M JiHr ! , i I GO TO ROSEBURG AND SEE WRECK DRYS HAVE MADE Bank Deposits Fall Off Half Mil lion Dollars in Dry Town ASSESSMENTS Midi IIKillll! Real Estate Offered for Sale at Ltt Than Valuation Rut No Bidders The Committee of On Hundred uy: "If you wtitit hi fifed "ill whit dry OrtM "ill 'I" tor Oregon, " to RoMDUrg and see what dry RosrluirK has at'iHmpliiihed.." Here's wlmt it haa done. It has cut down the hank deposits by over S500.O0O, In spile of the fact that there tM Its four hnk to the two in existence when Roso- bura lad licensrJ saloons, mid tl .1 J the population has Increase a in pro portion to the settling up of South ern Oregon by new settlers and Im migration. When Host burg had licensed M' loons the tax levy, on one-third of the valuation was IWfl nulls. Snuc Rosehura has gone dry the ia levy has varied frrm eight to ten BkHll on a full valuation; rmJ in addition occupation taxes have been steadily Increased TheJCommittee of One Hundred ' boasts that dry Roseburg has envtid a SI 15,000 hotel. The hotel wis erected in 1913, stood idle and ten antless for four months, and was rescued from the bankruptcy court by liberal business men of the city, among whom were B, L I'arrot, C. ' W. Parks, Joseph Micelli, A. N. Or cott and Henry Hart, all of whom re radically opposed to a dry town. The Committee of One Hundred also r.asts of the armory as an achievement The armory was built by sta e, county and city funds com bined, and is not yet completed. Over 140 leading business men have signed a petition calling for local option eteCtlOB in Rnseburg this year, and such an election will be held. Many empty itore building arc to be found on the I. idlng bt streets a condition that MVtt gg iited when Roseburg had lleeaeed saloon.; Scores of dwelling bmiSM are vacant for tU fir 1 tine in the history of the ci;y John Hunter, a leading contractor and formerly a supporter of the drys. is now advertising in RosebeTTg pa pers: Business block for for S500 less thrn present as sessed vaUrumn Another ptoperty iHt has of fered four parcels of inside prop erty for BJ e at less than the as sessed valuation, and ha; not even received a tender. One ef he leaders of the dry forces in Roseburg is a man who as a former agent of the Alh.iny brew ery made his fortune, and who to day is the owner of a drug store. He was at one time prominent in politic, was repudiated by the vot er of Douglas County, and is now (aid to be seeking to place lieuten ants in office through the dry move ment. Beggars are common on the streets, and many poor families are appeal ing to the local bankers for aid. And yet the Committee? of One Hundred says. "If you want to find out what Ore gon dry will do for Oregon gd to Roseburg and see what dry Roseburg has accomplished." 1 PUTYOUR I V a beween 333 ffl! NO I I AND VOTE AQAiNSX I PRPHIBITJH I (SAMPLE BALLU ' I fei anasaastaH 1 ! fimtym AX. - '':bW Von tor Om H ta nwNDOg tejjjSl flgV- 13 MCHAJU) Hot Aajy iffl W .aoUaegawj,iiiiii : '1 auBj? Von or tin n onw dob jnv m r r . H " UCHAiu B0E aPwai jama. jSatal FrGovwror AV 7JKr roerCk II aa jowl dob BL 23 bichaju) noa MSm fcfr REFERRED TO rKOI'LltaWj-KCji M SgtllLY for eat Aeaejndaaoa t of Seetlea 2. Artkle 0. Etc, f Am Pa. ar Vo YKS NO ! aOO Yee " gsj-jlajjBta I 301 Wo " jggjy JWaBfcL. . S""""""?"