The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 24, 1914, Image 4

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ay the
Copyright. 191. . Ill moving prVrure right,
njri r rAe Vnrtortal Him JWaiai -Venn
Company, which it nK ojthlhltinj
thlt Wrri'wi ri hatiff rhtator. Inrlrgt
mmnti trill ho t!t v.i '. inffrt.
f .fa- CgGM JT
waf somemiug in mo entreating eyas,
tha drawn face, Hint told hor (loudly
"It means the tumor of tlie ninn 1
Harler turned nwny, tunn-d (OWMd
the glaut plane lireiillili'Msl.v she
watched him, wnltlmr hta (toelalnn.
There vm a Cartoaaly twitted mhIIo
upon his lls when he (Med her Ogata
"Oct In." he motioned
Huxu LoillKMpie lonnoil the
liner's rnll, pencil pulsed Orgf tt" opag
pnge of the diary which :im beaded
"Ioubeqne's Account with taiw"
Items upon Hint pgga hut rspaS CM
celed, nioro remained clear. The hand
started to draw tbrOegn one of these
last when faintly to his ears reached
down a drumming sound from the
As his eves wandered up the prent
bird In mid heaven crew more and
more di.itluct, the figures of a man and
woman emerging. A Brim amlle grous
ed the m'j'h face as he put the dlitry
and lieni II tmtktt his pocket, for Hugo
Luubeque was thorough, and the Itvui
might not be canceled yet.
(Irimly Hugo I.oubelue watched the
aeroplane uppronchlng the Knipiess.
Ruthless. aUive all authority, next to
omnipotent with the power he had giv
en bla life to build up that lie might
be revenged iiou tho man who had
brought about his ruin early In life,
the International spy watched this at- ' this man.
tempt at Interference with his plana That accusatory message must not
for such he Instinctively knew It to be i,,. answered. Undoubtedly upon lt
keenly. receipt at Manila an Investigation
Cheers rose from the d.-ck at the would be started wblcb would open
masterly manipulation of the plane, with finding the sod roe of the original
Then the aviator's purpose of landing charge. To obviate this the wlreleaa
on the liner's deck became clear The ' must be put out of order, must be
explosions of the motor died out alTiipt ajpaaggg so thoroughly It would be lui
ty Then the plane swooped down to pgaafMs to repair It until the Kinpresa
was out of the lone of communication.
It wss a matter or hours uerore no
got his opportunity, the operator leaf
ing his board and going to the saloon.
Hugo 1 .on In-quo wasted not a second.
The sound of the man's boots bad not
censed to sound before the box lay
QpM In-fore the spy. Ills bands moved
Uka: lightning, carrying out the plan
he had conceived as the safest and
BOM ofTit'tlvo from the Instructions of
tfea operator, to and out bis fingers
moved, loosening a screw here, a wire
twilling length to thwart Mm. Jusf as
lie uuisl forget the Instinctive love he
had felt for her. this girl who came
from the aky and stirred up visions of
days when he had known such a thing
as happiness lie settled himself in
a chair, closing his eyes while he re
arranged all he knew or tho general's
household. Undoubtedly the geueral's
aid. with whom she was In love, hud
tu'iMi charged with the theft.
Mis somber eyes glowed at the coin
plataMM of the havoc he had wrought
Not alone bad General Love beou
struck, but hla entire household.
It was an hour before iubeque roae
mil moved toward the door, an expres
sion In hla eyes which tuid the prob
lem hud worked Itaelf out
In the wlreleaa room be wrote oat
his message, waiting Idly while be
watched the operator adjust bla bel
uiel and send the message hurtling
back to Manila, lie wondered at the
Indifference of the wireless man to the
Import of the message.
"Not the aid. General Love sold me
The operator tamed Indifferently.
"Signature r he queried.
The International apy ahook hla bead.
smiling at the expreaalon of Interest
kindled In the young man's eyes. lie
must for once do work of the luost dif
ficult sort sud do It himself Instead of
trusting it to a subordinate To do
this he must Ingratiate himself with
MiesMajeaBBBBaataeamaaav. BmmmamaBnBeeAemmmnBBBSaBBBemBBBmBaBi
PS mm
' Hi bbM
K -WHami
BV ml MaansaV 'ml
qtB. Smmmm. 'Ti LW
11-2 m-"- 1
"It msans the honor of the man I
ward the deck noseon, righted Itself
and glided to a perfect landing
Lucille separated herself quickly
from the passengers. She was bagtaV
king to think again, to realle what a
tusk lay before her. The orders and
Papers of her father were upon the
boat, but who carried them she did
not know. Of all these hundreds any
one might be the thief. Ilarley Inter
rupted her mood of black depression.
tal log her band and wishing her luck.
