'v m BUSINESS FINE IN DRY TOWNS r,p !?" '4 Arrests Fewer, Bank De posits Greater SALOONS ARE OCCUPIED IIEEOIIANT8 ALL BNTHUSIASTIO BU1UDINO PHMnTS TAB QREATBE; BTOBY OF DBT TOWNS TOLD. BY OBTON F.. t.OOliWlN. Publicity DDartniiit. QBasillUHl "' Ous llunilrnl. There is onlv MM I'uir WJ t0 find out what Oregou dry will do for Oregon. That is by invest i- gating what i-regon tlr "H" """v for those parts of Oregon uow dry. , , So far at eau he learned- in Salem, Oregon City, Roseburg, Albany, l Fngone and other Ore gon dry towns, business has DMB better in all lines, save that of the saloon, in every dry town. Why, even in I'enillelou. which voted wet after beiiiK lry. but which will probably vole dry. many merchants are now in favor of a dry town and declare coUectlons were belter, business better and bud debts fewer when the town whs dry. Building Now Better. In Salem, building has been greater since the town went dry. There are but few vucanl houses, and those vacant are described us "shacks." Practically every suIih.ii has been re-tenanted by other lines of business, and one of the primi- Sal saloon'sites has been replaced y a fine new buildintt block. Since Salem went dry a MO.OOU brick building hat been erected and a 140,000 butineu block U ming up Doesn't look us if dry Sulem hurl that town, does it? Better Building Besult. Salem went dry Junuury 1, I9M. The buildins permits for the first eight months of 11113. when the town was wnt, totul ISU.9H. I or the first eight months of lilll they were $4'2'2,385, an increase of 33.400. Another instance of I dry town helping businessl Absence of the Million always means belter busi ness, for the money that once went to lite saloon goes into trade. Cheeks cushed once in saloons are rushed in stores and part-of them are spent there, in pluce of in the saloons. There were 254 arrests for the first seven months of 11113 in Salem for drunkenness: in 1014 Ihe ar rests totaled only 47 for the same cause. Stores Enlarge Premises. The three largest stores have had lo remodel their premises because of increased business, when other towns wet at thai have been com plaining. In Orrgon City arrests have de creased (JO per cent. Violations of Ihe stale littior laws (bootlegging and so forth), are now less than one-half. You see Ihe saloon men never used to obey the law -in a dry town they have to obey it. Bank Deposits Increase. Deposits in the hanks have in creased. There is more building. Had debts are being cleared up. Collections are easier. Not one mill check has been cushed In u saloon. All business men suy trade is bet ter. Which answert Ihe question at lo why Ihe cry hat come from all ooer Oregon for a dry town. L Adams, one of the leading Ore i!on City merchants, said: "Since Oregon City went dry, business has much improved. Col lections are easier. I hrtve fewer bad bills on my hooks lh.ni I had a year ago. People now have a ten dency to buy their goods ul home. I used to cash 15 checks on mill pay nixhts. Now I cash 50. The aboli tion of Ihe saloon has turned u vast sum of money daily inlo Ihe chan nels of hade in Oregon City." All ht which answers Ihe ques tion of whether a town is heller wet or dry. raid advtrtitement by tin Commltttt of Oat Hundred, 7 Morgan Buildins. Fortltaa, Ort. Smoky Cities Also Foggy. Tbe relation between smoke and fog Is ably set forth In a bulletin Issued by the Mellon Institute of Industrial Re search, University of nttsborgh, and written by Dr. Herbert. II. Kimball, profeeaor of meteorology, United States weather bureau. He aums up tbe mat ter by (snylng: "City fugs are more persistent than country fogs, principally because of their Increased density due to tbe moke that uccumulatee In them. "In consequence of (he above there ' are fewer hour of aunahlne In the cities than lo tbe surrounding country. "The sunshine Is leas Intense In tba city than In tho country, the light of short wave lengths, or tbe blue light, suffering the greater depletion." aving Time. "Bay," exclaimed the excited young man with tho discolored optica, "I want you to strike me off a few thou sand cards." "All right, sir," responded tbe print er. "What shall I put on them?" "Just print 'None of your business;' In big type. Then when the next per son asks me how 1 got this black eya 1 can Just band blm a card and save words " Philadelphia Ledger. than Allen's Foundry. Ethan Allen prior to tba American Devolution operated an Iron furnace and foundry la Litchfield county. Conn. Ills Iron foundry subsequently furnished much of the shot and shell tbat was u. ml In tbe Revolution. Mag axlna of American History. Tactaji Wlllla-raw, what la Uctt Paw Tact Is tba art of making other people think tbey know mora than yon do, my on Cincinnati Enquirer. ALGERIANS ARE LIARS. They May Tell the Truth at Tim, but You