The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 03, 1914, Image 1

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The Biggest City In The Kitcgeat
The Biggest County In The State
Citmilv In Tlio StAtr Of Orronn I!
Of Oregon, Best In The West l
NO. 47
igh Officials of Harriman System Vis
it Riverside and Give Orders for
Construction of 40 Miles of Road
West From That Point, According
To Resident Who Visited Burns
then last week, bo there
doubt of it being true.
Clay Luce, a resident of River-
We, who has been hew during
ie nast week on business is mi
nority for the statement that a
intract has been let and work '
rill positively begin this month
pon a continuation of the Ore-
on & Eastern railroad west lor Last week a dOg hclonging to
distance of 40 miles. Mr. (limits little boya showed
ii.uh isnositiveof signs of being mad and since it
Health Board Not Posi
tive as to Mad Dogsj
khis; that a private car contain
ing Officials 01 me rauroao was
t Riverside two days last week
which were included General
lanager O'Brien of the O.-W.
& N. and also Chief Engineer
Jtradley of the Short Line. 1 hey
rent over the ground while there
nd also came out this way from
tiverside some distance. Ar-
sngements were made to lay ad-
litional trackage at Riverside to
re for sidings for construction
material and it was no secret that
infractors were to begin placing
their camps out along the line ot
le extension work without de-
An additional 40 miles of road
nil bring it into this valley and
ive the Big Harney country an
Dutlet to market. Weather con
htions and heavy grading work
rill make progress rather slow
from this time until spring, but
he fact that they are coming on
Is good news and encourages the
producers in this section. The
lilroad is all that is necessary
to bring remarkable development
this big country and with con
struction now under way with
no doubt of this road reaching
Ithe Valley by spring will bring
jrenewed activities along this line
ind we may look forward to much
changes during the next few
bnonths before the winter weath-
Mr sets in. Many men who have
been considering investments
will no longer hesitate and great
er ateas will be under cultivation.
The Times-Herald has seen no
thing of an official announce of
this extension but Mr. Luce i;
'positive that orders were given
during the visit of the officials
had 1 ecu suspected for seveial
weeki that dogs In this neighbor
hood had rabies and the health
Officers had taken precautions
but had finally decided it wan a
mistake, although it is learned
that t wodogs had died under rath
er suspicious circumstances.
This dog was taken in charge by
the marshal and killed, the head
being sent to the Slate Hoard of
Health. Dr. Geary, county
health officer, received a reply
from the specimen sent the other
day aed Dr. White writes in part:
"The examination of the brain
of the dug sent by you reveals no
Negri bodies. You must bear in
mind, however, that a dog des
troy ed before death occurs nat
urally, the organisms are exceed
ingly bard to find. Urge the
people the future if anything de
veloped to keep the dog tied Up
and if it recovers it proves con
clusively thedog did not have rab
ies and if it dies, an examination
of the brain can be made and a
satisfactory diagnosis made."
The Times-Hearld gives this in
formal ion in ordei that people
may govern themselves in accod
ance with the advice. It is im
portant that this matter be deter
mined for the safety of the com
munity and we should do our best
tc ascertain at as early a date as
possible the exact condition of
The J, L. Lowe sawmill, for
merly the Bunyard mill, above
Harney, has a complete stock
of rough and dressed lumber,
shingles moulding, etc. Good
road. Call by phone for rush
order.,. .J. L. Lowe. LTtfB
More Improvements in
Burns Noted This Week
This week C. A. Bedell started
contractors at work on rebuilding
his saloon that was destroyed by
the recent lire. At present they
are merely putting in temporary
work to house his bar until such
time as he can arrange for the
completion of the entire building.
His license does not expire until
January 1, therefore he will con
duct a bar until that date at least.
(ieo. Fry is assembling mater
ial to again put his building ad
joining the post office in order.
