The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 10, 1914, Image 2

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$ $ $
You like 'em don't you?
When you spend them you
like to get the best possible
values for your money
That's why you want to see the
Remarkable Values
we now offer befor you buy a
Come and see them You'll
be mighty glad you came
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
Li-lU. to llit; Editor. "NY tin .i-.'. m'.i'mv
Ibe 3. .rars-It rrafd
In, Y.r
Sis Month.
Thrr Months
Improvement Continue.
(.'. A. Bedell, who was one f
the unfortunates in the recent
lire, is Retting his saloon in tvadi
noss to reojien ami is KiinK to
have one of the very attractive
places of the entire town. He
As the Committes of One Hun
dred fjfew up t ho Oregon dry
ainendinent. may wu venture to
ask space to ai.swer two queries
that have lieen nskinl hrondcaat
rsgtrdinff this mcsjurs.
These STS! If passed, when
would the Oregon ilry amend-
men! take effect?
Wh) :is the word distribu
tion left nut iif the amendment?
The measure would not take
effect untllJanuary 1, i i ;. thus
allowing over ono year for busi
ness in become readjusted.
As in the very Important ojttss
tion of "distribution", .1. K.
Wheeler, chairman of the Com
mittee of One Hundred makes
the following statement i
"Tli" 'wet' forces are assklng
tu make capital of the fact that
proposed Oregon dry amendment
does not forbid the"diatribution"
of liquor, hut merely its manu
facture and .ale.
'They are correct. This was
done designedly and deliberately
by those who drew this amend
ment Oregon has many citizens,
especially many of foreign birth,
who desire to have liquor in their
homes. Tiny feel that it would
be a hardship and an Infringe
ment of their personal liberty
absolutely to forbid them the
USE of liquor.
"The present proposed law
dues not forbid the USE of liquor
by any cititen, be he poor or rich,
provided he wishes to have this
shipped direct from some other
state to his i' n home.
'Tut the issue this time is the
open saloon' and the sale of
liquor in clubs and elsewhere.
As some German farmers out in
Washington County put it: 'We
I sin n ITATM I anii Ofl H l ,
Sural, om'k Oeiob... a, im
NoJlM Ulirri'liv (Iran thai I nn i Pitcher,
ol I'ltm'titim , llri'dnn, Wln "! UMi'nt 111, llilll,
inniln Ilunirilrail I'nlry, Nu ihii'i. for M'.1,,
Hi'ciliin M, rawmlllp '" j I '
lilt Hi' Mnrlulatt, Iin. IIIkiI iiiiIIi ol llltl.ll
Hull tu makr llnal lliii-r M'lH i nn 1 1, In i Ml nh I nh
I'ltlm In I lit In in! aim. l ilaat MImj.1, lifiire Hi gll
In wnil Ittu'rlrrr, Ml Militia, llri'Ktili, mi lln'
mil liny in NoTtmlwr i
I laliuan I ijaiurt a. it 11 iii'Mii.
llturgr " I'rlnoalitit, nn vim "ill
til III J '.I Hill , W III II IV ' '. ill I IN M V ! I I llllll"
nil lllk II ill liulli Ml I'll in i ' "intuit
Wm. I Ami. . Ki't lalt'r
IIMtl liimi I"" I M No
I NllrU M TM I INH 01 I M I ,
llutiis. ort'K'Hi , 4MgUBl Mi IBM
NotlOfJ Is ImTi !.. rhui f lint Hi. Niulloii,
I ' lllr KsHmhi r.nii(.iii y, w IniRf iist nfllna
Nililrxn Is Hi, fit id Minn, I lilt -hiv
Ol A lis; UK I'M I III. .1 lu tills mi i. .
in sih-i-t iiliiloi tin prOVlllttUI Ol ilu iii I l
UonireM, ftpprovvd Jlili I. wm( DNtai
ns tittBidM '" tli" h i .f UongrftM pprovtd
MRUNKk . m.t m, rwti -niMniiih. it Bn i hi-i,
. M
s. mil No U7i
Mi v SUM nil lit-ran i is I'lftlmllll a.l , nm ty lit
UimIs iliarrl1. if, ut dltli n tiiulilt. I Immkii-.-ill
lli.- MIii. (k! I'luimi'ti r n tlic l.inil in Bi) ,.ili. i
I H. I II til till" dllJMlMtl III S'lh Mill, lli oil hi III.
I In-1 1 Mil l.ln l I Ik ol lfOtl Sl 111 this oil Hi', i !'
luiulhr itlldft) M il. h.l.i r I'M I
t tit Ml . (i Hltll i
! ,!?,.., !,.. ..!. La., mt-i fm
Of polish stoveH or I will do any
kind of work you cun not Ret nny
one el'vT to do.
Arthur Stewart, Hums, Hotel.
2.oo has made the front resemble a atems: to vote ror Oregon dry.
mo log cabin with small windows Since HilUboro went dry. we
75 and the interior is finished in the C" '' ,luve our glass f beer
rough with the ceiling merely at home if we choose, but ws do
the rafters for the roof and mi not go to town and drink more
these he will have many lights, than we OUghl (".and waste all
The bar is made of barrel staves, our time hanging around saloons
while the recsptical for washing nd neglecting our farms, and
Declaring that Senator George glasses is a barrel as well as the spend our money treating a lot
President Wilson Wants
Chamberlain Elected
HNIIKH i t IM I Mi nil li I
lltillll iilt'itim, K I'li'iiilx i l'i I II I
Notlra u hiMii ui. in iiim Wallst H ll.rraar,
iillllll lit, I IM-KIHI, ll liu Ol. In . I'l'iiii"! full
I. IM.'. irl.t'i lltrlt luvlr II Mli ml I t
Nnlk'ilMlmlll. I"! l',i', nn. I ', I i, in,. I
I SHr'V Mvttluti .1. Tut. n. In, atg , I; m ii ki . I
h. mam. II. Mi rl. Hall Iui. III. , ol
Inti-tlllull In BUM 1! I. Ml tlurr inn I' I, I..
