,' r ! LOVE LUCILLE The Girl of Mystery Tky the 'MASTEP PEN" Uavrcjat, 114. AU saovlaf plctere rifkt mttrt4 hy tbt Urivcrul I'lln Mssststtsrlsi Company, wiles l s- caklMtlsi tkli sraaeitloe la stasia- theaters, lafrtsif MM will k vtorslr rattcaM. SYNOPSIS Valuable sovernini'iitnl papers are stolon By Thompson, follower of Loubauue, bl tarnatlonal apy, Iran tleneral Lava, whom l.oubequ hateo. In Manila, I-ov' daugli tar Lucllla fllaa to a steamer to recover th papara In order to clear tha name of Lieutenant Olbaon. whom aha loves. Lxiubaqaa. tampering with tha wireless on tba ataamar, la hurt Lucille nurse him In an attampt to raoovar tha papara l.urilta sets tha papara, but tha ahlp la wraekad. 8ha la eaat aahora on a Paclflu Island and la takan by a nattva ohlaf to bla hut to nuraa hla alck ohiu. Tha natlva child la raatorad to haalth. and tba grateful natlyaa Idollaa Lucille. Loubeque, alao cast aahora. triaa various plana to raoovar tha papara, but In rain. Uoubaa.ua aalflad, fonsue a maaaasa (ran a neighboring chief to lura l.u.-lli away from har friends. She falla Into a pitfall, loalna tha documsnta. CHAPTER VIII (Continued) Tha ahot broagbt evprytlilaf back to her. She waa here, not to sympathise ran with oue wounded to death, but to aare her sweethearts honor. She found the sack and looked bark to where ahe could see Loubeque ad vancing: For just a second aba pained. Then, some Impulse governing her, ahe thrust the burning knot of wood between tba Interstices of a nearby latticework of Tinea and slunk stealthily to the right, knowing the spy would follow the light Instead of herself. Even as she watched his movements, glorying In the success of her strategy, her hand pressed against something cold and damp. She looked swiftly down at the stoat ruins beside ber, along which ahe had been walking, ruins covered with thick tropical vegetation. Bhe passed her lingers over the stone she hsd flrat encountered, rubbing away the mod and creepers that covered It so completely. Suddenly, without the slightest wsrn- Ing. she saw the ground moving, inov- n, Ing restlessly as It would move hsd some monster mole been burrowing beneath Its surface. It was moving, moving directly under Jxmbeqoe. Bhe started back, wide eyed at tba spec tacle of a great stone door suddenly springing wide and burling the man who bad stood upon It to one side com pletely oat of ber sight She advanc ed timidly, staring about for sign of tha spy, but be was not to be seen. Bhe peered down the black dole that had opened, wonderlngly. half Inclin ed to believe herself In a trance, for a flight of stone steps reached up (o ber, reached up from the blackness, a blackness which ber eyes could not pierce, try though they would. A bit terrified, yet with curiosity ir resistible, Lucille timidly put a foot upon the first step, then baited. She waited a moment, then followed ber right foot with the left. As though awn giant Band urged Ber flown. Bar reluctant feet moved slowly, step by step, down the long flight And always would ahe stare In nameless terror last the door be suddenly closed and bar means of exit barred. And even aa she looked her premonition of evil was verified. Blowly. very slowly, the stray light that opened down to her through the paaaags narrowed, disappeared. To bar ears came the sound of feet, swift, sura. About ber was such blackness as she had never even Imagined be fore. Blowly she groped ber way back to the steps, finding the last oue and feel ing about for some means of throwing back the opening. The steps beneath ber feet were slippery, worn as though the feet of thousands and hundreds of thousands had passed that way for aa many years. And alwaya about ber, yet never so close aa to come In con tact with bar, were tbe owners of the feet that slipped and glided sure foot edly upon the steps. Above her that solid wall; beneath ber steps that led down Into the bowels of tbe earth; about ber human beings whom aks could not see. Curiously clawlike hands, but bnman hands, Bought out ber wrists, drawing ber down the steps, silently, with un devlatlng