- - -- " a-.SamvaTeaaae. mShzm - HElB aamma. 1 .... k v .- kh 303 Yea .fiSaa aaaal aat B? m eajwesaa aeeer gami 80S No r"lWSa aW y, Fsr AoMBdaeea of Section 6, Ec, ateiBaaW MW QaV Vom YES or NO $ $' H v "aaV. AkW .sasLW M a " aaaaT jPF & 1 a - - m mJkjm oJHr mwrSmiDiwmmAL nasaa--. n jfij TUTMHIAL CMKT IfJjjjKwiTr AJb fc'ff Eto Vm YtS or NO 1 " Y" b -F--W; 1 aai wo Mm JT itm Mw Hj of Mr. Ij HtRHg KA-CletT IMMM BAY r Hj at 0 VEffntAyiOel jfi Ifor FIIWWL WtHMEM, Kto, koi. Kia or NO 323 Y k BT 8ji 333 Mty m I MttoM b. j-k h. J jfe-PRC IIBITIOrl CONSTTTU- " TlOrlAL AMCMHBNT, Etc., vomrtsorNo 222 'Ye T I 333 X WO 1 ChiHIIIIi ll Willi I taWeted by Paul Turner, etc .-AWM.IMIIM. til-.ATW HINALTY, eu, VoM rtS or NO M 324 Yea 338 Wo r 11 in 1 11 ' 1 iVMmammu aw naW Imw ic-r- HOOD MIVVH J)RU MTOHES KINI "BUBINKIi II FINE." (.rand Jury in hr Town Maya To Much Uquor Bold Hapi Doctors. Hood River li en of the "dry" town that the Committee of One Hundred hain't said anything about. Hut "busineia I fine" there too, es pecially In the drug stores. The Oc tober grand lury pnt om day looking Into trw matter, and reported on It. In fact about all the (rand jury did was to probe the liquor sit uation In "dry" Hood River, thu spending the taxpayer' money te discover If prohibition prohibited. Thl I what they found out, a set forth In their formal report te the Circuit Court on October fl. IBM: "Nearly all of the time of the grind ury hi been takin up with conildenllon of alleged violation of the local option law within thl lurie dlctlon. We hive received the report of the iherlff of the county to the quantity of intoxicating liquor shipped into this county during the last three month. By thl report it appear that 1 large amount of liquor he been shipped to privet Individual! during the period, ind presumably ri.tirod and used legally It fur ther appear that the quantity re ceived hv the drug store during the period wa considerably more than during the preceding three month, and too large to be disposed of In accordance with the -.c lion of the la cal option law regulating the writing of prescription by physicians, and In this connection we call the attention of physicians of Hood River County to Section 4WI of Lord' Oregon Lew. "We recommend that the physi cian confine themeelve more close ly to the letter of thl section of the local option law." The report Is signed by Joeeph frailer, jr., a foreman. I.IQI'OII IU'KINKHK KINK RINOB BU QENE IK "DUY" Southern raelftc Shipments Indicate How Normal Demand I SUII Met. VBBt barley, wheat and oata for aaln at market price. - W. A. Goodman 'a feed yard. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'niTsi. mTa I.ahii omi 1 Burns, Oregon. Nvpunbet It,, !U t Nutln I herrby glvsu that fstet Mlllrr.of rieMe, Oregon, who, on Juds M. Ill,siil Jul) 17. 114. reMellvlr JPf HefMHeeef lairtH lion M: HWUNKM. ftKNlu, seelleb , TuwasblpM iSntb, Ealiae Ulul WHUmrti. MurldKH. bas niwt BMlos of intention to mail fl'iallhre res' proof, to eeUbllub rlslm ii.n, laud stars deeerlbeo, before Oee. A. Ninriti, Jr., U H. i.'etnmUeioner, at bis oflliu at Andrews. Oroxon on Ine nth day of Nnreaibor, 114. 