The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 21, 1914, Image 2

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    $ $ $
You like 'em don't youl
When you spend them you
like to get the best possible
values for your money
That's why you want to see the
Remarkable Values
we now offer befor you buy a
Come and see them You'll
be mighty glad you came
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothier
I. O. O. F. Building - - Barns, Oregon
Hhr Wm-txM
Ob Year 2.00
Shi Hiatal 1.00
TWwMmli .... ... M
Livestock Market Brisk.
There seems a good demand
for livestock throughout this sec
tion at the present time and most
of the marketable cattle have
been sold. Many home jieople
have again bought stock cattle at
a stiff price who had sold out
completely a few years ago and
wiil again engage in the business
actively. Range conditions have
improved in recent years and
the changed conditions also per
mit of cattle being run in a man
ner that is profitable to the small
raiser, therefore the small stock
man is again in evidence and
with his home fields and pastures,
alfalfa hay and grain and a mar
ket in close proximity he can
make a success of the busi
ness where it was rather unfav
orable a few years ago. The
scientific education along the line
of livestock raising that has been
conducted by the Agriculture
College and through the farm
press bulletins have had a good
effect and brought about a chang
ed condition, or rather showed
the small stock man and the
farmer his mistakes in the past
The war has been a factor in
creating a market for many
medium sized horses and local
raisers are now reaping the bene
fit There are a large number
of horses for sale in this interior
country and they are being dis
posed of at good prices. The
ready sale of livestock in general
has made our local growers pros
perous and has been an impetus
to closer attention to the business
so that the future looks very
bright along this line of indus
try. The sheep men are also i en
couraged with good prices for
both mutton and wool and the
bands are increasing throughout
this interior territory. Range
conditions seem satisfactory for
sheep men and the smaller grow
er is getting his flocks in better
shape to care for them with less
open range than has been con
sidered necessary in the past. It
will not be long before every
farmer will have his small flock
of sheep and we will not only
have more of them but a better
such admission prices every day
in the larger cities. The rental
of these films was considerable
in advance of what the regular
service of Tonawama costs each
week, therefore it was impossi
ble to produce the pictures for a
less price.
The vocal solo by Mrs. Chester
Dal ton added much to the enter
tainment and the lady was most
generously applauded. She re
sponded to an encore very grace
fully. This was Mrs. Dalton's
first appearance as a soloist and
she won the admiration of the
entire house.
The ladies are quite well satis
fied with the performance, how
ever, and since it did not entail
so much work and worry on the
part of the Library Club, it has
brought them quite a neat sum.
It is possible another picture pro
gram will be given for the library
before the winter is over, and
should this be decided upon defi
nitely it is the intention to secure
some well known production that
wil! appeal to all.
Ainonir other things, the Com
mission nrolmlilv will ask that
the deer season be opened
month later than at present, or
September 1 instead of August 1,
and close about ten days later, or
on -November 10. This would
cut down the season about 20
days, but the Commission would
ask that the restriction against
killing doe be removed.
t is probable that the Com
mission also will ask the legisla
ture to allow the killing of Chin
ese hen pheasants. They point
out that many hunters kill the
female birds anyway, and that
if the killimr be legalized the
slaughter would be reduced, in
asmuch us the hens would have
te be counted in the hunter's bag
with the male bird.
Money Easier Railroad
Building Will bo Result
In Sunday's issue, the Portland
Oregonian devotes an editorial
to comment upon the faith in
Central Oregon's credit Bhown
by the recent sale of the five per
cent interstate bridge bonds at a
premium. That, and other indi
cations, point t the sound condi
tion of the state, and of rapidly
bettering condition of financial
affairs. An easier market and
considerable industrial expansion
in Oregon are the predictions of
the Portland paper.
The editorial centinues:
"Many such enterprises await
capital and the energy to apply
it. As soon as the litigation in
volving the Southern Pacific and
Central Pacific railroads is ended
money will be needed to com
plete the Natron-Klamath cut-off.
When returning prosperity has
put the interban trolley lines on
a paying basis their extension to
new points in the Willamette
valley, Southern Oregon and the
Coast belt should become finan
cially possible. The same state
ment is true of the extension of
the O. W. R. & N. line now
building through Central Oregon
to a connection with the Des
chutes Itailroad at Bend and with
the Southern Pacific at Natron;
also of the extension of the
Oregon Trunk road from Bend
to Klamath."