purpose, but never harshly. Realizing the futility of resistance, ber otter helplessness, Lucille numbly al lowed herself to be conducted down the long flight A veritable army seem ed to swarm before and about ber. ludglng from the footfalls. The bands upon her wrists were cold, unhealthy. hairy, yet the sounds of tbe voices of ber captors were harsh gutturals, In comprehensible, yet human. "This la tbe end of all for uiol" sbs said In ber terror. were loaded with biasing rubles. The alien souud that drove tbe mutes crouching bark came from the gigan tic statue. And then Lucille saw that s huge orang outang squatted compla cently In the palms of tha Idol, bis wrinkled, old men's face pucksred curiously. As though their fear had subsided the underground creatures once more INSjsd in upou Lucille. Boms Impulse mane oer aart toward the orang as though for protection. Tba foul crea iiii'i'h were about ber, clawing at bar with their horrible, uncertain pawe, like giant bats. The monkey seamed uitilciily to wsken to the situation. Willi n shrill note of rage be leaped from his squatting posture snd snatch ed the necklace of ruble from about tin- Idol's neck, fllugtng It squarely Into the center of tbe mob. It had the effect of drawing them back for a mo ment with shrill squeaks the orang's hairy paw plucked jewel after Jewel from tbe Idol, hurling them St the crea tures with the speed of bullets. Again ami again hs drove them back from her and Lucille constantly fought her way closer to this strange protector. Her heart sank as shs saw the crea ture had no more missiles. Bhe csught a llaab of hairy arms snd body ss be leaped toward her, hla huge, round anus flailing about him, dropping tbe subterranean inhabitants at every swing. Lucille, guided by some Im pulse, st(HiMd snd picked up the hiss ing necklace, extending It to the orang. He seemed not to uotlce. Wlidlv he Ihraahed about the creatures dropping like ninepins Backward, ever back ward, Lucille felt her way, edging through tbe mob as ber protector clear ed a passsge. The rock ribbed vault iicboed ami re-echoed hideously with the shrill squeals of rage from tha orang. the gutturals of terror and pain from her assallanta. Now they were lighting among themselves, tum bling sbout In a wild chaos of arma in'! legs snd bodies. 8he closed her eye against the ter rible sight. Suddenly Lucille felt her 'eel slipping from under her; felt her salt going down toward a rippling, musical sound; gently falling through .he blackneas as though she aank within a soft mattress of feathers Cold waters rose up snd broke ber fall, closing about ber and edging ber gently to and fro. Instinctively ah reached out. ber hands closing sbout a narrow atrip of wood. With every itom of strength In her frail body shs clung, making out finally that tbe ob ject waa a canoe Blowly aba slipped down the current until s flicker of nar row light glowed far ahead. The sight Inspired her with fresh en ergy. Bhe drew herself up. carefully balanced the cano agaluat ber weight then slipped Into the bottom snd Isy there cilmiistcd Shu groped ntmut as sides of the subterranean cavern that it was in lag lui'iisi Over and Oval ng.ilu slie repeated it. She had been MM at the last mo ment anil vtim going In be taken sway. Ami (he primi at not even finished before (lie bai viiiiilct) lightly at bar feet and she round herself speaking to a lienvy realm.. I uMingleh man who was evhlenlly in ' "iminind of the yncht. There was something sinister sbout the ninn whose eyes were fastened upon her fare In micli bold admiration that she InstlnilUely ilrew nway. Suddenly he turneil to Ills men, roughly .iideiing I hem In prepare for the row nut Uieii assisted Luclll to a seat alongside lilmseir. Try though She 'Vim lit si ' "i lil not reel the Joy that sis'ined natural as I lie I mat slip ped tin "nth I be aler propelled by the Sturdy oarsmen, She studied thein keenly Itougli. powerru! men they Were, bill she wis woman enough to know them to be the sort easily han dled by a beautiful woman tbe weak er the easier And she saw that the caplaln