The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 28, 1914, Image 2

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$ $ $
You like 'em don't you?
When you spend them you
like to get the best possible
values for your money
That's why you want to see the
Remarkable Values
we now offer befor you buy a
Come and see them You'll
be mighty glad you came
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Barns, Oregon
Ihr Wxmtn-ttM
On f 2.00
Six MaatVa 1.00
TOrae Month. .... .... .78
The Times-Herald is pleased to
note that the delegation from
the Ladies Library Club was so
well received by the city author
ities and that proper steps are to
be taken to make the library a
free institution. It is a step in
the right direction and one of
progress that will meet the hearty
approval of the entire community.
The ladies of Burns and vicinity
are certainly to be commended
for the interest they have taken
in the library and the magnifi
cent collection of books they have
secured. It has been a big un
dertaking and took perseverance
to maintain the library for the
past several years as it has been
done by active members of the
library Club. They have some
thing to be proud of and a library
that would be a credit to a place
of five times the population of
Burns. With a public library
open at all times under the direct
supervision of a librarian that
can devote the entire time to the
work it will be a great benefit to
the city and bring good literature
within the reach of the pcopic.
The Times-Herald is sorry to
learn that the Electric Light &
Power Co. were found in con
tempt Sn the federal court recent
ly in the case brought by the P.
L. S. Co. It seems there should
be at least some way to provide
for a power site for a public ser
vice concern and by proper appli
cation to the State Board of con
trol we believe it can be accom
plished. The patronage of such
a concern is limited in a town of
the size of Burns and since the
company is under supervision of
a state board governing its
charges, a power plant cannot
run at a profit and use fuel that
has to be freighted in or use
wood fuel.
I probably next week.
The county court has signified
i its willingness to fence the
grounds and provide a water sys
tem provided the grounds are
put in shape -for a lawn and
flowers. Commissioner Bain has
promised some 200 bulbs and
other friends of the school will
donate more, so when the spring
sunshine comes the work of
beautifying the place will begin
and the barren yard make a thing
of beauty.
As a fitting appreciation of the
excellent work done by the s u-
dents. Prof. Shirk procured Ton
awama Theatre for last evening
and gave the boys and girls a
royal good time. They assem
bled early in the evening and
danced, played games and had a
general good time until 11:30
The work is commendable and
every friend of the school should
encourage it as much as possible.
No doubt when the time cmcs to
seed the grounds to grass and
flowers there will be a large
number ready to donate plants.
shrubs, bulbs, etc, and with a
system of water for irrigation
this can be made one of the pret
ty spots of the city.
The willingness of the boys to
do this work shows that Principal
Shirk has a warm spot in the
hearts of his students and that
the school work is going forward
harmoniously and with everyone
ready to do his or her part in
making the school a success.
The student body is also pre
paring some entertainments for
the winter months to raise funds
to care for the athletics and other
minor schemes of the school to
increase interest and good fellow
ship among the students. These
should and will have the nearly
support of this vicinity.
material on band to turn into fin
ished products, especially as the
weather is unfavorable to re
placinig the dam.
It may he possible that a con
crete dam will have to be con
structed as the banks have given
way to such an extent that It
will be hard to make an ordinary
structure stand.
Harney County Spelling
Contest Rules
The re shall be two divisiens:
The Public School Division. The
Hitrli Si'IiihiI I lii'tuiiuv
The Public School Division
shall consist of grades five, six,
seven and eight. The High
School Division to include all
grades above the eighth.
All contestants shall be bone
fide students of the schools of
Harney county.
Each grade shall constitute a
unit for the final contest The
best speller in each grade in each
school in the county shall repre
sent that grade for that school in
the final contest.
It is suggested that contests be
held at least once a month in the
various schools of the county to
determine who shall represent
the respective grades of the
school in the final contest.
Fifth grade, Champion Speller
to Section Four.
Sixth grade, Champion Speller
to Section Five.
Seventh grade, Champion Spel
ler to Section Six.
Eighth grade, Champion Spel
ler including section six, all
grades as outlined in the State
Course of Study.
Words for the High School Di
vision may be taken from any
part of the speller.
Contestants shall have but one
trial at a word.
Words shall be pronounced but
once for each contestant
Homonyms may be defined so
that the meaning may be clear in
the mind of the contestant
Person pronouncing shall be
the sole judge as to whether or NOTICK
not the word has been spelled
Teachers must certify to the
name and grade of all contest
ants entered.
A suitable prize will be award
ed to the best speller of each
grade in the final contest
The final contest will be held
Burns, in the public school build
ing, May 8. 1915.
Miss Herbert, the trained
nurse who hss been at the Bums
hospital for some time, took her
departure Momday for Walla
Walla, Wash., where she joins
her parents.
Catholic Church.
