1 mt imzi CITY OF BURNS COUNTY OF HARNEY Tl The Biggtut City In The Biggest The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon, Best In The We.t County In The State Of Oregon I! ic VOL. XXVIII BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 21, 1914 NO. 2 r fieMiX LEBRATE CLOSE OF A SUCCESSFUL SEASON fon & Western Colonization Com pany Agents Gather for Big Hunt. Railroad Representative Secure a Flattering Report and Valuable Data Covering The Harney Valley sident Davidson of the The railroad people have secur- n & Western Colonization ed some important data of the arrived at the colony house result of the season just past and narriman, last evenuiK with the representatives who were company of people, some here to investigate have gone out am land buyers, others more favorably impressed than ts of the company. This i ever before. The data secured ral meeting of the agents of also includes added acreage for company is for the purpose the coming season and shows in mparing notes and getting a concise manner the amount of nderstanding of future work land under cultivation. This is is will likely close the active sure to brin particular attention g of this season. of the railroad people and may limes-Herald is informed! result in an extra etlort to get President Davidson intends! the line completed at an early g his guests a royal good date. shooting at the lake as an With the election out of the iation of the successful way and goners! business condi- of the season just closing, tions improving it is possible the has had some good rustlers funds may he secured right in e job and a vast amount of this country to complete the rail- has been disposed of during road into this promising territory past few months. Just what It surely is an attractive situa program will be for the com- tion and would appeal to capital year is not known, but we This biyr country is capable of tand that J. L. D. Morri- furnishing a vast amount of ton- general sales agent of the nage when once developed and pany will make his head- no one knows better than the rs at Ontario instead of railroad people themselves that d as in the past and that it will not develop until transpor- colony house near Harriman tation is furnished the products. be occupied all the time. L'rtpoiiilrm y Due to Indigeation. It is not at all surprising that persons who have indigestion be come discouraged and despon t It ii t . Here are a few words of hope and cheer for them by Mrs. Blanch"' Bowers, Indiana, Pa. "For .veais my digestion was so poor that I could only eat the lightest food I tried every thing that. I heard of to get relief, but not until about a year ago when I saw Chamberlain's Tablets advertised and got a bottle of them, did I find the right treat ment. I soon began to improve, and since taking a few bottles of ihem my digestion is fine." For sale by all dealers. LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES faile the immediate prospects railroad building are not as ired as would be appreciated. account of the European war Brtering with money matters a considerable extent, it is inly evident that as soon as iessary finances are available road will be extended to the Uey. The greatest expanse i already been incurred in corn- to Riverside and since this 111 not bring any tonnage to of it is necessary that the be brought in. It is quite kely the line will be in Harney ley by next year, thus giving asportation and affording a rket for the products of a puntry that can keep two such lilroads busy the entire year ind. This is the objective Dint and nothing but lack of nances will keep the line from aching here next season. (from Our Portland Oorrtipondent) The opening of the Tumalo ir rigation project, the first in the United States to be financed by a state, has been officially an nounced. Seventeen thousand five hundred acres are thrown open to entry under the terms of the Carey Act at $40 an acre. The terms are one-tenth cash, the balance in ten years D tailed information may be had by ad dressing the project engineer, 0. Laurgaard, at laidlaw, Oregon. Every boy and girl in Oregon will have a chance next year to take part in a hog raising contest to be backed by the Portland Union Stock Yards, the State Bankers' Association and other organizations interested in the agriculture development of the Northwest. It is planned to per mit the young people to borrow money on the security of their parents or school principal which will enable them to buy their hogs for cash at current market rates, the money to be repaid when the stock is sold. The boys and girls will be required to keep an accurate record of all their expenditures and to submit a complete report of their opera tions at the and of the year. RAILROAD MAN TALKS OF HARNEY COUNTY Truest Meaning of Optimism Found in Central Oregon, Declares Traveling Freight Agent of O-W. R. & N. in Speaking of Bank Deposits in Burns Good Word for New Packing Plant Forest Supervisor Merritt at Bend has just received word of the final decision of the Secretary of Agriculture regarding an area of 28,600 acres in the Dechutes National Forest along the Meto lius River. The secretary has decided that the land is chiefly valuable for timber and is not subject to entry as agriculture land. The yellow pine timber on this acreage is estimated to about 500,000,000 feet. ICighty-nine persons have filed applications for land in this setion and under this decision of the secretary their claims will not be allowed. For Sale 20,000 lbs. galvan ized barb-wire. Will exchange for horses, mules, wagons