J9M. Additional Locals.
We do job printing.
Winter apples $1.60 a box at
Huston's. These are John Day
apples and may be seen before
Ches. Hibbard and his sister,
Miss Eloise left this week for
Granger, Washington where they
go to see their mother who jb re
ported III.
H. M. Horton was a passenger
out on the auto Wednesday morn
ing for Portland where he goes
to attend court in the case
brought by the P. L. S. Co.
against the light company con
nected with their use of the dam
for power purposes.
To those interested wo are
pleased to announce that we ore
restocking in Edison phonograph
goods. We have just received a
large shipment of Blue Amberal
Records. All wax records re
duced In price. Lunaburg, Dal
ton & Co.
Iiiiriia Mai No. Ha
I'mrm drama I iRBorrira,
Hurna, tireaott, Naeiiittr . lull
a I uMMHf, lllii lic.nli.nii i !
Bill. Mluetota, liaalfila lllnlay ul
U 111,'iHp lhltinii'i.liaa.,iir!i..ii
ina an or ' ..
, W , 1IW l
Itiirua, ilretto, Nueember It lata
Sullen la hereby (Iran that neurit W. ualea.
ul irea. treea, who.ou Uaoaaabar J7. 1110.
ma.l Itreerl I ami 11117. No. UHM. lot aW)
-v.',, hit. I, limn. l H , Haute HI Wlllaaaaa-
.-!!.. Mi'Mihan. haa fill"! notice Ol intention to
mala llnal proof, to aatal.lUh claim to tbe
Inn. I above tluai-rlbtttl. bettire K. I. ItMila. I
K, i oitinilaaloner, at bla oBloe, at Orrwaer,
'iirunn mi Ilia Klnl day of liw'eatl.r, itll
i laiMtaitt iteaaeeaa wltBtaatr,
Ji.lm K. Beetle, riarehee Welly, I'ltarlee H
an! naaieeaa wltu
Arthur I. Beedt, all el lireweay,
Wat. f.aa- Railalat
Nolle la berehy flrtB thai lite ,,c-rn
Paeine Hallway i .iaM(f, iu,i. inn
ilraoa la Ml. I'aul, MIMetot. baa ilila a a l .lay ul
Noremiior lU niiil In tnla ttnitv Ha a,..ii. .
tnaalintiinili-r tlm protrlatntia of the ail ul i
free, aeprot nil July 1. It (Wl Htal.ttT.aiR
a" rate, im, t .1 a, n aau ,.
neriea na wian.
Any ami all ioraoaa olalmlna erlvereelt the
laadadetcrllMvl, or daaliUK to uiileei bei-aita
of tba mineral I'barartar at the Ian-1. ..t lut any
other reaaon. in tat dlatmaal u apiranf.
abould lie tbalr afndarlu ol innirat i thla
utttia.on or betttte tat etlb tlay nl I..-. . m l.. .
WB KaMttt Iti.tfUti r
IMI HUIDI IIV l.l.l ....
I' NlfBB BraTta Last, tin i
Hiirua. Ofetaa, Nov.iui.i ... ivn
Notloe la berebf alien thai Urn Northern
I'arlne Maltreat roaiuant. ehttai boat . m.
addreaa la Ml. Paul, Miuuaaota liaallila till la)
Hiirna, oragoa, November IT, Ilia. I
Nuiioe la baraby tlt.n that Hannah Mar, of
Uuma, ureaoti. trim, on Korambar
iiiailn lintiieaiaad Bntry No own
Hon. 10 and WUNWli. Met
m.. itaneealB. Willamette Mer
inillpe ttf InWuUon to make anal roaamoietu.n
i.iik.i. tn eatab lah rain to tba land above
ai -rilled, before Realeter and Receiver, at Harae
una no tba Mill day of haeewbar, tall
rlalmanluameaaa ttllneaeeti
Hart I'lirier. O, Ty, Read, tieorf e H.!.lar and
Hay Marroti. allot Burna, (lurjnn.
wm. riaaa. naftater
rtannan mar. ?r
irember l, 1MB,
MM, lor BUNS)-.
i II, To w nab I p te
arldlan, baa fled
I. til
aa eateaueu o
May IT, laut
at.Twp. ad.,
of Novamber.laU fllatl In Iblaorti, ,. na a..ili it
lion to aetael utnli-r in provieiniia nt tni- a. . in
Congraaa, apprtiiied July 1, tbtra u.hui
aa aitarraaaf ay tba art of t onttiraa approved
Mar IT, ivoa
a. Ton U s . It .T.!'. HK'.