1. On Sundays and Holy days
of obligation Holy Mass with
sermon at 10 a m.
2. On week days Holy Mass
at 6:80 a. m.
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announced in church.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime. Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
Teachers' Examination!.
Notice li hereby yivun tlml tli I1
ty Suiieriiitotitltut of Harney ('utility,
Oregon, will hold (lie regular iiianilmi
tlon of applicant for stuto UertiAcata
l Hum, Oregon, a follew:
I'imimenring Wetlnemley, DMStttSf
1(1, lttU. ( uVi k a. in., ami tuntliiti
lug until Satuniay, I let'em er In, mil.
at 4 o'clock p. in
Wednesday Forenoon
Writing, l H. lil.tory. riivlnlugy.
Wedneeday Afternoon
Physical Geography, BenlHf, fltltTIp'
itlon, Method In Heading, Mnllimle in
Thursday Forenoon
Arithmetic, History ! duration,
Psychology, Method In (ieogruphy.
Thursday Afternoon
tiiammar, (leography, American 1 .11
rature, t'hyalc. Method hi l.unguage.
Friday Forenoon
Theory and Practice, Orthography,
linglUh Literature, Chemist rv
Friday Afternoon
School, Ueology, Algiers, Cuil
ioer n men t.
Saturday Forenoon
leoun-lry. Ilotaoy.
Saturday Afternoon
(ieneral History, Hook ki'on tin
Your truly,
J. A. Cm m no i ,
Superintendent ol Public Instruction
Winter apples $1.60 a box at
Huston's. These are John Day
apples and may be seen before
To those interested ws are
pleased to announce that we are
restocking in Edison phonograph
goods. We have just received a
large shipment of Blue Amberal
Records. All wax records re
duced in price. - Lunaburg, Dal-
toli & Co.
onithii tat i.smii orm ,
Hiirna, Oregon, November II, ISI4
Notice II hcrby glvnthl llora W. list,
'I I'm wm. . Oregon, who, uu lMHiaaabar 27, IVIU.
mail' Heaert Land Knur. No. UWi4, lor W
nW'4, Ma, I 1, Town. VI I., Bang MB. Wlllta
,m. Mciiillan, ha. flli'it nolle of lutsalluii to
niakn dual proof, to valalillah claim to iti
innil aluite ilnaerllieit.lielorn K. 1. Ileeile.l'.
1 1 !. r. at lila uHli'a, at lirewaey,
oiaauti mi (ha rant day ut lieceinhar, 114
i Ulmioit tminra aa wltns'
J. .Imi I. Heads, t'Ureao Welly, Charles II
wiiann. wthiir It Beede, all of lirewssy.
W. rtaa. Seilslsr.
.. , . M..
Hums, orsfoe, November 17, 1114. 1
Nuiii'S Is hereby given that Hannah Mtr, of
linn, a. oreaon. who. on Novembsr IB. 112.
mii.l. lliimealaad Klilry No UMI4, lor KWNB'.,
Nre n ami vM,MWi Mcllou li. Towuaullt .'
a., KangeSIB.. Willamette Meridian, ha (led
ullee ol liitatitlou to make final i omuuitatliiu
proof, to eatabliah claim to lb land above da
iTthrd, before Kegleter and Hscslver. at Hume
oirgurt, on theHta day of December, lull
ininiani uaroaa witnesses
Bart Porter, I Heed. Oeurg Hediler and
Itaj lUrrou, all of Bum, oreguu.
Ws. r.aa. H-iiiin
Itura MM No. 117
I'xtTShlrTaTSa I.ami Orrti a i
Hums, oreaon, ocloliei, M, Ivli.i
rlotle Is hereby ilvea that the Northern
I'Miim- Hallway Company, whose post ofltre
a.i.itcee la Hi teal. Mlnneente. bu Ihl Mth
la ol in-lolier.lslt filed In thl office IIS aboil
ration maelert under the provlalonaof the act
nl i ouaroee. approved July I, lvaSUriiat .';.
" V1"1 "ee. ii.t.ub,, a a. ... w. M
eeriai no. vttee
act becanar of
r ant other
to applicant, thuuld file
wiyand all person claiming adveteely ibe
' dseirintooip
Uu- Mineral character ot the laud
Iholi afflilav Ha of proUal In office , un or be
", Ii'lhrilll
lore I lie Vial day of December tell
Wu Kaaaa. Il.'latrr
Sportsmen of State
To Meet December 6
Football Game Thanksgiving.
Improve and Beau
tif y School Grounds.
Principal Shirk of the Harney
County School and his students
and the other members of the
faculty hit upon a very unique
way of getting the grounds sur
rounding the school building in
shape to seed to grass and flow
ers. Wednesday was made a clean
up day and studies were suspend
ed for the day. About ten teams
and wagons were donated for the
occasion and the boys turned
teamsters and dirt shovelers,
while the girl students of the
domestic science classes, under
the leadership of their instructor,
Miss Wilson, prepared a warm
noon meal for the workers.
