The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 24, 1914, Image 2

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    You like 'em don't you?
When you spend them you
like to get the best possible
values for your money
That's why you want to see the
Remarkable Values
we now offer befor you buy a
Come and see them You'll
be mighty glad you came
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
Ihe imes-$craCd
Om Yf i
Sis Meat.
Thro. Meat.
To the Votora and Tax
payers of Harney County,
Notice to Election Boards
The attention of the Judges
and Clerks of election is respect
fully called to the provisions of
Sections 3327 and 3328, which
you will find on pages 24 and 'Jf
of the election Laws to be fur
nished Election Boards; particu
lar attention is called to that
portion of Section 3327, reading
as follews:
"When the count is completed,
the ballots, counted and sealed.
and envoloped and marked for
identification as aforesaid, shall
be packed in the two ballot boxes,
The remainder of the returns
should be sent OUTSIDE the
boxes by the Judge or Clerk con
veying such returns to the county
County Clerk.
Through the courtesy of Mr. J.
W. Biggs, I have been permitted
to read a circular which is to be
distributed by J. F. Mahon for
the purpose of injury to my can-
$2.oo ' didacy for the office of County
Clerk; it reads in part as follews:
To The Voters of Harney County
The following protest was fil
ed before the Board of Equalisa
tion, composed of County Judge
Grant Thompson, Clerk R. T.
Hughet, and Assessor Jas. Done
gan. It was presented in good faith
and with the honest endeavor to
have the assessment raised on a
class of property which we think
is valued far too low and not in
proportion with other property in
the county.
The refusal of the request and
the failure of our efforts were
accomplished partly through the
action and vote of Clerk K. T.
Hughet, who holds his position
not by the expressed will of the
voters but by appointment, and
whose election to this office
this Fall will be a ratification of
this act.
Do the taxpayers of Harney
County uphold such action?
Noted Contralto Coming.
made for the reason that the law
require that the valuation- b
placed on each legal subdivision;
the Board not being in possession
of data to make an equitable dis
tribution of valuations made the
above recommendation to the end
that discrepancies of this kind
should not be permitted to exist
I ask you to examine the re
cords ami compare YOUR assess
ment with the valuations placed
on livestock and to give to this
matter cartful consideration to
the end thiil you will not be mis
led by the misrepresentation of a
man who through selfish and un
worthy motives came before a
Board of Kquity with unclean
hands, and who now is posing as
the Democratic Boss through po
litical bias and personal spite sin
gles out for attack the one mem
ber of the Board who is at this
time a Republican candidate for
public office.
R. T. HlKlHKT,
County Clerk and Republican
Nominee for County Clerk.
In Reply to Mr. Hughet.
Mrs. Lulu Dohl Miller, who
will be heard here in a concert,
in November possesses a rare,
sympathetic, voice of a most un
usual quality. She is a singer
of wide experience having been
with the Fritzie Scheff Opera Co.
in "The Prima Donna" for one
season and having filled the
position of contralto soloist of
the Rutyers Presbyterian Church,
New York, succeeding Mrs.
Clarence Eddy, in this position
which is one of the best choir
positions in New York.
Of her recent work in La
Grande the papers say:
"A record afternoon crowd
yesterday listened to one of the
finest vocal recitals ever given
on a local stage when Lulu Dahl
Miller entertained her many ad
mirers, both here and from out
of town points with a program
of selected numbers, repeating
many numbers by special re
quest. A singer of note having
filled important parts in opera,
both heavy and light, she has a
voice of wonderful range and
sweetest tones. Mrs. Miller
handles with ease the heaviest
roles or the simple little home
loved songs. If Mrs. Miller
should, by any good fortune, re
turn tgala to sing for us, the
largest auditorium in the city
would be packed to overflowing.