Are Never sjure. The chief fuult of the native Alge rians seems to he a certain predilection for l.vhiit. It appear to be an Instinc tive ilesir to deceive, not ao much for the sake of proBt aa for the aake of de ception .Albert Edwarda. In "The Ber lin ry Coaat." tells ua that be Baked hie 1'iein h boat why one of hla workman wore green braid on bla turbans, elnce hi Persia only thoee who have made the pilgrimage to Mecca are thua at- tlMHl. "Mohammedl" my boat called. The tall, dignified native left bla plow and came over to ua. Have you been to Mecca r M. Har der asked in Arabic. "No, Sldl." the Arab said and wens back to bla work. "He aaya 'No.' " M. Qardct translated to me "But like aa not no nas own there all tlmee. If they would always lie you could understand them. But someUmee they tell the truth. Perhaps be hasn't been there. If I should ask alx of my workmen about It three would say that Mohammed had been to Mecca, three would aay he hadn't" Bo I atopped aaklng my host ques tions about the Arabe. But In all tho time I have been In Algeria I have never found a Frenchman who felt dlf fercutly about It Ouy do Maupaeeant. whose eyea pierced so deeply through the lies of French life, could not fathom the Arabe "They are Ineotuprohensl ble." he writes, -rney ue. Plain of Argentina. The roads of the plains of Argeuttna have deeper dust In summer nud deep .. ,,i.i In u-lnter thull thuNe of any other part of tba world, consequently the wagons used ou Weill nave un that are from alx to fifteen feet In iln meter. Chilly Teat. Mother-Tommy, what was tbe gold en text at Sunday school today? Tom my (who lives In Alaska)-Let me see. Oh. yes! "Msny are cold, but few are frosen." Judge. A wine man contents himself with doing as much good as his situation allows blm to do.-Lord Bolliighroke Might as Well Have Seen Him. Awakening with a bad headache tba morning after a bauquet, a suburban dentist mused, not unpleasantly, on la. last evening' spree But suddenly his wife appeared and, advanelug to his bedalde, shouted hysterically: i "You wsetchl What will tba uelgh bora say at your coming homo drunk Inst 111111 r "But, my dear, uouBdy saw me." the dentist protested. "Nobody saw you! What If nobody did see yoeT Tou know well enough they all heard the way I carried on when you got back."-Nw York Trib une. Proud Recollection. "You seem rather elated this morn tag." I ,,. r..iillii1 Sir Meekton "ISt night my wife mistook me for a bur glar. It's the ouly time In my lire wsi Henrietta waa actually afraid of me" -Washington Star. Domoetio Jar. Sbe My pour mother begged me not to marry you. He-True! That's the only time sbe seemed lutere-te.l In my welfare!-.! udge. Sound common sense without elo quence Is better tbsn folly wltb a One flow of language. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. taOhkUn TRAI-T. PUBLIC LAND MLS i MlTSti t i y- i anii otrli a, Home Oregon, Auaual II. nil N.iilce la hereon given tbat. at dlieelad b the i oraiulaaloner nl th OrDrral I ami OBire, under proTlalonaof Act of rotigrrNe spprovso June '.T M. SI .-lata . 617J. pllrftiallt In Iln- a. 1. 1 1. all. ill of aoa it Reel, Hi'rlal No oii'XJi. wr will .iiti-r al puolli' aale i.i llir hlglirat tilde er, but ai uot leaa tbau I.' m per arre. at In o'eloel A M . mi Iln- JUi .la) n I Heptrmber, I'll! ..Ill" oftlee tbe following tract of lmi'1 8KU.', NK'.ltW!,, Ni,hg'4, Her X,, 'I ."i H., II .i:.. K . W. M '1 hla trart la ordered luto market on a alinw log that tba greater uortlou thereof ia uioun taiiioua or too rough fur rulllvatlou. Any peraoo rialmlng advrrtrli Uir ilniii ilearrlbed land an- adrlaad to (lie llirlr rlalma. or ohji itloiia. on or before tbe tluia dealgnatnl for aalr . We faaaa. kraialrr aaa MoiHaaauaau, It in r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITED 8TATKH LAND OKKIt'K llui tie, oregou, Auguat 17, tvti proof, to ralahllali Claim to Ihe l.unl al.nl . aa arrli.i-d. before Hrglater and keonvar, al huriia Oregon, on tbe -tn nay of September, lull. llaimaol iiamea aa wllnraai-e llrorge I. Cole, K laaabelh Mlddlvton, llarr) J. Juklecb. Ur. in, mi r Detimaii, all of ilarrl mau.Orrgun. Wa. Kasaa, Krglatrr. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION IHOLATKD TKACT. PYlHI.Ii: LAM' HAI.I-. llaixanMTataa l.aat, orm a i llurna. ilrrgnii July aV, 1(14 I Nollr-e la hereby given tbat, aa directed 1.) tbeCouilnlaaloDer ofthe Oebrral i.ainl tiffin. under prorialone of Act of Congreee approvud June a?, liatS M State , M7j. iiurauaiiim lhen. iillruiiou uf lioreaa N. Neal, Herlal No m I.V., n. will offrrat puhllraale, to the hlgheal l.liMrr. but at not leaf tban 1 00 pet sere, ai In o't lot k A. M on the .'lai itay ol Hepiruiu.r. en i. in llila nltli ... Ilia followlns trait of laud : NiNW. HWliNW!4, NW'thW.riei. It,, I Sil II HI, K W H. 