$ $ $ You like 'em don't you? When you spend them you like to get the best possible values for your money That's why you want to see the Remarkable Values we now offer befor you buy a NEW SUIT SNAPP NEW LINE . NOW ON DISPLAY Come and see them You'll be mighty, glad you came Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers I. O. O. F. Building - - Barns, Oregon Additional Local. f he ftrafs-Jifrafd JULIAN BYRO SATURDAY. NOVEMBEA 7. 114 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Gitanjali, The Gardener, and Chitra, which was highly appre ciated by every one present Mrs. Harry McHose sang with much expression, Shakespeare's "Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind." Burt Duntcn-was in town this wook. The nights have become quite frosty. W. T. VanderVeer brought over the Pine Creek ballot boxes. Wanted By Nov. 20, a good dairyman. Chas. Wilson, Burns, Oregon. The foot ball boys are going to have a dance at Tonawamn after the pictures tonight Mrs. Kldora Hall left this week for an extended trip to the east She expects to he absent most of the winter. Ray Smith has his big drilling machine at work sinking the city wells on the streets deeper in order to furnish a greater amount of water for Are protection. Miss Gladys Holland arrived here last Saturday evening from her home at Boston and will visit her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Holland, for an indefinite A marriage license was issued on the 4th to Henry Kisbey and Miss Hazel (ul,). The latter is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Culp and Mr. Kisby has been in charge of the big caterpillar at the Howell ranch during the past season. Miss Georgie Ellis Died this Morning. Finest alfalfa, timothy and red top hay baled may be had at the iui nlmiin feed barn is south Burns The many friends of the family were grieved to learn that Miss Georgie Ellis had passed away this forenoon at the family home in this city. The young lady wan not strong and was in a hi NoTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'NITRDHTATBNI.ANIinri'K R, f Burn, magna, Ortabar 27, 114.1 la hereby given thatThiima II.NUori, ill hi, in. iiregon, whii, on July , lu, mad e.'iad Klllry. 0 IIHH7K, lor RW, rWrfllon i II, rwiiiiili li X, Run H K., Willamette I M. ,l,lla hk. mail mittes nl iritaiillon In in Waahtnrrlnn uiiwiri l...i' .....ll,...- ihmbii Una flvi. rear nronf. to aatah lah Halm 1 I., it,., la.i.l .l.i.a (ti.ai.rlluarl tiefrira kuelalsr I .. ...- ...... .- ---.,. ...- in ,l 10 .elver, al noma, iiregon, on IB will lav il llansiiiher, 114. iMalinaul iiamas aa wMnaBM vt niiaiu MrHlttni. isaixxi K. rarnee, Albert Oaa Yaw . Si. Moatbs ... TWwMaalk, 2.00 I 00 .TB Election Returns Are . Coming in Slow bill. .(Continued from page 1. ) Dentistry Bill, yes, 517; no, 525. County officers term amend ment, yes, 474; no, 610. A tax code commission yes. 240; no, 629. Abolishing desert land board and reorganizing certain state offices, yes, 248; no, 720. Proportional represe n t a t i o n amendment to Oregon Constitu tion, yes, 264; no, 607. To abolish State Senate, yes, 392; no, 641. To establish an additional ar ticle to the state constitution, yes, 394: no, 528. $300 Exemption amendment, yes, 364; no, 546. Rabbit bounty, yes, 980: no 640. County division, for 485; again 1020. Concert at Tonawama Thursday