Too a ..R. Bit. -K,M
K. iTAM, IHI, W,M.
Horlal Na. OTtM
Any and all ierauna elalmlba adverrrl) tin
landatlraerlbeil, or tlealrlnl In ohjatl bavatia
of tba Mineral ebarartar of Ibe land, or an
otbr reaaon in the dlapoaal in applicant,
abould Ala tbelr affldavltaol pn.ieat lit Ibla
oBlc. on or tiefnte lit JRth day nl In
Wai Faaar, Iteirttner
Htitnal.lai N.i. 117
I'HiTkbRTitaa l.aRP Orru a I
liuroa. Oroflon, October. X, ll I
Millie la hereby flven that lb Northern
I'aiifli' Hallway l.tunjeauy, who poet imee aa la lit Paul. MlnueBota. haa Una Mth
lay ol intoiier.iaU tiled In Ibla otbee Ita appll
.aiinti tuaeleet tinder the provialonaol lb act
ol tiHi..e. appruvxl July I, lawi iWMIal 07.
N,!ifK, Bat. II.V.UB..B MB, W M H-J.ou
rterlal No fl:m
Any ami all jeeraaae elalmlua advaraely the
ta .leaerriieo, or neairtui intiniei-i uaarewaeoi
Mlueralrjbaraeter of tbe Una or any utber
u n. I. Ie. rl ied, ar rtealrloa loolileet beeattaeof
fine i be 'let day of lieeeml-r lait
reaenn. to tbe dlapoaal to applicant. abnolC die
Hi ir aniiiavitaot proieat in tniaiinice.oBoraa
aa. Mil, Reftater,
UMITKit BTATBR I.AMi ul in h
Burnt, tirtfon. Ravtaabei it. isi
Notice la hereby flvan that tlbart
lAen, tireaun. vrfcv, on July t. rat.. ,U,..
Ilomrateed r.iitry,Hn. Own f,.t
and dWWi,. Hee la. Tnwnahip -i n . Ila.,,
S'lj ,, Wlllletiielle Hertilleti haa la .1 noli ,'
intention t., make laal five .m piuol in eatah
tlab alalm lo the laavd above dee. i
Reataur and Ki. alter, at linn... mm ....
IbetlM dav of Heimlier lull.
t tajaaaul iiatneaaa vititvaeea
Meveerrl Hfa.tii anil iilltar O. t 'nl,l. Iu,ii, ,,r
Laarert. (ir(un, ..ay B ali.i.i an. I IV m. Welly,
laali of Hurna, ttrdfon
vt a ni . ii, hi.i. ,
Public Land Being Settled,
Pleasant Social Affair.
Mrs. Chas. Rohn and Mrs. C.
B. McConnel were hostesses to a
large company of their lady
friends at the home of the latter
Tuesday afternoon when ten
tables were surrounded by guests
at 500. The home was appropri
ately and nicely decorated for the
occasion and the favors were red
The honors at 600 wont to Mrs.
L. M. Brown, Mrs. Prank Davey
Mrs. Ed. Egli and Mrs. Ed.
KRKleston. Mrs. uault was
awarded the consolation prize.
Seven more ladies joined the
company following the hands at
500, for luncheon. A contest
followed this in the character of
a "New Fashioned Tea Party"
the successful ones in the content
being Mies Josephine Locher and
Mrs. Dan Jordan.
The tables were assembled for
luncheon in four groups with Mrs.
