The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 03, 1914, Image 4

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Unexpected and Badly Needed
Feaet In thi Arctic
Noah In Ida ark could not Imve been
wore delighted over (lie return of (ho
dove (linn were tin- memlx Itl Of Klnnr
llllckelsen's party. In llio desert or
Greenland loo, with tlio nlnlit of n
lock of wild NM In "lost In tli"
ArrUc" Captain Mll.kelscn tolls ol
Ifcelr need of food, of tlio fatlgua Of n
long aledge Journey mill of hl-c own III
nees. Ue lind Income an weak that lie
waa obliged to riilo on the sledge. CoH
aequently tlielr progress whs very iKiw
Wa drive on bttwtau n lot of lltlla
lain nils or banks of glacial lea Bud
enlr lTorson nntke 11 snatch nt Ihe
sledge, causing the dogs to hull In tin
toiilshiiicnt. nnd whispers et.geilv.
"Look, look! Whnt'sthutr lie points
to aomethliiK tlmt looks like n lot Of
round atones, nnd I NO smroely lie
Mere uit e.vos It Is h big Mock of
feese, sitting there sound uslcep. They
have not tienrd lis In n few seconds
Irerson Is on Ids way toward them
I of courae remiiln where I inn on the
He takes aim. Broa nnd the whole
flock rlaes. Stop n mlDtlta! Isn't there
one on the ground? I snatch up the
Class. Not one, lint two are left upon
the field, nnd after follow D the sin hi.
Ing flock n little way Ireraon ratnrni
beaming with Joy, a din fat goose In
either timid. We lire delighted and
drive off southward In the host of
eplrlts Iverson even stops every now
and tben to feel the splendid fat bodies
of the birds, nnd wo do nothing hut
talk of whnt a feast we are to have
when they are cooked The dog! are
doing their best. Iverson inarches at
the rear of the sledge, tinging nt the
top of Ills voice, and even I feel a lit
tie better.
Arctic and Antarctic Problem.
Still Remain Unsolved.
The era of pole hunting Is now hup
plly over, nnd the best result of Tea
rv's and Amundsen's athletic feats In
the north nnd smith Is that the really
Important problems of the clrcumpolnr
rig-Ions can henceforth lie attacked
with a single mind, from a scion 1 1 lie
standpoint enough work reinnlns to bo
done In those regions to Inst for sev
eral generations
The antarctic has only been scratch
ed. so to tpaak, owing to the (Urofaa
ecnles used In school geographies the
average man goes through life with
badly warped Ideas concerning the rel
atlve alios of various parts of the
earth's aurface. nnd so probably few
people realize that the antarctic contl
nent la very much larger than Europe
In fact, nbout as large as Europe and
Australia Combined. Of this huge ion
fluent we do not know even the shape
and location of the const line, except
for oue long stretch south of Australia
and a few widely scattered points elae
where, while the whole Interior, apart
from a narrow wedge between lions
eea and the pole, Is rlrtoallj blank on
our maps.
In the arctic patch of a million
aijuare miles Is still absolutely tin
touched. Ko much for mere surface
geography; but. of course, modern po
lar reaenrch includes a arlda range or
nongeogrnphlcnl proMena pertaining
to aucb dlreraa subjects as geology.
glaclology, Hieteorology.terre-trlal mag
netlsm, aelsmology, oceanography, aool
ogy, botany, physiology, ethnology ami
archaeology Itevlew of Reviews
Th. One af Air la What Craataa the
DimiIi of the Kaat.
The gulf Ileum, as every one knows.
Is a broad river of warm water which
shuts In the gulf of Mexico, wanders
cruel the cold Atlantic ocean and
bumps Into the llrltlsh Isles, giving
Iheui a warm climate and no eud of fog
nnd in In Put few people know that In
the atinortphere above there Is a second
gulf stream of warm, moist air.
'Illls slow, damp bleero strikes the
llrltlsh Isles and does not carom off
like the gulf stream, but continues over
Kuropo As It pusses over Nwitleu, Kin
laid nnd northern ltussla these cold
lauds chill the wlud and cause It to
drop Its moisture In the form of rain
The lakes and livers of these northern
enuutrlcN are all supplied by the inula
turo taken up from the gulf stream.
The rotation of the earth makes this
wind veer gradually to the southward
ibonl the time It baa given up the last
of Its moisture and warmth Aa a
mighty draft of dry, cold air, the gulf
stream wind moves on across tho plains
of ltussla Aa It approaches tho cipia
tot the wind warms again, but becomes
ere! drier.
At last, as It aweepe over Turkestan,
Arabia and Sahara. It eiaporntes like
a great sheet of blotting pgpgf all water
It meets, forming tho deserts of Tin ke
stan, Sahara nnd Arabia Fortunately
this devastating wind now lenves the
continent, becomes the trade winds and
returns to Its starting point ut the gulf
of Mexico.
Several somewhat ? schemes
have been suggested for altering the
course of the gulf stream One of the
Immediate it-aults of any aucb change
would lie the shifting of the present
deserts to other parts of the world.
New York American.
Sura to Return.