"Everything Is arranged with the
captain," ho reported. "And. Miss
Low," ho added earnestly, "I don't
know what there is to bo done, but
you rimiiot help succeeding when you
start with such spirit."
The encouragement filmed her eyes,
blinding out the sight of tho aviator
si he started Ma engine once more
ami. with qno short glide, roM toward
the element he loved. Her slender fig
ure straightened as she turned from
the rail, her head uplifted itself cour
ageously, almost defiantly.
The Mod of her own name, repeat
ed twice In a hoarse whltipcr of In
credulity, brought her out of her al
atractloii. She looked wondarlugly at
the mau who had culled her by name,
amazed nt the emotions twitching hla
powerful face.
Hugo liulio'iuo mastered himself
With an trort He had never seen the
general'- , inn. liter before, this girl
with the iee .rid form of bar mother,
and tab ippgront resurrection of what
had been a living memory so long had
stunned him out of his usual compos
use. "I beg your pardon," he murmured
aa aho Daaaod him. "I thought I rec
ognized" He stopped abruptly, amaz
ed at the expression or delight and
craft and joy and guile which mingled
on her face as sho stopped nnd stared
into Ida face, and In tho olawb of eyes
the mau knew that this slip or a girl
recognized him for her enemy.
Lucille stared after Ids retreating
figure, bar lips parted, her eyea twin
stars for the hope that hud been kin
dled there.
"The voice on the telephone," she
whispered over .and over to herself.
A Second Accusation.
K.NKUAL LOVB sat at bla
deak trying vainly to figure
out what motive there could
have been for bla trusted
uid's taking the desperate chance of
which bo had accused him.
Mut no matter in which direction he
turned, the general waa unable to aee
how the young oHlcer could be honeat.
Where had he received the money ao
unexpectedly that led Mm to believe
he might be married before hla pro
motion waa confirmed? And yet al
ways there waa that "yet" to contend
with. He knew the boy. knew him so
well he had been willing to Intrust
lib) daughter's lire to Mm. and he
could uot believe that Gibson wss
1 gul'ty of the charge.
He was roused from the reverie Into
which he hud fallen by the entrance
of Ma orderly, who told him of I.u-
i cllle'a flight to the Empress. Alarmed,
the general sent for Ilarley.
Ilriefly Ilarley told of hla trip to the
Empress with Lucille, tha enrneatness
of her pleadings, the final words that
had won hla consent.
"For the honor of the roan 1 love."
Over aud over again ha repeated tho
worda, trying to make something of
them. Of course she meant Gibson,
but what could aha find out on the
Empress relating to the robbery of the
safe In this office? Punted be ordered
his aid brought before him There was
a certain suspicion, an air of contempt
In the very figure of Gibson that told
the si-iiiliifcus.iti.iii ny an eTTort ne
niastcK-il himself, tarring his voice to
"lltirlei. Hie aviator, has just report
ed thai I .ncilie came to him this even
ing am) persuaded him to take her to
the I Impress She evidently felt aha
possessed Information that would clear
you of this chut ! ami that the Km
press was .viiTtltm the guilty party
On you tell me nuythlng of aucb
Gibson tturcd incredulously st Ms
superior. Could it lie possible that thla
old man na wilting lo make Ma
daughter a scapegoat i"i M crime?
No, II was all too tinlicllcvulilv- Aud
yet llic gonci.-il must have sold tha pa
pers He lould see no other explana
tion Hut whit was tills tnla of laud
ing Iktturd the Impress lu an aero
plane? The oi'lcih again entered, at
leutiy passing a Marcoiilgrsm serosa
tho d
(ill. sou stared woiiderlngly at hla
chief, wondering til the purpling of bla
alreadi tlornl l.i.c Suddenly with a
choking laugh the old mail loused the
wireless to Ills aid. the last blow or
Uuuo louts, pic 'Not tho aid. General
Line soul gVe p.ipcl
The llculciiaiii tell u warm throb of
pity lot il Id in. in The general
straight, n, -I ili, rising from Ms
gone whore, soauabo there la an
explanation he muttered "And I.ll
,-lllc i. .ii UMl ' '"! I.ciween us and
disgrace V'OU gill BOOM with the. lieu
"Yes, sir. You have some Idea"
"To the provisional governor." curtly
answered lie OhJ soldier, "until 1MB
charge can be siricd Meanwhile, we
will wait until thaw Is word from Lu
cllle In answer to the message 1 aeut"
"A message'; fga did not mention
that "
"l 'eri a I ii Ii 1 sent a mesiuige Inimedl
ately lliii!, v toM hi story. We can
drop In then, 00 the way to the gov
ernor's mansion
Gibson nodded shortly. He waa la
a haze still. I coll n. his suspicious
of the old officer bad Inru unrounded,
knowing that sou v II brulu waa eon
niving ni their deal ruction,
IHbaon ,;i'l ( notice the general'
orderly hurrying toward them until the
iii. iii batted in -oiuie there on the pa
mi. is he in casting an eerie
shallow serosa ins ullee khaki
"Sir." be reported, "'he operator bat
tried to reach Hie linptess, but there
I no ri p ii lb i wlreleaa must be
Geoerai Uoa stand at Ms aid Kent
gleamed Iii Ihe eyes of Isifh men. a
mutual fear lor a unit n il object. Who
was iliN on c,n rlivin) who struck
such lletce blows fiom mil or the dark?
