The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 10, 1914, Image 1

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The Biggest County In The State
Of Oregon, Best In The West
The Biggest City In The Biggest
County In The StAte Of Oregon I
NO. 48
Promoters of the Butte, Boise & San
Francisco to Investigate Route to
South by Way of Malheur Pass on
Through Lower Part of the Harney
Valley to Goose Lake Country
Promoters of the Butte. Boise
San Francisco Railroad have
mtten to private parties in this
tea suggesting that the line
light be changed to come by the
pay of this Valley and on out hy
the way of Lakeview. This line
ras proposed to come from Butte,
through Boise, Caldwell, Jordan
Valley and on out to the south
to a connection with San Fran-
cisco. but those in charge of the
ireliminary work have been in
Knmunication with people to
the west of the line already sur
veyed with the result that the
matter of coming this way is re
ceiving serious consideration.
From what The Times-Herald
learns this line has been perma
nently located as far as Jordan
Valley from the east but from
that point it is under considera
tion to come through a pass on
the Owyhee on out to Barron
Valley thence by way of Malheur
Pass to this valley skirting the
lakes on the south and on out t"
Lakeview. This is a feasible
route we understand by those
who are familiar with the terri
tory and would bring another
completed line of tranportation
through the Big Harney country.
One of the men in charge has
written here to ascertain the.
sentiment of the people in re
spect to this proposal and to find
if the people of (turns would givi
at least.
A road giving direct connec
tions with San Francisco and the
coast is very attractive and would
find much tonnage with the ter
ritory properly developed. With
the Panama Canal in rendiness
and a direct line to the sea the
vast amount of product! from
this big fanning section would
certainly be attractive and mean
considerable to a railroad. The
local producer is only waiting a
way to market before too much
energy and capital is expended
in the way of placing the land in
shape for producing on a largo
scale. We have the equipment on
the ground for farming on a big
scale with power plows, seeders,
sage grubbers, etc., thereore all
that is necessary is the proper
inducement to encourage the far
mer to get busy. We have never
had an over production yet but it
could easily be done so far as
local consumption is concerned
and men do not want to go to the
expense of clearing and subduing
large tracts ol land without im
mediate prospect of a market.
The promoters of the Butte,
I!' use iv. San Francisco should
give this bite territory personal
investigation before they decide
definitely upon the route. Hy
coming this way The Times-Herald
understands they cover still
greater part of producing tern-
Another Pioneer Passes.
Mrs. Surah E. Marshall died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
(has, Comegys, in this city,
Tuesday afternoon, Oct. (5 after
an illness of some time, aged 75 ,. rr. ,- c f si
years. She had been in feeble More than 1 mfee TOUrthS Ot Counties
health for several years but not '
confined to her bed until recently.
On Sunday night suffered a stroke
of paralysis and did not recover.
She was a most estimable lady
who had endeared herself to a
wide circle of friends in this
county since coming here some
24 years ago.
She formerly lived on the lakes
with her son but of recent years
she has made her home in this
city with her daughter and her
genial character soon won her
many friends and admirers, es
pecially in the church circles.
Deceased was born in Illinois
Fob 8, 183!. In 1852 she started
across the plains in company with
In State Have had Exhibits of Some
Character. Stock Exhibits at The
State Fair Never Been Equalled.
Unusual Features Adds to Interest
il'iimi Oui I'uril.uiil Oufrsspoadfnt)
The past week has been the
wind-up of practically all the
county fairs to be held in the
state this season. More than
three-quarters of the counties in
the state have had an exhibit of
some sort and in every instance
the quality of the products show n
tier parents but the distance was; has been fully up to grade and
not made in one season, the fami- the staging of same has been
ly stopping for the winter in Salt i better than ever. At the state
Lake Valley, coming on to Mar
ion county, the following year.
She was married to W. M.
Hughet in 1856, the husband
dying in 187.'$ leaving her with
three small children. She moved
to California the following year gon. Horses,
and was married there in 1870 tolnoultry. sheep
I). N. Marshall the latter dying! all kinds were exhibited by prac-
moral support at least to the pro- tory already under consideration
ject and possibly furnish a guide and with this and the (loose l.ake
that the proposed route
looked over.
The gentleman has been ap
praised of conditions here and it
was suggested that he come to
Hums and go into the matter in
person with the business men.