One morning a merchant whose
goods did DOt very itrooglj lubatantl
ate bis advertising claims put out a
new algn. He was pleased to see that
a great many people stopped to read It.
but directly he was puzzled nnd an
gored to notice that they all weut on,
laughing There was nothing funny
about tbe sign. It merely read
If You Ilcijr Here Onco
You VVIil (Junta Agnlii
The merclinnt went outside In a cas
ual eort of way mid glanced at tils sign
to aee what was the. matter. Some
one, no doubt a former customer, had
added another Hue. it now read
If You Uuy Here Once
You Will Come Again
To tiling It Hoik
Youth's Companion
That la What Permits a Naadla
Float Upon Water.
A ateel needle laid carefully on a
still water surface will float, although
the weight of ateel or Iron la greater
than that of an equal volume of water
Molcculca of liquids cohere, hut with
n force far less than In solids or viscid
aulisttiuces. Hut the thin needle of
tuetal gently placed horizontally on
water has not quite weight enough to
break the aurface tenslon-that la.
molecular iittnictlon-of the water be
low It.
Attraction of molecules la a force
that exerta great Influence In nature
Thus this force draws partk'lea of wa
ter In fogs Into drops of water which
are heavy enough to full as rain. Hew
is a formation of minute particles of
water Into drops at rest on surfaces
The molecular attraction of the
heavy liquid-mercury-la Intense, else
this heavy liquid could not be druwu
by It Into spheres or drops Melted
lend forms Into minute globe- when let
fall In high shot towers
There Is n great difference In the In
ti iiNlty of molecular attraction, as may
bo observed In alcohol, gusollne, sill
phurlc ether and similar limpid liquids
and oil. sirup, glycerin and other vis
cons liquids
Soap bubbles could not be blown in
alcohol or benzine, but they form read
l.'v In water. And the molecules In the
thin tllms really uttruct with BOOM
force, else the bubbles would burst In
fore they become so large. The DMOt". late mathematics are required to
handle molecular forces, tit only for
technical Journale -New York A inert
Working the Morse Coda.
Kuslnesa of the telegraph code has
aoiiit-tiiiiea facilitated evil practices
Charles Oulhraltb. formerly chief su
perinlendclit of telegraphs ut llomhu.v
lies, rlbed one notable case. Messages
Used to be brought by mall stesmei
from Sues to I'olnt de (Julie and tel
cgrupbed thence overland to llomhay
Native operator found It profitable,
especially during the cotton famine, to
communicate the tenor of dispatches to
outside c 01 r, iterates Al tlrst the
method employed wua to write a copy
of the fclcgruMi, roll It up tightly und
drop It out of the window ltut this
wus Boon detected aud atopid. Then
the operutor would lean Ida head on his
hand na If musing and drum with his
fingers Knowledge of the M code
by the man outalde did the real.
Colored Qlasaaa.
Wearing spectacles to protect tbe
eyea from the glare of the sun la a
very old custom. The natives of the
far northern regions long ago Invented
apectaclea of wood with a very narrow
silt In the center to diminish as far as
possible the continual glare of the long
arctic day. It at said that the ICmperor
Nero, who waa an albino and whose
eyea were therefore very sensitive to
light, used umethysta or cmerolda to
shield but eyea.
Hia Preference.
"Cood gracious," exclaimed a vlrar
as be met a village laborer wearily
pulling a loaded wheelbarrow. "It
would be much easier If von pushed
'Daresay," was the answer, "but I'm
sick of the very eight of It." London
An Inch ef Rain
An Inch of rainfall la equivalent to
) barrels of forty Ave gallona ascfe o
tho acre. This amount of water weighs
over J8 tons. Think of hauling It to
tho furuia In wagons holding a Ion
each' That seemingly light air aud
clouds are .nimble of handling tbjM
enormous amount of wuter Is one of
the marvels of inetisjroiogy One Inch
of ruin la not such a heuvy rulnfull.
either -Karui and Klrealde.
His Weigh.
"What la the way of (he IrutiHgree
eor?" risked the boob.
"Fifteen OUOcea 10 the pound." re
piled the grouch -Cincinnati Knqulrer.
Well, It'a Suspended.
"Pop, tell me ono thing."
"What U It, my son?"
"la a suspended sentence a hanging
matter''"- Hultltnore American
Why She Couldn't.
"Oh. I couldn't love hlin."
"Why notr
"He wears a wig. The verv Ideal
Then the dear creature removed two
rnts, some puffs, a coronet, a braid, a
pompadour, a switch and aat down to
p. in.,-,, novel -Ht I.oula Itepubllc.
Right In Fashion.
"I hear Tom la a gentleman farmer
now "
"Itlght up to the notch too. I'nla
evening dreaa ou all bis scarecrows at
die k ' London Auaweia
A good lookout drives III link away
From 1 1 I'roverb.
Now to Him.
I'rofeaaor- Have you rend "In in be
Tales?" Hut. her - No I've Been n good
few black abeep, but 1 dunno as I evei
aeon a red 'on' -London Telegraph
II must be the change of the mind,
not of the climate, that will remove
the heaviness of the heart Heneca.
Formation of Ic.