was heartily disliked. She no ticed also Hint two or the oarsmen had fare that slieweil signs of recent bat tering The lot nil ion that had served ber so well be fine told her Captain Welheieii. for siiih wss the nsms he used In luti'sbiclng himself, had been a parly In this There waa something uncanny, mys terious, nbniii the yacht, eaperlally about one stateroom which waa always lorkisl saw e hen Lucille caught through the partly "pencil door a glimpse of a innti who looked like a Chinaman. Hut she could not be sure. TluTdiMir wi" finest quickly. r CHAPTER IX. Rurias From s Wsird Souro. HER knee Jolted from under her as ahe reached out and found no downward atep. Round black passsges through rock vaulted slslss, some so close the sides brushed against ber, she wss bustled. Bbe bad given herself completely up to her guide. Bbe knew with a heavy despair that only accident could enable her to dud her way back to the steps through all the turns they had made. Quite abruptly abe felt her eyes blind ed ss tbe mantle of blackness ws flung aside. For a moment she could not see; then, becoming accustomed to tbe transition front darkness to comv psratlve light, she looked with u sbud dor of terror upon the hairy, dwarfed, inlssbaiien crea lures w ho hiirrouuded her rem ii its who battered g the gutturals of mutes. leulures whom the perpelunl darkness had paled to a nshiike pallor. rreaturuH whose hydro cephalic heads worn always bent far forward as though tbe MOM of hesr Ing had been given them In treble val ue because of the blindness with which the subterranean life hsd af flicted them. Sick with tbe unwholeaomenas of tbe sight, Lucille lifted her eyes at a shrill, chattering not In tbe guttural -a note that was strangely fsinlluir, evn welcome. Bbe (tared wonderlng ly at tbe enormous carved atatu of a malignant fared mau-a man with mighty torso and gigantic arms, a man whoM baad towered far above her aud expanded The light grew broader. A paddle encountered ber fingers, snd she thrust It out Into tbe water Came a ii 'inching of wood It ripped against the rocky aides of tha shallow ravine, and she stared In dismay at tbe use less handle that alone remained to her. Cicntly. lastly the oanoe floated down toward the ever expanding wedge of light. Blowly, very slowly, tbe frb air of tba Jungle met ber quivering nostrils. And even as she opened her mouth, laving ber throat with the In tosicatlug odor that had been so re pulslve to her before, the canoe waa lifted up, snatched up ami whirled about In a gigantic swlsbltig circle Lucille Insthi' lively thrust tiie bro ken shaft of paddle Into the water, finding It useleaa. Kb crouched low. Round and round lu ver narrowing circles she wss whirled, tbe blsck ws ter white now ss It lashed Itself Into raging circles from tba exact center of which rose s Jagged toothed rock -a rock that Impertorbably. cruelly waited this dainty morsel being brought him Faster, faater, lu ever shortening cir cles tbe creamy foam of ssvsge waters drew the frail canoe toward tbe ugly, Mack rock that roa from out Its cen ter. Round and round In lb circle of water the frail craft aped. Then for a brief fraction ot a second tbe circu lar progress waa baited, tba cano be ing held steady, quivering aa another force seised It and tried to fight sgalnst tbe whirlpool. LuclJW bald her breath, measuring the length of time s uew hope arrived In hours Instead of the seconds It reslly wss. Then the craft shot out of tbe current snd contiuued upon II wild chase toward tbe rock. It wss now a matter of but two rev olutions st beat before the end. Lu clll mw tlila with eye that flinched not yet that refused to bold any dread. Something slashed against her cheek, and ber hands Instinctively reached up, clutching, graapteg, clinging to thick tangle of creeper. Tbe ranoe whirled out from under ber while she clung there, last savage water leaping, snapping at bar feet iMaperatlon loaned her strength. For Just a second she rested, then bravely recbnd mU aud clambered along the thick vtu ttuili abe saw the esrth be neath, than dxeppad and