And Lucille, sweetheart and daughter.
I. in die. the p.impelisl. dalhtv. fragile
Lucille was undoubtedly lusir lids our
a ho even coininaiidci! the lightnings to
do Ills will
Callously Hugo I.uuImmiic watched
the opei-it, a- as he.silt oil buck III Ills
chair, almost liuiuedlalclv receiving the
flush that a message was on the way
to Mm from some unseen, unknown
Cairn a long sliver of light that si-cm
cd lo nudge Hie w lb III, o.i id violent!.!
(nun Its faateptnga, u shirt that reach
ed out nnd pierced Mm through and
through, blinding him with Its burst
lug light rapof Theu l.uulie.pic fell
himself falling, falling Into a pit that
ssiiiisl to have no bottom
It was hours before he could piece
together what bad hapiH'ticd. how he
chanced lo lie 111 bed. what the en use
or the terrllilo throbbing pains upon
bis anus and torso was. Theu the
wonder of I.uellle's being wllh Mm,
ministering to Mm. drove erery pain
away and be watched her from under
cover of his heavy lushes aa abe moved
about the staterisjin. quiet, cool, aym
pathetic He straightened lu bed ao abruptly
us to bring a moan of anguish from
Ms lips In the lassitude Induoad by
was smneth itlMi IB the eves
fastened ui in ni own something
guileful about the suggestive eiproa
slon of bar tones that put him instant
ly on guard.
Day followed day with ever his fac
ulties fastrted on the necessity for
caution A curious soil of friendship
sprang up between I In in. a friendship
partaking more or an armed neulralltv
without the roiiiinllly or a ling of
truce than anything else he could
With the alleviation of llngu lyoi
licipic'a sufferings Hie old animosity
and purpose nourished with redoubled
vigor This girl had undoubtedly
sought Hie opportunity gf noising him
Hint she might defeat his purpose. Hho
was the daughter or the man he had
ssnt hla lire In working mil a com
plete degrsdiillon for He must fight
down the weakness which assailed
him when her icseiiililam-e lo the Lu
cille of forty years ago surged strung
Art sbs V
Abb mis . - M.3 BBB
B fc '
1 Lmvj &l -s'ggVW:
1 gWiffl Wr '
mm r j0 mmjLT
1 I m l
mfp ?m may
he Dlscovsrsd th-Oisry.
within him He must fight against
her aa he would right against auy one
else, aa he had fought against Ihe very
And Lucille felt Hie change, fell It
and redoubled her effort to get the
secret of Ihe stolen pusTs The spirit
of the garur was In her. and -he Wold
ed a grudging admiration for the nil
ulng of the man who. even lu his most
acuts suffering, managed lu conceal
everything from her Even lu delirium
his (Kiwerful brulu nsd-dod tier sug
gestlons, her hints And in one of
her days or ministration to Mm slie
discovered the diary lu which lie hud
entered Ms strange worldwide actions
The International spy waa able to
walk alsmt his room i,.,w. Ids eyes
showing the satisfaction he felt at
thwarting her They played Chess to
gether, dlin-d together, with always
Ihe armed deference lietweeti them, a
stale or mind so obvious as to have
Iwen ludicrous had Huy not Isdh been
so conscious of It. Many times she
thought the strain was more than she
ouhl boar, when she doubted the wis
dom of this trip And always would
onio morbid pictures of her sweet
heart to sustain her In her determlna
Hon to clear htm or Ihe churgu under
hlch he restisl
"To the bestsl"
IT Waa on the eighth day out thai
the apy suddenly sprang to hla
feet, darting swiftly to the door
of the stateroom, she stared at
him In astonishment, uinnxisl at the
hsuge which had come over Mm.
Ills life must hive made Mm more
than unusually sensitive to linpree
luna, for a full quarter hour elapsed
after be had resumed Ids seat Is-roro
i barely (s-r, eptlhle thudding sound
came from hem-nth Ihe deck.