or farm machinery. P, S. Weitten-hiller. FRIEND OF THE PRODUCER Burns Meat Market and Packing Plant BACON, HAMS and LARD Fresh Meats, Poultry Home Products for Home Consumers SPCIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO SHEEP MEN AND BIG ORDERS A met ting of stock holders in the Co-operative Creameay was held at Junction City recently and attended by 450 ranchers. The secretary's report showed that during the two years the plant had been operated 233,033 pounds of butter have been made, valued at $07,033, and the sales of by-products has brought the gross receipts up to $68,231. The average price of butter for the two years has been 33$ cents per pound, the lowest price hav ing been 26 cents and the high est 40 cents. Ed Springer Has Foot Cut off Under a Train For Good Cigars go to The Rexall Drug Store We have the following brands: Gato, Optimo, La Gamita, Triumph, Chancellor, American, El-Sidelo, Don Antenio, Muriel, and also a full line of popular 5 cent Cigars. We can also supply your wants In PIPES, CIGARETTES, CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO REED BROS. Props. The Burns Hospital MRS. ETTA CUMMINS, Prop. Best Surgical Room and Equipment In the State Outside of Portland. Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms Graduated Nurse in Charge While attempting to board freight train 558 of the O.-W. R. & N. at 1:30 this aft moon as it was pulling out of Pendleton, a man giving the name of Eddie Springer slipped and fell beneath the wheels, the train amputating the left foot just above the ankle. He was placed upon a stretcher and upon the instructions of County Judge Maloney, taken to the hospital where he is receiving treatment. No one on the train witnessed the accident and the only known eye witness is a little girl living alongside of the track. The ac cident occurred about a block east of Thompson street. The injured man showed evidence of having been drinking and had a bottle in his pocket at the time. He stated that his father lives in Narrows, Harney county, and said that he arrived in Pendleton this morning form Pasco. His appearance would indicate that he does not belong to the professional hobo class but is a laboring man "up against it." The above clipped from the Pendleton East Oregon is all the information at hand respecting an accident that befell Ed. Springer last Saturday. Alva Springer, his father, left here Sunday morning for Pendleton but The Times-Herald has no in formation later as to the condi tion of the young man. Remarkable Cur of Croup. "Last winter when my little boy had croup I got him a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 1 honestly believe it saved his life," writes Mrs. J. H. Cook, Indiana, Pa. "It cut the phlegm and relieved his coughing spells. I am most grateful for what this remedy has done for him. " For 'If one wants to know the truest meaning of prosperity and optimism, let him visit central Oregon," was the declaration to day of H. C. Oliver, traveling freight agent of the O.-W. R. & N. company, who has just re turned from u trip through the Harney valley and the homestead country around Burns and Bend, says the Journal. Mr. Oliver said the best indica tion of prosperity he can think of is that the two banks at Burns, First National and Harney Coun ty National, though capitalized at only $25,000 and $26,000. have combined deposits and surplus exceeding $1,000,000. This dOM not take into account the sums withdrawn during the last few weeks tor improvement of ranch es, the building of substantial homes and outbuildings and the importation of fresh blood for livestock. "The new packing house, open ed just a few weeks ago at Burns with a capacity of 50 hogs per day, is busy all the time, with more than 1000 hogs in reserve," continued Mr. Oliver. "The town is being rebuilt after the tire of last siimmcr, native stone being used from the nearby hills. In the Catlow valley, K0 miles south of Burns, more than 100 settlers are now located, and in all the fertile strips through that section newcomers are arriving weekly. Wheat is bringing $1.75 per bushel at the mill, and though the crop was light, the farmers are well satisfied. The supply is not enough, though, and Hour is now being shipped. "Hay is plentiful and the feed ing of cattle promises to be a big industry this winter. 'This region is the biggest un developed country I ever saw. and is bound to come into its own before many more years. The annual fall importation of supplies is now going on, auto trucks bringing in the goods from Bend on the north and Riyerton, present terminus of the Vale extension, on the east." Homer MeKee's Prayer. Teach me that sixty minutes makes one hour, sixteen ounces one pound, and one hundred cents one dollar. Help me to live so I can lie down at night with a clear con science, without a gun under my pillow, and unhauntcd by the faces of those to whom I have brought pain. Grant, I beseech Thee, that I may earn my meal ticket on the square, and in doing thereof that I may not stick the gaff where it does not belong. Deafen me to the jingle of tainted money and the rustle of unholy skirts. Blind me to the faults of the other fellow, but reveal to me mine own. (iuide me so that each night when I look across the dinner table at my wife, who has been a blessing to me, I will have noth ing to conceal. Woolgrowers Want All Meat Inspected The 61st annual convention of I the National Woolgrowers' Asso ciation held at Salt Lake closed Saturday after the election of officers and the adoption of reso i lutions which