. I lalm i.. II. . laml iiI.iim .1.
I., Inn Itrnlalrr niui lln rlvur. nt lliu iin. hi. n
..It On- .'.III -In) ill I.i i. I'll I
I ImiiiihiiI iiniiii nn v. Dili w.
H II IUKIiiII II H nlalli I I",.. lliu
I I. .Il' K lllli KIP, Nil lit lit! Mid. I III nn.
M . IHHI . In . Int. f
oi ( ,M i I A S,-
I'Mtmi t law i mi Orrm
l.kttiw, iiii'Unii, 'f'liiiiiiii Hit, I'll
NollOft Is hen b ilTl ii (list IIuIm f It H" ii
ol r iio, (iii gon, who no Novoi i Mil. i -in
nftdft HoniMiftftd Kbtrr, Nu miai, lui nnk1,
Hit l7:NRt WUNK'-, Hvillun - luwtn
BwUth llngs ;i Ksst, vMiis.i.iti. m.i.iii.ii iin
in,-. i ii.itk . ii lotto I I'm t iki M lift I Ibrw
M'St BfOufi tO I Bislillsli I I I ill lo I hi I a Ii 'I ii I.i i
ibicillM.l.liiiliiii'i hB A loii i. ,n i ,H ' ". i
luiatintxr t Mfi', iiitguii, o(, the Hllli its)) nl
U.'t..l..T. I Ml
i lAliiiAiit usnirs ss h ilnrssis
r I . Id y iioiils. ,,i hatiK s. n i "
Ms I luii i . Jt.f Miv.l, Wi.icplit.i. ..J ..I I H-
Jit I 111 RUtM, Itrgltli l
hums, tiirgitti. M'l-iuiii.. i i. nit i
Noliir uliirelifHhin II. al Hay l llorbl)
ul hi . ktoi , (... ii. Mh Join n, I'lu Ml,ii I
S.i ft, ItU, ti S..'. It ii Ii i, iii-l. Hon.. St. m
I nlrh s, o it ' M.i-.. . .., vs ,
-K' t, -t . tiwn :, ritnliip a H, ItoDgs ll
rtllisiintir M. rl.llrth l..i nitti) i. .nil, u u( ,,
iiMllK.h TATstl l nii OPriOB
karnii OrafoUi ciolowr J, iH.
.ii. . Is lii ifl.jr glM H HinI Ml lion I hsvsllrr
n( Aii.lii'ws, On-gnli, hImi, on April 10 I'mci. II -I. 'ml Int.y, No M9M, tut NW,
.-mi I Inn .', loWliahl). i , H , llRlili'lUK , V 111,11,
ti. Mn lillitn hs fll.'l iitli' of Intnii
Hull liiinnki Musi llvr t-Hf 'i oof. hisi shllsli
i'Inihi tu ih. ImimI nlmvi' QMtfrluOd, In Inn'
(loo Hmyiii, Jr , c n Coin in Iwlonoi sl his
'Mm. nt All'lrntta, i nrguli. ui ilu ut it m nt
,,. inl.SI. I'MI
i i ii I mi h i 1 iisiMi'N ns wllinaei'B'
1 1 1 I huinsi'li, I htis I ii t in i , Ishlotf 1. 1 1 mi I
KIM I I ll Mil If I' Hill tit. Nil 111 II'll. WS. III. 'gull
W n, i , RftfltUr,
lliirns, UrvfODi .'l'i-mi., i m, lull t
Suih i (a liiirhy shiMlhnt Juhu J llralty,
ui i HMin, orvojon, wiiu, on mi. i. n, rii
10 ft (In It nivah-H'l I ulry, Nit QUI?, lot Httj,
i i I "ii .11, luwnahl : Ntiiiih, hsngr
I WiIIhiiii'IIk Miihllnn. has hi.. I nullff
ol Mil) Hllon in njftki fliinl thrvi- yvar prool, to
'siNhliah rlalin to tln land shun dMOrlbMi
I- hi, hnglsli i inil llcnhM.n In. in i)tt
sjiiii. mi tin .'Mh ilNy ..( in (, lull
iNiiiuiiit haiiii'i as lini'tsrs
Mllilih- Ilailil. of Irh Ohiroli I -In),
inlh rauii, uf V fitalur. iirrguii, I. yen Hi liu hihI
John K iiofl boln tit LcwftOoisvn
V h IiNni HrglNti r
Iillllll, tllcg.ill. HrplMliU-r .'I. I 'lit
'.ul lir lii In irlit (Iv. II llml t klttm I Hmnm.
ill Snl MIMM, Or.'KiHI, Mini, nn Nil. I., 1 .1; BMf
Iiniiii -ii. hull, Nn i.-ut. nm lal. Si, ii; ti.'.. fur
KWl., ..I ... Inn n.liii, .', rlm.y.' .1 K
1 llliiih Mr, I. II. I. iN.iilli Malhrli, l.aki ,
l, III, ,1 i,.,ll,r ,,i i, , i..i, t., i.,.,. Dual
Iim u.l lo r.lal.llali I latin In ll.r I,. ml
,.i.i,r ,1, ., ill,,, I. I I,,,,. II,,' HWtfUl ami llr
' lliiina. ur.'KUIl, un ll.r .'-II. itat ol
I.ri, I 'll
i la i ma nl iiann a an w IIBflMH
Anojr II.Im.m,, I harli'l l.rl, II I awl
1,1 hi. ii. .1 Barron, ail ol viro. Urvfoa,
Kaa. i ratal, i
I .,.', Ilni lii No I III M rial I HI s,,
I sunt num. l,,m, oritK.