The Oregon & Western Coloni
zation Co. donated the dirt to fill
in with, Bert Stilson, the janitor
superintended the blasting out of
several big rocks on the campus.
The boys succeeded in getting
in about 100 loads of fine dirt
during the day but haven't suffi
cient yet to cover the entire
grounds as they cloture, therefore
A very interesting game of
football was played on the local
grounds in this city Thanksgiving
afternoon between a local team
and an Ontario team. The game
was gotten up in short notice and
had vry little advertising, there
fore the crowd to attend was
confined entirely to town people.
Had it been known earlier and
properly advertised there would
have been a much larger attend
ance. Neither team had had
proper training or sufficient team
work to make the game as snappy
as it would haye been otherwise.
However, it proved ijuiU' inter
esting and exciting and gave
Burns a game that was worth
while, sb all former games of
football played here have been
between school teams and made-
up of boys who never had much
The Ontario team was made
up of a few young boys who are
in the high school and others
who had played in teams in the
past. They are a fine bunch of
boys who were good sports and
made friends among the home
people. Th i score was 12 to 7 W
favor of the home team.
The annnal meeting of the
Oregon Sportsman's League will
be held in Portland, Dec. 6th &
On the former date, Dec. 6th,
the Portland Gun Club and the
Multnomah Angler's Club have
joined in arranging a state shoot
and state lly and bait casting
contests. Suitable prizes have
been offered for the various
Monday, Dec. 7th, the dele
gates will gather in the Conven
tion Hall of the Portland Com
mercial Club to consider the
needs and desires of the sports
man of the various sections of
the state. A consertcd line of
action in matters of fish and
jiame legislation will be deter
mined upon. This convention
coming as it does just prior to
the session of the state legislature
is of great importance to all the
sportsman of the state.
All clubs, whether already
members of the league or not,
are urged to send delegates. The
meeting will conclude with a
duck dinner given at the Com
mercial Club. New motion pic
tures taken by State Game War
den Pinley will be shown.
Kxeursion rates will be granted
to all delegates by the railroads
of the state.
Hurna II.' s., n
t'NiTKh hfAia t . ' t i it . t
Hume, orsjoii, lovMBeMf 4, 11.14,
NoUr Is hM'i.Y given Hint Hit Vrtl..rii
HtvclBf Hallway munii , w h... .....i m, ,.i
drMt..lH l'ui MlUiteeoin, !. ;M tt. ..a , ..I
NuVQUlber 1VU (lie .1 In IliltnHt -llaBi-. lit nild n
luNlMluudfr lb tie ai 1 of I on
greesj, api.ri.vr.l I u I :. .--
KHjIMkv av.T.eiH. h j.', k, . m ,.t ,..
Mortal No. ufxl
Any and all ,raiia rUlmni a1verool- it.
la 11 ill daacrlbrji, r lcairitig t . t ttn-auaa
of toa mineral l.ererter of the laixt. of for uy
other reaaon to 11. e dliHal to appllaao..,
should Ala their affl'lavlia ol protoai 10 this
oArr.ui) ur befoie thtWMh day of . .tnkr
WM. r artnet H-alsliT
1 nitku ntatm orricK.
Hurut. tJragon, KuvrroUsr 10, IBM.
Nftiir is lisreby glean that Job W. Nawatl,
ol 1 r. wr , Oreguu. who on Ntvasatr JO 1VM,
uiad Additional llumaataad Kutr-, No . of.ris.
ft NMivf4Ku. Haeiion bo, Tornabl IB V,
.iK. . rest Willamette Meridian hae filed
nutloo of lotentiuii ii iuak final lb raw year
rool, tiieatatdlsh claim lo tba land ale d
4 rilead, before K I. Herd I H t uiitaslseioiier.
al hlstifflc at tJrawaey, oregun, on lb IBtb
do t Harainbar,lBl4. iifttnii aa wllueaaea
Jatnra II. Anderaon. William Kllbf, Hamul
Williams. William I. Jouea. all of Uraae.
Wm. iki HeglaUr,
We are now showing special lines
of new winter Dress Goods; up
to date, and Quality, as usual,
the Best. New waist materials,
knit goods and underwear; laces.
Ribbons and Embroideries.