1 lalmanl titn wltiitasea OIlTtr Mr artr. lrta HeKalvrey, Jnlm X Wllllaim, John Hariiard, all of rialits, urviton Wm. rtaaa. Kaii... (IMVl) Burns 114 1,1st No. NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION ItniTaBBTsTMl.snnorrtiB, Barns. Oregon, Oetooar , iwiel Notion Is heiebr atvan llial lbs Northern in- Railway ruaiaiif, whoa poal om, tl I'aul, Minnesota, has this Mh btr iwu, lie In this oBl Its ai seiem uaaar me nrorisiona ot iim by Ilia Act of f onarrt Paot addiaaa la It dar ofOntober nllratloa to el art ef I'otiirMM, approrad Jolr I, j 10 Hiat aer.ssvi. as sienaao nrevee May 17. ins Nwuar.',c i, pa naei. w. m Township rfloutli, Hanxr Mortal No. 074 Any ana all noreons olalnlne adreraclr iln" vol oaanriooil, or at JOKES IN "DRY" AMENDMENT ADMITTED BY THE "DRYS" a Big blunder in misleading "prohibition" campaign is made KfCIKM I l.. I'oiuiHlttar of Oae lionilrril, logetaee wltb other prohlbl tloa itunnisHon. buaata that Kugene, tin aeat of the I'ntteraitr of tlrrgue, i one of their "model" dry town. Ami thi v unr " l.uatneae Is fine" there. lot mi i,:itt urn Hutea that In the aai remit atty at least one form of t.uat in la good - the mail order liquor haalBiBB t'l.ni Januaiy I to Orlober I this year, the Houtheru I'arlfle alute baa shipped Into dry Kugene from outside petal U tiarrrla of beer, to eeaes of liquor, 0B liega of lliiior 21 barrels of Hqu ir. This ia enough liquor to stork oae bar smIimiii for a year lioulitleaa aimllnr amount have beea til in by the Oregon Klerttlr Bail way. and by the aeveral espreas roea BMtel oH-ratiag witbla the city. The 11 inula do not ahow the amounts tu Mb heg, eaae or barrel, but the fig urea in any event indicate that there lias been a test amount uf liquor coa wiiii, t in "dry" Kugene from nhlrh tin' ntv haa revolted no license re turns at all. The Committer of One Hundred aaya bJiaoea ia flue in dry towae," but it haa failed to specify ike kind of l.ualneaa Official records at Kugene, the home of the atato uuiveraity, wkere hundreds of young men and women go from all parts of the stats, speak fur '!. inarlvra. nrltiod. ef lbs mineral eberaetaref Ibe laud or an; inner reaaou 10 lue oiapoaet loappi iranij lllim HI Its Ibalr alidavlta of orotoat In ih la ortli ... ,,o or iwiore inr iwin amj ot novemuar. IVI aalrliia toobjeiit hotauaa NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONJ Vmtti, tts t.iabfirire, 1 huma. Oregon, Orlober 7, 114 Nolle IS herahy l ran that Jamas A. Oataaron, of TVararh , oratron. who, oh Mar It.lSlt.nsda llnineaieal fnlrr . No uoass, for Sguaartioo IS, Township tt Smith, Range 4 r. . Wfllemette Meridian iim fll.,1 miiim of Inientlou to mate final three eear proof, to eetabTlsi . In in. 1.1 li.. 1 ,ml .1,1111. ili'.i nt.ad. before tea-inii-rniol Rei-elver, at Hums, Oregon, on the r, IM14 ant nainraas wltnesaes 11 n-i-i. t ll Maunelt, I) Quler. K. Hi, mi,,. 1, all of Warailf, Oraeoa. Wo K.aar, Beslsler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ! aTATMl I. AMI OKflCI, Hums, I ireeon . Hnptenilriir SO, 1914. Not of I a I g liii'n toe. u.rae " "ii'J. who, on Jul I. ISUS made :. for KUNWli and ..M I. I .. .nahlii li .. Kaiige loin I. I owiiabto as B in. Meridian, haa filed noili-e l kIviii that Uaorga W Kller, ii. who, on Julr I. Isujj. made i Meno Range iiollie of Inteatlon to maae final five year proof, lo i-Nlabllah claim to the land abovt. dear-rlbeO, before lKi'i-r and H.