'1 his will not require a great
amount of work as the walls are
standing as is also the Bedell
building, and he expects to have
it ready for tenants in a short
Mr. Wyngarden, the contrac
tor on the Levens building, has a
large number of men at work
cutting stone, laying foundation
and also the rough floors. This
Comparison of Old and New Methods
of Determining Water Rights. An
Illustration by the Writer Showing
Conditions Before Water Code of
Oregon Was Put in Operation
In Harney and Malheur coun
ties it is generally admitted that
water is more valuable than land.
yet land titles are Immeasurably
more safe an secure than the
more1 valuable property rights in
water. One is led to Inquire then
why so much Insistence that land
titles be made secure, and such
work is progressing quite satis-1 sporadic and unsatisfactory al
factorily. ' tempts to make our water titles
so few water
I he post office building IS DC I equally safe and
ing remodled to accommodate the Whv do we have
growing needs of the office. The 'rights adjudicated?
mall office in the front by the. And by ,,adjudicatedM Is not
side of the lobby has been taken I11Pjm, .. ,1..,...,.,. u,;tten in rnvnr
of one man as against another,
vui uim inr niuir mui uuAt'u uy
rights bids fair to remedy the
more glaring of these defects;
its essential features naturally
falling under three distinct heads.
Pint the state furnishes at
nominal expense competent en
gineering advice and service, pro
curing through disinterested
sources nil needed data as to
ditches, reservoirs, lands irrigat
ed, the flow of streams, and
amounts of water actually used;
together with recommendations
looking toward larger crops, bet
ter methods of irrigation, and
practical conservation of existing
water supplies.
Second, it furnishes legal ad-
The final step in" adjudication
proceedings before the Hoard,
and in many respects one of the
most important, is the appoint
ment of a water master by the
County Court. This prevents
violations of the decree, gives a
fair and honest distribution of
the water, and provides for rota
tion where that will be advant
ageous to all parties interested,
The more Ihouvhl one irives to
the workings of the new law, the
more apparent it becomes that
all rights are protected more
cheaply and effectively than
otherwise possible the more ap
parent it becomes that the law
was conceived in justice, is being
executed with Impartiality, and
is peculiarly adapted to the up
building and developing of the
natural resources of the great
state of Oregon.
Suit Brought by Pacific Live Stock Co.
in Federal Court Attacked Consti
tutionality of State Water Code
and Restraining Water Board from
Adjudicating Rights on the Silvies
The United States Circuit
Court, sitting en banc, this morn
ing denied the application of the
Pacific Livestock Company for
an injunction against the State
Water Board, represented by
John H. Lewis and others. The
case involved riparian rights in
Market Report.
Receipts for last week at the
Portland Union Stock Yards have
been cattle, 1732; calves, 80;
hogs, 30C5; sheep, 6161.
Caftle morket steady, Liqui
dation considerably larger com
pared with last week. Best
steers 7.75 to 7; cows G to fi.lf,;
heifers G.25 to 6.. bulls 4.75.
Receipts of hogs not exception
ally large, trade steady with best
for the parcel post mail. Large
doors will be placed in where the
window now is and the mail will
be taken in that way to the dis
tributing part of the office thus
doing away with taking it through
the lobby. When completed it
will be quite commodious and
handy for Miss Winters and her
W. ,. Blott and wife have the
foundation completed for quite
an addition to their suburban
home toward the river. It is to
be an eight-roomed house when
completed with a screened-in
W. W. Drinkwater is just com
pleting a nice residence on his
acreage property down toward
the river. It is a very conven
ient and pretty home.
Another improvement noted
this week is the additional shelv
ing and counter room being add
ed in the I. Schwartz store. This
with all the rest of the users on
a stream left uncertain as to their
rights; and the opportunity still
open for any one or allot' them to
start new lawsuits, practically
nullify exist ing decrees, and dup
licate all tin1 former burden of ex
pense ami uncertainties caused by
As an Instance in point, i he
writer recalls a case where "A"
went with T" and secured a de
cree giving him the entire Row
of the creek, "forever enjoining
"B" or his agentr, assigns or rep-1
resentativea from diverting, us-l
Southern Oregon.
(liom Km Portland Correspondent The nhnvo ,,.,-.,,,,..,,,1, ,.i;,.r.i
During the past two weeks the, from the Portland Telegram of
Portland ToffiCS of the Oregon last Monday, is all the informa
State Immigration ("omission has tion received here as yet of a de
a half-dozen men in the field list- cision that is of the greatest im-
ing farm lands for the benefit of portance to the entire state and i stuff going over the scales 8.15
prospective settlers, securing ac- especially to this section. ThejtoH-
curate legal descriptions, noting action which was brought last I Sheep house had a quiet ses
the physical character of the land June bv the Pacific Live Stoek sion. as only a few head of mnt-
Vlce ana services at minium cost and making a note of the prices Company in the Federal court ton and lambs were offered for
to the users, yet enabling them ut which owners are willing to attacked the constitutionality of sah?- Choice young lambs reach.
to present their claims in such sell. These listings demonstrate the State Water Board from pro-'ed G.25 Thursday. Ewes featur
formai to maintain all of their that there is available at the pros- cceding further with the adjudi-ed again at 4.50. Wether deal
rights. lent time plenty of good, produc- cation of the water rights on the nail. Trade doaefa on a steady
Thin; it provides for the ap- tivefajrm land at reasonable prices Silvies River, claiming that vest- basis.
poilltmenl of a water RUSter in hmi4v all unHnni nt rhn .rata oil ritrhiu r,f ll, ,... ,.,..,. ... i
whose duty is to carry out
the decree of the COUrt, look
after the division Of water en
courage its use in such manner as
to secure greater benefits to the
individual user and to the com
munity as a whoh', ami prevent
the necessity of further litigation;
which i:i the past has involved
the expenditure of large sums of
Ing or in anywise appropriating or mm.Vi vexatious delays lasting
inieriering wnn me water i sani
is a nice improvement and gives
the store more display room and
the goods in a handy place for
C. E. Kenyon Well Re
ceived in New Home
The Weiser Signal says: C
stream". That sounds like a real
adjudication and a decree that
could net be misconstrued or
misunderstood; but "I!" kept
on using the water, was tried
and convicted for con tec pi
of court and paid the penalty
but still continued to use the wa
ter. After a number of years "B1
went to trial with "('" and sec-
over a long period of years, quar
rel cms disputes and bitter feel-
On Saturday of last week the
Coos Bay band, of forty pieces,
was entertained by the Portland
Comercial Club. During their
stay they entertained Portland at
a public concert, thus bringing
Coos Bay prominently to the
front and offering some of the
finest music heard in tin' city
for many months.
On Thursday of last week the
Radiators of Eugene entertained
imperiled. Acute Indigestion.
By the refusal of the injunc-j "I was annoyed for over a year
tion the way is cleared for the . by attacks of accute indigestion,
State Water Board to complete j followed by constipation," writes
the adjudication now pending on 'Mrs. M.J. Gallagher, Geneva, N.
the Silvies River. Superinten- Y. "I tried everything that was
dent Cochran, adjourned the pro- j recommended to me for this com
ceedings. on account of this suit, , plaint but nothing did me much
util Nov. , at which time the , good until about four months ago
taking of testimony will be com- j I uw Chamberlain's Tablets ad
menced at Seneca, and followed vertised and procured a bottle of
up by the hearings at Burns. It them from our druggist. 1 soon
is probable that this matter can realized that I had cotten the right
T" " "' "u7 "'; '""""" .'" ' -ine entirety closed up so far as thing for they helped meat once.
the normal developed of the from Salem, giving them a lunch- th(l Hoard is t.oncerned during 'since taking two bottles of them
,"Un,rv-. . at ,h'; Kl!K;T. U;l,17;'al( the winter, and this will enable, I can eat heartily without any bad
ine nrsi requirement Of the ''"" """uw"lu,mi l"i",uuul "" ' tna construction and develop-1 effects
settlers who wish their rights I ",v an1 ,n,n lllR1" l" ""meat of Harney
Kenyon, tor years one ol the said stream . mat HKewise . .i; si . ,i .... ,i
Burns Meat Market
Packing Plant
Fresh Meats, Poultry
Home Products for Home Consumers
determined is to present a peti-l ''u,u' ( mm,v rair where a sec
tion to the water board asking tion ot h grand stand had been
that their rights be adjudicated, raaerved for them and from which
The Board next acts on the Kti-1 thu' witnessed some remarkable
tion. grantimr the same if ib. racing. Later, the Cherrians
ured a decree to all the waters of limited funds and men in its em- wort' lakt'n U) t,u' Unlversitv
the creek, in so far as he had need , ploy make it possible for the ' vvhm a (mi,u'r was served to
of them for his lands, "forever worjj (o )t, undertaken. The ' them by tin co-eds at the various
I enjoining from diverting, Istat- Fnirinoer w than lir...-l...l SOrOrity houses.
, using or in anywise approbating ; to m:ik(. th(1 ni.,essary mrveys; Tht Bend Commercial Club hi s
K. interferring with the waters of , mu work bavins- been accom- ,.i, ..;,., bn.tni l..n ik.
plished on the Malheur Inrirelv mnttnr nf avnaniilna ; l.".u mm , ,n
adjudication. riurincr the uunn nt 101A il... 1 UmIu, u..i.,,,,.,t ;,,., !,,.
morning officially land a decree that could not be . .;,., Th. n.ik ',.,, h.i ti.
.H.--1 II llllll I IIHIIII . Wl' I L Sl'lll J V l. M ... V'... BOTW.M ...... ...
io all water users on the river amount auoiieu 10 me wescnuu-s
and its tributaries, giving the Valley by Secretary Lane, of the
times and places of meetings; Department of the Interior, will
these all being arranged for the be lost to Oregon unless it is deft
convenience of the farmers, nitely assigned to some project
These meetings being for the before January 1.
purpose ot preparing and filing
the various claims, explaining
the methods of work employed
by the board, and to afford an
opportunity of coming into per-
Valley project
next season.
Sold by all dealers.
We do job printing.
solid business men of the state of sounds
Oregon, this
a real
assumed his duties as cashier of
the Weiser Ixmn & Trust com
pany of this city. At this time
he is one of the heaviest stock
misconstrued or misunderstood.
Yet "A", and "15" and "C" have
all kept using and quarreling over ,
the waters of that stream fori
For Good Cigars go to
The Rexall Drug Store
We have the following brands:
Gatu, Optimo, L.a Gamita, Triumph,
Chancellor, American, El-Sidelo,
Don Antenio, Muriel, and also a
full line of popular 5 cent Cigars.
We can also supply your wants In
The Burns Hospital
Beat Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com
fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
holders in the institution which something less than a quarter of
is one of the conditions he insist- ja century; just as strenuously,
ed upon before coming here. His! just as unsatisfactorily as though
block of stock is second only to no decree had ever been written,
that of K. A. Van Sicklin. His and the end is not yet. Besides,
purchase of stock was made some 'all the other user.-, along that
time ago but it was not until this stream have no more certaintv as
morning that he had so arranged to their own rights than as though
his other business as to be able the matter had never I n in
to come here and take up his court, as though there never had
work in earnest. jbeen a legal determination.
About 00 days ago he purchased Both of these suits were brought
the Van Biekin bungalow oeeupi I before the same court, presided
ed by Ceorge C. Hradley at the over )V ,e same judge, who
corner of Idaho and Third street, jwrot(. both of tflHaecrees; audi
but some changes and repairs thcrt- was no "big "corporation".
were made in the bnilding and , "large cattle company", or)
it was not until recently that he grasping monopoly" concerned in
moved his family here. the matter, no suggestion any-1
! where of the court being In Alien-1
Catholic Church. Iced, intimidated or bought oil';!
imply We ordinary course ol
I. On Sundays and Holy days justice abininistered under the
of obligation Holy Mass with
sermon at 10 a. in.
old regime; and what is true of
one stream is largely true of all.
Another instance will be men
tioned, involving some fifty
client.-', thousands of acres of
arable land, and a stream of
water adequate for all legitimate
needs. In the hearing no testi
mony was introduced into the
Burn No More Straw.
When farmers apply the torch
to their straw stacks they are
sonal touch with the ranchers sending up in smoke plant food
I and irrigators, so as to secure to the value of three dollars for
the co-operation of all parties in each ton burned, according to O.
this important work, and reach I A. ('. agronomists. They are also
the best solutions of the various , robbing the soils of organic mat
: problems presented. tor that would tend to make them
After the tabulation of claims light, porous and easily worked,
which is now being done by the ' and greatly increase their water
I Hoard, the next step will be to holding capacity. These values
give all parties an opportunity of to sad and heavy soils are often
examining the various claims, as great as the plant rood values
with a view to the correction of thus making the entire worth of
1 clerical errors, mistakes in dates, ' the straw about $' per ton. Let
and inadvertent mis-statements farmers compare this value with
as to physical features; so as to the cost of hauling the straw and
furnish a clear, concise, non-con-'applying it to the land, and they
City Restaurant
(.'.tinge Inn BI'dg., South Main St.
W. R. McCuistion, Prop.
Dinner Menu for Sunday, Oct. 4
Cream of Chicken Soup
One half Spring Chicken, Fried to Order SOc
Baked Spring Chicken and Drcuing SOc
Chicken and Dumplings 35c
Chicken GibleU ann Rica 35c
Boiled Beef and Horaeradiih 35c
Beef Stew and Vegetables 35c
Roait Beef and Brown Gravy 3Se
Roatt Pork and Dreing; 35c
Mathed Potatoes Creamed Carrots
Cold Slaw Beet Pickles
Raisin and Custard Pie
Coffee, Tea and Milk
We will be prepare to rook and servn the above
Menu to you from lliSO a m, to H p m, Sunday
Nothing but White Help
2. On week days Holy Mass
a! 6:80 a. m.
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announced in church.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services,
Sick-calls promptly answered record relative to the duty of
at anytime. Religious informa- water, losses by seepage and
tion and instructions willingly evaporation, what constitutes ir.
imparted at the Franciscan rjgatcd land, eY the steps noces
Uesidence. ! sary for appropriation, diversion
or beneficial use; yet a court is
phaniberlain'l Liniment. practically compelled lo pass on
If you are ever troubled with ul1 Hwh 8-t0n-' driving at
aches, painesor soreness of the iau" beat It may.
muscles, you will appreciate the1 Such cases from actual court
good qualities of Chamberlain's records are by no means the ex-
Liniment. Many suffers from ception; tliey Have been dupli-
rhciiinatism and sciatica have
used it with the best results. It
Rioting legal record. At that
time also opportunity will be
will burn no more straw. For
cultivated crops the straw cover-
giv n to Ale contests, where such ed area should be disked and plow
may become necesrary, ed under, but that is a charge on
At the bearing of these con-1 the cultivation fund rather than
tests, which will be set for a con- on the fertilization fund. Onmoa
vonieiit time and place, each in- ,dowsund pasture lands the straw
terested party will be permitted may be applied as a light top
and encouraged to secure such dress in the fall. Since much
legal and engineering services as!"' the. material in the straw came
he may desire in presenting his ! from the lands, it must he return
case; the final determinations will ed in some form to that land, or
then be made bv the Hoard, and ' the land will become unable to
The Burns Flour Milling-Co.
Manufacturers of home products
The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable
Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds
You Patronize Home when yen deal hre
cated over and over again in the
adjudications on the Main ur and
is especially valuable tor lumimgo n:i mirum m e.iMeui wn Kou.
and lame back,
the decrees written by the Cir
cuit Court in accordance with the
findings of fact and law. Every
opportunity will bo presented at
the various stages for an aggriev-
produce profitable crops.
diarrhoea Quitkly Cured.
"My attention was first calhd
to Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
For sale by all 'Fortunately, t)o lates.;. movement
for the determination of water
ed party to amend his claims or and Diarrhoea Remedy as much
furnish additional proof; thus his as twelve years ago. At that
interests are safe-guarded to a time 1 was seriously ill with sum
far greater degree than was pus- iner complaint. One dose of this
sible under the old way of having remedy checked the trouble,"
a hearing before a referee, wool Writes Mrs. C.W.Florence, liock
was usually a court stenographer held, Ind. For sale by all deal
without judicial functions. era.
la The Place to Trade
First: Promptness, accuracy and fairdealing.
Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Drugs, Chemi
cals and Druggist Sundries.
Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be just as
represented or your money refunded.
If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be
come one and be convinced.
J. C. Welcome. Jr.