Iloitta, on kuii, AOgttM .'"tliivu
'I .- i Borah itiv.'ii it.,. i ii,. Snriii.rii
I'ni III. Itailwar inm.aii), mIiiumi nal orTk'a
'I'l'Mt ll rH laul. antiii.aola. Iiaa llila.'Hili
I- , ol .1, .... I I i i ,. ,i in 1 1... ..ili, ,. i ia i I'll
' niarliil In II,. j,i.., lalmia ,.f II,. art
nl t mia-i. , .,miai1 J nl I, I Kin (.to ntata &'J7.
.. i.i.aa. I. ml. .1 I,) I ln A. I Ml tii'iMni,.,,!
"I May IT, I '
l- ,ol NK.,Mr I. TWO H ff III. SIM! i
I Ml IV M .
Hrttal Nn n.. !
Mi . ant all .i .anna ilalulliig all. la.'l) Ilia
lamia ti , I I l.r.l. of daOlrlog lo ol.jri-l IrOOinOl
,,i ll.r Mlm lal i tiaarlcr ol Ilia l.n, or any
' rOUOB, lo Ih. illa,oaal to aiilli ant.
"' '' l'i' tin-It arflila.lla ol orolrat In Ihla
'"I.., on mi boforothl IHIi ,1.) of il, lnlT.
Wx I'.saa. It.'l.i. t
We are now showing special lines
of new winter Dress Goods; up
to date, and Quality, as usual,
the Best. New waist materials.
knit goods and underwear; laces.
Ribbons and Embroideries.
Our shoe department is complete with a
full line of shoes for Everybody
Picture Hhow tonight
I t ui'i Ui nishi ii nsl Ilu.
rai I' i, i...
tlOITtt '-UT. I .Niiiirn, a, I
Iiuiiin o,.(oii, rail.ioticr lu. i it i
...ti,. la h.roh vl.rti thai ltliliar.1 Jotira.
,i nnai(. . i in ami, Mlio un Jim, I.I. 1,13 tuaili
linn, .1, ail Intl. No ihj,i . f... h V h... .....
.aim to tin laml al',,.1 l. i i , I. I. I.. , i I I on ...hit. J.. Itaiiaa j.j ' r ..i yx ,,,. .......
'Illi'-I' i ' iil.aioli. .. l lila oltli a al M.i. M.i, ,-,iitliMl Mall.riii l.k. 1... nl..l
nl Inl. muni lo in ah, filial I iinlalloli
nl till III
K. Chamberlain "has rendered ice chest The wet goods are in
conspicuous service" in the sen- barrels placed on one siuY of the
ate, President Wilson has given room and customers may indicate
unequivocal expression to the which barrel they wish their re
hope that Chamberlian will be freshmenta drawn from. The
reelected. This Utterance was tenter part will be arched over
contained in a letter to Senator and in this will be placed cased
Robert L. Owen of Oklahoma, goods, Mr. Bedell will cover the
who had informed the president cracks in the interior with slab".
of the efforts being made in ( Ire- with the bark left on and his office
gon to create the belief that Sen- will also be finished in the same
ator Chamberlain was not desired manner with burlap hangings. A
at the White House. rest corner is to be curtained off
The president's letter follews: in a like manner and a fire place
"The White House. Washing- will be built on the north side of temptation, alik
ton, Sept. 30 1914. My hear the room. ness man and th
Senaten: Referring to our eon
venation of the other day. I
want to say to you again
of others who are doing the same
thing, Ami it' that is good for
us iii Washington County .it is
gOOd for the state.'
"The comparatively small
quantit of liquor that is or will
be drunk in the home if indivi
dual inuM Bend weeks in advance
for it to some distant city, may
or may nol do serious damage,
We an decide as to that some
Other time, but the open saloon,
with its vicious treating habits
and association, its universal
to the busi
laborer, the
man who can't say 'no', and es-
H.ialrj., no II,. . M Ii ,(.,
llaliiiai.l iihiiii'. .. win ,
J.'iii'i Kob'l I Kouhti Kraut-la 1
i i. (mi. llii. in ,, i !.,i., i, .11 ,.i Hgtalr)
i lrat..ii
M I ti I' I It. , .
1.401 iTstUlhAtl l Mil I- I Mi IAI I
I MUliMlll' I IM. l ll l. . .
Iski .1. s i , ) , I ft 1 4
Hot ddai tftftoa
Sotnr Is hn h) rl 'i 'hat. il
Ihr l .iiiiiiilssliii.. i .( hi
UII'I.T btOl loS ..1 - (
nl I sii I III!;
( I Ullgn i. r.. i i
Jinn- :. . wot i i ils.ia i tiuriftni i ih. sii
(.111 SII. il, ol I Iftfl Ol P I. 1M r ,ri!
ttl' Will Dlfof Sl HI.. sftll lU Ihf
i.hMiT bill Hi i. "I IsHM Hi.' I lau i . I ...
mliHk M niilhi 'iilnUi iiiii.ini.i ml sji
thtsurti.. , i In fnhuMii k irii ( of . -n.l
HKNK'i N lluti I CI - . I. 'I
kny N'ion i I m i in log ml vi r tti
I- w rlhi .1 1m u.l an ,. w. l in fill ibffll Uiin.
or oli,'.-. liolis i n.-r l-i-.i Ih. tut,. . . nrtl.