ask congress to make an appropriation for classi 1 cation of all unoccupied portions of the public domain as to their i adaptability for grazing and agri cultural purposes and that pend ing such classification no changes be made in the present land laws. Other resolutions adopted peti tion the government to require the same antemortem and post mortem inspection of imported meats as of domestic meats and the marking of imported meats where offered for sale; to appro priate $300,000 for the extermi nation of predatory Wild animals; to place a reasonable duty on im. ported wool, and to enact a pure fabric law. The association also requests the department of agri culture to establish standards for American wool. F. R. Gooding, of Idaho, ex-president of the association, addressing the con vention today, urged greater at tention to the grading and hand ling of wool and expressed the belief that under present practice the commission men had obtained too great a proportion of the pro fits of the business. The convention authorizes its officers to arrange for an official national auction of rams under the direction of the association, the place of holding the auction to be fixed by the officers. Here tofore growers have had to visit FULLEST UTIUZATION RAINFALL NECESSARY Dry Farming Dependent Upon Use of Precipitation According to Investi gations Conducted by Prof. Scudder Agronomist O. A. C. Good Cul tural Methods Use Half Rainfall Maximum production in the loose through the wet season so Oregon dry farming areas is de- that it holds the snow and ab pendent primarily upon the full-' sorbs the rainfall for later use. est possible utilizations of preci- The fall plowed fields should not pitation according to in vestiga- be harrowed in the fall but left tions conducted by H. D. Scudder ' rough and uneven, agronomist of the Oregon Station. I If time cannot be taken for fall Tillage operations were developed ' plowing the land should be disk in these investigations whereby harrowed after harvest. With fully one-half of the total annual the ordinary disk harrow double precipitation was conserved for disking should always be done crop use. This is a much larger j by lapping half the first round, use of the available moisture never by diskine crosswise. than is now generally obtained. the average farm probably utiliz ing for crop production not more than one-fourth of the total precipitation. Where spring plowing must be done as is true in much of the dry farming land of Eastern Oregon, it should be done as early as possible to save the moisture. Among the cultural practices The spridg plowing should be which conserve moisture to the I followed immndinfolv W hmw. . -- ..., j extent indicated are deep plow ing, fall plowing and fall disking, ing. Rapid evaporation starts in April so that when a deep fur- spring plowing, harrowing, and I rowed slice of moist soil is expos suosurtace packing. Methods of ' ed to the sun and wind the loss Keen me vfinnir eiinuirh tit Inlllll with my children and to lose my- Pfivate s68 at varioU8 P0'08 '" self in their play. And when comes the smell of flowers, and the tread of soft steps, and the hearse's wheels in the gravel out in front of my place, make the ceremony short and the epitaph simple: "Here Lies a Man." Finley Reinstated as State Game Warden W. L. Finley and R. E. Clanton have been reinstated to their re spective positions of state game warden and master fish warden, positions which they lost when the fish and game commission was reorganized last February. Their reinstatement was order ed yesterday at a special meeting of the fish and game commission, here. The meeting was attended by B. E. Duncan, C. F. Stone, M. J. Kinney and George H. Kel ly. In the absence of Floyd Bilyeu, the regular chairman of the commission, Mr. Duncan pre sided. As a result of the commission's action, C. H. Evans of Lostine, who was appointed to Kinley's position at the time of reorgani zation, was forced out of the po sition and Theodore Opsund, Clan ton's successor, resigned to make room for the man he sup erseded in February. Mr. Opsund, however, has been retained as Mr. Clanton's assis tant. Under the commission's ruling, the re-elected officials re sume their positions immediately. It is understood that the board did not act as a unit in reinstat ing the officials. Mr. Finley is now in the east, but is expected to return within a couple of days. Since reorgan ization he has been the head of the educational and biological de partment of the warden's office, and Mr. Clan ton has been in charge of the fish hatcheries of the state. Portland Journal. Big picture program at Tona- I i not. j ones oegins as Register Vale Land Office Thoa. Jones, of this city, has just received his commission as register of the United States Land office at Vale, the commis sion bearing the signature of President Woodrow Wilson. Mr. Jones has in his possession another similar commission, bear ing the signature of Grover Cleve land, he having appointed Mr. Jones register of the Land Office at Burns, and it is doubtful if any other man in the state or for that matter throughout the country anywhere, can produce a similar record. Having served Uncle Sam for four years in the capacity of reg ister of the U. S. Land Office, Mr. Jones enters upon the duties of his office fully equipped with the necessary experience and knowledge, and the work of the office goes on smoothly and with out a hitch. Vale Enterprise. Why the Youth's Companion Should b. in Evary Family "If 1 could take only onejpaper" said the late Mr. Justice