1 CITY OF BURNS COUNTY OF HARNEY The Biggest City In The Biggest The Biggest County In The State County In The State Of Oregon I Of Oregon, Best In The West fVOL. XXVIH BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 5, 1914 NO. 4 1 !t I She fpmefierallt , -,--' ,., -.!!, . !. I -II - " " '" - '" ,. -, I, - - -..- .NY IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CATLOW VALLEY ir mew ocnooi nouses creciea ana Two More District Forming. The Settlers Are Improving Homes and Considering Erection of a Big Hall For Festive Gatherings in Valley irinsr the past few months ! all plowing is about done for. sve made notable strides to- Remember its the deep fall plow- progress, ling that Rets nil of the winters i i.iiiii .ml niiuulilri) I h 1 1 1 Inn kA miHihnK rt now twwnt f .liw iiii iiiucmi. aa.tv ..... MKC? liuuiutinui nv it pv.K- come in, and all are work- ground. Hard to establish themselves Are we ever going to have a fortably for the winter. mail service? Can someone sug- iw houses are springing up i gest a means to wake up the peo- day. and where a few pie at Washington and let them RiT.,.,. INONEEDTOFEARMEAT Lots are for Sale. FROM DISEASED CATTLE Rhs ago a tent or a house hardly be seen, now how from Clove Swale on the n to Scull Creek on the South, ralley is thickly dotted with arts of habitations, some be- merely temporary tents. others are quite substan-, dwellings. We have four 1 houses in operation, with new districts forming. Also f stores and there is consider- I talk of erecting a large hall :ial gatherings, etc., as the jus schoolhouses though large Heir way are entirely inaue- te to noid tne crowds, wner- occasion arises. So let's we shall soon get together get down to business. A hall centrally located would .inly be a great convenience I would soon pay for itself. esteemed friend and neigh- know that nearly 500 persons are deprived of their mail. How long must we put up with this outrafl Market Report. Receipts for last week at the l'ortland Union Stock Yards have been cattle, 1256; calves, 31; hogs, 7tP4; sheep, 2158. Cattle market continues steady in all lines with the light re ceipts. Steers have not shown quite the quality that was shown the previous week, though some very good steers went at 7i45, Good quality cows going at $fi, A sK'cially good bunch of feeder steers sprung the market and sold att.75. In hogs this week was a banner one in point of receipts, 8,000 ljuaquin Berdugo (Chino) has coming forward dispite the fact several times he is ready that there was no market niurs- ipply the teams for the pur- day. The market closed today i of hauling the lumber, etc. steady to strong at 7.30. Thanksgiving and Christ- Another linht week in sheep dances will be a good time sheds, burolj enough good killing ilk it over. sheep coning to supply the cu- lith the jack rabbit bounty an maud oi Killers. Mat net. is fact we hope our trope strong. the coming year will looK a better at harvest time than did this year. Everybody is to oe busy killing uiem that is botfnd to help some. n't forget the Rij? Christ - i Tree and dinner at Pioneer jlhouse (RaRtown) on Thurs- M McClaiu't Experience With Croup. ''When my buy, Ray, was small be s.issubjiet to croup, and 1 was always alarmed at such time-. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy proved far better than any other for tkia trouble. It always re- December 24. Everybody lieved him quickly. I am never J. D. Farrell, president of the O.-VV. R. & N., spent several hours in Vale Monday on his re turn trip over the Oregon Eastern to Riverside. Mr. Farrel expressed himself as much pleased with the new road. The company has placed the Riverside townsite on the market, but not for the purpose of speculation or profit. They will dispose of lots to those who will make immediate use of them by building on them at once. They have leased to a large Vale concern such ground as they desire to erect a warehouse from which the dealers may de liver goods to their interior cus tomers in the original package. This arrangement will enable the Vale dealers to reach that much greater distance into the inter ior through the parcel post The company intend that their disposal of property will be of use in the creation of traffic for the new road and that such dis posal will be of benefit to the en tire country beyond the present terminus at Riverside. Mr. F. W. Moore will remain at Riverside in charge of the property and will be on hand for consultation at all times. The opening of- this townsite and the completion of the bridges to Riverside is an indication of resumed activity in Malheur and will give hope to waiting citizens that the road will soon be com pletcd into the grain producing regions of Harney. --Vale Enterprise. LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES Department of Agriculture Issues State ment on Effects of Foot-and-Mouth Disease. Meat May be Eaten Pro vided it is Thoroughly Cooked. It Might be Transmitted From Milk According to the specialists of his family is worth more to this Department of Agriculture peo ple even in States quarantined for the foot-and-mouth disease need have no fear of eating meat, provided they cook it thoroughly. Thofootand-mouth disease is not easily communicat ed to human beings through food, although milk from a diseased cow might transmit the disease to a human being. In the case state than all the speculators who secure large tracts, divide it into smaller tracts, and mark up the prices to inordinate figures. The expression of this man ' 'my desire was and is yet to get on a larger