The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 17, 1914, Image 4

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Copyright, 191. .Ill moving plctarm right,
nicrv by thm Vntetrjal film Mannm -taring
Company, which ij now ojrhlbltinl
thi.t production In Iradirg thtatorj. infrlrg .
nrnti trill he x'igo vmli jrmalli
- -'- "
ii n 1 11" '
9 hmtimk
JrL fwmm i
r -:fJP Jl 1
I A- .rfc?trr4b) L
t, ' i ' feffift
PROLOG l.' in.
n print, as on the moving pic
ture screen, "Lucille Love" it
a thrilling, rapid fire .story.
It takes its heroine, a young
woman of charm ami beauly,
into the strangest of situation i.
There she braves the perils of
sea ami Ian, I for the sake of her
love. As the situations unfold,
with the swiftness ami ease of
the moving picture, the nadir
finds htmsclt following, as he
would the living movements of
the reel, ihe fortunes of Lucille,
her foe, Loubeque, the interna
tional spy, amid scenes of ship
wreck and the wildncss of na
ture, on sea, among the islands
of the cannibals and elsewhere.
But Lucille and her arch foe
are not the only two in the pic
ture and story whose movements
are followed with the tribute of
intense interest. The old gen
eral, Lacille's father; her lover.
Lieutenant Gibson; the chief of
the savages and others all stand
out distinctly in the panorama
of picture and story.
Of rvlli-f he t n ml nt the Sealed rkit
lit' bad Just soon the iinny tiflViT n
celVO mm iilnoe tlit'iv The butlrr
throat it into iii pocket drawing out
ii package of lunik DOtM Mint putting
1 It 1" Ihe tiny vault beta ttio papen
bad horn The door cloaad softly, the
knob! wlilrrlnR nnilor tho mini's toiirli
AkiiIh ha waited, ttsteolog, lutming
I Tlir vllinitlmi of the tliiii.vr h feet COO
tlmied for I MCOOd, the BtTOlM of um
: Kie died, with tiio aetselees gltda of
i n panther the hlitler slipped aCCOM the
' floor nml cloaad the iloor U-hlml hllii.
Not one inotlon hiul been Wasted
! For months he Imtl eeTTtd In til Ba
njul capaeltl for (til one opportunity.
Nile tlNl'i'l II himll'l eollle oil the
Empress, and thai uiihius wall nt loaat
aootbar month If lhara waa miy,
chance of Ibe senate's fniiliiu to eou
lliin ii mi' tvouldu'l botbel vu. hut n
mouth Ii Bin h :i lt)U lime, nml ami
nick iiai " iiionej now"
Vol, yea, 1 1 "." Ilia general retorted
gruffly, ii twinkle lu but eye Hint ii-
ii.ti tba i - "Hut from what I've
mtii (onlgbi mid iba laal week slnee
I liirli-y started III laroplana miiiiru
veltt I tbotlglll tin ie inlk'ht he rtoiiii)
cbanga In your plaua "
Lucille Rushed prettily, bar eyes
Duiblng .i ii kli : mull si Iba "tui
wnri young i 'bu stood now
wiih her, lioldlny liei band.
"Mr, Harley's rerj nice uuiii," iba
defended, run ir Dick dooa et Jeui-
' "L.J, 1L-.
ileueriil Lore sum ml hi dlibtllef,
i en v lug the eoinhluiillon of thin
nfe, with set-rets whhh lire liivnliinhlu
to the I'nlled Wnlt-t. Midi taceetl t lint
would he of untold mine I,, Ihe eon
mle of the Catted Bta tea, llh we, nii
Hint might ineiiu the kiuiIIIit of not
territory, hut i iiihiIIi'n Mies does thill
not miike ion n ill range, no to n
suspicious, thni surli i preclnui llilmt
itiould he lefl 111 .lour room, lleuteu-
lit ".' ' The tnnoH of Ihe ut'iiei'iil's viilt'0
bad risen. H sneer illirntlim IbTOUgb
eiery N.vllnhle. "Tba Hipara, l.lenliii
nul tllliHiui Iniiiieilliilely ! Tills Ik your
in i illume
"I plHi-etl lliem III Hie mile, nml Huy
urn not there now, sir." Tba tonal
were quiet cold, determined
"Ton win u to your quart era, sir,
and roiiMiiier youratdf under smart
The lillllilllilllnli ol mi enrol I will he
spared you. However then HI he n
gttard ilh'iul the plllee"
A fulut little ery or prutaat, "Oh, fn
ther!" nouuded Clear mid dlxllnrt
agalnal the daad nii ihe young
Mil ho ml fell from niilule M he
itappad Hwirtiy (award m iwaatbaarl
lieiieml'h iiiiii mm, hnl out nml
draw ihe nobbing girl to him, hi left
linn, I oiilxlretrhetl mm thollgll Hie mere
loiirti of liln nlil in llil he ilrllllnu' Qlb
mm hulleil In IiIn IiuiI.k AumIii liln
ill in rone Niltllv In Mllllle; Iheti mIHi
out n word he I ill tied, IiIn Itapa fiillluu
fulnler mid fulnter iim,ii tin n of
I lie m Ir Who llNliiled With Irnilen
The Work of Spy.
HE waa swift; he wus certain; he
win hu re.
I .iintiy twee) 0:i- lantaiumg
parfuma lingered In tba room,
nud Ihe rustle of LBCllle Loe'a uklrls
eevmed Ktill to sound agalnat tba wnlls
of tba tiny riK.iM which General Sump
ter Iove used us Ms prleata offlcai Ihe
echo of Lieutenant Qlbaon'i pleading
tones hud not departed wban tba door
lenillnt; to the servant ' quarter moved.