The cause as igned ror tlio fact that
wuter fieezea only for a comparatively
HUH space at the aurfaco of rlvera or
ponds Is thus explained. Scientists an
thorltiitlvely declare that water la nt
Its heaviest when It reaches 40 degrees
K.-lhut Is, 8 degrees, uliovo freezing
point in a frosty night, up each top
layer of water falls to 4U degrees It
alnka to tho bottom, therefore the
whole pond has to drop to 40 degrees
before any of It run freeze. At length
It la nil cooled to this point, and then
"' oeKiun iii inrin inn ice is a very
bad conductor of heat, therefore It
ehuts off the freezing sir from the
body of warmer water tinderiieulh
The thicker It geta tho more perfectly
doee it act as a greatcoat and that Is
why even tlio Arctic ocean never
freexea beyond a few feel In thickness
Do You See the FeUt 7
I'm I. the man who gave (Inula
tlou to tbe Idea that there la nlwaya
more room ut the lop had never seen a
pyramid Woman's Home Companion
Ultra Modern.
"Madge nighty Is .erliilnlv nn up to
date girl "
"l' In due' Heavens' She'a up to
everything" itosiou Transcript
Hood a prov luce. Oer
A Monologue,
Tommy-1'op. wl)Ut B tbe difference
.-,!.,. a diaiogm, nnd
jommy'e Top -When
n monologue?
WO Women tall
"' " " " " uiaiogue; when a woman
rurrcs on a convcroatluii with her bus
nuntl Ha u iiionologuo-l'hlludelpbla
William ( lia-c H,,. painter. s
leai her who Illilsins me awaited
Willi some liepldalioii by Ida pupils
One "crltldsiii day" Mr. Chuae came to
tbe minus ur u pretentious nnd vain
young man alio ug considering with
obvious complacency portrait which
be bad smeared ttaereou
"It'a coming out nicely." ut) told Mr
Cbaae auld nut a word, taut look tur
pontine bottle, paint knife and rag aud
worked luduatrloualy at tbe cuuvae uu
til there waa a clean aurface there.
"Ah, yea," be remarked, "It'a ooiulug
out nlcely."-New fork Hoes.
where thei i
mis a nil,- In in ii f
What Man Eata Serene to Determine)
the Shade ol Hia Skin.
What you eat determines your color,
according to Rergneld, a Herman luvoe
tlgntor not ncccssnrll.v that you your-
aelf coulil 1'ffoi I nii.v I I go of color,
but your attCeetora fat thousands of
jears lime linconaclOBal been Influ
encsl by Hie food I hey have onion Hint
the ilriidvs they hive drunk.
Lor Insiaii.o. the original men were
black, sa.vs llergllehl Their chief diet
was of vcgotiihlcs and nulls, he ex
plains, and these same foods contain
liiaiiganalcs that ale not unlike Iron
1 in i k browns and blacks result from j
this combination It Is a scientific fact
that negroes who drink milk and eat
meal are never as dark ns those who
eat vegetables
He goes on to add that tho Indian la
rod because for hiiudieds and pcrhnpa
thousands of years he has taken Into
IPs system the haemoglobin or rod ma .
tcrlul In I be blood of animals which j i beer In the thought that little more
he has killed fof I licit food, j than n quarler of (he available agrlcul
Again. Mongols are yellow Nsuuse tiiral land Is being iniole In. the
thev have descended i rncaaj that supply iiicvitnhi) eta demand, and
action H motive power Is an oxygen
cylinder containing this gns, which will
supply a OX) per cent mixture of air
and 'uxygen to the patient fur forty
minutes It tins a great advantage
over artificial respiration by hand in
that It forces larger amounts of oxy
genated air Into Hie hints than It Is
possible by ordlnnry methods of inllll
rial respiration, and the work can be
kept up longer .-I'lilladelphla I 'less
Land Tilled.
The department of agriculture estl
mutes thai then- are II In mm mm acres
Of tillable laud In the I tilled Hlutcs
nnd thai only k'7 pel . cnl uf this Im
incuse area Is under cultivation II
might add that or the HI per cent lie
tuaiiy cultivated romnnrollvel few
seres are handled In such u wav as to
show anything like their maximum pro
dm lion
Here Is final for Hie pessimist The
man who fears that the country I.
Hearing n. Iiial exhaustion may Uriel
Ood be thanked for hooka' They are
the i oh en of the dlatant and the dead
and make tie heirs of the eplrltual life
of past ages Hooks are the true level
els 'I hey give to all who Will faith
fully use them the society, the spiritual
picacticc. of Hie best and greeted of
our nice -William Kllery ('banning
Why, Indeed?
"Mamma.'' mm i.itiie wniie. -why
does Hie iiiDihdei nlwaya aay 'lastly' to
Hie middle of Ids ser n" Womao'a
Home i'oiiiiiiii..ii
were fruit eating and who. making
tlielr way Into the dee peal nooks ami
widest plains or sla. dev elopes! Into
shepherds and lived hugely on milk
Of coin se II Is known Hint milk con
tains a certain pet mil of chlorine ainl
bus a decidedly bleaching effect in
the case- of Caucasians ttmy ure salel to
have I. is.. n
ss Hie demand fin ngih iiiliuiil prod III Is
Incresees the supplv will be enlarged
by I he development of regions which
hate not lieeu touched by tin. plovw
Cleveland P' no Denier
. lealj linen iui I it s..
whita ' i -mi to NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.
their roods w nn n common suit la a
strong i hi. .Mile and sivverfiil In bleach
lug the skin i in- in.-.. Tribune
How Ihf Pufmotof la Uttd lo Rootoro
Normal 0fathing.