Davey, Mrs. Farre, Mrs. Gamber-
As an answer to the impression
which seems to exist that all the
public lands of any value have
long ago been taken up, Secretary
Lane, in an advance statement
from his annual report, calls at
tention to the fact that since
March 4 1918, settlers have made
entry on nearly 20,000,000 acres
of public lands an area equal to
that of Connectitut, Massachu
setts, New Hampshire, and New
Jersey combined. During the
same period practically as much
more coal und other mineral land
of the west has been examined
in detail in 40-acre tracts by the
Geological Survey, and most of it
has been thrown open to settle
ment or purchrse. Some of these
lands, such as those which include
workable ik-posits of phospate or
oil. are still withdrawn pending
sutiable legislation for there
dispose) or use. Another impor
tant activity in public-land class
ification to which the Secretary
calls attention is the designation
of lands for entry as "enlarged"
or 320-acres homesteads. Desig
nations under this law approved
by him cover 33,463,066 acres.
The extruct from the Secre
tary's report contains a aeries of
maps of twelve public land
miTan aTATBa i ami ..mi. i.
Burnt, Oregon, .NutemUr. n, IBM.
Notice la hereby (Iran that II I J. k.-i.i,
ut ttreateey , Oregon, who, aa laer eatbei
and June 0, law. reepcj in, it. It Horn.
Bleed Btilrlee. No uolat 0,'Arei. Im -,'. '
rlUNB, tud Mri,. nee 11. Townabll
Rente u rati, wiliaiueiie Meridian baa
tiled nolleeul Intention to ntee.- Baal three
year proof, in ceiabitah elaiin lo the land
above deacrllieil before K I II . I. . ' a
mlaaloner. at hleufftca, at lite ., , uimui
on lb and day ,.l lieietnhcr III I
t 'laltuant name aa wllneeaea
J taper K HI,,,. I.. William II. Intnla), A rtltttr
Huriia.oraanni, November 10, 114.
-..Hi la hereby glraa Ibat Job M Newell.
al Del ey, Oregon, who on Novaaabar W, 111,
made Additional Houteeuad Batr, No.ONTU,
for NWtHK'4 Heellian as, TowBahla IB i KaM. Willamette Meridian, baa tied
nnilie of inbaatloa lo mate flaal three year
I'rouf. toeatabllah claim In ibe land above de-
aertiaail.belare B. U Beeda. u. Commlaaloner.
at blaolflce al Orewaey, Oragoa. un the itih
.litv nl lie. ember, lau
laiineiit at wltnaa
lanneil. Andaraon, William Kilby aamaal
willlame. William I. Junta, all of Dravraty,
w. Baaaa. Boglemr.
We are now showing special lines
of new winter Dress Goods; up
to date, and Quality, as usual,
the Best. New waist materials,
' knit goods and underwear; laces.
Ribbons and Embroideries. I
Our shoe department is complete with
full line of shoes for Everybody
We do job printing.
Tonawama tonight
Burnt. Oitafon. November a, laid
Snil.e la hereby flvaa that Dakar Carted
ihiieort of Burna, Ortawu, who, on Jane la,
I'll, made llemeetead Bnlrv , Na. araVn. far
-',-',. Nor. ja aud NtaNW'S, aaatlo. BJ,
l,.niieliip'4Hnnb. Bang II Eaat. Wlllameite
Metidlau haa filed nonce of Intention to make
Una) three year proof to ettabllah claim to the
laud deacrlbed, before tbe Beglarararid
Keeelrerai Hume, Oregon, on the lathdayof
I'ei nul,.l
i laimaiit name a vrltneaae
Ul.iiieal h Tyler, Erneal Laraou Ben kmler,
Prnitk Kiltie all of Barua, Oregon
W at Faaaa. Keglatar
NATIONAL rOBBBT- Notice It berebt given
thai iba landa dreterlbed) below, eaabrannv
mJtaerea, wltbla th Malheur National Bur
eat, Oregon, will be an b,' eel to ailtlemrat and
entry under tbe nroviaionaol the bnmeetred
lawt of tht I'nlted mala and Ibe art of Jutea
II. IBM (M fit at.. W), at tba ealted Stale lut
aaeeal Barna. Oregon, on Novaaber -jh. Iu
Any tettler who tvaa aetmally and In awoduuh
claiming any of aald Itnd for eg rlrtiltnral pur
laaa, ana na n..t
lag any of aald land for
prior ta January t.
I Heede. I .... I. a-. :
all nl I'M e . tlregnn
i M
In the mailer ol lit. Kalatr
Burnt oreton. Notember a. ivii.