Perhaps It may have been the pre
munition of (be silent man, perhaps
rorebodlng or disaster on her own
nar Siuit took her to the deck. The
(To ha continue, I next Weak.!
oil I IIS, W If Oil, ,1 DO, I I ., I l
Holies la loo, 1. 1 id, en thai BeBlaaUtA,
Ktildls, al Diamond Ureson, who niUcr
II, lull, liisilr ll,,ini.l,.,l lour) i-erlsl s
lorhi.SWi SWI sw'(, .-,-,..,. .a.l M
Si Hon :l l , nallli .nil,, linage .,. I, Kl,
Wllnnu'lle MuilSmu. tutu Ulnl mm,, ,,l nun
lion In Ilniillli,. ilia Innif, lu calsliluti
The Orderly Told Him a' Lucills's
the auperlor he waa himself under an
other's suspicion. It was more than
puzzling, mors than baffling -that ue
cusatory pair of frank gray ayaa.
"Lieutenant," ha began slowly, "I
have tiled to tbluk of some solution
to this arfalr that will not Involve you.
Vim must realize how greatly 1 desire
this, liut I hare thought for hours
and there seems no other explanation
of the disappearance of the papers 1
turned AVer to you. Can you suggest
some other person that might possibly
The International apy pueed up and ,1BV an nt""'' '" their dlaappeur-
down the floor of bla auit, for the first "'-'
time In years a prey to emotions that "' can, air," stead) I y anawered the
threatened to overwhelm Mm. aid, bis eyes holding those of tho older
The message In hla eyea had boon mHU "' am Uut however, Inaubordl
clear. This girl knew that tho papers "ate nor insolent to my superior urU-
hls underling hud stolen from the gen- "
eral's safe were In hla possession. Hha The amoldactog flama In General
Loubequs Felt Himself Falling,
his burns and the shock of the Wlro-
hws room explosion he had concentrat
ed the forty years Hint were past Into
the lb lug presence uf the daughter Of
Ihe worn, in he had loved at that Hill
And she was his enemy.
He mn I no sliow lesojiliiieut of bar
kindly interest, must not betray th
fact Hull lie had papers for which she
was looking. The coincidence of bar
tending Mis was too strange to ha uu
pn nn dilated
"Vou ure i cry kind," he said. "There
was an aaploaloo in Hiu wlreleaa room,
was there not '('
"ton ciiihi nut talk till tha surgeon
comes," she smiled. "I must obey or
ders, jon know, because I am only a
volunteer "
"A volunteer! You volunteered to
balp a stranger!"
"Hid you are not a stranger." ba
mulled curiously. "Yon knew my
claim n, Ilia laid alsiv, ,1, i , II,,., , l. n,
liter ami II, sil. ii. al llurill, lii,ali on (lie
islli ilay of So Vim Is i. II I
I'lalmalii aaiios lur a lu
ll ll Rrawa, Cksrlss A w,n. ,,,.i t,,i,
wssver, till all o! Ulaliioiul , OreauU, ililtool
lirouls k, of Narriiwa. Im lam.
Wm V.uutf K,.l.i...
I'NIII li ,i Ml.. LAND on 0 I
Hurua, Oreaoe, I i ui
Niillra Ii ksrtb sUcu that i ksrlss i liaruui,
of Narrom, oickoii, li,,.i.ii Nm n, n inde
liMlueilesil knlry Siv.l.-j,M'ilsl. Nn
' His Hull M, lliwn.lili. :. r, Han, I i
Wllllaiiu-lle M, iMI.n INunli Malloiu Latknl
im ni,-, I iiotti,. ,,t Intention o, neks Nual
v year pnml lo i-ilatilllli nlalm lo n
above it, . Ml,,. I ,,. i, Hvglllei ami lis
reiver, SI Hiirni, ilrcaiili lu, Jalh ,l, (
DrliiliiT, IIHI.
Claiinaiil uauice ai wlilicaxai
Aiioy iiaisiin, i harlot Lewis, II w Uawl
Ha 14, Prtiil Hal inn. all uf Narrosi. llreniin
- rAnss. Ilcgliler
Hurlia, UregoB, Ovluts r iota,
Tu Harvey Vaults, uf kullyfariil. iiri-uoti, on
You am liolil.y niilill.,1 dial HsttlS I cma
I'erry who sivsi lttly, Urvsun, aa kai nest
oAlue ailituaa ill, I mi lictuhrl li'Hi. I ill, ale In
Dili iittn e her ilaly i uii,,l,iii,o,,l Hi,ilicatloii tu
nintcil ate I leoille ll,, , ,,, . tlatiuu of yoilf
Muumliail kliliy No Mi nal No UIHIH mail,,
seiiieiuiiri .Ml., ri -. , w,, NWi.sK'i,,
Seiilluti lu, 'I'. :: . it .,, I. . ,oi, i
M,TllWIISllliiV. Hiilllli, till Wlllniu
etie, MerMlau ami hi hioiiii'Ii
lie allegm llislsall llsrv, wbull)
atiamluiiai) aalil cutty. , ilsi., 1,1,1 i raalileiuti
alioul Man I, I .ll, lid
lliermlili'lii a Him I'slal.lliloi'l mi', I I, in,
aetfeutliHly in, in Ida claliu 100I the vlilmiv
nice Jliiy lit, Iwlll, ami Inn lllu 1 1 liauscl llll
reiliteiiru Ibsrsfroni ever 1 ihi i'.e lu the
present date.