Night. RICHELIEU. The above is the title to a four reel picture production that is claimed to be one of the finest ever given and it has been select ed by the Library Club as its en tertainment for the library this year. It will be produced at Tonawama on the evening of Nov. 20 together with two other reels of pictures, making one of the most magnificent entertain ments the people of this city have had an opportunity to wit ness here, "Richelieu" is ablaze with artistic illustrations and those who have witnessed the play and read the historical novel are loud in their praises. This deals with the sixteenth century and will be not only interesting and thrilling to thos? who have no other object in witnessing it but will also be a source of edu cation to many, especially the younger people who are assured of being well repaid during the evening. inis production brings to us some of the greatest play people on the stage and the vigorous, intense situations and stirring climaxes bring a treat to play goers. This benefit performance should be greeted by a capacity as it is for a good cause ltd the play is well worth seeing as it may be some time before another such picture may be seen in this city. Music lovers of Burns and vi cinity are going to have another rare treat when the Treble Clef Club presents Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller, one of the popular singers of Portland. The Times Herald has given some excellent press notices of this favorite singer in former issues but has said noth ing of the support she is to have by local musicians. The program will also incude Mrs. James Les ter Gault, our home soprano who has a warm spot in the hearts of our people as a singer; also the Treble Clef Glub will render some numbers that are sure to be much appreciated. Mr. Fellows will preside at the piano giving more pleasure to the evening. The effort of local musicians to bring in talent of a high charac ter and giving home people such excellent entertainment is com mendable and will meet with ap proval by the house being filled to capacity. The seat sale begins this afternoon and the box office will be open again on Wednesday afternoon and on Thursday from 10 a. m. until five in the afternoon. Admission prices have been made within reach of all who enjoy good mus-ic. Ford Tipton was in town this week. While here he gave in the amount of grain he threshed during the season to C. B. Mc Connell who is getting up an elaborate map showing the acre age cropped the past season and also showing the new acreage for next season. Field Sports. John Day vs. Burns This Afternoon. Library Club Meeting. Communicated Last Saturday, The Ladies' Library Club, met at the home of Miss Josephine Locher. Rabindranth Tagore, the Hin doo poet and writer, who has won such sudden fame, was the subject Mrs. J. W. Geary read several interesting chapters, from his book, Sadhana, on the realization of life. Miss Locher read a paper re- The John Day foot ball team arrived last night and everything is in readiness for the game this afternoon between that team and the Harney County High School. The weather is ideal for foot ball and ho doubt there will be a good crowd out. The teams met at John Day recently when Burns was successful but the visiting team has been strengthened since and a close contest is ex pected this afternoon. The