The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 17, 1914, Image 2

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    . .
' ' ' """ ..--ii - .
$ $ $
You like 'em don't you?
When you spend them you
like to get the best possible
values for your money
That's why you want to see the
Remarkable Values
we now offer befor you buy a
Come and see them You'll
be mighty glad you came
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
h Oils
W. A.
Sumlir din Ik i
f he iimei-SftCd
An Estimable Woman Dead.
Dr. Elisabeth Kllis was strii-k-,Krr
en with paralysis at her home in
i his city shortly after noon last
Mrs. Win A. (iowim paused
away at the Fatally homo in this
city shortly before midnight last
tllghl utter an illness covering a
lonjr period. Deceased suffered
from a nervous trouble that
came upon her the last of Aiik
usl, the ailment itlVectinK the cir
culation of the blood and from
which she su tiered very much.
It was found necessary to oper
ate en Inr later and one foot and
n portion of the other were re
moved seme two weeks ago.
She rallied from the operation
and there was hope of her recov
ery for a time hut she gradually
grew worts until the end relieved
her of her Buffering.
She was a most estimable
young women who had resided
in this city almost continually
since her marriage and her ami
ahle disposition had brought her
many warm and admiring
friend. It !l sad to note that
he WM cut down in her prime
leaving her Borrowing family.
Emma Caroline Psrrlah was
bom in Canyon City Aug. IV,
1877, while -lie resided with her
parents until sin- was married to
Win A. Gowan of this place in
April, 1899, when she moved
with her husband to Hums. Mr.
Gowan being a civil service em
employe of the government, was
stationed for a time at Kosohurg.
and Lakeview in this state and
later was transferred to North
Dakota lor a time but they re
turned to I '.urns in 1910 where
he has aince been clerk in the U.
S. I. ami office. She was the
ai thei h. Kei rineat alfalfa, timothy anu red
lop hay baled may be had at the
Goodman feed barn is south Burns
What Would Y..u Do?
There are many times when
one man questions another'! M
lions and motives. Men act dif
ferently under different clrcum
stances. The question is what
would you do right now If you
had a severe cold? Could you do
better than to take ( 'hamberlain i
Cough Remedy? It la highly re
commended by people who have
Catholic Church.
1. On Sundays and Holy days
of obligation Holy Mass with
srmon at 10 a. in
2. On week days Holy Mass
at 8:80 a. in.
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announced in church.
used it for years and know its All invited and welcome to the
value. Mrs. O. K. Sargent, Peru, divine services.
Ind., says, "( 'hamberlain. s ( 'ough
Remedy is worth Its weight in
gold and I take pleasure in re
commending it." For sale by
all dealers.
Sick-calls promptly answered I
at anytime. Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
Monday and her death occured daughter of Hon. C. W. Parish.
On, Yetr
Six Months
Thrr Months
Statement to the Voters
ll'tll. l!l I.
Ontario. Oct
Editor Times-Herald,
Hums. ( Oregon.
Thepresaof business and work
has prevented and likely will pre
vent mc from making a canvass
of the district and meeting the
Thursday morning without her
having regained consciousness to
U,oo any marked degree. She was
i one of the prominent women of
;:' this vicinity where she took a
great interest in the social and
literary life of the town, being
at this time librarian of the pub
lic library, a position she had
held for two years. Dr. Ellis
took deep interest in the Library
Club and was a constant worker
from the time of her establish
ing her residence here.
Deceased was born in Bsbcock
voters and telling them wl !
stand on business matters of im
portance to them: it is well known
that the office of representative
is not remunerative enough to
warrant a man that lias any
thing to do to desert his business
to chase voters; however th
Grove, Illinois, Feb. 20. 1847, the
family moving later to Kankakee,
where she resided for many yean
after. Dr. Kllis was a graduate
at one tune one of the most pro
minent attorneys of this state
and who died recently at Canyon
City. -' . as a member of
Hums Chapter. No. 40, 0. K. S.
and held the poaition of Associate
Matron at the time of her death.
She was also a member of the
local Circle of Woodcraft and
held an insurance policy.