lo, ftl
' t Ul mil II
I C...I, (.. tS.hllstl IISlMI tU tilt ISIlI SUIH
ilrscrllKMl, btilorft KcsjlfttM ami It., ru.r. si
IIU I tl, 1111,,'iM,, nn lh- I .Hit d u ii. U(
lal iii sal ii a in i as m ilirsa. o
AW Mpriagor, ol NtrrowB, l , Mlth I
llarkrf, Jr., Janus 0 l,, f fsi a I Oftdfl all I
niui. . in. ftm
H J I IRMI Ki glsl f
I ll tl'if us lo-i 1 tat Nn
I MIKIi sl ATK-i I Si nilli K, ,
Burns, uraguo, Au,u,t ... t-.i. t
Nollra ia li,l,, n.i, thai ,. N,,,,r,,,
i.i Kalltaa) luan pur, l.,,.. .ai mOIit
.in... la l lain. Vt t ,.t,, l,aa IhlaXI,
I ) ' tila-uall It lilr.l 1 1, llilaoltl.r lUaUUlll a
inn, I. . ..Inl rr Ilia Ilni laloo. ,, ilia ail
I ' nli.ii.a. .,. I. ,,r.l Jul) I !., jOHIal. :,
i i. a. . il. I,, . ,i ul t un, aa at. '
Collllillnlllcill iltk, iiijulv, in. uli'lil
ml iloutli It'iiflll pratSCtiOB at iniiil
iiiiiin SSSt t2.0i0.UO tlo.tli Ihmi. Ill
l,(IU0.00 lor Inao nl limb nr qpojBtfbti
imiin 'i iii lu 116.00 Mlh mill nr ai-
I'lili'tit In in 111, 1 1, i mo (Hi I .m.rrii, -, ri'
iirl Im'Iu'oI. Coot iii i, li ..,r year.
no otliii iln.a nr .nKMiitfiiU. In till
iiiaurnni'i' all moll .ml 1(0111011 MfjplSfOjd
on mi j 1 1 it 1 hiima, rrcnrillon l DSSSpS
ttvu l-.vory pormiit aMkSS MM umi'
form of it(..!ii allnn, pay tin MUBi
amountof pi.-iiilum ami rSSStfSS tin
aaiin .mount ol Iwintll. Men ami
Woanon boiwoan th. aura ul lii ami 'l'i
art. arv.uKii. .t, reainriinna .a In in
iiiiIini, only iiailrnail milt iin,li, ,1
rniil.ii'il on Irack, train nr RXMiad
liuoae, ran mil be MSttsd. I lanna an
paiil wltliln aiily lay am Inn. in il.
I ' . s . Caninla or Kamptv nlil r.-lial.l.
Iiiatirititrc Cjinpany. flim.ii.Mi mi nn
Slate iU.itw.a pnilei nun Inr 1'uln t
liulJora ami tn KOaranlee lln iat nl
ul claiina Km Itirlber Ira. liili.rinallun
aililre.K ..natiivr B. Wrrner, S.- r.l.o t
anil ..eiiernl Mamitfer. Itui Mill, llnllal...
S. I alalc ago, a.-.. o'rtiNaO.ii ttinl
ni.nlioli liept. II 172.
I'MI II' -I t II - I M. n I li I I
llttrlia. OrogoO. HoplvlBlM 'I III I
ed to tro up another story with pecially to th- irrowing youth of Lrii'arcrTmnVorr5nni,o.'?.o soM. i
how his fine stone buildintr. thaaso. Oregon is inexcuaabls. I kTs.:"!,,, ':.!;.'i';' ;?,,, ".;,"
sincerely Ijhope for the reelection ond Hoor to be cut into 17 Iin.' "And . hurt let the liquor peo- .V.i.iVo'uTh sangoi .'"m',',
of Senator Chamberlain. The large rooma. This floor ia already pie worrj you with the charKe;:,!':.!ir,':";'::.''(v; ::';;,;. ,,,:;:,':V::1;;,
maintenance of the Democratic imi..r lease to Dave Newman, that this will merely drive Ore-1 .;.;'in.,r,';rr":;V,:,,'!;.',:;:;n,, :,I,Z 'i.",:,'.
majority in the senate ia of the former landlord of the French gn saloons outof business: that i",,'u!o!:,:.',;.'..,.
utmost imijortance t. tlieciuntry! hotel and Mr. Newman will fur- the same amount of liquor will nro..1. shtmiIISii ,:,.i"".",!n
if the present policies ami pro-1 nish the rooms for lodgsra and ,'"' drunk bui the profit and thai '""'";;'
gram of the Roverment are to bejhouae keeping. A bath will be revenue will gotosomsothsr city
sustained and continued and l .,..(i nm h Ann. ,..,,1 i im tn i. or state, from which the Mm
l. nn. .1 Mar i, -a.
-'.-.',. i. - .-', -.,., In.SW .,,
' i ". '.' - ll ...1 Kaal, V M
"Ui Nn ii. iv: aaaak
(l I "l! il"'lia . l.lliilnr a.ltrl.. I, 11,.
land. ,i, .. ,ii ,i. .,, .i.atnu, , ,,,.,., u., I1M.
I Hi. Mm. lal .I,..., ar ol . lan.l.oraU)
ii,.. ..'..., , ii. otoguoal to .opIipaoC
I....II.I nit II,. It altl.latll. ..( proUaH I. Ihll
, i in mi. i it
Noli, r ol Final .Srlllrm.-nl
I "li ila) nl lli-lli
I IHHL II- ,'i.'. I
take it for granted that voters
everywhere will feel the force of
that motive.
"Senator Chamberlain has ren
dered conspicuous servives to the
party and I am sure they will be
recognized in the result at the
polls. Cordially and sincerely
"Woodrow Wilson."
Important Cases Before
The Circuit Court
(Continued from page 1 1
practices. If the state is sus
tained in its contention the land
would revert to the state and
would be by it resold as are
other state lands and the pro
ceeds would go to the permanent
school fund.
The suit was filed in April and
the defendant has demured to
the complaint on the ground
that it contains a misjoinder of
cause anu action, arm mat u is
apparent from the allegations of
the complaint that the state has
not been dilligent in prosecuting
the case and asserting its rights,
and therefore the cause of action
is barred by the statute of limi
tations. Hearing on demurrer is set for
Thursday Oct. 15. Mr. Tread-
wen, wno win represent me OS
fondant is already here and Atty.
