II $ $ $ You like 'em don't you? When you spend them you like to get the best possible values for your money That's why you want to see the Remarkable Values we now offer befor you buy a NEW SUIT SN APP NEW LINU NOW ON DISPLAY Come and see them You'll be mighty glad you came Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns Oregon Wit ftmr&rraf d JULIAN BYRD Manager SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 26. 1914 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oa. Year 3b. Month. TWa.Ma.tW .... lege. It gives complete statis tical figures and has many illus tration that bring out the points desired in a most explicit man ner. The writer has not yet had the time to go into the publication particularly, but would recom mend that local dry farmers ap- this college for copies. 12.00 loo j ply to as the are sent free upon appli cation to all as long as they last They will be found of service to those engaged in farming and the demonstrations will prove of We call attention t the dis cussion of the water laws ap pearing in another column of this proflt to men who enRaRe in issue. Matters of this character I stock, especially hogs, etc. are not understood or investigat- j ed by the ordinary individual un til they are brought directly to his attention, when he realizes that they are of vital importance to him personally. While the proposed bill changing the law would affect every section of the state it is especially significant to Harney county as the immedi ate development of our srreat and valuable water resources now depends upon an equitable and speedy determination of the existing water rights. The pre sent Water Code is a good one and its operations are working out successfully, and it should not be muddled by the adoption of amendments without thorough and careful consideration. Reception to Dr. and Mrs. Benson The Presbyterian and Baptist Ladies Aids joined in extending a welcome to Rev. Dr. Benson and wife at the Presbyterian church last evening and it proved a very enjoyable affair. The choir rendered a couple of selec tions, Mr. Ludwig Johnson sang two solos as did also Mrs. Gault and Mr. Farre made a short ad dress. Dr. Benson expressed the pleasuse of himself and Mrs. Benson for the kindly reception they had received and expressed Protests Against Assess ment Turned Down Two applications for increase of assessed values were turned down By the board of equalisation this week. One signed by J. F. Mahon. C. II. Voegtly and J. W. Biggs asking that cattle be raised from $20 to $.tfi per head, and sheep from $'2.50 to $3. The pe tition was denied and we under stand an appeal will be taken. A protest was filed by C. B. Mc- Connell objecting to the assessed value of lands of the Harney Val ley Improvement Co., Wm. Han ley Co., Hlit.en Valley leant Co., P. L. S. ('.. Oregon & Western Colonization Co., Clerf Land & Live Stock Co. and the American Land & Live Stock Co. The petitioner appeared in per son filing lists and plats, and ar guing that the assessment on these properties was too low, was inconsistent and unequal with that of other lands. Attention was called to the plats which showed that lands in the Silver Creek valley, on which proof had recently beta made, were assessed at $5.00 per acre, while on similar lands of some of the above holders were assessed at $1.25 to $2.50 per acre; and that section after section of the Hlit.en Valley and Home Creek lands were assessed ut $1.25 per acre, mis petition was also ae nied and the board in making the order of denial says in part: "that to attempt a change in the assessment as prayed for would be practically an impossible task at this time, as it would require a re-classification and survey of almost the entire area of the county, and a readjustment of the valuations upon a large percentage of all the entries on the tax roll; and believing that no good intecest of the county could be subserved by such an attempt, it is hereby ordered that the assessment of lands as returned by the assessor be al lowed to stand. " The order fur ther makes the recommendation thut the lands be re-classified next year and that sufficient help be furnished the assessor for this purpose. Accidentally Shot. J. W. Davis and his son