Mrs. Gowan is survived by her
husband and two little sons,
Charles and Rollin, of this city,
one Bister, Mrs. Ceo. Hagny, of
Canyon, who has been with her
since her serious illness, two
brothers, Sam B. and Charles
Parriah, of zee.
funeral Ben icea will be held
of St Alary 'a of the Woods Acca- on Mondaj afternoon at 2 o'clock I
demy of Terra Haute, Indiana at the Masonic lodge, being eon
and after graduation she taught ducted by Hums Chapter, O. K. '
in Arkansas also at Ottomws, S.. interment being In the
voters have a right to know what Iowa and Illinois,
a man believe-: in, what he will On January 22, 1877 the was
try to and whether he has made married to Orville Nash Ellis
more than one get of promises; a who practiced his profusion of
candidate is generally such a medicine at Kankakee for s num-
good natured and agreeable I'd- her of years. Her husband died
low that he pleasantly and ab-1 October 7, 1891, two children be
sent mindedly (?) makes contra-Mng born to this union. Charles
dictory promises. None of that W. Kllis of this city and Miss
forme, but I do promise once Georgie Ethelwyn Ellis, who baa
and for all, that if the di tricl been teaching in Bellingham,
selects me as representative, that Wash.
I will give them a clean, consci- After her husband's death she
entious vote on all matters; on I wis the first librarian of the pub
bills of value or interest to the lie library at Kankakee. Later
district, 1 will jrive especial time
and labor and work for the best
interests of the district; will be
at my post of duty early and late
and continually bear in mind that
Harney and .Malheur counties
have immense undeveloped ana.
that could support thousands of
people; when that land i tettled,
these counties will be known
from East to west ai the banner
part of Oregon.
I wish to call the attention of
the people to the constitutional
amendment on the ballot that
authorizes the state of Oregon to
incur indebtedness in excess of
$50,000; this amendment i-i in
tended to enable the state to is
sue its bonds at say 6 percent
and loan the money to approved
irrigation or drainage' projects at
f! per cent; the state will have
the land for security, u ill draw
mor interest than they pay, will
populate and develop tne Btate;
is it not B worthy idea? The
elemi nl of hazard to the state is
very -nail, i'or the .state land
board and state engineer would
need to aprove s project before
it could be aided, and then only
under strict laws and regulations;
its a good thing, give it a boo t.
Very truly yours,
Masonic cemetery following the
The bereaved relatives have
the sine, re sympathy of many
friends in this and Grant county
where Mrs. Cowan was held in
such high ei teem.
Rexolutions of Condolence.
To the Worthy Matron, Officers
and Members of I'.urns Chapter
No. 40.
The Angel of Death has enter
ad our ranks and taken to the
she resigned this position and Grand Chapter shove our Sister,
studied medicine and moved to Mabel Witter.
Chicago where she practiced un-) The death of this sister brings
til coming to Burns to join her sadness to our hearts, but we
son in October, 1907. Sheissur- may with a trustful faith, look1
vived by her two children, also beyond the shore of time, and
Henry F. and Hiram I). Whitte-lknow that our Sister though lost I
more of Kankakee, and Mrs. to mortal vl ion, is only waiting
Alma Habst and Mrs. .1. llert beyond the river to welcome us
Smally both of Chicago, brothers to our eternal home,
and sisters. Resolved, that the chapter ten-
Ilr daughter. Miss (Jeorgie, der ita heartfelt sympathy to the
has been ill in the hospital at family and relatives of our de-
Bellingham and was not able to ceased sister, in this their sad
leave until this morning, there- affliction.
Hie Dental Trust, with all its
powerful political organization,
is moving heaven and earth to
defeat the dental reform bill.
In every town and city members
of the Trust are out working
against the bill.
The medical Trust is helping the
Dental Trust by forcing nurses
and druggists, under threat of
boycott, to work against dental
All kinds of campaign lies are
being circulated to deceive the
voters. Don't let the Trust
scare you.