Gen. Crawford will be here from
Salem, who withe. B. MoConnell
special attorney for tin- state, will
represent the plaint! ft,
The easS Of Charles Nelson vs
It. L Haines for $10,000 dam
ages is set (or trial the 18th.
This in a case growing out of an
arrest of the plaiiitil!' by the de
fendant in which Nelson was
beaten by the marshal.
The jury brought in a verdiol
of not guilty in the case of stale
vs Snyder.
placed on the floor and it is to be '"' state,
furnished and conducted as a WHOUnt of liquor will OS shipped
first class place. Mr. Newman t Oregon consumers.
is sure to make good on this. "Some liquor is shipped into
George Raycraft is now at ('rv Kansas, but official state fig
work on the Geo. Fry building ores show the per capita con
adjoining the post office and will aumption to be $1.26, as against
soon have it under cover. He JW per capita for the United
has completed thechanges in the Statei ai a whole. Some liquor
post office, making ample room , ls shipped into dry Salem.
for the parrel nest and as soon as
the new boxes arrive the post
office will be conveniently equipped.
Fred Clingan has completed
the work of putting in the new
front and plate glass in the Rich
ardson store. This is a attrac
tive front.
Eugene Roseburg, Oregon City
and ol her dry towns. Uui the
saloon is gone. And the busi
ness men will tell you that these
dry town-, are the best in the
tats. Some liqudr is drunk in
Portland on Sundays, doubtless,
and in the homes. Hut we
doubl if the liquor people them
elves will assert that one-fiftieth
as much is drunk on Sundays as
T Ik. V t U r- !"' W-eK8 la i. Some liquor Will
. ...v,. ..,ry v.iun.y H .slupiied ml,, ,
I promise, if elected, to collect
all fees as provided by law. and
turn them over to the County
Treasurer; and to submit to the
County Court in itemized form,
all expenses incured for their ap
proval or rejection; and to con
duct the business of the office
with partiality to none, and jus
tice to all. On the foregoing
pledge I solicit your support.
A. W. Goodman,
Republican nominee for Sheriff.
Something new at Tonawama.
Jim Mahon was here again this
week talking about Geo. Cham
berlain for U. S. Senator. The
many friends and supporters of
Senator Chamberlain are pleased
to get such encouraging reports
of his prospects from outside
points in the state. He seems to
be even stronger with the voters
than in former years and even
conservative republicans who are
supporting his opponent admit
he is going to be elected. The
popularity of Wilson's adminis
tration and the work of Senator
Chamberlain during his term has
brought him better and stongcr
Tonawama tonight
ry Orciron and
drunk in the homes of the few
who will feel they must have it.
"Hut every citizen knows the
amount drunk and the damage
done will be trivial compared
with the present conditions of
vicious, unending temptations to
every class of society. Listen!
the Eastern liquor interests are
generally understood to be con
tributing two-thirds of the vast
fund that is being Ussd in Ore
gon to fight prohibition. Would
they have been doing that if
they thought their business.
hipping in from outside, would
nol be CUl to a minimum by the
Committee Of One Hundred.
Paid Advertisement.
Catholic Church.
I. On Sundays and Holy days
of oblisation Holy Mass with
sermon al 10 a. m.
2. On week days Holy Mass
at 8:80 a. in.
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announced in cliurch.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime. Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted lit the Franciscan
I Mill, Mill- I IM- ,I,
Hun,. llrOgOU, Si'l'li nil . I I .. I ! I
S..II,. I. I.. ui.. glvanlhal Edward l-gll ul
Itiu-y. Oregon v liu, on iii i ... i n i ,,,,i,
!..,. 1 1 I ami KlltrjP, N., i I, Iui if,',
- I.' am I N'aNWi, taction I luaiillill.ii
miullt. liana.' .1 goal, "III It M.inlm.
Iiaa nil, I iniiii, ,,l inn i, lion m mail Klltai
prOOl, ,1.11,, I,, II,. l.inl !,... ,
iorihad.batureSrglali rand itimt.i al tlurtu
t it. ngoii. un Ilu, da) "li '. no., i I'll
Claimant Iiann. a. Wlllloaatua
William Hut,-, it, i I,,, w i, ,,,,,. .,.i,.f
W I la, ,11 Alii, 'I I n,, no, an all ol lOlva.ot. , ,,,,
m I .una. I:,,. '
I SI I I 1 1 - I V I I , I V 1 1 I 1 1 I I
Sum! on i --. l'i ml., i III
Noiii . la it, i. thai llarri Kagar.ul
in, in. uragoo, who, nn t,tii 17, I'm ami
Man -It II en.' ir..r, ti,,'!. mail., it ,., ,. -t. , I
Kl.lllra. Nil II.IK ii.-imi. (,,, NO,', ,, I'.li.l
.iWI,, Htillon .',, I .,it, , H Hill,,',
MIMaliirtn. I...I lilr.l unit, ...In,
minimi lo l i .... i ii,,,.,. i,, !,,, i ,,,,.
la I, Mali i la I in I., Ihr laml al I. ., i , i I ...
lor. Ki-glal. I I:. ll .-r. hi Iillllll ,ii,
oil III.' .nil, ol II, I,, In i,
Inliiiaiitllaln,... Mltln.l,.
ll.'.li lli i.iallliu. Kill,. i I , , ,
".Iii-l.. i, Ml. lia. I lliiivri.,,11, all ..I l u,.
I in iii Kaglali .