-relvor. ai Horns, fire got, mi i tin .'itli da) of November. ISH i lalinaot naiuea m wiuo alt burn, iiii-aon oreaon ( hi let lan Hem, otto I. tiaacs, Albert Wood, earn ooodmaa, or laeas, Wn.riaaa.BeetsUr. W. Paaaa. Keflater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITKIt aTATBB LABS QtWlCU, Buraa, Oregon, October 7, 114 Notice la hereby alien that James t'auirrou fuerdlau ol Aunal auirrun, tnaaua. widow of leu t ameron, IreceaeaO, ef Waver';, Orecun, ette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mate final I'iree rear rrool lo eetnbllab clalai to Ilia land above daarrllied. before Hee later ami llarelver. ai Burns, Oregon, on the 11.11; !) ot November, 1114. i lelmaut nemeeaa eltneaeea B P, aieele, A. B Nennatt, D, liuler, K. Ilnretnian. all of Weverly. Ore ,n. Wm rasaa, Kcgtai.r NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. II aieeli IIT i tm t m an, iiawi, 1 Hums. Oregon, October l, Ivil BUOENB, Lane County's "model" prohibi tioR city, and the sent of the sate university, i NOT A "UHY" TOWN. I'rom January I to October I of this year there were ahipped into Eugene 102,457 QUARTS OF BEER. From January I to October I of this year there were shipped into Kugene 3.400 QUARTS OK LIQUOR. Of this amount there went to one drug store ,r24 QUARTS OF LIQUOR. Express company records show these figure. IS EUOENE "IIRY"? VOTE 333 X NO. Fagerjo Matron rinds Liquor. MclNl Though one of the m lin-men had failed tu find liquor upoa tbi. pereon of a drunh picked up on fka -inita Inn., Mra. J K t'os, police ma Iron, urc.iiled ill iliarovtrlag Matoo quarla of wbiaky roaealid ia the oris oner's rlothea, and confiscated the U Huor Albany Bootlegger (amity AI.HANV. A J Miller, chained with violating the local optiua law. luia beea eontlcled of "bootlegging" b) a Jury ia Judge Kelly ' court Evi dence against the prisoner waa strong, ami the jury reached a tordlct with but little delay. Albany Una Twelve Cases AI.HA.NV. Tbumas Irvlag Terrill, a local reetaorant man. has In ea fnog -On for aelling berr In hia plurr of liu.iuma iu tlul.it Ion of the local op Ilea M,iiut. e His trial la the firet of twelve to follow a do, n ladictmeata kaniled down by the September graad jury, 'seek oae relating te liquor law violations la l.iaa eouatjr. J. E. WHEELER, CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTE ONE HUNDRED ADMITS IN PUBLIC PRINT That pronibition is AN INFRINGEMENT OF PERSONAL LIBERTY. That the word "DISTRIBUTION" was DE LIBERATELY LEFT OUT OF the proposed "prohibition" amendment. That "ANY CITIZEN" may ship liquor "di rect from some other state" into "HIS OWN HOME." EVERY CLAIM MADE BY THE ANTI-PROHIBITION FORCES AGAINST THE PROPOSED PROHIBITION AMENDMENT IN OREGON IS CONFESSED IN THE ABOVE ADMISSIONS. The Anti-Prohibition forces have steadfastly claimed: That "prohibition is an infringement of personal liberty." Mr. Wheeler admits it, word for worn, m puonc prim. That "prohibition will not pronibii." Mr. Wheeler's admission proves his Committee of One nunarea is not tryiag to pronioit. That "prohibition 'does not mean Dry Oregon." That "prohibition would be a death blow to the present healthy growth of TRUE TRMPRR ENCE SENTIMENT in the land." Mr. Wheelers admission proves it. AV That "prohibition would let down the bars to BLIND PIGGERS and BOOT-LEGGERS, who would deal in deadly decoction. " The name law would allow any blind pig-ffer with a HOME to ship liquor "direct from Home other state" to HIS own hnm far the . w.w Notice Isfesreey glt.othal Bortna Mehaner, ot Dlamuiul, Oregon, who. oa BeeHemter lo, lit, made Homestead Ratrv, No. osen. (or MWk. BWUigu Bs n, T.B.B.. B -.' 