The Trust made the present
dental law. Under this law it
controls the State Hoard of Den
tal Examiners every member
of that board Is a member of
the Trust.
In this way competent dentists
are kept out of Oregon, and the
Trust prevents competition and
keeps up prices.
And Bus! the Dental Trust.
tith and Washington Sts.
Portland, Oregon
We Art now sho Winer snecial lines
of new winter Dress Goods; up
to date, and Quality, as usual,
the Best. New waist materials,
knit goods and underwear; laces,
Ribbons and Embroideries.
Our shoe department Is complete with
full line of shoes for Everybody
To the Voteraof Harney County
I promise, if elected, to sotteet
all feea as provided by law, and
turn them over to the County
Treasurer; and to aubmit to the
County Court in itemized form.
all expenses incured for their ap
proval or rejection; and to con
duct the business of the office
with partiality to none, and jus
tice to all. On the foreRoitiK
pledge I solicit your support.
A. W. (loodmun,
Republican nominee for Sherill'. j
Comminution tick, injiily, u ulna
ml tl.atli bvntifll protection ut mini
mum cult. II'.OjO.UO ilnatli Imnetit '
fl.OUU.OO lor Iom of limb or If Might;
Ik. .in So Ut) to 116.00 warklv m or M j
i i.lrnt Un.rit, fl.OOO.OO KSMMMM "
liel lM-n-flt. 1 ot i. ". 'i r vmr . I
no olli.-j due. or ...ciiimt.. Intdi-
itimir un. .11 men ami women an plaOvd
on an ual ba.ii, rcgardls. of urriisi
Uon I'. very per.ou make, tlie MUM
Turin of application, pay. Die MUM
amuuolu premium ami rrr.iv.n th.
Miuin .tm. .mil .-I Iwm lit Men ami
Wunen belwaaii the age. uf In ami '.'i
are acaplnl. No rtxtrii'tioii. a. to (M
. up. tmn, only Itailroa.l miu impl'V I
employ. -.1 on track, or nXMttru
liouw, can Dut be accepted, t'laimn r.
paid within elite day. any a I. fit- in tin
l.H. I'aiind. ur Kurope. H. rrhalil.
In.iiruiire Company. on
State d.pit a. a prutetlion for folic)
holder and to goarante thu pavm. nl
uf claim. Koi further free inform. lion
addre. (iu.tuvr B. Wcrn.'r, BsMSlSfJ
and tieoeral Manager, lloi Sl.'l, lluffalo,
N. Y. .talc age, aei, occiialinii .u. I
mention 1 -1 . t II. 17'.'.
A Full Line of
I also have a new line of
Percales, Klaxons, Ginghams, Voiles, i
Latest In Neckwear. ; Barrett', Side
Back ombs for Ladles. Just arrived,!
Latest In Ties, ollars, Salts, aps,
Underwear and Shirts for Men.
On quantity orders fc
For Haying
A. K. Richardson!
General Merchandise
Circuit Court.
.Julc lJ;illon BiggS lias dis
charged all the jurora in attend
ance upon thia tern of courl and
hopea to sdjourn for the tern
this evening. Most of thii week
has been taken up with criminal
matters. Wynti WU found guilty
of sault with a dangeroua weu
pon with intent to kill and will be
sentenced. State against Mesaner,
Charged with larceny, jury re
turned a verdict of not guilty.
i-iiau- against reterson, same,
acquitted on first indictment and
the other two were di mil I d
The i 'id of itate agalm I P . I.
S. Co, was suhirnlted and the
court will give his decision later.
Home civil units are being con
sidered today and others have
been continued for the tern.
fore the funeral in awaiting her
arival. Interment will be made
in the Hums cemetery tempora
rily, it being the intention of her
children to remove the remains
to Kankakee .some time next
year in accordance with the I
wishes of deceased.
The many warm friends of the
family are shocked as the sudden
uiness came without warning.
Ir. Kllis was a most valuable
woman and had jrreat influence
for good in the community where
she was held in universal esteem.
The bereaved children have the
incere sympathy of this com
munity. The Times-Herald will have a
more extended obituary notice
next issue it being impossible to
secure all the necessary informa
tion at this time.