A raiitious fraction of nii liirh at a
lime, n ouund so faint Hint notblng
lived between it ami tllencc aucceadad
the departiirr of the genera 11 ah) and
the girl be lotos. Hie 1411 1 he means to
marry. As the butler'f face rramed
Itself on the threetaold Ibe door wns
opened that lad to the ballroom, a
burst of miisir rlbrated there, than an
was alienee Tba hutiir ,;,,s,sl the
door swiftly beblod l,lin an, 1 (tided
across the floor, itoppliiu before Hie
eufe. bis datterooi Bngera manlpulat
lng the knoba with a carel rtalnty
"It's about Dlck'a promotion, gag."
J For moiitha to come he would continue
t,i serve hi order that no auaph ion
' might rest upon him
Ten minutes Inter Thompson, nil. is
1 Tommy lb Iudu, nllua "CM" Tom
! and wanted for Juat Mich Join In many
. polk ilepartinenta of the WOrld, Kll'l
cd out the rear of the house, acurrylnu:
icroai the iuoou aiilnshed parade
ground and losing himself in dartou
HlndliiKS iiuiong the ulllrera' homes
iil,ii tba inllltnry reservation. Slip
ping down n nnrrow aide strwt. lined
with disreputable bouses that waned
nt drunken angles townrtl one nnother,
the lii(hy windows winking blearlly to
their neighbors, he paused Is-foro the
Isrgesl of these phirc. Ilia band
raacbed toward the hell pull I ruin
some distant part of the bouse ciuur
bark au echo Slowly, very slowly.
the doof awuug open, swullowlng up
the flgure of tho thief luitler. And
there the butler 11 ml his employer
made their plans
SsV h. ' jmj Lw jgj
Lucills Love.
that spoke of Hie master rarksinun,
hla face ugalnst the cold ataal, his ears
fulrly peaked with the trnslly of his
llatcnlug for the clh k of falling tum
blers Ilia expression betrayed no
mill, iv lie knew his worth, knew
the pregnahlllty of the Bafa In whl'h
hla master placed so great confidence
and to which be had consigned the
Jiapers ami orders he had Just rerrlvml
from V ashlngton until thr ball was
over and he had time to study the In
all ' lions at his leisure.
The cracksman hravcil a sl-h of re
lief as his sensitive linger tips told
him (he last tumbler had rallen. The
great Iron door swung open to Ids
He wns ntlft; be was certain; he
was sure Not a paper wns disarrang
ed His Hhgrg fluttered like little
white lilrds. drifting among the gen
erul's papers with I certitude that be
spoke great familiarity. With 0 sigh
h.i,n,., n M 17 r.K
NWSI-i ,,Hpi n, Jumi.l.i,, :
h, , , , ,, ,1
J llunoi III I. In ..,
mtciiijtaikii i.a mi, orrics, (
iiiiii, . Oregon, Ocloi 01 ',. in il
Noli,,- 1 barsb) kih ii.ui lbs Nonhsra
Facia,- 1:. ,,;.,,, i.'usjpsuy, wuosa pool otin ,-ailiiii-Mi
la Hi. I'uni, MinUMola loin 11,1. ',11,
day ofOetobsr I'-'ll. filn In lion oflleo lit ,,,.
plfostlou to salsel uodai iba provlaluosol tin
arlol 1 Ollgresa, ,pr,,vi Inly I, is is ':uihii
Wrt.flSO i!itei,,fuil i,y Ilia Act ol lougrmi
Ii, llHliHf
.stirUl No ,7V 1
Any mi, 1 ail uortous olaimiui ailvsrul lllf
InlKla 1I1 ,(ll-,l, ,,r , I. mi, t. ,,, ,,1,,,, 1 , ,,.,.
01 lll iiilmral , l,m 111 I, r ( liu- l,,i,, ,,, any
ullii-l l,'Hlln I0lb Ula,M.I IOH.,ll mil. alii, ill, I
His their siinlnMia ,,i .nn at m hoh osfio.on
or Ik-Ii, oi Hi 1, ,y ol .'.,. 11,1,, 1 1:111
n l-.ilillK, lli-nlal, 1
narrau statu i ash onu u,
in, 11, , Ursgoii, " 1,, 1 bi -in!
Noiii, ihii.1,1,) sirsa Him Jsdim Osumron,
i,.i'lii, ol Ann., ( mil. n,,,, h,,,,, , tililow ol
Bod 1 iio-M,n, iii 1 rnai-,1, nf nv.ii lot-sou
who, "II Mot BUJI air I NoVSIlltaBr Jl. I'll 1 MapeC-llvi!li,ii,.,-
II, ,111, al, a. I hi, m, -a -.,i Vital Olivia
lorNW', Mt'i,M,i..h,i Mnn.lhHi.hK'.Se,-'
llon 17. iowlHilil, VI rt., iluniii HI K Willnin
elle M.iridUn, liai lilnl 111,11, , l liutoiinm U
111 k k u final I'jree- year proof t., ,-ainl,llali
I'latin 10 the land motive dia, rlbed, before If, k
liter ami Kneel ver. al Buina. Oteauo, on ibi
Hill,, lay of November, I'll
cleiiiiaiil iiauita ua vtlliu-aara
II K. Hteele, A H liennetl, H (iilrr K
liuratuiau, all of Wavi-il), OrtK ,11.
' Kiaaa. Ifenlder.