I'NII.I. hir I AMI III I ll I
lloilii, OraguU.Hi lli 11,0.1 I ,, i'j,i
Nollrr la In ti l) I'lrl, that, ,
.nil. mi, ami In ii ,,i ll ,. i,n ,, ,,
nf Itiirni, Oregon i who, on ii,i ,, i ail, Kill, So .'.,1 ii. .Hi-ii il ,, n '. n (,,,
K',S'.all'l''M'',,-. .1 , iMWIIah,,,
H , Itai.rr .11 K . Iillllll, Or Mi 11,1 ,ai Ml, I
liotli r nl intunllnii I,, mat! In, ,,,
nrtml. ilnini lo lha I. in, I nlmvi ,n
aarlbM, barore in ii.n t Illorvivtn at Hun..
dregun, mi lha Itilh ilny nl o, nn,. i i ., ,
i lal man l it mm . a. wllutaat .
, H I'nrli r I olln I In.,,.,, n, i hi..
Id nl. in .V mill, nil ,,l Hi, ii,,. )r.gail
SI 11 I llllil II. ; ,,
I 'l I l I. T . f, , . -.,, , ., , ,. .
In, ma, Un uu, MptrulU., J. .i t
ia I., ii'ln glM Out John I nralorl ol
I uti... Ill.gou, it In, auaauai . Ilm.
1 i. "Ira. I I lilr, . So 0107a, (or h Si-.-il,
i:.I..i..i,i,.., a llaog, .. ,. .Hill. man. M.,
Ian I... nlr.l nntli .. ,.7 I ii lent I. m m ma. a final
i. ..').ai I'ruul to ut. 1,11,1, , al .Hi. land
lauv, I,.. ,.r. Ik'I.,,,. Ilr,-lal.'i
al liiin... in.,-,,,,. u ti.o I ill, ,la u ,t, I,,!,...
I Ian,, .nl ., .1,11,...,,.
I l.ail.i I.,. I.. Hugh , r.itima Ilu. rli
ll ami I rod i Hunan all ul Hutu.. inr,,,t,
H a It..,. Hi, lal. I.
i - Rural n: I i.i Ro.
i Mm, hr.ra. I.. tin tirrti a
lliirm. Ungual, aWoiamlair H, 111 I
, N','.','".,",,1"'"'1''' ',"1 "l"1 "' Nntllir,.
la. Ill, l. .ill,,., i.,,,,, l,,,,. uoat m. Cm Ml, aula. haUhlVjlih ,.v
"l-.t. I. iiilM-r.lvKninl lu Ihla ug.-r,in.
Hon in. rlr, i uml, , ii.r tiroiialoniMllli.a.t o
I "l.lll. .l,l,,,,l, ,1 Inl. I llunwiu,., .
.11 r "' l 'i o- ... V,
... . II.. a. 1 ,. I, IBgnMal a..r..,rd
Mai I
I MO II, S , t ,.,
Htntal No U77JJ
M .
DaiTau aTiTaa i in , , ,
Hnrna, OrtfOU, Ii Ulaiuhul .' ,, IVH I
NotlfJ la h.i. ill ,.v,. , , I,,,,., m,m, , ,
I Irl'l. i.i, ,..,,,.. I, J ,,, Hh, ' ,
11, inn. rt'.i.i'.itin'i, ,,, .,,.,. an ,,, Kiilrlaw
.Sua. OM I ll ,iv,.ii.', I,., ui.Ni, i nk'.i k' ,,
noil i Bl'.M.',. S'jM'.',. .-,', ,,
I iim naliln ,ta Hmil ,. ll.iiui. j, ,., u.i,
Miilillan, Inn lllr. I m nl ii.l.iii ,.,.
Hliallliri.p rui protil, iii i .n.l, n.l, , .,M ,,, .,,
laml nlioii' ili ii ,H .1 I,. , ,i, .., ( ,'."
Jr., II M, font in lulom r, al ,, ,,,,,, ,' .'
Alllll.Ml. o, ,,,,,, i, in, . l, .I,,,,, NuvolMltor,
, la I inn ii I linmi'i na wllnolaai
tilimir Mr i a, iv i ydn MnKnlvrey,
nilllai nl, Joint lli iiihiiI a I ol I i.l,. ..,,,,,
H m I .inn.. Huglnlt , '
I SI IKI. HI VI KH I.AMilll'I'li
I llkrllriv, UregOUi Hriti 1,1 I.i I .Hi, I'll
NM lot la linrnliji gIT.n Ilu, I Jinn, a A w ll.,,,,
nl i-iii- lireguo, wi m,i,,i, inib, iui a
tntoli llniitratriol r.iill,, No.uiiv, , I,,, .t w, '
ml "'.UK1,. Mr, Hull I, I'.iwilllllll .'I Kui,
Itnnnti Vi in.i. 111,, in ,i i. M i i ,. ,,,,, ,na lllnil
,,. illr.i ul li.lrull.,,1 ' lltahu 'III j, , ,
In rami, I lih rial in lu lliu laud l..n. .1, , m,,,,)'
lii'lin. I l.aa. A Mhtiiuiii, I N inilaalliliur
al Kilo, lln.,un, on ihr I, Hi ,la v ulOuluUl lull
i i.iii iihiiii . an V lluaaiai
I'aul llullu-r, ImIiii M, Karl,, ill Jur allllul
Jlanry Srtl.uiv, nllulKU.. ,u,
Jla r ItliKnlw, Ittglili i.
All, .ml all i, ,-,.,,,, , .,,,,,. ,.u.....i. ....
, i, vi'i "'"'',' '." "' I" "t.jMul ua n.iar
''. Minimi rharulorol Ih. i.u.l. .,, .,,.
mhar reaaon In in,. ,iiK,inl lu ai.,,ll.'.t,
. I.uulil lllr Hoi, , 111,1,1 II. ,,r..l..i II, ll,,.
"'W, ' Ilu- Ii.lli ,.v ,,l Nuvatiiorl
S u K.ana. Itr,,
Itiirna I lal No :l
i Mm, '.nr,. i .Niitirrtt'n, i
in, ma, Oregos, tooKBhor 16, mi..