piece of land" reflects the feeling that is in the minds of thousands of other men. They are a landless army who would work all the soil that is now idle of milk, however, pasteurization I if speculators and speculation State Game Laws Are Inadequate. Ited. (Jo to it you Bachelors ! get a good feed. A musical rramme and entertainment the children is also scheduled. ae early as there will be lots doings. without it in the house for I know it is a positive cure for croup," writes Mrs. W. R. McClain, Blair- villc, l'a. For sale by all dealers. You're going to Tonawama. FRIEND OF THE PRODUCER Burns Meat Market and Packing Plant BACON, HAMS and LARD Fresh Meats, Poultry Home Products for Home Consumers SPCIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO SHEEP MEN AND BIG ORDERS For Good Cigars go to The Rexall Drug Store We have the following brands: Gato, Optimo, La Gamlta, Triumph, Chancellor, American, El- SI del o, Don Antenio, Muriel, and also a full line of popular 5 cent Cigars. We can alsto supply your wants In PIPES, CIGARETTES, CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO REED RROS. Props.. The Burns Hospital MRS. ETTA CUMMINS, Prop. Best Surgical Room and Equipment In the State Outside of Portland. Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms Graduated Nurse in Charge It is evident that the game laws are to be generally revised at the forthcoming session of the Legis lature, for in numerous instances they are in conflict with the Fed eral statutes. Not only in that instance will they be revised, but the limit in the number of birds killed or trout caught, as well as in other minor matters, are those likely to be changed. At the risk of raising a prolonged howl among the game conservationists the Examiner is decidedly of the opinion that the law prohibiting the killing of does and fawns should be repealed. Probably no other animal is so well able to protect itself from the hunter as a spotted fawn, and while no hunter will voluntarily kill one, yet without doubt many are kill ed each year. It is a well known fact among hunters that does are frequently killed, being mistaken for bucks. It is a very difficult matter for a hunter to distin guish a doe from a buck at a dis tance of 75 to 100 yards if the animal is standing or running in the brush. Under the present law any one killing a doe will as a matter of course protect himself, either by making "jerky" of the meat, If he considers himself safe from discovery, or else let the carcass remain where it fell. He will still have his three bucks, and in so doing perhaps kill two or three more does and possibly a fawn or two, at the same time being confident that he is shooting at a buck every time. The only way to protect the deer is to shorten the season or 1 mit the number killed, regard, less of sex or age. No hunter wants to kill a doe or fawn at any time, and when he does it is generally through being mistak en in the looks of the animal, if the limit is too great, cut it down, but compel the hunter to tag every deer he kills. - Lakeview Examiner. will render it entirely safe. Hu man beings who do get the dis ease commonly get it from direct contact with a sick animal. It is wisest, therefore, for people to keep away from all animals hav ing the disease unless they are properly provided with rubber gloves, coats und boots, and these are thoroughly disinfected after each visit to the animals. In the case of meat, as in the case of milk., it must be remen - bered that all herds which actual ly show the disease are tiuaran lined, and neither milk or meat from the sick animals can be sold. Sixty per cent of meat used in this country is produced in the nearly IKX) federally inspected slaughtering and packing estab lishments located in 240 cities. In these establishments no ani mal is slaughtered until it has passed an anti-mortem insection and also a most rigid post-mortem inspection by n veterinarian at time of slaughter. A I in slaughter its moats can not leave the establishment until it has been carefully examined and stamped "II. S. Inspected and Passed." In all these establish ments no animal showing any symptoms whatever of foot-and-mouth disease is allowed to go to slaughter, and no meat which, on post-mortem inspection, shows any suspicious symptoms of this complaint can be shipped out of the establishment. All meat sus pected of coming from an animal suffering with this complaint is sent, under Government seal, to the tanks to be rendered into fertilizer. The Federal Inapeo- tion stamp on meat, therefore, means that it is entirely safe. The Federal Government, how ever, has no jurisdiction over local slaughter houses which do not ship meat outside of the state in which it is slaughtered. If, however, meat from such an ani mal did escape from one of these local slaughter houses, which are purely under State or municipal control, all danger of its commu nicating the disease to human beings would be removed when it is. thoroughly cooked and steril ised. Those who are located near an infected region and wish to be absolutely certain of the safety of their meat should cook it thoroughly. The disease when contracted by adults is not at all a serious illness. It commonly takes the form of slight fever sores in tho mouth und a slight eruption on the lingers. In the case of small or sickly children it may take a more serious- form, especially if complicated by other illnesses. Come to Harney County. were overthrown and idle lands brought within reach. When settled on farms on which they can become producers they arc the