Glen, of St. Johns, came up last week to make proof on their desert entries. They were to make proof yesterday but Mr. Davis Sr. found it necessary to make an additional trip to the land to have his witnesses view some of the work and went to the livery stable for a team. Just as he entered the shed of the barn Dell Dunbar accidentally shot him with a 22-calibre rifle, the bull entering his arm and apparently ranged down. Mr. Dunbar had the rifle through a hole in the wall to shoot a chicken and. there fore did not see Mr. Davis np- preaching. The wounded man was taken to the hospital where he is doing very well and it is thought there will be no compli cations as the small bullet did little damage. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ISOI.AfBli TRAIT. PUBLIC LAND BALI. I!ITM BTATBt t.AKD OWIO. Burnt, Oregon. Augutt 4, 1114. Notice la hereby given that, at dlreeted by Hi, i mlaalenrr ol the tlenerel land office mi, i. i iiKHliioi'iiil Ail ut t'ongreea approved Jllnellf, 1011 (04 Blaf ,nl7i, tirguelit to Ihaan pin el Inn n John B Irk, Herlal No (ITIMI , w will i. iln HI pulilli eel., In Ihe hi tlirai bidder, hal ai mil lea. than t'l no par acre, al 10 o'clock A M .mi tut win nay of aapitmoer, 114, at tnia onii'u, Ihe fulltiwtng Iraol of land I r lid ii, I It" following Iratil of laud NKI4NWI.4, NWKKBVt, Htc.liT. IB., B. 14, Mil. Ireol la nnlcreil Into Ih- tnarktl on a allowing that llir gnaler uuitlnO thereof It tnnillitalnniia 01 loo rough for i-tilll vallou Any barton ,'latinitig adveraely Ibe above 1 . . . 1 1 land art advlaad to Hit ihalr rleliiia. or iihlevtioua, on or before Iht Unit dttlauatad fur aala. Wn. riaaa. Hegleter Bah MuruaatMaau, Kecalver NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I NITKII HTA'IBH I AND OPKKK, Burnt, Oregon, Augutt, ', IWI4. IIMiil Burnt lot Mat No NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITKIl HTATBH 1 ami ill Hi I , Burnt, Oretiin, Augiiellt. I'll I Notice It hereby given that lhi Not Hum I'eclfli' Hallway I'liinpany, wlinei poet nltli'e eildreee 11 al. Paul, Minn. aula ,1m- thi. Illh dav of Annual lU ninllii Ihliiifllri' llaapplli atliili 10 eclrrl muter lln' orm lalolie lit lln' a. I ..I Nniii i' lahortbyglven that t harlet W.romegvt, at 1 all, Oregon, whn, on July H, IMIH, tnaila litter! I ami Kit try. No tri't for N'lN),, and Mi'iNh',, Hen. Ill, lownahlpaflM., Flange M K , H minimi in Meridian, haa filed noting of mien llnuto make final I'roof, In ettablllll claim 10 tin. Unit above deecrllied, nature Heglaiar and In 1 .lior, al Burnt, Oregon, on the rfth day of . 1 1. 11,1.. 1. til 1 1 lln mm namea at wlttiraeea: I iinanl Kail. Margaret Kail, William Murgul. A.I. I van, all uf Kail, Oregon. Wn. Kmi, Heglaiar, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'onali-ea, apnruvril July I , lane i.mHUt at eatondod hi the act ill ruiiKieaa appniveit Muit, ma HRi.NK1., Hee it. Twp .11 Hoiilh. It IIS Ka.l W. M ' Hetlal Nil onm Any and all imreune claltnliix advtraely tin I NITKII HTATBH LAND UPBICB, llurna, Dragon. Augutt n, 114 Nullit la litiehy glviu that Arnold Bltular, of limn urn. ortgon, who, ou March jr. lent, and lianainbar 0, mil, reanenlvi.lv mad lluinraleail ttlllrv No. 11411a JMerlal iri'.IUi and Nn ncii'ti.i, lor H',Mit, Her 10 and B'.NWU BeetlOB It, lownahlp J7 H . Kanga 34 ft , Wll 1 11. ,,in. Meridian, haa ill. -I uollce of Inleiillun In make final rive year prom, to etttlilltb Helm In the land above iteairllieil I..I,,,. d Ihe Bcglaler and lleielvel. al llurna, Oregon nn in.. un nay ui nepieiniier, ivii 1 latinaul naiuea at wllnceoee. Ailaui r 11 tieorge. uf lawen, Oregon Karl Itiilaliuann. rrang I'. Hteele, Blwood KellUy allot I'rlueeloii , Oregon. Wn. Canal, Keglaier landl doecrllicd, or ilealOu tnol.J-il ticca of in.lolTleillapiieal to applli anl. al I.I ill the Mineral character of the laml ui an. ..ilu t reaann. 10 the illamaal lo aphllt alii, al their arflilevlla of proteal In Mill office. rr 111 B. Kaaat, Keglttor lore I he .'.I Inlay of Hi lel-r pill v 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I MIKI.HI a tm LAND or-Mi'K Burnt oretun. September It, I'll. Netlce It hereby given that Waliei 11 ilaiinii. of Burnt, Ottayatj, who. on I'ei .