'I loa tract la ordered luto Ihe market on a allowing that tbe greater portion tin-rent la uiounfaliiuuaor too rough for rulllvatlou Any pereoua claiming advrreely the strove dcai rlbid land are advlaed to file their rlalma or oliJi'i-tUma, on or before tbe time deelguetud for aale. Wn.Paaas. lteglaler. 8am UirTHgaaiiaah, Ueeeirer NOTICK FOU PUBLICATION. OLATfeDTMMk PUBLIC LAND BALK. UNiTsnSTaTsa l.aMntirrn a Hums, oregou. July no, I'ji i Notice la Hereby glvau tbat, aa directed I.) the l 'i.iiimiaaloiirr uf Ihr Oeiie'al Ijiml nun . under urnvlfloua of Ael of Cuogrraa approvnl J iini- .''.'. IMPI i.'UHIala , ,'il7l, puraoanl in tin- a. plication ol Caroline llutiou, Herlal No. U7IU7, we will offer at uulillr aalr. to Ihe hlgheal hid ditr. inn at aot leva than I'J.uo per acre, at lu n rlmik A If on tin- vial 'lav uf September, lull al ihlantlli-r, Ihe following, tract of laml K.'..NK'. NVt'.NKi., NI!,SW!,,Her.', T' 'JI1 a., it. iik , If. I hla tract la ordered lolu the markat on a ahnwlng that the grer.lar portion tbaraof la uiuu in ai none or loo rough for cultivation Aay person claiming adveraely the above deecrlhad laud are advlaed to flU llirlr claluia, or ohjaciiiina, on ur before ihe lime dtalgnali il for aale. WM. Kaaaa. Heglater Ham MuruaruiHSAi', Hecelnr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLAiaU TKACT - PUBLIC LAND BALK I'Hitan Hrarsa l.aao Orrn a, Bursa. Uragoo, July , lull Noli, e la Hereby glvau tbat, aa dlreitril by i be i.iiiniilaaloiiei nl tbe (leuaral Laud inTce. under provlaloua of Aot of Cougreaa aiproinl June if, IVOStM Htats.. M7), purauanl to Ilia ap plication of Karl Hack liana, Herlal No WIUIV. we Mill utter at public tale, III the htgbeat hlililnr, bin at not leaf tbau II. -i'i per acre, at 10 o'clock AM , an the ud day of September, lull, al Ihia olftce, tba following Irani ol land: wunw;4. sec. 'J. r.a., k. si f. . w M. I til. irni'l la ordered Into tba market on a ahowtua tbat tba greater portion thereof la uiounlaluuue or too rough lor cultivation . ! r ', .rvrrri r:. . . .r. , , .. at.ti..i...i. ... A i iv tiarauiia iiaiunne Hirirwi lun muuwm rioeu IBMUaif aiirwea lu wie iwyn inaima Notice la hereby given that prank Harlan Miller, of llarrlmau. tiregou, wlm, on Jul) a, I'jon, made Hoiueatead kulry. No H6'J, for KUSW14 aSil Wi.MK'e.Heellou i.'Ti.wualilp i'. H , Kauge ia K , VVIIIaui rile Mrrnllnn, haa flint uolli'r of inlroltnii to wake lUial Hve-ji-ar Ilium I isl s ""' KOl.CE KOU I'Um.lBATKTN. iKiTnSTT l.inorriea, I In. Mi. 1 ll.lMIII. AI1RIIB. 11. I n ul,.,. in Inm-in alvmi ttial the ri nerii illirrn tiiVt- fatllnc Hallvv'ty I i ...... . .iMiull Willi!' Dull I.S1 a.l.lii'.a l HI. reill, miiiiicbiiib, " "1T,tT' " Aiis'.t lUi Sled In on. oBloo W ..I....... mi i.-iii M linn aula. Iiaatntl fin gey lo . miner me um reran -- ;, er.B.Bt..mv.l.liily I, laSS (SO Hlat.W7, . 1 NWUofHhi,. HH'lliui l T, HS ..' t. NKUnl NW'a,Hi'0lnn"M,1.Ssa.. I; I K., W. B in i' nitre su im aeraa atrial No "WW. ,. Any ami all porsoas claiming iflLL, lends assert '. ' neslrlns to iwleei ti.iiee i u.c talaeral cWaetei of tim lea, ol ft sal ;".r .... i a .II.I.....1 in w;" ;h ,lo.i,l.1 Bla Ihnli atlulavila.il prpteet la ima "ai.......i. Ill Iwline h-JHili ilay.il He.tenil-r. ""4 w m Kaaas. Itrslatar. NOTICK KOU PUBLICATION IMlll All. II 111 Ml. I'llUl.li: I.ANIl HAI.K. PHITB0 ifafll i.f niiokkii IB j llui up., on a"". Annual I. I'll I Nailer la ln'iil') ajivun llial, aa illroi tr.l lif iln-1 ii" r ! "" ' mill i i"l orti. , mi.i.T iiimi-nina ot Urn .Mt of rousraasau. iiniiril Jimr H, ISO" i:n .-mil-.. nlJ). puranaat to III., aiiilnai Inn nl Maaalr A. I'lrlr, H..rlal No i, . ;. ,. Will iltrl l ,iilille aalu, lo llielilslirat l.tilit.-r liiil al mil Iran Ihali I'J.iaiiirt arrr. al lOii'ilm k A. at., mi llu' J'l "lay ot Hci.trwlirr, ISK.ai ihlai.tln r ilir lolioini Iran .,; lami HW'.NK1., Hre V, T ! . li Thia trail la ordered imo il Bl r... n . ... i In markai mi a alioniiiK "iat Iks ireaiat imrllou llieteol la muilnlalnoua "r too roilall li r illltlvattoli Mo prianii ilalinlna mlvrraelT Hie atiove iliai rlliril In ml are nililaril to tile llirlr rlalma. or iili.li 'rilmia, mi in lirloro llir 1 1 111 e ilralgnateil for anlr i liarrlt. Itratatrr. HM Mniiiaaaiiaaii, Herrlver. NOTICE KOU PUBLICATION. Iii l I I n I II M I . I't Bill' I.ANIl SM.K liTan HTra I.nh orrtes it...... i i.. ...... liaanal 1 lull .,,,,,., ....p..... -.... .... -. ..... Notice IB In n ' on Ihal. aa .Inn led by the commissioner ot ibetloaeral l.andiirace, i i.i..i,. ..I Ail .,1 I oio'iean aOlniil ed llin.ei ,,.. ...... ... - w i re.j j , . paai I it Mala , ilV, pursuant to the ap .ii... I I. n, ..a I'lrlt, Hmlnl Nil 1170117. Wr I will Oiler al public aale, lu llir hlgheal bidder, but at nol iraa than l ni per acre, al lu o'clock i M on llir 'ram nay oi M-uirmwi, nn. I lila ontrr. tlirlnllnw lug tract ol laud: ai.HK., Haitlou I.'