lay panting upon tbe ground, shaking with a ner vous chill ss tb raacgios Mixed ber. 1.0ml vi.a speaking lu English tones wakened bar from is state of self pity which followed tb chill. She looked up swiftly, 007 that tbe dense fastnesses encircling bar were really pregnable, fearing a new anamy. Fate bad been ao kind to bar and ui so unkind thst aba realized her chief danger slmjiltaneoualy with the recollection of who shs had to guard. She clutched at tb little sack, thrill ing at tbe nastl of tb paper she bad fought ao bard to gain, at thought of what they meant to bar sweetheart In Manila The diary told bar that I tngc tiouoeque had thousands of men work ing to do hi will. The shrill protesting creak of oar lock drove away bar fear, supplant Ing It with on of wild alarm The men war going away ware leaving her alone bore. Of the millions of In habitant of tba globe, why should shs think every man a worker of tb spy? Bbe flung herself wildly through the teugl of thick vegetation that barred ber way from tha sound, crying aloud at tbe top of bar soke for sslteiuw even though she kuaw no sound could carry to the man. Bba luuu herself standing upon a pabbly lattl beach that snatched a seren craarant of wa ter from tba ocean. Htrainlug bar eyes, sue could dimly sss a Isrg row- boat at tba tip of tb craacent, It ob jective point being obviously a beauti fully slender yscbt anchored wall out Lucllla warad bar arma In tba sir wildly, running up and down tba beach la desperation as she saw bar upper I unity for cpe from tb terrlbl Jun gle receding Her throat waa racked from tbe dry sobs which escaped bar, ba of rag and chagrin at bar owa cowardice and folly. Suddenly an stopped dead In bar tacks, bar fist tightly clinched as sb greased them against bar breast "It is coming bark!" sb gasped, for sba VJ CHAPTER X. Mutlnyl T was the stub day out that for tb first time she saw the man upon the dis k In daytime. Captain Welheieii was scanning the sky. his brow 1 iniiibil and hla heavy Jaw thrust forwaid like an angry bulldog's. Lucille was standing beald tb old boatswain, questioning him and whll lug away Hie lung sultry day by listen ing to the stories he loved to tell her. She start. -.1 toward her cabin. She heard a swin step across tha deck and hurried the raster, only pausing to look back w hen she reached her door. A little cry or pity Slid rage cam from ber lips when, with an ugly oath, Wetherell lifted his greatest and floor ed the old bmsmu Every womanly Impulse lose up within ber at the out rageous, uncalled for attack. Forget ful of her own p.. various position, for getrul or everything ssve the pain of (be old mill upon the disk, sb start ed to his assistance, when tb door of the Chinaman's stateroom alspped open, and the occtipaut strode across the disk toward Wetherell aud apok with Wetherell In low tone of aup pressed passion The cantata Bd Ihe man angrily for a moment then turned and slipped away, his rr) back dropping Ilka that of a whipped 1 ur. Lucille turned to enter her nil. In. but something cauaed '.lie ihsir to mi- k ojien a want Inch or so She felt an Inclination to scream for aid. but nuuinement at recognition of I be man who Stepped Into tba cabin behind bar, sofllj closing tba door, hM her dumb For under Ihe yellow col- urliig th,. mad up stunting eves, tha Xloiig.iil in ma i, he had so cunolugly iisstiuusl. fear loaning clarity to ber vision, tbe rissiiinUisI Hugo l.oubque, and ln.siiii.ihrl h bands clasped at the Utile big about ber neck which held Ihe tie 1. .us pa 1 .ore. The s111ll.1l at the impulsive gesture "You hate gajaaaad Ibe reason for this Intrusion. Ml-., boa)," he murmured grefetj 'Tbe peden ir you pies." The terror eideaed bfm uf th girt uairoMiil sJowtl as her gux traveled froin the liiiloiuliiible face to tb out diet, bed hunt ,.r im parted lu a smile as she moved toward tba door and held It open for him to leave Miss 1. 