bone and sinew of the republic. They, not the spec ulating parasites and monopolists nre the men for whom the great outdoors was created. A great pen nnial issue in this state is how to get cheap lands within reach of the landless who have the land hunger, how to loosen the hold of the speculator on lands that are held out of use waiting for advice in price, and how to bring all the great usable but unused areas within reachof those represented by "my desire was and is yet to get on a larger piece of land with my large family to do general farming, but it seems impossible to get a chance. " Portland Journal. Ladies' Library Club. (Com monies tad) Group two of the "Ladies' Library Club, met at the home of Mrs. Hen Brown last Saturday to complete their part of the pro gram for the year. The subject being "Wit and Humor" the ladies responded to tho roll call, with a new and up-to-date humorous story. The first number on the pro gram, was a paper, by Mrs. Kelly, on the famous English humorists; finishing with a selec tion on babies, by Jerome K. Jerome; this afforded a great deal of amusement, as it was supplemented occasionally with some of Mrs. Kelley's own origi nal wit. Mrs. McHcee, sang two, well chosen selections, entitled "Phil osophy", und "My First Love" which was very much appreciat ed by every one present. Mrs. Hen Brown read very in teresting biographies of the fa mous American Humorists. The closing number was an ex tremely "laughable" song on the victrola, sung by Harry Lauder entitled, "Stop Your Tickling Jock." The name of this song caused some of the more mirthful ones to smile, but by the time the song was ended it was difficult to discern where the most laughter was coming from the Victrola, or the uudienc . (Prnm Our l'ortland Correspondent) Certainly Oregon has no reason to be dissatisfied with the pro gress being made in populating the state, since the report recently issued by the State Labor Com missioner at .Salem indicates that there are now 122.822 more resi dents in Oregon than when the 1910 census was compiled. Four years ago there were 672,765 people in the state, as compared with 795,687 at this time. The report was compiled from the enrollment and attendance figures of the school department in each county. The report indicates that the growth in population is somewhat patchy" throughout the state, some counties having made re markable advances while others have grown but little, while in several instances there appears to have been a loss. Multnomah County shows the largest guin. 50.922, while Hood River, Jose phine, Morrow and Sherman counties show a population slightly smaller than four years ago. The farmers of Polk County are becoming interested in a proposition to raise suger beets. A meeting was held at Indepen dence a few days ago at wrTich the matter was discussed with representatives of the beet sugar manufacturers, and it is expected that a considerable acreage will be devoted to beets the coming year. The bottom lands are well adapted to this crop and the sugar men are convinced the in dustry can be made profitable to farmers. RURAL LEGISLATION AIM OF COMMISSION Amendment of Torrens Land Registra tion Laws, Establishment of Mort gage Credit Institutions, And The Organization of Farmers' Co-Oper-ative Banks Under State Laws Amendment of the Torrens land registration laws, establish ment of mortgage credit institu tions under federal laws, and organization of farmers' co-opera tive banks under state laws, are three measures designed to secure better rural credit facilities re ceiving favorable consideration at the first meeting of the rural credits commission recently ap pointed by Governor West. The session was held at Salem on November 24 and was organized by electing Dr. Hector Macpher son, director of the Bureau of Organization and Markets of the Agricultural College, chairman, and Mr. Dana H. Allen, member legislation providing for the or ganization of farmers' co-operative banks is to promote thrift and to supply short-term credits. It was pointed out that a number of states already have similar laws, notably Massachusetts, Wisconsin, New York, and Texas. A Btudy of these laws will be the basis of further action at the next session of the commission. The membership of the com mission is as follews: Dr. Hector Macpherson, Corvallis; H. G. Starkweather, Milwaukie; S. M. Garland, Iebanon ; Professor F. G. Young, Eugene; Dana H. Allen, Salem; Sidney B. Vincent, member of the corporation de- elect of the state legislature, sec- partment. and S. G. Sargent, Near Brownsville a large de posit of splendid building stone, of a rare buff color, has been found, and the quarry will be opened as soon as the necessary machinery can be installed. This particular variety of stone is much sought after by architects, und the industry will undoubtedly reach large proportions. The machinery now on the way to the quarry will give a capacity of three carloads per day. Lumbermen of the Pacific Northwest have been asked to bid on railroad ties for the Orient aggregating 9.000,000 feet, and with orders for the same ma terial coming Europe, it is ex pected the millmen of this ter ritory will be right in line for their share of the anticipated good times. Will Ask for a Rabbit Bounty Sick Headache, Sick headache is nearly always "My desire was and is yet to caused by disorders of the atom- get on a larger piece of land with ach. Correct them and the peri- my large family, to do general odic attacks of sick headache will farming, but it seems impossible disappear. Mrs. John Bishop of to