visiting team is accompan ied by Prof. E. 8. Stultz of the John Day schools and also Prin cipal W. G. Whitfield of the Canyon City schools, the latter being the coach. Mr. Whitfield was here last May with the Dra matic company and took the leading part in "All of a Sudden Peggy." Miss Telma Guernsey and Miss Mason, accompanied the team over and are guests of Mrs. Curtis Smith and Miss Hazel Cozad. The lineup of the teams this afternoon is: John Day Position Burns Callahan fb "Hagey Belshaw, R. Ih Leonard Byram rh Smyth Pound q Laythe Mallory c Hughet Campbell rg Hayes McCMrr Ig Miller Belshaw, A. rt Bennett. Ripley It Taylor Shough re Irving Foster le Skienes Substitutes for John Day, Knox and Aldrich. Substitutes for Burns, Young and Lucky. Later The score stood 6 to 6 at the end of the game. Poster of John Day, had his ankle hurt, but not bad. There is some talk When you keep a bov interest ed in football, baseball tennis, and the like, you lessen the chan ces that he will get interested in things not so good for him. The Youth's Companion, since its enlargement, gives generous space to this matter of athletic straining, land gets the best coacheH in the country to write for it. How to practice to become first rate pitcher, how to train for a race, how to learn the newest stroke in swimming -these and a hundred other topics of the great est interest to boys -to girls, too, for that matter are touched upon in this important department of The Companion. And this is only a small part of the service which The Com panion renders in any home which it enters. It has points of con tact with a hundred interests. If you do not know The Com p hi ion as it is today, let us send you one or two current issues free that you may thoroughly test the paper's quality. We will send also the Forecast for 1915. Every new subscriber who sends $2.00 for the fifty-two weekly issues of 1915 will re ceive free all the issues of the paper for the remaining weeks of '1914; also The Companion Home Calnedar for 1915. THE YOUTH'8 COMPANION, 144 Berkley Street, Boston, Mass New subscriptions received at this office. died last month. She came to attend the funeral and had been confined to her bod over lines. For a time it was thought she was improving and would recover but the past few days her condi tion had been serious nnd her physicians held out no hope far her recovery. Miss Ellis was a teacher of ability and taught in the Harney County High School for a time but resigned. Later she was employed in the High School at Bellingham, Washington, but last year did not teach, remain ing at home with her mother and brother, Charles. At the begin ning of the rchool year in Sept ember she again went to Wash ington and took up her duties. The Times-Herald has learned nothing of the arrangement faff the funeral. The sympathy of the community is expressed for the bereaved brother who o N cently lost his mother. Resolutions. mill, an, I iiim I., neardi. alio! Hum, lirsg WM. Kami, Itegleter n NOTIOI KOK I'UHMOATION, riTi tt l.ANiiort'ii , I Hum, iiregon, Or'tobsr , Kill -nn . la brushy (Ivan thai A, Ma W. Whs.l.r, ., I'm hauall, oroaoii, who, nil August H ili, mail lluinealead Entry, No. 04IM, fiir WkNMk. anil I ,NW',,HeillonJ7,TOWOehfr.al.,llaBg t Baal, Willamette Merldlsu, ha Blsrl mill a nf liilrnlli.ii iii niBk Dual these yaar ('roof, to