. aBS r LIGHT AND FLOWERS. Why ONE BED FOR THE COURT. Garden It More Fragrant by Night Than by Day. The light we receive from slurs of the drat inaptitude, llko Vega, la equnl approximately to a forty iliousnml mil llonth part of th.it of tlio MB. It la osl cnlated that the totnl light rci'i-iuM from tbe leaser stars, la equal to Unit of 8,000 atara of the first innKiiltmlo, or n lltb part of that which la Rent to M from the moon. Light exercises it iiiecliniirritl iirear.ure which can be menaured In the Inborn tory. It bat been shown by Hptrl merits with artificial light thnt In Ml production enorinoiia qmtntltli's of M ergy are diaalpated. In an orcllnnry ni rinulir (lie total energy which la transformed Into Unlit to really but '.' per cent. Una nud licro aeno lamps are not more econOBrical On tbe other hand, the glow worm transforms Into light, by menus yd mi known, 00 per cent of the totnl enemy expended. It la known thnt light luflueuces very largely the aromn of towers. A garden la more fragrant when It Is ahnded tban when tbe sun Is allow oil hj shine In full blase upon It. This, tit BBS rate, to the conclusion of n Frenchman irbO baa recently mnde a vnst number of e partmenta, Thnt which affects thefni granra of flowers Is not tho oxygen of tbe atmosphere, as hua been commonly anppoaed, but the light. According to the same authority, the Intensity of tho perfume exhnlctt by a flower dependa upon the pressure of water In tbe cells of the plnut. which really delicious. It Waa a Big Ons, Though, ana Held AM Ita Numtraua Members. The first courtbouse of Henry connly. III., waa a frame etrticture, elulit feet by fourteen, set In tbe tnhlxt of an uninhabited prairie Hut ni Utile villages began to spring up lu the comity a lltely contention for the honor of being the county aeat began. t'nmhrldgo finally won. for It waa ii. 'in est the center of tbe county. This waa lu the forties of tba laat century. Tha Brat aeaalon or circuit court waa at band and Cambridge was on Its mettle to entertain the court suitably. The difficulties to anything but pioneer courage and resourceful ness would have teemed insuperable I'lie Ullage consisted, of eight or teu little dwellings, a tiny general store, a blncksmltb shop aud a carpenter shop. The new courtbouie waa iiullnlslied, hut would bo uted, as tbe session for Innately fell In tho summer. Now tho housewives laid their bends together to contrive how the court olllclnls, litigants and wltneaaet should be lodged aud fed. There was almost nothing that could bo bought. txeapt augur, molasses, tea, coffee and Hour. Hut they had an abundant sup ply of yellow legged chickens, borne cured hams, milk, eggs, butter nud nrain, as well na their vegetable gar dens to draw on. There was no fresh fruit, but they brought out their cher ished stores of wild plum marmalndo ami wild crabapple prcaervea. 1Mb were mado with molasses, and after they had sufficient time to aeaaon were Ilealdes. the hillsides tends to throw out the essential oils that produce tbe odor, nnd the action of tbe solar light diminishes the pros aure of the water. New York lYess. HER OLD CAKE RECIPE. It Hat Never Fslled, It Is Clsimed, to Olve Satisfaction. Sarah Knowlton la a woman who has made cakes all her life aud alwaya has used the tame recipe, wedding cakes. special cakes, holiday cakes, party cakes and everyday cakes, simply be- u luv ,ur.e , iim ii buv mmiv lot hit I ....... -a. . . .... I flCllltV own wedding In 1SC2 was so delicious I iui. . that alt tbe guests wanted one like It, and this desire has been passed on to their children nnd friends. She keeps many cakes on hand, so that her cus tomers may have their cake a day, a week or a month old, as they Ilka. Bach cake weighs about one and a half pounds and la labeled with tbe date of its baking. They are kept In ttone Jars wrapped In wnxed paper. Here Is the recipe: One cupful each of augar, butter anuV melasses: one cupful