-. PMo an, I lime 4, ml, reapevllvely made llotiiealead f Ulrica Nu. Utlaa,l4.i. (nr KL,HVv', ami '.NRiaaiid KMjHBH, Harilun , Totrneliip Hik..1Uoii al K. Wlflamelle Meridian hat flte.l 11..11.1 ..I inlentluii tu nili final tbree-vear Proof, in etlabllab claim to the land above dci tided lietore Healaler and K11 river, al llurna, Or. gtrtt, on tbe .'in day uf 11, int.. , i-t 1 claimant iienvee aa wlineaatt : W. It. I1awa1.11 It 11. malii. K Tumbllu, clytta Kiniiree all uf Hurtia, Oregon. Vv a. fiur, Heglttel. Hanley Club Formed. Friends of the candidacy of Wm. Hanley held a meeting last niulii and formed a non-partisan Hanley Club, having for its pur pose the furthering of his cause. It is reported that quite an en thusiastic following were present and resolutions were passed pledging their support. It is further stated that these clubs NOTICK KOK I'UHI.KJATION. HUt (tl LAN. rniTgt tTM Ini iri. Uhsiliw, orvguii, Splrint...f nth, lU Nutlt-4 to hrvb ilfvti thai H..tn h H.iiur. uf Mil. 'rnun, mIiu utt NukBiiilrti . wil, t ma.l HnkuatetA.l KlUrr. So Ml i, lor N'.Mt1, 9C 17, HKi4. KNf.if. nrt'tlun " iMMiiktilt .'1 Hwuth, Itana 3 Kui, Wlllatuvtit M rhllan bttt fllf Itiilfer of UllrtlU'Hi lu iiiako filial Ihttr r irauf, to oatahltah IhIim In the laml at.ott il4rtlld, lfirfj htu A ."etiwrtimtl I . - otui mil. miter at Fife, orvgtiii, on ,), .hmL U of Urtulior. 1VU Ctaliuant ntniMti wl.iicitci G Ot Kjrn14a, l Huru, Or)goa MtanUy Balfour. JuHfrt. Wrttvy Hlrrrl. all ot fift OMpM NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i "i ii i ii TRACT PUBLIC LAND BAI.B. 1 NITKII HTArBB I. AND UKrll'K, Burnt. Oregon. Augutt 4, Itl4 NinlieU kerahy given that, aa directed by tin I'liiumlaeiuiicr of IheOeiieraJ land Office. miller lilovllluna nl Ait i'f I nngreta approved I .'7. Ivu. iai Miatt , m'i i. piirtilaul lo appll i all. in ul Han II I humpa atrial No i.rt.. we will offer at pulillt aale.to the hlgnaal bid ler bin al not lata than l.'.un per aete, at 10 ,.rli. ik A M., on lira .-uh day ul Htulemhcr. I"l I. al Hi la nil he, tbe lull,, In tract ill land h'.NhVHoo II. T i4H., B.'at B..W. M it, ta tract la ordered into me martti on a -i."iii,: thai the greater portion tttareuf it iiioiinlal tiuiia or too rough lor cultivation. Am iirrBoiia clelmlne advvraalv tbe above ilrai ill. I laml err advlaad to file Ibetr i laliua. ni nlijri'lloua. on or before the time detlgualed W. r.aaa. Begltter. Han X'liaaa.Mr in. Berelvtr lor aalc The many friends and admir ers of Senator Chamberlain and the Wilson administration feel that it would be a mistake on the part of the voters of Oregon to make any change at this time and for that reason are going to to support him for re-election. His important committee asign ments, the strongest ever held by a Senator from Oregon, gives Mr. Chamberlain a prestige that could not be gained by a new man for some time. His faith fulness to duty at present at a time when it would be the natur al thing for him to return home and look after his political cam paign has gained him admirers. Senator Chamberlain has been a consistent supporter of the best policies of the administra tion and has also been a factor in the popular government measures in the state. He has been in public life for many years and knows the ins and outs of affairs in Washington as no other man who aspires to the position. Sen ator Chamberlain is going to have the loyal support of not only members of his party in this, territory but also those who believe in the Wilson policies and wish them carried out. During the incumbency of the governor's office in this state Senator Chamberlain showed his sincerity of purpose in serving the people to his utmost and they ieel he has followed the same course since he has become U. S. Senator, therefore will show their appreciation by voting to return him to the place. himself as being pleased tobelwi" l,e "ned over the county among the people of Burns and the hope of remaining for a long time. The first of this month the two churches combined by selecting Dr. Benson as the joint pastor and active work begun in his in terest. Dr. Hibbard was made presi dent and ('. A. Byrd secretary. Speeches were made by C. H. Leonard, Judge- Miller, E. B. and so far the arrangement hasHm- J' R Kalcomb. John Smart, proven