. .W'NK',.ic ll.T.J-J H . li. a-J', K , W. M I lua trail la ordered Into the inaikrl mi a ahowlna thai th. grralrr p.irtlon tharvol la mniiulallinnaiii loo rniivh fur lllllvalloU. . ... h......a l.,i.,ii.u mtvi'iaelV the alnile .Irarrllied land are a.li lent lo file, their rlalma or iibjeriloiia, on ni before lite tlnl" dealguatad fur aalr w v Ft ear. Hmlaler. Haa .Mirriigsaiiaaii, Macelvar. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION IsolAIKI' I li M I l I III I. I.ANIl KAI.R. CN'ITFIVilMaa I AND orVII S, llurna, iiregou, Migual I. lill Nollir la hereby slvrra thai, aa directed by Ihe I nlnmiaalourr ot tile Ileueral 1 alul a-ftlCe. under provlalmi" nl Acini on grass approved June V7 l.aa. ..it Htata., i7l, purauanl to tbe ap pllrall.ui Ol Maggie V I'll Ir. herlal No urtl.W will iifTcl al plll.lli anle In Ihe I,l,-I,.al blddrr. hut at 001 leaatliau .' llu per acre, al lOu'rlnrk AM .nil the.' i.i del ot Hr (Member, lull, el Hit ortl.i Iln to! ln'V llift tiael nl land nF', !".', nri :. N h', N ' and NWSiNIC', h.,11 , I . - R '',. F.W.M. IT, la tract la iir.li-rril Into th market on a Showtaa that Ihe greater (mrll.iu tbrieof la niounliiii'.iua oi Inn rough for i nltl, attuli Any prreniia i laluilug ailvrrael) the above described land ar adilard liifllrlhalr iTatiua. ur nhjri'ti.'iia. mi ..r b. i..o tbe llutt di algnatrd for aalr. a Fiaaa. Keglali-r Haa Mm in nam an. Receiver NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. IHlll.ATKIl IttAl I II nil' LAND -Al F i mti i' hrAiloi I .Nil orrtea, res, onaon. Auaual 4, IV! I Settee at fcerehystveu lliat. aa nlrwieil by Iln I .iiniiOa.li. i .. r ..I iloiii'-'HI niiiinnni', illntir t. nil 11. ilia uf Art of i uliiuii approvnl Jinn' :.. laa .ii tuna . MT. ,nraiiaiit lo appll all. ' nl "ai . II i li'iitniaiin. aerial No UnySft, ar will iiftir al iiiilii a... . in llir lilanrel Mo del liul al mil Iraa Ulan li.UU per arte, al 10 ,1. 'li ik A M.. on Ini- .'mi nay 01 neeiriniH-r. (ill alt lo. nil li . lli fnll'.a Inn trai-lot lam! Vt.i ', Ml',.!1,,!.'!' J. T. MS , K. t.. M Una Iln' 1 la ..r.lro.l inio me maraai on a ehoadaa thai UM irnt purlloo ibareul la liii.iinlaii "it. in Hart i.'iigh for i-illlliatlnn. Ali nraona lalmlua adirraaly tba above ilra rllieil luml in aayliod to Ilia luelr rlaliua. or ntijnll.il. a. mi or liefora tbr inueilralaualrd tor aale Hm.Ii aaa. Keg later. Sag Mi'illiaanaali. k.irl.ir Tonawaina toniKht irWhy Make Oregon the Goat?i Why Is OREGON Picked for Alleged Nationwide Prohibition Fight? Why Have Eastern Millionaires Brought THIS Agitation to THIS Pacific Coast State? It is not tfeneraUy known in Oregon that the proposed prohibition umendment to the State Constitution is an issue framed by men who have no personal intertmt in thin state. Who llu- real Mliiicitios arc who comprise this ;;n uii of men is knot profound uecrtt from tlit- people of Oregon. Their real motive is likewise kept a secret. All thai is mode public is that tbey are philunlhro I nsts, who ure bent on taping humanity. lillitins have been raised this philanthropic work of hut vliu these millionaire philanthropists ure is not being told to the public. I In- iiut'iiliiii ualuiitUy must arise, therelure, la tin' niliida ol Oit'gou n)i: Sinn- when hsve these bind ol millions wotkt'il for Ihe upllll ol ral humanity? l iv ii.).. Iniiiighl nearly every necessity of humao Hla. in Ibis nation under inelr monopolistic control, uot Im ihu ,-,,..il ol hum niitv, Inn lor the sslfslaclion ol lilt-it iiw 11 greed, why arc they now ao clsmorous, ao noisy in their iluwuuoN lor nationwide problhllionl Is it mil iln- tliitv of evaiy yrjj.ei Id Oregon Ural lo "slop," "look" and "llalaa" lot s iiijuieul sad luuak liiin-i-il nt lii'1'..-ll Why hitve these Ksiteiti mllllouslre philsnlbre- pisls to suddenly turntd Ihtir spot.7 Why mi snsitiiiH Im humanity? Is there "dollar reaion" lurking neblm) lha movement aome where? W'lii. do tiny nol come lo Oregoa with S uniform UtueT Why tin limy Irame on wane for Wsthlngtou. lo catch volet in Ihal stale and anolhr If lit In Ore- ? ii to catch volet limui' Why do iby uoi liinnc one ut tor all tatnT Why do they eot put Into llui Oicgtiii ittue s iiroviilon agiilutl attribution sud ylvlng away ol lh,uorl Why do tbey ouly turn iln manufactur sud tal ol slcobullu bevursgea pio hi lilted her In OrtyonT Are tbey duly worklug lor prohibition or even try ttmpwranet. or Is ihere s Joker Homewhere which ihey sre sakiug ibv good icnilc ol OicKiiti lo swallow lu Ihe ehsp of s 1 until 1111I011 il iiiit-iiiliiiciiir Why hsve they Included Ibe won!. " manufactur, sol, giving away sud Irani imitation lioui one point to another" in the Calllnr nl. 1 uiiit'iitluiutil now being agilsted In Ihsl slsle? It II liccuiisc ihey know la sdvsnce thai they will lose dial '.i.iic by st leutl 20(1,011(1 volat sud sre retorting in nol lllcal trickery to common with mllllonair nhilan thropltlt in order Ihal they may delude ihe people in oiliti Mulct at lo whai they ar "Hyhtlny for in Cal ifornia?" Why iln ihey not bring ibsl same Ihu lo Oregon? Whal are these Kastcrn millionuire philnnlhropisls reallj trying to doP Are they really wonying- uboiit humanity and Oregon or is il name new scheme to control something lo midy.