Our shoe department is complete with
full line of shoes for Everybody
We do job printing
Tonawama tonight
M St 4-17
NATItjiNAl. KoKKriT Noth la barrhf glvau
thai tba laodfl deorllMt4 belnw, aaibraclhg
IHfeOStarrmi, wllblB tba Malbaur National fut
eat, Oreg.iu. will be tubjoet W Batllemrat and
eutry under the irorla. una of lh homaati !
law of Ibe 1' tilted Htatea and tba art ot Junr
11. IBM (B4Mtat., 0),mi tba I'nltedfhale land
ofSoaat Hurna. Oregon, on NuTrbin-r r, II4
Anr aattlar wbo waa aiiuaMy and in good felOi
claiming any of aald land for aarl ultural am .
eoaea prior to January ), )kjs, and baa ud
ataodoaad aaua, baa a nrafaretira rlgbl lu 1
make a homataad oir for lb lends avtuelh
oct'Opled Hald lauds war llstad upiii the (. 1
1'iiratroria ar in ueraoua tneutionao ueittM, ,
ho have a nrefaraara rial.) aut.lei 1 Ut
tba prior rlgbt of any aurb aettler, urorlded
BVtBD aetllar or applicant i '.ualifieil to i
maha bometad entry aod tba .trefrrenr
rlgbt lirrta4 prior to Kvmbero. lvll. on i
I'ttrrau i in- 1 and or ilea,
Bum. Otaaea. Si.mii.
Nulle la tiarebr lvh lint J,,Un M. III!,
ol Biley, nrrai.u. whuun Julr a, lull maJV
Haeaiet) Balr;, No. h- in, .Nr.i,
SNW',, ',. ieeuoa m, rowualiii
Ban M B , Wllleuirtl.. X.ri.ll.,,, ,.a ni.l
autlce ol lulrlill.iti lo maka Aiibi II...
ereof. lu eatahllih . ialm ui Iha UikI ..... .i.
aerlued. wefur Kralaur and al llurua.
rjuu.on in rnn nar ol HaiaalHr, I'll
iialoianl name, aa wlluraaaa
Wllllaej T. Lerler.uf li.i,
Mritniucltof Mtauffvl llraault OR) Til
ol Bfll, (lre(o. It W. Nluiai,, u! It lej,
Oregon '
We fine. 1. Hi.l.i.r,
Burea. Oreoe. Nutemuer e, IS14 I
Noili- la lierrl.jr flven ibai Oekar Coerad
.'ohuaou of Hum., Ureae. wbo. ou Juar a,
I 11. mailr Ilvmela4 Butrr, Ho. UfaVB. for
-',"'.. - v and NHNWi(, eeeilon a.
I..atialili 26 Hueita. Raag ll Baal. Vrlltatnelt
1 .nan :ta mail niMiiaof lnleotlou 10 maha
nnai litre yar vroof to ealbllb rlslm to lb
lam! alaive dearrllKl, befor Ibe kcMfleterauc
aeelferel Hurtu . i ireon, on Ibe liih ila of
1 1 ... auilMtr, IBI4.
1 laimahi nine aa wliueeees
1. 1, 1.1. al a Tiler. Braeel laraou Be Ko.1. i
I rank KIHae all of Berna, (iie.ou
Wis. Fab. Beg laser.
aae icea.ii in as iui ee sieve eras uwi sv, iris, wa
Irh dale Ibe lands will b lublert to Mill
lasai and entrjr by anr ouallfleil nsreon. The ,
lead area lulleva: The J", si'i.imi una I i
and t, Beeu.ui so. T. M ... 1413). l
Kiree, Hated epun aeniiraiiou of r n iwrui,
tewMl. Oreaon, I. lei a-lMT Heeieeiber ll
lei i M. BKtiC'B. Aaslslanii nmmlaaloner nf
la. Ueeeral tand OCo.
t'NITRO HTATK.M l.Nll in i.
Burna. Oregon, November nth, mil
ToCharlea M. (o.iKr, of BlIB. Osaiull (on
Vou al hereby uolllU'il i harl. W Hall
wbo glvra lilan.oii il, Oreaon, aa lila ooal
offlre adilreea, did on Novaibr .ih 1VI4
file lu tbla nfBce hlaillllv . .rr..h,,iat. .1 aonii. .
lion lo lOiileel iiul aw.'lir.. Ibe lam lUUmi ol
your lloniaaleail Bnlrl, No., larlal Si
saadaatarcb lath, lam for '',.',.
of Saviloo , Tonii.lili. '.n, -.ouiu. i
Baal. Wlllamrlte Merlillaii.anil aa aiontid. fol
lilaroltl.'al baallftfaalhalaal.l i )..!. .i
hss wholly abauilonad aald eulry. I ha
never aalabllahed or maintain. ) an -m
made any Iwproveinvuta tlieteon, atl baa
beeoleil hluieelf ami (banged i.i raalilunca
iliarrfroin ever elite the ilair oi .-tift i .