very satisfactory asd Mr- Soloman and others, agreeable. It was a wise move and one that meets the approval j Grain for Range Cattle. of the two congregations. Dr Report on Experiment Farm. The Times-Herald is in receipt of a report on the experimental and demonstration work of East ern and Central Oregon Stations compiled by Prof. II. D. Scudder, of the Agronmy department of the 0. A. C. It covers the work of the stations in this county Moro, Redmond, and Metolius and is one of the most interesting bulletins to those living in this territory ever issued by the col- Benson said in the course of his remarks last night that several such consolidations had been ef fected in the state but none just as this one. Here services are held in each church every Sun day, in the morning at the Pres byterian and in the evening at the Baptist church. The reception to the pastor and wife last night was genuine and the large number in attendance proved the appreciation of the people of the work of Dr. Benson and the two congregations min gled together with a spirit of Christian union that portends a future of good work along the line of church work in this city. Dr. Benson has proven his abilty as a minister and has gained a warm spot in the hearts of the people by his fearless de fense of Christianity and the church. He is one of the most forceful and logical speakers we have ever had in the pulpit of Burns and his work is going to count in the future. The people of the city are glad to extend him their moral and financial support and give him what assistance they can. A Bad Fira Caused from a dirty flue will put you out of business or render you homeless. I use tbe latest device for cleaning flues which I absolutely guarantee will do the work right Call Arthur Stewart Shoe black Burns Hotel. The J. L. Lowe sawmill, for merly the Bunyard mill, above Harney, has a complete stock of rough and dressed lumber, shingles moulding, etc. Good road. Call by phone for rush orders. J. L. Lowe. 27tf We do job printing. Several cattle feeders of the irrigated districts of the Prine ville country tried the experiment of feeding grain to their fatten ing cattle last winter, according to R. E. Reynolds, who has just returned from an extended ob servation trip through that part of Oregon, where farmers insti tutes were held by the agricultur al advisor and members of the 0. A. ('. liaff. "Very satisfac tory results wenj secured," says Mr. Reynolds, "and further ex periments will be carried on this coming winter. Owing to a scarcity of range, cattlemen are considering the advisability of feeding the one-year olds instead of the two-year olds, as was done in the past. Cattle raising is the principal livestock industry, and although hogs would undoubted ly do well there farmers are re luctant to undertake hog-raising because of the distance from market." For Sale.-Pure bred Rhode Island Red Cockerels; pen No. 1 2. No. 2, $1.50. -J. H- Eich- ner, Buchunan, Oregon. 41. The Harney County National Bank of Burns has been desig nated a United S lutes Depositary by the Secretary of the Trea sury. -- i T -in t ii- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, I NIT Jill HTATBH I. AMI Ofni It Burnt, oragon, nepiamber la. i.ii , Nutlet It hereby given thai Hay e ln.it lay. ol Becgley. Oregon, who on June a leio aud Not. g, IIU, raapeetlvelr male llnuiealea'l Kulrlea, Nu. iHaa. u-.u.'i,, lor -. aec a and HKl,. Hecllou ri, Tuwuahlp XI H . Hange IK. Willamette Meridian, haa nie.i notli a ol Intern lion in make Anal three jeer Proof, looetabllgb i-talm lo the land above deacrtl.eil. i- I.,,, c. K. rulloch. C H Commlatlonar. al lila nltlea al liecbiay. Oregon, on Ihe rath day ol int., Itlt claimant namea aa wltnataet ileo Jobiittnn. Km. I I Romiti. rrei,rle t Clayton, Hiram tl i layton, all nl tickle, orogoii. M u raaae. Heglaiar NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IKOI.ATBII 1HACT. ITHI.Ii I.ANHHAI.B I'attan Htaraa I. ann iirrtie. i latevlew. Oregon, July f( U, aur out). ii.. Notion It hen liv glvi ii Dial, at .Uf ' ti .1 b the Couiiiilaatiii.e, uf the lieneral lamlitm.i under provlatiiua ut Ail nftmigreee appro,. -i! June V7. rat (Jl etati . MV. puraaeiit lo the ap pllielliiu of Clareure I. tVblle. Herlal