get a chance Hoseville, Ohio, writes: "About u' It is the human hunger for year ago I was troubled with in- land. It is the inborn desire to digestion und had sick headache ' be on the soil und live with that lasted for two or three days nature. at a time. I doctored and tried a The expression is quoted from number of remedies but nothing the letter of "A Reader" on this helped me until during one of page. He has twenty acres that those sick spells a friend advised to clear and set tp trees, cost him me to take Charnberlain'ti Tablet .fJoP an acre. But he wants This medicine relieved me in a ' trfore land. short time." For sale by all And Oregon wants more such dealers. men. It wants them oi the Ian which speculator!; Chamberlain's Cough Ramedy-The Mother' Favorite. "I give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to my children when they have colds or coughs," writes Mrs. Verne Shaffer, Van dergift, Pa. "It always helps them and is fur superior to any other cough medicine 1 have used. 1 advise anyone in need of such a medicine to give it a trial." For sale by all dealers. City agflf. Restaurant paya cash for A news dispatch from Silver Lake in the Sunday Oregonian says that petitions asking the state and several counties inter ested to put a bouny on jackrab- bits probably will be circulated in Lake, Harney, Crook and Mal heur counties within the next few weeks. Those who have drafted the petitions for Lake county are awaiting word from neighboring counties before putting the pa pers in circulation, as it is the plan to pray for a uniform bounty, and tho amount, to be asked has not been determined. Lakeview Examiner. retary. A general discussion of the en tire subject of rural credits was taken up by the commission, but only tentative conclusions were arrived at Recommendations concerning the defects of the laws for the registration of land ure unanimous, and Mr. Allen and Mr. Garlan were appointed a sub-committee to investigate the defects and prepare an amend ment that will make the law ef fective. The mortgage credit institu tions could best be established and conducted under federal law, was the sense of the commission. The essentials of an act that would meet the needs of the Ore gon farmer will be worked out and presented to the legislature with the recommendation that they be embodied in a memorial, adopted by joint resolutions of the house and the senate, and sent to Congress with an earnest request that there be no further delay in enacting such legislation as will place the American far mer in a position to obtain credit on terms as favorable as those enjoyed for many generations by European farmers. The purpose of the proposed state bank superintendent. In early reports sent out during the absence of Dr. Macpherson, it was incorrectly stated that he was head of the commission and had called the session at Salem. Governor West named the com mission and called its first session declining absolutely to interfere with or take part in either its organization or deliberations. Party of Harney Settlers. A party of some twenty pro posed settlers on Harney lands passed through Vale Monday un der direction of the agents of the Oregon- Western Coloni z a t i o n company and Mayor A. W. Trow, of Ontario. The party is from the middle west and it is to be hoped that they are pleased with the outlook in the Harney section. Wheat and corn will bring huge prices for a number of years and the virgin lands of Malheur and Harney can supply vast quanti ties of both. Vale Enterprise. Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared for special attention to all dis eases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. 50tf. To those interested we are pleased to announce that we are restocking in Edison phonograph goods. We have just received a large shipment of Blue Amberal Records. All wax records re duced in price. Lunaburg, Dal ton & Co. IMPORTANT EVENTS ivki-4-in at m jtm WINTER SHORT COURSE -JAN. 4-M Agriculture, Including Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Hull! culture, Poultry Husbandry, Insects, Plant and Animal Diseases, Cream ery Management, Marketing, etc. Horns Kconomks, Including Cook ing, Home Nursing, Sanitation, Sew jng. Dressmaking and Mllliuciy. Commerce, including lluslnes Man agement, Ktiral t:iuuuttis. Business Lsw, Office I raining, Farm Account- ing, etc t'.iiguuMring. Including Shopwutk and Roudbulldiug. 'ARMERS WEEK FEBRUARY 14 A general clearing houss session of six days lor the exchange of dynamic Ideas on the must pressing problems of the tlmss. Lectures by leading authorities.. Stats conferences. EXTENSION SERVICE Offers lei Hires, movable schools, In Stltutss and numsrous correspondency courses on request. MUSIC: Piano, String, Baud, Vuke. No tuition. Reduced rates on all rail roads. Foi turthsr Infotssailon address, Ik urtiva AgrUullnrgl toller Breakfast 5:30 to 9 Dinner 11:30 to 2 City Restaurant W. R. McCuiation, Prop. BURNS, OREGON Supper 5 to 8 Short orders at all hours The Burns Flour Milling Co, Manufacturers of home products HIGH GRADE FLOUR "CREMO" THE FAMOUS BREAKFAST FOOD The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds You Patronise Home when you deal here THE WELCOME PHARMACY Is The Place to Trade -WHY- First: Promptness, accuracy and f.irfri.alig. Secend: We carry well assorted stock of Drugs," Chemi cals and Druggist Sundries. Third: We guarantee every article we tell to be just as represented or your money refunded. If you are a customer of our you know this. If not, be come one and be convinced. J. C. Welcome. Jr.