'Jht I'.iiiiM'i". i tin automatic ru
t'ltntlull Mpi'lliiier hh h 'i "(luff n
(low Of llilinlt'it mill rXhnl.Ml iih by
Inf to notili iii rhythm ol i 'iirM i un
ntlJUMtlni: ll-rir .iHli.iiiMtliMllv la till
itiinnirtidiiN .( iii.- I itny. Mini tbtti thi'
MtootohlnA rvtult ih prodnrvd of n
MtPllPglj llft'l. .h MMt to
brtNtbi rvsiiinrij nt kwii tin pui
motor i- pin' .'(I in romifrthiu uu u
Tin pill mot 01 work's tllii't lit mi Mm
rvaplratorj untuna uud it l In oitairli or
lift atiii rtUta win run it Into n Bami
f i rial flVf llir ht.itl timl llltlgl H HltlMV
to Bgbl
i in-1 d I motor I uad on ptrtjooi w tf
nunc ht IM, tlVCtliC hIhm k iiiiaiut
it d row dm or in oilier ctuM wbow Um
brmtbtflj Of tbo ui 1 1 n t DM l mm ii rl
oualy Impotrod 01 atoppod t'iitirlv not
I'M I K I I Air . I S l lirrtl K, (
hiiiufj, ONfttB) AiiKiot .-, I'll
NiHItc Ira lntl flVtO llml Hit' .. til.. 'in
I'm. fn iuiiHt rompuiy, wbuai (nt o flirt
ml'ltrai l N mui, IllnDvaVita, haalhliWti
i-t "i tnanaii i ' 'II'1 in tin- i.n i' i- i ia h t t h ii
II.H. t '! i 1 l lob' Hie
lilolia l (hi
I li r. ii -tail. 'i.
I Ol ill(ti M H.
uf ( ! ay r a aaj N iiituwil Jul
NlO an i bt it.
i.iiixi-ii ,iaar i .. i,.
NKHJtU, Hn V X htt', M't Id Stt'ftNM,
.r .".'. I t H H H ii Rwl, V M
-. ni No OTflM
Any autl all l-vrauua UIiuiuk mii-tnh Uu
lealMla ilracill-sr-l f -ImIi h'K ii til.j. . i lnnir
uf I hi Mlnaral i hnrarlrt of i lo- la int. ut am
othar rraauii. la thi 1 1 . i Ui iiiiniii
RhiMihl nil. i to ir tTltlatiia) ol prulral In Id In
Mill. . on ur Im'Ium Ho I'lh .u, ol iii
Vt W I 1' L I k - I .
i miiii ITATM i INO o i ntc
lairtlajw, ilti'itun, AUK-'- l.l 4
SOT i Oil I Ni
Nolle. 0) lirrrliv ili n Ihatl loMtoll MUlr,
of Win. (iroflon. who, on latptomnai i, lym,
inula. Iluitii-tli ait rn t r LO 4 niil ot. laj I. l 'i ,
! Ir ax.Mlllulial I t.t let, I- I'rae.
Si. OfatJI-J, f K'vM"',. -. NW'..
Vl,SK'4 Portion 10, row nab In i - i, Haoi
II KUl, W lllin:i.i Mi-il.lMii ) Uu I i
itita'iiiintt 10 maka nai lhri jrrai nrool to
rfithllli i latin lo M.i imi.l a I.n , . !, at , 1 1 , ,
ixfofrihaa A. "lnTiiian I (ommlaalolitl
at Mfa. nira u Ida lat . t - i... ,
i talma i I iatha aa 1 1 in a
John Mirarliriii I'aul tt.rn.i laOiri Mil
on, Hani Mr i it all o r lit tirri
Ill the ilinlli-l of I lie Lalatr ol
Chillies Williams, drerascel
lh 1.1 -IV II. ll lollllllOSl I Mllll, of
tin ret a te of Chart! Willlama, Drrtnard,
having eeiiileuial uud llle.l lie i final
in ..lint heiein
Nutlet im hcii'liy givrn to all whom it
innv Kiiiivin that the court hnaflird
. .In. ..lav the 7th day ol October 11)14
al In o'clock a. in. ui llir time iiesl the
Count t'oiiit Room ut tbr Court
ll.iosr ol lluiiis. Dirgiiu, na the place
io baaving objactloaai d mir, why aaitl
final aviiiuut should not Is- acttled end
approved nod the uduuulatrHtiil elie
rharged uud Ihe euirlirs on hei undrr
laking illacbarg d from farther liability
i hereon,
This notice is In Is- .uhhihrd uiite a
week lor lour sticcrssivr wrcks and la
publiahad in I he Tiuira-llcruld, lieglu-
nlng wrlth the laaaaof Angaat Wta, iui4.