Vou are, therefore further uuiltled thai Ihe
aald allegailona will be taken ... sonfoaanl
and youraalil etitty will beesnteleil u ,i
further rlgttt lo b heard, elili. t i.t
ootre or on aniMtal. it v,nt rati i,. m. i.i.
ofhe wlthlu Iwaltty data altar the fol Kill
publlealloli of lliln nolli-e. aa .!.,,,, l,illu
roui aniwel under oath, itiaelfleally rsspotld
jjf-.s the allegail.n ul sofiteai, logvlbar
..m um p.iaii mat jolt na.e ait ieil it i itpy til
Hums or aeon. November S. 114.
Nolle I harsby given teat Mary U. rlaehr,
ol I'riiieeion. Oregon. who, oe July7, 1. II, made
lli.aealaad Knuy.No oaM. loi Bi.vl u aeiun
.'I. Townaulit 'J ... Bang s B Vt'illameiie
Meridian, haa tiled nolle of tntenllodto make
final roetuiutatlou prool, to eatabliah
ialm lo th lead above oeeurthed, blor
Ota Kealalar aud Hrlvr. at Bum. Oiago
ou the lath day of tiecemlter. 1914.
i laltnaut namee e wllnae: J tireni.jr. William J man! .John
raieua,itrnlTbompuB, sll of Wvtly ttr-
w. F, Bgltr
I.Mlll.SritHit Ill.l. (
Hurna. uregon. Noeemuer ,
Notlte la hereby glvvu lhai William J.
i.tani, of Waverly, Oregon, who, oa No 13,
i.e. mad llomselead fairy No. WIT. for HW t,
a c 1 1 0 u M, Towashl M Houih. Haugs
.tit B Wlllauielle Merldlam. ba glad notlee
of Inteutlou lo tuak flaal Av yr proor, to
elalitlab elallu to th land above dcrlbd,
larfor Kagtatvr aud Beetvr, al Btirna, Ore
gon, on lh 16th day of lecmbr, 114.
i laimanl name as wltaaaaaa
liotajri Uraitl. Jr . Jehu faljen. Mlebael
in ai). i noma r neaiy. all oi ntveriy, Oregon
I'MiTso BtaTb t.ab ornrg
Hum. Oregon. Nevemlier s, 1)14.
Nolle la brby glvea that Mary Louc'roilon,
oi nariiittau. t treaon, who. on April r. t "'.
made Homeeleed Bolry, No. 09071 , lor,,
ami ixtt a a.tii . neciioe la tuenitiip ut n .
BaaeM Kaal. Wlllamelle Meridian haa flit!
nolle of Intention to make Final live year to eatanitan rtaiiit to toe lautl above tie
arrllMad. before thr Begletar and He,. iter, al
Berea, Oregon, on Ibe 7th day of lieeember,
tlalmant nameaaa wllneaeee
Homer laanmen.ot llarrtman, Oregon t.raitl
Thoupeou. Wavrrly. Oregon Glareee I
t r and Berth Hantaan, la.tb ot Harrlsnau.
ore ten
W raaaa, Bagiat. r
Damp tTATasl.taanmt'. i
Bum. Oregon. November . tela i
Nolle I hereby given that ttlt hard I, lla'nra.
of Waverlv, Oregon, wh. oa January . Iwli.
mad I'aeao IjtnO Bntn. No O..J&I. tor n'.
BBii, Let I.BmIS. NtjNKt.. on 1, r.,.,
SCtTaMB Bang W ft, Wlllainetle MerliHan.
lAuuleae Malbenr jke. haa flla uotl.t ..I la
tentlou to make final proof, to eeUlillah . Ialm
to th lead tove deaerlbasl. tavfete lteiatr
ami nreiver, ai aurua, ttregtin. of the :;tb .lay
of D4'tnher. 114.
Claimaui tunaiu wllneseea.
ThomaaB. Hill, Jam W. Armatrungi I. an.
VI. of I'rlticelou. Oregon and t. m
M t'ookilnol Voltage Oregon
. rtaa Kegiater
I'MTKIt HTA l l.k Nli nMUKi
Bums, Oregon, November , leu I
Nuilre Is hereby given that Frank II I tain r,
ot Prlneetoii. OrvKuti. who, on March aa, im :
made llomeltead Bnlry. No ow.l.i for '.
reell.Tuaaal g. Haute a B Hlllaim It.
Meridian, he tiled nolle of lo make
A Full Line of
I also have a new line ol
Percales, Flaxons, Gingham, Voflav
Latest in Neckwear. ; Barret te, Stati
Back ombs for Ladles. Just arrive
Latest In Ties, ollara. Snlta. apt, I
Underwear and Skirts far Men.
On quantity orders ft
For Haying j
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
ami ste
li day Of
Hurua, i itaaoti. November , ISI4
Nollett la ltrbv alvan that Koharl M. liram
Jr. ol avarly Oregon, who ou May a, 10.