homemnde Jelly or strawberry preserves, one cupful buttermilk, half a cupful strong cof fee, two eggs, one grsted nutinet. two teaspoonfuls cinnamon, one teaspoon- ful cloves, two teaspoonfuls aaleratut '(dissolved In half a cupful boiling wa ter), two pounds raisins, one pound cleaned currants, one pound chopjied candled fruit (lemon, orange, citron), all cupfula flour measured before sift ing. Mix the fruit thoroughly In the flour. Cream butter and sugar, niffl the eggs, milk and coffee, then the flour contain ing tbe fruit Dent thoroughly and add the spices. Turn Into well buttered pans nnd bake at least one hour In a slow oven. New York Post Japan's Troublesome Volcsne. SakuraJIma Is one of the volcanoes created, according to the old Japanese calendar, m a single night A specific date 718 A. D. baa even been assign ed for tbe event, tftit It Is quite evi dent from Its appearance (bat tbe cone Is really a very ancient one. Hakura JIma't form Is rugged and weather beaten. Time has furrowed Its sides, and the forces of denudation have per ceptibly Increased the steepness of the upper part of the cone by tbe removal of all tbe lighter ejected mnterlala. This circumstance baa given rise to (he legend thnt tbe northern peak of tba Island separated from tbe rest of the summit ridge by a slight depression It Inaccessible. As a matter of fact, it presents no serious difficulty. London Graphic Darby and Jean. Tba meaning of Darby and Jean la on of connubial faithfulness and love, at exemplified by Darby and Jean husband and wife in an eighteenth century ballad, appearing In tho Gen- tleman'a Magazine, March, 1735, en titled The Joyt of I.ove Never For got; t Bong." Author Henry Woodfall bad been apprenticed to John Darby of Bartholomew Close, England, and bis employer and wife formed tha hero and berolne of the aong. werepluk with tbe beautiful wild wood sorrel, tbe leavea of which make de licious plea In skillful hands. The village boasted one group of forest tract, a email grove of tugar maples, half a mile away, and In their shade Mr. Atwater built a long table with mi w horses and boards. With tbe combined stock of table linen, crockery and cutlery poateaaad by tbe house-. wlvee the table waa laid with autn eleu elegance, according to pioneer standards. It waa felt that tho court would be properly feasted, but bow about lodging ? That waa tbe real dlf- Tbe tiny houaea and their beds were full to overflowing with (heir proper In ma tea. But there waa tbe loft of tbe car penter thop. Tho store had a whole bolt of unbleached muslin It waa torn luto lengtha equal to the length of tbe loft and tawed together by band, of course. Then tbe loft floor wat covered deep with nice clean shavings, tba immense sheet laid over them and tacked to the walla all the way round. On this Mrohdlngnaglan bed tbe court lay In two i.ws From the extra supply re quired for winter enough quilt were mustered to cover tbe sleepers. As for pillows no oue gave a thought to those effeminate luxuries Tba lawyers might lny tbelr beads ou their eaddle bngs or their rolled up coats and he thankful. Thus was tbe circuit court sumptu ously fisl and sufflcieutly lodged, thanks to tbe lugeulous women of Henry eOMftJW-YouAb'a Goiupnuloii ST. LOUIS ASA VILLAGE- In 1767 It Had Forty. flvt Heutet ami at Many Families. Captain Philip I'lttiinn, an offlcar IB the engineering corps of (lie Brltlali iirinv. was selected by Mineral (lags In 1TH7 to make no expert report ou tho territory Just acquired from Franca ou Ihe east side or tho Mississippi liv er I'ltman .nine to (ho JUIStlealppl valley, the Illinois country It then was calhsl. anil mneleil about for several mouths lleie Is what ho wrote of St Louis lii the early part of 1707: "This village Is one lengoo and a half above Knininlu, on the waat alda of the Mississippi, being the present head quarters of the I rencli lu these psrta. It was first established In the year 1701 hv a