I l itiiKMi I'll. .MS, A . I nn mat rt 1 1 1
oi inn i.suitr ol ( liailra WilllMina,
I If nail fli
i i Ii a i ue M UM No
i miii, si v i s i ami orru ,
i.iiei.i. ureg v..iii ii, ivu
'...'.,. . to e, li) elrea thai the Nurthe-rn
l.olll. ItallMay, H tieeee r'Stl ..111. e
eildraaa hi. e.ui Mleiiirenis.Ueaihle uile .l.r
..I V.iKllal I VII 4 niell III ll.i. ..HI. ,- II. .,...0, .11,-,,
... a, led iin.Ur III,- i-iu . ,.l It,, act ..t
' ....,!... . .t..v. ,1 J ah I. I".. n'HIal MeV.e!
. .it, ...I. I I.. .1., .. ,,f i a,.e,veO
vii . tea
'.. ' .- il. I wi lis . H Htut. W at
Srilal So (I.e., I
,1., .ii.l all t.eraoii. .i.n,. i. . ailfeearlv Hie
... 1.1, .. ,11. , ue .Ir.lrln. l..el.!ecl WciiiHul
.1.. Mill, ml i haeae 1,-e nt lite lam orani,lhe
"aekaollne la yovilk akaulB Is.eetaMy I.'
reriee la ai.ueee a aeraaa la the beet war
Ike beef premenent orrupetleea for whhs
fee la capable' I'.en.loili W i,ai
I hie i the Mlielnn uf the
Forty-(ink School Year Upcai
fBPTfiJlBBR inth, i.'ij
Write for lllustrstrd nr uaga lim.l
let, "TMli I.IHH (.AHI LM," ,J for Cala
lOg (OlllallllUg full
Dtgrn (ourttt- AORICULTURI I
Agronomy, Animal Husbandry,! 'nliylb.s
haudry, roultry Hushandry, flortliulturr.
Agriculture (or Iraihrri. InlilMh,
Loooino i-NtdNniviNd. iitiMh Bco
NOMIt.S: liomeitlc S. Inn e, I i.inirill. Art,
tMJINkkRIN(.: hledrlcal, litlgiilmii,
Highway, iye hansal, t .heinlial, Vl In ini
Ceramka. i.iiMMimi I'iiaKMACY
iNUUalRIAI Al' I -
I'otalional ( omritt Agrluillurr, Ilalrv
Ing, Heme Makers' Course, Industrial
Arta, Forestry. BnMnan Short Course.
Sikaolof Vein I'l.inu, Siting, Hand,
Voice Culture.
I aeeesrei Bunneti CaarVJ by Mail Teee
aildeeee MIX SKiilnrsas.
(leiili.o. ('..Irani. ner..ii
l II, llion. Ii. I I .1 ',i,
i in i 'i crr I.Asnorrtcl, I
ii, in .. Oreaoo, Aiioell, U I
Noil.. I. llren the Norlbaen
I'aiiti. KallMMi psiiv. vvlioa. poet ornre
rlelie-ea fs -I tioil Vloon .,.!. hn. this Irel day
..I v n,. ., .i i n i i, . a n, ti, I.,, nice Iieeppllietlon
in .- a . i ui. . i lo j . n i v l . I . 1 1 a , i r l to art of ('on
an i - "ii ' lull I, nee rwiHisi. V7. e) ee
I .1 I'.v i III . I ill i i.iiko i e.,e.,.il Mav
i ', rear If, Tw. M H . g 4
i. .0 Nil 0
III) "i. i .ii i . ....ii. . I. i in Ink nil ve reel y l be
i.i a. a. ieii,i i ... i. ..line ii, .aae-i I teei'euee
oIlLi Mm. mi . I, ..u.. n . .,1 tin leml. ne any
atlrfl n ... an I.. 1 1... ill......l lo applicant.
.In. iii. I to. in, i, uitiii.tii. oi purtew lathi,
"tl I Ill -Ii ila) uf Heiiti nit'
I'll I
w ve Ivmii. Kef later
Kail, vv.
Sumpter Valley Railway Co.
Arrival and Departure Of Traini
ai l-lh ant aLi.ulil nir
ii.. it aimiai tig a.r i. fo. at In
. il.
th la
i i
I in
i !
I ;i ' I
nn v. uu nr la
I i i. i,.i.. i i mi
M - rllii It ala'rt
Till JfllTW
CALIBER Repeating
Rifle in the WORLD.
Mfitlr In Iwti Modolfli ono
hr .4 4 .SlkuH It. I . car
Irltlitf-a tin ulti. r for ,f I ong
mm h k.
llaudle-a Ii .11
Sla. 1 1 and 1 1J
auna: eitl, , net -nt ,
l"l I' . i.. I . .,... I v
hiatraleil Kill. ( ,1 ,
lew slid "How toSlio.,t
Wrll ".
Ordi e Steeeai Rifles
fit tola aad Saotauni
from your Oe-uli e
t. O. lea tool
raaci m
w aTHr
aft i
No. 2,
Prairia 10:15A.M.
Sumpter 2:35 P. M.