Nnilie la hereby given that Mary n Bleebei,
nl l' tl n eUiu. Oregon, who, ou July 7, It It. made
llnmeatead Knuy.Nu lajaea. for E'-t W t aectlou
i. Inwnaiilp aa g. Baaga n E. wfllaaaati
Meridian, ha filed notice of laleulloa lo maAa
nnel commutation aroot, to aalabllab
claim lo tba land abote deacrlbed, before
th.. kegiater and Kcn-elrer. at Hurna, oreeon
on tbelatb day of lattaraibor, Itll.
i laltuant natnea aa trltnaaaat:
Hubert i.raul.Jr. William J Oram, John
I'aljena i.ratilTbouipann. all of Waterly ore
Wa. CAaaa. Beglater
abandontd rami, baa a prafarenc rlgbt u
make a bometnil e.fry for the int.. tt-luallt
orcnpled. Kald laada were llaoad upon the ap
pllcatlona of th peraana moailoued below,
wb bar a preferanee rlthr anbyaei
lb trior right ot any each eettler, nrnvlde.l
It tattler at applicant la unaJifletl lo
make horaeeteewJ tntry and Iba preferenc
rlgbi la aatrclaed prior lo Navemlarrxi, fill, nt.
woiea oata tea raaoa win iea aurijeet euaeitii
raon. i riv
il I ma I
M I.-. M
aeraa, Hated apon appllcelioD ef F It irein. i.
iirwy. oragon , uttt a imi tteptetnoer n
laid f at BBUVB. Aatltttatt ommlaalutier ..I
taetOaatral lud OBtee.
wuicbuete tee laaiue wit, lai lanjeri hj
meal and entry by ear qualified peri,,.
leadt art at reilanrt: Th. Bid NF.ti ami
and t, Baetton at, T. BJB.. Ba, B . V M
I'tiTto Marat l.Nb orrt't
Maraa. Oriari.. Bawtmbar a, lU
Nolle la baraby flvaa that Mary lav ro Inn,
of yiarriman. oragoa, was
lloaaeeteed Batrt. No. aw7l . fur RUxW
indLolae aud 4, Hero on la, Towntblp
, lor I
on April It, lew
ade llomeatead EaUy. No. t
...,, I nib B a .. ,1 A .MllnB Ik
HaagvM Baal. Willamette Meridian bat tiled
notice of Intention to make Final five-year
'roof, lo eetanilan claim to tne tantl above n.
trrlbed. before tbe Beateter and Receiver, at
Hnrna. tiregon, on the 7th day of lie. ember,
Clalaaaai namea aa wlmaatia
Bomer laanmau. ut llarrlman. Oregon, i.rant
Thoaiaaon, Waerly. Oregon t lei.
t try and Bertha lienmea. bulb ul llarrlman,
Wa Faaaa, Begiairr
New Game Acta in View.
The picture program given at
Tonawama lut night as a benefit
to the public library under the
management of the Ladies'
Library Club, was not attended
as largely as the production de
served, especially as it was a
benefit. "Richelieu" is truly a
great production and while the
story was not made entirely clear
to those who had never read the
story or seen the play, it was
nevertheless a fine production and
one that was particularly appre
ciated by those who care for that
character of play.
The writer has heard it intima
ted that the price was too high
In view of the following from
the Oregonian respecting pro
posed changes in the game laws
of this state, The Times-Herald
would suggest early consideration
of such changes as are desired
by the local Ktad & Gun Club.
The Oregonian say
Revision of the state game
laws will demarid much attention
from the next legislature.
Several members of the Mult,
nomah county helegation already
are preparing tentative drafts of
changes t)ey waatnade in the
existing laws. A Cesjr up-state
legislators likewise fl(w Awuring
on what they think are mueb
needed revisions.
