per cent, interest in our Savings Department or (Certificates of Deposit.) Member Federal Reserve Bank United States Depositary l Special! Special! We have a big stock of dishes and are offering some at re duced prices at present some REAL BARGANS See our line of Heaters and Ranges Builders Hardware Paints and Oils Nails, Doors, Windows, Roof ing, Building Paper Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition NEW DISHES, GRANITEWARE Crockery, Tinware I BURNS HARDWARE CO. I NEIL SMITH, Manager PUBLIC SALES AUCTION SALES died anywhere In Harney County Auction sale every Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock on the streets of Burns If you have anything to sell arrange dates with J. M. Thompson AUCTIONEER Office Tonawama Bids. Barns Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'NIVSU HT1TKS l.tNuUrncs, I Uuruii, orefuu, November II, 1WU I Nolloe le hereby glvru that Jamea L Brooke, t Dreweuv, orvgou, who, ou Aurll 1, lvueamt May 7, tiin. respectively, niaife lloiuealead I'llltry Nua. CrMh-WUi. lor K!,K),, NVt;.,SK',. in. K; eVt'.NYiV NW'.Itt, dec V anil Mi. h',. Ho II. ,li I,', luwiiahlu ."1. IUiiki- '. K. .Milam, 'He MlTlillail, lien Med liulli'e ut lulili urn lu niakt) Anal three-year Proof to eatab- mli rlaliii tu the laud above duarrlbmt before i'. i. Seeds. I' H roiiiiutaliiuer, at hleofllru .1 irHai', iiregou. ou the'iletda) ol liirem ber, urn 'liiiuiani iiaiut'e wlllieaaea: i lart'iiro W Hrliikwalur, Juhu L. Hlti, 'leo. i tii.k, i. H niiaiii J liuulap, all ol liraweeir, otegou. WD. Ktaas. Kealater. NOT1CK FOR PUBLICATION. UMITSU HTATSS 1.4HD IWII'l, I BuroSi Hire. -ti. November 17, IV14.I Nollre lahnrali) glveu that Ola O. Balliolui lalhtraud belrof Jului Malluiliu ilcoeaied. of tiller , iirvaon, who. ou March b, 1WV, ina.lv llmiivuleail Killry, No Ul.VW, for H'.HW'a, srt'.rth'. Hi,' 14 ami NWUNW'a, rJecllon .'.', Kwaahlpln souih. Hauae'iT K.VVIIlameile Mi'ildian. Una Bled uolliu of tntutitioii to make Dual tlve-reai proof, lo aelablivk ,'lalui to tin- laud above described, before Ken later and Kcci-liur. al Burua, iireaou, ou the i-Jlid da) ut llii oiulHir, lull t'laliuatit iiami'a a wltueeaes: 11 A. Miller, r 0. I'ctiiraou, Ulyaleaa. Her iiulde, all of liiiriin. Oregon loliu I' lay. of Itiler Oregon Wm. Passu. Hegieler. I'NITKU 8TATKH l,ANI OFFICIC Hums, oregou, lecember 1, 1914. Notice Ii hereby given that Charlee Neleen, of Huriie. Oregou, who, on July 'i, 1MW, made llonmliB'l Kiilry Nu DtlWil, for N K'i, Heelion li,'liiwuihlp:H , Itaiigvii'.' K.. VMIlaiuelte atari dlau baa Alad nollceoTluteiitlou to make final five year I'iih.I to eatabllab claim to the land above described, before Hegtater and ienslTSI at llurua, Oregou, ou ttie 'dh day of January MM. rlaimani nauiee aa w Itueeeee Oacar Weil. Joe illuei kec, Nelson K. Pardee, Albert W Visiter all of Burna. Oregon Wat. F.eae, Henaler. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Umitsd 8tats i i mi Orrns Burus, Oregon, Hcceuiber t, mil. Nutlcs la hereby given thai Alice J. nalil. el Narrowa. Olegon, who, ou Heineiiiher lo, linn, made lloineetead Kutry. No IMU7S. for N'J NWi, IIE),SWt, and rlVt'.NKI,, Hectlou 'it, l'owuablp . Mouth, Hauge 2 It , Ulllauietic Mer iillau, has tiled notice of IntuUtloli lo make uiuiuStatlou 1'ioof, to eatabllab , hum in ilia land above deecribed, before Kugliler aud Kc celver, at Burna, Oregon, ou the nth day of January, MM. claimant nauiee aa wltiicaics Theresa Jalley, o. o. Jelley, II. A. Jclley, T. I. Jet ley all of Narrowa, (iregou. Wu.KAaas, UegUter. (To bacoutluueJ next week.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION t'NlTPIl HTATKH I.ANH OKPIl K Burua. Oregou, November 17, MM Notice la hereby given that Mluulc rireovod, of Burua, Orogoii, who. ou Oelooer M, MID, ......I.. II .......l..il Vitlrv n IIM'iM flk. Ml. N VI I. ,n, I .... U. . SI.'.... ...... , , . . m . . . . - -. . . , ill1,, H,illuli -. nk'NK'4 and NKJ4Hll.,, -!, On il .11', lowliablp .''. Hniilb. Uaugo 'J Keal, i ..... ....... r . .it I .......! I..,.. n uaini'llc Alcriiiian, naa man iiunio i uitwu 1 1, ,u tumake itualthieu-year I'roof, loeelabllih I Claim In Ilin lailU aiKti e iioannuru, uwnim ,. later and Hccelver. at Burus, Oregon, ou 111 Zird day of lieuetuber, MM. I'lalmaiii uamealor wllueaaee Aiitoiie Ball. Charley romegya. (barley i 'inch aud William Uurgett, all of Klley.uu goti, Wu Kasss. Hcglitei NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITKI) HTATI8 l.AMl OrIll, Burua, Oregon, November Is, MM Notice la hereby glvu that ileome vt ustea ol Dreweey, Oregou, wbo.ou liooiiiin , ",, i uc Tiade lieain Land Puny, No. UJlfcJ. I,,r HWJ. !, rleo. U, Tow u. i H , hauge .11 It Wlliaiii etlu Mertdlau, baa filed notice ol lulunllnn m make flual proof, to establish claim to the laud alKive deecribed. b,lni V:. I Heeds, II. B. Comtalaaloner, at hie oftloo, at Uiewaay, Oregou. ou the sSrd da of Bceouibsr, 1614 I'latiuaui iimuea aa witueaece. Juhu F, Haede. Clarence Witty, (bailea H Wllaou. Aithur b Beede, all of lirawaey. Oregou Wa. Faaaa, Keginei. Dry cleaning and presHinvr at the Burns Steam taundry. -ltf .