company of mercbtuta, tq whom M I) Alilniille had given an ex clusive gram for the commerce with the Indian nations on tho river Mis andry, and for the security and on coiiragemen( of this settlement tha staff of French olllcers and (he com iiilssary were ordered (o remove hare, upon ihe surrendering of Fort Char tree (forty miles south of St. Unite on the Illinois sldei lo (ho ICngllsh, and great encouragement was given to the Inhabitants to remove with (hem, most of whom dhl "The company has built a large (louse and store here, and (here are about forty the houses and aa many families No fort or barracks are yet built The French garrison consists of u captain ciimiuiitiiliint two lleuten mils, a fori ma lor, one sergeant, one corporal ami Imnli men ' m I. .nils Times CURING SLICE IN QOLF. An ItMeufhcd Subfeol. In 1,'Kapril due It'iiunls la an In stance of tba sharp, biting wit for which Alalia I'lron, the French epl gram ma 1 1st. waa famous. A young author whose ability waa by no means equal lo his conceit waa discoursing at lengtth BPOtl tho merits of his work. "I am tired of writing of thnt of rwhlch tba others write," he said. "1 want to create mi original work, some thing (bill no one has ever written about or ever will wrlla about " ' I'lron turned quickly to the speaker. "Why not write your own eulogy?" bo aald. Very Sweet Words. "Are there any sweeter worda In tbe ICngllsh language," musingly Inquired Professor Swlggs, "than 'I love yim'f" " "Wall," grimly remarked Ihe peasl inletle bearer, "I understand Hint some authorities regard 'There's thai money I owe you' as about tho epitome of sat lafactory sentences." .Now York Globe. Tonawarrm tomorrow nig-ht, NOTICE FOR IBOI.ATKII THAI I PUBLICATION I'liHl.lr HM. u i A Leeeon In Curling. Inexperienced Member (to venerable "kipi What's a patlid, Mr. Mncphcr son? Skip Dae ya no tee. ye gowk? Ye ding yer ataue cannlly, but use so line as tse bog It Nae balflln (leg. nor Jlnkln' turn, ye ken, but teutlly, that It aye gangs suoovlo' au' abouthrlu' .'inning the guulrds, till straucbt aa au elder's walk, bogie fa' on this v.rru tee When ye'xe duue that, iuddle, i.'n made patlid, an' ye may beur lb' groe. Toronto Ulcus. Ev.n Worse. "Why do tbey bate each other soT" "They are rivala." "oh. both trying to inarry(lbe same girl, eh? That sort of thing certainly does srousc n man's primal passloua." "In this case It Is worse than that Tbey are both trying lu marry the suuie fortune" Houston I'ost. An Eapert Suageete Seme Remedies Fer a Troublesome Habit. The slice Is iinfor(uua(ely a cominou fault at golf, destroying all hopa of accuracy as well rui distance lu tba drive The reined)- becoinca obvious ts soon as Ihe cause of slicing Is thor oughly urn I. i -t I Thill II Is dlle to a horizontal rotation of the ball lu Ita flight Is on. iiiestlon able, from the an al.'K.v of the iiirwst bull In baseball. The question Is as lo how tills motion of rotation is Impnited lo Ihe ball. The reinedi lies either lu ellmltmt lug Ihe twist ,. the wrists or III com pciisiitnm fot It by turning the club In Ihe linn. I- while addressing the hall. If ft firmed slloer turn the club lu Hie h iiiiIm so Hint (In, ftea Slants shun , Inward while Ihe lunula and ii rin- me oiiiei wise held lu (he utu ti poailliHi Mhlies. the ball with tha club lu Ibis iMi.ltlon and (lien swing as iisunl .. will Is' agreeably sur prised in ..' n straight ball or a pull. A few ti 1. 1 is will aerie to determine the poalll I the club In addreeslng (he ball w hi. b will irlv the desired straight sh.. All the curies. Hie slice, (he pull and the rise are sharply emphasised In long shots The stint p, hnrd blow of a rapid stroke sets up n much moru rapid rota tion of Ihe hall Just ns lu (be billiard sbotx.