"Richelieu" one of the most ar
tistic and intererting features
ever produced in pictures, will be
given at Tonawama on the night
of Nov. 20 as a benefit to the
Public Library. This has been
selected by the Library instead
of producing an entertainment
with local talent as has been w
custom in the past. "Richelieu"
is produced on four reels, but
there are to be two additional
reels, making the program a big
Mrs. Gillen water Bakery, bread
doughnuts and Rocks alwuys on
hand. All kinds of pastry orders
nromptlv filled. Phone No. 124.
The purpose of the protest was
to have the valuation, as fixed
by the County Assessor, of $2.50
on sheep raised to $3.00 per head
and tue valuation of $20.00 on
cattle raised to $36.00 per head;
at time the protest was filed Mr.
Mahon was asked his opinion as to
whether or not proper valuations
had been placed on land, he at
that time stated that he thought
land was about right; this pro
test was denied by unanimous ac
tion of the Board of Equalization
after careful consideration and
comparison, using tne valuation
on land as the basis. An exam
ination of the assessment roll sat
isfied me that land was not as
sessed at more than 60 per cent of
its value and therefore that it
would be unjust to raise the
valuation on livestock with out
at the same time raising the valua
tion on land, in this mstter the
Board made the following rec
"This Board, realizes that
manv changes in the relative val
ue of lands have occurred since
the survey and classification made
in 1909, and we would respect
fully recommend to the County
Court of Harney County that pro
visions be made for a reclassifi
cation of lands before the assess
ment valuations for 1916 be fixed
and that for this purpose suffi
cient help be furnished to the
County Assessor to perform the
required examination and classi
fication". Let us see if Mr. Mahon pre
sented the protest in 'good faith
and with the honest endeavor":
The Assessment roll disclosed
the fact that Mr. Mahon is ass
essed with 4766 acres of land,
the assessed value of which with
improvements is $19,776.00 or
less than $4.26 per acre (try to
buy the Principality of Mule for
$4.26 per acre and you will find
that it ia listed and on the mar
ket at $26.00 per acre) you know,
Mr. Mahon knows, an the Board
knew that this is not a fair val
uation and that it should be rais
ed in order that it might be equi
uable as compared with the value
placed on livestock by the Coun
ty Assessor, this raise was no
In reply to the letter published
the News of October 21. 1
wish to say that the protest made
and signed by myself and others
to the Board of Equalization was
made in good faith and for the
sole purpose of trying to get fair
and equitable assessment.
As for myself. I was willing
and asked that sheep be raised
and I am a sheep raiser. Sheep
are herded together and are al
ways in a position to be easily
counted nnd are given in full, or
neatly so, to the assessor. Cattle
are generally given in at less
than half of the number on hand
or owned. Sheep at the present
time are worth about $4.00 per
head on tho average and are as
sessed at $2.50. Cattle are now
worth on an average about $66.00
per head and are assessed at $20.
03. Shcco men give in their num
ber in full, and are assessed at 62$
per cent of their value. Cattle
are given in at 50 per cent or less
in number and then assessed at
only 35 percent of their value.
A sheep man, therefore, pays on
62 percent of the value of his pro
perty; the cattle man on only 174
per cent of the value of his. Is
this fair? Who owns the cattle?
Five or six persona own nearly 75
percent of the cattle in this Coun
ty. Now, who is benefited by
the low rate on cattle? If Mr.
Huirhct lias clean hands, why did
he not take this into consideration
at that time? In whose interest
does he seem to be working the
millionaire cattle man or the av
erage taxpayer?
As for my land, the iMsator
has every acre assessed which I
own, and as to the value per acre,
he arbitral ily fixed the price with
out consulting me. I made no
protest as to the land for the rea
son that I knew another party
was making objection to that, and
I upheld his objection.