Qeneral Bumptar Laora, u. h. a .
auillisl tolerautly to himself us he Baf
beard the low voices of his aid nud
Lurlllo coming from the little cor.y cor
ner In Which the young lieutenant had
hidden his aweetheiirt away from the
UN Id dascata who would have taken
her away f-oul him Thiii he sighed
beuvlly ns he rcnllzcd he atmnl on the
threshold of another change; that thr
covtablp f his aid lid nail) been
BUi'Cesafjl and another household
Would Hoon he occupied In litllrers'
row, leaving him uloue In this great
lie Wondered If nil tatbefl frit this
way, Wondered If he could gladly iltr
his duughler to snot Oaf man and he
happy Watching that other remold her
world And the time was au short
That vrry boat In the burltor now
might 1,,-ni- the senatr'a conflruintloii
of young fJlhson's promotion to the
rank mid pay of captain. The two
men had agiaafl Hint the marriage
should wall on that, and the general
hud to admit .hat the aid bad lived up
to bis word. Hut, then, Ulhsou ulwnys
did that.
Again the general shook Dl 1 shoul
tiers, striding briskly to bis private of
li'-e. Only in work could he get relief
from these fits of drpirajun And
there was always work to he done, for
the little brown people lined their
fighting, were never satisfied with
peace nml quiet Ho pressed tho an
uuucliitur on his desk, curtly Command
lug the soldier who responded to send
I.I, 111, -mint LU--1, 11 to him.
General I.ove permitted n smile to
play u bout the corners of his stern
mouth as the rustle of a woman's aklrt
r hrd Ids ears almullanrouHly with
the Bitch f his uld'a boots Cmtie a
brief whispered conversation outside
the door, then the ah atood upon (he
threshold at attention. Lucille hiding
behind him In an altitude of modi
timidity The old man bit his inns
tathe vletoiisly, then smiled broadly.
"Well," be demanded, fumbling
among tba papers that littered Ids
desk, "what have yon got to any for
yourself, young woman?"
Lucille slipped across the floor, twin
lug a pair of while arms about her fa
thrr's neck, the soft velvet of tier
cheek smoothing his brown, leathery
one. It was the way she had coined
Dim when a child, the way she had
never outgrown or known to fall
"It's about I'lek's promotion, dud,"
Dealdea, a ciii ins to be amaaed
somehow tlirn bus) old generals Beep
their "ill' ris working ail day mid
ukiil "
iii think it oral dear," Iba gaaat
al said kimiit "Immediately i get
through wllh the nrdera thai caoM to
night 1 I, "I, 11 ml. he said briskly,
"ton put n 1, 1, is Mini pnpen from
U'aihlUgtoti in ill.- ' ilr. as I (old you?
Will t.n :-. 1 lliem for mi'''"
'I he )d ll I III -I 1 Int. Ills lingers
i, ng it ihe old i rap al his ikta,
"Win h,. genet il." he stammer
ed, "I lefl Hie combination memorBB
1 it 111 In mt 1 1 I in liln WH wait
lag and"
a ;,-t 11 " implied the old man The
llghtem mil ' 1 n "i military system
touched bla tie the raw
He studied his nlil rlllliillsly tt lien
in- returned ind Ixgan fumbling with
the kni'lis nf Hi,- - iir. Tba door "pen
ed. and the lieutenant's baud unto
iimtl, nllt readied In dds toward the
plars where be had put tba packet
n eiprea ion of Incredulous dlamay upon its fa r .1 be drew out a
liUudle of
"IVl,, I ,l,.,,'i ,-.-,, ,.. 1 , , l,,.r llt,-M,,V In- '
cried Then with in etpreaslon "f re
lief. "Yau have nlready bean here.
Il '"
"No" Oeueral live'a tuna waa per
emptor) . 1 lie did BOl relish
,li:ii ,if an) sort "Coma, coma Iba
papers I aave ou lieutenant
"tlenernl, they are n"t there"
JCot there!" I Ike lbs crai kilug of
tire in di 1 nt 1 tba out man's
v.ili B S- 1 1 :. . 11 Ihen perhaps
(be) . 1 1 III ! "'" room "
.Si, :i 1 il tin iiv 1 iii placing
iD, in In I lie 1 lift bin I'Dete waa no
mono) 1 lien 11 1 lie t nor "
Hill lit,, men II id ' ' -. 10 that safe,
tint two men i.'i'-vt "f Iba arrival of
rs 1
A Man With but Qua Thought-
t'liii i.ut iikijii; turned the
ill set of papers and orders
over unit over In his hand. 11
liriKsllug evpresslrii In Ills
eyes that lold his IboUgbtS Wafa kiv
far away from Hie butler cracksman
who bad Just liroiight 1,1 Dim
A miisslte tlgure of a uuiii. lie seemed
to till the room nllh his prBBSBCBi the
hair in Which he sat aeeuied to hate
1 u built nis'ut him. tba room itself
tilth Its luaglllllrelit till lilslilngs tt as
d war fad bj its occapanl Uraataat of
Intel nnlloiiiil spies, (lie rlas unit fall
of many iinlloiis inlglit bars bean pl.o'
ed at hla door, liters of 1)1 1 had
burst their harriers at tba tOVCh Ol
tbooa powarfol Bngera, yal all hla
thoughts weir directed toward revenge
against one man, toward the deal
Hon of (ieiieinl t.ovo
Over and our he turned Iba Stolen
papers duly another link II was In
ihe chain he tins drawing about the
obi army officer, The butler coughed
nervously, and Ids master looked up.
waving 1 1 1 in BWBJ without a word of
pmiaa The man had but done Ids
duty. Hugo Loulti-'iue expected that.
Tba telephone rang and iba apt siirr
elusl 111 Ills rhnlr, DO nine tba diraiu
it. ijouneijiio tins 111 ttoiK iiiiisinnK
llils detail In tils sciieine ,t rev.ngr
it, ''" ti, 1 .111 i.t ut'patn.'u
lot iptOtftl uttcntiun to all dis
bMN of tye, oar and none. Eyea
tcntotl and KlaHHCH fitted. 50tf.