Baiter 4:00 P. M.
C AKI. t. Q
I'll, an
rnyaii lai ..
Burns, - .
firri... i.. . ... , .
..,., w a.. ,.,. eeoii (,
narneas ihaa
W,. m,
CEO. 6. C'A
Fkjalrlai. na(J
In Ton,,,, ,,.. ,
1 , Baker 8:30 A. M.
Sumpter 10:05 A. M.
Prairie 2:10 P. M.
No. I M.'il.i', v.ixA connection
with 0 W Ii. A N. No. lOleav
nir Portland 7:00 P. 'II. and No.
17 from e.i i arriving Baker 6:50
A. M.
No li Connects with I.a Grande
local 7:Hl to l-t (irande, and No.
'.) (fa i Mail) iickn up Hleeper
there arriving In Portland 7:00
A. M. I i. with No. 18 at
10:46 P. If, for point! Kaat.
Physicians n
cane anawere-.i p,
rnona llairiensi
$1500 Reward!
It hat been 1 ught lo my attention that the AnU Paloem I.rague, fol-
lewtag the aajM i..iui it aai loUewaa la rrir iimgilaja htretoture, it
trying 0 br.niiieli thi. ut(ania i and t. aity m a .. ion, campaign ol
untruth, Nu uag lerm. t,, hr u, f,,, ( (,c dnk'Kra into the mud by
tlirin 1 have tellable infui mation that .1 .utermeut I.j lorn mole tu the
Ant. Saloon League and tn ihr Committee ( one Hundred ky Mri Cora
C Talbett, li.tiuri .r.ielatv I the Ij.iineiv' and U-jr I'aiarn' l.ranc.
tlut the wa brought Into tins wok b) mr onder ihr impreaaioa that it
a, a VVoaaaa'a laffraga raovement, hei dutiei would te iboaa ol a
phyaician athila I made ipeechei ihrougl hi I alv, underataad
that Mi, Talbott make, the Itatemcni ilal Inn.', have brrii .oil,-, led ah
ut authority, and la mom .,v the Brewen - uciation hai been collect
ing these (und, 'I'hr.e tv... statement! ai abaolulel) nnt.uc Ihe ...lie.
lion Ol lini.l. vca. authorized b) mr tl ,.,, idrnl and Hie .ecteia.v vast
ordered b, have a leiter seal (HI I in v , 1 with this vv.,tk I under
-land that Ml. Talbott, in tin. purported lellc ,n I hi ..( the Anil
Saloon league ami the Committee ol One Hundred, t..ies thai she ob
jr.trd to the ( ol fundi un.ln I.n lignalurc II 11 irtjry How did
the good lady think the ,.,k ul Ihii league v..s i b. . .rried on I M.y d.d
lb think Mf ioruauyer, caahier of tin Scandit 1 kmericen Baan.wai
ai.uointed llca.utei l tin, league' in, I she think we would ask the
"' lo "" UV "' money surreptitiously? II .., ihe reckoned without her
boat 1 hare alwgyi fought in the open, and now, in mv With year, anJ
probably 10 my la.t campaign, I do not intend lo change th. principUl I
have alvvayi lough, (,, , ,r,MII ,,, m) ,,. .,,. ,, ,,, purpOM , .j,,
cacy of equal right, lot all the people b luding nan (or
arbOM liitereM. I have .ient , life to obtain Hie ballot Ml , h.rl cog
Mffl in their behall ha. alway, be,,, ,.. .,-.,. ... ,- i1( ,
dependence, M mained metbari witbiD the home, whicl tie will enable
any wo,,,,, ,,, c,u ,b, buniies. ol marrying inebriati .., niaing diunka.d,
Ihe moflgyi COlllCfad air in hl hindl ( I, ..,-,.,,r,er and
all Iho.e who have donated have leceivcl I,,:,, ... km.wledglng ,ece.n
thereof Any one io de.inng ,y inquiri 1, ,.,.,,.., ... to whether
Ihl money gag been put ,., In, hands, ,l I ,,, ,,i., .,r ,,r ,,, Jllvl,c
it, (III ui ie. ..I al.-.. .1 .. .. te ..
- I" aw ("e.. uonaii.u, 11 Uu .c Is all) Ulll who ha, paid
money into thi, organisation iin.iei miaapprehemion ... i ,t r. .
I.i., i.n il.;. .. . tu .1. ....
" " "l"- "" irague win i.e on I) loo glad lun fund it
It ii Indeed itringi thai Mr. Talbol gin II , Sullraga movi-
met when ah, to ,e J'. ., ,,., TK ,1K, ,, ,,. djnj)
our first luncb.o., lor organisation and irrangsd loi U. paymanl ol th..
