pnteg I CITY OF BURNS COUNTY OF HARNEY The Biggest City In The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon, Best In The Weit BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. OCTOBER 17, 1914 VOL. XXVII NO. 49 Ww Eefala "HE TIMES-HERALD mds Many Comfortable Homes and Considerable Improvement in The Valley View Neighborhood. Alfal fa Starting Growth After Recent Rains Where Rabbits Destroyed it The manager of this great eligious weekly made a rapid jur of the Valley view section le fore part of this week and found considerable improvement In that territory since lie nan en out. Many farms have been stablished, or rather improved land comfortable homes built where it had been sae brush only a short time ago. Tuesday night was spent in Lawen, the object being some bird shooting that evening but upon hnding Dr. nenson mere to talk to the people we could not spend sufficient time in the fly ways of the birds to get any shooting. Having found a friend who desired to come to Hums but who could not get ready until noon, The Times-Herld man took advantage of the time to visit the Valley View neighbors He found only a few at home but had an opportunity to observe the improvements and note the changes. Some very nice homes have been established in that section and there are many acres under fence and being tilled. The Lloyd Culp home is very comfortable and he is breaking up a larger acreage. He has fine soil as have also Hotfeditz, Cobb and others. Dr. and Mrs. Babbidge are putting up a new house and the Doctor was at the mill for more lumber with which to finish it. Mrs. Babbidge took the writer out over the alfalfa field, or rather where alfalfa had been seeded, but which the rabbits had destroyed early in the season, and it was found that many plants had started to grow since the late rains. It is though I the drill had placed most of this sei d now sprouting too deep and that it was just coming through the ground; it may be possible, how ever, tha the roots of the plants that were cut down by the rat bits may be coming again. The F. H. Huntley place i. an other well improved tract and lie FRIEND OF THE PRODUCER Burns Meat Market and Packing Plant BACON. HAMS and LARD Fresh Meats. Poultry Home Products for Home Consumers SPCIAL, INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO SHEEP MEN AND BIG ORDERS For Good Cigars go to The Rexall Drug Store We have the following brands: Gato, Optimo, La Gamita, Triumph, Chancellor, American, El-Sidelo, Don Antenlo, Muriel, and also a full line of popular 5 cent Cigars. We can also supply your wants In PIPES, CIGARETTES, CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO HEED BROS. Props. The Burns MRS. ETTA CUMMINS, Prop. Best Surgical Room and Equipment in the State Outalde of Portland. Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms Graduated Nurse in Charge MAN GOES VISITING also lias some line llolslein cows, that are doing well. Mr. Hunt ley was not at home and we didn't have the pleasure of going over his place or a personal con versation with him. From ob servation, however, it was seen that he had done much work and had his land in first class condi tion. M. Gil, a new homesteader just south of Mr. Huntley, has started io make a home and is busy with his improvements. Messrs. Edwards anil ( arter also have some well improved land in that section. Mr. Carter saved his rye from the rabbits by fenc ing, but it seems the fence they secured did not meet the condi tions as it was hoped. The rab bits would go under in places and they could also go through the mesh at a convenient lieigth. but this surely can be remedied. A barbed wire at the bottom has been found very effective in pre venting the pests going under and w ith proper study and nec essary information to manufac turers a fence may be made that will prevent their going through it. The writer did not go up as far as the W. (I. Howell holdings on this trip but hopes to visit that territory in the near future. Mr. Howell has been doing much work on his big tract with the caterpillar plow and other ma chinery and has transformed the spot from a -age brush waste to a farm that will be a factor in the high coal of living by the coming sea Had theK been more people at home i! is pi Baible we could have secured mole inlormation re specting the new developments and proposed improvements. We give warning now that the bo Is going out there again in the near future and for John Hoffe dit, Geo. Cobb and other neigh bor! to be at home or have their houses well locked or a good watch