Brewer of the Surpreme Court, "it would bo The Youth's Companion- a little of everything in a nutshell, and unbaised." The Companion is a family paper in the com pletest sense, It provides read ing that, without failing to in terest the young, still interests the mature. It unites young and old through their common enjoy ment of delightful fiction, agree able miscellany, and the clear exposition of public questions. So carefully is it edited, bo varied are its contents, that it would easily supply a family with entertaining fiction, up-to-date information and wholesome fun, if no other periodical entered the house. If you are not familiar with The Companion as it is to-day, let us send you sample copies and the forecast for 1915. Every new subscriber who sends $2.00 for the fifty-two weekly issues of 1015 will re ceive free all the issues of the paper for the remaining weeks of 1914; also The Companion! Home Calnedar for 1915. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkley Street, Boston, Mass New subscriptions received at this office. the country to supply their needs. Market Report Receipts for last week at the Portland Union Stock Yards have been cattle, 1100; calves, 17; hogs, 6920; sheep, 2292. Receipts of cattle continue light, barely enough coming for ward to make a showing. Some good steers were sold first of the week at 7.25. During the week from 7.00 to 7. 15 was the general price for tops. Market is steady to strong "for all classes. Hogs again made a much bet ter showing the market opening at 7.15 and closing at 7.20 for tops. Monday's run of 4000 did not cause a flutter in the market, all going at steady to strong prices. Good average receipts and quality all week. Sheep receipts continue light and demand excellent Top lambs sold at 6.35, all other lines strong to higher. For killing sheep trade has been good, feeders in good demand. Great Opportunities For Oregon Horsemen "Pure-bred horse breeders of Oregon are to have their chance, ' ' says Carl N. Kenney, horse spec ialist at the Agricultural College. "The effect of the European war upon the importation of horses is bound to increase the demand for home produced material. This demand will give the Oregon breeders a chance to demonstrate to stallion owners that the home bred animal is just as good breed ing stuff as that from foreign countries. "The outlook for pure-bred horses has never been brighter than it has at the present time. But with the great opening for pure-bred horses in this state the pure-bred breeders should use discrimination in selecting their stallions, casterating as colts those that lack any of the essen tial qualities. It is more than likely that with increased de mand there will be a tendency to sell anything that is pure-bred, but this should be discouraged. "Everything that can be done to encourage the breeding of pure-breds to take the place of the grade and the mongrel is be ing done by the Agricultural College. It is the belief of the Animal Husbandry people that nothing can be done to improve Oregon horses more quickly and surely than to use sound, pure bred horses for breeding. There is no reason why Oregon bleed ers should not furnish this material." sowing must also conform to the special requirements of each case, broadcasting being considered as entirely out of place on the dry farm where the practice has largely been discarded. Press drilling is employed where soil is loose and somewhat drv and where shallow seeding must be done. Rolling is occasionally practiced on the dry farm, to break an extra heavy crust form ed on winter wheat, or to form an over-loose soil in which the wheat is sowed. Deep plowing is the first essen tial in moisture conservation. By this practice much of the rainfall that is ordinarily lost through surface runoff or evaporation is stored in the deeper soil for crop use during the succeeding season "A furrow less than nine or ten inches deep cannot be considered deep plowing. " Spring plowing may be somewhat shallower and a slight variation in depth each year is practiced to prevent for mation of plow soles. Fall plowing is the second step. This leaves the land rough and of moisture is very rapid, unless stopped by a mulch created with a harrow. Catholic Church. 1. On Sundays and Holy days of obligation Holy Mass with sermon at 10 a. m. 2. On week days Holy Mass at 6:30 a m. All other services, besides those mentioned above will be announced in church. All invited and welcome to the divine services. Sick-calls promptly answered at anytime. Religious informa tion and instructions willingly imparted at the Franciscan Residence. Important. Bear in mind that Chamberlains Tablets not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. For sale by all dealers. City eggs. Restaurant pays cash for Breakfast 5:30 to 9 Dinner 11:30 to 2 City Restaurant W. R. McCuistion, Prop. BURNS, OREGON Supper 5 to 8 Short orders at all hour The Burns Flour Milling Co. Manufacturers of home products " HIGH GRADE FLOUR "CREMO" THE FAMOUS BREAKFAST FOOD The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds You Patronize Home when you deal here Dry cleaning and pressing at THE WELCOME PHARMACY la The Place to Trade -WHY- First: Promptness, accuracy and fairdealing. Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Druga,! Chemi cals and Druggist Sundries. Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be just as represented or your money refunded. If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be come one and be convinced. at. C. Welcome, Jr. rns Steam laundry. 4tt