11, 111,.." he contiuued, his tones abarper, ".mu must appreciate 111 forbearance toward you so far. It cannot ...mimic forever Uudoubtadl you know my pewer, Dee It not star tle you to dud me lu a position of au thority Un this yacht? It la always so i:erywhcre I find my assistants. Forty years of my rtf have been spent in ordering Mens so that aurh obsta cles as you hiw inroiiutered would be at my command The papers. If you please ' She ipinllcd la-fore Hie lightning that ilartisl rioin his somber eye. Common o-tise. tin. instiii, t for swlf preservation, Bl if) thing urged bur to obey. Yet when ber bauds sought bar bosom th reel i.r the pn-elou little bag renewed her courage, gave her strength to meet bis c.m-s with a courage greater even than his own assurance. Her aye held to his with an effect of frightened raseluatlon. It was taw change In In 1 lone, the difference In hi w 01 ding of I be demand that told Hugo Loiibeques patience bad been finally Frayed to tba breaking tsiiiit, thai craft and diploma. would lie things of tb past did she 1, ..f tellnijulab tbe paper in Mm now let duly, love twin shadows. uriiilliHU-. . of Iron strength held bur back from obedl- ell. e. "Think. Miss l.me. think of our po sitions. Mat, I, my streugtb, brute strength, igalnat roat own; measure the strength i.r .ui. one 0f the thou sands who Inipllcllly obey me. Those waters tell no tales, give up 110 ghastly arrets think t ihut. ajina love, I In ; id .ton, Hi. 11 give me tba Httls bag you wear sbout jour neck." Ills oli ii was fun of pleading, yet his i'ii-h hclil a death message which made her htiiiddtir. "Vim seek lu savu tb nuo dear to you, child. Ton tttfuk me wicked, cru el, rehmtleM, and I am all or the thing. Forty years ago I might hav don aa you do now, but nil the im pulses of that time arc dead, killed by your father; all Ihe love I over bad, tbe only love, has been.. lead r..r forty years, killed by your father; all (he am bttlon of that time of youth, the bappl nee of hope, tb pride of faiheilauil, Is dead, has been dead for forty years, killed by your father, QeneMl Bumpter Love. And you-you think thai I would stop at violence to prevent your thwart ing ms: you think I would trad thee forty years of hate fur the 1'alut splash of s girl's body on the waters ur ibis great waste?" Th While his tulles grew lower, they carried a vibrant thrill Unit si rink at her vary heart. Ills face was flinty as, with passionate pleading, she lifted bar eye to hi, lusllncthely she f Hod as s sbsdow roll betwisn them. 1 .011 Isspie frowned US Captain Welheieii Jollied them, hi eye Hashing a .pies Honing glance at the pallid face or the girl. Then the spy bowed "gravely ami stepped on tb deck, followed closely by th captain of the ya hi. Whispers of Ihe uieii growing I lei came to bur until she muld distinguish tbe angry voice nr Welbcreli. iirtcd now lu sur'y rebellion Lucille lirniik back against the wall vlsiiiillxlug from tha man' tone mid the expression mi hi fac. A greater lionoi Hum I ln wave came leaping to her mind. Hugo Loubeque was her proton Ion from this brute. Shu knew It was Hue And then Captain Wetherell stepped Inald ber cabin, without the formality of knocking, closing the dooi cautious ly behind him. hla every mnvemcul furtive, his face wearing a sheepishly leering expression. "What what do you want?" Immediately 111 question passed her lip sb realised she bad luade a nils take, that ber tones showed frigid. "Don't be alarmed." lie said sortly. "I have aettled with Mr LobbeqM You need have no further fear of hlin. my deer." Ker: Lucille felt a great yearning for the spy, s need of Ids protection even as s moment before alio had thought It Impoaalble to lie In such mortal terror of any one as she bad been of Hugo loubeque and his era fly manner. (To be continued next week. Rolled barley, wheat and oaU for sale at market prices. - W. A. (iuodrnan's feed yard. 1 NOTICK FOR (UM) Burai 114 Uat Me. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION orrit'IAL UIB1CT0BT PUIU-IOATION Units tts I in rrt s Burnt, Oras on, ocielier ?, Hit. ..,1 , Isharebr glvsn that Psvia I'. Nuttsr, l.ltmond. (In. ion. who. on Aiull Ift, , made Hiii.iest.iail Kiitry, No HWW7. for but 4, U-ll.l IJ.H I Sllll 1 SSI'IIOH HI, n.i.'i a Hi.iiih Ksaiu 4 K., Willamette Mnri'lian, has fllsd notice Muteailon l i nnitl live sr Prisjl, to establish i lelin I laad siniv ilaai-rluad. Issforn Has later and K t'slvur, hi Hums, oreiiui, on In 41a d ul In . mniier, lul4. i lamisiii names ss witnesses i K Hiurtli.Hciitt rsitereiin.l'rcsiley suivlli, nn. I stil riiuiesvs, ll ol IHainiinil. "regou Wm. Kasss. KesUtur NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. I'MIKIl HTATgS I.ANII OKKlrK liuras, liragou, October '47, IVI4. Nmli n Is hereby slveu that Crank abort, ul i s iimion, whs on July . Ivou, sia.li. ib.uieeUsilT.nirr.Nu. UU71I, lur NW(4, Osiiluu 1 1 luwnshtbMS , liai.se K, W lllsinalta Harl .ii'.n use Iliad notice ol Intention to tasks final Ove-yeSI I'ns.l to eelal.llsli claim In lb laud above .teal rllswl, before Heslsler sad Heewltrer ,.i Barns. On n'"i. ii tbe r.tu day uf beoemlsir, KM i laiiiiant natnasas wiioeasea William Mi K Inula. Nelson K. Pardee, Albert Wuod.uito i . "ss.-ii sll uf Burns, Oregon ws. Notice iisu Railway i sildress is St Paul, I self ITSITSOflTiTSS I.ANDOrril s. I Barae. Oregon, oaloear A, mill la hereby slvas thai th Northern Railway iiirspeur, wbne pest orflie Mianaaine, baa tii'a fttn file la tills offlrs lis si. elfi'stlon to select under the i.rovlaloiia of the ei or congress, aparoven jnir i, isjs ran siai . uf me aei oi i aiigress kl 27 South, Hangs STATS-osso: I U H Sanslora lOeo. g. Cka a aerial I Harry lata W ( Mawlay J stseow day nfOrlnber II4 l.ll.elloli lu aelesil u set ol c'onsreaa. aea aeT.sNI. as axlandad Serial No. 077M eraona i leimii.K adversely the aaprova May 17, iww aerial t Auysndall persona i-IsIhiIi.r adversely the lands deecrllsid, or daslrlng to object I.e. -auae of tba ailncral ubaracterof Iba land, or any other reaeonta tba disinaaltoai.iiianl, si. "..I'l nie ineir srnqavua or prou-st in una omie.ou or before Ibe avth dsy ol November, lull Wm. rsss, Reglatei I'oagreasmao Attoraay (lanaral , ,, iioverlior arr ol Mlsl I rassvrai Mu.i lol.lli' Instruction HtSle I'll I IN AM cmerMte Ukanrkill Hoprame Judges Baa i A Ohareb W Pastway Hobi Bab I a T A. MabrM oH Betasajt B. B. bass. . A. Moor ninth ji'iiiciai. DiaraicT. I lilstricl Jndg Delias Bias II i, in. I) Alton, ey Leo. S SttasBW 1 I In. ill I oart rneete lb Brat Moaday la April ami that Monday In October $1500 Reward! Joint Henslor Joint Ku.resentatlva WH Brerea w. r. mi stv Haasar: I i.lll.ly Judge i rierk Treasurer . Urai.lT R T HU.CM4 H a Miller . Paaaa. Keglster, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. nii an statbm i.anii orrb s, Hums. Oregon, u. tola 1 14, cm, Nettaa II hereby gives Ibsl William W I'srii i si, of Independence, Oragiiu, win., on August i. lags, maile n-serl I ami Kulry, No uilv.t for It HeillollW, 1owaabl. J4M.,ltsuseiUIR. wll Isnn It Meridian, has llled nollie ol luli-mlni, to tasks nasi proof, lu establish .-latin to Ibe land alsiie deserllsyd, before Register siot Rs eelver, si hums, Oregon, on Ibe villi dsy uf iovi in her, ii4 Claimant uaun-e SS all II.,.. I l..kls,.l. , ....II.... I. .bla, I, 11..... 1 -... . ".. ... X. B.W,..,. .,. .. , ..WM. .. Hiinili.) sad J. M Uougblerly allot Hsrrltuau 'Iri'goll. w. r-.aa. Meslalar. .gon Ifornlsenil Nevsds hive Stock Proi... tloo Association ol which ttie under slgoed la member, will give ll.lsXi Ul reward for evl dears Issdlng to Ibe srreal snd eon Vli'llmi of any par ty or parlies ateel Ing burses, laid or inslee belongb.s I any ol Ita mern to tbe stHlve. II..- toe I, , atari, ,1 olfers Ibe same i-oudltton ta 00 lor all hursca brandailboraa shod baron both or ell her Jew. brand reoordaal In alghl poiistles Range Haraey, Lake aud iruok lounllrs. II..... s vented when sold Nena bat (rowa burses sold and only In arge buuebes, W w ittiiiWN Mle. Oregon bars. IB sildlllun hurveiur n nllerl Assessor Hi lion) HusrrlnlaOl Coroner Htoea I l'S.erl,r i.'iimiiiisalunars lrTJB M A K . KwhgflaSsn J- J. I, M llasal (I. W JobSsteM , a I- ayle JTboa Mil loiinty i osrt mecta lbs Brat Wadaaaday Ii January, Mint.. May, Jaly, Baplsmksr aa Nuvontavr, HAsaav c s. i.ash orries: CARLCci Phyeklat, N --' stOttNi, Jb j. ui.9 lhrBkiati 14,-9 Bona, - , , Offlea In new bmi -i,,, ' harases she. J 'Pbone HgjJ BO. O. clj Pasyelclai. , T Trnasssjfe ereaeaasl aaaaaaaaa staW sasaassks Saraat. aVaWTtae ... Begiafer He' SIVSI Mayor. Kei oob.i Tressiini Msrelial, Wai rsre Hsui Mother iitv snssa sara Mutberabaa R.y Van WlakU lianr. PallM ... t. ialsa HARLAN A. HA. Pfcysacian aarjt Nati i um a, dbiuhn Pbysicir aa,i a'f.l Cell enewered .nil:' llmen- , R.J. Haasaas A. V. Wilisssi Jama Laaaaeair I k. I. MaKlasoa Mealing uf ibe r'uiinrll every aa fourth Wad need Combination sick, miulv, ... . i.lei.l nd death Iwueflt irotecllon at mini. mum coat. I'J.osjtst death luiiilii. 11,000.00 tor I.SM...I limb or ByJBlgbij laom ajot) liilri.00 werklvelck nr sc ciilent beineflti f I, (SO OH aJMetgegil re ll( benefit, t'oat Is i).tsi par ear, no otlieut dues or aaarssuieuts. In this iuaornnce all men ami wonmii ate alaeed .in au tsjual buaia, rcgsr.lleH ,,( rysjeepa lion. Kvery wron uiul.es Ibe same form of aiilication, iays I In- saiiie auiouulof premium ami rceii.e tin ssro sinnlint ol Ih-ioIi' MB a in I Women bet ween lli sties "I IS and N are aoneulisl. No mstri. In.na ssline cupation, only Itsllrnail nun employed employed on track, trsin nr r mil bouse, can not Is. si afjted Owtfn are paid within sixty days any where hi ilie U, S. Canada or l.ni'.pu. iii.l r. Ii.i lh I neuron, e t' niipauy. l"nii ,i,.i on Bute depisait as a pri'ln'i-u i.n Hollo) holders ami In guarantee in, peyrni nl ol -lalms rot lurther Ire.- ml., in, itloi wldraja lliiatnvc Ii. Werner, Se.iitar) and (ienerul Matmger, ln SI::. Ilnllulii. X Y. elate .', ei, ... . oi'i"ii ami llielltll.l. Ilepl II I. ' NOTICK KOK PUBLICATION I'sitsn Mrarss l.ni.imi. e I Buras, Oregon, Oclnlanrtl. 114 I .ollee Is hereby given thai, Joseph I. Kellogg. a iiatiiiiiau, iiiogun, who, on Ai.ru j, taisi. made llomeeleail Ki.lry Nu. IHsHerlsl No VJ6I lot tola 7. s, NlfcHK'4. SM-tlun 'J, 'township 2ft S., Range tUK W llleuielte Merldleii.haa fllrd uotlee ot luteiiliuu to aiske anal Sve .-a. I'raof, to lalabllall , latin to tbe land sbovs deserltaed. Is lor.' Hesistaf and Rerelver si luirus.Oregua ,,.. the i-'.tli day ol Novsmbar, 114. i Islmaiit ussasssa wllnaassa: U Kellogg, t: . H Auiuiu A. It i urry all it Harrllnn,Urgua Hboda K.SIuyul llurna I regou. W. raaaa. hegiai.r Sumpter Valley Railway Co. Arrival and Drpartuie Of Trains Oejarts No. 2, Prairie 10:15A.M. Sumpter 2:35 P. M. Arrives Baker 4:00 P. M. Departs Na 1, Baker 8:30 A.M. Sumpter 10:05 A. M. Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M. No. 1 Makes (00d foniKiliuii with O.-VV. K. & N. No. 10 I. 'jiv ing Portland 7:00 P. M. tut) No. 17 from eiist arrivin"; Ititkcr ii:.r0 A. M. No 2 Connects with I .a Qrftndd local 7:00 to lea Grandf, and No 9 (fast Mail) picks up uetftut there arriving in Portland 7:00 A. M. Alao with No. is at 10:45 P. M. for points Kasl. Notice of Sale of State Land. Notice is hereby given that the State I mill Hoard oft be Htate ur Oregon will receive srulett lads until 10:00 o'clock A. M , iKrifinlarr Mi IliUfoi the folio wing I- miiIs-iI lainls, tii-wil: lb. Viw and Lota 1, , 3, 4, of Hec. ao, T. :i.h, S. K. 33 B. IsBtloe Ii and 3(1. T. 33 8. K :il" , Ii. Set 1. ma 16 and 30, T' 33 S. R. 32 I.. .-. i, ..n HI, W, and l.uls I, t, .'I, 4. Sec. I :i:i H. R. M K I lie SIC, fc-i. of W and l.nls I, a, 3, I urs-vlloo 10, T. 3J S. K. 34 E. I lie N'.anil NV, otH'v sad l.uls l,s,3, I nl Section 10, and all nl Section 30, T S. R. :ia E, vclu.ii. 1 1, and 80, T. ,'14 S. R sjatrf Ii. Bet lion 16 mill HO, T, 84 8. R. SaW 12. Ml ul Srctiim HI, W', and l.nt 1. . 3, 4 ol Sect inn 30, T. 34 S. R. .13 B. Allot Section 10, Nu. N1, ol S', iitnl Lot! 1, a. 3, 4 nf rrcliou llli, T M S ii nn ii. Ml ..I Scctinu ltl ami 30, T. HA H, H ttn All bills must I ,i" ,.ii..sni. .1 by a :. cill.nlv rieelltril lliillllltlllll to illl- i Itiise mill cIh-i k ot ilrnll lor nl least one lillb nl the amount of the In. I The rinhl to rrerct any mnl nil bnl. t rearrveil tppliaatloea ami bid ahntilil I. ad- Inaac'l to t;. I. llli.wU, I lelk StOtr I ,ii..l llirnrd, Siilcni, Oirki'ii. mid mark ril " iiilii-.'ii inn mid bid to iiuiihaar alntr ImiiN." C. 0. HRUWN, ( lerk State Land Hoard D.ilc.lOctolsjr '-. 