1 Jr. Henson's theme next Sun
day morning will be, "Abandon
ing the 1'ast"; and in the even
nf, ''Looking Toward the Fu
ture. " The youiiR peoples socie
ty of Christian Endeavor will be
in the Baptist Church at 0:45 p.
in. Sunday. The interest of all
young people is solicited.
City Restaurant, just opened
in the Cottage Inn, short orders
and regular meals. W. U. Mc
Cuistion, former cook at the
French hotel, in charge. 43
K a I'.vun
Ella Swbkk
A. O. Faui.knkk
Socialiit Party Ticket,
United Slates Senator H. F.
Ran p.
Representative in Congress 2nd
District, .1. . Itarkley.
state 'I'm usurer H. j. Sloop.
Justices Supreme Court VV. I).
Robinson, A. J. Hotehklsa,
Chai II. Otten.
Attorney General J, K. Hosmer.
Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion, Flora I. Foreman.
State Labor Commissioner Aug
Ual Nil.ula.
Stats Railroad Commissioner
I. o. Peurala.
Joint Representative .1. Edward
County Judge W. S. Haley,
County Commissioner C. 1).
Sheriff Chaa, Mackus.
Clerk K. I, I'.ecdc.
In .1 nrer Hairy Keichert.
Surveyor Van It. Kmbree.
Paid Adv.
George Vanderhoof waH greet
ing bll many old time friends in
this city during the week, it be
ing his first visit here for several
years. He came over from Mal
heur on business before the cir
cuit court.
We do job printing.
That's what the so-called "Water Front" bills, Num
bers 328 and 330 on the ballot, will do if passed at the
November election.
Why make it impossible to build saw nulls or any
other industrial, labor producing plants on the rivers and
bays of Oregon?
That's what the passage of these bills will do.
Why cripple the development of our great timber re
sources; why cripple all future manufacturing in Oregon?
That's what will take place if the people vote "yes"
on Numbers 328 and 330.
Why lock up the thousands of acres of over-flow lands bordering upon navi
gable waters of the State and its miles of water front for the benefit of "future
generations;" why not let the present generation have some of the benefit from the
use of these lands?
Industries of all kinds will be driven from Oregon and intending investors
will turn their backs upon the State if these so-called "Water Front" bills become
laws. That is why every man, woman and child in Oregon will be adversely affected
if these bills are passed by the people in November.
Oregon needs outside capital to develop its great natural resources but
we will drive it away if we pass Numbers 328 and 330 on the ballot at the November
If these so-called "Water Front" bills are passed by the people, a vast amount
of property will be withdrawn from taxation in this state and this great burden will
be thrown upon the rest of the taxable property, resulting in a heavy increas in
everybody's taxes.
I hese bills are vicious; they are destructive of the very beat interests of
State; they ought never to became laws.
The way to defeat them is to vote "NO" 329 and 331.
Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Haj
Baled Hay For Sale j
Vrvv Camp House andFeeding Privileges in (omj
or Ham. Customers Care For Own Stock.
W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair Ground
We have a complete stock of
Seasonable Goods
and are ready to supply your want
Dress Goods, Wash Goods
Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery,!
Gloves, Embroideries, etc
The Burns Department Store
.ii.i Hi.. .i,.,ii.ii!.u l your I ""J fJ" ' '"'. ""
M 1711. I.I I... Kill ... O I "' liOUlWl.. Hill), S..
Advri liariin-
l Mill' tTATstfl I Mi UKKhK,
tlui iin nil mm. Nf,u uiU-r -MIU. IWU
Inls'ith MU'iaon oivgon (ui.