N.i.u.'Ji.l we will utter al public aala. to tbe hlgheet tilddtr. but at not leaa then i.' ii potnera. at lu n'rlouk A. M . uu the tfthday of Oclot i i, nl I at lliitofflce the billowing trai I ut land MfiNBia. HM'llon 17, rtlB.lt at . W M. Any peraont claiming adveraely the above llll.' their elalli NOTIUK KOK PUBLICATION I'NITBIIHTATBM I.ANtOrPCB, Bun. a. Oregon, septi.nil.er la, ltlt.1 Notice It hereby given thai John J. Heally ol l.aaen. Oregon, who, on March a, ml maile II. meatead Kttlry, No UuII7. for HVYW, Hertlon , lwnablp J4 Houlb, Kanga '"). Willamette Meridian, baa filed notice ol Intend. in lo make Anal Ihree year proof lo I'ltalillah claim to Ihe laud above deecrlbed beliire Kegltlei aud Kereliei. ai Hum. ilea. gou. on the lli day ol neeuher, Ivu laiiaeui namea aa wuneewee Minnie I Ian. I of I a wen. Oraguu Halpb altrra.ui, of enalar. Oregon. I.yeo ttedlu aud John B llutt. both of lawen, llregon Wn. K.aaa BeglaUr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I NtTKD HTATBH LAND orru g. Hurnt. Oregon, Heptamber 71. I.II v ut Ice ia beret ) (lean thai i barlee I' Hornet. ol.larrowa. Oregon, who. on Nov a, liar; aaade H mm .lead Kiitry No. rjn, aerial, No on for sW',. Kectloii au Towuablpat H Bange l B. vtlllfaineile Meridian INorlb Malbeor lti.'i hat filed malic i.f InUl.ll.'u to make goal nve tear urooi to eatahllali eUln i. ...i above deec rlhed. Wfore the Kaglater aud He eelver. al Burnt, uregon. Oil the Jtlh lit) of ( Jt'lulaaar Iflli laiuiailiiaiu-t aa wllueaaea ,. V.'; '"'rn' Cbarlea Lewla. tl W. ieel Beld, frer) Bar ion all of Sarrawt. Oregon. Wn. rtaea. Hagi.iar FALL AND WINTER SHOWIN) BROWNS SATISFACTORY STOI We are now showing special lines of new winter Dress Goods; up to date, and Quality, as usual, the Best. New waist materials. knit goods and underwear; laces, Ribbons and Embroideries. FULL LINE OF NEW SWEATERS Our shoe department Is complete with full line of shoes for Everybody QUALITY FIRST N. BROWN & SONS Picture show tonight. Combination lick, injtity, nrcitlrinl ml dtMtlh baini'flt (irotri Hun al mini mum coat. 12,04.00 lMth Unrllt; $1,000.00 for lost of limb or ByaMfcMl laota aV00 to I8.00 werkly nr. or m cltl.nl banaflt; $1,000.00 KaB.rK.niv ru li.f trcnaflt. Coat la SA.00 par year; no other dung or aaataamtntai. In tliir Inauriiiirti all man ami woman am plat I on an aqual btutla, rwgardlaa of iici-ii.n lion. Kv.ry partou tuakra Ui. mini form of aiipllaetion, psyt the eaino amountof ptrrmluni and reewftraa tin tuna amount of banc-fit. -Man and Woman botwaan b. B(aat of 1U and I1A ara arraptral. No raatrirtlmia as to or- rupalioB, only Kailruad man amploytxl ampliiyad on track, train or nxiuud liooaa, can not bo accepted. Clainia an paid within aitty daya anywhere in MM U.S. Canada or Karop.. old rrlithl. taaarancc Company. $100,000.00 on State dapiaiit aa a protection lor Ntaj bold.ra and to noarantco the paymt-iit of claim For further fraa information addraaa tauatavc K. Wcrnar, Hecmfury and Oein.ral Managar, Itoi 81.1, lluffalo, N. Y. atete ag, tui, occupation and inenU.in Ik.pl. Ii 172. No4ko al Final Sell lament lll-aiirlla,t Bliil m i a.Ula. ,1 I., III. lii.lt . .1- I .... -" e a wee ! ea-i e al - al II t IHIWti or olJ4 littiia. nnur brlmc itia I iUai.na( ! fit aftiv Jt f Hi uuttm, Hrnlktir NOTICK KOK rmilJCATION I NITKII M'tTKH I ASIiilKUte: I Burnt, Oregmi, Hepluinlr U, I'M I Nnllce la lii f lr glvi n abal Jeremlali iilllim. ol llarriuiau. uregun. who, uu Nui it, lit; ami Aug. la. i'!i:i, reaei lively tnaili llniiu vtrail No u.'tll ami I4.i. fur KV aahlajt H , kauae NOTICK KOR PIJBI-ICATION. I'xiTgu htatwi LaatiOrrtra I nume, oreguB, AugMi tl.i.u Ratal e It hereby given that II Ii n L. I'evle. uf ni Jiniiie. iirtaroa wm,, uu noinlier n, !lo mane lleeeri I an I Kit a, anil "W ',. en V Wlllamelte Me uu. i. in. i. u make final roof, to ratal, Mali teiin to lln laud above ileecrlt-il liefore lleglalcr ami liiiili.i, at llurna. oraguu, .,u lli. llli ilay ol Kefilerutier, Itlt. i ialmeiil nauiaa aa wllueaaea: i Wealej .vit aU'l John B. Wcltoer l-.lb of '. Jiilnia. iiregnu. Brank M Miller, nl Harrl men ureguu. K 0 llnilu an. I w I i.leaami ' nili ul lawea. nn ituii r Ki (later Kulry. No . anil i , Hee t. Tuw ualilu 1 ' Wltlainelle Met nlian. haa filed nolle, ol uf Ore- Kntrr Nu ajini aerial lur ',. Hie l anil r',.