1014. aa. aa , ruuoe narnmsn Harrlcnao Dr- Minniei Physician andS Wrect Talcphisa, t La wen. I If You Want ALL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Rest Job Printing h. E. HI XDaSaRTT Ofle first door east Born Or.' The Tllarlln REPEATING RIFLE Model 20 Vsjetrtl, Bid, . fw A. REMI aVtturiiey-tl- Btirns, ATTORNEY Burn, (iraaa. , Moeaa 6 and 7 M aaa saaaa quickly n.,i. M , CHARLES W. LAWYI Bums, Practice in the 8ut for the V.H Uud n ai You can buy no better lor target work and all small game up to MUyudu gun handle 22 Aon. long or 'it gtai raiHiisias Perfectly. The rleen Sassaaai riflsiK cieveiops nuiirnutn novjrer and accuracy and adds tn ilw. U. J .au. an j. . . .. " e " "e eaaaa. '"esasassaae-i tJ : a. yjgakaylsaa.aa... 5 'l' i:. ,1 41 WlFav, Saraa ll.laa.Cna ' Tag panSaL ..aaaVBBaffaffjBJaal iWjdafeafl afl & ATsi saasH aejal Tuir a? "wlr-eM te.sT 1 ttf"' '? 1 'Ja . , aryWsasaaasaaWaLWr JafaffPBPsa91Fr mi muuniia:: ::):::: - RODNEY DAVIS Hoaac Palntlns Paper Hanajlnv and Decorating Calclmlnlnir Hardwood FlnivhlnK Preaco Painting Ktlsjnt furnished on ap- pllcJJlon. annaplee ahuwn. OIV HIN A CHANCK UUUil4UlUttuti;ttmiunti!:uitai:ii:i:: F eJt-ananel ImMbsI ft r H m I I 1 Th only way lo l 1 It t tha y iiulne fc-. New Home S -Sewing Machinal N jff j 1 i. in buy tha aaacluoe -H 1 wilk tha aaasa NEW B iiKMr.Niu. ray -ft ai.,1 in th lea. I Hpla& M This .ssafclaa U Jjnl EaMTai wa.reateel lav ell KiM jV " ( 6aT f No other lika it JTT I f No other as good O O'han. H. L A-rrotiNKV- Ai- n ..i varaiui aiu-iitioit gira I uona and tk-ul Ksuk i Kire Insurant, Notary Publ: Buknb. BUTTER WRAPPERS Printed in accordance with legal requirements on short notice at THE TIMES-HERALD Job Rooms WM3S ipr :vi A'-. f THE MOST ACCURATE .22 MUBEr, Repeating Rifle In the WORLD Mado in two inoili ., una tut . Short It. 1'. ir- trlil(i'a tlii'iilliir lur ,W ii. Klilr, It. K. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFL1 NO. 70. Ilsillllcsj It .ahl Hlmrt and ill .. Ioiik nlln i-iirlii.l.-, . Hanil fur liniidsniiiiils iiiusiruii-ii linn (,, lua and "How tuKhuot Well'7. Older ttavssi Hillat flstalf so Ikatsuii from four 1 1. BTKVKN8 AKMH A TOOL COM PAN y, . o. Mas aeo. CUIUIPKK lAUJI. MAaS. No other bkoo Till New Horn Sawing Micbint Company, ORANCs, MAaS. 1MT rwci ee.wv M u'JT I M f V.. J, aja. 3aaaB A. W. G0WJ ATTORNEY-A1 State Courts and li Land Office Pn Three doors Souti Harney County Nat Burns, Orewi. FRANK DA TB Akkesnay at Law W I. klinim U. S. laaa Oil.. va OBc) bataraaa Uarury I ..uuij a lama OSea. Burna. F. O. lILLaSI avaiavly Ahl Knslue inn. B Seel.malloi, Nan vta. K.0. ,'!; . r aC H. atari a t Keep your eye on Malth&id se-Tlii jg easy, fur it mofs neatly svciy vveil-ni'ilnl Imililiii.tii tins cuuntry, Msllliuid it tn.iile by reipunsilil t'liiniutiy, and We .uuuntcc It, - li' h itiiiiini we I. find upon uiul go can you fur it always makes trood, Harney Valley Lumber Co, Paint Kitchen Floors Don't Scrub Them Avoid the backache and sore kneea cauaed by acrubbing bare (lours. PatnteU floors are catty to keep bright and clean, are attractive and very incxpciisiye, MMEQUALHf FLOOR PAINT givea a hard, durable, sanitary finish for floor, atepa or any inside aurfaco to be walked on, easy to keep clean and hard to wear out. You can apply It yourself. It dries in a short time. Offered in appropriate and attractive ahadea. Eistern Oregon tagiM Company CIVIL AMI UtBKi Alius M laras, Ungia Dig) caaansctiun. .oadial I HARRIM AN-AN DREWS I A.H. CURRV Pre. Lanvaja HarHaatsii Monde. a Is ei tviva Wadne..l.v saaJas a-aaVlwessV, runnei to,, wita mt IsB tIDeaiiWinne!iiuco aJ. .s em JOHN UKXI.I HI.ISS, Burnt All the news in The Times-Heraid for $2.00 JOB WORK iMk Jawailor. Optician Kmritivi r. rl Pine Watch Repaiiine A-i dalty. LONH RESTAURANT! OUORUU FOON Hiuf. -!? Meala At All Hours Sm Orders and Prompt Serv With lleaaonable Ki Give Me A Call We do it riarht waa Mth a sad seek Blia Clamber Alans, Burna, Oregon Tanas Mar