The reason I did that was that
he had full facts on which to base
his objection to the valuation of
land, and I did not have those
This protest on land was also
disallowed and the Board refused
to correct the equalizations of the
assessment upon the land.
wasjicv r asked (as stated
by Mr. Hughet; my opinion on
the valuation on land, and did
not give it. Ihe question was
asked by some of the Board,
"What about land?" and I said,
"Others will attend to that who
know more about it"
Now, their only contention and
reason for not allowing this pro
test, according to Mr. Hughe t's
statement, was that they had
made greutcr irregularities in the
UNScsments of land and therefore
had the right to make these ir
regularities in regard to cattle
and sheep. In fact, their claim
is that they have made the as
sessment such that the big tax
payer gets a great deal the best
of it on land, therefore they have
the name right to give him a
great deal the best of it on per
sonal property; but do you think
that because a wrong assessment
is made upon one class of property
that that is a justification for a
wrong assessment upon another
I will be glad to have my lands
assessed at their actual value if
they will assess the other land on
the same basis, and that is the
only fair way in whieh to make
the assessment. The present as-
sessement does not favor, either
upon land or personal property
the small taxpayer but does favor
the large taxpayer in every in
If the Board
Oregon, for what it is worth. I
have done what 1 have done so
far, st the request of a number
of the best men of the County,
all of them boing tax payers. I
have done it further for the rea
son that I believe It is just and
right and if it appeals to you in
this manner, I ask you to do
what you think is right in correct
ing it.
Jameh F. Mahon.
A Pioneer Citizen Dead
From an Accident.
Word was received here Wed
nesdsy evening of the death of
L. N. Olson at Drewsey. Tho
Times-Herald secured some of
the particulars of the cause of
his death from 0. W. Clcvenger,
who returned from Drewsey yes
terday evening.
Mr. Olsen had gone out in the
hills riding for stock and his
horse threw him. A man saw
Mr. Olsen on a side hill near his
ranch walking with the aid of
two sticks and as he came nearer
where the man was at work in
the field he fell and called for
assistance. He immediately tied
his team with which he was
plowing and went to the pros
trate man and asked what was
the matter when he said his
horse had thrown him and com
plained of his side. A team was
secured and the injured man
taken to Drewsey, but never
regained consciousness after
starting on the journey to town.
death occurred soon after reach
ing home.
Mr. Olson was a pioneer resi
dent of that section and was well
known all over the county. The
funeral was held yesterday after
noon at Drewsey. Many regret
him untimely death.
To the Voters of
Harney County.
In asking for your support in
the coming election. 1 invite the
public inspection of my work
during the time I held the poef
tionof County Surveyor, knowing
my record will compare very fav
orably, both as to efficiency of
work and amountof expenditures,
with that of any one who has
ever held that office in this
If elected I shall endeavor to
give prompt and efficient service,
with proper consideration to
economy of county funds, and a
square deal to everyone.
I consider myself a permanent
resident of tho county having
lived here, with the exception of
the time spent in school, since
early boyhood.
I have grown up with the
country. I know its needs. My
interests are all here. I am
backed neither by political clique
nor ring, but stand on my own
merits as being thoroughly com
petent and ask your assistance in
electing a Harney County boy.
Frank P. Gowan.
Republican nominee for Surveyor
The funeral of the late Dr.
Elizabeth Ellis was held Thurs
day afternoon from the family
residence, Rev. Dr. Benson read
ing the Episcopalian service and
also made extended remarks of
an appropriate character in ad
dition. The funeral was largely
attended and the magnificent
floral emblems attested the high
esteem in which the deceased
was held by the poople of thia
Her daughter, Miss Georgie,
arrived from Washington Tues
duy evening, but her health was
such that it was decided to wait
another day before the funeral
service. Miss Ellis is reported
improving with every indication
of soon recovering her usual
I r. Ellis was such a useful and
valuable citizen of thia section
that if will be impossible to fill
her place and her genial charac
ter leaves a void in many places
where she was so well known
and respected.