- some new Hind of dollars that is worrying them? VOTE 333 Watch This Paper Dr. Geo. 0. Curl is prvpartd for gptcial attention to all dis ease! of eye, ear and nose. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. 50tf. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. latll.ATIt) TKACT. PUBLIC I, AND IAI K t NITKDHTATKS LAND OFFIlK. Ituina. oirgoii, .lull :m, i 'It Nolle la Hereby alvatl thai, sa d I rooted b) the tiimnilaaloiier nl the ileueral l.an.l "ill, e, uuder prni laluiiaiif Act nl loligreaa spBmvetl June a", nam titi mala.. ..in. piiraiiaiu m the up plli all. in ot trail It Hoi) th, Serial No II7. we Will oiler at nnlilli- nle, to Ihe hlgheal I. I'I dar, but al mil leaa than (J ou mr Sole, at i" iiVloi'k A. M., on llir Jjii'i nay in p.-nirmni'i lull, al till, uftlri. ihe follonlna trail of taint i 'ii, ai una ....' ..... ... ... KUHH I., Hec. Sh, T W H . u...,r l- ai n 11 :U K . W . M Inil II, ,r,' v-i n i4( Ibta tract la ordered Into Ihr market on a ahowiug thai the greater ponton ihsreel Is ineiuilalmi'ia ar Inn rough tnr I'll II I vat Inn, Any paraont claiming bIm ly tbr above deacrlbed land are adv I lo file inulr rlalma. or iil.ieellniia mi or helm IBS lllm. t, signaled fur tat. Ua Fines, Itrglaler. HIM Mnriiaiiall, n, lie. i ill i I NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. ISlll.ATKII TRACT. PtlBI.lt LANDHAIK UNITfli HtaTSa I.ahi, o,il. i BiirtiB, orignii, Jul) H, i-mi Notice If hereby given that, aa d I ranted by Ihe CoiiiuiUsloner ol Ilia ileueral Laud oin, ,.. under pmrlBiolia nt Act ol loligreaa approved June J7, tatlrl M Mtata.,0171 piirfualit lo iln ap iillcallonolHylveaterHiiillh.Hi'rlal No U7IM, wr will niter at pulillc tale lo the hi, in i l.bb I. I. lltat not leaa than IJiai pel acre, al lOo'l l" a M on the 'jviid day ul Heplemhcr, I'll, nt Una orVlce.Ihe lollowlng Hart ol laud NW'nHRA,, Hi,NF.' K'.SW',. He, JSB ,H. aSK.W It. . THlatreol la ordered Into inaikn oasaHoe lua that llir greater purllnii llierrnl la leuoUi laluiiuaiir too lough (or cultivation. Any peiaoiia ilaluilug anvrraen ior ,,... .I.acllbed laud are advlaed In tile Ibrir i-lalma. urobrlloua, no or before Ihe lluir di aignalnl w a. r aaaa. nrgian i Baa MoTiisatMkaii. liaiatiaa NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DMJI.ATKI) TRACT-I'UHI. IC l.tND HAI.K UNI1KDHTATKS LAND nFFU'K Hurua orraon, luly III! N. illrr la hereby given that, aa directed In the louiiauialuurr of t'je oeiieial Laud oltli-r under proflaliiliaiil Allot longieaa ap.ioe. lun 'J. IMP' lalHIala . M7, purauanl in the ap pllratlnuof ttnaa Ringer. Herlal Nu. UTH'i. w. wlll oRar at pulillc aalr, In Iln hlgheal I I'l-li I but at not Iraa than li ou (er arr. ai In n'rlm-k A M ,iin Uie TJod day ol Heirinb. i. tell, al It, la ofllce. the folliiwliig trail of ialnl N'.HK',. Her I, T H , R. .10 K., W V T Hla Itarl iBordrrril luto matki I mi a ahuw lug thai the greatar imrllou thereof la umun talanua or too rough lor cultivation. Any aeraona claiming adrl Ilia SlaBVS dear 1 1 bed land arr adv IB. d In III tlnlr , lallilB. or Ob).-. Hone, OUOI before Ibe tline deelguatml We Piatia. Keglsfer, ham MorHaaaiiaan. Reerlvar. Metal Rorae 107 Llal No. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'Rithi huts I Mi orrn a, Burna. iirerun. Augue' 14 id l Nolle IB hrbl given Ihal llir S. nil. rn I'arldc Rallwa) r..mpai,y, wI.imk p'-at '"1" add! la SI. Paul, Mil aula, I. a- Ho- I lib da) of tugoat lull tlli. I In llila.illi. . II. apl.ll' atl'.n lu aelvrl uudat lln inovlalolia 01 tin- eat "I i iingrr, appr.ive.1 Ju lp I .!" i "lal aa ealended b lb aei id oiigrraa approved Mail .!" NUNBlHrr.H.Twp II H .11 i Kaal . w U. Herlal N" IM..I iny and all prranna rialmlng dversall Hie landadrai tiind or dealrltig luoblert laarauae of Hie Mineral eharai let ot the land oraliv other iaaa.ni. in iln .li.im.nl m appllrenl. ahuald Al tlielr aflTdavliaof (imlral In Ihlsoffiee, on or In. tore tbe Mb da) ol Orleber P'll. Ma Faaaa. RaguSar. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I NITSII aTATIta I.ANIl orrics Mkvlw. i)rguii, Auauai I. ill nor ihal laai. Nnllra If hereby given Ihal Juph Mueller. of Fit.- Oregon, who, ort ..( i. i, taiu. made Hotaralea'l eutl) lire. I and on Mat I I -I .'