.for ltU
wuahlnK... Ban
Meridian, ha lied notice
mail llomealeatl Bulrv
it. II. I'J. 1.1. Heellou I.To
'H. . ..! ,11, HIKH)..!
of intntlon la make nual flv yar proof, to
latai.Ltan t-tatin 10 tue taun aoove aaaoriaeq,
beforo Beglaur end Herelver. at Bnrna.tir
en, fit Ibe ISIh day ot Deremlter, 1114.
i laitnant itainaa aa wtlnae
William J. (Iiani, John I'atjaua.itrattt T'bomo-
"ii, i 'tan B Thompaou, al ol VVaverlr, Oregon
W raaaa. BeaiaUr
commutation proof, to eatoblleh ilaim inihe
t laimanl nam as wllne
1'hoinaa B Hill, Jama VV. Ariualrolt. Mil h
aelllealyaltd Blebard J Irni.e
land abov detoribed before Heal
reiver, at Burna, Oreeuu, n n,e '
ueeemnnr, ivii
tot. Oregon
" raaa. Beglalcr.
your aaswer ou the said soaletUut llbr In
person er by regtslared mall
tou enutiiii atai in vol
tba noat ninee lo whirl.
1 Blal In vour anawei lh. iianieol
ie lo tvnii-n t.,ii ,t... ,. r
Mvv.vea to oa Bent to )!!
Wm 1'4hh. Ilcglater.
Dale c.f Brat publleallon Noei i u Mb lull
Ustaolaetond K. mil. i .11, ..
Uau of third pulilleailoii Iht.m.i,-, i u, , ,14
Uateuf fourth publicailou Derembui inn, mil
Adaiitiortal Local.
We do job printing.
Picture nIiow tonight.
Tonuwumu tomorrow night.
Frank Ilackman Ib ready
take orderti for Chrlstmss tress.
He can furniah fir trees from 26
centH up.
OHITSb HT4Ta I. IN lilt
I ak. , lew, Oregon, Ostobai iuh, lsi
HUT f'lial. I.AM.I.
Notice la barnhy glvtiu thai I'elt r STeaaai
rile, Oregon, who, on r'nl.ruaiy imn, Inn
mad llomeatead entry, No. IHW17. iiirtB'.'
8riiS IMo.T;.'" NKi M"'' :,i Towiiatilpm'
K. W B. Will. ,.l. Meridian liaa llled nt,.,.
e.lHJII 10 iuak filial ll.tee yir prtntl. to
eatabliah claim to Iba lam! ai.n.e .InacrHifil
befor. (!haa A.Hherman n M Uointnlwluner'
al fits. Oregon, on Hie 'Jmh dat ..1 1 .,, . ,,, . P
t lain. ant ii.tnea wltlleaaun
Ado pit V. II. 11.1111 Jim. Vlll.i.n
ItUMII, Vrid.Clirlalorleraon. allot Hie ineuon
JA. t lll'kona, lluul.ler
1'r.iian St.raa LKDOrnil,
Beraa, Oregon. November a, 111.
Not if is hereby given that John t'tjua. ot
waverlay. oregna, wbo, on Juu'J4, leva made
iiiitiieatead Knlry, No.UAMS forNVVI., Heellon
Township Bang U B . VWllainetl
Meridian, haa died uotlco of lutenlloii to make
llnal dve year proof, to aub)h claim to
the laud above deeovlbed, before He. later and
Beeelvar, at Burns, Oregon, un lb 1Mb day of
!'e. einl,r IW14.
laimanl aaueaaa wliu
titjiairirt oraut, Jr., William J. Oram.
Mlulteal llaaly, Thomas Mealy allot Waverlv
Wm. H. inter.
n.aJli Burns II 1.11 No.
Sara. Oregon, October is, ivii
Nolle I. hereby given lhal lh Northern
Pacific kallwat I lint tain t whoae tttt.t nil...
address Is Ml. I'sul. Mluucenta, haa Una Iui,
day of October lull tiled lu Mil office lla...h. u
Mon to lct under lh provlaloue 111 the a. t
ol t'oagre, approved Jul) I. lg M hial. Mr .
BI a aateuded by lb Act of t'ougreea n
proved Ma 17. IM,
WlANKiivKol HBUeo.l4, Twp SIH.,11
M Kaa 1 , W M .
Serial No. 0777
any and
tanas di
of Ibe
other reaeon. to the dlanoaal to .t.i.ii. ...i
hould file Ihelr affldavlta of proteai In tbla
eelo. on or beforo the in It day of lain. nil n
Wa. Kaaaa, Kcglain
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Haj
Baled Hay For Sale
Free Camp House andy-eedinp; jPrivileges in torn
or Barn. Customers Care For Own Stock.