Tpu ars, therefute, lurtliei , t u,i n,.
said a I leant Inn 1 will bu lakiui na 1 uufeessd , I
yuur aaid euiiy will 1
titer 1 In lo tu lie hciiiil
or itn speel, 11 1 on 1
within iw, iu 1 Im nil,
tluu of Dili noil, , ,
into 1111,1, 1
these sir
proof 11
auiwi 1
the poet oBI, ,,
uutlcei to he n
Pale ot Bill ,u
llaio 01 ,
pale ul
1,1,111 tin
11. II olio 1
II Mill, ,'
I'lll'll, I,
aa iliowli lieluw. mm
..Hi li-i itielliia 111
, lot Willi itne
1 "py ul yuur
You're RolriR to TonvrmaV
Dr. Geo. G. Carli. prepttwd
for Hpflcial attention to all dif
ei of eyo, ear and noM. Eyea
totted and R.aanea fitted. 60tf.
i'hitsii Bvavas l.asu qrrtes,
Hums, nri 11, thiobef II, ItU.I
Noil.,, li hereby slvsn thai Sailha Bctaeuer,
i lilamuiiil, (lreon. who. OB astrUBItsr l,
IUI, matin Ibilllstlesd Knlrf. HO, 0SJt, tot
h',slMHWUMgU, Bee M, T.glj, It W I.,
and I ot j. section 6, Towmhlp so s. gsna H g.
W Ulan. etla Meridian, haa Aletl nullre of lulsii
iliin tu make nual 'imuiiKailini troiif to eilsb
Hah 1 taint in the laud alsive ilnierllsyd, Imfore
Itealiter ami Itenel ver al Hurui, eireimti, us tbs
1 "iii day ot November, 1014.
claimant mimes ae wllneesei
I I Heltaiier. I'hrlltlan Si liaj.-r beau
Hi, run. anil llnlnrl Hied all Of Plamolld.
We rasss. Heiliiei.
Hurni. ureson, OSvober 7, lull
suiit l herehy given that James Cameron.
fiiai'iitoi uf AniiaT'aineron. Inesse, widow of
ii'ii 1 ameron, beeeseed, sf Waverly, Orsgoa,
n ho. on Mai nisi sad Ntivsmlwi 71.1(1 1, rasMe
llMl, .itiatln lloniestrsd glitrles. No US4S4-0O714,
lor N vt' ' N WUNEW.lse. II sad YHiWUMm-
1 'lowmlilp 'A H , llaunr :i K . Wfilain
t'lie Mi 1 1, lieu, has flled notlne of Inieallea 10
in k 11 llual oiree year Proof tu Mlahllih
t'lalm In the land shove descrthod, befure Bes
litnr anil Receiver, el Burin, orrjtm, on tss
lot It tier of Novemtier, KM
I laluiani nimiiiM wllneseee
II f Steele, A. HenOSIt, I), tjuler, g.
Hoiitmau, all uf Waverly, tlre(,,u.
Wtt Ktsss. Resliter.
Rolled barley, wheat and oats
for sale at market prices. - W. A.
Goodman's feed yard.
HsiTsnSTaTss 1-asd Hrrit r 1
Burns, Ureson, September at, iota 1
Notice la hereby lives thst retsr Miller, t
risioa, ureion, wbo. ob jbob ass 'Zii'T'litlS''
IS BOBtb, KaoasM gasl wiiienoite
bss flled nullre of intention 10 make
final three year areol. to eaieullab olalm lo tas
land above described, before Use. A. sinyih,
if., U , cemuilailoBer, al We orJle,. al
Andrews. Oreses oaf Ihe Mb day ot November.
1 lalmant asmss ss wam
rieios, uroavii, wu
Men ; swit
Meridian, bss filed I
iilteer Met'srtv. t'lrde Mg vrey, John X
Wlliieme, Julia Hernard. sll of Flelde, iirenou
Wa.Takaa, Refiner
tl6M)taraslU Ust Ms.
HaiTSOSravse basDilern e. I
Bbios. Orsgoa, Ostoosr 6, III I
Notice U hereby fives thai tbs Northern
sells aallway com pan y. whose, past .office
address Is rBuITglaoseota, bss thla Mb
dsy of ueioasr ii, nie id inie ooaee hi
plication to select under lbs provision! ul tin
set ef ronaresa, approved Jof I. lira ran Hint
m gsaf. w M.