67, end !,of I. Keetlon 5, Township an Kanse sat K WlllameU Meridian, has Bled nolle of I men Ilea lo mate anal Vommatatloo proof loeeiai, llab elalm to lb land abov deorrlbod, belor BaBl tr and Beeelver at Bnrna, t'reaon, oo Ihe ISU dae ol November. 114. (lalmaal aaasaa aa wlineeeea Basel Behauer. Chrlsilau mhaoer, liean llortoa aad KobeH Bead all ut in. ,,,,,.! flugiua Wa. Paaaa, Bslett. KOTlUl VOM I'UHMCATION I'miali hrnraa l.aan Hern s, Hum., tiregou, nept.-uiuor M. ISU BOtlee la lierehy alven Itiat (Irover OoimIIow, ut Heme) , M.Kon who, oa Starch 10, lyo. ma. I. Honiealrail Kotrv, Mo, Ul'iis, for Nhld, Miiikhi r. lowuahii ll h , Hsogc saK.erlT lamatti Miiiiliriii i.wa til.-il tiollce of Intewlioa to make llhal five year orool, to eelablleh iIkIim o the iimI aluxe ileai illieil, liefore lilt' Hi ulali-i aliit ICi elver, alburn.. IjiMiun n Ike nil il.) nl Novrtolier. ISI4 i lalinaiit iiami r ai Allneaaes: Jem." Iim' Until fi In Ink water. Joe Clark, I li-ijjaili', .11 nl Hatriev, ttreaoa VV. rXsss, KefleWr CARLCj f tf l. Mi vl'la, J BurtiK, . OMIoo la now barn I'la, . c;. i arjrtslclBB, ajajgaj MMI Ktd HARLAN rnjrBeciag. Narrowa, If e-ll I AI. IH He . TtlkV ertrs naaooH II m x.i.at.ira I'ln. K i Uaraberlaln I Harry Lane li Hawler IN i aiaooti . ... A.M. Crawford trawaliltteai iniiareesmoo Stbiruer ileneral ilovernor seereiarr ol Ktat Treaanror -0il. lut.lli- Inatrui Hon rMala l-nnl. r miirenie Jul jr. I I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NlTKt) BTATtU I.ANII OrPICK Huma. Dretoo.tlclober II, 11 Noiloa la aerwbv alven thai hnn.mi. a .Hwra, mi t.iaaeoeio, ui -erawo. woo. on urtooer IS, tNi.aUi Honieetoad Entry aerial No. em. iotBHeeWbrMWUBWU, Bee.gt and NBUWC'.i. Seetlon l.T.oaVlplrlBoU.. Raofe C gaai. aril...... u.n.,. fc- .uj.i". -.T...TT a. tloa te make Baal fl've-roae prool, aoaaubllsh euum to ine lauo auove oeeeriOM, before H later ana nereiver, at aaras, Uregon. ui .em aaj ui jaoTomoer, iviv. ilalraaai nam lor wliea H II Brown, Chares A. Well aad Jnlm eSavr. all all ot Ulamond, nreaou CHdord iitouatier a, ol Narrows, Oraarja. Wa Paaaa. Bxtaiei NOTICE OF CONTEST. Uarraa Braves l.aNBtimca . Bums, tiregoa. October lotn, iu To Harvet Yovag, of Poilvfarm, (ireaon, lota BBBM Vmt at hereby notlBed that Mettle l.im I'errjr won sires HI!, Urefou, a her hw otsce address, did oa (x lobar loth, itli nl In this ofBe her duly corroharwte.1 annlti .tim t. routeai and ae.-ure the ranrellallon of voar Hometed Bates No.. Berlal Sit. oami .,m,i Seiilember-aath. tH (or HUBW',. N '.Ml .. sertton IS, 1. J B., K. a B., and ' ui we.. Me. uei. -dw, u... .. ' ells she allege that eald Harre Youae haa whulli auaoaroneo aaiu enirf, eetablUbed raalilem ! aaoal atareh 1MB istk, But never maiutaineii Iherealdeac llnui ealabiishe.1 abeenwd him Mlfeatlrelr from his dalm and the in lain sine July let, 1st, sail haa aim r , l,tn(. i i, , rssldeae theeelram ever star thai da: lo the peaeealdat. Yow r, therelore. further notlBrd (hat the nawin osuaeuaaeoaiaaMVI, ami i W.oieoti T. M Bar 1 A Chorchlfl r Mlwolwar kla I T A. Mr Brute . ', Ueo at fearaott B. B. Bees. I P. A. Mow NINTH ;t'UI IAI. DIBTBJCT. Illslrlrt Jndee IMvlUaa Blaai i oiini) Atinrnry (io. B MaoasSr i Irmlt i nun meet the Bra Monday In April and Brat Monday In October. oehhari Phyiclrg) Calls answer.) Thooe Ham m. HWirai Dr. Mil Physician telfwet T.lcafc.,1 La wen, Mat Kenalor li.lnl Hepreftenlatlv WM Brook W. P. Human OOIBTV BABBBTt t'ouniy Jiiilin mart trraaiir, r aurvey.ir Sheriff Aaaraanr Sebtnil Maperlatsadeat Oaioaei Stork IneiHTKir I'ommtaatuliers .ram Thomneoa K T Hue net li A MUlet, C. B. Boer A K. MIcBanssoa It. laaosaaa I. M Haaillsaa ii. w.ciovnagii John Bshiasaa B. P. arjrlvwser rTboa. iala to t '..only nurt mm ibe Brat January. Uan li Mar. July, Rev as her. aaajiav r a. Man orric-s: e'eter wm Pane Brlvr Hm MotherakoavJ i itt -suae- Mayor. ... Ham Motherebeed H.iy Van Mlnkl li.iiaui. II. ur. Halt atarshsl. B. I.. Heine ll J Haaeea t'onnrllmeoe- A. 0. Waloama I Jam Laaspehlre , H. J McKinaou Meeting ol the t nunrll .everf Heron d and Poarth Waduewl b. E. 3-N! Offloa firet l Bmmwa9 M "'t. oorsi.i M. A. Attornejgj Vaogtly Bldg., A. R Attorney-, Bupns, ATTORN Burn-, Boom e and 7 Parm loans .,tit. k KYI maetsi CHARLES W. LA WYE Burnt. PraeUeee In Uie Htate foro tbo i:.s. Und OCkkl WNK'NlttswBdaKuwi,iaJasa TotartlpB. BoaDi, KnI&. taa. wniam a. Meridian and aa round lor bar eouta.t o are, then I albafatlona r said autre roaraald eiitr will l canrelled without fur mer rigni io n ara, ettner betur IBM oBli-r or on appeal. It yoa tail to Ale In tbi onV. wllhln twenty days alter Ihe Pol'KTH ptibliia lien ol thla noilre, aa ahowa below, tour eaevrer ander oth aoeiincally reapaodtiig tu la aleegatloaa of eonicet, togtbr with due prool Ibai sou have eeried a ropv .,( vnur aaawer aa the aaid eonieeb.a.1 elih. i. ...u... or by realatere,! mall. You ahouio stal la voar aaawer lb name ol lb peel oases to which you dealr luture Bollr 10 lay sent loVoo. Wa. Paaaa. Begular. eie ui nrei yururailoa urtooer I ,'tli, I'll Dal of eeeoa.t (.ubileallon li.-Uibvr Mth. 1 Ml Data of third publloatloa October Mel 114 IMI ef fourth publloatloa NovemWr 7ih. lull NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'sirabBTiTsa Lantioerii s, I Hums, otogoa, octobor a, 114. ( Notice I barbyglvn that Claude I.. Aualln, ol Narrow, tireajou, who, on April 7. 11 aad !'W!B vh wt raorilvel mad llomwbmd Blrta,No.JM-i1l),lorBU, Hr,7, RyNg Bee laand WUNWU. Beclmo U. Townal.li. . a . n ilia a.. MaaiJ ooilee ol luwaUoa lo make anal tl.re year prool, Ui eatabll.h elalm lo ih land abote d scribed, laUor BlMr and Raoslvar. at Hum. ', iuis oar ot November, IUI4 Claimant asm a elluaam; 11 AW. Murlburt awe all ol Narrow, Orei ol Bums, Orgon. B. ttouldeu. J.g, BUSK a. William r.w, , n jiiiiiiiimt ROU WMW f ' f i f d f ' .' -.! t TBrTimrMw.i r .. 4L . - -a ... nuuvu i-iuui.,Mi.in an mucn 01 a .,itinjv uw nny miirr man or woman in uregon. And the blind pigger, because he is NOT UNDER INSPECTIO N by federal, state or til y ollitialH, will make one barrel of PURE WINE BEER or LIQUOR into DOZEN BARRELS OF POISONOUS BEX Eli AGES that will make a new generation of imbecile. Idiot and criminal MR. WHEELER'S THREE BLUNDERING ADMISSIONS ARE THE BEST THREE sRsE-ASONS WHY HIS MISNAMED, MISLEADING "PROHIBITION AMENDMENT" IS AN A.LARMING MENACE TO THE STATE. Can any Intelligent Voter fail to gee the "Jokera?" VOTE 333 X NO 11 AslverlUemeal. Taapaper Wiuge etaraera' Leasts of Oraaoa. Psrtlaasl, Orearea RODNEY DAVIS House Painting Paper Hanging and Decorating Calclmlnlng Hardwood nnlahlng jFreavco Painting aTBttlaBaBtesi naraUaBi oa aa- M..ilaM Mmmmm .. ... 