-K K smart III outliig Megs sine. UMITKII S I. V IKS I. A Ml or Hi I , Hums, Oregon, AugiiHt I. 1014 Nnllre ! hetil.v glvi'll llisl. ilirut t- ! lo ths t'omitilMlnni r or Ikttttaartl I sail nai. . . IIIMltO liloVIKtnill) III Al't 'if I'llllgrrftft R,.m , t Juno 117. IVUfl I .It Mtsl s . f I V , , ii i itaul lii ill, up ,lli allon nl llery II. I h..iii.oii.:..'tll No 000 we Will naer al iiiil.ll. isle, tu llui hlshi.il 111 .1. t. i.iti mil less n. mi ijisi .it ters, si lu u'l'iis-k A. M , en tii ."'in ay el Saplenilier, 1014. si thlft olflra, His fnllnwIiiK irsi-t nl Isml' NKUMWI,, NWI.HKl,, Mee.J.l it M , II. il K . W M. This tifti i Is urilensl into narksl ns s snow Ins llisl lit,- km ftlel I...I I It'll llli'trlll It, lll.tllll teloolie or too ougti tor i-alli . slliilt. Ill utrinii, lakliilii ml, rift, U III. alt taaerlltad loud or silvlseii lo nls ih.-ir . Itlmi it- ubifi llenft. ou oi Is t. ti. His lino- itcrtiriiali.il lur ftftlr s rKH. It.-slfti.i. HSH MnlUKSftUR II. It Iirr I ..i, Hnrtii tin I 1st N.. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITKP STATU LAMP OFFICI llutiift, llri'son, AiiftU.I :s, lyll I Nolle Is usri'tty lvtu thai tl.- n.iiii.iii. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TfU STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNEY. In I he innttrr of the Kstate of Charles Williams, drceaeed The undersigned ndinlnittratrix, of (In' estate of I'hnilrs Williams, Deceased, linviug rendered and filed her final 'in.. mil herein Notice la hereby given to all whom it tuny concern that the court hat fixed Wednesday the 71 h day of October 1014 nl in o'clock a. in. as the time and the i mini v Court Kimm at lb CiilMl House it llui ns. i begun, as Hie place bu Iteming iilnectiinn, if any, why said Imal account sbouhl not be srttleil ami nppiovcd nnd the inlminltitrnliit dls i hnrgril nnd (he suirlies on her under taking ihaehuigril from lurlher liability llirieou. This notice is to be publialied once a week for four successive weeks and Is published In The Times-Herald, begin. iiinr wil lithe Issueof August 2t)(b, 1014. I.i imikiii Tiioiin, Adminislratrix of the listnteof Charles Williams, Hecrnsrd, I Intel Hurai tin l.lil Ho. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. i arras its i ash orrioa, Hiirns, urtson, August u, lata. HoUra Is hereby (Iven that lli Nurlbtrn In. Illr llsllwsy Company, wbOMMiel otfles ...l.lie.i la SI. Paul, M In arsou, baa tbia 1Mb dar ..I viisu't en i ill.. I hi IliHi.ffli.ft IUaiulloaliuu '.. fteit'i'i iiuilar lbs urovlaloaa uf Ilia set of THE LIFE CAREER srtsMy b. asst way Ike alA "SebeeMsg la yealb abesM laverteMy ba pneiee as arasere s eeraes is is saas War IT i l N',N a uroviaiosa ol Ilia set in July I , ists tail tut, ur7, ttni at I ,l lui all l s . II Serial No U7HVI I iinyti aft, aupruved JuTy I , less (natal aa . ,i. ii.t-a b) tba I of ronsteaa i lit Iba a- I ol ruiiR-o-aa approv KIlBae. Il.'lwp II H , H NItH, W M Pacini Hull m) i tiuii.aii). wIii.n, in.ftl eMliuaaa la Kl. tsui. Mliiinft.aa lo no . i .'.Hi tarul Auaaatlvli mart lu tlila oiriie llft...li. s aairei reaa. siiuru tlJOj aa aftUn.lft.l ti Iha Ail III t.lts't'ftft . lion lo uf l inift't, fa. a) X vail Jul I. isva i. si nisi, t: luy sail sll iHTsoiia elalmlus ailvaiarly iba laii.U a.-, ill. .1, ot ili'itrliiK toolilai'l baoauaaol Hie i in. ifti i imtfti 1. 1 of Iba Una, or am tKbar oft!,..!, iii lit,- .tiiiMiaal to apuliesul, abouhl Ilia iIk'Ii afti.lai haof prSaaat lu lit la uffiva, on orb lora I he .,1 It ilay ol Uriober till. rasas, Heiusar. poii.ti Mar v, mn. Pttitft',. -s,"' ". w-nn a I. -'.' s Ii :il l.i.l, W M r.'.sf.',. Sac. H, T Chinese Cabbage Seed. Itape sees! Is n-itn.-d by Ihe Cblneae Inule "cfililNice sii'it. while Chinese fanners style It ". nbbnge oil seed." Aa grown lu Loiniuuiiii ,,isrle. near Hhniiftthil. II .ileitis -isi, allies .i-iiinl to I.OUU is.ninlsi mi in re where tin sol k Is fiivurablu. Social Scale. "I'n." snld I r.shly. "whnl la a tocial scsleT' "Oencrully sH-nklng." replied pa, "It's s pints where (lny weigh money " Just Fata. Ta. what Is ftleir" "Ka(e. my hoy. It thai mysterious something which tends yon to pick out of PM M'pie lu the inillrooui the one Ulan who hua a personal interest in (he homelv woman ou me making fool t niiiiueiits about "-1 a ii "It I'reti I'ress A Puila If anybody tl.l. ', tt I". '-Iv ,M . Sarlal No I'.'V Aur an.) all parsoua clsliiilns a.l,.t.