John G.H, of Portland, will in
troduce a bill prohibiting net
fishing in the Willamette river
between the mouth of the Clack
amas and the falls at Oregon
Members of the State Game
and Fish 'Commission art work
ing over the present Jaw for the
purpose of recommending to the
legislature the changes they
ling and Mrs. Foley presiding at states showing in .graphic form
the coffee urns. The guests ex- (Utheareja withdrawn from entry
pressed their appreciation ot the in these states between March
lovely entertainment provided by 1913, and July, 1014. ) the
the hostesses. area restored to entry, (81 the
designations under the enlarged
homestead luw, and (4) land take
en up by settlers. Thus, for ex
ample, the map of Montana
shows the total area of the state,
93,000,000 acres; lands with
drawn from entry, 67,741 acres;
larvtis restored to entry after ex
amination, ,, 171,558 acres; lands
designated under J;e enlarged
homestead law, 11,022,864 aUnti
and lands entered by settlers,!
7,417, 291 acres. The other states
in which public land activities
have been large and which are
discussed by the Secretary are
Utah, Wyoming. Colorado, New
Mexico, Idaho, Washington. Ore
gon, North Dakota, Arizona,
California and Nevada.
A. C. I.tlicll, dci
To Mary oiie One Si Martha A.
Mei.riB, Jan. Kargur ,n, Julm II. Ilutrlll
Kloreiic. Ii. Illott, 0, ('. I iniikliu,
William Kranklln, J. I.. I rank Hit. ami
A. W. Kranklln. tiKCKIIM.
IN Till N A Ml. H Till M.VIK
OK OKKUON, yon arc liercl.v i ItiHl anil
rwqo.ird to appear in lite ('utility Coon
of Oregon, (or Harney t'unnty, at Hie
Court Hooui there ol at lliitn , in ilu
Oonoty of Harney tin Wetlni'mlat tfic
0th tlay of January , lUlSat Klo'clmk u
th. forenoon of that day Is then ami thow caiiae. if any Bleft, hv Ilm
.lodge nf tb. County Court eh. ml. I nut
lata an order In mil Ilm following dt
ecrilied real property, towil :
Cotg I, 4 and ft ol Swliim m and Lot 1
andtha KWi, .1 lha HW4 ,,f
9, In townthip 27 S., Kange ,'IU K. W. M.
ooatlolug 1IV0 at rra morn t.r lean.
W1TKK8H, The Honoriihle tirant
Tlioiiiprxm, Jiidg. nl Ihi'l'miiilv I '.mil
of Ul. Ktat. ol Oragon, for (lie County
ol Harney with Ilm Heal t.f tuiii Court
tfUed (hla 17th dav of MotBSlbtf A.
I), ion.
K. T. Ilugh.t, Ch-rk
Hy (1. N. Juiiifinii, ii..t4iy cl.rk.
I Mian aieiae laaiiilrin a, I
liurua. iiregee, NuTeraleer . Wit. i
S.nlie I beraay gltan that William J.
i. taut, ul W'atarlt, tiregtiu, alio, ua Nov. W,
liaja. made lloaaealeexl gauj No Wa7 , lot sw ,
Hicllia , IvwntblF 't Houtb. keug
i Wlllameite klerlilleai. baa Hied nollte
nl itiieiitluti to wake Baal (te leer proof, to
eataiillab claim la Ibe laud abote deacrlbed,
i. ie Kaglaler and Bittlttr. al Bursa, Or
gnu. un the 1Mb day vt Ueceiaber, Itlt.
1 i at iii nl name at wltaeete
Itnlatrt H Uratil. ir, John I'aljeaa. Mlcbael
II. ai . 1 F lleair all of Waterly, Oregou
We t .aaa. KetlaUr.
i nitkii tTiiaa i.axn oBggCB,
Burnt, oregou. November 1, 1114.
Notice la I. a re by glraa Irtat Kebtrt 8. Urtal.
Jr. of n atari. Oregon, who oa May 'ja. ivoa,
niailt llumaatead Batrr, Na, ojtJt, (or laitt a. a.
.11 IJ, il. ttclloa I, Towntblp MB.. HanttU
raet, tviiiamaite aaariaiaa, aaa area eotice
ul ItntniloB te make Baal flat year prtatt, te
eneririeo ctaim au laa iaaa aeove aeerriaea,
before Beglater ted Bseeelver, al Bursa, tire
go n Ike Itlh day of Daceaibar, 114.
t lalaaaat namea aa wllneeaea
w llliau. ). tirant, Joba fetJeui.Urani Tbotop
..ii, nraii B. Tbombeoa, all otWaterlr. Oragoa
wb, we. w, i atari,. ...a
W Faaaa. Beglater
I'witbd Braraa U tn orrit t.