M7.W0 m xMfltf4 by ih Act of Valium
arlal Re. orWe
approved Msy 17, less
NWMBK.H, See. IS, lOWOiaip " suuin, niqi
Any sud sll BersoDi elaifsloi sdrsrseljr toe
laads described, or dsslrlns lo object liccauie
ef lbs mineral abareetsr of lbs fsnd, or any
other ream )e tbs elspoeal isappllcaBt n,..., nt
lis Ihslr aMavlta of protest la this office, uu
or before Ihe both day el November, 114
WO. Pa BBS, Iteflitf r
Real Leaders in
the Churches
United in Con
demnation of
Prelates, Priests and
Pastors Raise Their
Voices in the Cause
of Temperance,
by Law"
Read What National
Thinkers Say:
"To drink no alu Jftiua Christ draah.
eslooa Is aa sin And any policy thai claJsaa la Ilka aaaaa ef
t'lirlei. or doss not claim Hla nstaaa, that dasje with the wall
uiah ui.lvereal laats of man for alrobol ON THE BAOta OP
LAW AND OKUIR ALOMB. eaaael Mmmeod Itaeif 10 taa
bei iBtelllgeaes. Bad Is duuiued to tall."
kkv dr. HAiNsronn.
at Osorge'a KplaeooaJ Churvb. New Tarfc Clip.
"la II right la drlah wlas and beert It Is right lor aash
Individual lo decide that question for hlsaaelt, and fer tha
..11, no, nit y 10 pel surh ragulatlona oa tha aala ef wlaa aaa
beer, AND CINI.T Mt'i'll. aa are nssessarv te peavasM aspwlae
RalV. LTHaJI ABioxrrr
1 and public disorder."
"Tha church at Ued haa never daolared Ul moderate aaa
of alcohol to ha a ala: (hla seems U ha left, wllh ether
iMnse. aa open mailers of nbilaaiBB Ulirty.'
r. d. o.
"Aa (or thoee whe endeavor lo eo.Het ganptaro a their
side hy main tat 11 1 no thai the wlaa maaUeasal la aaototora
waa hot ao Intoxicating liquor, they must either he thesa
sslvea very Isaeraal and atUyr If they rasjly bsUaoa It. or
niasl bs feslarlng a (laaa trseid la lbs hope af delaOtaa m
"All ve Aaasrt s, ll saame la me. aaght la eutve Is
iiiatntaln and perpetuate A asses aaa arte sap lea Btate-wlde
problbltlea vlolataa and beaal osMbb bboosiSs thu aetaetpls,
Ht.refore I am apocBod te esata-wtda aishahBtlOB and la laTor
of local optica." BIgHOP UAN1BL, g TOTTUa.
i'realdlag Bishop ef lbs Pretaataat Bglaoepal Church la Uka
United Hta lea
"1 am upposed lo prohibition by alatala. I would rather
eee Smcrlca. fee rtrst, and ihea have Ita altlssna aoa Ms tsaa
Broohlya. M. T.
"Under tha present law (county prohlblllooi lha taleon.
where tha traffic oould ba regulalad. haa given way la the
ireiNeti, wbsia aalaara aad awdaasrasiaa aatala all tha
whlefey they mat The lloaer bualnaaa should bs ondueled
bpsb and aheve anrt, and oat aver the bars ef asassS dene,"
MBV. KATIIgR T. J. Ht AN. PoaUac, bitch.
"I oannot too the banaflta la ba derived trass 1
abatlBeaae." BISHOP ORAPTOM, al Wit
"Abaoluta pre hi ai tie has provsa bioiaellcahla. if aat a
itara-' rallure."
Biabop of Laavauwarth, Kaasas
'The uaa of aloeholto liquors Is and alwaya haa bsaa saa
sldsrsd not only legttlmata aa a bsvaraga, hut II la eoaao
crated and haihewed In lb moat aolama and weighty rite af
the I'brutlae Charaaw Tou cannot, hy aaaee law, eradlcale a
eentliiient and dastroy aa institution that i,aa sleod for agaa
and (bat Is so dsaply rooted In aor sevlal life "
HBV. W. A. WAsPJK New tsrh
"Kvsryoue knows that thsr era many aalaona that ars
perfectly orderly and law-abiding. Have 1. aa a minister,
any more right to Interfere with tha bualnaaa of aueh a piece
than tin saloonkeeper would have to dlaturb tha paaee af
my uougi egatton while at worahlpf"
VBRY HBV. D. U. J. HABTLBT. Utile Rook. Ark.
"I consider prahlhlMoa siuy because II Is daatnietlve.'