The funeral of Mrs. Win Gowan
was held Monday afternoon from
the Masonic Lodge room, the
service being conducted by tne
local Chapter O. E. S. Many
friends attended the service to
pay their last respect to one who
We are now showing special lines H
of new winter Dress Goods; up
to date, and Quality, as usual,
the Best New waist materials,
knit goods and underwear; laces,
Ribbons and Embroideries.
Our shoe department Is complete with
full line of shoes for Everybody
You will find all the newest
been so closely associated ideas in millinery at Clingan's
with them for so many years,
and the floral contributions
were beautiful. Her brothers,
Chas. and Sam Farrish were
over from Grant County and also
Geo. Hagny
W. F. Homan
mi 1 bPHL"-" jfi'1
A niiiw atNBMB1 e
The ladies of Burns and vicinity
are invited to call. One door
north Haines' store.
Imm Oreooa. Silaer It. MM.
Beaioa Ik karekf airea that Waiter H . Ilaim.r.
ef Beta. UIMM, aku. OODa. . lt!0d Jim
MMllvely HoaiMlMd KMrlr.
i sts
MMR't ami
, nana ii
M MaHSkM hM Sled rtetioa ol
. lilt. NAM', tm sj
laleallea la asake Seal Um-riw Proof, to
eelakUek tltl HI to Ik toad bo.
kolsrt Rafter. r and Beoelaer, Bami. I'rriiui.
oB Ik ITIS Say el UrUeker. 114.
W. K. Imwm, S. O. BUlk, P. Tooibtln.
ctyda Imlim. nil si Beroe, orefoa.
Wa. hiu, kHUIrr.
v WW v. , mm ... tv v.r r m.
Bares, Otetjee. ix-tobar i. MM I
Noilr. I kereby !fM Ikal t.'laed. I. Auxin .
ol Narrows, (iratjaa, who, oa April 7, llu )
Muck I J, MM, nmtUrilr, Mill llensetrad
kmrit..iVw-jsn.ioSk. ser. 7. (,',
M Uul WUKWU. SeeMoe 17, Towintila :
.. Kun St S. WlliaaaeMe Meridian. Ju Sled
kvilM ol Imanlloa to neke Baal IktaB year
kraal, to aoukllak elelei M Ik land ekosa da
Mrltwd.balor ftaaloui amd Kmlv.r ai Bun..
Oraaok, oa Ik HU of Noraibr, lux
CtaJiaa a t aaal ) Wtiaava
A W. Hurleart. M. B. oaeutea. i.T.. kin.
mot all el Narrows. Oteeaa. Wllllaai Paii
ol Hutu., orafua.
To the Voters of Harney County
I promise, if olected, to oolleel
all fees as provided by law, and
turn them over to the County
Treasurer; and to submit to the
County Court in itemized form,
all expenses incured for their ap
proval or rejection; and to con
duct the business of the oAm
with partiality to none, and jus
tice to all. On the- foregoing
pledge I solicit your support.
A. W. Goodman,
Republican nominee for SheriiT.
The dependable man who will
be always on the job if elected
Representative of Harney sad
Malheur Counties. No promises
to break just dependable.
The friends of W. Y. King de
Hire to call attention of voters
that in order to vote for him for
justice of peace it will be neces
sary to write his name on the
ballot in the place designated and
place an X before it:
A Full Line of
What Wottbi Yi DoT
There are many times when
one man questions another's ac
tions and motives. Men act dif
ferently under different circum
stances. Ihe question is what
would you do right now if you
had a severe cold? Could you do
better than to take Chamberlain's
Counh Remedy? It is highly re-.
commended by people who have
u:-d it for years and know its
value. Mrs 0. E. Sargent, Peru,
I nil., says, "Chamberlain, s Cough
Remedy is worth its weight in
gold and I take pleasure in re
commending it" For sale by
all dealers.