iaiai,l!aii elalut to th land almva .Is itrrlbM, i.elor Hagtiter and Itsoelver, ftt It ii r ii Oregon, on th BOtti day of November I'd, i iHimaiii nameaa witnesses tlim I'. Mrl-ha.il, Harold inhanaen. J. u. lav liir.and M. Illlluli, allot Huehauan. Oration Wm. FaaBB. Ksgltter. Notice of Sal. W SUI. Ubb. At a regular meeting of the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church held Nov. 4, 191 1, the un dersigned committee was ap pointed to draft resolutions of respect and condolence on the death of our beloved sister. Emma Gowan, Whereas, it has pleased our Heavenly Father to take from our midst our friend and sister, it is but just that a fitting recog nition of her many virtues should be shown; therefore be it Resolved. That in the death of our Sister, this Society has lost one of its most faithful members. and the community one of its most worthy and estimable char acters. And that this Society tenders its loving sympathy to the husband of the deceased in their great bereavement, and would say it is not the tears of the afflicted family, only, that fall upon the grave, the very ground which is hallowed by her remains, but the tears and heartfelt sympathy of our Sol i- ety. Sarah Karri: Kmmamnk Bail Phkhk Chary Notice la hereby given that the State I, .in, I Honnl of the Hint of Oregon will receive settled Mil until 10:00 o'clock A. If.) I', iniilier 112, HIM for the following ileaciilart. land, lo-wit: Hi.- W and Lot I, I, 3, , of He.-. 30, T. S3V S. K. SS Ii. -n i, . Hi ami 30. T. 33 S. R. 32V4 R. -.Hun IS ami a, T 33 S. R. 324 Ii. Section 10, V' and Lot I, 3, 3, 4, 8cc. .in, T. 33 S. R. MM R. The Sl,, Ii.', of W', aud Lot. I, it, 3, 4 ..fSrvtlon 10, T. 3;1 S. R. 34 B. I he NVs and N ' . of tt', and I-ota I , .', 3, t of Section 16, and all of faction 3D, T. :i4 H. R. 32 B. S.-clionj 10 and 80, T 34 H. R 83V B. Section! 10 and 3S. T, 84 8. K. 32V Ii All of Section IS. W' and l.oli 1,2.3, 4 of Section 3(1. T. 34 S. K. 33 B. Ml ..I Section 1(1, N',, N', of 8 and l.ota 1, 2, 8, 4 of Section 30, T. 30 t. It. 32V, K. All of Section 10 and 30, T. 8A H. R. N U. All hiil muat b accompanied by a regularly eiecuted application to pur-i-haBe and check or draft for at leat ". nlih of the amount of the bid The right to reject any and all bi.l i reserved. Application and bid abould be ail-.Ii.-m-. to U. (J. Drown, Clerk Slate I iin.l Board, Salon, Oregon, and mark ctl "Application and bid to purcbaae .ml. lamia. ' 0. 0. BROWN, Clerk State Land Board. Dated October 20. 1914. FALL AND WINTER SHOW BROWNS SATISFACTORY SI . We are now showing special lin A . Af" or new. winter uress vooas; up to date, and Quality, as usual, the Best. New waist materials, knit goods and underwear; lacet, Ribbons and Embroideries. FULL LINE OF NEW SWEA Our shoe department is complete full line of shoes for Everybody QUALITY FIRST Ne BROWN & SONS ' To those interested we are pleased to announce that we are restocking in Edison phonograph goods. We have just received a large shipment of Blue Ambers! Records. All wax records re duced in price. Lunaburg, Dal-ton&Co. u.t -!: BBNTOBATIOP TO KNTKY or I.ANIIH IN NATIONAL roBCBT-Notlr I tarirl.y given iIibI lbs la a 4a dsactlbaat Mm, aailirarli, IWJUacre. wIibIb lb Malhvur Mammal r. A Fall Line of ECONOMY JARS sot, OrsouB, will bs sublK-t to a. mm,, n- ami siilrx uBi.