dog. Hospital Sunset Notes. The1 people of Sunset are most all preparing more hind to seed to grain this fall, drain was not a discouraging crop here wheat averaged twenty bushels per acre and rye ten bushels. It. D. Staid is plowing all his 160 acres and expects to have it all in crop for next year and Henry Lulg has all the Settle in v re place plowed ready for sowing. Several Sunset families have moved to Burns for the winter. There was a social dance Sat urday evening at the Newtdl place and every one reports hav ing a good time. Clyde Kmbree was over to Harney City Tuesday on business It is whispered here that the democratic nominee for county treasurer will receive a large bachelor vote on election day in Sunset prMinct regardless of par ty. From the amount of lumber that is going to the southern part of the county there must be con siderable building down that way. The rabbit pest is a thing of the past as far as Sunset is con cerned they all got tilled up with watermelons at the Kmbree place this year and died. They could not stand prosperity. The farmers in .the Weaver Springs country are still thresh ing and the grain is yielding better than expected. The Sunset school this year is the best the district has had since its organization. Clyde and Van H. Kmbree are going to the Willamette Valley to winter and visit with their re latives and it is rumored in Sun set that the boys are going to tiring hack housekeepers. House keeper from the land of red applet should be well satisfied to make their home on a .sage brush ranch where they raise plenty of potatoes and turnips and have rabbit hash for dessert. LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (I'ioiii (tin Portland Correspondent) The River and Harbor Kill hav ing finally been passed by Con gress, the money necessary for the continuation of dredging and the construction of jetties at the I still willin' to support you, I'm mouth of the Columbia will be proud of your education and in immediately available. For the I telligence, I respect you knowin' work at the mouth of the Colum- your're a heap smartcr'n I be, I bia $1,000,000 has been awarded, (enjoy the luxury of bavin' you for work on the Columbia below Tort land, $200,000 and for the completion of the Celilo Canal $626,000, which the engineers estimate Will be the full amount required, Since the report from Washington was received about live hundred men have been put' to work at Kig Eddy and as soon as work can be round for them, additional men will be employed ! auo hi. wr tocomu.e- lion at me earnest possible date. At at election held in Roseburg I early last week the voters of that city authorized the issuance of bonds to the amount of $500,000 with which to assist in the con-! I hope that every move which ' Acting in Charge Kconomic In struction of a railroad from Rose-1 can be made to make it a slate vestigations. burg to Coos Hay. A railroad issue will be done I am writing. The Department sends the fol commission consisting of ten I the ludffes of our surrounding lewing: business men of the city was pro-i vided for at the same election. Fifty thousand dollars contri buted by Multnomah County citi zens for the comuletion of tht! Columbia River Highway in the county will be ex landed in the j immediate future under the bud-' pervision ot the state highways engineers. This donation it is j said will insure the completion of the grading on the highway this i ... - year. I It Always Does the Work. like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy better than any other," writes R. ft. Roberts, Homer City Ia. "1 have taken it olF and on for years and it has never failed to give the desired results." For sale by all dealers, A Bad Fire Caused from a dirly flue will put you out of business or render voo homelexM. I use the latest device for cleaning Hues which tho PWM of science are but I absolutely guarontee will do the)drass lo '""Wy mt'"- work right. Call Arthur Stewart 1 Some great man wanted but Shoe black Burns Hotel. MORE INFORMATION ON RABBIT QUESTION Writer Feels Harney County Resources Too Limited for the Big Problem of Eradicating Rabbit Pest. Encour aged From Correspondence With State and Government Officials Having been requested to again but he chose for this unique army take action in tin- rabbit warfare, and not being satisfied with my own judgment feeling that every struggle of the American homo builder is worthy of intelligent research knowing that in the i uesi oi judgment we most ser iously err, I have searched both state and govemeiit records for the