W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair (iroun-v
nvriat no. 0777a
and all prona elaltulu advcracly the
described, or desiring to object hot anae
Mlnetal the lend, or ant
imTi aeTa,,Ni,ini.
t.unia. wtiiiioii, nnviiuihiii ... lull.
The MiU Dam Goes
Out Again Thursday
The Times-Herald is informed
that the power dam at the (lour
mill wnt out again Thursday
night and the mill is again with
out power. This is rather unfor
tunate just at Ibis eaeaason of the
Mr:;. Will Cummins of the
Hums hoHuital left for Portland
MxAixday morning where she will
again take treatment from a spe
cialist for her fsy.cs. Her daugh
ter Miss Drusa acaiofwanied her.
The supreme court recently re-j
versed the decision of Circuit
Court Julge Biggs of this district
in the case of the state vs. L. R.
Bunyard in which he was con
victed of larceny. Mr, Bunyard
has been out on bonds for some
time pending a decision of the
lot (' a hereby glreu thai William W Mm in,
nil .'lilt .'I. Kill ..,..
Nl. oVi..'et, (in !'
of Kgll, Oregon. wh
nvuiealaaa l.inrj
nun at. Towuahln tb m I, .. 1. u'.,,
tl Meridian, haa filed nolle,, nl Inunlla. ...
ak final liroii year I'mhiI to ...
1 '
XZr 1 Yi 1 aiMita neai 111, mt, befitru lie
;"7' "- "tva., at nutlll, ,
Wtbday of lieuemlier. inn '
laiiiiaiii name a i ,
laiat leieiatilt
I In
?i narrows, orngo
luslsy, bolb of K
arauD.tif Kail Oregon, H.,br,
Oregitll . J Manii. un.l lln.iey
. e-a.i, i.fe.nii
We. K.R. lle.iM ,
(IMS) Burn. 1'JU. Mat No
tlglTBD HTATkV I.ANU Orritg,
llltril., Or.KOII, Novemliel M. lllll
Nnlloe la hereby gvllu l)m, lh (lorMurg
Pacific Hallway ton,,, any, !,,,. ntial ,,m,,
urej la all I'anl. Mliiliuaulti.haa lit a lllhdae
ol Novum ..,, un. 111. .1 ... .1... . .. '
7, -- t"i in...,,,,,,, ,, u 11 1 ,
tlnnloaulaiiluii.;.! the pruvlalonaul ih.a.t
of Uougfoaa. annul, 1 ,1 llj 1 lvi.,noMlal .117
t)l) aaa.iui, 1
o May 17 iimti, he
SblblfN.. It. ll.-!. Baat ,..! Kl , ua, . '
'1'OWU.LIpUll, H h, llange .,.", f. v M '
Hurlal No. ulnfn
Ahyaudall iter.on. tilaimln Mlieiac ly lh,
laud, deaurllied, or deal tin. lo ol,Je, 1 lieeauaa
w. wimw w.,u.B. 1'i u, ,11.
oauar reaaun 10 III UlapiMial
gleibetf aBtdavlu uf prutt
tcuiT r
STATB OK nil lift
In til. matter ul th. Kalale 1
t:. Lynch. dtvceaMd I
In Mary Adii. (Irteu, Martha A.
Mil i riff , Jan. Kerturuu, Juil B. Burrlll
Kloreitu. B. Hln., 0. 0. Kianklln,
William Krankllo, J. I,. Kranklln. aud
A. W. Krankllo, tiltKK.TINO .
09 tillKODN, you .r. hereby cited and
riiired to BpptMkr In th. County Ooart
ui iiiuKiiii, for ll.rnsy County, at tb.
Court H00111 (hero ol at Burn , In th.
County ol Harney on Weilnt-wlav the
nth day of January, 1910 at 10 o'clock In
th. tor.uoou of that day to tlieu and
th.r. aliow uau., II any eiist, why tb.
J odd. of tb. County Court should not
Issue bu ord.r to eell tb. followlne, da
Nil i laid real pronerty, lo-wlt ;
I .ut 1, 4 and 0 of BMtion H aud Lot
antlth.NWViBfth.HWta of Keotlon
0, III towniblp Ir7 8., Uuiikc .10 B. W. M.
containing ISO acres moi. or Lag.
WITNKHH: Tb. Ilouorabl. 1 1 rant
Thotupton, Judge of tb. County Court
I the Hut. of Oregon , for tb. County
of llorney with tb. Heal of said Court
Hiked this mh dy of Nov.iuber A.