-',. h.n linn 17 luan Nu va.ill .till, laiii.ll, U.i,.. t. V ..l 11 i i i-.... . i. Vl. i Ow w . ---. ....... i i. .. i ...' eil notice uf Inti i, Hun ti. make li.al five vear prietf, In catabllali claim 10 Hie lallil ateive lieaerllieil. I.i li.t. It. eial. i ami Iteeelvet, at lltinia, III. gun nn II, e .'1,1,1a, ul October Itlt llaliiiant uauaea aa ivluuaaea N. I' ntiMIe 1. iMIInii l.i.i I uf llarriuiau. tiregi.i, Harry Car y ami trauki Mtaraon i."ib uf !.a.ii. iiregnu WM. Kvaat. Heglaiar. NOTICK FOIt PUBLICATION. I HITBU HTAIKe I.ANli ullli.., Burnt, i ircguii. Hefiieuiler 17, I HI Nutlet It hurtb) given thai K'lvianl l.gll.nl Itlley, llrcgutl. Willi, Oil Hit A I'.l'. in,.. i,. Ileaarl land Knlry. S.i la.il, lor vt'.NVv' , Hee. VI ami N'.NK1, Baptj.n i.i. lowiibi, .i, Nuuui. nante it Haal. IV III. melte Merbllau, hat lileil Itiltlec ul lutenlluli tu inake I lual proof, to ealalillab claim to Die laml almieile terlbeil.l'eluiv hi'Hlati t niul Ilii elver, al llurna, Oraguu, iiu the i-inl 'lu v uft i. ttil.ei . t ,i i t:ialmaut ugmct aa wllueaaua William Hurgeti.riiaa W Ooinegyt Bealtt Wllauii. A Hi eil I liuiiuvaii all ul Bllgy, Dregag, WH illlll, llegl-li I NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITKIl MTATKrt I.ANli UFKH K, BurDi.oreguii, s. j ' .-m I-. t t .. i 1 1 Notice It licruby given that llarrv Kager ul Burua, nregoo, win., uu Vtll .'7, lull ami March 14, Wl, ream-dlvi-lv maile lluni.it. ,,,1 Kulrlea. Nu utiiiai urau, ur N ,, Hai Hi, ami HW!,, Hecllou 'ja,Tiiwiialil, i'i H. Haiigulll K WillauiolU Merbllau. hail III... I uotlotoflii leulliiu III makii filial Tlnee IMI 1'riml I. ..a labllali i-laiin tu Iht lanit at... v., ilctirllieil be lore Haalater anil Receiver, at llurna, uregon on tbe Attn ilay of October, IU14. I lalniaiiluaiiiea aa witueaaea Krevlerh'k fiearltig, Knuai K. Lartcii, I I Hlaeuvr, Mil bail ilalveraull. all nl Hume, on, BOB. Wh I .ana Kolal. i llinij in.iua No. ilUBoriai I. lit No. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION t Mien Hrarga l.iat. Otrii a Buraa. Oregon, Augutl igth 1(14. Niilloe It hereby given that Ihe Northern I'eiine Hallway i uui.aii), aua bail oBloe aitilreaalt Ht. f'aul. Mllioraota. hag Ihltanh la. Augutl lvHfll.il in ll.l.ultlee llttupll i atiiui In aeleil uuiler t be i.roi iil.in. ..r lh.. ..i ..Ii iingrcat, approiail Jl I, Ittt (tOHtau 7. ' .in.aai -aieuilcil In i lie Ai l ul t'ungreae aunruv 1 May 17, lew gceeaepprov t aVNv,MN,tH "" TWP- " i' " " Berlal No trrotl Au tl'vl all lieraum i lalralng ailietaely the l mi. la iteti iiu-.l 1,1 . leal it ii g tu objet necauee uf Ilia Mineral cbaaeler of tbe land, or any nun i reaauu, Ui the dltooaal lo appllcaiil. ahoulil file their eft lilav lie of pruteat lu Ibla iittlie, ou ur la'iurc the ijlb day el October. Wat reg. Reglatcr NOTICK FOR PUBUCATION. I'NITtl. HTATBa I ilHilliriri I llurna orefuii, Mplember 10, mil Nutnti It hereby given that Blchgrt) Juuea. .il tl t m at .. Ilviieilii tawaaaa ah lot.. 1.1 a ..a A - a ,,- - ---1 -.a"... "w. wm . nui .a, ivie.inaue ii. .I...I Kairy, Nu. out,, for HKUBgcUau .. I.n. nabip Itaiigt n Baat Willamette Merbllau. ih.iuib ,, Malheur Lake) hat tiled ""ii. e ol Intention tu make final I'oiuuiuutloa i.iuiii. to iaiabii.li claim lo ilia land above ileacrllwnl. before Keglatrr god Becelver, al Hurnt, oregon. ou lb Uib day ul October t laimani naiuea at wnn In lac County Court uf the State ton. tor llarnrr ( onntv. Mil tbe matter of the raiutr ol Juuiea u. uaru, orcraarti. Notice ia bereliy giren that Ike umlrt algtieil aa adiuiuittrator of the ratnlc nl J a met II. Oard, drvceaard, haa Sled hit duly verified Bnal account herein, and aa by law retiuircd, aakinx fur the hem. idk ol obtectiout therrlo and the aeltlr- tnent thereof and Baking for au ordci ul uiatriDutlon of tne property rtiraaiiuiia; uu.gended ami uuapprcirnted, and thai the abOT. court haa tberrupon made ami entered anorder appoiiiiuig Ihe 7th day of October 19U. at I he hour Of 10 o'clock A. M., ut the court hum, at lliirtig, Uregon, fur tbe purpoac ol hetuintf obrectiona thereto and the art - tlcmant tltereof, and making tbe ordei ortlittributlon aaked for; ana that notice tbaraol lac kitiii in The Timca-llrruhl fur four aticceaaivc week.; any and all peraont inlrreatci herein are therefore rnjuireil to elc any objectiona tbay may hav. to aaid final account, or the nettle uienl tberaof, or tbe diatrihutiou uf mnl uorrly , on or before .Bid date of hear, mg with the aaid court or the dark thereof. 