truths of what has been. ! The state has no records of such j affairs but from Biological Survev the Bureau of I obtained the following information which I submit for publication without comment. I have appealed our cause to County officiate then to state, and foneeing our coming disaster early this spring I wired the con dition of our country to the secre tary and governor of the state. They promptly wired back syni- pauiyand in the corrspondence .ration of bounty laws is usually which followed they sent some attended with considerable fraud more sympathy. and the supply of animals seems Hut let me tell you as I .study to remain about the same from the conditions of our new home year to year. Australia has not builders and see their little gar- succeeded in conquering the rab- dens bare as freshly swept (loots bit pest. It is one of the serious with all funds exhausted and the handicaps to agriculture in that credit line crowded to the limit country todoy, and the agricul I realize that it may take some- tural jo.irnals are full of discus thing more substantial than offi sions of ways and means of sup cial sympathy to feed the hungry mouths of our children till the has gone to great expense in con coming of next seasons crop. struct ing rabbit-proof fences, and When officials ignore their floun nerV possible method of reduc- try's need until the people ma ing the animals hai been tried. frenzied attempt at self-protee- The standard remedy nowadays tion draft some drastic measure to be a poison mixture of of their own ami through th.' I'ollard and strychnine. We en referendum attempt to pass it close two circulars of methods oi over offlidal heads, it reminds destroying jack rabbits. One of me of the old washer woman these could well be given out for who had an educated husband to Publication. These embody the support, and whose patience be- methods which the Biological 8ur came exhausted with his obsli- vey has found most effective by nance turned on him one day and emiihatierillv said "Itir.-im I'm ground, but say Hiram you've got to begin learnin' how to pro tect me or git oil' the job. " I am glad to quota in part a let ter received from (lovernor West in regard to this question ("We have been giving some study to the problem and recommendations lope to make to the next legislature which will if heeded take care of the situation.") As , f(,(., la( Harney County a pro- is petty small to tack e blcm which still baffles the Aus- tralian (loveiiment, and as we, arc surrounded by the little pests j which extend clear into Idaho counties to aid in the move and1 am sending our (Jovernors lellei to the (lovernor of Idaho, hoping that we may bring both stales in the work which will lessen the expense and insure results, Even should our proposed bound law pass we will still hi I. ... ... I; just as sadly in need oi universal work which will handle outlying country, 1 hope that our cause will not be neglected in the state legisla- ture this winter, I had hoped to give this matter what assistance I am canabl '' "' '" pel son, Hill j8ti" hope that others who are much more Capable and no less interested will be there in behull of old Harney county and Us caurageous home builders, as' the farms leed the world and as we are hungry every six hours, food supply is the fundamental principle of prosperity and should I be the first consid. ration of our legislative bodies. The beauties of modern art and three men to whip the world with a mad Englishman a drunk Irish man and a hungry Scotchman, as Americans are considerably mixed with these three races, you can leave it to our house wives if we haven't got the whole combination all in one. Hoping that my work will be backed by more competent mas culine assistance, Vivian (Jkav. The the 1 1 following letter is from S. Department of Agricul- ture: Vivian Cray, llarriman, Oregon. 5four letter about jack rabbits has been refered to the Biological Survey. I may say in reply to vour first nuestion that bountv svstems hava tint ham fmirwl of. fected In reducing the numbers of most animal pests. The OP- pressing rabbits. The country a,'"l;i1 'sts in your section of the I lilted Mates. W carnd on a ,.., , ... great ileal of work in combating jack rabbits in Idaho last winter, j and reached the conclusion that j poisoning the animals in winter! is the most effective way of at-j tacking them. "In Farmers' Bulletin No 484 which we are re questing the Government print-1 Ing office to send you, will find! an account of methods of destroy- Ing ground squirrels. Carbon bisulphide