Si,.,',. I. ,.. i., niirtt iii.i h. Noril,.ru
I.,,. I. , hi I il in i ,.,,ii a,,, m I...-. ....-, ..a,. .
iltUM la l latllMIn,,, aula. I.aa ll,li .'AH, Jnv
H''""-- 'a l4 lhl.oBloolUappllo.floo
I". I. . I ll lu I, I Ih,' I.IO.I.IoUlllf III .It Mil on
great, approved July I, IM mo hi.i fttt?, iiju)
i w '.-., I; r.MI ,K..n s,
' '. I i , It X, It.
t M
-'.o INK',. aaM
M .
I ' ,ul H '.. -l'i
nW'.nlSH . , , I
II '.olMl1,, ,. I.I
'. I I . II aj n
i.. i ii. ii ii k
I I s . it :w, i
I h , It, ;,
." u. i l
uuu A
.11 ... V
.UUI ,
, , .. ' o wirtn
M'llal .So II, '..I.,
luyatnl all ,rii,,lii tlnlmliig a,lv,ntl, Hit .I. ...II.. ,1 .,, .1,. , i ,,,,,, .,..
"I Hi. nilli. i.i rhaini Iin ul Ilia laud. , li,,
" '"', .".'.',""". '" " I'""1 '" api'll..,f
h;'"11'1 '"'' ' III.I. l Ila nl .,ol.'.l',. Villi
"" '"' 0' It'll, dnyul ,Su,,.n,lH,r,
liana. It.glittr.
notick fok PUBLICATION.
i sunn Mtm i. ami "SPtCS
liiini,. Urtgou. atplawbai ga, I'll
Nullra It btrtuy glvtn thai iifurnt) l itiiry
....... .. .....,,. ,,,,. ,hl.i.,, ,, h', mv i ami
'"'"' "mil. in I, luMuil,,,, ,H if.,,,,
! I., Wlllamotla Mati.i,.,,. i,.1. , i,?,,' ," f .
ul In uiiIImii lu uiakt llu.l iiy, ,.r noul it,
'-'"I'll... '. ,. lit. I.tnl alMi,..,S lh,'..V
I'.i.u. .mi nr,,.!,,,,. tll,rn,7;','
III,', .,,11 tln'MlnlllI ol '"'"'"
Claimant naiina ua Ml tin,., .
I i,,i. inn, ii.rn.oii.. i, iinntui, Aib.nw.MMi
III hnii,.. in. an,,. Hauiliuudiuau. ul liu,
,r,l, ""'
r.Hnn. It. ,lii.r.
I'Minn Bf i I. .hi, ,,,, n a
lliiin in. nun. " liihi'l V... mil
Sunt r la hur.hy nlvun llml Uoudluw
ol Union, OrtgpU, Mlm, on Maul, III, Haw'
unnlr lloiurilriul I' 1,1,1, No. Ul.'illl. lot Kl.l,
Srrllol, I. IMMUIIHI' ll N , Htllg. UllK.WII
Ihiiiiiii m, i nn. ii linn in. ,t mill. , ul lui.ulloii
In muni' IHial III. inn Uo,,. tu rilahllah
rill Hit to III. laml ahmr, lit.1
ih, in, :i. i.i ninl itririiii,. .1 llurui, oirioi,
in, ih. Hit day ul Nuviiiihur, mil,
t Ihiiiiiii, I naliir. a. Mlliiraaaa:
Jallliia I'lflii, Itohi'lt IHIlili 11 alii. Jm t'lnrk,
I I loiijail.. all ul llnrit.y, Or.nuB
Wu KAant. B.gltltr.
Ill tin- I'outtl v ('mil I i.i I lie M.i It nl
C'iii. ho H.i, in v Cnuiitv.
In liar itiiitlrr nl lite ral.tif ..I JatTMM
II. Oaril, tlrcruartl
Noti.r it brrchy ifg liiat t tag tin, lit
tiKitrtl aa uilininiil rl.,i ul Hi.- I.lgll oi
lanna II. I litril, tliHTaai'i!, bguj lilnl Iin.
July flu,,) nccount lu-nin. mil
at by law ictttiietl, nikinn for tltr li. it
inn, "' obifcliuitt iIioh la iintl Um t. li k
inrnt thrirul ami .tking lot tin nnlci nl
.Halt ibuttun .! ik rt.arity ri'itiitiini,;.-unoiiM-iiilod
ami unui.iiiir.,t. .1, mnl
that lliu ttboT ti.iirt Iiaa llaarilinoil
nitnl.i ami rut. ml uiittrtln a,iiniii in,'
tltc 7th day o( Ut'tobcr IS14, al the lunii
olio tiVU'lt A. M., at liu-vnutl liniisf
ut Bank, llrrKno, IM the iiiim.s. i, I
hearing ubjrctltina tltrrctti aotl the art
tlriii.nt tlirruuf, uuil miikii l; tltr u,,l,i
nl tlialrilitnlon aaknl fur, uml DOtioi
tlioieollir giTin In The Tlliln-lli i .,1.
fur lour tucccaatvr nnki; uuy uml nil
I- inula inirri'ilril hrrrni .tn tlinul,, ,.
itiintcil to flic any olijrctitnia tlmv itiiiv
hnvo to aaitl linul account, or llir gettlc
inrnt tbcraof, or the duliiliutnni nl aiml
roa:rty, on or brfore auttl ol lir.ti
i ok with tltr tail) court or the clink
the root.
iiiti puiiiicuiion lictonl it HtrpL .", i'.n 1
SIM MuliigksiiK.i., u, Iihiiii. lint, it
Noli, . lo Croditora.
Notice it liftcli, uuen Hint t It.- uml. t
tigneil baa Iktii duly ii,iuinlod gggctl
torsi Hie l.uat Will .iti.l Tcatunu-iit,
and of lueratuteol Mary I'.. Borland,
ileceuacd, by Ul. County Court ol lliu
State of Oregon, for llarnry Coiuilv.
All inriauua btKiag clt.itnn BgaliSal
aaidcatutcurr licrrliy ittitilicil lo picainl
Iboiit, tltily vrrtfled aa by law rfXiuirvd,
I" ii'inr, i.rr.'hv, oiecttlot, 1,1 III. I,
aitlritt ten unlet South cnat nl lluina.
Harney County, Urru,uu, or ut Hie olllc,
ol J. J. I'uttcitun Inn allot it. , Hi II,,, ns.
OreKotl, within ill uniiitlia limn Hi,
.lute ol I hta notice
Ualrtl tlna Tith day ol SeilciiilMi I'll I '
QKORUB QRBBI.K Y, siacutui
J. J. I'ATTI.KSON, nttoin, v
I'NITRIlNI AIKH I . v N li ul I ,, ,
liurnt. oreguu, Mt pirmin i i, fin i
Null,.. 111.. laliy Hint Michael llnUri.i.ti
ol Btitut, Oregon. mIio on .turn li mil, inaili Knlry, No.U'.Mia lur N',1',, Hr. Hun
IJ, Towunh,,. ..., tuulh It.,,,, .,.' r .Wllla It.
Mirldlali. ban Ol. .1 Built .' nl I n trill Iui
in tiinkti ilunl ihraa year prunl, lu r.tahH.b
i lallii lo Ihu lalulahuir I l.l In I, or 11, ,
i.i" " ..nn.,, .. iinina or.'niiu in, Ih
I .'II, dty Ul II. 'loin , . I-, i
t latniaiit Itnlni'B nn vl Ilni "...
Mi oil llalt). ol Martuwa Oirron II.,,
Kngtr, fird i.rhilng, I T. Ki), til ol tn.,,.
Wa. I ,,. Hi'ntnl. r,
A Full Line of
1 also have a new line ot
Percales, Klaxons, Ginghams, Voiles, etc
Latest In Neckwear Barrette, Side say
Back Combs for Ladles. Just arrived, tfc,
Latest in Ties, Collars, Salts, Caps, Hati
Underwear and Shirts for Men.
On quantity orders fori
For Haying i
A. K. Richardson I
General Merchandise
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
Free CamHoMt and.Feedinu: Mvilsjfci i c orrml
or Barn. Cltttoatn Care For Own Stork.
W. A. (.001)MA -- Lv;.r ..,.
---.,, .jw.iK i iii n un i u.
'l -Sf
Wo have a complete stock of
Seasonable Goods
and are ready to supply your wants
Dress Goods, Wash Goods
Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery.
Gloves, Embroideries, etc
The Burns Department Store
I'NITKIIHI KH I .IMlllhl ll'Kl
Iillllll. inr,, Hi, Stir,!,, In Ira, III. I'll
Nutlri It liaribjr glvtu lual Maui i t . I'riiiuli
ul lla.illnaii. meg. ui. wliu, un liny 17, lull
iiimli IliiuiriuaJ Kutir, Nu. uillu, lu, r,t i
h.-i'lluii IH. Iuwutlll'is Mi. Hill, Italian .1.1 la.i
IMialiiilUi M.ililiaii. Iiaa Mini nullr.i ,.i I
Hull lu lunar llual llir. yatr I'nail, lu.alalill.l,
rlnliu lu lha Intul nliovn aaaurltuHl, belutr It, r
iili I tint Iti i i Ii ri. at Hut lie, Otvguti, uli 1 1..
Kill ila, ul i H liil.ri. IUI,
I'latinaiit lltlutl lor wllntnnra
t'liarlra Itultll, ul llurui, Uragtlll Jlllttli II
iluiiii. i titan, linn) K. Lluar, Ira 1. Mi'.'..i .11
"I ll.iilm.ii, in, ku '
K.nnn. BrglllTI
Iillllll. Ilavauii mui,i.. ,. ,,. ,.;, .
N.i-i. i :;..'.- ":.-"' '"
a .. T "" Bi.i'ti
H . Hang. t6 g . wltl.ui.Vm li., ',ui. " I.' ,' "I
uutlti. uf lutaiilluii 1V uinna Klii.l ti.Il"
rate .".''"'"'i "'aiu. ", ti.' " , .'".,:l"'
inrlUii b,lo, ktgltatr .,,,1 ,.".V . ''
Iturtia, tr.gou. ,. iu, Utu tit, Ktolif i.i.1 i
I l.llu.ul iiniual aa wlti...... "''' "
Vk3ka3afanCJlV "
Mr I'.a.W 111 anay-tEg.
' ataa.-
- "
WO, rify. hi.i.;,. . ,
auut.aalargtjgi .. ' ,',
.iiii.Mii (o It. (aruli, ,,,?,, lutaJnv. Sealmul i
... . . .i
I"' W"-a. Mum, KAh
hy.ittillnillu .,., i '.':.; " '
largril t.,0 .l.k..s, ,,,,',
ul,,,,, ' '
iin..,, .1 p... igan ,t at.. ,, ),,,,,
..Lulil a,.'ii..,u.. ,.i.
tSSSf'4 N it.
alluin. i. ,, , .,
, .niui. ri.. Ii.'.o.
I.i, ,.. ,(,,, K,,
Will. I. , .1, 4j ,n,
Ul. II Ul.l
! aali i
usmissirr of ohuon
auunNi na,,,,,.
Mnmunl llnrtlu.ulNnrruwn.tlr.n.iii Willi
: ir,v:Ju"'Ur"u"l'"i "" "a"
We do it right
WM.Knaaa, K.-ni.i.i