Toned Up Whole Syal.m.
"ChamhoHain'H Tableta have
fJgjM more for me than I ever
dared hope for," writea Mra.
Esther Mae Maker, SMncerport,
N. Y. "I uhcmI. several bottles of
nunc InlilelH a few rnontha aKo.
They not only cured me of bilioua
attacks, Hick headache:! and that
tired (Hit feeling, but toned up
my whole system," For sale by
all dealers.
You're going to Tonawama.
P yw '-"isr ;i
- . JesfsV
"Oh, f itlo-i 1"
the orders and pipri's. (ieueral Ixivs
suddenly rose, tba chair ami plug rssp
inglj iip"ii tba tense slleaas,
"I.le11tr11.ini tJlbaon," hu began, his
roles rivaling thr Soiind of the scrsp-
lug chnli, "I. in IN.- inriiiliined a mo
in. -lit ago thai yon had suddenly sc-
iuli d i
1 1 1 1 1 Il.i
iitiirieiit money to justify an
e innriiiiu'e "
With the ruins of ever) bops imssb
lug aisnit bar, wiih, mt a tbouabl save
the need for n eonfldsuta l friend
III time of distress. I. mill. look up Ho'
telephone to speak with Inr . hum. the
wife of a young officer llh" hud "Illy
just raacbed Iba pool a month bi '
inr a aafnnd. seoeitlaed b) soffsrlng
(hough h-r in 1 ii,1 tins, she did not
CsMjfisl thr slgnlll au r ,,r tin Irrs lie
lug given h Hie 111. ill Wboas Wire hail
, roused bee awn Then feeling of
raininess caused her I" reel I lie
power and strength al lUgbl in Hie
ioiiisi iba listened, conquering bet
fear In one II liimpliaiit Ihtoti Of bB
for ttie huptisi'iied officafl
"llelieinl LoVB'B "idem and papen
are tu my possession now Lor
Shanghai on (he Empress tonight
Hate the launch re id) "
And then Ihe 1, 11 lug of Hie Instru
tin-ill told her Hint she could heir mi
more Mhe rushed I" Ihe tiliul"vt, her
heart sinking at sight of the smoke
curls spewing from Ibe big liner's fun
ueis The Kmpress waa read) ready
- and her sweetheart waa arrested
ttesolutl'ill Mi VagUa as to In- 1 Ie Ii fl IJ
able urgisl her 11, toss ihr Bool and DUl
(he disir She ,11,1 HOI slop t" n 11.1 1 .1
ihe pupates wblcb urgsd bar feel
iirnma (he pnrnde ground down the
stns'ts of Manila toward tba do k A
mud ilrspalr poaseaaed her as she
rnught Ihe signs of readliirss from t lie
Kmpress and saw there was no boa! to
take her out to the ship which carried
(he pre. Ions ordrrs
She heat her tiny lists fiercely to
gether, There mual be a wa There
must be, Calmly lo inr ears came a
humming sound from Ibe boai it ra
minded lur of another sound she had
heard rereully, a sound she Identified
with the solution of her problem II ir
ley and his ueioplaue
It as a tin- ml lee, but her bona
could do Hie dlslance In short lime
Boater even thin she had rem In d the
dork did she gel to the stableS -No
time for saddling, for ant thing sate
the it lid 1 hie before bet i ! gh ihe
piuoullght she ilashrd. the little mire
acrepllug thl, lint freak of his mis
tress vvlih delight
Ttie aiialor had milt Jin, I liinilieii
from the ilaiire when she thing her
self from the male ami ii.i, ,1 him
fiercely by Ihe shoulders Blinking him
in ttie vehemence or her rommuud
Ho stared nt her unbelievingly as tie
made out vi lilt he deiti -d I, I lliere
I " lie 1 oiillnui I next tti ill
1 iHh tair I.AHI) orrifm. 1
MtiriiM, Ort'inn, UtlotrM 7, 1914 1
Not If I ! I.trrlif ifUfih Ittat Jaini'i OMAfM,
1. 1 Hsivih, (irriMi , H liu nn M) III ,ll I, luailr
HnmtMi1 Knit), Nn tti, fur h?. mviUm
II, InWItalilf .',' Hniilh Iiiiii :( r WlllsnirMr
MirtillHll, it ii a tlli'-l Dot l0 ill I ii Inn t Inn
t inak lii.itl iliiw rr proof, In rilBtillib
i lit I III In tli I.UI'I 1MV0 tliaf,i,r1, BtfOft Hcaj
i-ti'fnh.l liinhrr at Mtirna, f h -, .m i u,
l lh .1m nf NovrittlMIr, lH4
( latliiintil lisiiHH ItnnaBfcfi
H I- Mlffjlt, II Htitinrll, i ijiiiisr K.
ll"in i ail ol WaVi'tljr, orrinii
Wat I iHM, HrtxlNr
I Ml Hi HI ITett I ANlMirrit'K
Hllllll, i "f nili, (Ii iul,n U, IM4
SotlCfl in linrl.) iWtfl thfil Mi njaniln A.
Ithitllf, of I'Utiiun.l, on gnu. whu, on (htilr
i.', rill, Min-ii' n..nuanii Kntri hiHbi No irmn, K'sMW1, , NW'aHH',, Hrt' ti ami NK'.f-K' 4.
Million ll.lOMURllIp l.l Mt, Kill, fUhgii . 4 Ki,
I )m iii i Id- Mrrli1iii, haa nirit iiollrfi of IiiUu
tii.ti tu mik liiial t1vi yar 1'riKif, u, eaUlihitt
liiini iu nn- laml aUt.i tlt'gt i Hefil, tMiforr Hrg
(Ii i Mint lli't't Ivit, al liuriift OfVMfl uli In
lalll .1st) of Nuvrnilirr, I'M
t tahnatit liaoii a for tvliumar
It II Drown, harltti A Mrlli ami Julio
fsa s-t , nil all nf iMsiiiiMi 1 , u, 's.,,11 i HfTofd
UrouatisM k. ol Nari.iHn, urrsfuii
WH, It.glati I
iMTan STATKa l.isii orrics, I
lioiiit. Uregoe, " I' II, i di I
'.,,ui. la herein ttrsathsl n"iiia s,
ill iian,,i,,t. urefOB, wini. ,.u Hsptmtr lo,
III. ma, I,' lluiiii'iirail lull jr. go, la-y.",. for
o,swi,, swusaw "., bl l.avs., an k,
and I ill I ". .Hon 7,, Tun nalilp :' s. Klnat 'J B
-,v -.,,,. ". Mi 1 1,1 Ian, liaa I, I. , millp of llilaii
1 1, .ii I,, mal, filial i ,, inn, mail, ,ii iriKif I,, Mlsb
Hal, , lalm lu II, r laml SOOTS 'li-aeribetl, l-f,ira
ii-. ii, i oii'l Haialttirat Itiirna. i'rei,n, no IB
I in ilsj ill Nto rmbrr, lull
i lalmalil 'i.,ii,i-iii Mllnt-aavi
Rreaol s-,ai'r. t litlatlai, Sttiauar. I, ran
Hurl, in ami l;,,l,,t H,,,l all u( Illattiuuil,
'lira, ,11
(I Ion,'lri.
(Isitbd Mum Iikii (irrn it
BSrilB, OraB'ill.Mrl'triiil'al I-'. I'll
Nulli i' Il liltrliy'slvfli thai M llllam II. DBW
on , see anil hair or liminaa Hawa,,ii,i1rii'Hi,''l
of Itiirni. Orfgtili, who, nil Ost 7, I1MI7 ina'li
H,nuaala,l Rnliv No. Moil, Maiml Niilr.1,11, to I
K.NW'.and i.NK',Hi'iliii il. I'owoabiulV,
s , lianas III K , (Villain, lln Marlillan, hat lu, a
inilli'r ot lliunllon lo isiha final nv-),''
oruol, to salalillah fialin lo ItiB Ian, I aliovr tie
aarllMMt. bafnra ItaslKar and Hseaivar, at Hnrnr
OreasBi nn IBs nab day ol uelobsr, in
i Islinaiil nanu-a aa wltliBaBaa:
a, a, I'litn-r l "Ilii K. lial,oi, l liai I
Kaad, ll,, Hlald, all of lliirna. nir,.n
Wm. flNSS, K.-rlllri
I'siiii.Miel , Him i
linn, . dragon, , ,i,i,,i i IB, nut i
Nolle IB lo-r.'lii lv, i. Dial I'ater Mill, i, "I
KlaldB, ori'B'iti, win,, on June u. lull, and Jul)
;;. mil. leapi'i'llviiy maih, lliinoalia,! Kuul,
i UfiMu II7IIM, Inr SI, si, airl N K'.hK',, -. ,
linn A) SWUNK1,, N'jNK1,, snrlliin
Tnwnalilp l Snlllti, liana, :u Kaal Wlllam, tie
Mnrldlan, has Iliad nolle of iiil-nHou to mil,'
final Ihrrr , prlsit, lo ealalillah tiallll In Ihr
laml MllOVS lira, f I lt,-,l l.,-f,.l,- ., ,, A. H1117II1,
Jr., U H. cominlaaloiiar. at Ida ,,n,. . at
Andrew!. Ori'ifoiiiin the Mil ilagr "I NorsSlbsr,
i lalmanl naitiea aa wlltiaaaaa
lllllar Hu any I Mi'Kalvrvy, Join,
Willlaiiia, Julni In inatil all of rinldi, (irafou
WH I .l,r. Il.-i'l.', I
Nov coat. I amii
lairtlew, OrSfSe, Hr,l,liil.,-r lh, IUH
r.utlrr la Itrralijr aiv,n thai Jaltoa A Wllaui,
,,l Ktfe iiii-rnii Who, on Marrti I'll,, "ill,
mada Homeltead Knliy . Nn "liv, . luilyio,
and HUHKI4. H,-,l,,n .1, l,,wnalil II Himth,
llaimr VS fait. VMII.iii.-ii, M'll'lmll hal fllr.i
in, lira nf llllatlll,". In Inak,' ilil,-e y-ar I'iihiI.
I,, ratal, Hilt , lalm In llir laud BB9VS di'lri ilrf.,1,
bafora I'bB- A Hhcrinan.ti s ComsitflBloDsr,
al Kllr., no Ihr III, SS "I tlrtolirl I'll
lialniant n antra aa wlllltaaea
Paul Harurr, John Ml Saiiirni Jo,- Mlllei.
Hi nr K. rl,,,H, all ,,l Kits, Oraeoii.
Jaa. K Iii iinaw, I'.i-alii. i
Dry ,rrluiiuif and pregglnir tt
the Ilurrm Sti-am Laundrv. 4tf.
i u Nii nTtn i a Nn orrti .
lliinif. (fivguii, HoplciutM i IT, 1VI4.