"The aslabltabmant of problbltlea would ba hmpeaotiea
and wauld put a areeaiasa ia tha sals ot lalaslaallag aBaafssV
"Prohibition drtvaa aadargsawad tha lulaohlaf whloh
sehs lo care.' BIBHOP HAUL, Varuaal.
sPsahlbNbaa baa bean dlaaslvaaa lo tha aauaa at eas
oeraec.." BIHHOP CUABK. Rhode Islaaa.
"It la a rude Intarfarwnoa wllh the parsoaial liberty for
the law to tall ma what 1 shall eat or how much I shall oat. II
Is jusl as ruda an Interference fur II te daaarlba what - shall
or shall hat drlah. and how much."
RBV. DR. CHAM. PA It a III) HOT. Mew Park.
"Hy syss wsra opsnsd la the great evtla af prohibition la
a aiy few years Ths slabs argaalsag by yaaaa saaow lbs
telling uf vile deeeetlaaa by aeaw aad ahUdeea. ths
bypass ley aad oavrapttaa arrastsd my atlaatloa."
itSV. UR BLANOHARD, PerlUud. Me.
to ba me
ss pru"
I'sitiii stjtbi l.aspOrnrs,
Hut 1,- tirefon, Delobar 7, 1(14 I
Notice la hereby ylven that Jaaiss A Camsraa,
ul Wavarh , iirasnn . who, on May 11,1(11, siads
Haincileatl Kntry, No ftMsil, lor SRUbaeiawa
IS, Ivwiishlp n smith, Karife Si .. Wflleatette
Meridian, tin lle.i notice of IslsaUaB
tu make nnal Hires year proof, t establish
claim I, H , ind above deserllsjd, iisforeaaa
literan' "l Moras, (irefon.oa tbs
1, I'll!
1 taifiiaul nainca as vrllnsises
n. y iteakj i 11 iiei.itiii. l ualar, K.
Iloritman all 'if Waverly, trsnn
w Kasss, kemeter.
Huron, 1 ireitou. Mcpieuibar Jl, KM.
Hollas Is lierehy f Ivn that Ueerse W. Hilar,
ot l,aweu. lirt'S'i". vrlio, on July i. ISOS, made
Hoiaeataaa, slry. No. USOM, fur h'.NW't and
lailail aiel I, set lion I, I owiiilili, ti H.. Kenfc
ail K., Willamette Meridian, lias flled notice
uf liitsui ton to mik.' Dual Ivs year proaf, to
rilalillsli iliitn to Hie land n,tr described.
Itelnrt lieylaier ami Hwcliter, el Hums, lire
(ui, on it,,' Hi dsy uf November, llll.
l.'lalinatil uniiiii ii wltneases
i'I.iIxiiiii Here, "lo, 1. new It, Albert Wood,
all Hiirni, nit sou 'iiii ttistdmas, uf lasin,
W. fasKS, lUslsMr.
I'sitiii Snivel I.asii linn s,
riuriui. Kregon, HepUinberiffi, llll.
Notice la hereby ul ven Ibal Orover tioudlow,
of Harney, Ureson. who, on March Hi, lew.
msde llouicileetl Kntry. No. OlOia, for NKU,
Section rt. lownehlp ri s , Itlllfc SS K , WII
latiieti.. Meridian. Iiae flled notice of Intealloa
tu ittaku Anal Ave year prool, lo eslsbllsb
claim lu Hie laiel above described, before
the Keitlitcr ami Heel yet, al Hume, Ore(OB
on the nit day ul November, llll.
I'lelmeiti neutci ei w 1 1 n ceeee '
Jut,,,, rule. Hoi,, 11 Hrlnkwstsr. Joe 1 lark,
I. L. I'liulatlt , all ol Harney, Oresoa
1 PAsas. Utrxlstar
U a Seitel.tri ifleo. g. ( baruberlaln
) Harry Letne
I W llaw ley
M J Slnuotl
Albirney fiensral . A. M. raw ford
,..1. .11,01 oiwaldMeet
secretary n Ktata Han W. o I sou
Trcaeurer ... T.O.gsr
Supi. Public I., .uu, 'in j a Churchill
MSI I'liuier w H Dualway
1 llobi gakla
IT A. HcBrlde
supreur Jadgee . Uean Huraeti
. a. Been.
P. A. Hears
District Jmise DaitoD hlsgs
County A Homey iteo. b Ml le more
1 Iretili Court meets tha Iret Monday la
April and Iret Mumley lu Uetabar.
luliu Henstor
lul nl Hepteeeutat! ve
WII Hrooke
W. P. MoaieB
Cuunit Jadss
sit. nit
tirbuul HuiMirlntendenl
SlAM fc I OhJ ,
Com anealobers
tirani Tb
K I Hua
U A Millar
c. g Baarv
A. K. Hlcbardaoa
1 J fnasssa
I. M Hamlftaa
u. w.riev
it P. dlvaatat
iTbas Bain
fount) t oun mctie Ibe Bret Wedaeaday la
January. Starch. May, July. Heslamlsr aad
NuvetaU t
flifal.i. ,
J. UJ. Ql
Phyilelati aoJH
Burns, - - .