can be purchased in bulk from the following firms: Kdward K. Taylor, 1'eiin Van, New York. Wl ler, Reynolds Hi Stauffer, 0JM California St., San Francisco, California Independent Chemical Company, Front St, New York City, cry truly yours. W. L. McAtee, Rabbits may best be destroyed I by poisoning, trapping or driv ing and these methods to be fully effective in any given dis trict must be applied cooperative ly. In winter, jack rabbits concen- t e: I 1 I . ill I hi' VJlllVtt nr .'ll.tllir tlw borders of the neartest irrigated districts. When food is scarce, (specially when snow is on the ground, practically all of them - ... - j r. congregate near hay stacks, and this is the best time to poison or t0 trail them. As Ion ir ns there is no itmflfn. lu .,,,, ,,f " ,.s;i;.. ;..- ,k j,i lilt. VVI,Y '' 'I l I I I 'I I I , 11,17 .11 I, I I 1,1 ,n nolannlnt Is the most eemmmiewl m)(1 m()H, K,,mruy applicable ni(,,i1()(i Tlll. formula was pub- is,,(1 ,as iss(1(, ,., If I I . 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) -. 11 J-i'lli I ,1111 M 111'- t iced about stacks or elsewhere where the animals food in mini- hers, trapping will effect the capture alive of large numbers of the animals, and their flesh or pelts can be utilized. The sim- l,,u.Ht traps which are not inter ! fared with by ordinary snowfall are: (i) Rabbit-tight enclosures of woven wire about hay stacks, with straw, brush or snow ap proaches bttilt Up to the top of the fence. (2) Similar enclosures with deep, gradually narrowing en trances which finally terminate in narrow gaps between the wie ends, so that rabbits can readily squeeze through from the out side tint not from th" inside. Portable traps of similar design with any simple "lift, up" gates, OT doors through which the rab bits can enter, but not return, are also very useful. Rabbits can be enticed to any place where oats, pieces of carrots or beets are exposed for a few nights, when practically all of thorn can be caught. Market Report. Receipts for last week at the Portland Union Stock Yards nave been cattle. 976; calves, II; hogs, GUfifi; sheep, 6060. Light receipts of cattle for the I week with improved demand and extreme top grades a little stronger in price. Top price on steers 7c bulk of sales 6.50 to 6.76 Extreme top OH cows for tha week 6.16. Hulls meeting with rearly sale at strong prices. Heavy receipts of hogs demand j good top hogs 7 market. 15 at close of I Receintsof sheen and lambs ep light. Demand strong for first class quality, with prices fully I steady with last week. Fortunee in Potatoes Growing Desirable Seed A heavy demand for disease free potatoes of Standard variety and desirable type, and not a sin gle source of supply in the entire United States, is the situation that confronts the potato grow er. In some parts of the country, however, such seed can be grown, while in other parts, including some of the heaviest producing sections of the entire country. II is Impossibe to grow seed of this kind, and it must be imported from those parts where it can be grown, or else the industry will have to be abandoned. Among the places in which seed of the desired quality can be grown, Oregon is one of the best and most convenient to markets. II...-..IH li,... tli.. . ,i .i ii ,i t II ii i I I ..I ,-, inc wrcgou potato grower, oce.i . . . . Ol .-IULI1 .lliei a I. U Mm., oi other standard variety, that is produced in this state free insect and disease pests, may if proper ly inspected and passed, bring a price considerably above the mar ket price of potatoes for food pur poses, California growers have a standing offer of a bonus on such Inspected potatoes, and they would rather get the potatoes in Oregon than anywhere else, be cause of convenience and a near er approach to their climatic con- ditions. "Let growers who have land upon which potatoes have not been grown prepare and plant it to as good seed as can be had, after being thoroughly treated with formalin, and a crop of pota toes that should meet the de mand will probably be produc ed," says Professor Jackson, of the Plant Pathology department of the Agricultural College. "By practicing crop rotation using i those crops that are non-hosts to the potato disease fungi, and by continually selecning seed in the fields and treating it with the standard fungicides, the crops should be kept free from in lee tion and up to the varieties grown. The Agricultural Col-1 lege will be glad tocooperate with growers" j Why Not Publish it? When you want a fact to be come L'onerallv known, the riirht wav is to nublish it. Mrs .losenli B ..... .,, vii,,.,u p.,..,, l,l ,,.,,o .,,, 1.1...1 II III HI' '. I I'l. lldl . ...I.. lliMII'I'W with holchuiL'. sour stomueh :md frequent headaches. She writes, "I feel it is my duty to tell others what Chamberlain's Tablets have i ,,..,, , .,, Tl.Ilv. .,., ,.,. , '" " ....,, wi ...,.. ; y digestien and regulated my bowolt, Since using them 1 have been entirely well." You will find all the newest ideas in millinery at Clingan's. The ladie uf Hums and vicinity are invited to call. One door north Haines' store. NO CONTRACT LET FOR RAILROAD EXTENSION President Farrell of O.