Null., la hrrvln Ui.i that MvtH Ir of
Itlli), iifi'gtili who, uti Oil 0 li Olftild
I -ft 1 1 1 aiil KUirr. " OTA'I, (of eV'.HWt
t I all. I N'NWCgj nr-illUh U. Tow ualilp Jh
riuOth. lUUgt H KaUl. Mllaiiirltr Mrthllan.
hM ninl nutii r of liilriitloo to tuakej ftaal
....; lo ratal. Hull ilalin to ih lain) abova !
i i iii -il.TM-fiira Ki'tflai'-r Mid Iti-ivl Trr, al Murua.
nn gun, oil thr ..iii -)h ol m toljsgr, en
i UliiialK nan r- a wittiaaoua
Wllllain llilrffrlt.i liag W t otura;)rft, ,'ratrr
rVllootl, Krrl I lili(lail all of KllvJJ, lirrgOal
Vi m hMi, It. .U.rr
I Ml I i -I I r.-l I ANi QVffOS.
Ifuilia (llrguii. s, . truli f I i. I .14
Suit' i is I., t.i jt ttroa iltal Harry Kar,uf
Hinii', urofoa, wCos oa niii if, mit oi
Man I. Il lull run i Uvol) inadr Ifumralratl
Knirlia. Nu ni-g. u.aj, t,,t NH1, Htc. :. an-1
, i.i l.uti A, riOalil V. H.HatOajajll K
V ilianu lit- Mrnliati Lad Dlrtl not I re of In
ti'ii Hull tu in a k r I Ilia) I JiM-r rar I'fOuf lu
loblUb lalm In I Its laud ilsiit drgv rilnrd ho
Ion l.ijjiii.rali.l liuina, i'i,Utj
Ol l In .irtli da uf in lul. r 1 - 1 4
1 la I nt a 1. 1 nanica ag m I tin a.
ri. I. rn h --. ailt.g kriitat r I .,.. n 1
: riM t m
'"win., kfiitat I larg.n t.
La I lU . ft -n. all of Htiit.g, Or
N m imiii, ItaglaUr
Rifle in tho WORID
IniHle in 1 wo iniMiriit one
fur 11 Mm. 1 It. 1 ear-
triilK the other for .M lyoiur
II HI. It P.
Handles 14 .11
Short sod III .11
lone ntto rartrldiren.
StimI for tlaliilaoloi-ly, I Kill, Cats
lost anil "How to .StKmt
WeU '.
uai m
nact g
.ia awl ar
f i ' 2r
it j
Pit toll see Skelgees
from your Daah
r. o. a. a coo.
A II,, Mn ,
'.,,, BI I""
i H la.
I I, mill, I
litii I'ni. n
HUli. I'i In'
nn n
' I
I MlBll
I i.Hlrii. 'I,,
.ill.,, in
I',, ,, I' I I. -ml. .11.111
ill,,,,, Latia
W ( llawlar
i n J motion
A U ' rawliinl
.iiwal.l Waal
It. II W Hl.-oll
T. M Ksr
I A I loin hill
W S linnlwar
I Kohl Eahln
I I A. M.
! '," ii ion,., 1 1
I K n, Hasn
I A M.,.,l,
'.!- I II Jl Oil Ml IllMIKIt.T.
Iililrli i i 1.11..1, Mli
'.ii. H Niinii...ra
M..n,lar 111
Hii,ri'in,' Iti'la.-a
mi my Ailorin
i In nn . ."i.i nests tba flm
April awl in" n.'i.'i.i n, uetobet
loltit St llSUll
fnllil It, -ii . iil.ll,.
WH It,..,,...
W I II,, man
ii'iritl ilium:
t'oiinl) l,, i,-.
il, .1
I ri sstirei
ii ir; ,,.
Shi mt
h, h,, I r"ii., il tl,
i oroiisi
Stol l I HI,)..'. 111!
I .On I. mil, H, .-la
Janiiai .
' tiert t
M.I. I,
train 'I l,.:aii
It I llnshal
i A Mlll.r
B. ln-T
A I . lilt
J J. I'..ti, aan
l hi I. II Haailllon
i. W n v. lia.r
John It', I, Ilia., I,
IB I' i .....
III,,,. I'.aln
-ill ihr flu. Wi-ilnradsr ID
Mar. Jill). Hi'iit.'lfitmr au.l
7et in i,.,i
an .
tl. Vi
Phvsl. i,ih4
Uillre in new I, ,i,
bsrnei i,
GEO. ii. Cj
Phjslrli.,, ,
OeSee la Too,
ggeetSi allanliaa BISS
ItAHMl l a i.anii f.rvit-S:
Mai "i .
It. . noli i
J n. .hi,
Mai. l,al.
Heeti n
r.,.uiii w.
ol il.,-ilnt-a.l
Wm rarra
last MmliaratiMO
at 'in
. ." Mi. 111. fihra.1
it,.) Vso Wlnkia
if.... lialloo
,.H l Ilalnaa
liana ii
I ali,liln-
t K. J. !' KII.U-,11
oiiiii II t-li'l) rO-riilnl ant
I A. f. Wa
1 1 1, tin a la
$1500 Reward!
llfaUagrk rroiaat
llim AaoorlatUiaof
hlrh thr imtlt-r
iKrird la in
e l
il g $1,0
reward for Vt-
d ore- Iradlnsj I
I h orrtMM and 9
rlclloo of any ar
t j ..r pesrlfoa atoaJ
1 11 ir bur, ral'ia
0 uiilrg l.rlOOfltir
10 any of lit mwm
In aid,' in. lOtlM il-'ir, the ttodarvlfood
Oafi n Um Root) i niidittoii li'suii 00 for oil borooo
bra i.ili d N.ts. t, id bar on bttf.b or alt bar jow
ii ) tti roroidod In tight ruooilea Kongo
llain.i, I ah" and CMOl ounilro, HofOOfl
ii' !. h a. nd
MoM ''!' gfOWg kofoof aold and only lo
.. .
A , hliuWN rife. O
Sumpter Valley Railway Co.