Combination kick, iujuty, tuvioVnl
ml ilaatli beoeflt protection al unnl
toum coal. 12,00 00 death hsnefU;
11,000.00 for ton of limb or -yilii.
laom 15 0U to 115 00 wrrkl sick or ac
cident beuefll: 11,000.00 fcmarmncv ro-
Hal ItciirUl. Cost ia 16.(10 par year :
no other duB or aawaaoisnta. In BBS
tosurame all man and woman are placed
on bo equal basis, regai-dlea of occupa
tion. Kvary person utakee the same
form of application, pays the aaine
aBBOfiBlof premium and receives the
aaaae amount of benefit. Men and
Women between the aces of 10 and AA
are accented. Mo restrictions as to oc
cupation, only Kailroad men employed
employed on track, train or roonnd
house, can not be accepted. Claims an
paid within sixty days anywhere in the
H. H. Canada or Knropa. Old reliable
Insurance Company. $100,000.00 on
State deposit as protection for Policy
holders and to (oarantee the payment
of claims, f or further free information
address Unstavs K. Werner, Secretary
and Ueoeral Maaaeer, Bos S13, Buffalo,
N. T. stats sfs, Sax, occupation ami
mention Dspt. & ITS.
I also have a new line or
Percales, Flazons. Glssfhams, Voiles,!
Latest In Neckwear. Barret te. Side
Back ombs for Ladies. Just arrived, t
Latest In Ties, ollars. Suits, aps, Ht
Underwear and Shirts for Men.
On quantity orders ft
For Haying
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Hoase Pain tins
and Decorating
Haidwood flnlshlns
Ft sims Palatlns
SB) ap-akown.
onra ant a chance
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hi
Baled Hay For Sale
Irto I amp House andlFeedina Privileges in ( t
or Barn. Customers Care For Own Stock.
W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair Gn
of Equalization
was just and fair, thers would be
no cause for protest, but it has
been getting worse from time to
time until it is now almost unbearable.
I therefore submit this to you,
the voters of Harney Count.
1 bbl. best straight grade flour on the market
1 bbl. best fancy Patent flour on the market -1
case best standard solid pack, sugar corn
1 case best standard tomatoes on the market
1 case Pearl oil
1 keg good pickles .
50 pounds fine dairy salt .
10 pounds Fountain dried peaches .
10 SUver Leaf lard . .
We have a complete stock of
Seasonable Goods
and are ready to supply your wants
Dress Goods, Wash Goods
Laces. Ribbons, Hosiery.
Gloves, Embroideries, etc.
The Burns Department Store
huiiia. ur.kuk, Baelaiabot MIU, IvM
Ii luliauti I'ikii.l.k ut Allwtaoa, Ort'Knu 1'u.i
I lenluo :
Potatoes 11-2 cts. pound. Good onions 2 cts. pound
Winter apples 75 cts. box. Squash 1 1-4 cts. pound
We have a dandy good coffee for 23c. pound
We also have a fine peaberry coffee for 26c. pound
These prices are the best In the Interior. Get other prices and com
pare them. We Invite you to see the quality of our goods and the
price and you will be a continual customer.
Phone, write and come and see us
John Day, Oregon
wu aru licri'li
HtltfhtK.W h" nut', t'ulil,
iiullOfil lltel Thumaa J
ml. oca., a. kla
.Mn. .11.1 mi Kipii'iuiMf sank, 11114, at. In
luauuat uBV
Ihl. ollio. In, iluly apolu-ailou
is eostael ainl aacura iba vaiiuvllailuh ul your
li. IWV) hnlrr H.rlal Nu
BJ&Mkiaili II r h will Ml., fur NW',.urSei
i Ion II I , l , MX Hon I ...Urn III. U)t,
kd i . , i!. M. 1'uwu.lilo al.