unch.on, and went .0 far a. ,., , M,fuke tM ,! ,,,. ,,,,
1 I.,'.,,
The real break between Mr I l..ll,,t, B1j , .,. ,.,fl wht ,
found ou, thai ,b, bad gone to the llievvr,..' A. ,, ind ,,,, lcm ,,
could be oi good .ervice to the e,..,,,, , el.. I. ,Ke and u.ked
and received a .alary from the Bnweri' A u - , ,, ,h,. ,ll
wag putting in her lime and need., I ,h, ,,, , .,,, (p, A
meeting wa. held between M.s Talbotl I my.elf fo, ih, purpoi.ofgal
jug mittiri atraighienrd .,. h,- ,,,, . , ,, organisation M
hi. meeting . .t.teme,,, wua .,K,, p, my,e, ,.,m ,,, M f ,
bolt .. secretary ilea, .fag , I,.,,,,. ,, , b fJ .,, h
I. .en, out by UM pul y ,,e, no,,, ,,, ,
ndedwiihth. .eiiieme "Aite .,,, , ,, ,. , JJ
league tb. oificer. la.ibcd all w,.,k ,.,, ,,., ,,
publicity bureau and offne., th, ., ,
I li.v. lived ,,,,.,,. ..,,. I,., 60 yea. ,d , .,11 ,., vvi.h,el luv,
h Imu r.'1" "c ,":"'1: "' m I I Kar. II I.
' " """'r a. ,.. wn. in, 1 1 vv,,u, i,,,,, .,..,,. ,
oKainaiiou or any , ,,a . . ,i,,l
OmolAL lllHa.T.IKV
Till ......
tl a Beualoea
.riro H 1 Ian lariat ti
J ll.... Ian..
AlU.ei.rr ...
"aaralaiy ul sia'.
I ..aaio. .
suul I'ul.ll. In, leu. 1,.. 1,
-lair I'll,,,,
-U.u.r Jadgaa
1 w 1 Hawk 1
, N J Mill.. .11
A M 1 ravlord
Oswald ee n
lieu VV .,.,,,..
1 II k.,
J A line, l.ili
W H 1 11. 10 a a I
Kot.t galla
I I A U. Hill.
I Ocell linen. 11
I loi Heron, . 1
,'..f and Nevada
I I ve- -... I I'eolr.
ll. ie Aaaorlalliieel
altli-t, the uadcr
.lauet la maeubar
alll live ll.UU) Ou
reward rur eft-.l.-ii.-r
laadlna u
1 hr arre.t and eon -vl.
lion of aay Bex-
t ) or catenae aleal
iee loraea. eatti.
10 mule, helatcgtcif
te any ut It. uvea
totbl l.,ir, liar uli.lrraleoad
..11. r. 11.. -. . .,, .iition ejag ou lor ail loeeae
rat -. .1 -I b.e oei Isah or either Jaw
Ii. .ml 1. ,. 1..1 .,, tight rouBtlee Kauf.
ll.-.. 1 ... .. .1 Ureal ...untlee. Iloraaa
, . ..'. ,1,.
'" ,..., 1, baeaea ...i.i and ouiy in
vv 0 til.. .HS Mir (lratroB
M.s ve.;
Beeeeeeeaaaaaaaaavvwa.v,. l I
Dr Minniei
Physician and5
Direct Telephone 1
La wen. 1
a. E. HIB
Office firat d.a.r ...t.
burns drtnt
M. A.
Attorrif y al
Vaegtly Hldg . h.J
IM.lel.t J.I.I, r
Couuly Co.. , . ,
it., nn . ourl .,..,. the Ir.i
aieeu and Qist M. itola, In .,,,,.,
loi nt Hanan.e
n.iiii m ,..,.. 1 ..ii,,
I'ounly Jut,,.
1 l.aa.u. r
sehcM.l Saueelntrudvi.t
mum-1 I nape. to.
1 omiuteelueieee
O. A. REM!
A.. -
Burns, Orrgot j
Burns, ite-euL
Rooiua li and 7 M.H,
rare. loan. .,ui. ,;, ,,.. ,
..II, iv a v
I" any
, " '"' "" "'" """" "' ' I ' anylhing but honorable
19 that, i the OM I I , , V ' ' ,"r"'"
''- - :..;".:; ,:'.::: r
Paper. ,0, niceaiary ,0 ,, ,
... .If th. Aim Saloo,, l(fag , , ,,,, , ,
M of t. Hundred, ,.,,, iy ,,, , i..u. by trying ,0 drm8
Ilia mud mv nu,o . .ik... a "u.
- ""' " "."... -y arc vciv 1 J i.t....
j ---.-,, . 1 . . . ' .. 1. , n
1 .'ll. III'. I. Ol .,
. any tin. work on lo the
people to Judge a. to wbethri , will
of Oregon or allow th, p,, uu
1 1I.1
.1 tin
I expect to
mipaign, and u.., ,.iioW .,e
Han s in Ihe Slate
' 11. what lo do
J. aSfk.
i.c PaalaatTB
1 I TfJfQlily
re I A arHnaaW;
..,,, h -llru I W Vast in I
""" J Lgajala
e. re I is. - MBaJasr,
W II ll . . k' . ii vi " t-a?awisi.
w 1 11 ., , Wf y& u 1 ' M
oocbtt ..s. 1 r 1 a ' BjL
I- 'I --. I IB afwafjaa m
r aareRaa3 ' S
K Mm. B Sf5 1
1 h lo , 1 1. .. . ... 1 Br, 'sIL a. aael
'" a k. ' 1 TsTlgggmaavaJaj
araor i j 1.. ... . , BXaaaiv &j
- - -" , i'. i in ..",... sr vawr-s. oa-
I M llaii.ili..,. ' SbC. S
..,.. .. ....I . n lei Bra. n III I Be ve -- - p.-
vi r svivi.i.i lull llwlllts wr, '.'