-W. R. & N. Co. Sends a Telegram to The Times Herald Denying Story Published to That Effect. Rumor is Terminus Will be Moved West of Riverside In the issue of October 8 The! Times-Herald published a story vouched for by Clay Luce, of Riverside, to the effect that the railroad people had let the con tract for building 40 miles of road west from that point. Mr, k"ce aue mis assertion with Posi - tltWMM, that several officials of the road had been in Riverside the l fore part of that week and it was no secret that the contract had Dean l and orders given to con-, work without delay. I he Times-Herald article stated i ' had no confirmation of the story from an author! tat i vei ource, A denial of the story was re- ''ved since our last issue by a telegram irom President Parrel of the O.-W. R. & N. Co. which reads: "The Times-Herald, "Hums, Oregon. "Announcement your issue of October ,'trd contract had been let for construction additional 40 ; miles west or Riverside wholly !other Improvements, One man without foundation in fact. Feel who has just retUrned from that we owe it to you and your good sect10n states there are two box people to officially state no con- j cars set off the track at the pro tract has been let. neither do we, new terminus and that expect to let contract or do any ieach have the name of ..River. work in that direction in near,ton.. on them , indicating the new U,re , , , i place is to be known by that Reports of this character ifjname. This may be responsible permitted to go unchallenged i for the present activity. migni ne useu oy me unscrupu- ; ,0ls (o dl8advantage of people : Wnl. .,,.. devehminir central Or,- ejon. "J. D. FARRELL." The writer has heard others FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER Come and enjoy the hospitality of the City Restaurant which is best expressed in our delicious Sunday Dinner Cream of Chicken Soup Fresh Eastern Oysters, any style 50c One half Spring Chicken, Fried to Order 50c Baked Spring Chicken and Dressing 50c Chicken Pie 35c Chicken Giblets and Toast 35c Beef Stew and Vegetables 35c Boiled Beef and Horseraddish 35c Roast Beef and Brown Gravy 35c Roast Pork and Dressing 35c Mashed Potatoes Vegetable Salad Rutabagas Beet Pickles Apple and Squash Pie Coffee, Tea and Milk Dinner will be ready at 1 l:SO Special Dinner from 5 nntll 8 MORE ROOM AND EXTRA HELP insuring good, pleasant service The Burns Flour Milling Co. Manufacturers of home products HIGH GRADE FLOUR "CREMO" THE FAMOUS BREAKFAST FOOD The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds You Patronize Home when you deal here THE WELCOME PHARMACY la The Place to Trade -WHY- First: Promptness, accuracy and fair-dealing. ' Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Drugs,' Chemi cals and Druggist Sundries. Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be just as represented or your money refunded. If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be come one and be convinced. J. C. Welcome, Jr. who have recently visited River- side state just as positively that preparations are being made at that point to continue construc- l tion on west. Another reason for the present : activity of the railroad people in tha, vi(.initv hnu han i1Pni,r out this weak tad this is to the effect that the resent terminu. I of f h tin ; in h r.vo,i d . couple of miles. According to a report COmjng to the writer it has been found that the land on which the present side-tracks stock yardg etc are 'iocated was vacantandnot thc tract described jn the transfer to the railroad COmpany Some individuals had discovered this mistake and used scrip on the tract and are in a position to demand a good, stiff price from the railroad people. However, the rumor is to the ef fect that the railroad will not be held up and have arranged to move west two miles and estab lish tVlfir sirlinore u.ntfr funlf nnrl The Times-Herald gives this story as a rumor only as it knows nothing of the real facts. Tonawama tonight.