-lr the isi.'ift .lea.'iibtsl, or rtaairlita tooltja.i because ol lbs Miliars) character nl tlo- lattil, or aur oibar racoon. In the tbisiaal lu tpeltosnt, Intnl. I Oh. Iln-lr alTtilaillft uf SrOtCCI lullil" ..m.'i'. on or belure Hit- llllti rta) ol iH'Ii.Ist Ilia. . fasss. Keglalar NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. I NITKll STATKS I, am. tones laSaftlaw. llraguii. Auui IT, I'll SOT tSai 1.ASI, Null. 'a M baleby given thai J.iaah Vl.lalltfr . of Kite Oragofti. stbtj, .in Hauleiiils-i I, Ivln. inane Honaaleatiaulr, utv.l all. 1 to. Mai I, I1. ma la arttlllloiial It. g. A. I I.I. IV, 1 -" Nn oosov, lor K'.M-',. s.,i,, ... Ml',. W UNgU.SceUos lu. liKtlifthli. .'.' sonlli llange .'.1 Kaal. V. IllatlftClle Marlillau lisa llle-l lion. . ..I iiitaiition i,t niaae anal ibrae-ycar eroot. to ,-ftlal.bah i 1111. it. lit.. Ian.) tbave tlrftirll.-l. lM-f..ia i liaa A, stiarmall I S CaailslsSluttcr, St Ula. iiragiiu. on tat 11 tin of '. I t IVII rial mat. I names aa wltUea. I John Mt'Kat loon l'..ul aVoraer Jam,'. Wll BIB, Henry slrrel.all ol Kile ,lit,-t.i Jak I in if .- lleglilrr. I lliitn. I.tat No lift' NOTICK FOB PUBLIBATION. f siTSI' sriri. I ASl.tirrn to i SUMMONS. IN TIIK (HHCillT OOORTOff THE HTATK Of OR WHIN FOB II A R NKY COUNTY. Marie A. Iloblaodar. I'lsmiiil, vs. A. bun A. Iloblainler, 1 'eleridaiit. i lo ls m A. Iloblainler. defendant: IS TIIK NAMK Ol' TIIK HTATK OF t HI KHi IN, you are hereby required (o appear and answer to the coaxplaint in the above entitled suit within six . weeks from Die date ,( the first publica tion ol this siiiiiinoiis, and II yoa to fall to answer, for want thereof, tba I'lslo- till will apply to Ihe court fur the relief preyed for in her complaint, to-wit, I irat That tbe bonds of matrimony now existing between I'Uintilf and de- lemlant be dissolved and that Plaintiff have a divorce abeolole ; .... ond : 'I bat plslntiffbave the care, etiBiisly and control of the minor child, lleatrtra II. .blander , Third : That I'lainlitl have lodgment for lo i roale aud disbursements herein, and lor such other and further relief at to equity may pettaln. This -utiiint rta Is piibllabe.l lo Tba lime. Herald, u weakly newspaper pub halted awl of general circulation In llnrney t onnlv, Hregon, by order of tbe Honorable '.Iraot Thumpson, Judge of to ereoare asr Ibc baaf aanacaaal be U eapahla'' rraalrtaalC. W glial This It the Mltslon of tht OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Parly-llh Scbeel Vear Ootat SKPTEHBR i8th, 1914 Write far Illustrated loo ptc Rook kft, "THB LIPS CajilBR," and for Cats lag ronltlnlng full Viformslloii. Dig Counts- AOBICUtTURH t Agronomy, Animal Husbtndry.DalryHut bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Hartkulturt. Agriculture for Teachers. FORPSTKY, LOOOINO hNOlNBHRINO. HOMB ECO- NOMK.S: Uometlk Silence, Domestic Aft, ENOlNfibRINOi Electrktl, Irrliatlon, Highway, Mei hafikal, Chemical, Mining. Ceramics t.OMMlPi I. HHAKMACY Industrial arts. Kavai(iaarfi-Agrliulbiia, Dairy Nig, Heme Makers' Course, industrial Artt, Forestry, Business Short Count. Sihootof MutU Piano. String, Band, Vokt Culture. Former! BtaineH Course by Mall Free Adoraaa THg agOISTSAS, (tw-T-lllaM) Corvallla, fHagon 'I Hi liiirna nn 1,'sl Me. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION isiTsn "riTttii isoiimca i I. IWI4 I Hums, 'in son, Aiituel Nun., in in 1. 1, given that lbs Mart raunc iiaimai i ontiiaiir. whose sect a. I. in ftii 1 Paul, Miiiinanis. baa Iblsli uf Ausufti nn 1 tiit.,1 in ilitfttiSlec lutsrtpllci act l . Mr. m ligreaa spprovciljfsy ,Twp. l I., fCsa go lift, Sl'l.t I itntlet ih,. pro. i.ionaof ihaa Hi 1. IS) Ilia . 