1.wwaB waa i aeaaaaaaaawai aavwa, arrx niai a ciance mmmmmmtvmmmttmuniti. $1500 Reward! TwoOreaoa. Cal I lornl and Nevada Uveatook Prober Una Aasoclailaaal which lb under signed ta member, will in. i.ee ai reward tor avt dentv leadlu a the arreat and a)n vlctlon ol any par. ty nr parti eti Ing hi,re eettl. or maws UeUoglng .. any ui ita mem ber. Iua,l.1ii,n, toh BasMB. lb DDderalgwoe otfera Ihe aame condition 100.0 for all horse l.i.i..!. , I burao ahud bar on both or either yaw. Braad reroute.! la eight couoltos Rang llarnajr, IjUi and t'rook countle. Horses reeled when eol.t Nun hut grown bora sold aad oaly la '(i- liiitii in.. W W. HK.i n- pit. Ormrea. Oha. II Attokm:v- Crefu attent ui gi llOnB Bird K. : rire iiursaa Notarv Burns A. W. G0WI ATTORNEY-t State Courts and Land Office 1 Three doors Soaal Harney County Ng Burns. On Sampler Valley Railway Co. Arrival aad Dtpartarc Of Trgigj Departs No. 2, Prairie Sumpte Arrive Baker 10:15A.M. 2:35 P. M. 4:00 P.M. Departs No. 1, Baker 8:30 A. M. Sumpter 10:05 A. M. Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M. No. 1 .Makes good connection with O.-VV. K. & N. No. 10 leav ing Portland 7:00 P. M. and No. 17 from east arriving Baker 6:60 A. M. No 2 Connects with la Grande local 7:00 to La Urande, and No. 9 (fast Mail) picks up sleeper there arriving in Portland 7:00 A. M. Also with No. 18 at 10:45 P. M. for points East FRANK DAT Attoenw ol ta. saeo.f I S. Land OHiaiB Oace botweeu Han aad Land OBn iistj K. (). I ll I.1HII rormorlj AaaL kn, laU.B auKlamatioi ...i Eas.ero Oregon Engs Coiitpaoj Cim ANI IRBIdtTM s, OltM I Dirool connr. t . as esssej HARRIMAN-ANDREVW A.H.CURKY,hl Leave Harriasan Moi lay sssl.1 aasl arrival Wcdiu uUv sail aaem'woatk, connr, i ng sSei Bsso to' Doaio.' Winn, mucosa . r I ' SBkaajBaji .r m. THL .HOST ACCURATE It frtlllntHsaSltaaat BeJwaeal WBkaB aj 11 g ajBtal lgsJjjTaH Riflt ia the WORLD. Miiiln In two iiiijtilii on for .W Sliort H. I', i-ar- trldgc - tbo other for . tt liy( lino n. r. STEVENS -VltelBLt LOADING" RIFLK NO. 7a Handle la ,9fl (iuort and It M BMIaT rlHa cartrkltrn. Hen J fur liaiulaomulv lUustratt-il It I tit-. I t it log and "How to. slim. t Weil". Order Stevaae Rill. Pistols aad taot uos frotti jinn ),-,,i, , J. STEVKN8 AltlUS TOOL COMPANY. . O. B0O4. rAtxs. MASS. MBI AT PgfCg m .M M If T , Wo do job printing. J IK, I - vCaTwaf l IP1 Vl I I " Tlia only way to l 1 . W gel the frnultia ' i nkw nomfl sbbBB Sowing Mactuno M BTl 1 i. I,. l.Uy iluj raachaa J - JM 1 vi h ihe name NEW M HOME on ihe am m an J in the legs, M I HrVW Thla nuU I, M-t ' i ' f M waeraated lue all I .2 Kafrl M "" aaaTJ Bf u. J I No other like it W? 1 I No other as food W JOHN UK Ml. I J.1.M Jeweler. Optu'iaf l',mria op. Fine Wstch Repairing m cialty ooeooe ..." : - : LONi;-:J a o o o o o I OKOItUB I OUN I' a- eMt-uls w a o o a RESTAURANT Tki Kin Hon. Sivlg. UiciIii Cibmil OftAJrvOg. asASS, At All Hours. Ordent tint) Pjtnpl With Koasoinil.l.- li t.ive Me' A fall to Tlsaaa-Neraia