. mad additional It. K. Ait Feb If. law, No. turn, lor K1,SP.',. Haiti N',. W'.jNF.', Helton 10, I own. hit . .' Hnulh. Hang. a Faat, Wlllaaif tie Marldiau haa tiled Bcab nl luteiitlun to make Baal Ibrre year proof, lo vaatehllah claim to tbe land above .1. a. ri".t. tnafore CHaa. A. nhariuaii I H t uuimlaiotier. al Fit. Oregon, on llir lal da) ol 1 1. toi cr, 111 I lalmanl nalnea aa wllm a. Jotau MrKai-briu I'aul Werinr Jauira W II boo, Henry Street , all of File. Oregee Jaa. P. Rl'Moaaa. lieglrtrt. Why is it (hey have framed a law for the Washington voters on our North for this full which provides that a half gallon of alcohol or a dozen bottlet of beer may be In mulii every two weeks by an adult person? This would permit Wakhinuton to stay drunk all the time. Why do they claim Ihal that is temperance or prohibition? Why do they not lirinn one of thene three lue to all three Pacific Coast Statee? Why ate mil all. titter ttatet made to confront the tame iV-mc ul the some tlmo? Is II nol s national or gaiilialloii, with a national lund ol millions, with national progllllume to dn listlonwldo guild to Au- manlty? Or, me Ihey really working (or nationwide temperance oi piiihililiiun, after all? Or Is their toineihiiig covered up lis these mlllionsite Kstternersl It It some new scheme lo gl Ihe public lo help them lo make tome new kind til dollars? Why hut ' )u i mi In en selected ss Ihe focusing point lor tliit 1.111111.111(11 ol I astein millionaires) Why should 1 he Ihe on tlsUs ol all I'm ilk C'oaal timet lo huve 5,000 men thrown nut iM .cmpliiynif nl, I.MIOlo 2,000 more homes ipad amply, I, mill mine tlorca made vscitnl, a $6,000, to accomplish savinn u nation. 000 hop itiiliitti) hllthei anil im. i i ! 1 1 1 . inlllloii.il i e iitiilaulhiiiplilt Hue temiieiiiticc Many ilgbl uiimlei) nun sud women o( Oregon, not knowliig all the loivaolug (at s uicd olltcl lactt lo bS jiubllthi'd lu these columut Irom letlio lu Issue, havr boon swaveil hy Ihe lolleil ol motivvt in tuppiuilHg lliu ittue brougbl to llicui by these Itsalern mlliiuiialre. 'I hey hiivu licen made lo (eel lltul they vycte eulltlliig in i n.iiioii.ii light hit tci'eiaiu'c and lp loo many cases have liecn hlltidly led luto I lip fpjinoit o? s cattae which w III mil only lujme true lmpersnc, but make pteseiil iiilniili.il haul timet In this stale lyvlce au4 Iln in- timet us li ml il ihe leopoted tiutew Ide prohlbl linn inn n.liiiciii I. uoiiei Magnulloti would hay liecn tiealeil, el mil huslaind, top, lilllllipr Of lather would ho aide lo tiuntporl lluuor loin aud ihruugb Ihe Hal iiml lo give it away II Ibe pietcul tpleiullll Atom rult und local option luvit ate ivpUcvd hy state consiliiiiloii.il itmeniliiieul Slid ihe t onlinl ol the llutiiii tiallit is imneil ocei lo Ihe tlat police author Hint, lu en tlien, would ttu temperance have been seemed si tins fatal Htpente of ttagnatlon? AGAINST PROHIBITION For The Continued Truth Paid Advnlsaaai Taapayaii and Was gaierra' l.aaaua, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TH STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNEY. In the matter of th Relate of t 'buries Williams, deceasttl The timlerslgned adminlstratris, of the estate of Cnarles Willlsma, Deceased, having rendered and fiUd her final iieeounl herein Notice la lierehy given to all whom It may concern that lha court has Used Wednesday KM 7th day ol October llll ul in oelork a. m. as the I line and the f u- f'niirl Kooin lit Ihe t'oiirt House nl Hunts, Oregon, its lire place for hentiiiK olijeetions, il any, why said io.nl iieooiint should nol Ire settled antl. ,,,,i, veil ttud the ndiitinlstrntrlg dls- charged ninl the sureties on Her uitner l lilting ihaehurgeil from lurtlter llalrlllly I lu-ii-on. TliiH notice is to Ire itihllshed once a aait l,,r four aucecaeivc weeks and is imliliHhed III The Timea-llernlil, liegln- niiin with the Isaueol August Uin, ii Di.ixaiirtii Thorn. Ailmlinairaina ol thu Kstnte ol Charles Williams, lieecrtaeil. nv.li Murlia lOH Llal Nu. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION llNITBOBTATaal.AHIHirrna. Hurna, oirgoii. August JstH IBIS. Nolle la hereby given that tba Northern I-., in- Hallway ' iimpauy, wboae pnel ufflce n.l.li.anla Ht Paul. Nliiuraota. haa lhlB':lh da) of Ausiibi Ivlf. nidln ibltuRlce lUappn ,. inarlrei iiodar Hie provlaloua oi Ihe art ,,ft ongr.aa, aiiprovait July I. lava (MUU bul, ii.til, aaeateMdrd li) the Art ul fntigraae approv- n'r.'.lr?'l'.n0'. HwinMW'i Bee. 10, NW'.NI '.. Iwt. . as a. s. is seat, w. Serial No 07W1 AO) and all peiauna rialmlng adveraal) Hie Inn. la ilea. I -Hied nr deBlrlllg In oblecl lieeauae ,,l Hie Mineral cne'ecter of the land, or any mhir leaaou. to Ibr dlepoeal Ul applleaul, aliutilil Mr llirlr afldavlla of prulral Hi llila olTii.. on ur heforeih llb day of October, WM I. aaa. Iteglat. r SUMMONS. IN TIIK OlltflMT COURT 07 ihk STATIv Ol' OKK.OON IOH HAK- NKY COUNTY. Marie A. Ivuhlainler. I'laiutilT, vs. . I.i in A. r.nhlauder, Delendatit. In Adam A. Ilohlaoder, deleiidant IN TIIK NAMK OK TIIK 8TATK OK (iltKtiON. voii are hereby required to iiiear ami anewer loth com plaint in the above entitled etilt wiwui sis weeks Iroln the date 1. 