1 ,,r I'm CARLC. GRl Pbytlcian sn4l aiiaftoia. oat I. ism (goaut. n7, 17, l"i. M , .11 ', .., r.afti. o ai, Saras) Ne.OMi Any aiol nil pi rsona Islmlng cdvarMlr Use lamia ,1-a.r 1 1..0I to .l.-alrlng to ol.la.,1 baeaaaa ul Ho. Miiiioal 1 haraciar of ilia (anil, in car lo tha 'llapoaal lo aiiviloeat. vicei laiaii ill liar iMmill ahotiltl Ills Hi. I. afflilavlta of -,ro of Ice, nn nr before ilirmii tier nl aesteaber BSSSl Wm PaSbs. Register Sumpter Valley Railway Gl. Arrivil and Depirtwe Of Ti -PS. THI MOST ACCURATE 21 CJHJBDc RofSBstiBfl JflB to tha vVOtlD. Made In two models 1 one tot . Hborl M. F. car tridges - the other for .H Ixing Rifle h. y. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 7a iszmm sfb apWJ jh vjt, cw I urns, lirsgiin. August I. lull. 1 NiHIre Is berehr given Kiel ill. Nurlbtrn la.lfir Hails. r i,.ni.any WbjOta si ottlt e address Is hi. Caul Mlntireoia. liaa Hit nn .la ul Auglial lull Sit. I In llila oI.e Ilea .,lt, at lull l.isal.'t-ttiinli-f lb.' tot,, latoltftttf tha at I tit 1 on grace, a..iii,.tl July 1. Immi 11 .lal 'l"''."S'U'' !., ,!. ...,. ,. I... U..na.f'.... LSI W M ell.Ui arret --.. ..r, s s.uu.7 , 1 pHT11" W.T.aaa. mmt0fu irefon, .lulymade on Ihe 1Mb day of August, IBM, which eaiil or.ler dlraetad aerial No utmt ""'"''(bal this summons be published for a Any ami all iKitaoiiarlalu.Ing ailvetael. il.a ' narlial of tla viw.ba la.ols tlecerltn-tl. or .t.al.lt.glu .n.. . t bovaegc '""", " "' """"' uf lb mineral, here, leral Hie IbioI. or lor an; I he first puhliealiun of this auiliuiolis ullier rraat.ti to lha .tlii.oftal to mii.u.bi.i . . ,',, ., .iiuiiid ai.. their .m la el protest la 11.1. I" ms.le ou August IS, I'll! un or ueltue tna .Tin tlaftul Sil. tuber, J U, HllitiS FAassB. liigtsiei. AKonigy for I'ltintifJ oastft, m rmzt m Rsstw T8 UjT 1 nti Handles Short InJJ-srsu"..- v .Iv sons- rlHo cortrliliros. nd for hsuilftoinrl, Illustrates) HlHe Cats loa-sn! "How oSlnsit Weir. Order StaveM estate -Fit tela ted taotaawt from your iJeaisr. STEVENS AKMK A TOOL COMPANY, axorn paixb. mam. Departs No. 2, Prairie 10:15 A.M. Sumpter 2:35 P. M. Arrives Baker 4:00 P. ML Departs No. 1, Baker 8.30 A.M. Sumpter 10:05 A. M. Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M. , No. 1 MakfH (rood connection with O.-W. R. & N- No. 10 leav ing I'ortlnntl 7:00 P. M. and No. 17 from t'SHt arriving Baker 6:50 A. M. No 2 Connects with La Grand local 7:00 to l,.t Grande, and No. 9 (faHt Mail) picks up sleeper there arrivinn; in Portland 7:00 A. M. Also with No. ,18 at 10:45 P. M. for points East. J. Uj G Physician f Burns, - Offlaa In oew bttih ,, harness si . 'Phone V GEO. G. CAti JaBii la Ten tta Igadsl eMaahlea d... H eaawWajTasattf e HARLAN A. HAP) Phvaictan andjJ Narrows. DEfimsN & Pbyslclsn. and Calls anawarod protntsji 'I'hona Harrlman. Hsprlman Oh OPPICIAI. 1MBBCTORY STAT U S Beuclois osaees: lOco. K. I bambarlalo I II at i) Laue IWC lla.i. , IVII. sungtaaaaaaa lNJHlBnt.it AlUiruey llauarai A. M. (rawlor.1 Uaveraur oaahl Slant Sceietary U asle Hep V, uicsju Tretoartr ... T.M Ka surt l-ublle IsatrscUac J a i bur. hid State Printer .WSUoutwa, I Hoi, I Ksalu - ... .. - ITA. atrBrhle sunrama jsdga, . Oee n Baraetl B. s. Hrai, P. A. Moure atisTTit jtitiii'iAi. uiirraicT Ouarlcl Judae t. ..... w.... t'cualr Aiioroey Baa, si,.0.". I Irrull 1-i.url roe.!, tbe tret Motel., n, A,,rli cud tret Wnu.laj lii uriaber $1500 Reward! The Orceoa isud S.ad si I f ot ma cud Nevada i.lvedtacb Protec tion AosoctaUoatl hlcb tbe under signed It messber, will tire li.eMM ..ward tor est deaas leadlag is the arrest aad vlriion of say ear tyur partltt eveei Ing horeea, estate or inula, baleaagi eg 'u oar ul Us satat- bar. tu mil, to in.