Koulli I. Htm. .1 I ..I . V IlLuifltu. M.rleUa.
ami a. MiHiiiuL loi lit. i uiiu.i U. alive., thai i.. an niirii.iuv n. wouiiy aoeouuaaa
i) il.. i I., ni or o.iabtlauail or uialn
laliuil a n.lilrii. hi m.uw any
tliarwoit, ami lia. auaruUil liituarW aud uliaug
ul liU ii.i.l.ui i Uii-uiiuij vv.ralace in. ilau
olvniiy. Vim an. ih.i.i...... luiiliiir uulifl.ii ikal Ika
aai.i ell.galluki will tw lakau aa ouufeaeed,
anil rcHli .iii.l I'liti) will lm caiiti.t.l wltkuut
i alth.r Iwlor. tbla
efloa or mi .. 1 1 I II y.m lull to Hits in il.i.
-lay. altar lb. PUUKTll
i m ill nu. ii. .lit., . alumu below,
ally ru.oonil
Iiih in Hum allaaai lua.ik.r luu liav. avrvait keoeyol
aal I . ultb.r lu
i.i.iin in ii, ii.i.i.rm mm
Vuii .limiiii .i.i,. in niur aiiia.r Ibr uara.ol
llllOll.l. I iullllv.l.UlUl.ttUlo.I
to no .mil i,, you
Wm. fakkk, H.alat.r
Halt' ul Mi. t iiulilli.Huu tli'iubar Uril, ISM. ul .ii uiiil j. ul. li, .nun IM.iu.1 toili Mia
Pel ul bird i. ul. In uiion liotolwr IJlk. 1M.
UktauJ li'iiilb oiil.ll. atlou.otiiober.SUa,, 1114
Biirua. Orafuu, muii . .iti.SaV
To Joeaoli Uleta.uL ui rtarruai Ortfj
ton teat e. '
ou aaa aarak j auUficd ib.t mo B.C1
Fwui, who hhu. num., VlUtfuu .. till I
ukV. uliltti-
illviu tui.uiu,. I, ii, i.tedeB
IIUU lUilll.lM I r , lb,,,.,, , HU
your Hoinu.Uu.i Knit), .11. 1 Nil
(Ai'i ol fab In, luioi ui.i,
,."K'"WH. BWkWkul m. in. 1,
iituu , Tuwti.hiu.i, uaih.
10. aaat ill. in.. lu- U.-11.11... ...i .4.itmm
biaountr.i b, oalkalaald J.o in lasSm
has wbully .bauilunua .tilr) IkalP
uevaraalauli.lid ,ir uiiui.iu,,i . i,.iJ.uavB
mad. auy Iwuioieuiuul. tlugi.uu aud "
atMant.d bimwii .n.i , i,ugwi 1,1. i,,ldae
tk.r.lrom .v.r .in, , lb. data ol ,11111
You arv, tb.ralurv. lurtiur iiuuiu.i naiej
aald allaaailun. mil I., i.i, . ...ulaajB
aud your aald autry 11 111 1, ,..,,, j itkSS
lurlb.r riant to u- kaard, .Ithoi i.iloraO
oror. or 011, if ,,,u i 1, nl.uaB)
oBtc wllblu taeuty il.v..ll,r tin- loUpP
uubllcatlou ot tin. uutii,., ka.akowo aaWS
iuurau.M.r, .invill, .ny ii'aaas
lua lu ailua.11.11., ,. ,uuu-.i. uilasl
with dua in uul ili.t you ban .,.it,il . maap
your auan uu Hi. ..Id vuul.aiaui iiiBaWi
bareuu or by raaiat.i.,1 1m.1i .
You abuuld atatr in uur auawrr itu uaBSBj
Ika ouat uillio in 11 iiun ,,,u a,iu miaS
ooilua. tobu .ml lu 11.11
I..., li.Ua.
Ual.ul m.1 publi, atlmi in lull., lull. Kit
Date oJ.muiiii i.ui.mi kii.iiii, ii,ui nu latv.
Ualaollblrd uullliall..n in lulior ;lli l"
lau ol lourlb uubiu.iiuu in u,L.r am 1SUJ4