Vou ' lii'Trb) Heal dial Ultimas J.
llllgllt' IIU Mt I'nltl. Oic, S.S h Liu( Otlll
ad'h.'hM. .lul .h ,).!, int., i .sili, lvU, tlie lu
Hi ii oil
It i miliM Mil
M.uiM'r.1. it.i , i i yb, i't, rir." hutry h
in.- n.ii.1. M.i-. I. IVlti I I i,.r Nn' ,ul Hr
HOD II. hi .M ' , "iilUHi 1 i.huJ Uui w UmWU,
km. I !.', rt', ! skM'I.UU II, luaUklllU 31,
Muutli, Uangi l Keal,, WHIaawtla, Mfii.llau,
and gniuuids loi lili routvai h allagas tbst
saht IshiiIi Hurillda liae nluilly altttlnlclivil
sal. I iniry, iIihi in iuvit rslablUliud or main
lain 1 1 ii n kid c in i ui umtfa aujr linuruvanstnls
IhuiiiMi. iiinl hai ui'-nt'. hlmsell ami rhaug
i .1 liU i. r i.l -'in i tUoii'lruiu i -wr siiit lb dale
ul rliti) .
Vuuaru tktfridora. lurinai noutioii that iim
hmIiI allvaliiiUi nl in taki'ti aw roiiitswHl,
an. i youi valduiiti) ill lo wllauul
liUllit'i la Ui I i In Hi.l i-ittuT bvfoffj tiila
-ill..' ui .ui ii"'l,il -.'uuil to tile in this
mini . 1 1 in ii iHi-mjr das altai tlie Kol'HTH
imiiiii nt ui tins imilio. aa slinun btiluw.
umi. i .uih, hi.i . iiu ally ri'MiKMiiI
ih.. nlliiiiuuis nl iiMilttai. luaaiUar
a itii iiite oiuoi ilmt n bavo sarvtd a uuny uf
in. UMI. i nn nn sai'i iiMKisialil I'll lift lu
ihuii in hi i. ciMtH'.l mall.
VuuabuU i ulaia in mhu snswvi Ills umuioi
I i in' .nai,iii i (,. it i.i. i un .ii si) v uiiuio uulli'ra
lu Ui i ui tu you
I u m Pa nai, Ui'Kistn
huh- i' in -i nihlii -a inn ii. lobai Srdi WU.
I Hah ul avi mid I'Ul'll. muni Ol'tOUHI null, lull
hau uf third I'Uhln ulliili (H-loht-r I7lb, 1V14.
j liuu ul i. ui tit .. i I'n ,i i ii. toh.-i, :uu un
I Nil LI' I I I I
Hiiriik. 'i. ami.
lO JlMWIih l 1. in. nl. ui S
rontvsti a
OU an In ". U) i.iiilinl Hi
I kki, ii bu gi.iR
""In aililit
flllll Hill
ina iii i
(Art of Fab ii', itajuj maili
lur HVi. N ,a ul .-., .i
MK1-, id iool i'ii '. 1 1-. Main i
m, Kfesi WilUuii u.'Mi tlii
liisiuiiii-iii ba Hi ui- i inn mii iu
baa wholly abandouad aaid
MtaraslsiUllalivd ..i i uialu
in ado a ii liiinui ' n u ink i h,
abaviitvil Inn... ii siul ilisnai
tbutidruiu vvvr Sim i tbfdali i
You arr, ibeii'iou , miiii, i
aald allvsaiiiuife alii Ihj laki-ii
aud yuur sab) autr) uillbopa
fuilbar iigbt lu u h. aril, i In
utttia ur i'i. a.j.i.i . ii you i.
offlra wllhlu tiiviity da all. i
uublliallmi ul bli uul
vuurauaani uudaroalb
iua lu tbi-fei sllegailaiii ol
wltb duo oruof tbal )uii liavos
your auawi-i un tho aatdt'uuii
orauu ur b) raglalvrod mall
You ibould aialv In mui
tba I' uttva in u lit Ii ,mi
nuiUie tu U si-iii tu v mi
V n I i.
Halt) uf tlisl i.nt'lli attuii .', I,,.. i
halo ul sacoud iu hiii ui inn c i. 'i
Dale ul ll.ii.l im h 1 1. all, hi o. uh
Ualo u. luurlli oublleallub 1 M u
, itivi
,1, !
Something new ut TonawMituL
Toiiuwauia tonight