Arrrfal aad Draaitarr Of Trains
No. 2, Prairie
Arrives Baker
10:15 A.M.
2:35 P. M.
4:00 P. M.
i si 1 1 it statu i ami urricB
llnilti, lo.-an. -,,'.lnli , l4
'-, II, . ,. hi'taht SI i. n ll,al I BSrBMO H.I lirl.
,,l SsrrOWB, tit.'io,... a li, ii Sin ... liar;, mada
II. in it'll, a, I K.illv Nt. I.AM M.-rl.t s.. iiMu.. f...
sll.,. -..nun ,,. rowoaBlpMi Kanr :il B..
IMIII. ' M. (North Uilltru, Ilk. I
i.i in,, i ii. .ti i iniriiii.,1, i i.a,- nnai
... .r prool In t-.i at. I. ah .-lalm It, II, r Un.l
hi.,,,,. .In. II1...1 Iwfura thr It,-. liln .it.t Ha. until. , ursgea, as 1 1. -..ti. tU) ui
l.nnai.t naiinaai wllliriaaa
Al.Ol Oil. on. I ha, l,-i . i, i, ,' i ... I
1-1 I I, ,1 Ii. i ., in alt ill Narrooa, tlrasull
Wm. run. li.ilalrr
I Mill, Mill. I AMI tlFlll'S,
llurlii. Uleaea, ". ,lauilcr 'J4. IU.
that nriii.. IV Hilar.
ir. a. .11, ah... .,ii Jul) .', I'll., Iiiatlr
VI. .,,,1
s,,in .' ii bersttj io
of I .,,,, ,.,, .,. i, ah
II .',',,. I i, In! go, bssM, for hLNW1
i. ......mi . mm-ci,iii i. iiiwuihiw4 s . aaags
I . WtltsmetU Marhliao. haa ninl in.u. r
..I lu inak.- final five yaar .r.ail. lo
,-ilal,lllh , lalm I.. Ihr lall.l tlaat-rlbrU,
It. HvBtstSI ami It.i.lwi. al Murua. i lr
lit.'i. on lbs Mil '!.. ui S.ti, inU'f. mil
. iNitiiHiil ti.ini-a aa a liin-aa. i
i bristles Ktrf UUo I. i.alrh, Albart WimmI.
nil linriii, iiri-suii r-aui itnotliuas, ul lawrii.
.in I'tiii Ilrlilci
I 'NIT Sl. SriTSl l.l HI, drill B.
il.iiii.. Ha pi, uibrr lb, IBII
Noli. . la h.-rrl,) alvi-i, thai flruvar fio.ttow.
ol llaiurl , tnritoli. lint, uo Man h 10, IWSI,
ma, la lliiuii'itaail inn,. No, 0IMI. lot .s r ',
-..lion ... I.iaiiilil), I) H , Hanfr imK.WII
linn. -II. M.'rl.llall. hal III. 'I nollra of HllaulluU
I., tuakr float hi. yaar prool, to .-nahllah
i 1m I in o Ids lalol .1,,.., ora, nU-.l, betura
Hi,- Iti-alilrr ainl Ilr, alvar. al Hiirm. tli..uii
to, in, mi nay "' "'.' nil"-., ill.
i lalmalil lisiui'a ai allni-aara
laiu.-i I'lrlu, K..Im'ii Hrlokwatar, Joe i lark,
t I .,', alt ..I llariiay, Orason
Ws I' la. Il.-.'atri
No. 1, Baker 8:30 A.M.
Sumpter 10:05 A. M.
Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M.
No. 1 Makes Kood tonticctiini
with().-W. Ii. & N. No. IOImv
inur Portland 7:00 P. M. and No,
17 from cant, arriving Baker i:.rii
A. M.
No 2 Con nt'cU with La Grande
local 7:00 to La (iratitlc, and Nn.
9 (fast Mail) picks up gleeper
there arrivinK in Portland 7:00
A. M. .Also with No. IK at
10:45 P. M. for points Kant.
1 bfl jnly way lo ' baS,.
I Sewing Mo chio S yH
1 i di hu) tKr mil. Kino M
mk ami in llic lcajs. M I jrSteltjV
1 In iimtritna la H ftVsssBL egBjS
M .1. ...ii. .1 for all HE m i!. Jgjy
O lime, jff.sOsfefsJ
Physician aaj
Physiclgns a
Calls anssrertxl ,rtttt
'Phone llsrrimiri
Dr Minni
Physician and
Wrect I elephost j
La wen. (
b. E
Offloe first ,.,inv.
Bnn i..
M. A.
Attorney n
Vasajtlv Htda
aoorus tt soil 7 N
Fens loam tiul.kl) i ,
rrartlcee in th. uiri
fore the U. H. Iji. I ....
?ha. II I,
j. a i
vsrciui su.ii'. ffiral
lions and Real K-uiri
'ire In.urun
Notarv I'ufel
A. W. GOfJ
State Courts and Di
I And Office fa
Three door- Suthsi
Hamey Count) Nab
Burn.s Uti-Btl
The New Home Sewing Mieklii Ciapuf.
Altoraay sl Law I
CM..iau... M. ' 11
AlaSiiB US 1.....I OgBsl
llBts Wl,,i, II.,,
and I aoi OQli t
Bum. Oisjl
P. O. tin t i,i,
BsMBMtf Aaat. gai i-'isi
tall. S kr. lauiMii.x
lids. ,aa
Hums. Orsgos, Ostotsir tun. in i
I,. Hani' V, .um- of rolj.MU
iriKnii, Ion
" "' Imrnlij. ... .nn,-, i thai Mutilr Lams
IVrry wlio sivn llllojr, Oriinii, aa lit.r
ofll.a urtilri'ia, illil on iii'IoIht lUlli, llil I. file In
.hli..rrlrt,lii'riliilr lorrolitiralutl ai.pll. allu n n.