-r tb protlaiua of lbs huinrawa.l law of lbs llallsd Ruts an.! lbs art ol Juus la laOA tUai.l tfflai at Ik. M.IimIII.Im I....I oacsai bursa. OrafOn, oo Nofoabor A, lt. , B aoillai who arartallrud lo uood lain. t'lslBilBB Buy 'l aal,l land for asrlcultaral pot Base prior IB Januarr I. Iwl, and ha nut aboadoa4 Bams, ha a Brofarsncs rlabi la maa boatsalBBd ssHrr 'or lbs lauds arluau. .Ht-uulr.1. Kald land wsrs llstsat upon ibr at. l-ilrsiloua si lbs parsons asBilon."! bcluv. wbo bans a prefsrsnrs rl(hi aiil.Jr.t I., lb aetor right ol any aorh arttlsr, provide! ill asillsr or appllrst.t I .jualins.1 to naaba kmaaaiaaA anlrv uri that i.ra.,,.....,, . j rlfallsBFladprliirto NarsBttaarir, 114, oo Bia aals u lauos win as mojsei w ssi 1 1, sod sain br Bar tualtaaal poraoo. 1 1.- . s follews: Tbs IH NT1, and i.ia I and a. asvtiuo to, t. a , awu c . h i .: (IMIr Huraa MB I.I.I Ha. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rSITKUIITATCBI.AKDorriCB, I buini, i '.ason. Ortulr I. Ivll.j . i i.rfsi,. fivsB tbal lb Norlhsrii 1-ariA.- Hallway t'outatBy, wbuat. post ofllrs al.lr.aa le HI r-BUI. IllbUasota. haa Ihla 1'ith lay .,1 1 Kibor I.U dlsd lu Iblaortlrs lla appll. a aslwrt uudsrlbs urovlaiuna.il l bo art "I . .ingress, apprursd Joly I. las 1M Wat. HT,. r.JO B eilrn.le.l br tb Art of I. .ogress p prosad lit 17, IM, I Baal. M. aerial Ma. arrra Am and all perauu rlalialBt adversely lbs lai,,la ilsarrlusd. or dsalrlaa lai oblsel taMiaiua (of lbs Ulasial .'hsrBAlsr .if iba Ian, I. ,,r an, I .iibsr reason, in the dlspoaal to aouii. a... , abould Ills Ib.-lr affidavits of protest' la il.lv befors lbs Mib day olltseetau laBda ars I a-rss. Ilalod ap.ni appll. ailon sf f ! Iirtrl, uroaon, i.lat III CM. BKVCB. AsalMBBtt'oaimlMluner , Diwvaay in I tb Oensral lAtad Obbos. 1st -IMT. Msptembsr II onus, on ur I 'I I Additional Local. We do job printing. Winter applcn $1.SU a Imjx at Huston's. These art- John l.iv apples and may be seen b-fort-purchased. Mrs. Millar has returnt'tl from her trip outside and has new mi display tome unusually fine mil inery at the Schwartz store. The ladies of the vicinity ure in vited to call and seo the latest creations in that line. W IMbbb. rtrtllr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i:bitbo htatba Laud om.r. Ilura. Ursaoa. Navsaibsr 6, lit Notlr Is braby flvsa tbal Mary Lou t'roit..u, ol HanlBiaa. liraaou. who, on April l, Ikuv. Bade H.assted Kalry. No IASW71. lor ',-., and Iau Bud 4. aselioa la TowBshli HaaaB4 Bast, WiiibibsIK- Meridian l,t i. . ,i iioilr ol lawalkra to taake flaal five year , Proof, to sslsbllab rlalai to tbs laud above d, srrllrsd. belore tbe Keilaler sad Hsrrlver. at Haraa. Oragoa. oo the 7th day ol Dsesiabsr, 1U. r'laloiaal iibbisbs wliaimi Haii-r IbruaiBO.ul llaHiarau, utor, riraot TbotBpsoo. WBverty, oroaoB. t'larsure i aryand Usrtba IHnaiau, troth of llarrlatao. i rs tun a Fabbb. Hsgiatr-r 10f MMS Ears of Corn lO'l-url ur the roiidltloii of ttoe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP BURNS, lo lbs 8ii of (irion, at tb clue of l.ual n. aa. Oct llllll, lull. a a.rra. ka MMta4 lila.ounii. nu.taOH Overdraft, a.iired and uuascursd . ,atT II. h iton.'i tusociirs olroulaUoa II H II, ,n, la loa.rure tl. U. LXpoall K..1MMA1; to ast-ur Peatsl aavlaf l.uuiiw (itbsr lunula to auriirs ! u Haposlt I , toee. lire r,MtslHsvlul,nM0O .l Prsmluina on II H. Ilund ... I.I4U00 lion, la. isr-uritlva, old A,sBs0ll llauklim bnuia.turallur and Hilura I.OrVIM oilier Ural Kalalu, uwusd bMH flu from National Bank (not r srre aaunla) U.H4M I'us from approrad Hswrvs Aksau Iui r-nlral rillrall.7WI.47; IB otbsr Kswirv (liiai tu,7l.ll Bo.aUa.fM I'ln-cka ami ollinr r'aab Ham 2.H.IM Kx.