1'irat pnblerattoit hereol ia Sept. . I'M I SAM Motiibbhiikaii, adiiiiiuai t iitui A Full Line of ECONOMY JARS MASON JAR CAPS I also have a new line ol Percales, Flnxonta, Clnghjimv Voiles, tt Latest in Neckwear, ; Barret te, Side a Back Combs for IisditTS Just arrived, tc Latest In Ties, Collara, Snlts, Caps, Hat, Underwear and Shirts for Men. SPECIAL CASH PR ICE On quantity orders for GROCERIES For Haying A. K. Richardson General Merchandise A I V a Nnrlneer. of Nafit.. Hmm.b UI....I ll..kn. Jr.Jauiet II Irr. rrant Vc.'.l,, all ,il Viiltage. tlregnn. Wa Kaaaa. Beguirr. Nation to Creditoea. Notice it hereby giren that the under aigucd baa been duly appointed rgecu tor of lh. I.aat Will and Tettamrnt, and of tbeeatet.of Mary K. Horluml, decraaed. hv the County Court of the State of Oregon, for llnrncv Count v. All pergoua haviair claitna inmnvi aaid eatatearc hereby notified to preaeut them, duly verified at by law MeUred, to Ucrge t.reeley, executor, at lug tc aJdent ten miles South cult of liurua, awaier vuauij, uregun, or at iur) iiiiiic OfJ. J. 1'at tenon hia attorney, in Uitrna, Oregon, within aix montba frum tin date ol thit notice. Dated thia 6th day of September 1014. OKOKOKOkKBI.KV, eieculot. J. J. I'ATTKKSON. attorney. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION INirgDBTATBBI.ASIHIKInK , llama. Oregon. n LiemU.r 4, i'U i I NoUea leUereliy glvaulhat Mtcuael llalver ul Bumi ureguu. who. uu April 11,111, mg.li Mometlea.1 Kutry, Nu.uaftl. fur N',',. hc"i.,n TJ, Tuwutliln -it, iwilll. Hange U K.. Wlilaliull,. Fair Feed Yard GRAIN OF ALL KINDS Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay Baled Hay For Sale Free Camp House and Feeding Privileges in Conal or Barn. Cuatomera Care For Own Stock. W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair (.rounds. CONTEST NOTICE. I SI I KU BTATKH l.ANII OrNt'K Burnt, ttreguu, HngUaibar 1. 1,14 in Jueenn tt.im.ui, 0I Narruwt I untcalce mi aic In r. In i, ..till,. Ihall aiey H. I'la 1'i.in, wnn aivia lull.. laiiiin .. 1.1. 1.1 Bleu addraaa, did uu gentaiuber laiti itia oregoa. ''tt&ar make Bntl I lira year nruaf atenaian, net me notlee of ititci.iiin, iltlai lo Ihe laud above daaeiilieil helm liter and I'Jtli da Oregua In Mtal.llak I..-I... Bacelver. al Burnt, iiregui-, uu ttic ufUclulier, 114 Clglaunl aaawt aa wliaeaaca W. Bcoll Haley, uf Narrow, limm. ll.. Bagtr. Bred ilelirllig, J T. Fry. all nl limn.. NOTICK KOH rUHI.lOATION I'nrta n HTATta I n orru n Burnt, tircg aaetegebei U, mi4 iiaiuiniiuuiiu.il mmituutummttu RODNEY DAVIS Houae Painting Paper Ranging and Detorattna; Cttlclmlnlng Hardwood Finishing Freaco Painting btlafMteaB furalahaeJ em na pllcBtlou. fanitiBlas alt wet. G1VK HISS A CnANCB BrttteUaBaUfBlllgagr ttlxagvgegngU Notice la Inn In el veil Iliat Wllllani II. Haw anu. urn and lull uf 1 luuuaa Hawaiiii.decciecil ul Burnt, Drcgun, whn, mi Hit v. Ilgn made Hullietteail kntrv Nu. 'jju.n, Hvrivl Nu 11.'..,.. i,,, BUN W4 aud Vi i.N K t. Hoot Inn II l ,, nalui. j , M , Hange HI K , Wlllaluelle Mcrnllan. Iiaa nl,.,i uutice uf luieiitluii tu make final ilve-yegr priKif, lu ettalilltli claim lu Iba luml almvc ile acriljed, before llee-lalor and Heiemr, at llurna ureguu, uu the luih ilay nl i ii-ml,, i, mh Cialmaiil uaiiict at wllneaaut: A. B. I'lirlcr, l ulln K. Hawluii, i baa Bead. Buy Hltl.l. all ul llurna. Ilrcti.it Wn. KtHkK, Higltlcr III.- Ill tli la umcc lila ilii I v i.irr..lH.r.i..l .....u Hun tn lunieat and ancure ibe oaui ellaliuu of your llottieitaad Bniry N.,., Herlal Nu UbftM (7, gilt ti'aiT' "J ei"eiiiiier mill, nn, ii-i If ?.' V,!' """' J, and ibe K, HKi. nf Hncllou It, luwnab i,'I4, Huulb Haute B) fvatl VI Hlanietl. Mcr.ili.ul.ndiVuJS.'iR iltuunloa licallngealliat laid Jnaeuti rlemeul baa wlmlly atiaii.lum.il tald aalry That ba iicvi realalillaheil of uiainlalned arealdcuca wr maile aiiy liniuuii'iiinuie tbaraun. and baa gbaeated blmgelf aud changed hie raalJon.T. 