...iiU'il ami wcura Um , ai,i.iiu i yr
Uoliit.ti-atl Knlrr N'l... Hi-rJal ,. ra.:.., I ......i..
Hi.iti.nlir'aili, mi, tor M.,h"i',, Ntt'sU',
i.'.lliiii III, '1. USB., II Is K, nml SI.-.I..
MWUNglj NK'.Nrt'.. an. I HJC'iN Wf.lil Hoi'llnii
.'l.'l.iWllllili'JV, Hliliili, IllllBI' I .. Kl.ll Will
ulla. MiTlillan, ami aa Krniimli f,,r bat , ulltaal
tin- ulli-fi-. Iliataal.l llarvi'l Vihiiik Inn. I
kI.iii.'Ioi.i'.i aaltl anlrr, i-a(al,llilii., rsalttmii'ii
al.oiii .Manli IMh Him, in, I Rarer nislilliilnuil
ilia rralilt'iii'S llim .-His 1,1 ,1 l,,i,i,., i, ,.
lolfi-nllrtlr nun hit i lalm ami tin -i it Inn v
unit' Jul) l.l, mill, a 'l.l liai alnn . Iisosvd l.n.
ii-ililKiii-a tin iiitioin ,1,1 .In, Hun ii , . , , ii,,.
, mat; nl 'Jala
', ,,,, an . tin -ii-liiia, miliar BOtlflsd Hiul 1 n
...111 all. 'Ball. .Ill Will lu'tak.'l' .In ill frill', l, ami
it'iii aaltl I'lilry will U- i'aui.lli-,1 wllhOui (UI
u. ,i iii-l.i lu t.r lo . i'i. ,iil,ri I,, I,,,, mi,, mi,, ,.
or mi ..,. ,.l. II um fall lu in, i ,, n.i, ,,in, ,
.Ml III II tWl'lll) ,1.11.111,1 II,,- III ( ,,1,1,11,
linn ol Hill in. Il.i- aa aliuwii 1,1-iuw iuiii
aluwri r null aiwolfliall) r,-i umlin. m
lliuia alii KBtlulii of .'.luteal, lusutlici wllh out
prool II. al you have kin.I a i nijy nf yonr
aliitwi-i uli tin- aal'l i i.lltnatanl , I In , In ,.,......
or i,v n-iiiii-reti mall.
V.iu lliniilil Halt' In inur an. mi II.,- nnii,,- ,,l
lbs uuiii tiltliB lu you ilralm luliii.
n.,11,, . lo l- i,-lit lu ion,
Wm liu. lii-nl.ui
Haii iii Ilr m uutllcslloii in ti.i.i-i nili, lull
Halo ui art on. I ,ublli:all.,n iiituner Mill, lull,
Hals ol N,ii,!catl.,n OnUilwr .Hal lull
liaiu ul fuuilli j.ul.lliaJluu Nofrmher 7li lull
Vote 333 X NO Against Prohibition
Register before Thursday, October 15
Voting qualificatiens: Six months' residence in
the state, 30 days in precinct
Defeat of the proposed prohibition amendment will have no effect
upon the efficient home rule or local option etatutea now in force,
and each community will continue to determine ite individual
tttand on the matter uf granting licennes.
I"1J Ailvsrtissossal, Tueayaia aud Wags .!..... I of llrsguii,, Urseue.
Paint Your Own.
You can do it yourself ami at little expense, ' f(r cagyj
to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant, varnibh-gloaa
finish in black or rich appropriate colors.
ia made especially to give to buggiea. carriagea and
vehicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy finish that
will look well and wear well. An ideal finish for setters,
flower stands, porch furniture, garden
tools and all lurfacea that must with
stand exposure and hard usage. Ready
to brush on and tin label tells how.
ECstir3.vpaSiiXr3' Oo.
Eastern Oregon h
Barav UrcfM
Dirt coniKi 'ii
A. H. CliKKY,PiS
taaves Herrintsn M. mU ssJl
smI arrival W..I -dn isjl
uwesji, conn. it, mSl
Ie Ocino. V ,. nun,
JOHN i;i'n i iil!v
You can buy no better gun
lor target work and all
small game up to
WO yards.
ilisage of
inccliauiMii il
ri.imllci .22 shori.
long or lung-rifle cartridaea
lirit.'.tiy. (he deep Ballard
riding rJcveloiis iii.iuiiiiun power and
accuracy and aJdt ytart to the life of rifles.
Hi l. hu'iii li,m ,. I, ,,, caitndaat lai.ans pumsu lag
Ik. .., Uiii u, I 1 1 ,U ,,,0ua aanl tad ala.hJai.aSl
I SI Maid li ..
.aa I, ,.,, I. I.
tat ruul U..I au.i .!!.....
WIS ImU mmm i.. IJ. .
M tak.iau. 1.41,1a.
iw. tan. I. a. ttiiitalanral Ji.4. Will, moI. l..
ciasrut II..,. .,11,, ... ., ,, L. ,, J ... iiTitX.
aaua.1 la Jan. A arial va.abwu nla. All aa, sua JaaUr.
rtM caliUf
.Li .ill
raui laavMaal a..,,
I.r II I.4.,
41 WUhiw St... i N.w II.,... Cssa.
AM the news in The Times-Hcrald for $2.00
JoV'tjloi'. t Is
l'.nurt'. i ''
Fine Watch Rt tin "
ntiiii '
UliOKUl: I'oos f aa.'
anaeaia At All 11 Lira
Order mi. I Pr,,i it
With Keast. tin lie
Give Me' A ('all
e TIsssa-HriaM I