Office la oew boil libe J
barooas m,,f
'I' MaggH
GEO. G. CAgjl
Faiyalclan uaj,. ,
aaee aaej BWeei.
Phyiician atsjij
DENr-in &
Physicians ,,);
Calli aoawarorl itoiagj,l
i'i.,... ali id.
uijiiv ftiftii 11111BII .
Dr- Minniel
iPhysician and!
Uiract lelephmit ,
La wen.
b. E. HII
Offlos first door ' u i
Bur 11 v Oa
M. A. iii
Attorney at
Veegtly Bldg
mabssv i- s. l si, errics:
aaoordi r.
1 tiiit.f Itmen
I Jamea lAaanablre
1 k. J. McKlnaua
Meeimee of ibe Counrll every taeood and
t. .mil, WwdueaO
Wss Parrs
am Motbersbead
. aam Motberahaad
KOV Vsn BJlBkls
Henry Dalian
..K L. Halaaa
II J. llaaeen
( A. C. w
$1500 Reward!
ThoOreeoa, Cal
1 turnla auo Nevada
Use rttock Prstee
Hoa AsaoclaUoa af
which ths seder
slgasd Is member,
will five H.OMvB
reward for st
deace leedlas bs
the errt-n end eea
vtctloo ol auy par
tvttrnartlm staal-
11,1 huraea. rettli
or muleelelon(lii
bs any ol Its mem
In a, I, In, in 10 ii,,- above, ibe uuderabjaed
ont-ri uir Mine r.mtlliloo h0 eu fur all boram
branded burse shod bar on or either )aw.
nreuti r.-i'ot o.i m vg,t eoaBtlea Hangs
llaruey. I l,- anil 1 ruuk counties. Hurees
vested when eoitl
Nuas but grown borsee euld aud only la
Srgv bUlli lo'i.
W W HKI1MN Pile. O
G. A. REM.
Boras, Onrggj
Burns, Jreox
0 ami 7 Mia
Pane toaas qalekly made at 1
rraeticea in Ibe suu-
fore the V . K. Ijtud t
JhflAB. II I
i-UI .
Okfwful attention giraji
tlona and lUal KeUle
Fire Insoriocs.
Notary I'ublie
Burns. 0i
Sumpter Valley Railway Co.
Arrital aaa) frtfartwc Of Traias
No. 2, Prairie 10:15 A.M.
Sumpter 2:35 P. M
Arrives Baker 4:00 P. M.
No. 1, Baker 8:30 A.M.
Sumpter 10:05 A, M.
Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M.
No. 1 Makes good connection
with O.-W. R. & N. Na 10 Iev
in Portland 7:00 P. M. and No.
17 from east arriving Baker 6:50
A. M.
No 2 Connects with La Grande
local 7:00 to La Grande, and Na
0 (fust Mail) picks up sleeper
there arriving in Portland 7.-00
A. M. Also with No. 18 at
10:45 P. M. for points East
lam I " " mCaWWml I
I r n tr I
" list only way to l 1
It get tha ytriuiiia
I New Home IBB
Sewing Machlaa '? '
I U In buy ths "S:WI affl
1 Willi tha naavs NEW JH
I IOME oa the ana l I A -i
II and ia tha lege. M I cf $'
M TbU eaeamlaa alggwV-gegl
ererraaleal for ag I ."' O"
af """ faaS
No other like it M l. f
State Courts and Unitsil
Lauid Office l'r.iot .
Three doors South oft,
Harney County National
Bums. Ori'sTon. i
AMoeway al Law Near
Ommgayaageg, Maaey I le '
AbeWaesa U. S. Laaa Oil... Ptaaa'c,'
OHesbalween Heine, . . , ggfl
aa4 Lan,l otto .
Bum a. .
t. C. 1'ILLABH A."?
Psraiarly A eat gnslnerr ,rmeaytfl
laD, Keclautalloi, -. . - tl I
vies. vi iiasatB
Eastern Oregon l.nciice
atom, Oi'iiitu
Diraat connection.
A. H. CURRY, Prop. ;
Laaeaa Harriman Monday arsi To '
aad arrives WeaWedav ana mi-
waak, connecting with aat
to Deoics'Winneiiiuica, fjatj
No other like It
No other as food
Id. Niw Hom Stwml MMalN
Jeweler. Optlt-'iiin m
Fine Watch Rtpairinjj A
- : LONK
X UliOKdli IOON Hi op.
Moala At All Hhuim
Orders mid Prompt Sivamlj
wun Keasonablo Kan
Give Mo' A Call
Hweia as