I), mil
U.T. 11 uahwt. Clerk
Burns, oic.oti , Novamber. II, 111
Nolle Is hrby glvn thai 1 huinaa I. Jackauu,
of llrewaey, tlre.ou, who, ou Uetuniliii
aud June V7, twle, rtaapectlvcly, ma.le lion,,
atead Bnlrlea, No uSiy o;j., for s',Ni,
aim er.i . hao mi. Tuwnahn, vi s
so Baal. Wlllamelle Meridian, haa
notice u! lutanlloit to make final it... .
year proof, 10 eatabliah claim to tin Uml
abov described before K I. Heede, I' M I out. lllei.aei ,u,, .,,i, .,,,
on lb Hud day of Ihyiaiulier IsU.
rlalmani uatuea aa wllueaaea
Jaapr B. Bhodaa. William II. DuttUp, Arthur
M. eed. lo I. Beade. all of lirawacy. Oregon
We. raaaa. Keglaler
Burus, Oregon, Novewbcr 11, I'll
We have a complete stock of
Seasonable Goodsi
and are reedy to supply your wants
Dress Goods, Wash Goods
Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery,!
Gloves, Embroideries, etc!
The Burns Department Store!
Notice la hereby given thai Albert Koac
iwau, oragon, who, on July I. iww, made
'. fur .'-1
Beat Cough Medicine for Children.
"Threw yturs ago when I was
livin,' in Pittsburg- one of mv
chililron had a hard cold and nnu.
I nrta si ,,.
Burn.. Oregon, n lobar
o.0l.'.''.l!.h!.", Sti. thai t.1.1. W.
Z u""".",!'i,e)i. h.. .n tune
and ataWl . in ifT' .' '. iV'.'r";''..v' ' . . . . . -..x. vu- -:'l mull im, .
K.u1T;lu,-lT.rdUu,b':V,r,'e.r,;o Vr,' Khotl ilroaUfu y. Uuon tWmmA.rmTS!!!&-'- '".
ItmmtM.teiWrM'"' Vicnf H ,ln,.rir..a.l lTt.,- W 1 - Kra Iht-lTon'
Hater lit r unit U . .. (. . ij. .
a7 T" """. '""'"". -sUllia, sllCUiMl. tilt li... (I
ia Ji.i day 01 lifimur ISU
1 laimanl nam., aa wlluaaaea
Margaret Hliaiei and (illvet W lohlil.olh
e 01 1 lianilitT lain ' finih
. lu'llH th ,'iml it litiiiflif..,! I,;.,, av
la J 7.-1T. ., -'B' L."."' " .' " '"'' 1 -r- -- "- ...... aa.
uibut.iuT.,",or;,'u:."""",,",u- "'" once. Hind it the best cough,c.,.;,,,, ,-,. oitilaii-aan because It
iileiiHant to take. They do not
1 ism l Buma 11 Mat No. 'object taking it," Writes Mrs.
Kln'riviii Ui.n .......... . " .vw amaav.
.-.w.iun, run ruMMUATlON. laafayette Tuck, Honier City. Pa.
mrXatet3L2?P&. TWl remedy contains no oitium
f&Agi&,!!2a ur other ,,mti. nd may be
ri;,M?.uSSr ?,VBn t,1a1d,ildaa confidently as ...... 1.1 . .T. r'l " ' ,. a. a, a,, I, .1. O . . I -J L. . . 11 J
ff.Vl? ISM y '" "' ''""srew aiinrojed
1'ea.aa.f a
- aww., M VIIBh MM 1 taain. I.. a
him k hie .
Bu"roT,.',l,'0", K"f'"" a'"l neieSaj
ISU. 0,'l,"" " 'he HWh .1 Naealsj
A loa" v" ' aV.'".""," "ueses J
t r. all iha 11, Harold hums. 19
'ailor.aud It. SUliulal I Bu, lSSM
Mm. K.utia liagwa
to an adult. Sold by all dealers.
ty 17. ISM
utt.Twu. Mi.VlML
Twit sk s , li ij i
srlai No. mn
WmMVlZmil: irrlsjct..!.
"..a -taaiai OBIti
aid B i
dUpoaal i
Hid, vr aui
a. ti
For Salt Bunch about 800
acres, between 600 and 600 acres
Al range, an ideal
SJSJK iiuuli Cull on L. If
UNITtli BTATKh I.A N It ur'riCeVJl
HUH, a, (It,.,,,, tl, ;,:.,, .'7. lal
-'I a""':r L' '""""I ''" I'' at I heinatS
U...1T.1 'V'iT"ru' ho. ou Jul. ,. I
kl..j5i "! Kauge -' I.
Meridian, baa Kiel notice ,.i m
lolhe ludabuiualc.irll.,l I., una B
5.2 .yt?,,v'; ' ""'"a. orego. ouiei
V. . 'oiii oer, i.i.
Olalaiaat nameaaa wl
in,-.., -
SreMI, audllllul.. t.aaitk .11.., I,.,
vta. liitiKirl
Wtlltaai Mi Klnnta. hala.... K c.t.iar. aetat
ma uw
Sey there's going to tie (