Hurita. Oregon, NuTtmber I, IVII.
Nun, a la haitli) glvaa (bat Joba I'aileat. of
Waverlty, nrrgna, wko.on Juataa, Itoa, made
ll.iinieieailF.iitrr, No.OTOaM for NVyU, Heetloa
rewutaip at.. Kange a B.. Wllbtmetlee
rlnai five rear p
tlic I ra n.i abtiva tli
...... ... .. .,.!..-,. .!.( .
..ut... hi enauieiii i-iaiui 19
eaerfbed. before Beglater and
MiirMlan. baa filed notice of lateatlon to make
llecetvar, al liurua, Oragoa, un tba 1Mb day ef
I.,., pmiei ivra
1 laltuant aamtt ga wltnttatt
in. Lett h (Irani. Jr., William J. ilraut.
MIcliMl Ileal, TIIUUIU F llaalt allot Havallv
I urcgiui
Wa. Faaaa. Heglgur,
1 irrto "ntarat l.anoomca, i
Buraa, Oregua, Not eiul..'t 1. 111 t
Nolle la berehy given that Hicham J. Ha if a
of M'aterlt. tiregon, ah, mi January i'.. I"ll.
mad Ueetrt Land Bairy No. BUM, for ,
KB, Ut I.Hea It, NUNrita. Htxlion la. Tueu
ablpata Baaga aa B., Wliitmatie M.n.ii.,,.
touleo Malheur Ijika; baa filet liulne ot In
teatlea to make flaal to eaial.lul. , laiui
to lb law. above deacrlbed. before Healeler
tad aeetlvar. al Burnt, Oregon, ef the I . t n tlty
of l)eembr.li4.
C lalaaaat aaaaea aa wllnaatut.
Tbomaa B. Hill, Jamta W Armairont t bar lea
M. Breckaou, all of 1'rluceliiu, Oregon ami i.uv
M.roUkllnof Vol tage Oregua.
We. Fa tat. Keglatrl
Buret. Ortgon, Novtiubet '. IBM t
Nutlet labtrebv given Ihtl Frank II. Fiaher.
of Princeton, Oregon, who, en March i, l-il.i
made Haaiaeteaa aniry. no. unrwu, tor ,
(tec ii.TuwBjn B, Bang aa B Wlllaaieile
Meridian, baa tiled notice ol inteutlon lo make
commutation pro,,!, to eatabllah claim lotbe
land anove uaeerineo, uerore itegtaief au.i ae
calter. tt Hurna, Oratuu, oa tba l?ih day of
Oeeeinbar, lau
ctalmaal uattiet aa wllneeaea :
Tbomaa B. Hill Jatatt Br. Armalrong. Mich
ael Mealy and RlcbardJ. Ilalnea, all of rntuc
ton. oragon
Wa Faaat, Kegltttr.
(IMlf Burna II Mat N..
Buraa, Oregou, October II, l.'H I
Noll Il btrtbr glvu Ibat tbt Northern
Facile Hallway loauu), wboae pnai oft!..
Sddraet it Bl. faitl, Mluueaota, baa una in i,
ayulOctoberlauniadla lblaotTlcellaa,..i
lion te teleel gudarlbe provialonaol tbe an
ef Coagrata. apnruvtd July I, lag aQ mat. .'.; .
ga aa attended by lb Act .1 Coagreaa ap
FBWWNbIV WM of' alKli -ee 14. Twp HIH.H
' aerial No. T7Va
Any aud all -ptraoua clalmlug adveracly the
landa daacribed. or daalriaa to object U'cauec
ol tbe Mluatal character tit the land, ur am
other raaaon, lo Ibe dlapoaal lo api.iuai.i.
iboBld flit lltclr trfldavlU ol iroleai In Hilt
oBlce.nn or belor the 141b day ol Hec.-iniici
Wa Fatag. Keglilar.
A Full Unas of
I also have a Dow line ol
Percales Ftaxons, Ginghams, Voiles,
Latest In Neckwear tBarrette, Side
Back ombs for laadles. Just arrived,
Latest In Ties oUars, Salts, aps, Ra
Underwear and Shirts for Men.