1 the Drat titililiea ti .ii ol llila numinous, and II yon so fall to snawar, lor eant thereof, tb Halii 1 lift will apply to Hie court ltr the relief piayed lor in her coini'laiul, In wit, I irat That the bonde ol matrimony now rS larlwtl'll I'lailllill anil tie lemlsnl be diaaolved and that I'lalntifl have a ilivoienaheolul ; .ei elid: That plaloliffbave tbe 'are, t uatudy and eonlrol ol the minor child, Itiiatriee ll.ihlsnJer . I liinl That I'laintnl have jadgiueot tnr her cutla and disbursements heiein nd im each other and lurlher r. In I aa t.. . .put) my pertain. I hla aumnoBS is irubllsbed In Th Time Herald, a weekly newspaper pub llaheal ami ill general circulation In Harney County, Oregon, by enter ol tbe Honorable lit-Ut Thunpaon, Judge ol tin- County Court for Haniey County, Oregon, duly made on tbe Kith day ol August, IBM, which said order directed that this summons lie pul halted lor a pen... I ol sis weeks. The first publication ul title auiiiiiiniia ia iiiinle ou August l.'i, tills J. W 1IIUWN, Attorney lor I'lalntifl. ciliiilcd,iucomea reduced, real ly values ileniettcil, laxva mutle lieuieiidously nsinets uiitllled when the very whji hcp (famed ihe Oregon amendment have uol pruiiosed a Ittne? NO About Prohibition I'oHlasd. tlu'giiii THE LIFE CAREER "whH. la oaBoe ?'' wtad lo prepare Peeea. .," jieei w. the terff peraaaafet e-wfeljoe i Bar waiew k. la e.,w,hl.T'-PrafiBlC -. Wg aa rsas This Is lha Mission of th OREGON A6RICULTURALC0LLEGE Forty-lift.. Sckoel Year Opeas 5EPTEHBER 18th, 1914 Writ lor Illustrated toopags Boolt let, "THB LIPS CARBBH," and lor CaU log , imiaiiiint full Information. lUl'f Comntt- AORItULluife : Poultry Husbsndry, Horlkultura. Agrlttiltur. for Teachers. FokHSTHY, LtXIfiINO KNOINEKRINO. HOME bU NOMICti UomestltSi.lsnc,Doiiiestl:Aft. hNOINPKRINO: Electrkal, Irflgatlon, Highway. Mechanical, Chemical, Mining Ceramic.. COMMF.Hct. PMAkMACf IMDUSTRIAL ARTS. Voftionml tTr-Agrlciiltur, Dairy ing, Heme Makers' Course. InduslrUI Arts, Forestry, Business Short Court. Si hoot Muiic Piano, String, Band, Vol. Culture, Pernwrt Butiranf Courte by Mall Pree Addreee IHR RKOfaTBiR. (iwf.isiosei coreatiif. Oragee THL MOST ACCURATE .22 CALIBER Rspc-tiNg Rifle in the WORLD. Made In two rnodrbi one ft.r .ee Khnrt It. K. ear. t rldgrt - tbe other for . Vt I xnig It inn it. r. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 7a Mlamll" IS .St Khcirt and IS .-.' lone rllle carlrlilac- Send for hatititoriiely lllnatri.t.,1 li,li- (eta log and "lluw to shoot WeU . Order Pistols from your Denier J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY. B.fjV SffMva, cwoorgg rixa. mabh. tiPrit IAI. IIIHKt TtlkV tats ttaaona II s Bouslora I0o. It rhaiitbarlalii I Hat r ijina Itf C llawlrr i'ousrreate iMJHmhii Altoinar llliral A. M I rtwlnril vtfHMb UST ram mm.oo fi' IT uov.ruor UaralIHi necraiarr ol BtsU He n VI ulooit Iri-uuirr T. H Kay 1UM Ptit.llr Inalrarlloa J A lino, hill Stole Printer It rt llooiwa) i li..!. t Bakln IT A. MeBilil eepraeta Jadeae .( Ueoit Hurnrtt I I. B. Hi ai I r. A. Moor NINTH JUIilt IAI. IUKTBH-T Ula'rl. t Jnlfr Iiallni. Iti.a- fouulr Attutuey tio. a aiuorr i inuii Court meele lb Bret Monde to April sod Brat Monday lo October. lolnl H.iiau.r Wll Broolti' lolnl BpracitlUT W. Y II an i in mutt: Comity Jode foant I 1hmu,m,ii Clark K I Una l.t-1 Irraaon-r HA. Mlllrr "iiriitui 0 S. Br SbrlS A. K. Hlclianleon AffflSllit . ) J I', lie. an HrBoolMauarlnleadeal I. M llamiitou uroner ... i. it iii-iiii,.i stock Inepaetor Jean Hoblntoo i'oatittlee(oooro tK. r eiltatr lll,..a Man, Coonlr t'oart atta tb Stat Wili,dar In January, Msreb. May. July. aeptmtir and Noveeiber. abbbv i'. a. tvi orri'-a: testaUt Win Pair Seeelter Hani M..n., aina.i ant.' susst Mayor, ..sent Moll,, i.lna I Heoordvr. Kot Van M in tl. Treasurer lieiiit I'alion Marthal, ..H I. II. hi. a I H.J. Ilaoa.n ii.ni.. Iioiati A. i WelrOlnn l K.J. hfi-Kiiinoii Meatius of lb Couni II every Becond ami Fourth Wadueed If it a sua ce to pa-ted, aaaaMied, eubied, -antUhed, ot taiteeft U any way, laet' sa Acme Quality Kind to.fc lb pwpese Bux-rij-i 3RC5i,ycixvire Oo. Martm REPEATING RIFLE You can buy no belter lor target work and all small game up to 200 yards. MT," ." gun J-s3rWI8s' dasvtj .nr I awa iraatia , ru.,.4uV.i MlUlk.., I!r- rrr sW"'W . : r 'r-i -. w.-v".w 1'iiiaai rtw laelauaal i aawa jmi lr M lr. am tar mmtmumm ''''''''''''''''ss'smsssssssmsmMmsmwmwmmsmmsMmmsm n .Hi Burnt lot I 'ft Ko NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'HiTan STATaal.aaoomoB. I il.iliia. lli'K'.n AtlSUSIt, ISM I Nnili It lierehy iln thai lha Mortkera Panne Italltv! company, wltiaw poet 9e aililiiBBlBHI Paul, Mlnniaota, l.aa thlf lr Bay of Annual lot ni.