She mmtMtfdk r CITY OF BURNS COUNTY OF HARNEY EY State I The Biggest City In The Biggest The Biggest County In The County In The State Of Oregon I Of Oregon, Best In The West BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 14, 1914 VOL. XXVIU NO. 1 i -. SEASON'S RESULTS AT fnfavorable Weather Conditions Make Average Yield Very Low. Frost Caught Much Grain in Boot and Poor Showing in Threshing Result. Dates of Seeding Cause of Damage BY L. R. BREITHAI'PT. Nov. 6, 1914 All winter grains came up ana maae excellent tends in the fall of 1913. The unusually mild winter following, 'resulted in full stands of all. the winter grain, even barley; and emmer, in the spring of 1914. An unusual amount of moisture ihad been taken up by the soil ! during the winter because of the soil having been little frozen. All conditions seemed to give early promise of good yields from . rthe winter cereals. However, the extremely early spring caused early heading of these grains which, as all experienced grow f era of winter wheat on the valley ! floors of this county know, in creases the risk of loss by the frosting of heads both in and 'out of the boot in the month of June. Upon the occasion of the severe freezing weather on the 4th and 6th of June, very considerable damage was done to all the win i ter grains and particularly to the ! winter barleys which were more advanced than the wheats and 1 the emmer. The damage clone at this time was increased ubouf two weeks later by another, tho .lighter frost Altogether, there was a loss from this source vary ing from 35 to 80 percent among the varieties of winter wheat and upward of 90 per cent of the barleys and emmer. This, of course, since the damage done varied with the location of the Dlots. makes it difficult to com- pute comparative yields and real- ly makes the results much less accurate than had the year been normal. The followingesults are given and should be taken for what they are worth, bearing in mind the conditions under which they were obtained. Yields are given in the order of the highest com puted yields. By computed yields, is meant a comparative yield of all the varieties grown, as obtained by use of "check FRIEND OF THE PRODUCER Burns Meat Market and Packing Plant BACON, HAMS and LARD Fresh Meats, Poultry Home Products for Home Consumers SPCIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO SHEEP MEN AND BIG ORDERS For Good Cigars go to The Rexall Drug Store We have the following brands: Gato, Optimo, La Gamita, Triumph, Chancellor, American, El- SI del o, Don Antenlo, Muriel, and also a full line of popular ft cent Cigars. We can also supply your wants In PIPES, CIGARETTES, CHEWING AND SMOKING TORACCO REED RROS. Props. & The Burns MRS. ETTA CUMMINS, Prop. Best Surgical Room and Equipment In the State Outside of Portland. Nice Room, Good Care and Com fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms Graduated Nurse in Charge EXPERIMENT FARM plots" for determining the varia tion from the average in soil etc under which each variety grew. Yields given in bushels per acre. Variety Winter Wheat Weisenberg (ihirka Turkey, 1558 Actual Oompu'd Yield Yield 16.00 13 94 16.66 13.83 19.33 13.47 12.00 13.30 17.00 12.34 9.33 ia08 13.66 10.81 12.33 10.61 14.00 10.60 14.66 10.32 15.33 10.27 10.00 9.69 9.051 9.03 5.66 4.38 4.66 4.27 live plots. ! Karkov Turkey, 2223 Crimean : IVstcrboden Beloglina I Turkey. 2998 Alberta Red Turkey, local Deahl'i Med. Turkey, local Koffoid Prohibition Average of Winter Barky Utah Winter 4.20 Utah Winter .83 Tennessee Winter .83 Sown March 16. Winter Emmer Black Winter 2.66 Black Winter 2.75 5.34 1.29 1.29 4.13 3.67 "Sown March 16. Experiments were made with the harrowing of winter wheat in the spring which resulted in a gain of about .75 bushel per acre for the harrowed land. This is small, yet, considering that the frost hit these plots very hard, it is a gain of about 35 per cent in yield which, if it applied to a real yield would mean considera ble. Experiments were made with winter wheat IOWD early in the spring, these resulted in an ave raga yield of two bushels per acre less than the same varieties gave when planted in the fall. These tests were also made on several demonstration tracts and, with the exception of the test at Harriman, all showed in favor of the fall seeding. However, the test at Harriman showed very much in favor of the spring seed ing. The Harriman test was the earliest seeded of all and it may Hospital yet be possible that spring seed ing of winter wheat will be. found practicable "for seasdhs that per mit seeding by the first of March. Late spring'seeding of 'any winter groin is sure to fail. LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (I'rom Our Portland Corrciponcknt) One of the industries of Ore gon which has an opportunity to make a special growth at this time, owing to war conditions in Europe, is the flax industry. Dr. B. A. Pierce, chairman of the Oreiron flax committee, has re cently written to the promotion department of the Portland Com mercial Club inviting its partici pation in this movement He calls attention to the fact that the known flax producing area of the world is comparatively small; that under present conditions it is unlikely that any considerable amount of flax will be raised in Belgium, Ireland of Russia and that it will devolve upon the United States to furnish the greater part of the fiber needed within the next few years. It is well known that the Willamette Valley and other parts of Oregon can produce flax fiber equal to the very best European product and he believes that this is Ore gon's opportunity to attract the attention of the world by her flax production. In the vicinity of Salem it has been demonstrat ed that one acre of flax will pro duce from 500 to 600 pounds of clean fiber which at present prices should make this crop as profitable as anything the far mers can raise. Within the last few days steps have been taken to build an elec tric line between Astoria and Seaside. It is believed that the necessary right of way can be secured practically without cost and that work on the line will be commenced within a short time. The First National Bank of Canby opened for doors for the first time last week. The bank is financed by officers of the Canby State Bank and other re sidents of Clackamas County. Eugene is going to build a new Armory and bonds for that pur pose to the amount of $25,000, running ten years, were sold last week at par with accrued inter est. J. B. Eulon, a cattle buyer from Texas has been visiting var ious portions of the Willamette Valley recently buying cattle for shipment to Texas. Shipments of butter to Chicago and cattle to Texas would indicate that Ore gon's position as a dairy country is becoming well established. The milk condensery at New burg has resumed operations after having been temporarily closed on account of fire. It is taking all the milk from about 1000 cows, sending its wagons into the country for a distance of ten miles. It disburses an aver age of $6000 per month to the farmers and dairymen. Catholic Church. 1. On Sundays and Holy days of obligation Holy Mass with sermon at 10 a. m. 2. On week days Holy Mass at 0:30 a. m. All other services, besides those mentioned above will be announced in church. All invited and welcome to the divine services. Sick-calls promptly answered at anytime. Religious informa tion and instructions willingly imparted at the Franciscan Residence. D.tpunilency Duo to Indigestion. It is not at all surprising that persons who have indigestion be come discouraged and despon dent. Here are a few words of hope and cheer for them by Mrs. Blanche Bowers, Indiana, Pa. "For years my digestion was so poor that I could only eat the lightest foods. I tried every thing that I heard of to get relief, but not until about a year ago when I saw Chamberlain's Tablets advertised and got a bottle of them, did I find the right treat ment. I soon began to improve, and since taking a few bottles of them my digestion is fine. " For sale by all dealers. COMPLETE RETURNS OF NOV. 3 ELECTION Official Count Made Last Monday Did Not Affect General Results Unless Possibly Death Penalty, Which is Very Close in Carries Harney County Clerk Hughet, assisted by Justices Patterson and Hoffe- ditz officially canvassed the elec tion returns last Monday and the total vote on the several candi dates and measures follew: REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. Geo. L. Cleaver, prohi 430 Sam Evans, dem 557 N. J. Sinnott 940 U. S. Senator - R. A. Booth, rep ;:ro 815 939 132 40 Geo. E. Chamberlain, dem. William Hanley, prog B. F. Ramp, soc H. S. Stine, prohi 9TATE Governor F. M. Gill, prog Will E. Purdy, non-par C. J. Smith, dem W. J. Smith, soc W. S. U'Ren. ind . 53 20 ill 7 . 211 55 no James Withycombe, rep For State Treasurer Thos. B. Kay, rep-prop B. Lee Paget, dem-prohi .1124 (555 220 B. J. Sloop, soc Justice of the Supreme Court -Henry J. Bean, ren-prog . 808 Henry L. Benson, rep-prog 864 C. J. Bright, prohi 301 T. H. Crawford, dem 681 Wm. Galloway, dem 010 Lawrence T. Ilarris,rep-prog 682 Addison G. Hotchkiss, soc 216 Thomas A. McBride, rep-prog 738 Chas. H. Otten, soc 194 Wm. M. Ramsey, dem-prohi 392 David Robinson, soc . . . 201 W. T. Slater, dem Attorney General--George M. Brown, rep . J. E. Hosmer, soc . John A. Jeffrey, dem Wm. P. Lord, prog Supt. of Public Instruction A. H. Burton, prog-prohi J. A. Churchill, rep-dem Flora I. Foreman, soc . State Engineer John H. Lewis, rep-dem 478 964 , m 725 . 112 . 310 1324 279 1522 Commissioner ef Labor Statistics and Inspectoi of Factories and Workshops - 0. P. Hoff, rep-dem 1387 Stanfield MacDonuld, prog . 194 August Nikula, soc ,. 261 Commissioner of the Railroad Commission of Oregon -Frank J. Miller, rep-dem-prog 1545 1. O. Peurala, soc 279 DISTRICT Surcrentendcnt of Water Divi- sion Number Two Geo. T. Cochrane, rep-dem-prog 1502 Representative, Twenty-seventh Representative District- Frank Davey, rep W. F. I Ionian, dem J. Edwin Johnson, soc 1180 009 287 COUNTY County Judge W. S. Haley, soc 257 John R. Jenkins, dem ... 865 H. C. Levens, rep m County Commissioner C. T. Cary, dem 642 C. D. Howard, soc 266 W. H. Robins, rep . . 1197 County Sheriff Chas. Backus, soc 156 W. A. Goodman, rep ... 1878 A. K. Richardson, dem . 734 County Clerk E. L. Beede, soc 188 J. O. Cawlfleld, dem 653 R. T. Hughet, rep 1346 Couuty Treasurer Frances Clark, dem 884 R. A. Miller, rep 1056 W. H. Reichert, soc 191 County Surveyor Chas. E. Beery, dem 731 Van B. Embree, soc 232 Frank P. Gowan, rep .... 1 109 County CflMNU G, W. Clevenger, rep-dem 1524 Dr. T. L. Harrison, soc 454 State. Withycome County by 13 Extending State Credit -yes, 560; no. 735. Modifying Taxation Rule Yes, 610; no, 661. Further Modifying Rule yes, 441 ; no, 752. j Southern Oregon Normal yes, 448; no. 934. i City Consolidation yes, 637; no, I 587. , Weston Normal School -yes, 510; no. 872. ! Raising Ray Legislature yes, 459 no, 872. Universal Eight Hour Law -yes, 466; no, 1158. Woman Eight Hour Law yea 1030; no, 671. Non-Partisan Judiciary- yes.473; no. 759. $1500 Tax Exemption-yea, 618 no. 852. Waterfront Amendment- y es, 542; no, 607. Municipal Wharves- yes, 330; no, 881. Prohibition yes, 1111; no, 693. Abolishing Death Penalty yes, 797; no 734. Graduate Tax yes, 550; no, 696. Consolidating Corporations and Insurance Departments -yes, 477; no 667. Dentistry Bill yes, 665; no, 723. County Officers Terms yes, 601; no. 824. Tax Code Commission-yes, 319; no. 848. Abolishing Desert Land Board - yes, 282; no, 984. Proportional Representation yea 886; no, 817. Abolishing State Senate-yes, 516; no, 739. Department Industrial and Public works yes, 499; no, 723. Primary Delegate Bill yes, 250; no, 923. Equal Assessment yes, 470; no, 749. Rabbit Bounty yes, 1156; 793. Davis County for, 403; against, 1114. In Support of Disc Plow. BY U R. BREITHAUPT Kindly do not remember this discussion as an attack upon the time honored moldboard plow for, in its proper sphere, there is no better plow than a properly con structed moldboard. However, out of its sphere, it is to blame for much woe to man and beast and in support of the implement that is cupable of alleviating most of this woe, I wish to write. The disc plow somes in lor more than its proper share of ridicule for the reason that its proper use is not understood by enough farmers. And too many farmers do not use it properly after they have become convinced that there is a place for it. When it conies to plowing land that is interspersed with sticky "slick spots" or is naturally so sticky that a moldboard plow will not scour, it is sad to see men und horses working so hard to only "root" the ground up in about the same fashion that was accomplished in primitive times with a crooked stick and a yoke of oxen. A disc plow will plow such land without trouble, And, when it cornea to plowing dry ground of any kind it is sad to see this shallow "rooting" being done with the moldboard plow, when the disc plow would do a good deep job of real plowing, with about the same energy expended. Of course, the disc plow is harder to adjust than the mold board, but it can be adjusted and made to plow under these adverse conditions. Rather than expect to use leas horse power than ia used whan plowing shallowly with a moldboard, more horses, ing, should be put on and wing done. And the should be left on as much a part moldboard is type; they do tlie turning. Most of the plowing in Harney Valley hould, of necessity, be done in the fall when the ground is dry. There is too little time in the spring to do much plowing before seeding time and it is mighty poor practice to plow in the spring where the land is to be seeded the same season, any way. If the plowing is left un til spring on this type of land. either the plowing is not done at all and the crop stubbled in in order to get it seeded in time, or the plowing is done at the time that seeding should be going on thus working a double hardship on the crop in that it is seeded on fresh plowing and seeded too late. And it is nearly as advisable - ra ther indispensable that land that is to be fallowed the follow ing summer be fall plowed be cause it will usually be postponed until after seeding in the spring and late spring plowing is decid edly poorer on the average than either fall or early spring plow ing, under dry farming condi tions. The disc plow will plow the dryest ground and do a good job of it when used intelligently. The Horse Market U Becoming Quite Active Farm Jeurnal: We have so many inquiries for the rule used in estimating approximately the weight of cattle, that we print the follewing: If an animal girths five feet it will weigh somewhere from 700 to 750 pounds. Every added inch in girth adds twenty five pounds until you get up to six feet, then add fifty pounds ftr inch. An increased activity in the horse market on the Pacific coat is indicated by the purchase of Klamath county horses by Paul Brunze), a buyer of Oakland, who spends several months each year in that section, says the North west. Thursday Mr. Brunzej will ship two cars of horses and contemplates more shipments later. The horse market is getting better every day and I anticipate ready sales for some time yet," said Mr. Brunzel. "I have a bisr barn in Oakland and another in San Francisco and lately I have made several sales to big depart ment Stores. This intiw pnndi- of the other no4tion is true in Portland, where Meier & Frank, one of the largest stores, is buying horses for deliv ery purposes as fast as their auto trucks wear out. Piggish Pigs Profitable. Greediness is a distinct asset in pigs, and the heavy eaters are more profitable than the light eaters. "It is a pig's chief busi ness to make a hog of himself, " says the swine specialist at the Oregon Agricultural College. "If he eats only enough to live, he makes no profit for the owner. Only on what he eats above his needs as a living animal is fat put on his body and money put into his owner's pocket. The ex tent to which the' pig will eat and make good use of his feed is indicated by constitution. A short snout indicates a good ap petite, and mild eyes show the good natured inactivity that be speaks a good use of the feed. The short broad face that usually goes with a short blocky body is usually associated with easy fat tening qualities. " Possible Changes For The Game Codes When the next legislature meets it will likely bo asked to amend the game code in several particulars. With relation to hunting ducks and geese the code now conflicts with the federal law, the latter providing that the season shall be open from October 1 to January 16, and the state law providing it shall be open from September 15 to Feb ruary 16. Another conflict exists in that the federal law provides that migratory birds shall only be killed between sunrise and sun set, while the state law allows them to be killed an hour before stlnrise and an hour after sunset. Wanted dairyman. Oregon. By Nov. 20, a good Chas. Wilson. Burns, f- a e-t rvinp W 1 I IC LS13COEi BE COMES QUITE SERIOUS State Veterinarian Lytle Prepares State ment of Conditions for Information of Governor West. Quarantine in Oregon is Contemplated. Closing Chicago Yards Blow to Market A late Salem dispatch says: State Veterinarian Lytle called upon vjovemor west to quaran tine Oregon against shipments of cattle from all states infected with the foot and mouth dis ease. Governor West directed Lytle to prepare a statement of the situation as it exists in order that he might act upon it. Vptarinarion T.vflA atl,l flinf 1 A states have so far been infected with the foot and mouth disease, Montana and Iowa being the only ones west of the Mississippi river. Governor West says he will not decide what he will do until after he has read Lytle's statement. "The cattle market is bound to be upset at least temporarily by the closing down of the Chicago stock yards," said Prof, E. L Potter, beef specialist in charge of the O. A. C. Animal Husban dry department 'The effect of turning away $4,000,000 worth of beef cattle during every week that the plants are shut down will be far reaching. Much of the western stuff that has been find ing its way to the Chicago yards will be delivered to other pack ing centers, notably Kansas City and Omaha, where the unusually heavy supply must glut the mar ket The inevitable effect ot a continued quarantine will great ly disturb the normal channels of trade in cattle and meat produc ing a surplus in some quarters and a scarcity in others. "Of course some of the live stock can be held, but much of it will be forced by lack of feed and other causes to find a market somewhere. The extent to which this will force down prices cannot be known, since the Chi cago yards have been in continu ous operation for almost 50 years and we have no closing precedent to base estimates on. Closing for a f ew-days should not be seri ous since about one half of the $4,000,000 receipts are accepted Breakfast 5:30 to 9 City Restaurant W. R. McCuistion, Prop. BURNS, OREGON Supper 5 to 8 The Burns Flour Milling Co. Manufacturers of home products HIGH GRADE FLOUR "CREMO" THE FAMOUS BREAKFAST FOOD The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds You Patronize Home when you deal here -THE- WELCOME PHARMACY la The Place to Trade -WHY- First: Promptness, accuracy and faufdaaling.'' Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Drug; Chemi cals and Druggist Sundries. 1 hirer. We guarantee every represented or your money refunded. If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be come one and be convinced. J. C. Welcome, Jr. pr rr on Mondays. But if the preva lence of the mouth disease forces closing over a period of several weeks the effects must be seri ous. "In case cattle prices drop ma terially there will probably be a cheaper meat supply in the un quarantined production districts, while meat prices will rise in markets normally supplied by the Chicago packers. Thus we are apt to see prices fall for pro ducers and at the same time rise for a large body of consumers. Market Report. Receipts for last week at the Portland Union Stock Yards have been cattle, 550; calves, 11; hogs, 3295; sheep, 4608. Receipts have been so light this week that there has been no test in prices. Most ef the offer ings are best characterized by the term "near beef." while there has not been any quality stuff offered no doubt well fin ished steers would bring 6.75 to 7.00. Hog run has been about 50 per cent less than it should have been. Prices were well main tained during the week, bulk of offering going around 7c. The market is finishing strong at 7.10 to 7.16 for best quality porkers. A light week in the sheep sec tion, all lines maintaining good strong prices. Lambs of good quality are bringing 6.25. Ewes are selling well at 4.50 for tops, wethers remaining at the 5.50 mark. Important. Bear in mind that Chamberlains Tablets not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. For sale by all dealers. City eggs. Restaurant pays cash for Dinner 11:30 to 2 Short orders at all hours article we sell to be just as