"" ., , 'by m
(ouiily cuail aril. ih. lli.' w ...In, ..I., ewing Machine U .SB f
w"."o.,1'"rb "" J'"- "'""""" " ' I " - - -- te mm
a. as,t 1 a u,n orro 1 v"'' ''"' """ NEW D:'....'.
Baanaie. Wu, 1.,,. 1 ' ' "" "m HaUBwH
""" -.... M..n..,.i...i , .,,.m,u aUaaB 1
.ie. ai as. si aaaJ IoaaVae I
Ma..., 1 M Tl.,. 1.1..I..11. I.B jBaal BSwl
JJaaoeJae. i, ai, -"e.nt.J l..r all ft. JlVaTlrl
Teviaaiieri ll.i.r, lun,,,, , ; 2ea0BaaaC!ISS&l
M...I..I , 1 .. awwFannpeaiiWBBr-g
.... it...) ' - BJ t BBWWBUB ,
II J ll...,. .1 ... argf '- t
v . a " t 'I tier like ll mm , Hgewrsa
iaTk..';,",'!:,,' f Nnll.crSKtHHtlaa j
rwmaav&U! ' "" mm H"'u Th8 Ncw Home Sewing Miekiii Cmsui,
ciHANc.l. mass.
LyHfiaiBBaaier - . '-taaaieaBaBaee
aaaaal T aT ' " .lllagaaaaflaaf
Si j 1
Practice In the- Htati Co
foreUie U.H Und (.,!,.
a aV. II
v-iisu-. II. . y-on
ATTOaUfl - 1 ;-ij
41 m..t
vwreiui aiii.iitinii ceiran
liona and Raal Katatti
Notary I'.il.lii
Itl'HNH. (IkJ,
A. W. (.((WAN!
SUte Courts and Knits!
Iiul Oflict- I'n.ciktj
Three doors S. its of
Harney County Nation.
minis, uregoo,
ejr at la- Ne
CsarvaeaanaBs. M.,., 1
Akraaia-U. S Least Of
lea lela., i, II.,, , , ,
and la.ti.1 ort.. .
V. C. IM. 1 cm.
Perraarly Ami. Ii gtae.
Ie V. H He. lau.allui. -, 1
I . .!
- . ra If I
o ..wu
I asl ,, I
Abigail .Scott Duniwav
( I'm Id AJlkilla.iiia..i baae 'I'.. - ... .
.......,... ,t .. j taaM
1" ."ul VV.,,,
Ijp'ii i,.o. au.ii
I .age., of l)i .go,,.
Going To Paint?
Hit's the house, barn, fence, kitchen floor, walla li
or anything else we will rl.ulK tell you what kind;!
r- 1 vs,.,iy icijuwcu, inc in t, and 1k
pc applied. we have
Eastero Oregon I njii
Barss. Uni;i 'M
Direst connection. nth re I
. n. UKKl . I OB.
it shuuljl
SSfS ?w","ci Stains ,a,ul vrnishei f(,r refinishln
any ghsbby surface Indoori ur outdoor!
Glad to show colors and offei advice whether
tfecide to naint ur nor.
Burns I3Lek,jrclwELY& Oo
ILaaeea lf.r,,n.. Mo.vdav civet Taaflj
BMl arrive. Wednr.d.iv and Saw
eacbweeb, connactiny c. iih an
bare te Denio.Winne.iui .. ate 1
JOHN t.l Vli;i I Ml,
J a! A
Lisa aaaaVaa.sU
wn as' wcaaee ,
Totf can buy no betler g
lor target work gnu all
small game up to
WU yards.
i hinge of
me. I.ancu.i il
li.itKiIra .22 ihort.
long or long-iiirs cartiklaea
Pcift-ctlv. The deen rUIUr.l
ritllllK (level. .in in.,, ieevnm saaae . J
- .w.w f.-.., iicj
I.. ...... .. ...I .JX . .. i , -a 1
.......... j ,, ouu, yean io uie lila ul rina
mJLl ........ ' - - t, .
..-.I,..,, I. .... 1JW l,, k e.uTa..Taa7ai
-!,, u..i .,,.1 .ii...,.ui, i ..::.c,7;;;.rrj"cKi,r
c. id .uj , , , u . a -..., sr VS. .;. rr
- - -- -r .."-- rBMf ew.
O'TTSI'.'" n.. -m, mx
leai .. .. n-u.T.TJ " ' "" "nn ra
laal 1 Maacea I., imU, 4 Willow Si. ..I
Jewolor. t ipiiciiu
fcanuito .1
Fine Watch Rep in inj,
Naae Ila. as. Caaa.
Ol OkCII I (ION , op
At All Id. ,1, She
Orders and Prompt ServifJ
With Kfusdiialilc Kales u
Qlva fa A Call
Ali th news in The Times-Herald for $2.00
OejsMMlle lta...rrw
III , .