-lmiiHS lot . laarlug llouae 1,1741 Note of otber Natlooal bank MftW Kraciluual paper ourreoey, BleksU, and tiaiiii.. m 70 I.awmi. Muniv HBakBV i Babb TlC P'ls ai,44M l.ai 1 I' nil' i no', a 1000 j,oA0 Ksdampiloii fuud with U. M. Treaiur ri'ipti i:aul of clr.iilalloa) . . 1,960 00 fatal U4,ioom LIABILITIB. rapllsl Hoik paid lu ttt.OOOO Hill pi lie 711,00(00 UudlvliUd proliia lu sipsuis and taiial,l I,Mb7 National Hank Nuts oulslandlDj Zt.OWOO Hue to oilier National Hank .. 10,74111 Individual de,alla aub)t Is chsok 371,11 a IMlOBIld .srllAlBls Of ilepoalt . . . ,,U 7 Tltns t'srllflOBts ol ilepoalt paysbls wllklii sOdsy ,,,. (bum 7 liiuo i .rtiliiai.a ol dsvoalt piyahla BfturwdByi or aflsr uotlr ol M dayaor loiiisr , , m.iri 10 (BJlilarai bauk oulalaadlni . . .. I.MOM Unltsd Hlats Usposll 14.MI 74 potlalHavluna Depoalls 14.13 Total MII.I0U0B HTATKUr OHBOON,! . I Irl'KI or llABMBV.I "' I, J. I.. HMiili. laililar of tb iiauk. no eoi.-iiiiiiy awoar aAVai iiiautltlruu lu tli. basluf ray kuuvrlsdis Bad usriei J, I.. Vault, csblr i ,., Mil Attest: At regular intervals of f0 min utes telegrams came in Wednes day snd Thursday thus: ''Oregon has gone dry." '"Oreifon has gone wet" Then dry uguin then wet and soon. Don't know just how it is but the writer gsts "dry thinking about it. Important. Bear in mind that Chamberlains Tablets not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. I'or sale by all dealers. Tfc. croeua arf 1,000 acraa al OREGON-WASHINGTONIOAHO'S BLUE RIBBON CROP will b. osi t aaaiiotUiTB aaliifcltl.a at taw CORN SHOW k.M uiadsr tk. auaplcoa W Oregon Washing Railroad Sl Navigation Oo. Walla Walla Washington November 25 to 28, 1814 MASON JAR CAPS . I also have a new line ot Percales, Flaxtas, Ginghams, ya Latest in Neckwear, Barrett-, m Back ornbs for Iailee Just arrhrfl Latest In Ties, ollars, Salts, apt, Underwear and Skirts for Men. SPECIAL CASH PRti On quantity orders! GROCERIES For Haying 1 A. K. Richardsoj General Merchandise INTERESTING INSTRUCTIVE ENTERTAINING Uetwras bjr Pr. C. U Sa.Hl, AgrirallarUl or th. O-W. R. N Low Round Trip Farea Tick.1. ackodulsa and full information upon application I. any ol O-W. R. A N. Co. "aO. aBaWi Fair Feed Yar GRAIN OF ALL KINDS 1 llmothy, Alfalfa and Red Top l Baled Hay For Sale I Free Camp House andeedin? Privilegos iBsJ or Barn. 'Customers Care For Own Stotk. W. A. GOODMAN. Adjoining Fair (In y OUR PRICES WILL INTER.EST YOU l.bbl. best straight grade floor on tbe market 1 bbl. best fancy Patent floor on the market - 1 case best standard solid pack, sugar corn 1 case best standard tomatoes on the market 1 case Pearl oil 1 keg good pickles 50 pounds fine dairy salt 10 pounds Fountain dried peaches 10 Sliver Leaf lard $5.85 6.25 2.10 2.65 8.20 1.80 We have s complete stock of Seasonable Good and are ready to supply your wants Dress Goods. Wash Goo Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery Gloves, Embroideries, etc FURNISHINGS, SHOE CALL OR SEND YOUR ORDERS The Burns Department Star CONTEST NOTICE. 