'in. i, II, mi ever aline Hit data ul entry. )?u ft"' '.b"''i lurlbtr nuUfled thai Ibe al.l allegation will be ukeu aa ouafaiaad and your aaid autre will baeaucelml witbuni lurlbtr light to be heard, tirb.Vbiluratn", umcc nr mi au.el. If ,ou f,l tu flit, lu Ibil .inlcii within twenty daya altar Ibe rollHTM l.llblliallul. of li.lt noil.... a. iRwutmEf mi the uaiu. uf vuu daelm fmnre I'ciaiiii or by reglalered mall Vuu ahiiiilil alatu iu viur ant , i-i'.i nun a iii winch iiuiicie lubeeeut lo yog Wh. Hibii ii-.i.i.. Iiele ufarlral publlnatlou Hti.luuiher i'ilb 1,14 an ui tecuuu until ial no Honlemliar mil, Int. a to u Ihltd wil.lluallnn H,.i,i.o,u,Tltllh W Uatouf luurlb iiublluallou tVcUiher ard 114 , Hi Kiel, I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICK VOH PUBLICATION 1 II NI ritll BTATKH I.ANli OfMrii Burua. Oregon, Heuttuibar hi, ivii Notion It hereby given mat Henry r. Kralicli of llairlmau. Oregon, who, on Slav p, mil, mado llometload Butry, No. UMU, for h!,N. Hectlon It, Tewaablngf. aoulb. Bang., u Vaai WllaaaelU Merldiau, hag filed uutice of n.t, ,, tlou lo wake final three year I'roof. tu eaial.llaii claim to the land above daavrlbed, before Hi a later and ftecalvar. at Burnt, Oregon, uu tC,. 141b day uf October, 114. Clalaiani nantat far wltaaatea Oharlat keaa.of Barua. Oregon Juin,. h Wa. Kaaat. HegitUi NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IINITBI) BTATKN LAUll lirril B Hurna. Oregou, HniiiantlMu; 10.114 .N2U I hereby given that John Q, Bniarl en We hsire a complete stock of Seasonable Goods and ere ready to supply your wants Dress Goods, Wash Goods Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery. Gloves, Embroideries, etc. FURNISHINGS. SHOES CALL OR SEND YOUR ORDERS The Burns Department Store of Bgil, Oregon, ad tfulry o. oa May IB lulu. in... Howaataad Kulry, Nu luaaa, for Nti'i. KlaNW NVVUBEW aad AkwtBWU. Hee I. Tuw I'.V.h, nil. Merldiau baa .lid aWBW), Hoi mat. I ini. INI I Bit HI A IKH I. AMI OKKIt'K latevlew, ureguu. Hi .li uil.it mh, lull Notice la hereby given that Jaim a A. Wilton file. Oregon, whn. on Merob litb, mil ado liuuieeliteil Knttv . Nn mi';, t... a i. -u i V"1 Hi&Hi- H!',"VU -' l"'ial.lu .'I RoiiIIT; HaugaWKaai. wUjaniniia Mtrldiaii i.ua lileil tuillce ii lliLa.ii II . ui l.iulaa it. i , !,,...! toetlahlleh claim lo lie la.ul al,ivo ii. ai nl.eil. before that A Nherinau I n i .n.ii.ii..lnnH. ai rile, Oregou, iiu Hie I7lh iU) ol Oo tubal mil. t laluiaut namea at wllueaaia I'gui Varuar, Juhu MoBaoh.iii Juo Miller, Henry Bartow, allot Kile. Oraguu. Jat r Svauaan, Btgiller. NOTKE FOR PUBLICATION. I'HITtUHTATgt I.AHIlOrrll'g. I II, 1114. I inn, viiogun. naniunih I'ni'i titeu mat juhu Klergfgarl. uf in ma, ureguu, wbu.iin lieoeaeha. a, ItaCtagda uu,. .taaif Km,, ), uieTaTie 19ujR5Su lit I u w nth ,. h kauae w B. . WlllaoillVfV,r dlan naa Iliad uullceuTiiiteiiifsiu lowaka Snal live year I'riml lu ealabllah uiaiiu lo the "aud above ilaenrlueil, hefuru Baglalar and Heoelver al Hum,. Oregou, on iba lft da? of JCuuVT rial luaulaiauiatag wt '"nniii lawn, uu. rile and Kted lllugal MMaY- 4VBBB, Becitvar, i- u B.. Kaugt 16 B.. Wlllan, Ull A. .. I... .....I.... ... . .... ... .w....v v. iui.uiivu in iaao riuai lurwe loal arat, toeaiablleh claim to tbe laud goove ,1. torlaed, befuia BeglaUr aud Hecelver .i area. Oreaen, oa Ihe tttb day ul o, ii., i n i t ilaiaaaat uamea at wlluaa.ee Ban ael Merlin, of Narruwt, o Wu raaat. B 'glatci rill, uf Narrovt. In...... v.' nn... Saravat, Jeaa Vauderuool gad Bdvranl Kgll, .it l eTefjll, WCIJII. i J. I'JBllJli. lansw 'ft' aVaffi a M II vaVeiLjK XaF! Kill ' Rft litjfflnt xTf f r IM SiSHD I Tctrea(nTOrcgot Wfth new buil.iii, lueul, tolafiicJwiiioi, .. i Jit l. otto Ita lav ull. in. l'.,i,,y of Orraun will iia-arHi lit Ihiity .uuth year Tuetday. Sepicuil.c. -' tB)n lui Bujiuea, JuUr ntlittn, Uw atedi.iiic. Tea.h,,,.. l, brarv W...L aa . . ' '"ta.ll !.. i -f T "a"". ciivnne-tUre KhytK.,1 Tramino 411l, , . Ar1. u c It'll llMeaf 4 HIOI lll4a IS VB V. I.I sptaita loaaasstyusa fie cm Im.iI iu(Ma New ttetoe jUi ultwHg la tourte ul tuinlimlm, 1 Uytlaoa Ff l4iBM.. ,,,.. a nwsaaea aaa.a.a iu.... Write lo veulvg ,j lilt.,,,.,,.! ta.i AtaWiltJMtaag k,M.i.. UNIVCRSITY OF ORtGQN iWINI ONIUON i ut it ni,i JOB WORK We da It right f a Bgaa,