The people of this place have
ever been ready to assist in the
promotion of any enterprise that
tends to the development of this
biK country and while there has
valley add
verj materially In that
Tuned Up Wholr System.
"Chamberlain's Tablets have
done more for me than I ever
dared hope for." writes .Mrs.
Esther Mae Baker, S.pencerport,
N. Y. "I used several bottles of
these tablets a few months ago.
They not only cured me of biiious
some years later. Mrs. Marshall
came to Harney county in lKiKl
where she hatl since resided. She
was the mother of seven children,
live of whom survive her, I. N.
Hughet, H. T. Hughet and Mrs.
('has. Comegys all residing in
this vicinity, Mrs. H. P. Hart,
of Berkeley, California; the latter
was here with her mother for
several weeks during the sum- j
Protest New County.
Fellow Taxpayers:
For many years we have pio
neered together in Malheur and
Harney counties and one of our
greatest troubles has been to find
funds to meet the ever incresing
ing taxes.
Through rapid increase in val
ues and an economically adminis
istered government, Malheur
county is practically free from
debt, and Harney county is rap-
ni! i : i! ii i ii i-li 1 1 1 1' lliil i-i ilii I 1 I !i in
live stock and man..--,., ;iW .... w.. f,.h
irticles that has ever I ..',, ... ...,'., ,, f
I' t'l. I' Mil'' 'I 'Ml ill '"lllll 111
this fortunate circumstance.
We are now confronted with
the possibility of having a third
county formed which will go
through all of the tips and downs
through which we have just pass
in Malheur and Harney.
A Most Able Sermon.
Hy proclamation of President
Wilson, last Sunday was desig
nated as a day for prayer and
work that peace may come? to
the warring nations of Europe,
At his evening service i)r. Ben
son delivered a very cotnprchon-
uivii 1'iiiiiiti nr I . . I ! i tin I lu
subject which showed deep and
careful consideration from an un
prejudiced view.
The speaker maintained that
the cause of the present war was
the collapse or failure of the real
object and spirit of education,
civilivation and religion. That
militarism was taught and war
resorted to on the slightest pro-
Considerable Criminal Matters That
Will Occupy Much of Next Week.
Civil Cases Involving Great Pro
perty Interest Come Before Judge
Biggs at This Term for Decision
fair at Salem last week there
was probably the most notable
collection of ( Iregon fruits, grains,
fac lured
been shown at one time in Ore-
cattle, swine,
and pet stock of
tically every community In the
state, and the quality and finish
of the animals has never been
One of the unusual features
Of the state fair was the buys'
camp at which were quartered
the prize winners in the various
county garden contests. Under
the direction of Prof. W. A.
Parr, of the Oregon Agricultural
The circuit court has been a Westley Snyder, charged with
DUSV scene during the week and malicious destruction of nmnortv
vocation. The Doctor stated , from looking over the docket and was taken up by the court yes
that while he believed in the era-j trials set it will be occupied dur- terday forenoon This is a case
c.ency of prayer if was inconsis- ing the entire coming week. The , charging the defendant with kill
Unit and void of results tor the grand jury made its final report ling some milch cows in the Cat
people of this or any other nation on last Saturday evening and low Valley
to call upon Cod to promote peace ! was discharged. It brought in! The case of George Wynn
and to continue to build canon j many indictments and made some charged with assault with intent
and arament. and to send their recommendations that will have to kill has been set to follow the
best educated and highest civil..- j attention. Snyder case. This is the case in
ed subjects out on the firing Criminal matters have I won i ..,.;,., .k jr.i. i ...
... . hi. ii iih u' 1 1 mull i in, :u'. in ai-
Unas, , given most consideration during , tempt on the life of Sid Comegys
'the term SO far although a few over at Diamond lsst Jnlw anil in
, rf-.. ...... r ... . . . -.- . . v .j ...... ...
ronon ueti u rer ent minor civil cases have been dis-
Rabbits-Beat. Bounty ',( " M of
The case against Sid Comegys,
charged with larceny, was tried
early in the week and the jury
found him not guilty. The case
against Sleeper and Jackson,
charged with obtaining money
under false pretense, was tried I
Kay T. Jackson of the U. S.
Department of Agriculture, Bu
reau of Biological survey, is fur
nishing the farmers of Umatilla
county and iHirtions of Idaho
with a formula for rabbit poison
which he says has proved very
which Mr. Comegys was cut with
a knife.
Edgar McDonald, charged with
assault, will be tried on Monday
according to the court calander.
Hugh Tudor, indicted for
assault, plead guilty and was
fined $75.
The grand jury brought in three
mer; Louis E. Marshall, of Visa- College, these boys gave an exhi-
ha, California. hitionof stock judging, taking as
Funeral services were conduct- subjects the prise winning cows
ed at the family home Wednes- jn the dairy section, and making
day afternoon. Rev. Dr. Benson Up a full and complete report as
conducting the service. Many j to the points of excellence poss
friends were present to pay their jessed by each animal, giving his
last respect to the deceased and reasons for the decision; alto
extend their sympathy to the testing t lie milk for butter tat
sorrowing family. Circuit court Und purify. These reports were
adjourned during the service and , passed upon by the expert judges
the officers attended the ser-(f the dairy section of the fair
vice. Mr. R. T. Hughet being i The final prise winners in the
receive as a
free trip to I
San Francisco
. . . .. . ...
CierK Ol the court, and it was a garden contest wil
mark of respect that was touch-1 reward one week's
ing and fully appreciated.
been little said of this projected attacka, sick headaches and that
road as little is known of it in a tjn., ()lll feeling, but toned up
definite way, it is almost certain my hole system." For sale by
it will meet with moral support an dealers.
Burns Meat Market
Packing Plant
Fresh Meats, Poultry
Home Products for Home Consumers
Large Profits in Using
The Pure-Bred Stallion
the exposition
next summer.
a I
We are strongly opposed to this! satisfactory '" other communities
division. It is an absolutely sure! He believes this is the only effec
proposition that taxes will be live way of eradicating the pests,
greatly increased in all three of , inoculation having failed to pro
the ceunties: In Malheur and llar-jduco the results desired.
ney because of the loss of val- Ha believes the following form
nation without any appreciable' ula will prove effective:
decrease in expenditures, while One ounce of strychnine; one
the new county will be as cxpon- half pint of water; one fourth
sive as any other new county has pint of acid vinegar; one table
I ii, and on account of the large spoon gloss starch; once ounce
number of new offices created by of soda; one half pint saccharine,
legislative enactment, will be far Put strychnine in one half pint
greater than any of the older of water and one fourth pint of
counties in their infancy. vinegar and bring to a boil, add
Again, the road work in the 'starch dissolved in water (cold)
sparsely settled new county will land cook till clear, take off fire
be an enormous burden to us for I and add soda, dissolved in water,
many years. 'and stir, add saccharine. Stir
The COSt of running the new above on H quarts or 10 pounds
county will aggregate more than of oats.
$60,000 per year, while we will t After drying It or 1 hours add
be called upon for a now court equal parts of clean oats.
and Sleeper was found guilty by indictments against C. R. Peter-
mejuryanu jacKson dismissed. m charging him with larceny,
lh.s is a case where the men and the first count will be taken
were charged with locating a up on next Thursday. Oct. 15.
man on land other than what he Henry Messner is indicted on
wanted. The defense in this two count3, charged with larcenv.
cas- gave notice to the court yes- and the first of these is for
terday morning that a motion for i Wednesday. Oct. 14.
a new trial would be asked later, j There are several law and euui
A civil case asking for damages ,ty cases to come uefore tne court
against the same men was also at tnis scssjon, one of them being
brought up and by consent it was the State a21jnst the pacinc Live
arranged the matter of damages stock Co.
snouiu oe leu up 10 me court ; This is one of tn
and it would be submitted and
discussed next Saturday, Oct. 17
At thesame time the defense will
take up the motion for a new
trial in the criminal action.
The case of the state against
e most impor
tant cases pending in the state
courts as the State is attempting
to cancel deeds to about 27,000
acres of land which it is alleged
was obtained through fraudulent
(Continued on page 2)
For Good Cigars go to
The Rexall Drug Store
We have the following brands:
Gato, Optimo, i.a Gamita, Triumph,
Chancellor, American, El-Sldelo,
Don Antenio, Muriel, and also a
full line of popular 5 cent Cigars.
We can also supply your wants In
ve hundred per cent on an
investment in live years is a con
servative estimate of the addi
tional returns from breeding the
best mares to the best sound,
purebred stallions, as compared
to breeding them to grade or
mongrel stallions, as shown by j
figures compiled by the State j
Registration Hoard. Kepori.
from stallion owners of the state '
show a difference in service fees,
of but $tt between the cost of
breeding to the average puie-i
bred as compared to the grade or
mongrel stallion. Data compiled
in Wisconsin show that the dif
ferenca in value of the offspring j
of these two classes of stallion
runs from $50 to $100 with an i
average of $oti. This would make I
returns of 2200 per cent on the
investment and would not be far
wrong for this state.
"Hut let us be more conserva-
tive." said
the (J. A. C. member of the
In 'Use, jail, new records and
record vaults, and everything
While the delay in passing the that follows the making of a new
Rivers and Harbors Hill lias, to county, in the way of surveys,
some considerable extent, delay-! roads and schools. To this must
This bait is distributed on the
trails made by rabbits going to
and from feeding places. 1'ut
about a tablespoonful to a place
and scatter well.
ed work on the Celilo ('ana1, a 'be added the great cost of trans-1 Mr. .lackBon says the poison
small force of men has been kept ! cribing the old records from both will not be dangerous to livestock
at work through the summer of the old counties, comparing but hogs may be killed if allowed
and the engineer In charge esti- land certifying to samr. to eat the rabbits,
mates that if the necessary ap-, Further regarding taxes, we This plan has been used with
nronriauon is made in the near desire to call vour attention to I success in the vicinity ol Amen
future, which now seems proba- the neighboring county of (.rant:
ble, the canal can easily be com- Grant county, on tax levy of 19
pleted within the next six months, mills and a valuation of $6,000,000 'fate. Nearly 90 per cent of the
He estimates that but $521,000' together with special taxes, rais-1 rabbits were killed,
win oe i.vcessary to complete the led $1 1:1.000 of which some $10,000 1 This plan is also being adopted
big water way. The lock gates' is still delinquent. I by some of the farmers over in
of the canal are being put in1 The valuation of the new coun ' Malheurcuunty. The bounty was
place and work on the lock will i ty will be about $2,000,000 with tried in Idaho, according to a cit-
an equivalent number of officers of that state, ami resulted
and other expenses: It is there- in an enormous expense and no
can Falls, Idaho, and tens of
thousands of rabbits met their
probably bo completed by tin-end
of October. A small amount of
concrete is yet to be placed, and I fore certain that the rate of tax- appreciable decrease in the pests,
a small amount of dredging at the (ation will belittle if any less than When this was a part of Grant
eastern eiul, where the canal con- forty mills for a number of years. 'county a bounty of three cents
nects with the river, will bring J Helow we hand you a list of 'was put on rabbits and warrants
the work to a point where the wat- offices to be filled with the state
er may be turned into the ditch ment that their salaries will, in
for the purpose of testing the j no case, be less than a living
locks. It is confidently expected wage for a man of family:
that by the opening of navigation , Circuit Judge, Court Stenogra-
.... t ...'iMttir ll... .".iri'il "ill It., ..)..... tMrnttlMm '...... !......
Professor Kenedy, i .. 1; ..;.. : V . ,.Z . ' V EST' TT" ,.T """?
M-.i'iv iw inmis ii,., .. - .'in. i ! i mill- .nmyi-, wun rAH'iiMe,
ordinary draft. Peed of Prisoners, Transporta-
been started of sam', ("are of Insane, County joining counties too, remember,)
Clerk and deputies, Sheriff and cost under bounty? ( ompare it
deputies, Sheriff office expenses, with the poison and conclude
went down to 50 cents on the,
dollar and the bounty had to be
discontinued without relieving
the farmer.
Poisoning with the foregoing
formula has killed IK) per cent.
What would that number of Har
ney (and large numbers from m
Come and enjoy the hospitality of the
City Restaurant
which is best expressed in our delicious
Sunday Dinner Oct. Uth
Cream of Chicken Soup
Fresh Eastern Oysters, 'any style 50c
One half Spring Chicken, Fried to Order 51).
Baked Spring Chicken and Dressing 50c
Spring Chicken and Dumplings .. 35c
Chicken Giblets and Toast 35c
Fried Columbia River Salmon 35c
Fried Halibut - 35c
Roast Beef and Brown Gravy 35c
Roast Pork and Dressing 35r
Masked Potatoes Spaghetti Itaiian Vegetable si..
Lemoa Pie Dutch Apple Cake
Coffee, Tea and Milk
Dinner will be ready at 1 1:30
Special Dinner from 5 until 8
insuring good, pleasant service
The Burns Hospital
Best Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com
fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
Clerk oflk-e expenses, Treasurer
and olliee expenses, Assessor and
and office expenses,
! County School Superintendent
Stallion Registration Hoard, "and
uv that (ho vnluo of fh. hnrsPH A movement ha
will he increased only HQ, law W tat OrtgOU Jersey Cftttlfl Club
than half the increase found in j to induce the government, thro"
Wisconsin. And let us pay $6 the Hureau of Animal Industry.
...i, lit;,..,,, i r,,,. mm ... .,.:,... fooo ! to send throe or four experts in
:inrl l-.'I tho verv hswt horses . tO this state to assist in the work MPUtlei
while our Affuraa show a coat of of Inspecting the herds as a safe
but 3 additional. Then we still RUtTO agalnat tuberculosis. Un-i
L.. ...... r.iui ..,.- ,.,,,, i Inasssss nn dor a state lit W illSIK'Ct ioll of Cat-
our investment when the colt is tie for indications of disease has Hon, Veteri.iery surReon, bruit country of these pests. Would a
matured four or live yeurs after 'extended all over the state, hut iMpwtlon, County attorney, county court refuse to pay the
paying the additional fee The the great increase in the si.e ('outy physician, Water master, 'expense of getting the necessary
K.u.r.1 helieves that it is a .rood and number of herds is rapidly I HriilKos nnd roads. Widows pen- poison or even hiring experienced
investment to commence grading overtaxing the state force. All ;"' -i'nty surveyor
Hie rwsteri'i herds o . ersevs , expenses, ninic laxes.
which is most effective and eco
nomical. There isn't a voter in Harney
county but who wants the rabbits
and expenses, Coronor expenses, eradicated; no one should com
Careof Indigent, Stock inspec-' plain at a feasible plan to rid the
The Burns Flour Milling Co.
Manufacturers of home products
The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable
Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds
You Patronize Home when you deal here
up the farm horse stock by mat
ing carefully selected, sound In L:it- are said to be entir.
and ex-Trans-
men to distribute it?
Icrlption of records. Scalp boun-
with sound, prepotent, healby at the present time and it i tll;
pure bred stallions."
is desired, by more thorough iu-
sH.'ction, to avoid all possibility
of infection.
"I I
ll Always Does Ihr Work.
Ike Chamberlain's C
A Bad I ire
Caused from a dirty Hue will
put you out of business or render
UMI I .. .., ...l.tuu I ll. :.. til,. Iflt,,uf
... i .... . : . Remedy better than any other,
device for cleaning Hues which
1 absolutely guarontee will do the writes It. K. Roberts, Homer City
work right. Call Arthur Stewart Fa. "1 bavl taken it off and on
Shoe black Hurnu Hotel. i for years and it bus never failed
to give the desired results." For
Something new at Tonawama. sale by all dealers.
Why Not Publish it?
When you want a fact to be-
I'he above is a copy of a peti- ...,. smmmIIv known, the riurht
lion circulated within the terri- way is to publish it. Mrs. Joseph
tory of the proposed new Dtvll KalU"", l'eru, Ind., was troubled
County and has been signed by with belching, tour stomach and
approximately HK) taxpayers, the freipient headaches. She writes,
nanus will be published before " feel it is my duty to tell others
election. i'aid Advertisement. wnat Chamberlain's Tablets have
done for inc. They have helped
You will find all the newest my digestien and regulated my
ideas in millinery at Clingan's. I bowels. Since using them I have
The ladies of Hums and vicinity been entirely well."
invited to call. One door
north Haines' store.
Tonawama tonight
la The Place to Trade
First: Promptness, accuracy and fair-dealing.
Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Drugs," Chemi
cals and Druggist Sundries.
Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be just as
represented or your money refunded.
If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be
come one and be convinced.
J. C. Welcome, Jr.