1.00 1.50 ins BbOV BBaBSr ; tU strove itale II. M. Ho A llalrrae uarua f ti. a aTTH Lrlrsstor HubacrllHMl aud iwura to ustsis aw thUMh day ol Nuvuikr mil. Bbbbb Djvit Potatoes 11-2 cts. pound. Good onions 2 ctt. pound Winter apples 75 cts. box. Squash 11-4 cts. pound We have a dandy good coffee for 23c. pound We also have a fine peaberry coffee for 26c. pound These prices are the best In the Interior. Got other prices and com pare them. We Invite you to seo the quality of our goods and the price and you will be a continual customer. Phone, write and come and see us IRA G. BOYCE & CO. John Day, Oregon UetlTKUBTATBD LAND Orlll'K, Hutu. i'BUU,!eiubaiaBili, IVI. ru laa.i. itaii.al.leul Albsrsoo, Orsauu Oau- t.m are hereby iiilBe.l that Thuwaa J. , i .'.'ft. Nm '. WBB4ialTI,, thl. oM hu aul.TrXrTua .ul.".uJi I aui'sllatlun ol vuuf , Hob-!. ..I v, , i , ,.. .,, lva)) . ,,' .SH,.,B, !' """ '' ""' lta lur NWW.ul Baw- '"",'", ".a.iulUslBvVU. . ' Bsrllou U, TuwaBaTp H rklitu. Range III I .at., Willsiu.tls, MsrlAlBB I an. aamoun.ia lor i, i. .outsat u BlIsBsstbat BBlit l.auli ButualitB baa bully aUuituasd I (alii suiry, thai be ... ..r ealabU.bsu ul mala I tain. .1 a lesl.leii. e or u.arjs aui lu.roTa.ani tb.reuii, an. I baa atrut.,i himself aud ahaua 1 ..I bla f.ai.i.iu. 10, u Horn tvsi sloes tBa ial. I ot entry. arsviaaaaB N U BrU lln u luie. I.uili.r u.U.Maul ,H.I a. - ..u.l allegation! will Ira laawu a ooulssaad an, I yum aableuiiy will bs caue. lad without 1 i HbBI i In a. .1 either bslrar this I i.nii-o ur on anneal. II ..... rail iu l. i ,i... onii-r ui.l.ui Ine.ny da alter lbs rTUUBTH ......... ...... i. .., ,ni. iioueo, aa aaoara Baa, .nn in, a... I. 11 ,t J. , ,,nl I,, .i.e. I hially respond' I lit lo Hi. av ulloKallona ol iinitsal. tosstbar will, .hit i iu..i thai you havuasrvBd b oopy u I )"i ." ' aal.l .'uutoataui either In I" '.at I l. r llMered mall. ,.u .1... it ul alatB in t. .in a naner tb narasol iliH,ait.ili. , . to it h let. i. in ttealislutuis notion l.i l. ii .enl In ion i I . ,. . , Wa r"ABB Bealalsr lStS ol Ilial ii.nallutlOl'lubrrs, till lelu ol aet ttiitl j.ulilli ell.ili tlelober 101b 111 lla'., ul lliii,! iiublii allou in loltvi 17lk, 111! I Dale hi I., in ih iu I. lu all -in in lulwr. Mlb, 1IU CONTFTNttTlCE !.f vrsBtJ INiTal) ara 1 1 i tSDaf auruB.Ore.,1 TB JlNMllb I lenient. Causaai. V Bl! berel,) BuUIlt lal, wbo givvs Ullii.. . oBAee addrs.,.dld on i Itlstu IbUuiBee hladult , SUtrSlllraal and la,.iit, your HsarassHsad hulry. -nm t ASI Ol Fsb I. 1MB. uia. iyjNWK N'.l..l . HU, of isotlou ay, Tow Bs.Saal.WilUi.ieii Mel I BlaaoatsaiBsaileKssiiiB BBS wholly abauduued rasvsissaaoiisu.u or lllltll, 111 "5s ,.US .tj i.reJlaV aaada any Iniprovsuisuia , . ,ir akMaiad bluiMll aud , I,., ., i sli tbarslroui svsr slut's tbs da . ul vstrt T.U Sim. Ill naiele, I . .....hi a.ld allcaailoua will u- i.nu um your aatu sutty will i . ur lunbsr right to h,, fc ,,, , ,, OBles or oi. aiiM.i ii il IB - .. ,.,nl, .... oaaoa Wllhlu twsuly ,1.,. . ratSllVWUVM Ol till UOIll I yuurauswsr. under oath. ., unalllj lug to uaa allsaatljii. .,! -..laaaj. BS with dusiiruol thai )ti ha.. . nsfal aiaaaa. d'afil your BBBW.r on iba said luiraou or by rsglalsrsd uiall You should a'ate In lulu a... IB past offlrs to whleb h uvhics to k asut to .u Wa I lialaol BialimUli.il IMls ol as. ouu "rjigBU llatsol third iublloan .... Ustsul luurlh nublleslluu , .