On quantity orders fa
A. K. Richardson)
General Merchandise
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
Free Camp House aadFeeding Privileges in Corn
or Barn. Customers Care For Own Stock.
W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair Grounik
Henry Kichner is In town.
yVaiiti'il Hy Nov. 20, a Reed
dalryijn. Chan. Wilson, Burns,
Ira G. Jioyce of Jean Pay was
in Canyon City for a short twjijle
Wt'tiiu'Hdiiy. Mr. Boyce is tem
porarily living in Portland. Mrs.
Boyce havinK returned there this
week. Mr. Boyce will follow to
Portland in a short time. He
says that ulthough ha of course
likes Portland he has lived too
lomr in Grunt county to have any
other place get his undivided
ti Ul... Ita eftl
1 bbl. best straight grade flour on the market - $5.85
1 bbl. best fancy Patent flour on the market- - 6.95
1 case best standard solid pack, sugar corn - 2.10
1 case best standard tomatoes on the market - 2.65
1 case Pearl oil - ... . 8.20
1 keg good pickles - - 1.80
50 pounds fine dairy salt - - .85
10 pounds Fountain dried peaches 1.00
10 Silver Leaf lard - . 1.50
Potatoes 11-2 cts pound. Good onions 2 cts. pound
Winter apples 75 cts. box Squash 1 J -4 cts. pound
We have a dandy good coffee for 23c, pound
We also have a fine peaberry coffee for 26c. pound
These prices are the best In the Interior. Get other prices and com
pare them. We Invite you to see the quality of our goods and the
price and you will be a continual customer.
Phone, write and come and see us
John Day, Oregon
Wat laaaae. . 1. al.
" - P at -eat attest tc BlUCH Of
Seasonable Goods
and are ready to supply your wants
Dress Goods. Wash Goods
Laces. Ribbons. Hosiery.
Gloves. Embroideries, etc
The Burns Department Stort
Bail Couth Medicine for CatlMre.
"Three years ago when I was
livisa in l'ittsburu- one of mv
children had a hard cold and cou
Rhed dreadfully. Upon the ad
vice of a drutfKest I purcnassd a
bottle of Chumterlaln's Cough
Remedy and it benefited him at
PBCt, find it the best cough
madlolna fur children because it
in pleasunt to take. They do not
ofajsol takiiiR it," writes Mrs.
Ufayette Tuck, Homer City. Pa,
Thin remedy contains no opium
or other narcotic, and may be
tfiven to u child as confidently as
, to un adult. Sold by all dealers.
For Sale Ranch about 800
acres, lift ween 500 and 600 acres
irrigated. Al range, an ideal
,Btock ranch. Call on L. If
I Hrown.
I'Hirai.siATa.l. ai,,,. rroa, tt
Huttta. oreguB, O, i .fl.BBi j
al"tliJll:.f"'."',"' "U"'' "'"' A.Me tt Wee I
...2.. WlllXilell. ' a'.", ' -tJV I
fTSTfJueetaf-llel.,. 1.,,,, 1o , .. , .una ft
aittlkaul t a --"
Ea I.aalrr. RMVr Hill
-j. " '' vSaa, MU IH
It ,1.
".Waal ,,. ,iBeeta
reiiT.i ai u ..7. ' "arou tf.l ,ui..l. r M Illltou.aUol Hu.b.u.u Urtt
Wa. Katai Ktaa.
Burnt. Oir..u, t,
ol a!i2.,.it!n,b 'v,u ,h' Tit
lia5Sl!Srl.,,r M -W. It" !.'., IB
iiWTur5K. ". - Ke ax a. tttliaaaa.
aV.i..'i "" u""e ul luteal
SU. l"'A,". ' a"""'. I" aatabliali
re.-T--.- e uetttiiHru. i.,.m,.
v Kaaalvar. at hn..,. ..J
ul luteutleaa
and saasilZ - . .M,wt ,,IH. '"'f"' n"t5C
sJre;"' ""' u8W
uiTI,,?,..,'ltat aa wllueattt
woes.aad Qua L. t.aauh. eii,.i
I. i-.t.iif. aajei
4 u tte-hSSS.
a, at II HI nUIHB 1'ieaw
Wa. F.l.t lirtltW.
Say there's iroinir tobei
sood pictures at Tonawm tuJ