-.t In iliianlreliallealloB ,,,.,!,, I .,, , i,. i.iiivlali.iuiif lliaar-t olCea- ,,,,., . i, tatat istt Stat, raw, sjsiss n a apprnVfd May Kr M, Twp til B.. B. S4 Kaal, v M Sana No. irffttv, Aii) ate I nil .i la.iiia ilaliolna aitrerealy the lamia rleaiirlhefl nr iliallllis In nlilrel USOaBSe nil In- Mlni-ial i haraitir of the land, or any otlirtr reason, to lb 'llBpoaal lo appllespt, all. ml. I Die Hilr nltl.lavlta rif .lnltt IB tBIt nffliu. mi nr before the Mb 'lay of Boutatnuer raff. Wa Faaaa, Krsletar Sumpter Valley Railway Co. Arrival and Departure Of Train Depart No. 2, Prairie 10:15A.M. Sumpter 2:35 P. M. Arrives Baker 4:00 P. M. Departs No. 1, Baker 8:30 A. M. Sumpter 10:05 A. M. Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M. No. 1 Mukes Reed connection with O.-W. R. & N. No. 10 leT in Portland 7:00 P. M. and No. 17 from Mtt arrivinfe Baker 6:50 A. M. No 2 Con niicts with La Grande local 7:00 to Ls (irande, and No. 9 (font Mail) picks up sleeper then; iirrivinur in Portland 7:00 A. M. Also with No. 18 st 10:46 P. M. for points East $1500 Reward! I im orraoa. Oal .tniiilaaua Sr4a Live cHoek Prateo tloa Aaaoelatlea el wtiirh tbe under aleaed Is at amber. in siva at.oM ei ..ward for OVt-li-uir iMdln t th arreat and see tIi lion ol any per ty.irparilea (Mat ins borse. settle or males beteaftB to aay ul Its taeaa- br. lua.t'linoii in tin ii.nr, ihe noderslAja nil. i. lbs seat Qedl Use lo eu for all borsee l.ran.l. ! bores Blind bar on both er either Jaw. Ilran.l oinctiat In debt nineties llariii., l.ak and Croat i-ouallfa. B v.litc.l win I annl. Noti nut rown bora eold oimI oaly ars tiiiui to a. w w itHuW n rife. ' No other like it No ol her as eood -? Tbi New Home Sewing Mieklit Cipil OKANGE. MASS. TI only way to I ., ' "' JS a I liar yrimiiic " m! I New Home amm Sewing Machine) III Jm I I. in buy tlic machias L 1 wah ihe name NEW JH 1 I IOME oo tU ana Aiinl in tint lrgt. mWk, -J TKm m-rcbiap b Ka AQ. ( M mmittmmen ft ail M ifr.lBg-1 I --. r?Sx -vl I No oilier like it JFlseVI I .oiiihci'aseood vtr i Paints and Finishes Fall "Ffaring Upw t No money brings such MtUr- factioa as a few cents spent in the Fall for 'touching up" shabby floors, furniture and woodwork. UJ winter long the bright, anrV: dvc and wliolesome home is source of coiibtant pleasure. ACME QUALITY PAINTS AND FINISHES arc the kind to use. Simply tell us what you want to do and we wijl give you the proper Acme Quality Kind for your particular purpose. Let us tell juu Five Strong Reasons for Fall House Painting- Model 20 Warm mechanism k handles .22 short. lona or lona-rifla carinrJaea Derfcitlv. Ilia daten RalUrd riflin. JcveluD nutximum rawer and sccuiacy and adds yean to lite life ol rifles. .v t!t1r.'r-.,'.. lii neiiea B aatw bti - W ,w-.wni. . IIMada aa 9KX MavfaB Cailntiti.Waay XF I. la A nla. Aak tasssa flieBaYtto irewmu Ce. 41 Wilhiw Sl...l New Ha... Bffjdfi tad CARL C. GRIM r) X- Phyilctan and -, RtiaifS, otittog, J. LU. CIA rufflotn a no ''iraaa Burns, - Ofej Office in new building ami,, barn ihop, -li, 'Phone Mali u GEO. C. CABL, rtiyUHmm rnrnd HARLAN A. HARRu Physician and in,,, Narrow, - ' i DEHPHH A DI KRJ, Physicians and SoW Cell nwrd prom pi I y gj 'I'bone llarrlmau. HeVPiOMD, C'lgn! Dr- Minnie Ha- Physician and Sur, IHroct Telephone Cui; La wen. Ore. b E. HIBBItRj) .ZDaBj-Tarig OSoa Unit door eat v , Boms. On ,- ,o M. A. BK.G8 j Attorney at Ls I Veeartly- Bids;., Burns. ts O. A. REMBOl Attomey-ui ! at 1 Boras, Oregon WM. Mill El I ATTORNEY AT LAll Barns, Oregug. la S and 7 Mat- ni,- mM fata loan iiun-kly ataii ai rwa CHHRUES W. EbUS LAWYER Burna, - Or ; PiaeUeM l in the HUlc t .ortssfl tore the C. 8. Und OMes. Ohact. II. I,. . iimrt. Attornk y- at -uw, e Careful attention given ! tioos and Real Kstate ami Fire lnanrai . c. Notary Pul'ltc Buaas. Hhkuo- A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-Ai LAI? State Courta and 1 nitsdi Und Office Pn.rtfci Three doors South oft Harney County Nation! I Burns. On eon, FRANK DA VET Attefttey al Law Me Cr Bailee, Meaty L. .ni. ASaaaiH U. S. LaI Off. OSMMBM llariii'i inn v. ead Laad oBIrr Burnt, Orefe r. 0. PlLLABII I . r rrrarly ArU Knslnnr 0 111. B Herlaniallon s,.,. V. r f I flee. ,, Eastern Oregon Engii m am ANB MIHiATln1 Bans. Ortltiu Plrect connection! a.iitkl HARRIMAN-ANDKl Wl I A. H. CURRi I . Leave Harriman Mettday and ' - arrivea Wedneeday .a! aacfcwaefc, connctin v ta Ua Deaio,' Winnemu. , a. alS JO, If NO KM UK If I NO. d4HH dkJb I Jewelot'. Optlt'l.m Kntmivm Fine WaU'li Repaiiiiti; A -I cialty. eeeaaeeeeeees . I !V. . . a a-vaiia- - . . : RE8TAURANI I QBORUH HOON I' up. olfaala At All Hours Orders and Prompt St-rvhll With Reasonable Kutet I Give Mo A Cull .m