- itKitr. the a: ..n. t. in, aaiiia louoituiu fftsioo lur all bo t.rat .1. ! M.oir altod bar on bulb er either Jaw lltalel I, rut, toil II, eight roUDIIee ilattiri. lake and irook ts.uatlee. H it'Ote.t tali, v eol.l. Nena at iaa a buresc eold sad oaly la erge Inn. ft W IlKilWS Pile. O Or- Minnie it Physician and SI Wrect Telephoi e r J La wen. On- E. HlBBalj; Offlo ftrtt door ea-t jJ Bonis, riraea. a M. A. UK,, Attorney at Lui Vaeertly Bid., BtrtiaS A. REMBC Attorney aULosJ Barns, Oregoe.' MILLQ' AITORNKVATl nurar, irra. Roomt 6 and 7 Maa a i. - - - wftte Huiestr ma , it , Joint aenabir fatal aapreceutoUse Wll Hroo.e W. P Ibiinat, oooaw- as sbst t Caeatft J edge tars - hora chest Why do you ir i hey did ' Itiiltliuore Surprise. Little Pitchers Wby. you ain't afraid of mice, are you, Miss flabby? Nervoua Caller-Of course I'm afraid of mice. Wby shouldn't I be? Little Pltcbera I waa watching to teo you ketch tbe mouse I let out of tbe trap tbat scared you. SJnaiuia says you're an old cat. Baltimore Ajuerlchn. "Pop lots' (If lOltrse IIIjIiimIi lltleft ask sin h rlrllculous tlllliL'- I u ns only going I" Bl i onlil the.i us,, larkspursi Alllerleilll Possy Hsfey. .M.iiniiin-Nettle, what ure yon doing i" I, In I hi r inn kiss him ,.ry K.r Sum II m ' o lib lie's got fussy bm-iiuse I tibil t . ..,,1.1! his mouth with i ;.. tier. .'b lea rfo News rhive your Bleeding Kansas Still Bleeds! A steady stream of money the 4ife-blood of a state pours from "model prohibition" Kansas into License states! surveyor aoerla Aaseceor Schawl BaserlRtaadeat loruoer Stock laeeectur luesmleeiuaere I.IStll I llllllll,.! 11 I ling I,. I H A Miller I K I A K. kicbsr.ls.in J.l. tkinrgsn t. M llamlltuu ti ft ;..!.,., John HuliluBoii IB. I' Hylteeler I i hue llttti Cosaly leejrt aarale Ike tret Weduee,le In Joasary. atarck. Set, Jely, aebtossber sad Hoveaber BtaPlT e. t. u si, BBBBBBI Wm Psrre in stnlh. tfth. a.l in ai as. Sara Mulhrt.h. at kor Van ftlnklu Hearr Helton i ,.k. I.. Halloa , 'J he oiei t ure (boas who will and the lionei -t me those who won't -Henry Wuril Hei-eliet REGISTER TODAY TO The Topeka State Journal, a supimrter of Prohibition, dn July 8, 1913, published the statement that approximately 1,500,000 QUARTS OF LIQUOR were legally shipped intp the state of Kansas each year. KaruaM got no rwmue-othvr states got the money! Major Recorder. Treasurer Marshal. I II J. Haas, 'i t'ounrllmen i A. I.'. Welcome I Jirnri laranetilr.- - I k J.Mi'hlt.iiuii t Meetlnte of Ike I'uaaell every aacond and Poo rib Wedaeed E "flP lVJimlr tore the I I ti-- ctnly way to t3r353l m (r( itkfl ' tittittv VCv- fi New Home 1 i Sewing Machine rwT fSX r I ii lu hoy ihe rnsihita B 1 vuli ihe noose NEW -yKtEpSi 1 I IOME ea tbe ana WvLM-f i'-, H ail in lift leas. M I HkvBi M 1 I... ma.biaa la -H Hsastal M ftvaeraalad far ail Bf a MZiJfKf ii timer like it m JtoasV! CHURbES W LAWYER, Burn, Practloaa in the Slste i V.H. Land nrnr. Uhaia. It. Is A TTOKNEY- AT-taWjl Careful Bttention gUta Hoot and Keal KsUte i rira insnrsnc. Notary 1'nblie Bl'UNS. Onj No other like it No other as good Iki New Horn. Stwia. MatliM ORANOC. MAS! wp wmrtm ft k't a be fMaswaa. VOTE OREGON DRY 332 El YES ' ISM I I II November 3, 1914 RegisUnUon Books RtvOpened NOW L. ADAMS, of OREGON CITY. Itadlngmtr chant, tuii "Sine Ongon Clip want dry. bunliw has much Improved. Collmctlon art toiler. 1 havt ftwtr bad bill: Abolition of tho taloon hat tumtd a vatt turn dallu to channels of trade. Chock t that uttd cashed In saloono an now cashed In stores. I Should we place Oregon near the bottom with Kansas? P,K",.on,T,,l!;k:.ytuhL.,a f '" ranks 32nd in per lmtmiJmm cnpiia oank resource. Dry Hna ranks 43rd in per cflpitu aavings bank h posits. Dry Kansas hits more inmate in her prisons in proportion to population than 24 other states. Val I'loliililtlonlitt (ell ut Ilia! at v . the i-aplltl clly of dry Reuses, urM liantat ll.lS a Jfreilter pro-TiiH-ka It a model. rvrirlirinnf i..nU ,4n...... j- (In lot 34 vcurs tnd hoc iini.U a ... ..nl Has II? Kansas Prohibition is what sent Carrie Nation on the warmth with her hatchet. It was in Topeka, Kansas, that Mrs. Nation opened her home lor the wives of men who got drunk on Kansas 1'iohibllUn liquor. Rev, Kolnrl Gordon, pastor of lha Hist linplKi (,'liurcli, Topeka, lo, Ins M.t. a ProlillsltUsaltt nil his lii,., suld from lilt pulpit: "fera ore 140 Joints In Topeka where intoxicating liquor is sold." To prov It, he went out tnd bought a keg ol Im'ci, Iwo cases of bot tle! beer, t tulicite full of whls kay. mill nil the g)u aud wlua tie i ttiilil curry. 'Ui.it Is what ths ProhlUllanlmlm a. ........ i. ,,, .- . ' i.. tttfti tna irii us UOOUS 1 iji nun ui juvenne aettnquent than 26 other states. Dry Kansas has u UTeutor pro portion of feeble-minded thun 31 other states. Dry Kaneau has a greater pro portion of homicides unnuully than 22 other states. Ilkues ln.ll. Ceu.us, Pederslor Olbei Olli.i.t Heuurtftl Org Kansas htt lha lowest clmicb iitioliiiiciii p ha North Cenlrsl Slslet. Only S3. 4 pat tent af bar papulation It en lolled a chuicli mviubcislilp. Witooiuta, a wel tiata In the North 'ennui group, hut a church rot, of 44.3 par cent. Dry Kansas btiyt grejl quandllet of IIHicrs and Home Remedies. Government reports thow (heta n.H,iriiiiit conttln aa anertv of 33 ta 40 par etnt alcohol. Analpsts af a favorite -nerve Ionic" showed two grains of opium and T3par cent at grain alcohol to each fluid ounce. Ptlent medicines ara alwtyt popu 1st lu dry slates; above It tha reason. Ih. you. as a loyal Oreyontan, want to set your state held up like this to the nation's scamf vsjnisbaa, at In say way. tlkere'sswATSftsOwsiky Kiad tail the Records of County Clerks. Express Companies and Railroad in Kansas show that Kan... i consumes just a. much liquor under Proh bitlJS"! it did when it h.d legally licensed .aloons. 'Ihe state now t. n" public revenue from this liquor. The "blind-pig" and the Tlllilinr have taken the place of the regulated saloon and pIy tllrilSS. in alleys and under cover of darkness. Defeat of Prohibition will not change the present Home Rule or Local Option law VOTE 333 X NO Fall Painting is Like Fire Insurance You insure your home ajfainst yf. Why not insure it against decay caused by sunshine, rain, snow and sleet? They destroy as cer tainly as fire, unless the surface is protected with good paint. ACMEQUAliTY HOUSE PAINT gives the greatest durability and beauty, and best resist fain and shine It cotta lew because It takes ksa Bjj hots longer. Let ut show you the lawat eaashionable color romliinatioiu. Burns II.strci-.Eti- 0o. A. W. GOWAK ATTORNEY-ATI State Court and Initail Land Office Prae Three doors South i Harney County atio.lt; Burns. Onteoi FKANK Attaeaay at Law DA leeiey I -a UJUil 'it,, vesce eetweea Iternajr l my So end Load OBr, F. V. DlLUSBD anttely A sat Cngliini la V. a Beclemeiion Mcr- A. 0.1 Eisteri Oregon Lo Compsiny am tat mhai Isrss, Or.nin r v t Dtrecl cottnccUun, ..silks HARR1MAN-ANI) W5! A. H. CURR1 Proa. taaests Hturiaaaa Morula, oat 1 aesfl arrivae Wadaesd. esaafcwaaei, connc,ln witk i Havt ta"Denio,'Wiinir ,cc.t JOHN UK Mil I MS Tflarlin REPEATING RIFLE Model 20 eaa- Ku" asasiaSJetaBl "T-ay atflBaBafUXaBBeaar TV- . mi&r T"jTJ:rir!2?r jmmYdtAsW tjS! lssV You can buy no better tor target work and ell mall game up to W yards. WitKoat ckaaaa of machaauam it hancBet .22 short. long or lonarrifla rtrt.ii.aii Perfectly. The daea ReJUrd rifling develops nvwimunt Bower aaJ atcuiscy aiul adilt veora lis ik U. rJ a!.. as , ... ". . .,.f . r" """ aa y ftp i. piis. mi ua I nao tea fra kaiag Uuwa l. I.,fcw,.'yl'..iilit.r.iilgV i, wskeW a Jeweler. Optii Kmriitx i Fine Watch Repainn), A1 clalty. 7JieMariMt Willew Stra.1 New He, 'seesjaeaj oeeler, Gk - : LONI- RK8TAURAI aeoKUK tooN ii.f.- . . . Meals At All Hours. X 'V '"?yLTf rk or th I Lew I ""'' t aSaSBBC' H l mmmm rr uraera una i'runipt .ser f With Reasonable Itatf) fi'TuJX!i3 Give Me A Call Utls Adsenlseeseal -Taatagii. cod Wage I! M the new in The Times-Herald for $2.00 .'aiiian' league, I'uiUauJ, Uiaguel I Tta -BeraM aa eaeeeaj USSSm aeaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaBaaaaaaaaaaaBesi